Motivation for a raw food diet. Raw food diet motivation. Do you need motivation? About switching to a raw food diet

I would like to lay out my thoughts on the issue of motivation when switching to a raw food diet. There is always little of it and no one knows where to get it, there is a problem and it is not new.

For some, changing the diet is a trifling matter, read a book in passing, something "clicked", and the next morning I woke up raw food. For some reason, he begins to be interested in the structure of his own body and the world around him. No anguish, frustration, breakdowns and environmental problems. The question of motivation is simply not worth it, and willpower is not even applied.

There are also reverse cases when the transition is associated with a serious emotional load. The need to defend their point of view, the thirst for support and recognition. Constant self-restraint and use of willpower. Serious mood changes take place, and the world around them becomes more and more imperfect. I would like to go far and for a long time.

Sound familiar? Well, let's talk about how to gain motivation "to the eyeballs". And of high quality, due to our pickiness.

Responsibility for health

People are not used to taking responsibility for their own. The body for us is a dark forest, like causes deviations of health from the norm. It's amazing we can choose ourselves for months mobile phone having shoveled a mountain of literature and sites on the Internet; prepare for vacations for six months, knowingly figuring out all the smallest nuances of a future trip, which will thoroughly spoil the emotional background for ourselves and the tour operators. But as soon as the question concerns our health, we do not “bathe” for a long time, but do “what the doctor ordered”. No curiosity about the composition of medications, side effects, etc. Why is it so?

In matters of health, the vast majority are like lost in the wild jungle without a map and a compass. Not knowing where and where to go, they move only in the direction opposite to the roar of wild animals. Do you think many people lead for the sake of health? Majority simply runs away from disease.

Problems inevitably appear only in that area of ​​life where you have no goals. And health is no exception.

Think about this: when a guy is dumped by his beloved, he ready for anything to get her back. How often does it work? Almost never. And if not at run away from loneliness but to make it so that they love and, accordingly, do not abandon? It would obviously be more efficient! We suffer and flee from disease just because we do not want build yourself a healthy body. We were not taught to do what you want, we were taught to do what is necessary. Running away from disease is natural. Taking care of health - no, this is not accepted.

Why do many have a terrible opinion. How much abuse and discontent addressed to them ... but at the same time we continue to use their services. Doctors in our infantile society, where the main question of everyday life, "What should I do?" After all, “demand creates supply,” and with our thinking, the growth of medicine today is fully justified and logical. We cannot do without her.

And if you take full responsibility for health into your own hands?

The power of knowledge and motivation

It is beneficial to approach the complexities of life as a problem, transforming them into a goal. How to travel from point A to point B. To do this, you just need to paint the conditions:

  • A clear view of where you are and where you are going
  • Anticipate unforeseen situations on the way, preparing for them if possible
  • Start moving in the desired direction
  • Continue to move "at full steam" until you reach point B

From the conditions it is obvious that for the effective achievement of point B we need knowledge and motivation ... This is the foundation that not only allows you to start the journey, but also to walk it comfortably.

The thirst for knowledge will surely begin to appear, as you take responsibility for your health. We will begin to find out the reasons for our current state, remember past "sins", analyze and draw conclusions. We will learn about possible alternatives to solving our problems, about personal experience those who have already succumbed to these tasks or who have failed. Gradually, the picture of points A and B, as well as possible paths between them, with their own difficulties and "pitfalls", appears more and more clearly.

Otherwise, a raw food diet will become the very outlet that doctors are for many. "Magic pill" that allows you not to think. Everything is convenient in it: any malaise is a cure, which is good for us. You don't need to do anything, eat your own fruit, as much as you like and let everything roll as it is. Is this enough for everyone? As experience shows, no. Yes, and in relation to the environment, a very "advantageous" position of indestructible is engaged, which gives a false sense of knowing the truth.

When there is enough knowledge, the matter is small - motivation.

Why do you need a raw food diet?

