Items in the chip bill. Picodi: All discounts in one place! My name is Toy Master Shifu

An exciting children's action with chips "Gather your favorite heroes together" has started in Bill's store. Many buyers are familiar with this format of promotions with chips. This time, fascinating heroes from everyone's favorite cartoon Shrek will take part in the action. Our task is to get a booklet into which we will paste the received sticker chips. After we put on all the stickers, we get a prize for a toy. Let's get acquainted with the rules of the promotion and start collecting stickers with chips.

Questions and answers

When the Chips Bill promotion takes place

The exciting Bill Chips promotion kicks off on September 17th and runs through October 18th, 2018.

Where to get the sticker collection booklet

To get a booklet in which you need to stick chips, you just need to go to the cashier and ask him for it. Or go to the store and go to the advertising stand and take it.

How many chips do you need to collect

You will need to collect and stick 35 chips.

What purchases give chips

The more or more expensive your purchases are, the faster you will collect all the chips. For every 300 rubles spent in a check, the cashier will give you 1 chip.

How to get a toy prize for chips

If you have collected and pasted all 35 chips into the booklet, you will need to choose a toy, go to the checkout with it and present the booklet with the chips glued into it. And having paid only one ruble, the cashier will sell you a toy.

Until when can you buy Bill's toys for chips?

Can I get a toy without participating in the promotion?

If you really liked the toy, but you have no desire to participate in the promotion and collect chips, but you really want to get it. It doesn't matter - by paying 599 rubles you will get the toy right away.

What is the name of the toy heroes on the stock chip in the Bill

As mentioned above, this time the soft toys will be from the cartoon Shrek. The names of the fairytale heroes that can be won are:

My name is toy Shrek

My name is Toy King Julian

My name is Toy Puss in Boots

My name is Toy Master Shifu

My name is Panda Po toy

My name is toy Tsvetan

1 There is no point in overpaying

Nothing foreshadowed surprises. You wander around the online store, compare products, read reviews, make a purchase decision ... But all the time you are haunted by one thought: "Why is it so expensive?" And then all over and ... we appear in a white coat, beautiful, with a working recipe for making purchases cheaper.

The Picodi site is the bright side of the internet. We do not promise you an easy rich life, instant fat loss and eternally youthful complexion. Moreover, we do not guarantee that you will not worry about the death of your cat or turtle. Instead, we give what we think should be available to every online shopper - the ability to buy cheaper. High quality justifies the high price tag? Yes it is. Sometimes, in order to get a very high quality item, you just need to pay more.

But the era of hard capitalism and market monopolists, fortunately, is long gone. A large number of manufacturers, many shops, alternative shopping methods, the ability to compare prices - thanks to all this we choose best quality at the lowest price. Of course, each of us has his own idea of ​​quality and what an adequate price is. But we have a universal definition of a good store - it is a store that does not increase prices and gives its customers the opportunity to save money on purchases. And just such and only such shops you will find on our website. Don't skimp on quality, but don't waste money either. Save so as to have the very best at lower prices.

2 Virtual shopping - real savings

3 What do we give?

We distribute promotional codes for free and offer to take part in sales and promotions. In the case of codes, everything is simple: you go to the website of the online store, select a specific product, and in the basket at the last step, insert a promotional code into a special field. This field may have different names depending on the store, but we think you can find it without any problems. Wherever you are asked to enter a promo code, discount code, coupon code, bonus code, voucher, feel free to use the promo code from our website. And if a store holds a closed campaign “only for its own”, you will always find out about it thanks to us. And it will be enough just to click on the "Go to the action" button.

4 The best website to save on shopping

5 Collect them all ... in one place

Our site is awesome, seriously :). But we will not force you to come here every day. You have the opportunity to have constant access to the hottest offers, promotions and discounts through other channels: you can leave us your email address, and we will periodically send you the best promotional codes. You can also sign up for our Vkontakte, Facebook or even Odnoklassniki communities!

6 What's the catch?

Perhaps the only danger is that by using our site, you end up buying yourself everything you needed, and you will have nothing to dream about. Fortunately, this vacuum usually doesn't last long and can be easily broken out by browsing the websites of your favorite stores.

1 There is no point in overpaying

Nothing foreshadowed surprises. You wander around the online store, compare products, read reviews, make a purchase decision ... But all the time you are haunted by one thought: "Why is it so expensive?" And then all over and ... we appear in a white coat, beautiful, with a working recipe for making purchases cheaper.

