How to take an erotic selfie for a loved one? Erotic selfies: how to take gorgeous pictures and drive a man crazy (Anna Krasnova) Dirty selfies of women at home

Sexy photos are the highlight of many relationships. But how do you take a selfie that is as sexy as possible?

If you're taking a sexy selfie, assume everyone will see it.

If your phone (or your partner's phone) gets lost, you will definitely want no evidence in there. By sending photos in which you can see both the face and the body, you run the risk of being at the top of Google searches. Your photo can turn into a meme, you will be ashamed of yourself, and maybe all together. The same goes for recognizable jewelry and tattoos. So proceed with caution.

Send either face or body - never both

You can send an arousing portrait with an intriguingly bare shoulder, but if you are sending bare breasts or buttocks, make sure your face is not in the frame. Moreover, it is quite difficult to get a photo in which both your face and your buttocks are at once. And remember: a little mystery is always sexy. The shadows on the collarbone can be far more seductive than a regular nude chest photo. Moreover, if you cannot be identified in the photographs, you will have less to worry about in the event that you have to end the relationship.

Do not send photos of the groin area

Even if you have a face as beautiful as Megan Fox, the presence of your other “lips” in the photo will mean that the viewer will focus exclusively on them. The same goes for the male genitals. For some reason, men think that a photograph of the genitals is all that a woman can dream of, but in fact, she would much more like to see tense muscles or a dimple in the buttock. In addition, it is worth noting that when performing sexy selfies, underwear, lowered to the knees, looks extremely strange and not very aesthetically pleasing. This is far from the best solution.

Double check the background

If a nude photo of you or someone you know gets on the internet, it’s clear that there’s a mess in the background. It doesn't matter how sexy you look - if you are a slob it looks disgusting in the photo. Is there trash on the floor behind you? A pile of unwashed laundry in the background? White spots on the mirror? Pay attention to what gets into your photo, because even if you only see yourself in it, others may see the toilet, baby or trash can, and believe me - this is far from sexy.

Good lighting is the key to success

If you are somewhere with great lighting, use that. Take some photos that you can send later, instead of taking them in low light at 10pm when your partner wants to see you. Some might call it cheating, but if your partner doesn't ask you to take a photo of what you're wearing right now, he'll be more than happy if you send him a nude photo with the rising sun in the background. Here are some tips for good lighting. One of the best places to have great lighting is in hotel rooms during the day. The combination of white walls and white bedding will make your body literally shine. Standing in front of a window is always better than standing in front of a lamp, although bright direct sunlight may not be very beneficial for photography. Aim the camera at yourself and walk through the room to find a spot with the best lighting.

Retract, hold, but act discreetly

Every girl knows about the elbow trick under the bust, which allows you to achieve an incredible effect. Moreover, most girls know what angles are best for taking a photo in order to achieve the most seductive body curves. But here's the catch - no one should notice that you are holding something, as this will destroy the illusion. Even if you feel terribly uncomfortable, no one will know about it - they will only see the incredible bend you performed to get a sexy selfie.

Duckface is out of fashion

Hot news - duckface is out of fashion all over the world. No one can look at a photo with a duckface and not roll their eyes. Now what to do with the lips? There is a way out - right before you take a photo, breathe in as if you are making love, while thinking about how sexy you are - this technique works one hundred percent.

Whether someone likes it or not, posting a photo of a man has long been a virtual handshake for gay men - especially in dating apps. "Hello how are you? Here is a photo of my cock. "

You look at the picture, and it is ... well, let's say ... so-so. And not because the penis depicted on it is ugly (although this happens). It's just that the sender doesn't know how to take a photo of his friend to make him look good. Photography is, of course, art. But still, everyone can take a couple of decent pictures - just master the basic techniques and put a little effort.

Here are 6 tips for the perfect penis selfie from LGBT activist, blogger, writer, public speaker, culture, sexuality and relationship specialist Zachary Zane, who regularly shares penis photos with men.

1. No close-ups needed.

A close-up shot of your manhood is not the best way, since it does not allow us to estimate its real size. The penis needs to be shot with perspective - and for this, other parts of the body must also be in the frame. As options: penis and cubes on the stomach, penis and legs, penis and hand on its base. Something like this.