A fundamental question, the answer to which will determine the success of the transition undertaking.

It seems strange, because the answer seems to be obvious - "To be healthy, why else?" only if? The fact is that health, like money, is needed for something. We earn a penny to eat, get dressed, travel to distant countries, build an image, etc. Health is also needed for “something”. Maybe in this way we want to become better in the eyes of others, to stand out, to rise? Or to be an example to the environment, to your children and grandchildren, to be able to swim in the river in winter, or strength for long hikes in the mountains? Or maybe we get involved in all this for the sake of a "scientific experiment" and curiosity? Someone like.

A raw food diet is just a tool to reach your goal! And they are all different. A raw food diet is stupid for the sake of a raw food diet. Health for the sake of health is also meaningless. It is not the time of adherence to the raw diet and the presence of breakdowns that are important, but the result of achieving their goals. A raw food diet for its own sake is only in the absence conscious goals. They simply float under cover of fog somewhere in the unconscious.

Motivation - this is a complete awareness of the reasons for their actions. If a person is aware of his goals and what pushes him towards them, if he fully accepted responsibility for his health - no problems of motivation it can not be... No investment of willpower and nerves. A raw food diet becomes not a hopelessness and not an outlet for the laziness of the mind, but a conscious choice as an optimal tool on the way to your goals, a choice based on knowledge of a person's device, the causes of their diseases, taking into account all the advantages, disadvantages and pitfalls.

If a raw food diet is used as a means of getting rid of personal responsibility, goals and motives are not realized, - a person is driven only by faith.

Faith is the minimum indicator of confidence - it is only where there is no place for knowledge. Moving forward towards the goal on the "fuel of faith" obliges us to feed energy from the outside. Close your eyes and ignore information that is contrary to attitudes. To believe more strongly means to close off more strongly: not to hear the environment and impose on it your picture of the world. Dependence on your own. There are plenty of examples of this kind of behavior.


I am quite interested in raw food and health in general at the moment, and I noticed this: from the point of view knowledge are practically useless with rare exceptions. More often than not, layers of valuable information lie somewhere deep under the layers of agitation and discourse about the imperfection of today's world, drowning in slime and gluttony. It seems a little awkward, but information has to be drawn from sources that do not even have an indirect relationship to a raw food diet, or from outright opponents of this food system.

Maybe it's time to improve? Taking full responsibility for our health, being open to the knowledge and experience of those around us, we will not only get rid of the need for constant nourishment of "unbreakable faith", but we will also gain the ability to more confidently walk towards our desires. Results not Olympic records of unsuccessful raw food diets . Most of the problems of asociality will fall off, the emotional reasons for breakdowns, zhora will disappear, positive motivation and self-confidence will appear. Let's try this now.

Total comments: 23

    More often than not, layers of valuable information lie somewhere deep under the layers of agitation and discourse about the imperfection of today's world, drowning in slime and gluttony. It seems a little awkward, but information has to be drawn from sources that do not even have an indirect relationship to a raw food diet, or from outright opponents of this food system..

    As a suggestion, you can collect all layers of specific information from "enemy" sources into one big article :-)

    I read as if everything about me It started with something that clicked, immediately CME, and for a year everything went easily, but gradually faith replaced awareness, and the absence of a goal in life led to a deep crisis. As a result, by the end of two years, there was a reboot and you have to start all over again. Oh, how difficult it is. The first time you don't pay attention to the troubles, these are trifles in comparison with the excitement of discoveries. But in the second round, it is much more difficult to balance the negative aspects of the transition with positive feelings.

    But the most important thing is that I still do not understand why I am doing this, my goals are still "floating under the cloak of fog somewhere in the unconscious." Will the next reboot await me if I do not resolve the main issue?

    Thank you Yuri. In general, your site is a godsend for me, and for many others, I think.

    I completely agree with you, awareness is undoubtedly in the first place and I also agree about books, you have to check everything and look for yourself, but most of the problems of antisociality will fall off, what is the problem here, but you will differ from the majority, and quite strongly, but after all, personality and should be special, otherwise what is the meaning of its existence?

