Lyudmila stefania, I wish everyone happiness. Dreams Come True! By repeating the verbal key of the talisman, you strengthen it.

Use cherished words to help you tune in to the wave of positive events in your life.

May it be good to everyone living in this Universe! I send streams of love and prosperity to this world. I wish happiness and good luck to all people on this beautiful planet Earth. Let all my diseases disappear, and my biofield will become dense, reliably protecting me from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. I want to be healthy and useful to people, to the world. Let the strength of spirit, reason, love increase in me. I am very strong, brave, rich, I have good health. I am full of strength and energy that help me accomplish what I desire.

And also you can use the "Attunement to connect to the rhythms of the Universe." Reading it daily, you will be saturated with its Energy and Strength. It will help you in your daily activities. It will also give you self-confidence. And after a working day you will feel great without feeling tired. Your business will do better and you will not feel fear or anxiety. You will forget about troubles, Harmony will reign in your life.

I need Mighty POWER, WILL, Mighty ENERGY,

my hands reach for the stars.

I ask the universe, give me strength!

I ask, Earth, give me Strength!

I ask, Stars, Constellations, Planets, give me Strength!

I ask the Sun, give me Strength!

Great, Divine Streams of Powerful Power pour into me,

fill my body and my soul with the Mighty Energy of Being,

Great, Divine Streams of the Powerful Force of Being fill my body and my soul with the Mighty Energy of Knowledge,

Great, Divine Streams of the Powerful Force of Being fill my body and my soul with the Mighty Energy of Success,

Great, Divine Streams of the Powerful Force of Being fill my body and my soul with the Mighty Energy of Good Fortune,

Great, Divine Streams of the Powerful Power of Being fill my body and my soul with the Mighty Energy of Wealth,

Great, Divine Streams of the Powerful Force of Being fill my body and my soul with the Mighty Energy of Well-being,

Great, Divine Streams of the Powerful Force of Being fill my body and my soul with the Mighty Energy of Health

Great, Divine Streams of the Powerful Force of Existence fill my body and my soul with the Mighty Energy of Longevity and Immortality!

Great, Divine Streams of the Powerful Power of Being fill my body and my soul with the Mighty Energy of Power,

Divine Mighty Energy of Being fills me,

I direct this Energy to the realization of my plans,

And again I fill my body with the mighty Energy of Power and Mind of Existence!

I replenish my reserves of the Divine Power of Existence, Will, Knowledge!

I absorb Willpower. I absorb Knowledge! I absorb the Powerful Divine Power of Existence from the entire Surrounding Space!

I am filled with the Powerful Divine Power of Existence, which the Earth constantly feeds me with!

I am filled with the Powerful Divine Power of Existence, which the Sun constantly feeds me with!

I am filled with the Powerful Divine Power of Being, which I am constantly fed by the Stars, Constellations, Planets!

I am filled with the Powerful Divine Power of Existence, which the Galaxy constantly feeds me with!

I am filled with the Powerful Divine Power of Being, which the Universe constantly feeds me with!

I love you Creator! I confirm my love for the Creator of the World! And this means that Energy can be directed towards maintaining the properties of the material world. I love my loved ones! I confirm my love for loved ones! And this means, I love myself, I love my body, I wish myself health, longevity and youth! I wish health and longevity to my loved ones. I confirm the principle of material well-being and prosperity!

My Powerful Energy will go to fulfill what I say! My Powerful Energy will go to the creation and successful development of my business, to successful work with people and getting great results in a short time after work. For permanent rejuvenation of the body and organism at the cellular level. To improve the body. To create a rich, prosperous life for yourself. May it be so! And it will always be so! Thank Genesis !!


Women's mascot calendar for 2010


Dear Readers!

I wish you all the best, be happy, and may every moment of the coming year be always filled with joy, happiness and love. Rejoice in yourself, as you are, rejoice in the fact that you are. Live and get to know this world, learn to be happy and confident in yourself and your strengths. Give love to the world around you, to yourself, say beautiful, kind words, filled with love, tenderness to the people around you. Love yourself, love your loved ones, give them your love and attention, love this wonderful World. Love and cherish our magnificent planet Earth. Live in peace with yourself, with the people around you and the world around you.

I wrote this book for you! For each of you! I wish you happiness! I am sending you the energy of love! Love yourself and this wonderful World around us.


I will create for myself the Territory of Happiness,

Where I am always lucky, where is peace and comfort,

Where I live my life in harmony with the whole world,

Where roses bloom, where birds sing.

Here I am loved by everyone, there is no meanness, anger,

I love this world, everyone who is near me,

Here I am equal to everyone, everyone is ready to help me,

Here misfortunes will pass me by.

I love our Earth - a blue planet,

And I love everything that I create for myself.

Blossom, the Earth, warmed by the light of the Sun,

I praise You with my love.

And I love myself, a particle of the Universe,

My life and destiny are sanctified by the Creator,

Under his tutelage, dreams will come true

Happiness, joy, love will overwhelm my home.

What is this book about? About how you can give yourself happiness, health, change your life. And for this, only one condition is necessary: ​​to wish yourself happiness, love, sincerely wish. And believe in yourself. Not relying on anyone, only on himself. There is no need to change the whole world, change yourself, your attitude towards yourself, and you will suddenly notice with surprise and joy that the world has become much better and kinder. And there is no secret in this, you began to radiate positive energy - and you receive the same in return. This book gives codes for every day, week, month.

The word is a very powerful weapon. And this is not just a collection of words. Each word is tested and selected so that it does not disturb the vibrations of the day and the week. You can write these codes, print them on a piece of paper, and place them in those places where you will often see them: on the desktop, in the room near the TV, in the bathroom, near the mirror, put them in your wallet, purse and repeat during the day week, month, year code.

I allow my income to grow constantly!

I can control my emotions, because I know that any event will bring only good things for me.

I am a confident person.

My self-confidence is growing every day.

Make sure that gradually your life will change, and you will become more comfortable and warmer in this world! If a person repeats the codes of the year, week, day and month during the day and constantly engages in this practice, that is, in the morning, tune himself in a positive wave and wish himself, beloved and unique, happiness and good luck, then he will feel the results of this self-love very soon. There will be changes not only in himself, but also in the circumstances of his life. These are actually codes for a decent life, and one or two phrases are enough to trigger the mechanism of changing reality, tune in to the wave of luck and success!

And I will also give you tips that will also come in handy in life, to make it more comfortable, to attract prosperity, luck, health.

Word can influence one or another administrative function of consciousness. The vibrations of DNA and alphabet are the same. This means that with the help of words, positive statements, you can change yourself and your life. Codes are not just a bunch of phrases, they are a code for that particular day. It is to this day that he approaches, that is, he does not violate, does not introduce chaos into the energy, vibrations of the day. A deep study of the matrix of words that the alphabet represents led Russian scientists to the discovery that the alphabet is a system as strict as Mendeleev's system in chemistry.

So you need to treat the word and sound with respect, know the value of a word and use this knowledge to improve your life and the world around you.

Word can influence one or another administrative function of consciousness. We live in a wonderful world. And happiness, abundance, prosperity are given to us by the right of our birth in this world. If we obey the laws of this Universe and fill the world with kindness and love, we will be happy. People often complain about fate, about circumstances: they were born in the wrong country, at the wrong time, etc. And what have you yourself done in order to be happy? If a person sincerely desires to be happy, he strives for this. Wish yourself happiness and good luck! Love and health! Anything is possible if a person loves himself and wishes himself happiness.