2. Find a good angle

It is known that the human face is asymmetrical. In the photographs, someone turns out to be more beautiful on the left, and someone on the right, someone has a beautiful profile, and someone does not. So, it's the same story with a member, so experiment, try different shooting angles.

3. Cheer up your friend

It is not uncommon to see pictures of a half-erect penis. Why is this needed? If you do not plan to have sex without bringing yourself to a full erection, it makes no sense for a potential partner to see what your half-grown penis looks like. The reproductive organ in this condition is appropriate only in full-length photographs, with a face in the frame - but this is already a work of art called "nude portrait". And here we are trying to take a selfie of the penis.

4. An important point: adequate lighting

It doesn't matter what it will be: a selfie of a dick, wedding photo or a portrait of your beloved grandmother - you cannot do without good lighting. If only because the guy to whom you send a picture of your "wealth" must see it without wearing night vision goggles.

5. Equally important point: setting

Pay attention to the environment. A photo of a member hovering over an open toilet is not The best way attract a new acquaintance. It looks like you just pee, looked at your boyfriend and decided: “Well, it looks good! Let me take a picture. "

If you want a really sexy, classic photo - take it in your own bed (you need to remove the junk from it - well, or at least shove it on the floor). Such a picture will successfully capture your manhood, and will also help create a mood - after all, if everything goes smoothly, you will jump into bed.

6. Taking pictures at the moment of orgasm is too much

Of course the photo in which you cum is cool, but ... too aggressive. To be honest, sending someone a selfie of a penis is already aggressive in itself, even though everyone is used to it. So - if you are sending a stranger a photo of a member, then let sperm not sprinkle from him at least. Nobody argues, a member at the moment of climax is a hot photo, but still slow down.

A few more words on the topic

If you think about it, the fact that uninvited selfies of a member have not surprised anyone in the gay community for a long time - well, just some kind of tin. Therefore, perhaps the best penis pictures are those sent with the consent of the addressee. Well, or let him at least give a hint that he doesn't mind looking at your giant. For example, if he writes "Oh, you are sexy!" - then everything is in order - you can send a photo. Let the guy who really wanted it get it.

It's time to learn how to take "naked" selfies. Even if there are no plans to become a Playboy heroine, the skills of a pornographer will come in handy in life. Anastasia Degai tells your boyfriend: "No thanks!"

A “naked” selfie is a useful and enjoyable thing. The main thing is to understand the rules of a competent and effective “pickup”. I know what I'm talking about. It so happened that my beloved lives thousands of kilometers from me. Yes, every meeting turns into a sex marathon. But parting is like death, and it is followed by a blues. At such moments, a home porn photo session saves me: letting off steam, sending a photo, passionate correspondence and conversations on Skype are tied up ... However, once I went a little too far, and he almost went crazy at his important meeting. Since then, I have always sent a warning message if there is nudity in the photo. As you can see, I have become skilled in erotic photography and now I am ready to share my experience.

The first rule of the club

No social media! This is a transparent thing: even sub-castle posts can come to the attention of the employer and colleagues. And further important point: Taking nude photos is an enjoyable but not necessary part of a relationship. If a guy is pushing the subject of porn, don't be led on. There are tons of other ways to light the fire of desire and warm up properly.

Exemplary girl

The famous Italian photographer Mario Testino once photographed Kate Moss in a white bodysuit, through which her nipples showed through. Subsequently, the model admitted that it was the sexiest shot in her entire career, and not a single “naked” shoot could compare with it. So leave room for his imagination, instead of showing everything at once. Where to look for inspiration? Not in women's gloss: it's about trends, not temptation. Men's magazines are another matter. Just choose the simpler ones (Maxim rather than Esquire). On the Net, study erotic blogs on Tumblr (I like and Fur Fur Girls on furfur. me (this is generally a visual aid to where, how, in what and in what positions men want to see us). The main thing is to choose a comfortable look. The secret of success is freedom and naturalness.

Background mode

The key to good photography is light. Choose daytime, falling from the side, so the picture will be less contrasting and will not darken the face. English photographer Rankin advises: “Place a sheet of white paper under your chin if you are shooting a self-portrait. The white surface will reflect the light from the flash. The eyes will shine and the skin texture will look better. " And we can use white bedding. Next: background. Household items on it should be at a minimum. By the way, don't be afraid to overdo it with makeup: the camera eats up a third of the makeup. That is why on the set, the faces of the models are painted in several layers and with very dense tonal means.