    And as for motivation, as I said, the topic is not disclosed at all.

    • Thanks for the site! Interesting materials, like the pitch and tone.

      I would like to write my motivation.) And it is trivial, like two and two - my own health for the full life of myself, my family and my future children. Actually, the closest goal is to conceive the most healthy physically and spiritually children. Therefore, in addition to a raw food diet, I train myself to move a little and deal with the dirty corners of my soul. This last is the hardest of all.
      The term is ridiculous, three weeks in total)

      From the books, the first thing and completely read Pavel Sebastianovich, this was a turning point from a skeptical attitude to an interested one.

      Is this “correct” enough motivation?

      You will not believe what my motivation is, but I think it is the most correct))))
      The main thing in life is not even health, not to live 100 years to see great-grandchildren, anyway, we will die sooner or later, and most importantly, the meaning of this life! After all, it's better to live a short and happy life than a long and unhappy one, agree?
      Well, let's move away from philosophy! The main thing in life is spiritual development! You need to realize yourself, feel the unity with the universe, you need to develop towards energy! we on earth give birth not to go to work, the goal is completely different, we invented the job ourselves))
      In general, a raw food diet is a tool in which you are in harmony with nature! You do not sin (do not eat animals), processes of decay and fermentation do not occur in you, you are clean and sober! Plus, you feel great, you live a long time and your life rises to a higher quality level! And you have all the conditions for awareness, you become more spiritual, you have much more time to engage in spiritual practices) Even in elementary meditation, you will calmly sit in the lotus, and will not squirm, then your nose will itch, then your side will stab and you will want to eat )) a raw food diet solves almost all earthly problems so that you forget about them and engage in enlightenment =)

Good day, my friends! I receive interesting questions, such as: “Where do you get the motivation and strength to eat raw food for so long and in such a place? (Kamchatka). Or: “What's next? A raw food diet for the sake of a raw food diet? " Or like this: “To live a long time, is that interesting? What will you do at the age of 100, it's so boring and dreary, who cares? "

Eh, I can say a lot)) Let's in order)) As for motivation, I have it very simple. I set my priorities even in my earliest childhood. Already then I understood that I did not want to get sick, grow old and, in general, die. And even more, I KNEW that it would be so. Don't ask where. It was definitely not mom and dad who taught! They still don’t think about anything like that…. This knowledge came from somewhere from within, from the very depths of my immortal and ancient, as I now know, Soul. And it always guided me through life. I described my story in detail in mine, I will not repeat myself.

Therefore, health, beauty, eternal (I'm not afraid of this word) youth, longevity and, possibly, immortality are my main motivations. I cannot understand how it is possible not to strive not to get sick. That's absolutely! But many people seem to be simply unaware that this happens. It’s not for nothing that comments like: “You might think you never have a runny nose, do not cough or take pills”)) And, after all, such questions are stumped - to prove that you really live like this is somehow even funny. And not to answer seems to be wrong .... But people do not just do not believe in it, they do not even try to strive for such a way of life! He simply does not exist in their picture of the world! And for me and other raw foodists, this is a common thing. And I am ready for any challenge along the way for the sake of an ideal state of health!

Beauty is an abstract concept. Everyone has different ideals, that's a fact. For me, beauty is, first of all, naturalness. When yours and other parts of the body are real. Not everyone is given sable eyebrows by nature, I agree. But when you had them, and were spoiled under the influence of stupid fashion, low-quality cosmetics, etc., and at the same time there is a safe and healthy opportunity to restore them, why should you not do this? In addition, I do not consider my body to be ideal in terms of "canons", "standards" and other points of view imposed by the system. But I, damn it, love him as the ideal creation of the Creator, which has never let me down, which works like a clock and pleases me in all respects! I never tried to change something in myself with the help of plastics, even such thoughts did not appear. But I consider it my primary duty to keep in order what is given by nature. And naturally improve what you foolishly ruined in your youth - there are such aspects too.

