Rosin spends current or not. What is rosin and why it is needed. What is rosin? Regulations

Soldering with any fluxes is the same in its essence. Despite the larger difference in the compositions, acidity, condition (solid, powder, liquid ...) all of them must be applied to the soldered surface before the solder.
In the case of the rosin, poked in the solder and rosin soldering iron, you need to very quickly convey evaporating rosin to the place of the soldering. Ponalsy, sometimes it is necessary to smell a rosin to a better soldering iron to the best penetration of flux to all soldered surfaces (on the soldering iron the rosin is assembled in certain zones). Thus, the rosin is not the best flux oddly due to the inconvenience of its use. This flux is not suitable for industrial soldering so - as has the smallest soldering speed and a very large percentage of cold swabs. The "liquid rosin" based on it contains a quarter of rosin in its composition, but thanks to a more accurate and deep penetration into the soldering place (in the tube and especially in the screen of the TV cable screen) allows you to guarantee a quick and high-quality result. On the basis of rosin, many activated fluxes are composed, the best of which is already the first decade is LTI-120. This flux contains as an increase in the activity of the additive and completely so-fat.
The effect of this flux directly depends on temperature. At normal flow, the flux is inactive and does not spend the current even at high frequencies. Flux residues solid substance surrendered by external influences. It can serve as a protective coating of soldering places. Because of what it is sometimes called solder varnish. With increasing temperature, active components come into business. The activity of the flux is strongly resembled by soldering acids.
From acidic fluxes you can select widespread "soldering acid". Having a high activity in the soldering, it is also active in the form of cold residues and requires immediate removal immediately after soldering. Otherwise, in just a few minutes will turn the entire soldering into the rummy mass. You can easily remove with a damp cloth or rinse with water. But for complete passivation, a "flux remover" of the firm connector or specials is required. reagents.
It is much more interesting to use fluxes based on "orthophosphoric acid". This is primarily the "orthophosphoric acid" and "FIM". "Orthophosphoric acid" has no worst activity than "soldering acid", but after soldering has a smaller activity of residues that are thoroughly removed with a damp cloth. Simply put, after simple manipulations with a rubbish, you can achieve an absolutely clean and brilliant soldering. Fim has greater fluidity thanks to its composition alcohol and increased cleaning of the soldering.
There is a flux, which in some cases exceeds the activity of acids, and the remains of it are almost safe. This is glycerin hydrazine flux. It is applied with a tassel on the fee. The soldering can be produced during the day or even the next day. After soldering, its residues are cleaned with water.
Strange things can begin through years of operation. Therefore, it can serve as not a neat flushing, and just a poor-quality textolite (not washed microcracks in textolite). But it is not necessary to be afraid of this flux. There are a large number of enterprises using this flux of our production in very responsible areas ( railway, aviation equipment, etc.). The difficulty of removing this flux is that it includes glycerin (sufficiently thick substance). It helps washing with hot water better with a tassel. Some imported fluxes are the same "glycerin hydrazine" with small variations. But it is written simply, rinse with water. And through some kind of year, when the glycerin is weathered, the entrance will enter the active substance and the megaomic resistance will occur between the tracks, sometimes disappearing simply from changes in pressure or humidity. Such malfunctions are very difficult to find, and it was necessary to buy the right flux and correctly remove the remnants.
An alternative to this flux is LTI-120. He has a little less activity, but absolutely safe remnants. So without putting the "Glycerin Hydrazine" laundry technology, a couple of large St. Petersburg companies switched to LTI-120. By the way, five years ago, all the above problems with "glycerin hydrazine" also experienced our radio production. You can blame here only human factor and teaching of that time. Today we also adherents LTI-120. It is also appreciated by the whole tassel with the only difference that it is necessary to solder immediately (this flux loses part of its activity while drying). LTI-120 apply foreign companies operating in our country, in cases where the use of fluxes of different from the recommended not borne warranty obligations Soldering equipment suppliers (recommended fluxes are usually their own production).
If you need to be soldered to aluminum, you will have to take advantage of the special flux for aluminum.
Flux F-34 requires stripping the surface of aluminum before soldering, but after soldering the remnants, especially if they wipe them with a damp cloth will not cause special problems. The quality of the soldering by this flux is highly dependent on the size (heat capacity) of the soldered parts.
Flux F-64 Real Monster Among Fluses. This is the most powerful flux of this review. He copes even with powerful protective film From aluminum oxide, which necessarily covers aluminum. So it is not necessary to clean the metal. This does not mean that it is not necessary to remove the residues of paint or fats from the surface. However, flux is so strong that weak pollution is not a hindrance. The disadvantage of him only one residues must be carefully removed, but if possible passivate.
The selection of the flux required for the soldering is reduced to the assessment of its activity and the permissibility of damage to the remnants applied. Unfortunately, you have to admit that there is no harmless flux.
Rosin and liquid rosin in the residue have rosin, and it is hygroscopic. At high temperature and humidity, it is quite capable of conducting a current. In our climatic conditions of tropical ratios, the humidity temperature is not found, but may well meet during storage and delivery, for example in a railway car.
LTI-120 is designed to compensate for the disadvantages of the "liquid rosin" and this is true. It has much more activity and at the same time his remnants are not afraid of humidity. But what they fear are so temperatures. The fact is that at high temperatures, for example, in the challenges of the stringful chips are not covered with tin (copper) tracks can be covered with thin green rope. Of course, it does not conduct an electric current and is called a protective layer in all literature, but still aesthetics suffers. The output is only one just rinse soldering with alcohol or solvent rosin f. Connector.
The remains of all acid fluxes conduct current and require careful removal and passivation. Acid fluxes include "orthophosphoric acid", FIM, "Soldane Acid", F-34, F-64.
Based on the foregoing, it can be said that a rosin, "liquid rosin", LTI-120, "glycerin hydrazine" are suitable for soldering.
For soldering of listed metal parts with responsible application, rosin, "liquid rosin", LTI-120, "glycerin hydrazine" are suitable.
For soldering of listed metal parts weighing from 100 gr. And more with responsible use are suitable LTI-120, "Glycerin hydrazine" due to its higher activity.
LTI-120, "glycerin hydrazine", "orthophosphoric acid", FIM, "Soldane Acid", F-34, F-64 suitable for soldering iron.
For soldering aluminum and aluminum alloys, F-34, F-64 are suitable.

