Enter your personal account by the Internet City Committee. Internet provider Seven Sky: services, rates, reviews. Registration and login to your personal account

Closed joint-stock company Iskratelecom is an Internet provider that serves some Moscow districts and the cities adjacent to the capital - Lyubertsy, Khimki, Mytishchi, Shcherbinka, etc.

The company is represented by two brands: Seven Sky and GorCom, which provide telecommunications services to the population and legal entities.

To enter your personal account, you must visit the official website of the provider https://lk.seven-sky.net/, where the upper right corner contains the personal account icon.

The presented form will require you to enter the received login and secret password, or go through some social networks... By clicking the Login icon, the user will be taken to their account form.

For comfortable use of information services, their management, monitoring of personal accounts, the company offers its clients to create a personal account.

Personal Area Seven Sky allows the user to:

  • establish a voluntary blocking of services;
  • find out the number Money on your account, make a replenishment of the balance, view the calculations of the withdrawal of money;
  • connect and disconnect additional services;
  • to know up-to-date information about services, tariffs.

The user can also apply for the recalculation of funds, or erroneous actions of the operator.

Registration of personal account Seven Sky

Provider cjsc iscratelecom does not provide for a special registration procedure for the new service, which turned out to be another convenience for customers. The new user profile will be registered in the company's database after signing the contract in the subdivision closest to the home or office.

The contract will prescribe not only the details of the consumer, but also the login, the secret password to enter the service. To get started, you only need authorization on the site.

Seven Sky password recovery

The technical service of the provider provides for the accidental loss of the password by the user. This is confirmed by the presence of the Forgot password button. By clicking on the mentioned icon, the secret word recovery menu will appear on the screen.

The client will indicate the account number, phone number, which appears in the contract for the provision of telecommunications services concluded with the company.

In a few minutes, a new password will be sent to your email. If it is impossible to immediately enter the account number, the subscriber can contact the round-the-clock service technical support via the Contact support form.

Voluntary blocking

The information services conductor service also offers its clients assistance in temporarily blocking their account, for this you need to enter the seven sky personal account.

A two-week termination of the Internet service costs 250 rubles, a longer period implies a free termination. A similar service can be found in your account on the Payment tab.

The consumer will set the start and end dates for the blocking, which will automatically turn off after the specified period ends. The account will also be blocked after calling technical support.

Payment by credit card

You can pay for services by credit card in the specified service. This is facilitated by the Payment Methods icon located on the central page of the portal.

The client will be offered a list of online payment methods through banks, and pay by credit card. You can easily top up your balance by following the onscreen instructions.

Seven Sky mobile app

By installing a mobile software, the subscribers of the provider get access to many television channels.

Seven Sky online personal account offers high quality programs of various genres, from feature films to music and sports. Continuous traffic guarantees consumers a pleasant pastime.

Personal account GorKom

This company provides its services to residents of the Russian capital, Moscow region. The branch of the provider in Odintsovo offers its subscribers a new Internet service - to create a personal account with the Internet Gorkom, which every Gorkom subscriber has the right to use.

Registration of an office with a city committee is similar to the procedure in Seven Sky. Upon concluding an agreement with providers, the consumer receives a login and a secret password to enter his personal account.

Having visited the official page of the portal, the subscriber clicks the Cabinet icon, is authorized by filling in the required fields. By checking the box in the Remember box, the client will speed up the subsequent procedures for entering the service.

The brand belongs to the well-known metropolitan provider “Seven Sky”, which has long and successfully worked in the field of providing communication services to residents of the capital and the Moscow region. This commercial hierarchy does not end with Seven Sky. Gorkom itself is part of the West Call group of companies. The latter, in turn, occupies the first lines of the rating of the largest telecom operators in Russia.

All this ensured a rapid growth in the number of connected subscribers, including both large institutions and individuals... GorCom deals not only with small, medium and big business, but also with ordinary household consumers of Internet services living in private city apartments.

A powerful subscriber service network and advanced services for subscribers make it possible to make the connection to Gorky the most simple and transparent procedure. The list of the operator's activities is impressive:

  • Providing access to the Internet for clients of all levels. For this reason, the staff of Seven Sky has specialists in organizing networks of any complexity, including corporate ones.
  • Serving digital television subscribers, incl. customers with television receivers of the Smart TV class.
  • Provides high-speed fiber-optic communication channels for rent.
  • Implements network equipment of various models and related software.
  • Connects home and commercial subscribers to the city telephone line (with codes 499 and 495).
  • Implements design work in the field of building networks of an enterprise scale.
  • It offers its customers security systems based on video surveillance and dispatching.