Getting up in the morning in a state of happiness, and at the same time sleeping quite a bit - it was a dream! Perhaps even the main reason to start this whole escapade called "the transition to a raw food diet." I always dreamed of sleeping LITTLE - I feel sorry for the time when there are so many interesting things to do! And now I can afford the luxury of sleeping less than 7 hours a day. It happens in different ways, sometimes three hours is enough. It is an incredible feeling when you literally kick yourself into bed, because “tomorrow would sooner come”! Sometimes the energy goes off scale - this is during periods of creative upsurge that you can not fall asleep at all. And while not being a sleepy grouse for the entire next day - well, the body will simply take its toll on the next day, and not at all due to an increase in the amount of sleep!

But this is not enough. Waking up and IMMEDIATELY be a beauty - that's really great! I have repeatedly posted my photos completely without makeup, in the morning - and they never made me blush. No bags under your eyes, puffiness and other troubles that women usually mask with tons of cosmetics, spending a lot of their precious morning time on it. Saying to yourself: "Good morning, Goddess", smiling at the reflection in the mirror, is easy. And not as a swotting, but sincerely, because you really like yourself. Always, at any time! Well, who else can boast of such a state of the body, which model? Only a raw foodist, definitely!

And consciousness? Which is always clear, distinct and turns on immediately after waking up! People usually need time to "wake up", "swing" and "turn on." And this is in the morning. Then, after an icy shower (at best) and three buckets of coffee, at worst, people somehow pull up until lunchtime. And after dinner, they themselves are drawn to sleep. And what, again "turn on"? Isn't it easier to pull out this "switch" in the form of an unhealthy lifestyle once and for all and change everything at once? I decided for myself. What can motivate you more strongly?

Well, in terms of eternal youth, it is still difficult to say anything at the level of facts. There are still few of us, and we have little experience. But this is for now. I have some tenth feeling that a raw food diet, if not an absolute panacea, is a powerful tool in this matter, which must be combined with others, also powerful and effective. I consider myself a pioneer in this matter and I am sure that I am going the right way. Is youth not important to you? What is important then?

Youth is longevity. And here is a question from the questions that from childhood haunts me - how hurtful it is to die so early, at the age when you just started to understand life! Even Pavlov, a brilliant Russian physiologist, said that the first (guys, FIRST !!!) 108 years of life is only the initial circle, the end in which a person receives initial knowledge about the structure of the world, and about what the wisdom of life is. And people do not even have time to know it! Their bodies are decrepit and fail as before! And now, have you learned how to live, and is it time to die? Well, no, I don't agree! You have learned the safety precautions of behavior in this world, live and enjoy! Teach others, create, develop! Do you seriously think that a centenarian is boring to live in a healthy body? No, I will always find something to do! And I'll tell you! I think I'll even make a list of things to do at this age :))) And believe me, it will be huge!

Skeptics, I foresee, will write that, they say, we will all be there)) Well, yes, probably. But, first of all, I have a reason to think a little differently. And secondly, I want to go where everyone “inevitably” leaves just when I decide it myself. Consciously. When I see fit, do you understand? When my list runs out, and when I have all the experiences in this world that I want to experience. And you don't need to tell me that "we all walk under God." Man himself is God and Creator. And in my understanding these are not empty words at all.

But many people at the subconscious level (or what is there at the genetic level?) Feel, know that it is wrong to live like this! All the time I remember the words of one very young lady. True, when I talked to her, she seemed to me very old, she was then only forty-five ... .. So, she said that her soul was still young, her inner state had not changed at all, her childhood was just yesterday , I want to be naughty, weird and generally enjoy life. But the body ... .. It no longer allows! Indeed, obese, sick, clumsy ... ..

Do you know why I need a raw food diet? But so that my body DOES NOT HINDER me to carry out my grandiose plans for many, many years. So that any of mine, the craziest, was feasible. So that only the flight of my imagination could limit me in this matter. And I already know that this is completely real.

