Fat Shark Literary Reading Presentation. Presentation for the lesson of literary reading L.N. Tolstoy "Shark". Learning new material

“When I hear - I forget , When I see - I remember , When I do - I Understand

Chinese proverb

Surname of the writer


The works of L.N. Tolstoy

About nature

About people, about children


Story title

A freak

To fell

at swam

l jubilated

a rtiller

Lesson topic:

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy "Shark"

The purpose of the lesson

1) get acquainted with the work of ____________________ and his work


_____________________________ and analyze it;

3) compose a ____________ retelling of the work.


Vocabulary work

DECK- horizontal overlap in the hull of a ship, aircraft, as well as a part of such overlap adjacent to the outer wall of the ship.

SAILOR- a seaman who does not belong to the command staff, a private in the fleet, as well as an employee of the team.

ARTILLER - artillery soldier.

ARTILLERY - firearms (cannons, mortars, howitzers), branch of the military.

SAIL- a canvas, dense fabric, fixed on the mast of the vessel and blown by the wind.

WICK- a tourniquet of soft material, impregnated with some kind of compound. Burning cord to ignite charges

1 sailing bath / tranquility

4.shot / horror

2 boys on the high seas / excitement

5. Silence / excitement, despair

6 children are saved / joy and relief

3.Shark / anxiety, fear

The plan for retelling the work

1. Stopping the ship.

Team: "Swim!"

  • Swimming in the sea .

3. The appearance of a shark.

4. The artilleryman shoots the cannon

5. Saving the boys .

Characteristics of the hero

  • strong-willed
  • wise
  • experienced
  • courageous
  • resourceful
  • decisive
  • brave
  • experienced

Group work Selection of synonyms

1 group 2 group 3 group

Brave Wise Joy

Experienced Agile Fear


  • Retell the text, reflecting only the main events, the development of the storyline.

2) Retell the text. During the retelling, try to show your attitude towards the heroes in your voice, intonation (who do you sympathize with, for whom you worry; when you are happy or upset).

3) Come up with and draw an illustration for a specific episode.

Lesson summary

What have we learned in the lesson?

What new have you learned?

What are you thinking after reading the story "Shark"?

Thank you for the lesson!

During the classes

Organizing time.

Emotional attitude.

Turn to each other, smile, wish you success in the lesson. I want to good mood and the desire to work remained with us throughout the lesson.

Today we are going on an exciting sea voyage. And what kind of transport can we get there? (Children's assumptions)

I suggest you set off on this beautiful sailing ship (slide).

But in order to get on this ship and check whether you are ready for the journey, you need to go through a small test.checks d / z:

Let's remember:

With childhood, what writer did we meet in the last lesson? (portrait - presentation)

Where was Leo Tolstoy born and spent his childhood?

What does Leo Tolstoy remember about his mother?(read out)

How many children were there in the Tolstov family?(5 children)

Who was the ringleader in the children's games?(Nikolay)

What else have you learned about him?

What was the secret that he announced

the younger Nikolay?(read)

What can you say about the green stick?

How did the children feel about all these secrets?

(believed, trembled, with importance)

Outcome: Having become an adult, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy did not stop believing that there is truth, and it will be open to people, and people will be happy, there will be no evil. And all his life Tolstoy brought good to people.

This game will be remembered by the future writer for the rest of his life. At his request, he was buried in the corner of the park where he was looking for a "green stick" as a child.

(photo show - presentation)

So in Yasnaya Polyana, he set up a school for poor peasant children. I myself wrote the ABC and other books for them. These books contained many stories, fables, fairy tales. You have already met many of his works.

Remember them. What books have you already read?(book exhibition - presentation)

(Children remember: "Old grandfather and granddaughter", "Father and sons", "Learned son", "How the boy told about how a thunderstorm caught him in the forest", "Kitten", "Filippok".)

-Fine… You have coped with the first test and I invite you to board the ship.

Look ... the captain greets you aboard the ship. You get the logbooks from him (they are on the tables). Let's see what discoveries we have to make today….


- to get acquainted with the new work of Leo Tolstoy and its literary heroes;
- learn to analyze their actions;
- to learn to understand the motives of their behavior, to assess them.
Be careful that the course is correct, and we do not go astray, the whole team must work in a friendly and clear manner along the entire route.

So, on the way ... whistle ... slide we are sailing around the sea, there are many sea inhabitants around ... What kind?