If the electrical appliance is out of order, any device necessary for everyday life or work caused the damage to the broken chip, or a flew-based chip on the motherboard, it is possible to attach diodes to the site and so on. All these and other problems with them can be easily eliminated at home with special tools and materials, possessing certain skills and skills.

The master, which disassembled in a cunning chip device, wires and other parts of its components, will not be much difficulty quickly eliminate breakdown. Often, problems can be solved with the spike of a departed element. One of the materials that will be required for soldering, it is rosin.

What is rosifol

Riniphole (full name - kolofon resin) - purified by a specially resin of coniferous trees. Kanifol - amorphous fragile substance consisting of vitreous pieces, external species Remind familiar to everyone natural amber.

Methods for getting

IN industrial production Kolofon resin is obtained in several ways.

On how the way and from what raw material was obtained rosin, you can learn from her name: Pine (Harpyus), thawed, extraction and so on.


In addition, the Kolofon resin is an excellent natural dielectric, other features are known:

The color of the resin can vary in variants from light yellow to a dark brown shade. A saturated shade of this natural substance indicates that the cleaning of the resin was not entirely correct and it contains a large number of impurities, worsening its quality affecting its properties. The darker the color of the substance, the lower the electrical insulating properties of rosin. Correctly processed material has a pleasant lemon hue and is an excellent natural insulator.

Where else can resin be applied?

Such a resin is used not only as a flux with soldering. Apply it for many other purposes:

  • in the production of different varnishes and paints;
  • as one of the materials used in the manufacture of plastics;
  • when processing strings and bows for musical instruments;
  • for rubbing soles of ballet shoes;
  • to create the effect of smoke curtain and other effects in the film industry.

Soldering at home

Soldering - Special technique, with which metal elements are firmly connected with each other by means of molten solder. In everyday life, it is possible to cut the parts with each other with the help of an ordinary soldering iron.