And after that, you still need to convince yourself of the need to be a raw foodist? Fall into some kind? Resist the temptation to eat fried potatoes or fish? Forgive me, my dears, but after all of the above, this is already a clinic! If all this cannot keep you from wanting to stuff your body with nasty stuff, even if it is very tasty (which is also an illusion - remove salt, sugar, spices and other "tricks" and you are 90 percent of what you think is so "tasty" just not will eat for any price), then you do not need motivation. And a whole team of psychiatrists. For you have a self-destruct program enabled, and you simply do not want to live. And this is the pure truth - the overwhelming majority of people do nothing but purposefully kill themselves. He's just killing his body at an accelerated pace!

So wake up and urgently make to-do lists for 100-year-old (at least) beautiful and young people!

© Evgeniya Dovzhenko. 2016. All rights reserved.

According to the latest studies of human DNA, all organs of the human body initially have a huge potential for natural work, up to 1000 years. They usually work at a quarter of their capacity, conserving their energy for use in stressful situations... Although it is believed that in "normal" conditions, the heart rate (pulse) should be kept at the level of 70-72 beats per minute, but in fact these are overestimated figures, I must say that in a raw foodist it reaches only 55-60
beats per minute. Everyone knows that under exceptional circumstances, the pulse can
rise to 200 beats per minute and above. The same can be said for
breathing: during normal breathing, about 500 cm3 of air enters the lungs, but with
special training can breathe in up to 3700 cm3 of air.
On a raw food diet, all organs and systems work with much less stress.
The raw foodist uses his digestive organs to 1/4 of their potential,
the result of which is the fact that these organs are never overwhelmed and
When a person overloads his digestive organs, this is reflected not only in their work, but many other organs, such as the heart, liver and kidneys, are also involved in this unnatural process of excessive intensity. Extra work,
which these organs are forced to carry out, soon manifests itself in their wear and
premature failure.

And it is not surprising that as a result, human life is shortened many times. The consumption of useless, harmful and poisonous food food addicts
satisfy their passions, but paralyze the actions of the stomach and create for themselves
the illusion of contentment, while in reality the cells of such a person
groan with hunger for lack of essential nutrients.
The stomach of a raw foodist is at rest, and although it is usually empty, his body will
truly full and satisfied in the truest sense of the word.

When a boiled food addict decides to finally switch to a raw food diet, then
at first he will never feel satisfied no matter how much he
ate. Usually, instead of feeling happy, food addicts feel
dissatisfaction and frustration. They believe that the reason for this condition is
hunger, since the foods they now consume do not have
sufficient nutritional value and, moreover, are useless as

This is a terrible mistake. On the contrary, those foods that are consumed by a raw foodist,
are both nutritious and completely balanced. Human body cells
suffered from their absence for years. Human digestive organs
fully adapted to their consumption and digestion. This is why the stomach
joyfully welcomes such food, gently and quickly passes it into the intestines without
delays, and cells of other organs, worn out and weakened as a result
starvation, eagerly absorb these valuable substances and begin to demand all of them in
more and more.

Sick cells are healed, worn out - restored, inactive -
acquire their vital activity. On the other hand, fat cells begin
disappear as a result of starvation that befell them, and accumulations of poisons usually dissolve
and excess water leaves the body. Gradually, normal active cells occupy
the place of harmful cells that have grown fat from lethargy and inactivity. Quick loss
body weight is an eloquent sign of the restoration of health and
life activity.
By eating natural foods, a person will immediately restore their health, body strength, vitality and energy. For the first time in my life, despite the fact that all organs and glands
eat, as it were, an insufficient amount of food, they are able to produce their
work is easy and free. Even if it happens that one day he takes food in a slightly larger amount than is required for his body.
Excessive food products will not linger in the stomach and will not cause rotting; they
will not turn into poisons and will not bring any disturbances to the digestive organs. Instead of
in order to force the digestive organs to overload, food will immediately
promoted from the stomach into the intestines, and then removed from the body, without staying there and not causing you to feel unwell. Thus, in all cases, the stomach of a raw foodist remains light, while the intestines and blood are constantly nourished with fully balanced foods. And the purely psychological feeling of hunger during the transition period on a raw food diet passes very quickly!