(children's answers)

What do you know about sharks? (Nastya's message)

- The shark is a terrible predator of the sea. This word with hatred is pronounced by sailors and fishermen . O very ancient fish . They swim very fast. Sharks differ from each other in size and appearance. But not all sharks are predators.The skin of many sharks is covered with scales with sharp spines. Therefore, even a light touch of a shark causes serious wounds. Sometimes sharks can attack people. Shark attacks people most often when the sea water is warm, over 18 0 .

What's new about sharks?

I really love the works of Leo Tolstoy, I think you too. But most of all I remember one of his stories, with which I want to introduce you today. It is called "Shark"

And look, we are approaching the shores of the mainland, which is called

Africa (slide)

Teacher: - The voyage on the ships was long, for several months, various entertainments were invented on the ship, sometimes their inhabitants found themselves in the most incredible situations. What came of this, we today will learn from the story of one old artilleryman. But in order to understand his story, we must learn the meanings of some words that we do not quite understand….

Let's find out their meaning.

Find the correct interpretation of the dictionary word by choosing the answer from the two suggested.


artilleryman -a) soldier

b) athlete

canvas -c) low lighting

d) linen fabric

wick -e) a combustible cord for the gun

f) tropical plant

murmur -g) quiet displeased speech

h) classical music

trunk -i) elongated nose

j) the rear of the gun (for this word it is important to say that both interpretations are correct, but only the first word "gunner" will prompt the choice)

Well, now sit back and imagine that there is an open sea in front of you, you are sailing in a beautiful sailing ship and listen to an incredible story told to you by an old gunner ...

(listening to the gunner's story)

I see the piece excited you. What are the most exciting moments? Let's immediately turn to the text, read these moments and circle the words that the author used to enhance our feelings.

Page 37 1st paragraph - shark, monster

2nd paragraph - pale, not moving

3rd paragraph - shrill screech

4th paragraph - fell through, froze with fear, closed

face with hands

Who was the first to take action? Find it, read it.

Why did the gunner look at the boys without moving and take no action?

His son was there …………………………………………… ..

What made the gunner rush to help?

Father's feelings

Let's discuss the story we heard ...

How did the little boys end up on the ship?

Children's answers

Men were brought up from a young age to endurance and courage. This is evidenced in the story. How did they swim? Read it.

+ (text)

What important masculine quality does the author touch upon in the work?


The theme of courage, courage, endurance is close to Lev Nikolaevich, tk. he himself served in the army and took part in the Crimean War, commanding a battery in besieged Sevastopol, and differed from others in precisely these qualities.

And even before the army, as a little boy, he was fond of various sciences: history, music, geography, drawing, medicine. Throughout his life, he replenished his knowledge. The name of this writer is known all over the world. So now you know something about him and you can guess from the portrait.

Let's try to restore the sequence of events in the story ...

Pair work (restore consistency)

"Ship off the coast of Africa."

"Swimming in a sail".

"Swimming Race on the High Seas"

"The Appearance of the Sea Monster."

"Shrill screech."


Boys on the Ship.

Checking ... reading each part and answering questions; selection of a picture from the board and attachment in the desired sequence ...

(Reading the first part)

D: Where was the ship?

D: The ship was off the coast of Africa.

W: How does Tolstoy describe the weather on this day?

D: It was a beautiful day ...

(Reading the second part)

D: Where did the sailors set up the bath?

D: Sailors, they made a bath in the sail.

(Reading the third part)

D: Who was with the sailors on the ship?

D: Two boys.

W: Why did the children decide to swim in the open sea?

D: They were cramped in the sail

W .: What kind of swimmers were the children, and what word says about it? (Children read an episode of the text)

W: How did the old gunner react to the amusements of his son and his comrade?

D: An old artilleryman, stood on the deck and admired his son. When the son began to lag behind, the father shouted to him: “Don't betray! work hard! "

W: What do you mean “Don't give it out! work hard! ". How did he shout that?

D: It means not giving up, trying to win.

W: What does the gunner's face express?

D: Joy. He was proud of his son.

(Reading the fourth part)

W: With what word does the author begin this part? Why?

D: What did the sailors see from the deck?

D: The sailors saw a shark.

W: What words does the author call a shark? Why?

D: Sea monster because the shark is a predator.

W: How did the children react to his words?

D: They did not hear him, they sailed on, laughed and shouted even more merrily and louder.

W: What does the author of the gunner compare to? Why is the author using this comparison?

D: With linen, because the gunner became pale as white cloth from fright.

W: What words do they say about the feelings he experienced?

D: The gunner, pale as a sheet, did not move, looked at the children.