Making mistakes many times, people do not want to understand one thing: that mistakes can be avoided if you do the right thing, using the advice of a specialist in a particular area of ​​life. We have created laws: the criminal code, tax, labor, etc., but many do not know the Laws of the Universe and do not want to know them. But, as lawyers say, ignorance of the laws does not excuse one from responsibility. Disbelief and unwillingness to know anything about the intricacies of our Being does not make a person happy. The specialist will tell you when you can get married, whether or not you can sign the contract you need on a certain day, when and how best to do it, whether it is possible to buy an apartment in this area, how to arrange furniture, and whether anything should be changed at all this month. of your life.

Energies of the days of the week

Monday loves green, silver, yellow tones. It is ruled by the Moon, so this day is difficult. The moon sets us up for dreaminess, relaxation. On this day, cases requiring composure and concentration are contraindicated. On this day, the most useful are dairy products, cereals and fruits. Give up alcohol and sweets. Monday's talismans are silverware. This metal is ruled by the Moon - the planet of the water element. Any uncut stones of pastel colors are useful to wear at the level of the stomach, as well as stones of any shades of blue.

Tuesday likes red or brown tones. He is related to the energies of Mars and Pluto, which alternately rule this day. This day can be called a nervous one. We're a little overwhelmed and overly emotional. Increased aggressiveness. Therefore, try to avoid any quarrels, clarification of relationships, conflict situations, be tolerant on this day. Diversify your food. On this day, you can eat everything, but limit the use of alcohol and sweets. The talismans of Tuesday are any iron objects, since the lord of Tuesday Mars controls iron. Stone talismans of this day should have a deep red or burgundy color. Tuesday mascots are best worn in the form of hair clips or earrings. Mars is associated with the head.

The environment corresponds to multi-colored, variegated tones. But blue is the closest to her - the color of the Sky. Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. Under the influence of this planet, there is a mood for business activity. Thoughts and actions become clearer and faster. All purchases on this day will be successful. The menu of this day excludes the consumption of meat and dairy products. Fruits, vegetables, various salads are useful. Mercury is in charge of metabolism, respiratory organs and moving parts of the body. Mascots of the environment are best worn at the level of the lungs, on the wrists, fingers. Wonderful talismans of this day are aventurine, variegated stones painted in several colors, transparent stones and stones of a green hue.

Thursday decorated with turquoise, loves aqua and crimson tones. It is ruled by Jupiter, and this is the planet of accumulation of wealth. Therefore, if you want negotiations or concluded contracts to bring you prosperity, schedule them for Thursday. All your contacts on this day will be of great success, as you are more sociable on this day. Large purchases will be successful. On Thursday, a fish menu or a light diet is recommended. Talismans are preferable large: sets of earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings. Tin metal talismans are also good, as well as jewelry made from several types of metals or stones.

Friday prefers pink, lilac or soft pastel colors, this day is ruled by the energy of Venus. Postpone shopping for another day, as Friday brings waste and meaningless shopping. On Friday you can pamper yourself with sweets, flour products. Use copper talismans. From stone talismans, any stones of brown and pink colors are suitable. Venus rules the throat and esophagus, and Friday talismans are best placed around the neck in the form of short necklaces, pendants on a short chain.

Saturday loves a dark purple, lilac color. She also admits strict dark blue tones. It is ruled by Saturn. Its influence gives you composure, the ability to concentrate. But at the same time, physical fatigue and emotional decline are felt. Don't overload your stomach with food. Everything in moderation. Talismans of Saturday are items made of lead, black, gray and generally any dark.

Sunday sparkles with gold and all its shades, channeling the energy of the sun. Therefore, all warm tones are included in the rhythm of this day, as well as white and gold. The sun gives an active rise in vitality. This day is unfavorable for everyday worries, it is intended for rest. Even the Lord, creating our world, rested on this day. The menu of this day is varied and there are no restrictions. The talismans of Sunday are made of gold, since the sun rules this metal. It is desirable to wear it at the level of the heart, since the Sun controls the heart. You can decorate your chest with a gold brooch with amber. Gold can be worn by almost everyone. But in some representatives of watermarks, it can cause bouts of aggression, rage. It is useful to wear gold on the little finger, index, ring fingers. If you decide to give a person a gold piece of jewelry, the best gift will be an image of the sign. Zodiac. Such a talisman, filled with good wishes, will be a talisman of good luck.

We meet New Year

2010 code

Every day I feel better, better and better in all areas of my life. My income is increasing every day. I have good physical and mental health, my body is renewed and rejuvenated at the cellular level. I am surrounded by three rings of Power!

It is believed that if the first day of the New Year is happy, then the whole year will be like that.

If a red-haired woman is the first to visit the house in the coming year, then this can threaten with great disaster, and if a brunette comes, this is a good sign.

It is a bad omen to eat crayfish or lobster on New Year's Eve: eat them - and for a whole year "you will not go forward."

Pine branches lined on the threshold of the house will attract good spirits into it, which will guard the family hearth.

On December 31, it is best to go to the bathhouse, sauna and take a good steam with a birch broom, in extreme cases, take a bath at home with the addition of pine needles or fir oil.

There must be a lot of greenery at the New Year's table. The more it will be, the more "greenies" you will have in the coming year.

Before the New Year and in new year holidays try to count the money more often, calling quietly and in a whisper large sums of money (even if in fact they are quite insignificant).

On New Year's Eve, put 7 candles (any) on the table and as one burns out, light the next one (not all together). It will bring good luck in the New Year.

You can do a little ritual, because New Year's Eve is a time of miracles. And even adults believe in fairy tales on this night.

5-10 minutes before the New Year, you need to write your most cherished wish on a tiny piece of paper. The desire should only concern you. You need to have time to burn it before the chimes, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it all when the clock strikes midnight. When you drink champagne, imagine in your imagination that your desire is fulfilled and you feel joy from it.

If you want to be irresistible all next year, you can use an old conspiracy. They read it on December 31, waking up and without getting out of bed, looking in the mirror, which you can put on the nightstand by the bed in the evening. But it is advisable to read the conspiracy by heart.

From a soft bed to a clean lake, with a parental blessing, I will draw some water in a heavenly well. That little water is dearer than gold rings, more expensive than stone chambers, and silver goblets. And that water is beauty. I will wash my white face in it and I will appear to young fellows, old old men, elderly men, decrepit old women, young girls, elderly widows more beautiful than the sun of a red, clear month, a ray of morning. My beauty would seem to everyone and everyone at every hour, every minute and every day, it would fall on their hearts and eyes. Amen.

These verbal codes will energize you and make you feel great while helping you in your affairs.

Code of the month: I trust a life that generously gives me all the benefits.

January 14. Everything that I do and what I think about, what I desire, is given to me easily and effortlessly.

January 16. All the events in my life are good for me. My higher self is in charge of all my affairs.

January 17. I thank God for putting in order my finances, mind and body, and all my relationships with other people.

January 18. I recognize, accept and follow the divine routine of my life, which is revealed to me step by step.

