Registration test for a prisoner. Test! Check your chances of going to jail, going broke, or getting into other trouble

The portrait of the one who is in the house - according to the criminal statistics of the Russian Federation.

✔ It is safest to be a resident of one of the capitals or a small city, since as a percentage of the population, most crimes against the person occur in countryside and in large, but not capital cities. It is best to live in a low house and in a not very densely populated area, where neighbors are well acquainted with each other, there are few random people and, accordingly, the level of security is higher. Since the favorite floors of thieves are the first and the last, we do not settle on them. To reduce the risk of accidentally committing a crime or being in the middle of a showdown, it is best not to start the car or drive.

✔ As a percentage, married men are less likely to be involved in crime chronicles for the reason that their lives are generally less adventurous, they are more likely to stay at home than go to nightclubs, and so on and so forth. But it's better to marry a quiet crocodile: a beautiful or attention-grabbing companion increases the risks during any joint outings in public places.

✔ People with an Asian or Caucasian appearance are most often involved in xenophobic clashes. But blacks, although they are faced with abusive behavior of others, are rarely the targets of real nationalist aggression.

✔ Owners own business are equally under the pressure of the criminal world and the world of officials. Raiding, fraud and, in the expression the Russian president, The "nightmare" of business turns entrepreneurial activity into one of the most risky in our country, regardless of its volume. The safest thing is to be financially and legally not responsible for anything in a large company, while being a valuable enough employee for the company to be willing to help you legally and financially in a difficult time. The five most risky professions in Russia are (in descending order of risk)
1) a soldier,
2) miner,
3) firefighter or rescuer,
4) journalist,
5) builder.

✔ As for the risk of becoming accused in a lawsuit, accountants and lawyers hold the palm. In addition, this risk is increased among doctors, teachers and caregivers, who are often complained of by patients and from the parents of children.

✔ Alcohol is the best guide to the world of prisons and hospitals. The portal of legal statistics of the Prosecutor General's Office inexorably testifies: every third crime in the country is committed by a drunk person.

✔ The Internet is also teeming with dangers, but at the same time there are also funds for these very dangers. Criminal and administrative proceedings against users for "wrong" posts are gaining momentum. And the person who writes offensive posts and comments is at risk not only legally: the number of cases of beatings and attacks, which were preceded by the exchange of courtesies on social networks, is growing every year. But at the same time, a complete absence from the Web is now also risky. The most evolutionarily profitable niche was occupied by those bloggers who have an audience of about a thousand people who do not speak out on sensitive topics (or are careful in such statements), but nevertheless know how to interest their subscribers. It is for such bloggers that it is easiest: they do not attract the attention of law enforcement agencies (since the small number of readers does not allow their blog to be equated with the media) and, if necessary, can quickly and widely disseminate information with a request for help (financial, informational, etc.). etc.).

✔ The absence of debt and the availability of savings for a rainy day, possession of an additional profession - all this important aspects your financial security. But it is advisable to ensure physical safety, by all means avoiding conflicts on the street, at the same time staying away from law enforcement officers, who, alas, are not all Saint Francis, to be honest.

✔ By the way, even very long hair causes less aggression in both the police and their opponents than a short haircut, almost bald. The former smell criminals under such a haircut, the latter - brothers in spirit and competitors in the district.

✔ The presence of children is an increase not only in financial, but also in legal risks, since parents, in addition to the joy of pink heels, receive with the birth of a baby a large package of different responsibilities, for non-observance of which there is responsibility up to criminal.

✔ But a dog can increase your level of safety. But only big. Dogs are small and biting at the same time, on the contrary, make life more dangerous: real villains are not afraid of them, but the risk of conflicts - small and not so much - with dog-haters increases.

Another humorous test on the subject of prison imprisonment. The topic may not be the brightest, but rather curious!

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Zeka Test- legendary joke test, which returned to Android phones again after it was deleted. The test was able to rise from the ashes and will continue its quiz to determine who you would be in prison.

The Convict Test will tell Android owners who they would be if they were in prison. A humorous test will determine, based on your answer results, what position in prison would be yours. No randomness, it all depends on your testimony, you made a mistake once in the test - you can't fix it, go ahead and return nothing. After you pass this psychological joke test, you will be given the results of "similar" mistakes in a real prison. Of course, the whole Tex on the convict is just a joke and it was created for the sake of laughter and fun, to help you pass the time and smile once again.

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Of course, this whole test quiz is not for real, but just a humorous joke with many tricky questions about the prison and about those who are in it. Become an authority among the prisoners, or be near the toilet and have no voice. It all depends on your answers. An incredibly funny application, so feel free to install and do not hesitate to answer as honestly as possible.

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Android OS: 4.0+
Version: 1.1
In Russian: yes
Tablet: not needed

Game Convict Test 2.0 for Android- a legendary toy with a completely unpredictable plot and incredible twists and turns while completing tasks. Based on a variety of factors and means, find out the main answer: who would you become if you were behind bars and how your life would turn if you meet prisoners of different stripes. The Convict Test 2.0 offers a lifetime to build on your own by solving challenging puzzles and interacting with the right people in the area.

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- 16 completely different endings with key moments influencing the plot of the action
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Incredible realism awaits in Convict Test 2.0. Become a victim or lead the underworld, create your own empire with mountains of treasures and secrets. It all depends on the desires and abilities, the ability to adapt, to act in extreme situations, taking the right steps. It is for its unpredictable turns and rich potential that the game has won many awards and gained wide popularity. Download the game Convict Test 2.0 for Android and feel the full life of a prisoner, which is radically different.