D: How did the sailors decide to help the boys?

D: They lowered the boat, threw themselves into it and swam to the boys.

D: Find verbs that describe the actions of the sailors. How do sailors work?

D: They lowered, rushed, rushed. They act quickly.

D: How are we going to read?

D: Fast and with a sense of excitement.

D: How far is the shark from the boys? Will the sailors have time to save the guys?

D: The shark was no further than 20 steps from the boys. The sailors will not have time to save them.

(Reading the fifth part).

W: How did the guys react when they saw the shark? What does the phrase "high-pitched screech" mean? Why did the author use this particular combination of words? What is the difference between the words screeching and screaming?

W: A SCREAM is a shrill, sharp scream. Imagine how the guys felt ...

(Reading the sixth part).

W: How did the boy's screeching effect on his father?

D: "Failed", "ran".

W: How did he do everything?

D: He did everything quickly.

D: What decision does the artilleryman make?

W: What will be the pace of reading? What feeling?

D: Feelings of fear, despair, excitement. (Reading the episode about the actions of the father)

D: How does the team work? Why is everyone frozen in fear?

W: How does the gunner behave after the shot? Why was he afraid?

D: He fell, covered his face with his hands. He was afraid that he had killed his son.

(Reading the story to the end.)

W: What brought the old gunner to his senses? What he did?

D: There was a loud, joyful cry from all sides. He opened his face, got up and looked at the sea.

W: How does he feel now?

D: Feeling of happiness, reassurance.

W: What calmed him down?

U: Why do you think Leo Tolstoy called his story Shark?

Lesson summary. - 5 minutes.

Which character did you empathize most with?

What does L. Tolstoy teach us with this story?(We must cherish loved ones, carefree behavior can lead to trouble, the dangers that lie in wait for children are shown.)

It's time to return to their native shores. Our journey ends and our home is visible in front, and at home you will have to learn to retell the story according to the plan….

Look at your logbooks and tell me if everything worked out for us today ... ..

Russian people have such a tradition: everything good and bright will come true if this wish is sincere. On your desks you have seagulls on which you should write your good wishes to the closest, dear people. And we will release these seagulls, before we get off the board of our ship ... Remember, love conquers everything!

Tell me if you enjoyed our trip ...


Let's get acquainted with the new work of Leo Tolstoy and its literary heroes;
- we will learn to analyze their actions;
- we will learn to understand the motives of their behavior, to assess them.
- Be careful that the course is correct, and we do not go astray, the whole team must work together and clearly along the entire route.

Additional material…

1.- For whom and how this story ended

1. The children survived. 1. They killed a shark - an animal.

2. The father has not lost his son. 2. We acted rashly.

3. Did the act. 3. Forced father to worry.

4. Children will learn from this story

a lesson for life.

Test verification work.
1. The author of the story "Shark"
a) L.N. Tolstoy b) E.I.Charushin c) A.S. Pushkin
2. Define the genre of the work "Shark"
a) fairy tale c) poem
b) story d) fable
3. Mark the name and patronymic of Tolstoy
a) Alexey Konstantinovich
b) Alexey Nikolaevich
c) Lev Nikolaevich
4. The old gunner ran:
a) to the cabin b) to the deck c) to the cannon
5 the ship was off the coast
a) America b) Africa c) India
6. The main character of the story "Shark"
a) boy b) sailor c) gunner
7. The most intense moment in the work is called
a) connection b) denouement c) culmination

Checking test work.

Lesson literary reading in 3rd grade

Topic: L.N. Tolstoy "Shark".

Target: to acquaint with the work of L.N. Tolstoy "Shark";

Lesson Objectives:


Promote the formation of the ability to analyze text;

Learn to express your own attitude to the depicted events, heroes, and their actions.


Develop speech, contribute to the clarification and enrichment of the vocabulary of students;

Develop the ability to compare, group, highlight what is needed, analyze.

Develop the ability to ask questions correctly


Create conditions for an emotional response to events in the text while reading;

Create conditions for the formation of a positive attitude towards learning, promote the development of communication culture skills in the classroom,

Promote the instilling of the ethical qualities of the individual - kindness, compassion, complicity.

Equipment: texts for students, a multimedia projector, a presentation for a lesson, an image of a sailboat and a sail of 2 colors, cut pictures, parts of a cluster.

Lesson type : the discovery of new knowledge.

Form of organization : conversation.

Technologies used : Technology for the Development of Critical Thinking through Reading and Writing.