The Picodi site is the bright side of the internet. We do not promise you an easy rich life, instant fat loss and eternally youthful complexion. Moreover, we do not guarantee that you will not worry about the death of your cat or turtle. Instead, we give what we think should be available to every online shopper - the ability to buy cheaper. Does high quality justify the high price tag? Yes it is. Sometimes, in order to get a very high quality item, you just need to pay more.

But the era of hard capitalism and market monopolists, fortunately, is long gone. A large number of manufacturers, many shops, alternative shopping methods, the ability to compare prices - thanks to all this, we choose the best quality at the lowest price. Of course, each of us has his own idea of ​​quality and what an adequate price is. But we have a universal definition of a good store - it is a store that does not increase prices and gives its customers the opportunity to save money on purchases. And just such and only such shops you will find on our website. Don't skimp on quality, but don't waste money either. Save so as to have the very best at lower prices.

2 Virtual shopping - real savings

3 What do we give?

We distribute promotional codes for free and offer to take part in sales and promotions. In the case of codes, everything is simple: you go to the website of the online store, select a specific product, and in the basket at the last step, insert a promotional code into a special field. This field may have different names depending on the store, but we think you can find it without any problems. Wherever you are asked to enter a promo code, discount code, coupon code, bonus code, voucher, feel free to use the promo code from our website. And if a store holds a closed campaign “only for its own”, you will always find out about it thanks to us. And it will be enough just to click on the "Go to the action" button.

4 The best website to save on shopping

5 Collect them all ... in one place

Our site is awesome, seriously :). But we will not force you to come here every day. You have the opportunity to have constant access to the hottest offers, promotions and discounts through other channels: you can leave us your email address, and we will periodically send you the best promotional codes. You can also sign up for our Vkontakte, Facebook or even Odnoklassniki communities!

6 What's the catch?

Perhaps the only danger is that by using our site, you end up buying yourself everything you needed, and you will have nothing to dream about. Fortunately, this vacuum usually doesn't last long and can be easily broken out by browsing the websites of your favorite stores.

For every 300 rubles in a check, you are guaranteed to receive one chip at the checkout. Paste the received chips into the booklet and exchange each completed booklet for one of the toys of your choice FOR ONLY 1 RUBLE!

You can take a booklet for collecting (gluing) stickers-chips from the cashier. For every 300 rubles. in the check you are guaranteed to receive 1 sticker from the cashier. The number of issued stickers depends on the total amount of the check. Collect stickers and paste them into the booklet. If you collect 35 chip stickers in one booklet. You are given the opportunity to purchase a toy for a promotion for 1 ruble. Present at the checkout the selected promotional toy and a booklet with stickers-chips pasted into it.

When purchasing a toy for a promotion, the cashier withdraws the booklet. To continue your participation in the promotion, take a new booklet at the checkout. The use of stickers from other promotions is prohibited. The issue of stickers is made from September 17 to November 18, 2018 inclusive. Promotional toys can be purchased from September 17 to November 18, 2018 inclusive. Toys can be purchased at the regular price of 597 rubles. without participating in the promotion.

Bill launched absolutely new program customer loyalty. To use it, you need to get and activate the "Tasty Card". The registration form and free card receipt can be filled out right at the entrance to the store, or the second option is to cut the form into paper catalog and fill at home. The finished questionnaire must be given to the cashier, activation will occur instantly. Do not forget to take your passport with you, as the cashier verifies the accuracy of information regarding your identity and age (must be at least 18 years old). The questionnaire must be filled in block letters and very legibly, as the special offers for your "Tasty Card" will depend on this. Example of a questionnaire from the catalog:

Promotions on Bill's "Tasty Card"

The main discount will go up up to 50% inclusive... In the catalog and on price tags in stores, there will be a note with the “Tasty Card” logo (more than 500 products every month). Also, in addition, you can get a 10% discount on one purchase in honor of your birthday (be serious about filling out the questionnaire so as not to be mistaken with the date). The discount will work 45 days from the first day of the month in which you were born. Let's say it's April 20th, then the bonus purchase can be made from April 1st to May 15th. It is also important to note that the discount on the DR will start to operate only 45 days after the activation of the card itself.

Additional discounts on the gold card

In cases where your purchase does not include special discounted products, still present your card at the checkout. The new tracking system will help you understand what products you buy more often and will form special offers, adjusting to you. Also, upon presentation of the "Tasty Card" you will be able to receive stickers-chips that can be used in the accumulative loyalty program.