Seven Sky takes an active part in the life of the capital. Develops and participates in projects of various kinds. From large-scale actions in the field of education and provision of students and schoolchildren modern equipment, to medical programs and assistance to low-income citizens. The latter is worth talking about separately.

Beneficiaries of "GorKoma"

Not all of them are served by the operator on the basis of a single tariff grid. The company offers significant benefits and discounts to many categories of citizens.

Moreover, these groups include not only low-income strata of the population who would like to get access to the Internet on an equal basis with other citizens, but also deserved ones - for example, participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The privilege is enjoyed by people with disabilities of the first and second groups, as well as large families. They did not ignore the veterans (including the Great Patriotic War) and combatants, former soldiers of the Afghan contingent. All these citizens can use the network at significantly reduced rates.

Where can I see the content of the GorKoma tariff schedule? On the page http://www.seven-sky.net/for_abonents/Internet/Tarify_InternetTV_Moskva_i_MO. From the information given on it, it follows that all tariffs are conveniently divided into several groups:

  • Monthly.
  • High-speed.
  • Semi-annual.
  • Anti-crisis.

A tariff with a monthly payment and access to the network at the level of 150 Mbit per second will cost you only 249 rubles per month. For those who do not need such a speed, there is a monthly tariff plan called "Clear" - 149 rubles / month. Individuals and organizations in need of fast data transmission and reception may be interested in the "High-speed" category. The cost of all these tariffs is the same - 450 rubles per month.

So how are they different? The fact is that the price of 450 rubles. valid only during the trial period, which is 13 months from the date of connection. Further, the cost can be reduced or increased depending on the speed. For example, the fastest tariff "Clear-1000" will cost 1250 rubles a month.

One thing to keep in mind: operating at these speeds requires adequate powerful hardware and a high-bandwidth network. If the conditions for connecting the subscriber do not meet these criteria, then the speed declared in the contract will never be achieved.

This can be a source of frustration for the operator, although, of course, this is not the case. To avoid such collisions, it is best to assign a kind of expertise: that is, call the company's employees in advance and test all network components for their ability to function under high load. Visit the Seven Sky website: http://www.seven-sky.net/ - there you will learn a lot of interesting things.

GorCom provides access to the Internet, interactive television and IP-telephony. When choosing complex tariff plans (Internet and TV), you can also add a subscription to the Megogo service to the set. The router you need to Wi-Fi connections, you can take it in installments. There are models from manufacturers TP-Link and D-Link to choose from. You can connect IPTV through a separate Android Box.

How to connect a router to the GorKom network

Depending on the router model, the following items may be located on the back of the device:

  • WAN port for connecting an Internet cable;
  • LAN connectors through which the wired Internet works;
  • "Reset" button, clicking on which restores the factory parameters of the router;
  • "WPS" button to quickly add devices to an existing Wi-Fi network.

Connect to the "WAN" port the cable run by the GorKom provider to your apartment, house or office. Insert cables from local Ethernet devices into the LAN ports. In the case when the device works with a cable and wireless network, it is recommended to choose a wired connection if the conditions allow laying the cable indoors. After connecting all the devices, insert the power supply into the desired connector on the router and plug it into a power outlet.

Note! The best location for the router is in the central room of the apartment. There should be as little interference as possible between the router and wireless home devices: thick partitions and walls, furniture, household appliances, large houseplants.

Establishing a connection and setting up a network

The initial configuration of the Internet by GorKom can be done via Wi-Fi or using a cable. If the operation of the router was previously performed in the network of another provider, the old configuration that is incompatible with GorKom may be saved on it. In this case, it is recommended to reset all parameters using the "Reset" button. Hold it for 10-20 seconds until all indicators light up simultaneously.

Advice! Often, the reset button is recessed into the body. To press, use a long, thin object: a match, a toothpick, a paper clip. If you have any difficulties with resetting the parameters, find the instructions on the manufacturer's website.