During the classes

SLIDE 1 (black)

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, turn around, guests have come to our lesson. There are many strangers, but the eyes during the lesson should look only at me.

The bell rang and fell silent,The lesson begins.And now they sat down quietly

And they looked at the board.

2. Actualization of basic knowledge.

What do you see?(sailing ship)

How does the sailing ship move?(The movement of a sailing ship is carried out with the help of sails. In calm weather, it was necessary to row with oars. As a result of technical progress, sailboats replaced ships with powerful engines.)

Where can we see such ships?(Nowadays, sailboats are used in the form of pleasure boats for tourists, and they can also be found in shipbuilding museums.)

Who controls the ship?(captain)

Who works on deck?(sailors)

Why do you think there is an illustration of an object related to the sea on the board?(today in the lesson there will be a work related to the sea)

"Box with a surprise"

Tell me, with the biography of which writer we met in the last lesson(Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy) .

Let's recall some facts from his biography.

For this I have a "Box with a surprise". I will take out the cards, and you will tell me how this material is related to the writer?

Yasnaya Polyana in this village Lev Nikolaevich spent his childhood.

5 The Tolstoy family had 5 children: Nikolai, Sergey, Dmitry, Lev, Maria.

Sport the writer played sports all his life, to a ripe old age.

ABC L.N. Tolstoy wrote the alphabet for peasant children, whom he himself taught in the school he created.

"Ant brotherhood" - game by L. Tolstoy and his brothers in childhood

Ant brotherhood.

    What are these insects interesting for?(weight 1-2 mg, lifts a load 50 times larger)

    When they say, works like an ant?(hard work, teamwork, mutual assistance)

    What can a person learn from these insects?

    How can we work?(friendly, like ants, taking care of each other)

We are just beginning to get acquainted with the work of Tolstoy, so I have prepared for you an exhibition of books from the school library, which you can always take and read.

In many of his works, the writer tried to tell children about how to act in different life situations.

3. Working with new material.

After watching a fragment of the video, you can suggest the name of the story that we will read in the lesson.


What is the name of the work with which we are going to work today?(get the SHARK from the box)

He will say a few words about the shark ...

These are very ancient fish. Due to their streamlined body shape, they swim very quickly. The mouth of a shark is seated with several rows of sharp teeth. Sharks often attack people.


In accordance with the topic, formulate the objectives of the lesson. Use the screen recording for this.

1) to get acquainted with the work ___________________ "_______________".

2) atread correctly, expressively read _____________________________ andanalyze it.

Lesson objectives: to get acquainted with the work "Shark"; learn to correctly, expressively read the work and analyze it.

To accomplish the assigned tasks, I invite you on a journey to the shores of Africa, where the event described in the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Shark".

SLIDE 4 (black)

What transport will we take on the road?(On a sailboat.) (A ship with sails is a sailboat.)

When do you think these events took place?(A long time ago, when ships were guided by sails with the help of the wind, 17-18 centuries, Peter I , Catherine II ).

4. Vocabulary work

We will come across new words in this work. Let us explain the meanings of these words. To do this, on the blackboard, we will find words with their lexical meaning.

Sahara - desert in Africa

sail - wind-blown canvas, dense fabric.

artilleryman - soldier in the firearms

deck - horizontal overlap in the ship's hull

canvas - smooth linen orcotton fabric

trunk (in this context) - the muzzle of the cannon

wick - burning cord to ignite charges

murmur - low speech discontent

5. Initial reading

Open the tutorial to the page.

Let's start reading the text.

The teacher's reading of the text to the words "... The shark swam right at the boys ..."

Continued reading of the text by good reading students.

6. Conversation on what was read

Did our assumptions come true?(Answers of children).

What did you experience while reading this story?(fear, despair, joy)


I suggest you get some rest. Get up out of your seats.

7. Physical minutes (to the sound of the sea)

We will lead with our hands -As if we are sailing in the sea.One two three four -So we sailed to the shore,To knead the bonesLet's start tilting -Right, left, right, left.Let's not forget to sit down -One two three four,On the count of five - to sit at the desks.

SLIDE 6 (black)

8. Selective reading

Let's analyze this work by answering questions about the content of the text.

What trouble happened to the boys?(they were almost eaten by a terrible predator - a shark)

Find and read how the boys ended up on the high seas.

How did the old gunner react to the amusements of his son and his comrade?(The boy's father, an old artilleryman, stood on the deck and admired his son. When the son began to lag behind, the father shouted to him: "Don't give it out! Push up!"

What do these words mean?(Do not give in, try to win, overtake).