During this time, much has changed in Rita's lifestyle. Rita talks about her transition to a raw food diet, external and internal changes, sports, books and films that inspire her, and skin care in this post.

About raw food, fasting and change

Five years ago, I was just a vegetarian. I was vegan a year ago. I have now switched to a raw food diet and am going to become a fructarian. I am greatly inspired by books and examples from real people. When I saw adult raw foodists, who are 50-60 years old, and how great they look, it became a great motivation for me.

Now I exclude any unnatural foods from my diet. I eat only food of plant origin - organic fruits, vegetables and herbs. I don't eat anything packaged and processed (canned food, fast food, baked goods, chocolates, chips, etc.), because I care about my health - both physical and mental. What we eat greatly affects not only our figure, but also our consciousness.

I have been on a raw food diet for less than a year, but I saw the changes in my body almost immediately. I eat a lot of fruit for breakfast. I love making acai bowls, chia puddings, smoothies, or fruit salad. Lunch and dinner are always almost the same for me - it's a big vegetable salad. I really love fruits - this is one of the reasons why I am planning to switch to fruitarianism in the near future.

My favorite chia pudding recipe is to pour 1/4 cup chia seeds in a glass of water in the evening. In the morning I add whatever berries and fruits I have in the kitchen. And that's it! Breakfast is ready.

I practice dry fasting on Ekadashi, New Moon and Full Moon. In total, it turns out four times a month. I also starved seven days on water and 14 days on fresh juices. I do this to cleanse the body and consciousness.

I was very impressed by the books The Miracle of Raw Food by Tony Zawast, The Miracle of Fasting and The Truth About Water and Salt by Paul Bragg, The Mucusless Diet by Arnold Eret, 80/10/10 by Douglas Graham and Norman Walker's book Raw vegetable juices ". If you are interested in this topic, must-see documentaries "What the Health" and "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead."

The changes in my diet greatly influenced my character. I have become much more tolerant of people. She began to experience permanent love, care and tenderness. And now I like my figure much more. My skin has also improved tremendously. The skin on the body became very soft, and the rashes on the face disappeared. And of course, noticeable changes have taken place in consciousness: a reassessment of values, a change in priorities, a change in the circle of friends and even a place of residence. There was a desire for nature and simplicity in everything.

About daily routine, sports and personal care

I get up at 5 in the morning and go to bed at 10 in the evening - this regime is ideal for me. This regime is one of the main reasons for my stable and happy state.

My morning begins with a glass of distilled water with organic apple cider vinegar, a shower, and an hour of meditation. Then I go to sports, and only then I have breakfast.

I do bikram yoga or run every day. Sometimes I just go hiking.

I try to use only organic brands in skin and hair care. I don't use nicknames, body creams and shower gels - only organic coconut oil, and very often I get compliments about my skin condition. I also use coconut or any other vegetable oil instead of a hair mask.

I love going to a Russian bathhouse with brooms and a font. And I really love massage.

About switching to a raw food diet

If you decide to switch to a raw food diet, it is very important to do it as smoothly and consciously as possible.

First go to vegetarianism, then veganism, and already when you realize that you are ready both physically and mentally, you can gradually remove hot food. Be sure to cleanse your body: take a course of hydrocolonotherapy (bowel cleansing) - I do this procedure once a season. Try different cleansing techniques such as juices or herbs. Explore as much of the literature on this topic as possible. Explore constantly! And most importantly, you must understand why you are changing your diet. If your main goal is to lose weight, I would not recommend a raw food diet. This lifestyle is much more about internal changes, not external ones.