What is work? - The concept of work. Mechanical work: definition and formula What is work definition

Work, women 1. only units Action on verb. work; what someone. busy, occupation, work. "Citizens of the USSR have the right to work, that is, the right to receive guaranteed work with payment for their labor in accordance with its quantity and quality." ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

This is a kind of neurosis. Don Herold Work is the last resort of those who can't do anything else. Oscar Wilde Maybe work is not a very pleasant occupation, but you have to go somewhere in the morning. Yanina Ipohorskaya Some people love everything they do… Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Deed, doing, occupation, labor, suffering, feat, exercise; product, craft, work, creation, creation, product. The work is exhausting, painstaking, hard, hellish, Egyptian, field, assiduous, black. He has a lot to do. All income... Synonym dictionary

- (in thermodynamics), 1) one of the forms of energy exchange (along with heat) of a thermodynamic system (physical bodies) with surrounding bodies; 2) quantitative characteristics of energy conversion in physical processes; depends on the type of process. Modern Encyclopedia

WORK, s, wives. 1. The process of converting one type of energy into another (special); generally being in action. Unit of work (joule). Uninterrupted river. cars. R. heart. R. thoughts. 2. Occupation, work, activity. Physical, mental r. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Forces, a measure of the action of a force, depending on the numerical value and direction of the force and on the displacement of the point of its application. If the force F is numerically and in direction constant, and the displacement M0M1 is rectilinear (Fig. 1), then P. A \u003d F s cosa, where s \u003d M0M1, a angle ... ... Physical Encyclopedia

Forces, a measure of the action of a force, depending on the magnitude and direction of the force F and on the displacement s of the point of its application. If the force F is constant, and the displacement is rectilinear, then the work is equal to F?s cosa, where a is the angle between the direction of the force and the displacement; in… … Modern Encyclopedia

WORK, in physics, ENERGY communicated to a moving body at the point of application of force. It is equal to the numerical value of the force multiplied by the distance traveled by the body in the direction of the force. If the force acts in the opposite direction of the motion of the body... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

The force on the entire path traveled by the point of application when moving from one position to another is equal to the integral: taken over all elements of the path. The absolute unit is erg, i.e. the work done by a force equal to one dyn on the way to one ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

In thermodynamics: ..1) one of the forms of energy exchange (along with heat) of a thermodynamic system (physical body) with surrounding bodies; ..2) a quantitative characteristic of energy conversion in physical processes, depends on the type of process; ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • The work of a social educator (CD), . Work social educator(for the assistant director of the school for social work and social educator). The disk contains all the necessary materials for the work of the Deputy Director ...
  • Working on mistakes, Yuri Polyakov. The collection includes well-known novels by Yuri Polyakov "Emergency of a regional scale", "Work on mistakes" and "Apothege", which at one time became bright events in literary and social life and caused ...

Work, - s, feminine.
1. The process of converting one type of energy into another ( special); generally being in action. Unit of work (joule). Uninterrupted machine operation. The work of the heart. The work of thought.
2. Occupation, work, activity. Physical, mental work Responsible work Urgent work Social work Specialty work. Do a great job.
3. Service, occupation as a source of income. Permanent, temporary work Go to work. Remove from work. To get a job.
4.plural h. Production activity for the creation, processing of something Agricultural work. Repair work.
5. Product of labor, finished product. Printed works. Exhibition of the artist's works.
6. Material to be processed, in the process of being manufactured. Homeworkers take work home.
7. Quality, way of execution. Clumsy work A thing of excellent workmanship.
To take someone to work ( colloquial) to have a decisive effect on someone
Whose job? ( colloquial) who did it, whose handiwork?
My (your, his, etc.) work ( colloquial) I did it (you, he, etc.). Broken glass is your job.
diminutive noun work, and feminine.(to 2, 6 and 7 significant.), worker, - and, feminine.(to 2, 3 and 6 significant.; vernacular) and a worker, - and, feminine.(ko 2 and 6 significant.; vernacular).
adjective working, - th, - th (to 3 significant.;old). Working people (in the old days: workers 1, workers).

Word usage examples Job in the context

    . If it is determined which Job ordinary, except for their real ship work, then they must correct it without any excuse, under a fine of deprivation of the stomach, or other cruel punishment, depending on the strength of guilt.
    . Around the same time Job went down everywhere.
    . The round table participants believe that the joint Job will make it possible to identify violations, abuses of a dominant position and unfair competition, as well as to take appropriate measures against violators, which will ensure equal conditions for competition in the commodity markets of the Common Economic Space.
    . You probably think that our main Job- invent new words.
    . It was one of those dreams where daylight continues in the landscape characteristic of a dream. Job thoughts: ideas and facts are revealed to you, which, even upon awakening, remain new and significant.

Do you know what work is? Without any doubt. What is work, every person knows, provided that he was born and lives on planet Earth. What is mechanical work?