January 22. I accept all my senses as part of my being. I like to love and be loved.

January 24. Love, pleasure and happy relationships with other people enter my life.

January 26. I love my job, and I get rich rewards both in money and in a creative way.

28 January. I have every opportunity for dynamic self-expression. I make contact simply and easily.

January 29. I have enough time, energy, wisdom and money to fulfill all my desires.

January 30. The most important thing is what I am doing now, and the happiest state is the one in which I am at the moment.

January 31. I can forgive everyone. I am a cheerful, happy person and I look at life with optimism.

Characteristics of the day

Moon in Cancer. 17th lunar day (16:59)

This day is perfect for creativity and art. You can go on a trip. Favorable time for travel, marriage and engagement. On this day, you can solve the issues of changing jobs and conduct real estate transactions. Pay attention to dreams. You can get interesting information useful to you.

Moon in Leo (5:40). 18 lunar day (18:37)

Purify the energy of your home, light candles, walk around with a candle throughout the apartment, then clean the space with a bell. Light the incense of myrrh, dill, incense, nutmeg. Sit in front of a candle, think about what worries and interests you, what worries, worries, what you fear.

Moon in Leo. 19th lunar day (20:14)

If you have a talisman, do not part with it today. Be calm and calm. If you show aggression, irritability, if under the influence of circumstances, or maybe because of a bad mood, you plunge yourself into a chaos of negativity, the consequences can be unpredictable. This is one of those very difficult days when thoughts, emotions, words must be carefully monitored, since a negative program launched can begin to rapidly destroy what has been created over the years.

Moon in Virgo (5:51). 20th lunar day (21:47)

This is an auspicious day for all undertakings, for solving all financial issues, signing documents, contracts, appealing to the authorities, all cases will be resolved quickly and with benefit for you. If you need to sell, exchange, buy a home - this is your day, it is successful for all real estate transactions. At this time, you can go on trips, do household chores. An excellent period for changing the field of activity, passing exams, for an interview.

Moon in Virgo. 21st lunar day (23:16)

This is a day of changes in any area of ​​life. Do you need them? And you will not be intimidated by these changes? Then this day is yours. You can safely become one of the happy people who can handle a lot. Changing jobs, getting married or getting engaged, relocating, financial transactions, and buying real estate will all be successful. But this day is not good for passing exams, contacting tax authorities... A great time to travel and socialize.

Moon in Libra (7:57). 21st lunar day

Great time for beauty treatments. It is useful to drink herbal infusions, mineral water, eat raw vegetables and fruits. It is good to do household chores, fumigate your home, office with rose and sandal incense - this will attract the energy of success and well-being into your life.

Moon in Libra. 22nd lunar day (0:43)

Moving, changes in the field of activity, work, clarification of relations are not recommended. But this day is great for passing exams, studying, assimilating information, for scientific and creative work. Today you can get interesting information, answers to the questions that tormented you, open, learn something new, unknown to you.

Moon in Scorpio (12:59). 23rd lunar day (2:09)

The vibrations of this day are so powerful that they can make the changes you desire in your life. Therefore, treat what is happening today carefully and without panic. A person is sometimes afraid of changes, preferring to live in a world familiar to him.

Moon in Scorpio. 24 lunar day (3:33)

A good day to deal with financial issues. But it is better to postpone long trips, drinking alcohol is also undesirable. Whether you decide to change jobs or sell, buying any property is your day. It is also good for household chores.

Moon in Sagittarius (21:09). 25 lunar day (04:53)

Limit communication, if a feast was planned - cancel it. Do not start any business, take a rest, it is useful to visit a sauna, bathhouse, pool, take a bath. Add salt or yellow foam and rosemary oil to the bath, light the incense of pine, myrtle, incense - this will nourish you with strength, vigor, strengthen your spirit and body, cleanse the energy field, improve your mood, and the world will be filled with bright colors.

Moon in Sagittarius. 26th lunar day (06:07)

This day is successful for learning, acquiring knowledge and passing exams, getting married, and getting engaged. It is also good to do household chores, energy cleaning of your home and office. Light the candles, you can go around the whole room with a candle. It will be useful to fumigate your living space with the aromas of myrtle, thyme, juniper or rose. You can visit a sauna, a bathhouse, it will relax you, remove energy blocks, nourish you with grace, improve your well-being and strengthen your energy field.

Moon in Sagittarius. 27-th lunar day (07:09)

This is an excellent period for cosmetic procedures related to rejuvenation. Baths with infusion of herbs of sage, coltsfoot, yarrow and St. John's wort are useful. And if you add salt or red foam and aromatic lily oil to the bath, then charge yourself with the energy of joy and improve your mood and well-being.

Moon in Capricorn (7:52). 28-th lunar day (07:57)

The day is good for household chores. Take a bath with infusion of hawthorn and calendula, after the bath, it is useful to drink tea with infusion of eleutherococcus, ginseng. Go for beauty treatments. Take care of your body with love and it will reward you with good health and great well-being.

Moon in Capricorn. 29th lunar day (8:30)

It is better to spend this day in solitude, if possible. To avoid losses and troubles, do not start any business today, especially those related to financial issues, business and documents. Don't make any purchases. The vibrations of this day are so destructive that any acquisition can bring problems and troubles.

Moon in Aquarius (20:15). 30th and 1st lunar days (8:54), new moon (10:12), solar eclipse

The day is good for planning, today you are laying the program for the entire next month. Think well about what you want to attract into your life, what you need to have in order for you to feel like a happy and prosperous person. Dream, desire, make plans and programs. This day is favorable for travel and walks. Do not get angry and do not swear, remember that this will create conflict situations for the whole month.

Moon in Aquarius. 2nd lunar day (9:11)

Spend this day in nature, smile at the world around you. Know how to rejoice in simple things: dawn, sunrise, stars ... Know how to rejoice in a new day and the world that surrounds us. Relax, spend time with your family, with pleasant people. Show kindness and generosity, it will bring you prosperity in the near future and take problems away from you.

Moon in Aquarius. 3rd lunar day (9:24)

This day is good for completing business, but for new beginnings it is bad, the enterprise started today will not be successful. You can go to the gym, it will be beneficial - it will strengthen your health. Load yourself with deeds, you are full of strength and energy. Going on the road, traveling today is not recommended, because problems may arise on the road. This day is also unfavorable for household chores. It is not recommended to sort things out, any evil word can attract unpleasant situations.

Moon in Pisces (9:16). 4th lunar day (9:34)

The day is good for housework, devote it to cleaning, washing, a good time to start repairs. On this day, it is recommended to carry out cleaning in the house, office, study; after cleaning, you can draw crosses over the doors of the apartment, house, room. Pay attention to what you are dreaming, the dreams of this day can carry useful information for you.

Moon in Pisces. 5th lunar day (9:43)

This is a very passive, business-like day. Today you can indulge in your favorite dishes and have a festive dinner. The day is unfavorable for signing contracts, documents, solving financial issues, changing jobs and buying, selling, exchanging an apartment. He is categorically not suitable for marriage and engagement. It is also better to postpone homework for another time.

Moon in Aries (21:35). 6th lunar day (09:51)

On this day, you need to be balanced, generous, and then your life will be more calm. There are days in a month when, with your attitude to the world around you and people, you lay the foundation for the subsequent events of your life. Therefore, be prudent and know that the aggression emanating from you on this day will return to you in the form of situations that are unpleasant for you.