Before proceeding with the soldering, it is necessary to clean the surface of the parts that will be unclipped with each other, using a file or emery paper. Then they need to be deguted with the help of a solvent or clean using gasoline, and lubricate the flux.

Flux is a substance with which oxide films, other pollution and excess fat are removed from the surface of the metal. In addition, flux prevents metals from possible oxidation. A special substance is often used as such a flux - rosin.

Mostly flux from rosin is used for soldering at home. When carrying out a production soldering The resin is used in smaller quantities, compared with fluxes from other substances.

Thanks to the property of the rosin, dissolve when heating tin oxides, as well as copper and lead, this substance can be used in electrical works as a special natural flux - a component with antioxidant properties. Thanks to such a characteristic feature, this substance can clean the surface of the metal during the soldering. With it, the spreading is also improved and the surface tension of the substance used as solder is practically leveled.

In order to ensure the high manufacturability of the process of using flux when soldering, several types of such components made on the basis of a kolofon resin are available (they can be solid, liquid and gel):

Methods soldering

After examining the properties and characteristics of the kolofon resin and fluxes performed on its basis, you can proceed to the soldering process. How is it going on?

The process of soldering using rosin occurs in several ways.

First method.

The method described above requires speed of action, attention and high accuracy. To perform it, you need to have defined skills and skills. Therefore, you can make a spike with the use of rosin and another method.

With the help of these methods, soldering parts with the use of rosin.

Advantages of using rosin

The obvious advantages of using this substance can be attributed to the following.


By cons at the use of rosin can be attributed:

As a conclusion, it can be noted that the soldering of modern parts, especially the elements of chips, various chips, and other components used in radio and electrical engineering, a fairly difficult process requiring certain skills, especially the speed of reaction, attentiveness and accuracy.

For soldering works, various materials are used, among which, rosin is distinguished by special properties. Thanks to these qualities, with proper use, this substance does not react with metals of the elements and solder materials.

Due to the presence of several varieties and thanks to the convenient forms in which it is produced, the rosin remains one of the most popular fluxes used in the spawning of parts in electrical engineering.

Rosifol is amorphous, vitreous substance. The color of rosin varies from light yellow to dark red and brown.

By chemical composition, the rosin is a mixture of various isomers of resin acids, mainly abitreic.

Dissolves in most organic solvents: in alcohol, chloroform, acetone, benzene, etc. In water is insoluble. The melting point of rosin depends on the initial raw material and varies from fifty to one hundred thirty degrees Celsius.

What makes rosin?

Pine resin is used as raw materials for the manufacture of rosin. Fresh pine resin contains approximately seventy-five percent of rosin, the remaining twenty-five - turbid. The process of manufacturing rosin is to evaporate the volatile components of the Livis. Also for the manufacture of rosin can be used extraction of crushed wood by means of organic solvents and distillation of raw tall oil. Depending on the cooking technology, the rosin is called pine or tall. The most common is pine and spruce rosin, which will be discussed in this article.

The use of rosin in soldering

Rosin applied in various fields: for the sizing paper products, for the production of synthetic rubber, various plastics and rubber, artificial leather, mastic, varnishes, etc. But we are interested in the use of rosifers like flux for soldering. It can be said that it is she who is the most famous flux. Most readers probably knows its smell.

The answer to the question "Why do you need rosin?" You can get, having found in any dictionary on the soldering flux in any dictionary.

Serves several goals: to eliminate oxide film from the surface of soldered parts, to reduce the surface tension of the solder and improving its spreading over the surface of the parts to protect against environmental exposure. Flux speeds up the service of parts and helps them be covered with the solder. This contributes to high-quality and fast soldering.

Types of soldering rosin

Rosin sold like in pure formand as part of various fluxes, sometimes having a rather complex composition. Clean rosin is implemented in the form of pieces or chopsticks. The reader probably saw her.

More complex solutions are liquid fluxes. The easiest flux - SCF (alcohol-rosin flux) is a forty percentage of rosin in ethyl alcohol. Such a solution is easy to use and has an important advantage: it does not cause corrosion of paved compounds and does not conduct an electric current, while fluxes based on, for example, ammonium chloride, they cannot boast.

