Lists of those recommended to the Kemerovo lyceum. GBNOU "Governor's multidisciplinary boarding school". Name of the educational institution

V 2000 year on the initiative of the Governor of the Kemerovo Region A.G. Tuleev, the State Educational Institution "Governor's multidisciplinary lyceum- boarding school "(abbreviated name GOU" GMLI ") in order to realize the right of citizens to education and further improve the educational system of the region, create conditions for meeting the educational needs of development, self-realization and professional self-determination of children, especially from rural areas.

The founder the Lyceum is the Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region.

The main goal of the lyceum is the implementation of educational programs of basic general, secondary (complete) general education and additional educational programs.

License No. 1024200721797 (registration No. 11382) for the right to conduct educational activities in accordance with the attachment (attachments) dated August 30, 2011. Order public service for supervision and control in the field of education of the Kemerovo region No. 1698/02 dated August 30, 2011 The license is valid for an "unlimited" period.

Attestation for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of basic general, secondary (complete) general education of the lyceum orientation (social and humanitarian, humanitarian and philological, engineering and technical, physical and mathematical, natural science profiles) March 2009.

State accreditation for the right to implement educational programs of basic general and secondary (complete) general education, providing additional (in-depth) training of students in the subjects of humanitarian, natural science and technical profiles The Governor's multidisciplinary boarding school was held in March 2014 (certificate of state accreditation series 42A01 No.0000100, registration No. 2655 dated April 01, 2014 valid until April 01, 2026).

V 2008 year in order to bring statutory documents in line with current legislation Russian Federation GOU "GMLI" was renamed into State atypical educational institution"Governor's multidisciplinary boarding school" (abbreviated name GNOU "GMLI") (Order of the Governor of the Kemerovo region A. G. Tuleyev dated September 10, 2008 No. 129-rg. Order of the state service for supervision and control in the field of education of the Kemerovo region No. 3172 / 02 dated December 29, 2008).

V 2008-2009 academic year The Lyceum was awarded the status of the Regional Coordination Center - the official representative of the national educational program "Intellectual and Creative Potential of Russia". Registration No. 10 / RCC / dated 01.11.2008.

V 2009-2010 academic year the lyceum is included in the National Register "Leading Educational Institutions of Russia".

Based on the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 08.05.2010, No. 83 - FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of legal status state (municipal) institutions "and the Order of the Board of the Administration of the Kemerovo region from 04.07.2011. No. 566-r On August 12, 2011, GNOU “GMLI” was renamed into GBNOU “GMLI” (State budgetary non-standard educational institution “Governor's multidisciplinary boarding school”).

V September 2013 Governor's multidisciplinary boarding school entered the first all-Russian official rating "500 best schools in Russia", which was compiled by experts from RIA Novosti and the Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education with the support of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

In 2013 The teaching staff was awarded the Order for Service to Kuzbass, 3rd degree and received a grant.

In 2013 Governor's multidisciplinary boarding school became a laureate of a federal competition "100 best schools in Russia" and was awarded a gold medal and a diploma, and the director of the GMLI Muryshkina Elena Vadimovna was awarded an honorary badge "Director of the Year - 2013".

V 2014 Governor's multidisciplinary boarding school again entered the all-Russian official rating "500 best schools in Russia".

__ The Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region sends information for the organization of work on the recruitment of candidates for state budgetary atypical educational organizations(hereinafter - educational organizations) for the 2015-2016 academic year:

  • GBNOU “Governor's cadet school - boarding school for the police (Kemerovo, Krasnaya str., 23) (Appendix 1);
  • GBNOU "Governor's cadet school - boarding school of the Ministry of Emergencies" (Plotnikovo village, Promyshlennovsky district, Kemerovo, Kosmicheskaya st., 2) (Appendix 2);
  • GBNOU "Governor's female boarding school" (Elykaevo village, Kemerovo region) (Appendix 3);
  • GBNOU "Governor's cadet boarding school for railway workers" (Taiga, Molodezhnaya st., 15) (Appendix 4);
  • GBNOU "Governor's multidisciplinary lyceum - boarding school" (Kemerovo, Tukhachevsky st., 37) (Appendix 5).
  • free education;
  • free accommodation;
  • free medical care;
  • five meals a day;
  • uniform uniform, footwear;
  • monthly stipend in the amount of 330 rubles;
  • reduced fare;
  • free admission to theaters, museums, swimming pools, sports clubs, creative associations, clubs;
  • provision of textbooks and school supplies.
  • increased monthly stipend in the amount of 660 rubles;
  • compensation during vacation time (cash and grocery);
  • material support upon graduation from an educational organization.


The procedure for admission to the governor's state general education institutions

The admission procedure, determining the organization of work with candidates for admission to the governor's educational institutions, interviewing and the procedure for enrolling candidates, developed in accordance with regulatory documents:

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

All applicants to the institution undergo complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. The interview, as agreed with the parents of the candidate, is conducted in subjects (Russian and mathematics) at the institution according to the schedule from 06/19/2012 to 06/25/2012 (the schedule will be drawn up after collecting information from the territories on the number of candidates on 05/28/2011).