Moon in Aries. 7th lunar day (10:00)

The energy of today is so great that not only a word, but a thought can rapidly materialize. Be in a great mood today, surround yourself and your loved ones, friends with love. Radiate the energy of mercy and goodness into the surrounding space, and this energy of goodness will return to you, attracting good luck, success and prosperity into your life.

Moon in Aries. 8 lunar day (10:11)

On this day, visit your relatives, spend the evening in pleasant communication. Do not sort things out, forget all the unpleasant moments and quarrels, feel the unity. Always pay attention to your parents, remember them, take care, take care of them and treat them with love and respect - this will provide you with constant support and protection of the Higher Forces of the Universe.

Moon in Taurus (7:38). 9th lunar day (10:24)

Today you cannot be irritated, otherwise you can connect to the vibrations of the negative and inflate an elephant out of a fly, your intemperance will bring you many problems in the future. Rough actions and words can backfire. The day is unfavorable for all matters, losses are possible. Postpone the resolution of financial issues for another time.

Moon in Taurus. 10th lunar day (10:43)

Success today accompanies you in everything, you are full of energy. All real estate transactions will be successful. Spend the evening with loved ones, but do not sort things out, enjoy the joy and love. On this day, it is good to go to the sauna, bathhouse or take a bath at home. Add purple salt or foam and patchouli, rose, rosemary oil to the bath.

Moon in Gemini (14:10). 11 lunar day (11:11)

A great time to travel, today you can safely hit the road. Spend this day with people close to you, relax, reflect, nourish yourself with the energy of tranquility. Unfavorable day for solving financial issues, for starting new business, all your undertakings today will bring losses, losses.

Moon in Gemini. 12 lunar day (11:53)

Dedicate this day to working with yourself. Read prayers, visit a psychic. Ritual magic works great today. The results of the rituals to attract well-being, good luck will exceed all your expectations. Cleanse your energy body, living space. Light the incense of sandalwood, lavender, incense, myrtle in your apartment and office.

Moon in Cancer (17:00). 13 lunar day (12:55)

The day is good for rest, feasts, you can visit the gym, but it is better not to do household chores. The vibrations of this day are unfavorable for travel and travel. If you want to change the field of activity, place of work - wait a little.

Moon in Cancer. 14th lunar day (14:18)

A great day for business, solving all financial issues, communicating with the authorities, signing documents, as well as for interviews, training, and exams. If you are engaged in real estate or want to buy, sell, exchange an apartment - the time is also favorable for you, all matters will be resolved quickly and without problems.

Moon in Leo (17:09). 15th lunar day (15:55)

The strong, but uncontrollable energy of this day brings a lot of aggression, conflict situations. Watch your emotions, incontinence can cost you dearly. Drinking alcohol is not recommended, you can create big problems for yourself.

Moon in Leo. 16th lunar day (17:34), full moon (9:19)

Spend this day with a smile, with a joyful mood, and you will create favorable conditions for yourself in the field of work and relationships throughout the month. The day is good for communicating with relatives and friends, show them attention, tell them about your love, that they are dear and necessary to you, and you are grateful to fate that you have them.

Moon in Virgo (16:22). 17th lunar day (19:12)

Create a holiday for yourself, organize a feast, invite friends, go visit yourself. Enjoy life, radiate fun and happiness. This day is perfect for creativity and art. You can go on a trip. Favorable time for travel, marriage and engagement. Today it is possible to resolve issues of changing jobs and conduct real estate transactions. Pay attention to dreams - you can get useful information for you.

This talisman will be a reliable shield from any evil, an assistant in business throughout the month.

By repeating the verbal key of the talisman, you strengthen it.

I become more responsive, tolerant and try to understand everyone with whom I communicate.

I use my time wisely and achieve my goals quickly.

I remember the mind of the universe all the time.

January magic

Luck program

The work of psychics is to help a person implement planned programs. Because thanks to his experience, knowledge and energy, with which he can be saturated, the psychic is able to perform miracles with the help of the forces of the Universe. This is not incredible. Man creates heaven and hell for himself. Man is a creation of God, and all his knowledge and skills are from God. But man himself chooses the path of Good or Evil. One can recall many examples when the powers given to people deprived them of their nobility and were directed towards selfish goals. The most striking example is Atlantis, whose people, having Great Knowledge, imagined themselves to be gods ...

Not everyone can stand the test of power and wealth. Therefore, knowledge, with the help of which you can achieve a lot, is kept with seven seals. And yet there are people on Earth who are open to this knowledge. They have wisdom and with the help of the Knowledge of the ancients they can do a lot.

On the first lunar day (new moon), you can program events for the next month, making a kind of plan for the month. On this day, be careful with thoughts and words, you should think and speak only about the good, the positive, about what you want to attract into your life. The first lunar day has the magical property of materializing what was conceived. But just formulate your desires correctly so that the result you get is not an unpleasant surprise for you. You can wish for a car, but then don't be surprised if you get a small car for 30 rubles. You wanted a car and you got it. If you wish to purchase an apartment, you must describe all the parameters that satisfy you. So that it doesn't turn out that you bought the apartment, but repairs and other problems will require a lot of investment. Formulate your desires correctly so that events take place in the direction you need.

You make a plan for the month. After thinking everything over and reading what has been written, put it aside. And you yourself immerse yourself in pleasant relaxation by turning on beautiful soothing music.

Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes. Imagine yourself sitting in a beautiful room, richly and tastefully furnished. Suddenly the phone rings, and a pleasant voice informs you that the parcel will be delivered to you now. This is a gift to you. After a while, you hear a knock on the door. When you open the door, there is a man in front of you who hands you a colorful box tied with a brocade ribbon. You, having thanked the person, enter the room, open the box and see neatly packed bundles of large banknotes. Only a million dollars. You take them in your hands, you feel excitement and a surge of energy. You are overwhelmed by a wave of delight, joy. You feel in awe and feel yourself filled with the energy of money, the energy of wealth. You start folding the wads on the table, and when you have put all the money out of the box on the table,look, and it is again filled with money. And you understand that now you are rich and you have money for everything you need. Are you happy. You feel empowered and confident to have what you want. Concentrate on this feeling of confidence and strength for a while and enjoy it. Make the image of achieving a goal, success as vital as possible and imagine that you have achieved success, wealth here and now. You are flourishing. You are rich. Reinforce your success vision, goals, and imagine that you have already achieved success. Experience the satisfaction of this. Feel confidence in yourself, in your strengths.