Flux SCF can be manufactured independently at home. To do this, take the required amount of alcohol with a strength of at least seventy degrees (can be purchased at the pharmacy, in persons engaged in retail sale Alcohol, find on some enterprise) and the right amount of rosin. The percentage of alcohol and rosin is around 70:30. Rosin need to grind to the state of crumbs, for example, in a mortar. After that, the alcohol is poured into the tank of the desired volume, the crumb of rosin is poured into it, then the cover is closed and the mixture is blocked until the rosin is completely dissolved. If necessary, other solvents can be used - gasoline, acetone, ether, etc.

There are more "advanced" variants of this mixture. In particular, propantriool (it is glycerin) can be used instead of ethanol. Rosin, dissolved in glycerin, forms something like solder fat, and such a composition is convenient because it can be applied directly to the surface of soldered parts - for example, with the help of toothpicks, as well as increased drying time.

Among the diversity of fluxes, the mansion cost solders in which there is a flux. As a rule, such solders are wire, inside which there are several channels filled with flux. Such materials are very convenient, and usually no additional fluxes are required for work. The disadvantage is quite a high price. In addition, they are quite difficult to get enough, and then the good old POS-61 is used.

Engineering soldering Kanifoli

Run the rosin is simple enough. In order to discharge two details, they first need to be listed (if they are not yet served; Many details are pushed right at the factory). For this, the heated soldering iron is dipped into rosin. After that, the sting of the soldering iron cover the solder and apply solder on the surfaces that need to be soldered. Then the parts are installed in the desired position and they are tightened to them with a steering of the soldering iron, covered with solder and rosin. Solder thin film spreads over the surface of the parts and after frozen forms a high-quality connection. In practice it happens that this does not happen. In this case, fluxes based on the rosifold solution, described above, come to the rescue.

Other fluxes

In general, all soldering fluxes divided into two main groups: active and neutral.

Active fluxes interact with the metal, as they contain substances such as ammonium chloride and zinc chloride. In many cases, they are much more convenient, but have a big drawback - the seams are corrosion, and the fluxes themselves are conducted. In order for this not to happen, after soldering, the finished fee was washed from the residues of aggressive substances.

Neutral fluxes do not interact directly with the metal, do not conduct current and do not eat connections. Rosin belongs to the group of neutral fluxes.

By destination, fluxes are divided into low-temperature and high-temperature. High temperature are designed to work at temperatures above four hundred and fifty degrees Celsius, low-temperature - below this mark. Rosin is low-temperature flux. As examples of high-temperature, the sodium tetrabrate (boor) can be brought. It is intended for soldering with refractory solders.

A decent place among the tools of a homemade master certainly occupies a rosin for soldering. At all times, with any development of the service or its complete absence there are people with blond heads and skillful hands, loving and knowing many things to do their own. A prominent place in the processes of application of skill is given to the soldering during installation and repair. electronic circuits, low-current electrical contacts and other works on the creation of indefinite compounds that do not require high strength.

Purpose of rosin

Before describing the purpose of the rosin, it is necessary to clarify what the soldering from welding is different:

  • In the process of welding, the edges of the combined parts are melted, the liquid phases are mixed and, hardening, form an indefinite connection.
  • When soldering, the connected parts remain in solid state, and only the metal, which serves for the connection - solder is melted. The melted solder spreads along the mounted edges and, when frozen, forms an indefinite compound.

For guaranteed quality, the edge of the fastened parts should be wetted well. This is achieved by their cleaning from oxides and contaminants using fluxes - in this case, rosin.

What is rosin? Regulations

Rinofol is a solid glassy substance. She is amorphous, i.e. it does not have a clearly pronounced melting point, and gradually softened when heated. The beginning of the softening occurs depending on the type and variety at approximately 55 - 70 ºC.

Kanifol is part of Resins of coniferous trees. There are several ways to get it:

  • Evaporate volatile substances from raw resin;
  • Extract by organic solvents from wood sawdust;
  • Pour the tall oil that is a waste production.

The quality of rosin in Russia is regulated by two regulatory documents of GOST 19113-84 "Rinofol Pine" and GOST 14201-83 "Rosin Tall".

The rosin derived from the resin, a somewhat more turning - the softening temperature is approximately 5 above and more acidic - by 5-10 mg KOH per 1 g of the product. Tall rosin is brighter than pine, but color is very dependent on the variety, that is, on the degree of purification from impurities.