This concept is also known to most people on the planet, although some individuals have a rather vague idea about this process. But it's not about them now. Even fewer people have any idea what mechanical work from the point of view of physics. In physics, mechanical work is not the work of a person for the sake of food, it is a physical quantity that can be completely unrelated to either a person or any other living being. How so? Now let's figure it out.

Mechanical work in physics

Let's give two examples. In the first example, the waters of the river, colliding with the abyss, noisily fall down in the form of a waterfall. The second example is a man who holds a heavy object at outstretched arms, for example, keeps a broken roof over the porch of a country house from falling, while his wife and children are frantically looking for something to prop it up. When is mechanical work done?

Definition of mechanical work

Almost everyone, without hesitation, will answer: in the second. And they will be wrong. The case is just the opposite. In physics, mechanical work is described the following definitions: mechanical work is done when a force acts on a body and it moves. Mechanical work is directly proportional to the applied force and the distance traveled.

Mechanical work formula

The mechanical work is determined by the formula:

where A is work,
F - strength,
s - the distance traveled.

So, despite all the heroism of the tired roof holder, the work done by him is equal to zero, but the water, falling under the influence of gravity from a high cliff, does the most mechanical work. That is, if we push a heavy cabinet unsuccessfully, then the work we have done from the point of view of physics will be equal to zero, despite the fact that we are applying a lot of force. But if we move the cabinet a certain distance, then we will do work equal to the product of the applied force by the distance we moved the body.

The unit of work is 1 J. This is the work done by a force of 1 newton to move a body a distance of 1 m. If the direction of the applied force coincides with the direction of movement of the body, then this force does positive work. An example is when we push a body and it moves. And in the case when the force is applied in the direction opposite to the movement of the body, for example, friction force, then this force does negative work. If the applied force does not affect the motion of the body in any way, then the force produced by this work is equal to zero.

Aimed at getting money. Work can take place in various conditions, be hard or not very hard, tense or calm. For each person, working conditions are of great importance. Work is divided into mental and physical. Let's consider these two types.

Physical labor

During the performance of physical work, a person experiences a strong load on the musculoskeletal system, respiratory, musculo-nervous, cardiovascular, and other systems.
Such work often contributes to the development of muscles, spurs the metabolic processes occurring in the body, however, it also has bad sides. What exactly? A person, for example, may develop some kind of ailment of the musculoskeletal system. The likelihood of this trouble is especially high if the work is too hard for the worker or improperly organized. You need to take care of yourself and think about your health. The definition of the concept of "work" sounds, one might say, optimistic, but in reality everything turns out to be not so rosy. Many people are forced to work hard.

Mental activity

Mental work is aimed at absorbing and processing certain information and requires concentration, good memory, and the inclusion of thinking processes. Such work is dangerous because of too much stress on the psyche. Mental work is remarkable in that the person performing it usually moves very little. Physical inactivity can contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases in a worker. Prolonged mental work has a negative effect on mental processes- the functions of perception of reality are reduced. The condition of a person and his health to a large extent depend on how reasonably organized work is. Also of great importance are the features of the environment where the mental work of the individual takes place. All this must be foreseen in advance. And purely physical work is now a rarity. The vital activity of an individual involves the expenditure of energy, which directly depends on the intensity of labor. Now you know not only the lexical meaning of the word "work", but also what types it is. But the work is further subdivided into several categories. Let's take a look at them.

mechanized labor

Mechanized work, as a rule, does not require a large expenditure of energy and stress on the muscles. But at the same time, it is characterized by a significant speed and uniformity of the movements of the worker. From people quickly get tired, their attention worsens.

assembly line labor

Such work is notable for even greater monotony and great speed. Of course, this is not good. An individual working on an assembly line performs one or a couple of actions. Since he is a link in a chain consisting of other workers, his every movement must be made at a strictly defined time. It is not difficult to understand that this is very exhausting. Monotony and the enormous speed of work can also cause fatigue. Reading the meaning of the word “work”, people working on the assembly line would probably be indignant that the definition does not say a word about the loads that many have to endure.

Automatic production

Automatic production is characterized by less energy consumption and not such terrible tension as on the conveyor. In this case, work is the regular maintenance of mechanisms or the implementation of simple actions, such as supplying raw materials, turning machines on and off.

A bit about intellectual activity

There are many types of work. This is creative, and managerial, and camera work. This also includes the work of teachers and doctors. Many of them work six days a week, tirelessly. They really know what work is. Schoolchildren and students are also busy with a kind of work. The profession of an operator involves strong emotional and mental stress and great responsibility. Not everyone is suitable for this type of activity. The work of schoolchildren and students is characterized by the main functions of the psyche - attention and memory. They know firsthand what work is. Also, the guys often have to deal with stressful situations, which means tests, exams and creative tasks. Some kids can't take it all and get sick.

Work for creative people

The most complex type of intellectual work is the one that scientists, inventors, poets, musicians, and artists perform. Such activity involves high emotional and mental stress. Young professionals who have barely started working in any of these areas immediately understand what work is. According to them, this is hard labor, forcing you to literally plow to exhaustion. Of course, it sounds a bit harsh, but it's true.