End of free trial snippet.

| collection site
| Ludmila-Stefania
| Create your destiny. 12 star gates

I dedicate this book to you, my dear, beloved readers. It is written in such a way that everyone who will communicate with it will be saturated with the strength and energy of luck, success, and the energy of security. Many problems and failures are associated with our thoughts, fears, insecurities. This book radiates an energy of joy and success. It contains verbal codes that are selected according to the vibrations of a particular period, zodiac sign. By repeating these formulas, you thereby change your attitude and perception of the world.
By repeating positive words that radiate the energy of goodness and well-being, you yourself saturate yourself with the energy of joy, self-confidence, the energy of happiness, and program yourself for favorable changes. With warmth and tenderness, you will begin to relate to yourself, to the people around you, to the world. You will begin to change - there will be changes in the attitude of the people around you. You will feel more comfortable in this world. Your well-being and mood will change, your living conditions in this wonderful world will change.
Almost any person can become happy, prosperous, if he has a desire for this. But people are often afraid to use their potential, afraid of changes in their lives. They do not want to break away from everything to which they are accustomed during their streamlined, but limited existence. Many do not want to take responsibility for their lives on themselves; changes are scary to them. They do not want to work on themselves, do not want to grow and develop spiritually, they prefer to set only small, insignificant goals for themselves. This attitude towards oneself and one's life is the most formidable obstacle to self-realization and personal growth. And when a person begins to believe in himself, in himself, new opportunities open up for him in life, he begins to live a rich, full-blooded life,
Remember that every day you lay down a program of events, and by reading the verbal formulas for good luck and success, you saturate yourself with wholesome energies of well-being and create programs of happiness and good luck for yourself, your loved ones, for your family.
This book also contains talismans and symbols that imbue confidence in themselves and their strengths, create a protective shield against failures. The person feels more protected, becomes successful and successful. This is a talisman book that will prompt and help. I wish you happiness, love, prosperity!

Take your time to leave!
Stand by the open door!
You can't easily forget
Those who love you, who trust you!

Take your time to reject,
When you open your soul ...
Get the seal of wisdom,
Just manage to remain silent!
You can do it, I know.

Take your time to fall out of love
Rejecting all feelings at once, -
You may not have enough warmth
To melt the ice of alienation.

Take your time to keep up
Take a moment to stop!
What if it turns out to find out
And where necessary, appear ...

Take your time to forget everything
To dismiss the absurd thought ...
How difficult it is to return everything!
How difficult it is to go back.

Igor Fedoseev

Our well-being and success, the state of our health, a tendency to certain diseases, the occurrence of certain situations and problems - all this is determined by the date of birth of a person and is associated with the sign of the zodiac.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that health and well-being depend on the birthday. From the date of birth of a person depends on how he will be - confident or timid, how many children he will have. Even the predisposition to being overweight, one or another disease depends on the date of birth. The month in which a person was born affects the properties of character, a person's attitude to the world, determines whether he will be an optimist or a pessimist.
Summer-born are more self-confident people, they are happy, prosperous, successful, they are more often accompanied by success. Those born in the fall are sociable, have many friends and relatives, they are rarely alone, but less confident and less optimistic than those born in the summer. In spring, timid, quiet people with low self-esteem are often born.
There is no optimal birth month. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Those people who know about them have the opportunity to make the best use of their chances and, by leading a certain lifestyle, to resist possible setbacks and troubles.
There are no good or bad zodiac signs, just like birthdays. All signs are beautiful, all signs have their own advantages and disadvantages, each of them has its own pros and cons. It all depends on the person, on what properties of the soul he will develop - positive or negative, whether he will engage in his spiritual development or not.
When a person knows how and when to make the best use of the opportunities given to him, what way of life to lead, he can change a lot in his life, character, removing negative moments and avoiding unpleasant situations. Striving for happiness and well-being, he will go through life with dignity.
Everyone chooses their own life and living conditions. And it depends on a person whether he will degrade or choose the path of improving the spirit, walking the path of evolution with his head held high and considering himself a Human, a Person.
The state of health and mood, which means that the state of health and quality of life depend on the state of your consciousness.
In this book, we will talk about how the constellation under which a person was born and fate are related. We will also talk about how, through a change in consciousness, by tuning it to positive vibrations, you can strengthen health, heal your body and improve your life, change your destiny.
If a person feels discomfort, he gradually begins to wither, a loss of mental balance occurs. He does not show any interest in life, everything is indifferent to him. Looking at such a person, one gets the impression that in front of you is only a bodily shell. Such people have forgotten how to dream and wish for something, they "serve their time" on this planet, do not develop. Gradually, a complete degradation of the soul and body sets in. Man plunges himself into chaos. In connection with the loss of mental balance, the beginning process of degradation leads to a weakening of immunity, problems in all areas.
All diseases and all the problems that we encounter in life begin within us, we ourselves, by our attitude towards ourselves, towards others, create all the prerequisites for many diseases and troubles. Our mental and spiritual health determines the well-being and health of the physical body, the degree of our well-being in life. First of all, we must talk not about the illness of the physical body, not about the problems present in a person's life, but about the quality of thoughts and about the state of mind, about the spirituality of a person.
Any illness, any situation is a consequence of our thoughts, actions, state of mind and our spirit. Each person himself chooses the measure of his suffering and the period that determines how much suffering will last. How? And it is very simple - through your actions, words, thoughts, through your choice.
It is necessary to learn the purity of thoughts, it is necessary to increase spirituality, to cleanse thoughts from negativity, to free the spirit from impurity, from everything that prevents you from feeling like a healthy and happy person. Soul, thoughts, actions, mind are the basis of well-being and health. In addition, the fate, as you already know, is influenced by the planets and constellations under which we were born.
This book provides verbal codes to help you overcome negativity and be more successful and happier. They will nourish you with the energy of confidence, faith in yourself, and help create comfortable living conditions. Talismans and symbols will create a protective halo of energy that will protect and protect against rash acts, evil and troubles. You can write verbal codes and, along with the image of your talisman, carry them with you at all times. It will help you in all situations in life.
So, we are going on a fascinating journey through the signs of the zodiac.
Aries March 21 - April 20
Taurus April 21 - May 20_
twins May 21 - June 21
cancer June 22 - July 22
lion july 23 - august 23
Virgo August 24 - September 23
Libra September 24 - October 23
scorpio October 24 - November 22
Sagittarius November 23 - December 21
Capricorn December 22 - January 20
Aquarius January 21 - February 20
fish February 21 - March 20

Twelve star gates
The Creator is given to us,
But only one gate lies at your feet.
Entering this life, you entrust to Heaven
Your destiny is one and a thousand roads.
My great Creator, My universe,
I am a part of you from birth to the end,
I will enter this world, creating a prayer
About happiness and love, about the kindness of the Creator.
Constellations, planets, give me strength,
May the path be easy in my life.
Create a shield for me with your energy from evil,
So that from the path of the Creator
Nobody could push me.

March 21 - April 20
Constellation Aries, your ruler Mars.
He will give you perseverance, he will increase the life of strength,
Will make you active in life of you,
It will charge you with fun to make it easy for you.
But Mars is also the planet of warriors, victories,
He wants to be the first everywhere and everywhere,
He has a sharp mind, he is an actor - an artist.
He lives with feelings, knows no boundaries in anything.