Retail rosin usually enters round metal boxes. But it can be sold in the composition of the finished solder - a tin-based alloy tube filled with rosin.

How to solder with rosin

In general terms, the soldering process concludes the following operations:

  1. Mechanical cleaning of connected surfaces;
  2. Warming up the soldering iron;
  3. Heating of the connected surfaces;
  4. Treatment of sting rosifol;
  5. Surface treatment rosin;
  6. The coating of the weld of the solder (s);
  7. Connection of parts and coating the shock and adjacent sections.
  8. Cooling connections.

Now more about each operation?

  • Rosipol can dissolve oxide films and partially restore them to metal. If the surface of the parts connected is not covered with visible contaminants, this operation can be skipped. It is necessary when contamination or oxides cover the surface so much that it is prevented by wetting it molten rosin and further solder.
  • Previously mentioned the temperature of the beginning of the softening of rosin in the region of 55 - 70ºC. But in order to reliably cover the sorry of the soldering iron and the parts connected, it must be heated to 100 - 130ºC. The criterion of sufficient temperature of the sting is its free penetration into an array of solid rosin with the advent of an easy haze.
  • The need for heating the surfaces of the surfaces is very dependent on their size. If solid wiring is sold, you can skip this operation. It should be understood that there will be rapid cooling and pouring of rosin and solder on the cold surface. As a result, it will not be possible to achieve the dissolution of oxides in the rosin and sufficient spreading of the solder. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate before starting the soldering whether it is possible to warm up the items already in the process of processing the flux or it is necessary to do this before.
  • If the soldering iron is used for the first time or for a long time, it is possible to go through a storing with a metal brush or thin sandpaper. But it is required in the most running cases. It is usually enough to heat it and treat the rosin, and then coat a layer of tin - to lose. Now the sting is ready to work.

If the break in the work was small, and the sting remained covered by the solder, the mezzani will not need, it is enough just to heat it and omitted it into rosin.

  • Next, we prepare for soldering the surface of the details. As already mentioned, it may be necessary to heat the butt surfaces of the parts connected. This is determined by their massiveness and sizes of the soldier. If the sting of massive parts, you can do without preheating before soldering, and produce it directly during the processing of parts by rosin.

Fix the connected surfaces in the position in which they will be mounted, warm if necessary, process the flux and then apply melted solder. Putting the soldering iron We help him grow on the junction and adjacent squares, we give a compound to cool.

The soldering process is completed.

Soldering the solder with rosin

In this form, the solder bar is a sooth-lead alloy tube, inside the rosin. When soldering it, it is used as an additive material. Heat the soldering iron connectable parts, and then a rod to the soldering zone is introduced the end of the rod, and the joint movements of the jigs and additives are broken.

The melting flux and solder covers the joint at the same time, reducing the process time. This method can be soldered by parts in cases that do not require pre-training surfaces.

Selection of soldering iron

The selection of the soldering iron is not accidental after a detailed review of the features of the soldering process. Its power and sizes of the stall are directly depending on what it will be necessary to solder. It was previously said that for high-quality soldering of large parts, their pre-warm-ups may need, and you need to choose a powerful tool with a massive copper stale. At the same time, for the soldering of thin wiring in the depths of electronic blocks, the heat is not necessary, quite thin sting, which is convenient to solder in a limited space.

Safety Safety Questions

The process of soldering is accompanied by a number of harmful factors. The first of these is the contamination of the respiratory zone. Kanipal smoke, inevitably released during soldering, tin and lead pairs and lead are allergens and carcinogens. The room intended for soldering, even amateur, should be well ventilated.

The following factor is the danger of electric shock. To obtain permission to conduct soldering, workers in enterprises must have 2 electrical safety groups. Before starting the soldering at home, at least visually verify the serviceability and sockets.

Fire danger. For tools and soldering process, it is necessary to use the coasters of a non-combustible heat insulating material.


This article discusses the most characteristic features of soldering processes using rosin. But for learning any craft and soldering, including the theory should be inextricably intertwined with practice. Only then everything said will be able to bring real benefit in mastering skill.