Download a ready-made presentation on Suteev's fairy tales. Presentation "V. Suteev's Tales" presentation for the reading lesson (grade 1) on the topic

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Presentation of the short-term project “Based on the tales of V.G. Suteeva "State budgetary educational institution, secondary school No. 297, preschool department" Slavyanochka ", Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg. The project was prepared by: T.N. Foteeva.

The goals of the project To acquaint children with the work of the writer V.G.Suteev To instill a positive attitude towards children's fiction; To educate the skills of interaction, cooperation, activity To instill in children a respect for books

Project objectives Development of verbal-logical memory in children through memorizing the heroes of fairy tales Development of imagination, emotional intelligence through playing the roles of heroes Development of creative abilities, expressiveness of movements, facial expressions

Project passport Project type - creative and educational Project participants - children of the correctional group and parents Duration - 4 weeks Educational area - acquaintance with fiction, development of memory and speech, visual activity

Project technologies Personality-oriented: games, exercises Social games: collective affairs, role-playing games Design technology: conversations ICT (information and communication technologies)

Preparatory stage Analysis and synthesis of literature on the topic Acquaintance of children with the biography of V.G. Suteeva Exhibition of books and drawings on the topic Reading fairy tales to children Joint viewing of cartoons and conversations on them

Biography of V. Suteev Since his youth, Vladimir Suteev, as an illustrator, has been periodically published in magazines. Illustrated many children's fairy tales of Soviet writers: Chukovsky, Marshak, Mikhalkov. For the first time with illustrations by the artist in Russian, books were published: D. Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino" (Suteev's characters of this tale became a model for children's toys) and many others. Vladimir Suteev wrote many fairy tales that are notable for their liveliness, wit, simplicity and accessibility for the smallest readers. Almost every proposal was accompanied by a vivid illustration, to which Suteev brought a lot from animation: his dynamic drawings are similar to the frames of cartoons; characters have a graphic personality, expressed in appearance, movements, facial expressions. In his books there is always a lot of humor that helps explain to children without moralization simple truths... Vladimir Grigorievich died on March 10, 1993.

The main stage 1. A game based on the fairy tale "Capricious cat" (the teacher has posters with pictures of the house and surrounding objects. Gradually showing and discussing the slides, the children answer what is added in the picture).

2. Games based on the fairy tale "The magic wand" The space of the group is organized in accordance with the plot of the fairy tale. There are different stops at which children, together with the teacher, go through different tests, then there is a joint discussion of the behavior of the participants.

3. Game based on the fairy tale "Sack of Apples" The children first watch the cartoon "Sack of Apples". Then the teacher asks the children to remember in what sequence the hare came across other heroes of fairy tales and what they gave him.

4 . Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale "Who Said Meow" Preliminarily, the roles for the participants and rehearsals are assigned. Then the show was shown for the parents.

Final stage Quiz based on fairy tales Exhibition of drawings "My beloved hero"

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Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev

he became not only a graphic designer, but also an animator

Love for animals inspired him to create fairy tales, pictures, cartoons

Created the images of heroes known to us

We know him as a children's writer.

The very first book "Two fairy tales about a pencil and paints"

The most famous fairy tales

fairy tales teach to be kind, friendly, to love nature. you can even learn to draw from fairy tales

You can use them to compose stories yourself. Try it?

What fairy tale is the picture from?

1 . Three white kittens saw a frog in the yard ... and rushed after it! The frog jumped into the old pipe. Kittens follow her! The frog galloped away, and three black kittens climbed out of the pipe ... (the tale "Three kittens"). 2. Once upon a time there was a Pencil on Vova's table, once, when Vova was asleep, a Mouse climbed onto the table ... (the fairy tale "The Mouse and the Pencil"). 3. The cart is empty, but not simple - all the wheels are different: one is a very small wheel, another is a larger one, the third is an average one, and the fourth is a large, large wheel ... What fairy tale is an excerpt from?

4. Cabbage? - the Cat frowned. - Where am I going to fish? ("Capricious cat".) 5. And the rain is falling harder and harder ... A wet butterfly is crawling to the mushroom ... (Under the mushroom ".) 6. On the way home, the Hare met his old friend Hedgehog. - Where are you going. ? - asked the Hare. - Yes, now, I'm going for mushrooms, but I don't see mushrooms anywhere. I walk with an empty basket ... ("A bag of apples".) 7. I don't know how to jump at all, - said the Hedgehog, - this is a wand - a lifesaver - through - everything - the rope .... (The magic wand ".)