Enrollment carried out on the basis of the order of the institution based on the results of complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, interviews and medical examination no later than 31.08.2012.

Additional information can be obtained by phone:

8-52 - Department of Education and Science ();

4-19, 5-90 - (director of GBNOU “Governor's multidisciplinary boarding school).

Phones for inquiries: 5-90, 4-59

2. In the GOU "Regional cadet boarding school of the police" documents are accepted period from 10.04.2012 to 16.05.2012 city ​​and district commissions created under departments of internal affairs at the place of residence, which include representatives of municipal authorities education management (Appendix 2)... Registration of personal files of candidates for admission is carried out at the place of residence from 05/17/2012 to 05/31/2012.

The prepared cases of the candidates of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kemerovo Region are sent to the selection committee of the Regional Cadet School - Boarding School of the Police with 11.06.2012 until 15.06.2012 3.

The GOU "Regional cadet boarding school of the police" admits young men living in the Kemerovo region who graduated from 9 classes of general educational institution in the year of admission, fit for health reasons for training in the institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, FPS, Ministry of Emergency Situations, other security and law enforcement agencies, RF Armed Forces.

Candidates are sent to a cadet boarding school, accompanied by personnel from the HR department to the candidate's place of residence, according to the interview schedule. During the work of the selection committee, candidates are provided with free meals.

The interview, as agreed with the parents, is carried out in the period from in the subjects: Russian, mathematics, in physical training - passing the standards.

Enrollment Preemptive right at the reception they use :

Children - orphans and children left without parental care;

Children dead employees the police;

Children of military personnel, whose parents have died in the line of duty in the civil service;

Children of police officers who took part in local conflicts;

Children of single mothers (fathers);

Children of servicemen serving in remote areas of Russia;

Children from low-income single-parent families and large families.

Additional Information by phones:

8-52 - Department of Education and Science ();

2-40 - Vladimir Nikolaevich Kondritsky - director of the Regional Militia Boarding School;

8-96 - admissions office of the institution

3. In GOU "Cadet boarding school" Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Emergencies "

(Appendix 3) period from 11.06.2012 to 19.06.2012 to the address: Kemerovo region, Promyshlennovskiy district, Plotnikovo village, st. Field, 1B.

The institution accepts minor male citizens - residents of the Kemerovo region who graduated in the year of admission to 9 classes of a general educational institution, fit for health reasons, the most capable and prepared for mastering the educational program of secondary (complete) general education and additional educational programs of the specialized course "Initial training of the rescuer ".

Upon admission to period from 02.07.2012 to 07.07.2012 interview

Enrollment carried out on the basis of the order of the institution based on the results of the interview and medical examination no later than 3108.2012. Preemptive right when receiving use:

Graduates of 9th grade - prize-winners of the All-Russian competitions "School of Security", "Young Rescuer", having a sports category in tourism

Pay special attention

Additional Information by phone:

8-52 - Department of Education and Science - Department of Education and Science (Polymskaya Valentina Viktorovna).

9-08 - - Director of the State Educational Institution "Cadet Boarding School" Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Emergencies.

4. IN GOU "Cadet boarding school" Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics " documents of candidates are accepted from 10.04.2012 until 30.05.2012 commissions set up by municipal education authorities, which include representatives of the municipal education management body (city, district), doctors, psychologists, specialists from the guardianship and guardianship authorities. The commission is headed by the head of the municipal education management body.

The candidate submits a package of documents to the commission (Appendix 4)... The completed personal files of candidates are sent by the municipal commission to the admissions office of the cadet corps in period from 11.06.2012 to 19.06.2012 by the address: Kemerovo, st.

The institution accepts minor male citizens - residents of the Kemerovo region, who graduated in the year of admission to 9 classes of a general educational institution, fit for health reasons for training in the institutions of the RF Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Federal Border Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and other law enforcement and law enforcement agencies.

Upon admission to period from 09.07.2012 to 14.07.2012 in agreement with the parents, candidates pass interview in mathematics, Russian and pass standards for physical training.

Enrollment carried out on the basis of the order of the institution based on the results of the interview and medical examination no later than 31.08.2012. Preemptive right when receiving use:

Orphans and children left without parental care;

Children from families whose parents died in the line of military or official duties;

Children from low-income large families and single-parent families

Children of military personnel doing military service in military conflict zones;

Children of EMERCOM employees who took part in the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters and emergencies;

Pay special attention for the passage of the medical commission: the conclusions of the doctors must be accompanied by appropriate analyzes and examinations.

Additional Information by phone:

8-52 - Department of Education and Science - Department of Education and Science ().

8-38442–, - Director of the State Educational Institution “Cadet Boarding School“ Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics ”.

5. In the GOU "Governor's Women's Gymnasium - Boarding School" candidates' documents are accepted from 04/16/2012 to 18.05.2012 commissions set up by municipal education authorities, which include representatives of the municipal education management body, doctors, psychologists, specialists from the guardianship and guardianship authorities. The commission is headed by the head of the municipal education management body. Candidates submit a package of documents to the commission (Appendix 5).