Element: Fire.
Patron planet: Mars.
Lucky days: Tuesday, Sunday.
Lucky months: June and July.
Stones: sardonyx, aquamarine, heliotrope, amethyst, diamond, diamond, emerald, selenite, bloodstone. The talisman for Aries is sardonyx - it will protect you from everyday storms and hardships. It is advisable to wear a ring with sardonyx on index finger, thereby you will attract prosperity, good luck into your life.
Colors: bright red, lilac, blue, crimson, orange. The color purple is considered unfortunate.
Metals: iron, steel.
Talismans: hammer, golden fleece.
Parts of the body: under the control of the sign Aries are the head, crown, forehead, face, central nervous system.
Music to Strengthen Energy: Bach and Mussorgsky.
Favorable numbers: 4, 7, 9 (and all numbers divisible by 9), 11.
Main character trait: fight and be the first.
Aries - the first sign of the zodiac, symbolizes life. This is the leader, the winner, the one and only. He is a pioneer, unites everyone around him into a single whole, paving the way to the goal. Aries purposefully moves forward, he knows where to go, knows what to do, he is endowed with the Creator with unique abilities and powerful strength. Aries is a pioneer. He can handle a lot, he will be able to lead him to success. Without giving up what he started halfway through, he will achieve his goal.
People born under the sign of Aries have tremendous vitality, the ability to make decisions quickly. If Aries wants something, it is pointless to object to him. Aries love to be the center of attention, at the head of any undertaking, showing confidence that they will do everything better than others. The main assistant in all their affairs and endeavors is loyalty to their ideals.
An important role is played by conscientiousness, generosity, honesty, justice, natural talents, which nature has generously endowed them with, perseverance, determination never to lag behind anywhere, always strive only forward to the intended goals.
If Aries can curb some of the negative traits of their nature that sometimes hinder them in work and in relationships with people, they will be able to achieve a high social status and material well-being, thanks to the positive traits of their character, they realize all their dreams and desires.
Aries are tireless, have an excellent memory, are smart, energetic. They are purposeful and optimistic people with an active lifestyle. They love to make plans, take on several things at once. Do not be offended by them if they do not always complete the work they have begun. They have great creative potential and if they learn to be responsible for their words and actions, they can change a lot in their lives for the better.
Aries loves to take on everything new, loves to lead, responsibly performs any work, because the very process of activities aimed at a specific result fills Aries with energy. Aries can best show themselves in jurisprudence, military affairs, surgery. Aries approach work always creatively, showing initiative, always trying to bring something of their own, improve, improve.
Among the Aries, there are many military, successful businessmen. Aries are suitable for professions associated with a constantly changing environment. Aries is good where the deadline is, but he calculates his strength poorly, so the profession should give him the opportunity to recover quickly spent energy. Work in the field of radio, television, journalism is also suitable. Aries can be great as a speaker and writer, these are professions that can bring fame, true satisfaction and well-being. Regardless of the choice of profession, Aries strives to be the first, the best, to be in sight, he is a born leader.
Aries loves to invest in risky projects, but he needs to control himself, as rash investments can lead to collapse and plunge into depression for a long time. If you are an Aries, try to get professional advice before you make any financial transactions. Venus in Aries is weakly expressed and, as a result, Aries often has a disdainful attitude towards money. At times, he is stingy and may miss the chance of a profitable investment, and sometimes he can throw money down the drain. Over the years, Aries is able to learn a careful and sensible attitude towards money. Those born under this sign must always keep some part of the money for themselves, because their vital energy is in direct proportion to the amount of money at their disposal. For Aries, the energy of money is additional source restoring the energy of their vitality.
Your child is Aries
Aries are energetic, the energy is boiling in them, but very wayward, it is very difficult to calm them down. If Aries wants something, then they will make every effort, conceivable and inconceivable, to get what they want.
Try to channel the child's energy into a peaceful channel, without reacting violently and irritably to outbursts of his emotions. Severity won't help. You have to be diplomatic, be gentle and firm at the same time.
Teach your child to be patient, it will be very useful to him in life. No need to scold him, listing the negative properties of his behavior and character. On the contrary, it is necessary to praise for those merits and good qualities souls that he possesses and to cultivate confidence in him. Not narcissism, not narcissism and selfishness, but confidence. Your wise behavior and patience will help in the formation of his character, will bring up patience in him, but if you decide to be excessively strict, then the child can become a little despot.
Only patience and tenderness will help you raise a person responsible for his actions, able to control desires, emotions, teach him to be patient, able to listen and hear not only himself, but also those around him. Be wise and patient, love your child, true love is known to work wonders.
In any situation, I always see positive aspects.
I always use the power of faith to build my life.
Every day I move forward along the path of spiritual development.
Responsibility is a gift that helps me change my life.
I make the decisions on my own that make my life better.

Names for Aries
August - imperiousness, Alexander - avant-garde, Alexey - stability, Andrey - striving for the future, Arkady - inquisitiveness, Artem - energy, Arseniy - emotionality, Valery - energy, Gabriel - good nature, George - perseverance, Egor - power, Nikolai - overcoming obstacles , Oleg - virtuosity, Rostislav - self-manifestation, Ruslan - strength, Savely - avant-garde, Yuri - decisiveness, Yan - dynamism.
Alevtina - firmness, Alexandra - dignity, Alena - openness, Alla - wholeness, Anastasia - swiftness, Ariadna - good nature, Asya - activity, Valeria - energy, Barbara - exotic, Vasilisa - efficiency, Galina - prowess, Ekaterina - dynamism, Zlata - brightness, Zoya - sensitivity, Kira - will, Larisa - energy, Nadezhda - persistence, Olesya - concreteness, Raisa - passion, Svetlana - striving for the future, Yaroslava - dignity.
Prayer to the Guardian Angel for Aries
My Guardian Angel, protect me,
Protect my home and my loved ones.
Protect you from evil enemies with a wall,
Fortunately, I am following you through life.
You put the power of Heaven on me
So that grief and evil helped me to expel.
So that I, never being afraid of anything,
I could overcome all obstacles.
Deliver me, Angel, from spiritual filth,
Give me energy pure, free.
Take care of me, protect me
So that happiness and joy can be found.
May only those people be next to me
Whose heart is open only to kindness.
Who has kindness and respect for me,
Who rejects envy and anger in the soul.
My Angel, protector, you are my helper,
Open the roads for my projects.
Help all my desires to come true,
So that enemies do not interfere with my life.

March 21 - April 1
This period (decade) is ruled by Mars. He endows people born at this time with a strong, solid character, aggressiveness, and also masculinity.
Important years: 15, 30, 45, 75.
The symbol of people born during this period is the digitalis flower.
For those born under this sign, the head works like a computer - clearly and quickly. They can find a way out of any, even incredibly confusing situation, do not lose their composure under any circumstances. Decisive people, confident in themselves and their strengths. But they need to learn how to rest, overwork threatens with headaches and a weakening of the nervous system.
Word codes will help build a prosperous life filled with success.
I can do everything that I dream of. My powers are limitless.
Day after day in all respects I am getting better, better and better!
I am worthy (worthy) of unlimited love. I deserve to be happy.
Everything that happens to me is wonderful and wonderful.
Word codes can help you treat yourself with more love and respect.
I am strong (strong) and beautiful (handsome).
I am always surrounded (surrounded) by three rings of Power.
I do an excellent job with all the tasks before me.
I always attract endless streams of money to me.
My life is filled with prosperity, happiness, prosperity.
21 March
On this day, those who possess great strength, original abilities, purposeful people. They move towards their goals with enviable persistence and will not rest until they implement their plans and achieve the desired results. They think highly of themselves, but hot temper and big ambitions get in the way of them. The inappropriate expression of emotions sometimes pushes the necessary people away from them, prevents them from moving forward, confusing all the cards. Show a person tact and calmness, and everything could be much better. But not everything is so bad: if Aries can change his character, then he is able to reach great heights and an excellent position in society. And in this he will be helped by his talents, knowledge, luck.
22 march
On this day, active natures are born. They are characterized by independence, the desire to be a leader, perseverance in achieving goals, all this causes the envy of others. They easily converge with people, they have many friends, but there are also many enemies. Not everyone likes the fact that they are in sight, in the spotlight. These people are endowed with a lot of advantages, money loves them, they are cheerful and enjoy life, they easily go through life, they are happy and rich. In business, they are usually lucky. There will be attempts to denigrate, belittle their abilities, plunge into a series of intrigues. But those born on this day, shining with intelligence, the ability to get along with people, find compromise solutions, will always be able to get out of any situation with dignity, overcoming all the intrigues of ill-wishers.
23 march
On this day, people with a gentle character are born, they are kind, calm. They quickly converge with people, they have many acquaintances among influential people. Their friends just adore them and are always ready to help. Those born on this day love order, love to travel, change their place of residence, do different things, because they do not like monotony. They need to be judicious, these people are naturally given unique abilities, but they can destroy themselves if they indulge their whims. But if they direct all their abilities in the right direction and correctly dispose of those talents that Heaven has generously endowed them with, they will be happy and prosperous, their life will be like a wonderful fairy tale.
March 24