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Musical fairy tale "Rooster and paints" VV Suteev.

In our group, a lot of attention is paid to the development of the speech of children. I would like to say that theatrical activity contributes to the development of speech, and especially dialogical speech. During the screening of fairy tales ...

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It happens like this: a person worked as an artist. I drew pictures for children's books. And then he began to draw cartoons. And then he also began to write - scripts for cartoons. And once I thought and thought and became a writer, deciding that there are much fewer funny authors than funny artists. Or maybe the whole thing was in his secret: after all, he wrote with his right hand, and painted with his left. So who is all this written about? About the artist and writer, about the screenwriter and film director - Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev! Here he is so different! (card)

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Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich 07/05/1903 - 03/08/1993 (sheet)

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    Wonderful children's artist and writer Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev was born in 1903 in Moscow in the family of a doctor, doctor of medicine. Since childhood, he was fond of drawing. From his youth, he collaborated as a cartoonist and illustrator with children's periodicals: the newspaper Pionerskaya Pravda and the magazines Pioner, Murzilka, and Spark. (analysis)

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    In 1929 V.G. Suteev graduated from the decorative faculty of the State Institute of Cinematography. In 1931 he took part in the production of the first sound cartoon "Street across". The Soyuzmultfilm studio becomes a creative workshop for the artist. He has created over thirty cartoons. In 1941 he finished work on the cartoon "Fly-Tsokotukha", which brought him fame.

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    Since 1948 V.G. Suteev began to write fairy tales. In 1952 the publishing house "Detgiz" published the first book of the author and artist V. Suteev "Two fairy tales about pencil and paints"

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    The artist works much and fruitfully as an illustrator of the classics of Russian and foreign children's literature - K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, V. Berestov, J. Rodari, A. Preisen, L. Muur.

    The presentation presents some moments of the author's biography.

    And that creativity Vladimir Suteevarouses admiration for adults who, rereading and reviewing them together with their children and grandchildren, do not get tired of admiring the work of a kind storyteller.



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    Completed by: Palchikova M.K. teacher primary grades MOU "Secondary School No. 76", Saratov Tales of V.Suteev

    Vladimir Suteev 5.07.1903 - 10.03.1993 was born in Moscow. Grigory Osipovich Suteev, his father, was a doctor and, moreover, a versatile person.

    On June 22, the illustration for the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotukha" was completed, and on the 24th Vladimir Suteev went to the front. The artist was 37 years old. He went through the whole war.

    In 1948, Vladimir Suteev finished his work as a director and began to cooperate with the country's largest children's publishing house, Detgiz. His illustrations for the books of Gianni Rodari, Korney Chukovsky, Agnia Barto have become classics.

    In 1952, Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev created his first story of his own, which was called "Two fairy tales about a pencil and paints."

    One of them could teach a child to draw. This is the fairy tale "Pencil and Mouse". It shows sequentially how the body of a kitten is drawn from simple elements (circles, ovals, triangles).

    Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich wrote fairy tales for the little ones. He understood very well small children. At first glance, these stories are very simple, but after all, with a small child you can neither lisp, nor overload him with complex concepts.

    “Under the fungus” Forest animals and insects (Ant, Butterfly, Mouse, Sparrow, Bunny) hide under the cap of the fungus during the rain, and there is a place for everyone. After all, this is how it should be in life: no one kicks anyone out of the game or drives away from a busy place, everyone can make room for a little and accept a comrade. And this is an important thought for the life of a child in a team.

    "A sack of apples" A very clever and wise tale by V. Suteev. The rabbit dad gathered a sack of apples for his family. Barely drags him home. And on the way he meets different animals, and everyone asks them to treat them to apples. The kind Hare did not refuse to anyone. But each of the animals gave him a gift in return.

    “Who said meow? The puppy was sleeping and suddenly heard a strange sound. He went, full of curiosity, to find out who said "meow." And as a result, curiosity did not bring him to good. He must escape from the evil shaggy Dog, he was bitten by the nose by the Bee. Offended, he returns home. It turns out that you need to be able to distinguish curiosity from curiosity, which is combined with caution. And for the kid it is important.

    The books of V.G.Suteev must not only be read, but must be considered for a long time. These are real cartoons. Only each new frame is stopped and you can admire it for as long as you like. All animals have character, and they are all bright and good, and most importantly, they are understandable even to the smallest listener. Everything that does not finish, the master draws.

    The books of Vladimir Suteev arouse admiration for adults who, rereading and reviewing them together with their children and grandchildren, do not get tired of admiring the work of a kind storyteller.