Get into a pose

Height, weight and cellulite are easily corrected with the right angle: knowledgeable people sag at the waist and put the hip to the side. Another win-win option: you sit with your back to the camera, on your knees, half-turned so that part of your chest is visible.

““ Instead of doing a duck face, just open your lips and breathe through your mouth. Good cameras on Samsung Galaxy s5 and iPhone. The lens of the latter is a bit wide-angle, that is, it can lengthen the legs and increase the volume somewhere. "

You can play photostrip and edit a collage of three photos: in the first you are in your underwear, in the second - you are taking off the top, in the third - ... Well, I see. Do you remember famous photo Marilyn Monroe negligee in the pool? Photographer Lawrence Schiller, who shot this immortal shot, said that Marilyn undressed gradually, and he filmed her every step.

Only without Hands

With the help of the phone, you can take a beautiful view from the back in the mirror (half-turned the hips are rounder). But you better download the CamMe app to take real portraits. You put your phone at a certain distance, wave your hand, and after three seconds the self-timer is triggered. Another secret from the arsenal of glossy magazines is cropping. When only part of the chest or lips is visible in the frame, it turns on and intrigues, which means that the mission is completed.

"40% of people, according to Sony, take a selfie at least once a week."

Filters are at your discretion. Try to choose them so that they do not kill life. I like to slightly manipulate photos in the Rookie and VSCOcam apps. With the base figured out, and you will do the improvement yourself. I'm sure you will be able to impress his imagination so much that he will run away from any meeting. And don't forget to take a selfie after sex - the #aftersex hashtag is wildly popular right now.

We think selfies originated 5-6 years ago, when smartphones were equipped with the corresponding function. In fact, they appeared at the same time that the first camera was invented.

The initial “self-photographs” were taken in a mirror with an apparatus attached to a tripod. After 100 years, technology has made it possible to move away from the mirror and experiment with self-photography.

A lot of "selfies" are laid out on the net. How to make the frame look original and bright among many similar ones? The suggested selfie poses for girls will help solve this problem.

  1. Get busy appearance... I think it's superfluous to remind you that your hair should be clean, don't build a “tower of Babel” on your head, on the contrary. the more natural the hairstyle, the better the shot will be. Makeup differs from everyday with a bright accent, here it is advisable to study the pros and cons of your appearance, if you have beautiful lips, make them brighter.
  2. Pick a background. It happens that you look at photos of girls taken at home. The girl is charming, and there is a Soviet-style wall behind, boxes, and all kinds of rubbish. The impression is not very positive. Better yet, the good old carpet on the wall. Joke. Interesting shots are obtained in nature, because the sky, bodies of water, plants are a wonderful background for photographs.

Beautiful selfie poses and how to take selfies correctly.

  • Classic pose. We photograph the head, neck, and, if desired, grab the shoulders. To look attractive in such a photo, watch the turn of your head. The ideal angle is 35-45 degrees; in this position, the chin line looks expressive. It is better not to shoot in full face, you risk looking inharmonious.

  • Head cocked to one side. The photo is taken at least in full face, at least in profile. Play with your shoulders, wink or close your eyes, smile. The main thing here is to follow the direction of the light so that it falls on the face, then a shine will appear in the eyes, and the skin tone will become even.

  • "The top view is better." If you hold the camera over your head, you get interesting pictures. The figure looks slimmer, the eyes are more expressive. Surrounding objects fall into the frame. Do you have a luxurious neckline? Then choose this angle! Most importantly, do not forget to keep your back straight, slightly stretching your neck.

  • Tilt back. This pose is used to capture the fifth point. To make the buttocks look more attractive, arch your back, then bend forward slightly. In this position, it is best to shoot from top to bottom or from the side. The first method is suitable if this part of the body is appetizing in size, but if you cannot boast of lush volumes, it remains to increase the deflection and experiment with changing the position of the camera.

  • Upwards. The pose is quite popular. One caveat - you can't lower your head down, you risk getting a second chin, even if you didn't have one. Keep your head straight or tilt up slightly. In this position, facial features are not so clearly visible, but the picture promises to be memorable.