Did he imagine what kind of trouble could happen to his son?(children's answers)

When did your father get overwhelmed by fear?(When they shouted "Shark" on the deck)

Why did he turn pale and did not move? (very scared for a loved one)

Read what the sailors were doing at that moment.

Can we say that the act of the sailors was brave?

Why didn't they succeed? (They were already close to the goal, but there was little time left)

Guys, why, when the sailors were trying to save the boys, the old gunner stood without doing anything? (He was bound by fear for his children, for his son).

Indeed, when a person is very scared, in the first seconds falls into a daze, cannot do anything, especially when it concerns the closest and dearest person.

When did he start to act? Read this episode.

Why is everyone frozen in fear? (Everyone was scared, because he could hit the boys.)

How did the gunner behave after the shot? (He fell beside the cannon and covered his face with his hands.)

Why did he act like that? (He was scared to see what was there after his shot.)

Let's characterize the boys' father, what is he like? (He is a very strong-willed person, courageous, resourceful, decisive, experienced.)

Why - experienced? (because, despite his fear, he aimed correctly and quickly)

What about boys? (They acted carelessly, irresponsibly.)

What's the idea behind this story? (In a moment of danger, courage and decisiveness saves. When children are in the balance of death, fatherly feelings always help to act decisively, not to lose self-control. Native people will always come to the rescue. )

What have we learned from the story described in the story? (Never get lost in various situations, try to find the right quick solution, cherish loved ones , think before doing something, take.)

Who is the real protagonist of the story? (Old artilleryman)

Why, then, is the story called "Shark"? (The shark is the reason for the situation in which the artilleryman behaved decisively, heroically.)

How else can this story be called? ("Father's Deed", "Love's Deed".)

9. Reflection


Our lesson ends. I suggest that you evaluate your work yourself. Let's return to the tasks set at the beginning of the lesson. Have we met our objectives?


Let's fill in "A ladder of success". Put a plus + sign on the bottom step if you haven't learned anything new for yourself in the lesson. Put a plus + sign on the second step if the lesson was useful and interesting for you.

Raise your hand, who have not learned anything new in the lesson.

Raise your hand for whom the lesson was useful and interesting.

Thanks for your work.

They worked well today ...

10. Homework

with. 155 No. 6

The lesson is over.

1 slide

2 slide

Educational: to develop the reading technique, teach how to characterize the hero, continue to acquaint children with the work of L.N. Tolstoy. Developing: to develop the ability to analyze a work of art, to develop voluntary attention, mental operations (analysis, synthesis) through the characterization of characters. Educational: to foster interest in reading works of fiction, through the compilation of characterizations of heroes, to foster courage and determination. Equipment: a geographical map of the world, object pictures with the image of a ship, a cannon.

3 slide

4 slide

Today in the lesson we will continue to study the work of the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy, we will get acquainted with a very interesting and exciting story "Shark", the author of which is L.N. Tolstoy.

5 slide

Examination homework... Before moving on to the study of a new topic, let's recall some facts from the biography of L.N. Tolstoy.

6 slide

To do this, let us return to the story "Childhood" by Leo Tolstoy. Please answer the following questions: In what family did L.N. Tolstoy? How did the "Ant Brothers" appear? Read what was the secret? How does this characterize the brothers? What do you think, with what feeling did the author write this work?

7 slide

Now I will tell you about such a wonderful continent as Africa. Listen carefully. Africa, the second largest continent after Eurasia. Its area is 29.2 million square kilometers. The longest river in the world, the Nile, flows through Africa. Africa has the largest desert - the Sahara. Africa is a warm continent, the temperature there in the summer is +20 - 25 degrees, and in winter, high positive temperatures also prevail (10 - 16 degrees). In Africa, there are elephants, rhinos, zebras, hippos, many birds, including ostriches, flamingos. Fish like sharks live in the seas of Africa. These are giant predatory fish. They have an amazing sense of smell, which they use to get food, and they also have many rows of sharp, curved teeth.

8 slide

9 slide

Guys, we talked about such a continent as Africa. Now let's see how Tolstoy describes Africa in his story "Shark" Dictionary work. To better understand the story, let's get acquainted with new words, learn how to use them in speech. For this we will carry out vocabulary work.

10 slide

Deck - horizontal overlap in the ship's hull. Anchor - a metal rod with legs attached to a chain and lowered to the bottom to hold the boat in place. The trunk is the rear part of the cannon resting on the ground.