Do not get hung up on what you have conceived, but just step by step realize what you have conceived, with confidence in your choice and in the fact that you can achieve a lot, that you deserve all the best in this world. And, while working on creating your new life, know, believe that human possibilities are endless.

And if he believes in himself, in his Powers, he will achieve everything that he wants. When creating certain programs, be sure to plan the deadline for completing your plans, i.e. specify the exact date ...

Make it a rule to analyze each day you go. If you have any obstacles, describe how it happened. Your mood. Your actions, who you talked to and what you talked about.

Sometimes, as I wrote earlier, the person himself creates problems and obstacles for his beloved. Either by your lack of faith in yourself and your worth, or by your impatience. And sometimes the situation is transferred from the category of neutral or positive to the category of negative. Never let fear and disbelief take over ...

The rung of the stairs was never meant to be resting

But only to give support to a person's leg
to take it to the next level. Thomas Huxley

The rhythm of our life in our time is accelerated, we sometimes get tired of the hustle and bustle and loads that we have, we collect, we create, for ourselves.

But we do not know how to relax. And we do not want to devote time to ourselves either. An interesting fact is that each person justifies his inaction (laziness) with some reason. If this is a person of average (small) income ...

Don't chase after happiness - it is in you.
If you don’t find it in yourself, you won’t find it anywhere. Pythagoras

Recently, my depression ended (probably very loudly, but for me it was a small death).

I left the man who tormented me with his dislike for three years. He explained to me that he only needed me, while he molested all women, his daughter too. I heard the answer "I love you" ... I explained it all by the fact that "I would not like to be with me ...

This allows you to achieve the goal of becoming a successful and happy person.

The way out of poverty must
start in the head. Hillary Clinton

When you communicate with someone, you yourself understand that it is much more pleasant for you to be near a person who is well-disposed.

When you want to express gratitude or love, respect for someone, say warm, gentle, kind words and at this moment you feel yourself at ease and in a wonderful mood. If you keep this state longer ...

I was able to fulfill my dreams. After school, I wanted to do what I liked, but my parents insisted that I enter a technical school in a different specialty. I graduated from technical school, and began to work, doing what I was not for ...

Winners are worthy of victory
even before the start of the competition.
Denis Whateley

All sorts of situations occur in the life of every person, but always, in any situation, you do not need to give up yourself, you need to love yourself, take care of yourself, give gifts.

You should not keep evil and past grievances in your soul. It is necessary to get rid of everything unnecessary, evil that has accumulated in the soul. We all know that the house, apartment, dwelling in which we live must be cleaned, washed, so that it is comfortable and clean. But the soul and ...

Good afternoon, Lyudmila-Stefania!

What does it mean for you to love yourself? How should this love be expressed?

Everyone knows how important self-love is, but few people know what it is.

Regards, Anna.

You are right Anna, many people face the question - How to love yourself?

I believe that loving yourself means drawing attention to yourself. Appreciate yourself, find time for yourself, praise yourself, admire yourself, thank yourself, give yourself gifts. Always take time to relax, to visit ...

Hello Lyudmila-Stefania!

I decided to write to you, because thanks to you, your books, I believed in myself. I had a difficult period in my life. I was laid off at work, soon a divorce from my husband, I was left, one might say, without a livelihood, with two children. I got fear, I fell into depression, and only the thought that my children needed me, they needed my help, support, stopped me from the fatal step. I started looking for a job, at least some, if only they paid, and so that I could somehow live with the children. Now I understand that I myself, with my thoughts, attracted negativity even more into my life.

One day a friend came to me and said that she bought a book, after reading it, she decided to follow the recommendations that were in this book, and she succeeded, the plans that she made and wrote down came true. A friend told me that you should not sit and indulge in despondency, you need to change your life, start thinking positively, wish yourself happiness and good luck. The next day I bought your book, read it, and I want to say that while reading it, I cried, I kind of saw myself from the outside, and how I created many problems for myself. I bought your CD along with the book, and I also watched it.

The first impression was unforgettable, as if I woke up, the energy of life, the energy of joy was breathed into me. And I realized that I want to live differently. I want to be happy. I will be happy and prosperous. At first I decided to conduct a ritual of raising money, and imagine, I did it. I found a job, I got the opportunity to have an excellent income. Then I conducted a visualization session, creating a program for my new reality, my new image, and my life began to change. Not everything happened right away, but over the course of two years I changed myself, the conditions of my life changed, I met a person, we fell in love. And soon we moved to another city. Now I can say with confidence that I am happy. I am grateful to you for the fact that you teach not to give up, to believe in yourself, in your strengths, and that a person creates for himself the conditions of his life.

I created my new, improved image, and everything happens in my life as I wish, and the Creator, Guardian Angels, the Forces of the Universe help me in this, and my sincere belief that I deserve all the best in this world ... I am the creator of my life. I love myself and create comfortable living conditions for myself, I am in a state of harmony with the world around me, I live in luxury, I am a rich person, the business I do brings me and my family a wonderful income. I am loved by a worthy, wonderful person, I am happy. Success and luck are my constant companions in my life. I often travel all over the world, visit the places that I wish to visit.

I am expanding my business in those areas that I consider profitable, and which increase my income, bring me great profits. My son and I bought ourselves a wonderful house, which has everything you need to say that we live in excellent conditions, in luxury. It has a garage, pool and gym, bath and sauna, i.e. all conditions for a wonderful life. I have a wonderful new car, Toyota Camry ”, my son“ Nissan-Tiana ”, he is the owner of a successful company. I set the installation that I am a young, slender beauty, every day I become younger. And I look great, I have excellent, good health, and I have a long, happy, wonderful life ahead of me, like a miracle. And this Miracle - I created, believing in myself, in my capabilities, relying on the power of Reason, and attracting the help of the Creator and the Forces of the Universe and the Universe!