If the computer from which you will configure the router is not connected to it with a cable, connect to a Wi-Fi network. Check the IP address of the router on the bottom of the device. Enter it in your browser, enter your login and password to enter. They can also be recognized on the router itself. In the main menu of the web interface, go to the "Internet" section. In the "Basic Settings" table, select the "Dynamic IP" WAN connection type. Save parameters and reboot. After that, check your connection to GorKom by opening any website. Using the SpeedTest service, you can also find out the speed of the Internet.

Wi-Fi network setup

Open the "Wireless" menu and go to the "General" tab. In the first text box, enter an arbitrary name for the network. If necessary, the network can be made hidden by checking the “Yes” option in the next paragraph. Do not change the operation mode of the Wi-Fi network if you do not know the modes through which the equipment being used is connected. Select “Auto” from the “Channel” drop-down list so that the router will independently determine the least loaded frequencies for Wi-Fi operation.

Set "WPA2-Personal" in "Authentication Method". This option is optimal for the best connection performance and Wi-Fi protection. Select the encryption protocol from the following list: AES or TKIP. Set the wireless network access key (Wi-Fi password) below. Save the settings by clicking the "Apply" button and reboot the router to use the new operating parameters.

Internet from Seven sky, or as it is called now, Gorkom, I have been using it for a long time. I have tried many providers in my life and I can say that it is one of the best in Moscow today. The number of their subscribers is growing every year, so I think it will not be superfluous to write a short instruction on one popular question that interests all subscribers - how to pay Internet Seven Sky through your Gorkom personal account?

To enter the personal account of the City Committee, go to the official website seven-sky.net and see the link "Personal Account" in the upper right corner - click on it

  • Contract number, which has the form "F-000000-000000"
  • Or the personal account number is seven digits, "1234567"

Both, and also the password, we take from a paper copy of the contract, which, when connected, was left to you by the workers who conducted the Internet to the apartment.

The main page of your personal account will open, where in the same upper right corner you will see information about the current state of the account - the balance and the number of days before the account was blocked.

To top up your SevenSky balance by card does not even necessarily go to the "Payment" section. If you scroll down the main page, we will immediately see several options for crediting funds. You can also choose two options for this method. If you have a Sberbank card, you can use the replenishment service through your Sberbank-Online personal account. If you select it, then we will be redirected to authorization in Sberbank, where you can make a payment.

If you have a card of any other bank, then we choose the very first method - "Payment by bank card through RBK Money". Do not be confused by the inscription "RBK Money" - this is just an intermediary that processes the withdrawal of funds from a bank account in a secure mode.

Click "Pay" and in the new window that opens, enter your card details:

  • Number
  • Validity
  • CVV code
  • Name and surname
  • Email
  • Amount to transfer

After that, we confirm the payment using the code that came in the SMS to your phone number and wait for the funds to be credited. As a rule, information about him appears in the personal account of Gorkom-Seven Sky within a few minutes.

Seven Sky is an Internet provider in Moscow and the Moscow Region, which is part of West Call, one of the largest telecoms operator in Russia. For corporate clients and individuals, a number of telecommunication services are offered: Internet access, digital television, telephony (landline phones and IP), creation corporate network and much more. High quality communications, a wide range of tariff plans and services provided, a vast geography of connection make the company a reliable partner for both business and private clients. A Seven Sky personal account is also available for subscribers, which allows them to manage their own connection in the most convenient way - online.

Personal account features

The company's remote service service allows you to use your Seven Sky personal account to perform the following operations:

  • Viewing the current state of the subscriber account.
  • Balance replenishment using bank cards or electronic money.
  • Traffic control.
  • Management of the current tariff plan.
  • Connections and disconnections of additional services.
  • Change the current tariff plan for a more suitable one.
  • Familiarization with current promotions and special offers of the company, participation in them.
  • Getting advice from technical support specialists by correspondence.

Registration and login to your personal account

Registration and entry into the Seven Sky personal account are available by default for all registered subscribers who have a valid contract for the provision of telecommunications services. To enter a personal account, the username and password provided by the company's employees when drawing up the contract are used. The account is available by clicking on the link "Personal account" from the main page of the site.

If necessary, you can quickly recover your password by clicking the "Forgot your password" button on the login page. The system will prompt you to indicate the personal account number used to pay for communication services, and the number mobile phone specified at the conclusion of the contract. Next, you should click the "Send password" button. New login details will be sent to the specified number as a message.