  • Standing. Such pictures look advantageous in the “hand on the side” or “bent one leg” position. This position is suitable for those wishing to showcase new dresses or shoes.

Secrets of a sexy selfie

What girl does without a sexy selfie? Right! None! But looking at such pictures, you are often intimidated by courage and shamelessness. How to take a sexy selfie instead of a vulgar one?

For a sexy selfie, you will have to learn a few rules:

Well, a few words about lighting when creating a sexy selfie. Here, experts - masters of photography and Photoshop - advise taking selfies in advance in good lighting, rather than uploading to the network or sending a favorite photo of a figure at sunset with distorted light and outlines. Therefore, sexy pictures are created in any suitable setting - in bed against the background of silk linen and plain walls, in the kitchen at breakfast while no one sees, in the bathroom while showering. It is morning or daytime in natural light that makes it possible to take gorgeous pictures of a sexy body. Artificial lamps require a careful approach and a certain knowledge of the incidence of a ray of light on your body.

These are good poses for a selfie. Try, fantasize, choose! What if, as a result of the search, you find something special, then such a selfie will not get lost in the millions of pictures that have flooded social networks.

Prepare the site

Hide everything that does not fit into the concept - a pile of dirty linen, a bitten cookie, an elderly pug. You don't have to put away the glass of wine, it will only emphasize your depravity and licentiousness. But a beer bottle is not. An amazing fact.

Highlight the main thing

Pin-up photographer Sophie Spinell says that she always interrogates her models before shooting - they say, which part of your body do you like the most? Spin in front of the mirror, find what you like, look for a pose in which that part looks awesome.

Catch the light

In the dull electric light, we are all drowned girls. It is best to take these shots in natural light. Moreover, when the light falls obliquely - in the morning or in the afternoon. If the curtains are thin and light, you can draw them down to soften and diffuse the light.

Pick up the props

A little covered always worries more than not covered by anything. Beautiful underwear, an unbuttoned white shirt, sweater or leather jacket clearly on the naked body - rummage, in a word, in the closet. If there is a string of pearls or a pendant on a long chain lying around, hang it around your neck - this will accentuate your chest. Food can come in handy too. For example, chewing on a bunch of grapes or waving a couple of cherries can create a very tempting photo. Banana is also yes. Ice cream. Chupa-chupsina. But fried chicken - perhaps not.

Find your viewing angle

From a hand, from a tripod, from a selfie stick - you can always take a picture of yourself so that it comes out cool. A tripod is of course the best option. There are many apps out there, just for those who take selfies with a tripod. Voice Selfie for Windows, CamMe for iOS, and Snapi for Android, for example.

Highlight the best

Choose a pose that will showcase your wealth in all its glory. Are you taking off your breasts? For example, let it stick out of a beautiful lace underwear. You can collect it in a handful or lie on your stomach and rise on your elbows - but this is an option for those who are no larger than the second size.

Big breasts look more invigorated if you lie on your back or raise your arms as if you are stretching. The ass should be protruded, so straighten your shoulders and arch your back.

If you want to show the curves, but do not burn with the desire to show your belly - shoot yourself from behind or make a black silhouette against the background of a lighted window. Or take a shot from above so that the bust obstructs everything. Or sit in front of the camera with your knees up to your chest.

Be careful

Who knows how everything will turn out there with the addressee. If you have known each other for a week or so (and you are already sending him your pictures of what your mother gave birth to, what you are!), Then be careful - make sure that neither your face nor any recognizable detail like a tattoo gets into the frame. Otherwise, you will quarrel tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow this frame will become the property of all Facebook. There were such cases in our collective farm.

Watch your face

If you spit on the previous advice, it's up to you. Then you have one more concern - you need to make a suitable face. There is nothing funnier than a sensual selfie with such a stone sign, as if you are pressing a barbell or performing heart surgery, and not lying around here all so languid, in lace. The arrogant aloofness of the photo models is also not up to everyone's shoulder, that is, in the face - most often the picture shows not royal pride, but tense bewilderment.

Camon, we're having fun here. A sly smile, a raised eyebrow is what you need. Take an example from the same pin-up girls. The playful expression doesn't require any acting skills at all, but it looks great.

Text: Olga Lysenko