My children are happy in life, they have achieved what they wanted in life. My son and I often visit Paris, Egypt, Thailand, we plan to visit the Hawaiian Islands. You say that "Everything is possible for God - much is possible for man!" And I became convinced of this that with the support of the Creator, the Forces of the Universe, believing in yourself and your strengths, you can work miracles and create wonderful conditions for a long, happy life.
Thank you. I wish you happiness, good health and success. And thank you for your books.
Respectfully yours, Lyudmila M.


My name is Natalya. I want to tell you about myself, about how "Fairy Tale" became "Byya". I lived like grass: I grew and grew. She lived like everyone else and did not think about anything. In difficult situations, my optimism helped me out, and when everything was fine, I began to fear that someone would "jinx", cause "damage", etc.
After perestroika, I went into business and no one except my family (husband, mother and children) knew about it, I didn’t tell (suddenly they jinx it). Now I understand that what I was afraid I attracted myself. And then it began!
My husband and I bought a new Volga. A year later, she was hijacked. It was very hard to go through. After all, the money was not all ours, part of the money was borrowed. They just paid off and hijacked you. Relatives helped, sold us their car in installments.

And the car was very necessary for business. without her - nowhere. As soon as we paid for it, a drunk driver drives into us. Crash. Gosstrakh paid the expenses, but my condition by that time is difficult to describe. I was already afraid of everything. Moreover, at work there are endless checks, fines, debts. I passed all the "sorceresses". Nothing worked. And now my optimism has already disappeared over the horizon. By chance, no longer hoping for anything, I picked up a newspaper and decided: "I was not."

Of the three ads, I chose the one that was somehow “soulful”. "Problems with business ... ..". I only remember this line. This is how I met a person who changed my whole life, changed my thinking, my attitude to this wonderful life. It was Lyudmila-Stefania!
And from that day on, I began to "come to life". I "revived" and did not believe that this was happening to me. I didn't believe it could happen. My life has turned in a completely different direction.
For a long time my husband could not understand what was happening to me. He saw that there were changes in our life, that I was performing some Rituals. When he asked me what I was doing, I simply answered that it was necessary. He did not insist on clarifications, but simply said: "I believe that you are right."

Lyudmila-Stefania taught me a lot, explained a lot. Thanks to her, I believed that "Fairy Tale" will become "Byya", if you really want it. In one year, I paid off my debts, expanded my business, bought a good car. Of course, my husband helped me in everything, but I made all the decisions myself, and he still believed me and supported me in everything. And I am very grateful to him for that!

We lived in a two-room "Khrushchev" with a total area of ​​45 sq.m .. children grow up. We decided to expand and exchange our "kopeck piece" for a three-ruble note with a surcharge. But the surcharge has not yet been accumulated. And since Lyudmila-Stefania had already taught me to dream and not deny myself anything, I did just that. And here He is - "Mister Chance". A friend says to me: “Natasha, on the street. Krupskaya began construction of a new house. Try it, the firm is reliable, you know a little about one of the founders of the firm. " I go there. And they offer me a chic option: a three-room apartment with an area of ​​86 sq.m., free planning, but most importantly - a one-year installment plan. I do not hesitate to conclude a contract. I bring the plan of our future apartment home. The husband is "in shock", but is silent. Mom is "shocked" but is silent. It turns out that they were very afraid that they would deceive us (I found out about this after receiving the documents for the apartment), but I was calm and did not doubt for a second that it would be the way I want.

Yes, it was difficult. Yes, there were huge debts. But that didn't scare me anymore. I firmly knew what would happen. And it worked. We made a good renovation and bought excellent furniture. Moved. For a long time we could not believe that we could do it, that this is not a movie, but we and our life.
It so happened that we did not meet with Lyudmila-Stefania for quite a long time, about three years. But I remembered her very often and was always grateful to her. Time passes and everything is fine ... And now - a blow. My mother, my dearest person, my best friend and adviser, my most loving and kind person, fell seriously ill. Of course I rushed to her. I helped, looked after, was very worried. But what happened happened. Mom is gone, and I never thought it would be so hard, so painful and lonely. I cried day and night. I understood that this was impossible, but I could not do anything about it.

The sedatives were no longer helpful. At night I could not sleep, during the day I could not sleep either. I don’t know what I looked like, I didn’t look in the mirror. And here it is - the limit, it would seem. But as before, exactly at a critical moment for me, the Good Sorceress appears - Lyudmila-Stefania, who, like a beacon, like a Guardian Angel, brings me back to this wonderful, wonderful Life!
I come to work, and my workers say: "A woman came to you and left a gift for you." It was the book by Lyudmila-Stefania "Create Yourself a Territory of Happiness." This book was accompanied by a disc. I ran home. I really wanted to read this book and listen to it, watch the disc. The first time I listened to this disc, I cried. After listening to the disc, I fell asleep like a child.
A year has passed since the loss of a loved one - my mother. I really miss, but life goes on.

Do you want to be happy? Be it!
I didn’t say it, I read it in the books of Lyudmila-Stephanie and it became my motto!
I will describe interesting cases from the life of our family.
When we moved from “ordinary” life to a fabulous one, my husband told me: “I never thought that we would live so well that our house, our apartment would be so beautiful and cozy that we would have a parking lot under our window. that the entrance will always be clean and beautiful. " But a little time passed and my husband began to look for flaws in all this charm.

Either the color on the walls is wrong, then it should have been done wrong, etc. etc. he grumbles like that for a week. And suddenly in the morning he could not get out of bed, his back caught. The pain is such that he cannot turn his head. Of course, I called a doctor. We treated him, put him on his feet and everything seems to be fine. But the grumbling started again. “And it’s not like that, and it’s not like that.” And now I see that my lower abdomen is so painful that I cannot get up. I'm calling a doctor. Healed, revived. And I have already thought about this situation and am watching. And the husband again grumbles for his own. And after all he finds something to complain about. This time his teeth ached so much that he could not speak. And I told him: “Sasha, now you understand what is“ good ”and what is“ bad ”? And after that my husband calmed down and grumbled very carefully "for the sake of order", but at the same time adds that, in general, he likes everything.

One more case. I really like coffee, I rarely drink tea. And I like to drink coffee from coffee cups and a spoon, respectively, a small coffee. The husband drinks only tea. And even though a hundred spoons will lie on the table, he will definitely take my spoon. As soon as I turn away from the table, my spoon is gone. And I drink 3-4 cups of coffee with a break for a cigarette. So, I drink coffee, smoke, Sasha comes up, pours tea, takes a spoon and goes to drink tea at the coffee table. And I sit and think: "How I love your habit of taking my spoon." And for the first time in 20 years of our life together, without finishing his tea, he comes back and brings me my spoon! After that, I try to love all the situations that I don't like.

And one more observation. If I want to buy something and calculate in my mind how much money I need today so that there is enough for everything and there is a purchase left, then I will not buy this thing: it will either not be in the store, or the size will not fit, or I simply will not enough money that day for her. Now I do this: I do not calculate anything. I just decided to buy. And the circumstances are such that I will definitely buy it.

In conclusion, I would like to wish you happiness and prosperity, health and love. Believe in miracles and they will definitely come to you!
I thank the Higher Forces and my Guardian Angels for their help! Thank you to my Destiny for meeting a wonderful person, the Good Sorceress - Lyudmila-Stefania!
Lyudmila Stefania! Thank you! May God give you health, happiness, luck, prosperity!
With love Natalya Chuchupal Bratsk.