    Thank you for the attention!

    Quiz based on V. Suteev's fairy tales

    Goals and objectives of the lesson

    Target: develop students' cognitive interest and desire for intellectual and creative activity.


      Continue acquaintance of students with V.G. Suteeva, help find main idea and realize it, express your attitude to what you read.

      To develop the skills of meaningful fluent reading, the ability to navigate freely in the text, and to answer the questions posed.

      Develop attention, memory, thinking, speech through the implementation of entertaining exercises.

      To foster independence, responsibility, the ability to work according to the rules.

    Equipment: a video projector, a screen for showing video sequences, children's drawings based on V. Suteev's fairy tales.

    Preliminary preparation:

    - reading of fairy tales by V.G. Suteeva: "Rooster and paints", "Under the mushroom", "What kind of bird is this?", "Apple", etc.;

    Drawing illustrations based on the tales of V. Suteev.

    During the classes


    The lesson is accompanied by a slide presentation.

    - Good afternoon dear friends! Today our meeting is dedicated to the most interesting literary genre, beloved by adults and children - a fairy tale. Do you like fairy tales? (Answers)

    (read by a prepared student)

    How good it is to be able to read!
    Don't bother your mom

    Don't shake your grandmother:

    “Please read it! Read it! "

    Don't beg your sister:

    "Well, read another page."

    No need to call

    No need to wait

    And you can take

    And read!

    2. Goal-setting. Slides 2-5

    We start our lesson with a small quiz on the works you know. - Look at the screen and think from which literary works these fragments are.

    The screen displays illustrations for V. Suteev's fairy tales "Under the Mushroom", "Rooster and Paints", "Capricious Cat", "A Sack of Apples", "Magic Wand" and others.

    (Answers of children. For correct answers, children receive emoticons)

    Well done, that you remembered these works. What do you think unites all these works?

    -Mom read these fairy tales to me, they are from the same book.

    - Vladimir Suteev Posted. I have a book at home.

    It is very good that you remember the author of these works.

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    Vladimir Suteev wrote many entertaining fairy tales for children. but the most interesting thing is that he also drew illustrations for his works himself.

    3. Listening to V. Suteev's fairy tale "Different Wheels". Slides 6 - 13

    - Today we will get acquainted with one more fairy tale. Now let's sit back and get ready to listen.

    Audio recording is turned on. Listening to the words "The hare laughs: Here are eccentrics - different wheels rolled home ..."

    Want to know what happened next?

    Reading a fairy tale by children in a "chain".

    4. Fairy tale quiz "Different wheels"

      Who lived in the house in the fairy tale "Different Wheels"?

      What did the inhabitants of the house once find in the forest?

      How did the animals understand that the cart had been in the forest for a long time?

      Why did the heroes fail to drive the cart home?

      Who guessed to take a wheel for each?

      How many wheels have the heroes of the fairy tale brought home?

      Who laughed at the heroes of the fairy tale?

      What did the cockerel out of his wheel?

      What did the frog water from the well?

    10. What did the cockerel treat the hare?

    5. Quiz - Learn a story from a passage.

    What qualities necessary for friends do the heroes of the fairy tale "Different Wheels" have?(kindness, mutual assistance, hard work, ingenuity, etc.)

    Almost all fairy tales tell about friendship and mutual assistance.

    And the next quiz is that you need to learn a story by a passage.

    1) They went on and came to a stream.

    The hare jumped over the stream in one jump and shouted from the other side:

    -Hey, Barbed Head, drop your stick, you can't get here with it!
    Hedgehog did not answer, stepped back a little, ran away, stuck on the runstick in the middle of puchya, in one fell swoop flew tothe other side and stood next to Zaicement as if nothing had happened. ("The magic wand")

    2) ... And everyone ate his own piece of apple, and everyone was completely at ease, because the bear judged fairly, and did not offend anyone. ("Apple")

    3) By that time, the rain had passed - the sun came out. All crawled out from under the mushroom - rejoice. Antthought and said:

    - How so? I used to be cramped under the mushroom alonewas, and now all five have found a place! ("Under the mushroom")

    4) - I found a worm, - said the Duckling.

    Me too, ”said Chicken. (Chicken and Duckling)

    5) - The Rooster returned to the familiar yard.

    Now you are a real Rooster, - said the Dog.

    Nobody laughed at the Rooster anymore. (Rooster and paint)

    6. Lesson summary.

    Did you like our literary game?