11 slide

The wick is a combustible cord for igniting charges. An artilleryman is a soldier with a firearm.

12 slide

Now I'll read the story, listen to me carefully and tell me at what point in the story did you worry about the boys the most?

13 slide

So at what point were you all worried about the boys? When did you spot the shark from the deck? When did the boys try to swim away from the shark? When did the gunner fire?

14 slide

Let's practice reading the difficult words from the story so that you don't make mistakes when reading on your own. 1. Beautiful - beautiful - beautiful. Melted - warmed - baked. Heard - Heard - Heard. 2.Both sunset keep up with the race

15 slide

16 slide

So, we read part 1: Who is the hero of this story? Why did the heroes of the story decide to swim before sunset? How do you think the author relates to the fact that the boys began to swim in the open sea? In order to answer this question, re-read paragraph 3. He writes, “what did you think”, what does that mean? Why didn’t decide, didn’t become, but it was in their head. So the boys began to swim in the open sea, the old gunner looked at them. What do you think: how did he treat his son? Prove with text. Do you think that in this part Tolstoy somehow shows that something portends trouble? Reread 1 paragraph. What author's words foreshadowed this moment? We read the second part: How does the author convey surprise, suddenness, the appearance of a shark? What does Tolstoy call a shark? Why?

17 slide

So, the shark swam straight for the boys. What actions did people take to save the boys? How effective was this solution? What feelings does the gunner feel at this moment? How did the boys feel when they saw the shark? How does the author convey this? As you understand, “the screeching woke up the artilleryman, why does the author use this particular expression? What did the author want to convey with the words "got off the ground?" And what did everyone else do at that time? How does the author talk about their inaction?

18 slide

What did the author want to show with these words? What conclusion can be drawn from this? How does this characterize an artilleryman? Why can we say that the gunner is resourceful? We read the fourth part: Why did the artilleryman fall near the cannon and covered his face with his hands? Did it immediately become clear whether the gunner had helped the boys? Analysis of the illustration. Now we will learn how to analyze the illustration to the text and highlight in it what the artist brought his own. Take a close look at the illustration on page 129 What episode in the story do you think the artist drew this illustration for? Why did you decide so?

The little birds are chilled, Hungry, tired, And huddle tightly. And the blizzard with a furious roar Knocks on the hanging shutters And gets angry more and more. The little birds were chilled, Hungry, tired, And huddled tightly. And the blizzard with a furious roar Knocks on the hanging shutters And gets angry more and more. S. Yesenin S. Yesenin Intellectual Minute

All humanity was close to him. But he loved, with an invincible love, his Russia. V.Ya.Bryusov LEV NIKOLAEVICH TOLSTOY () (82 years old)

Our ship was anchored off the coast of Africa. It was a lovely day. A fresh wind was blowing from the sea, but by evening the weather changed: it became stuffy, and it was as if hot air from the Sahara desert was blowing at us from a heated stove. Our ship was anchored off the coast of Africa. It was a lovely day. A fresh wind was blowing from the sea, but by evening the weather changed: it became stuffy, and it was as if hot air from the Sahara desert was blowing at us from a heated stove.

Suddenly someone shouted from the deck: "Shark!" - and we all saw the back of a sea monster in the water. The shark swam straight for the boys. "Back! back! come back! shark!" the artilleryman shouted. But the guys did not hear him, they sailed on. They laughed and shouted more merrily and louder than ever. Suddenly someone shouted from the deck: "Shark!" - and we all saw the back of a sea monster in the water. The shark swam straight for the boys. "Back! back! come back! shark!" the artilleryman shouted. But the guys did not hear him, they sailed on. They laughed and shouted more merrily and louder than ever.

The boys at first did not hear what they were shouting at. And they did not see the shark, but then one of them looked around, and the boys swam in different directions. The boys at first did not hear what they were shouting at. And they did not see the shark, but then one of them looked around, and the boys swam in different directions.

But when the smoke spread over the water, at first a quiet murmur was heard from all sides. Then the murmur grew stronger, and. finally, a loud, joyful cry rang out from all sides. The old gunner opened his face, got up and looked out to sea. But when the smoke spread over the water, at first a quiet murmur was heard from all directions. Then the murmur grew stronger, and. finally, a loud, joyful cry rang out from all sides. The old gunner opened his face, got up and looked out to sea.

LEV NIKOLAEVICH TOLSTOY () (82 years old) "Without knowing Tolstoy, you cannot consider yourself a person who knows your country, you cannot consider yourself a cultured person." M. Gorky M. Gorky