Completed personal files of candidates and a completed table (Appendix 5.1 in the program Microsoft Excel) by category in in electronic format the municipal commission sends to admissions office of the boarding school during May 21, 2012 until 15.06.2012 on schedule at the address: Kemerovo district, with. Elykaevo, GOU "Governor's female boarding school".

Quota for the number of candidates from territories:

biennium Novokuznetsk, Prokopyevsk, Mezhdurechensk (including from the MOU "Women's gymnasium"); biennium Kemerovo, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Leninsk-Kuznetsky - 6 people in the 9th grade, 2 people in the 10th grade; for the rest of the territory - 3 people in the 9th grade, 1 person in the 10th grade.

The institution accepts female persons permanently residing in the Kemerovo region, who have successfully mastered the program of the 8th - 9th grade of a general educational institution and have shown high-quality academic performance in basic (Russian language and mathematics) and specialized subjects (literature, history, social studies) of at least 4 points and the ability for educational, research, creative activity, received the conclusion of a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, which do not have medical contraindications for training in a boarding school. In the presence of a certificate of the results of the state (final) attestation (GIA) examinations in Russian language and mathematics (for candidates who have completed 9 grades) in a new form, the final score, at the request of the candidate, can be counted upon admission.

Comprehensive diagnostics and interview in agreement with the parents in the Russian language, mathematics, literature, history with candidates in grades 9.10 are conducted in the institution c 06/25/2012 to 07/02/2012 The meeting for parents (legal representatives) will take place on 02.07.2012 at 13.00.

Planned recruitment - three 9th grade (45 people), one(15 people) 10th grade.

Enrollment carried out on the basis of the order of the institution based on the results of an interview, psychological diagnostics and medical examination no later than 08/30/2011. Preemptive right when receiving use:

Orphans and children left without parental care;

Children from low-income and large families;

Pay special attention to undergo a medical commission. Additional information can be obtained by phone:

8-3842- - Department of Education and Science ();

8- 01, 0-61 - - Director of the GOU "Governor's female boarding school".


To the city (district) selection committee for the recruitment of candidates for state budgetary atypical educational institution "Governor's multidisciplinary boarding school" the following documents are submitted:

Parents' application for consideration of the issue of recommendation for training;

Statement of parents (legal representatives) on consent to an interview;

Copy of birth certificate;

Copy of the passport;

A petition of an educational institution addressed to the chairman of the municipal commission;

A report card for quarters with an annual mark for grade 8, certified by the signature of the director and the seal of the educational institution;

Outpatient medical card from the polyclinic at the place of residence (F-0-112-U);

Vaccination certificate;

Medical certificate (F-086-U) (in addition, the conclusions of a phthisiatrician, dermatologist, dentist on the sanitation of the oral cavity are required);

Conclusion of the district pediatrician about the epidemiological environment (certificate of no contact with infectious patients) 3 days before arrival at the institution for an interview;

Certificate of examination by the local pediatrician for head lice and scabies;

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the candidate, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the educational institution;

- copies documents testifying to the personal achievements of the candidate in educational, research activities, creativity, sports, social work not lower than the regional level(for the period from 7 to 8 grade);

The act of examining the living conditions of the family;

Certificate from the place of residence on the composition of the family;

Certificates from the place of work of parents (legal representatives) indicating the position and average monthly salary (pension), as well as certificates from the place of study of the brothers (sisters) of the candidate;

Student questionnaire;

Parents' questionnaire;

For children from low-income large and single-parent families, respectively, documents confirming the social status of the candidate:

The decision of the relevant local government body or other local act on the termination of the payment of budgetary funds to a special savings bank account;

Savings books for deposits "Pension Plus", "Universal", "Replenishment deposit" for the transfer of alimony, pensions, budgetary funds.

Pensioner's ID;

A writ of execution, a certificate from the bailiffs of executors on the recovery of alimony;

Certificate of support of the candidate upon release from the institution for orphans and children left without parental care, clothes, shoes, a one-time cash allowance in accordance with the order of the Kemerovo Region Administration dated 01.01.2001 with the attachment of a reinforcement card;

Information about the presence and location of brothers, sisters and other relatives with whom the candidate keeps in touch;

Extract, departure sheet from the passport and visa service for a candidate from institutions social protection population, institutions for children - orphans and children left without parental care.

Annex 1

GBNOU "Governor's multidisciplinary

boarding school "in 2012

P / p No.

Full Name

Date of Birth

Place of residence

Family social status

Name of the educational institution

Grade 8 report card average

Appendix 2

Schedule for the provision of personal files of candidates to GBNOU "GMLI"

Belovsky district

Guryevsky district

Izhmorsky district

Chebulinsky district

Krapivinsky district

Leninsk-Kuznetsky District

Mariinsky district

Yurginsky district

Kemerovo region

Osinniki (settlement Malinovka)

Novokuznetsk district

Prokopyevsky district

Tashtagol district

Yaya district

Tisulsky district

Tyazhinsky district

Yashkinsky district


Promyshlennovsky district