Presentation on lichens. Lichen Presentation Amazing Lichen Mushroom Presentation

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Municipal educational institution of the city of Abakan "Secondary school No. 3" Department of Lichens Teacher: biology and chemistry Nagovitsyna Irina Sergeevna Abakan, 2014

Lesson objectives: to reveal the features of lichens as symbiotic organisms; show their role in nature and practical significance; continue the formation of skills to work with various sources of information;

Lichens are a group of symbiotic organisms in the body of which two components are combined: autotrophic - algae or cyanobacteria and heterotrophic - fungus.

Into algae Mushroom hyphae

The body of lichens is represented by thallus, or thallus.

Types of thallus scale leafy bushy

Among lichens, there are groups of species growing on soil, trees, rocks, etc .; Able to tolerate long-term drying; Drought and low temperature resistant; They reproduce mainly vegetatively - by parts of the thallus;

Lichen variety Yagel Forest Kladonia Parmelia Hypogymnia

Significance of lichens In nature: “Pioneers” of vegetation, destroy rocks and form a soil layer for other plants; 2. Serve as animal feed (reindeer lichen - reindeer lichen); 3. Serve as a habitat for animals; 4. Create the necessary conditions for the formation of soil g umus;

The meaning of lichens: For humans: They are an indicator of clean air; They are raw materials for the chemical industry (for the manufacture of an indicator - litmus), pharmaceutical and perfumery industries;

Complete the diagram: Types of lichen thallus

Choose the correct statements: Lichens are symbiont organisms. The vegetative body of lichens is presented with a lichen or thallus; There are two main types of lichen thallus; The simplest type of lichens is bushy; The autotrophic component of lichens is a fungus; Lichens reproduce only sexually; Lichens are very demanding on air purity;

Thank you for the attention!

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Kingdom of Mushrooms

The kingdom of mushrooms is one of the largest and most prosperous groups of organisms. It includes about 100,000 known species.

The science that studies mushrooms is called - mycology .

Cell structure

All mushrooms have a nucleus in their cells (one or more) and are eukaryotes .


The structure of the fungus

Hyphae consist of multinucleated and mononuclear cells, but they do not have an outwardly pronounced cellular structure, although in many they are divided by partitions into separate compartments. The septa have small pores through which the cytoplasm flows from one compartment to another.

The vegetative body of the fungus, called mycelium or mycelium , formed by thin branching tubular threads - hyphae .

general characteristics

Mushroom nutrition

Mushroom is a predator

Mushroom propagation

In special bodies ( sporangia ) on the lower surface of the cap of the fruiting body, numerous disputes ... Once in moist soil, they germinate: mycelium develops from them, and over time, fruit bodies.

The value of mushrooms for humans

Unicellular mushrooms


White mold


The mycelium of mucor consists of one highly branched multinucleated cell.

It is used as a starter in the production of soy cheese. To combat insect pests. Grows on feed, food, causing spoilage - mold ... Sometimes it causes diseases of animals and humans.

The value of mushrooms for humans

Multicellular fungi

Green mold


Ergot and smut settles on cereals, and late blight on vegetable crops.

Hat mushrooms

On the bottom surface of the cap there is a thick layer consisting of narrow tubes ( tubular mushrooms ) or from thin plates ( lamellar mushrooms ). On the walls of the plates and the walls inside the tubes are formed disputes .


Lichens - a kind of group of living organisms growing on all continents, including Antarctica. In nature, there are more than 26,000 species of them. Since ancient times, people have used them for dyeing fabrics, for medicinal purposes, and even for food, but they called them differently: either mosses, or algae, or the "chaos of nature" and "poverty of vegetation." Finally, in 1867, scientists discovered the essence of the lichen organism.

The main distinguishing feature of lichens is the symbiosis of two organisms of different species - a heterotrophic fungus and an autotrophic alga or cyanobacteria.

External structure

Lichen body presented thallus ... It is very diverse in color, size, shape and structure.

Depending on the appearance of the thallus, lichens are divided into three types:

Internal structure and nutrition

The hyphae of the fungus absorb water and minerals dissolved in it, and the alga (or cyanobacteria), which contains chlorophyll, forms organic matter (due to photosynthesis).


Specialized cell:

  • seaweed;
  • fungus hyphae.

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Lichens are a peculiar group of complex organisms, the body of which consists of two components - a fungus and an algae. As organisms, lichens were known long before the discovery of their essence. Even the great Theophrastus, "the father of botany" (IV-III centuries BC), gave a description of two lichens - time and rochella - which were already used then to obtain aromatic and dyes. True, in those days they were often called either mosses, or algae, or even "chaos of nature" and "squalid poverty of vegetation." Lichens are a peculiar group of complex organisms, the body of which consists of two components - a fungus and an algae. As organisms, lichens were known long before the discovery of their essence. Even the great Theophrastus, "the father of botany" (IV-III centuries BC), gave a description of two lichens - time and rochella - which were already used then to obtain aromatic and dyes. True, in those days they were often called either mosses, or algae, or even "chaos of nature" and "squalid poverty of vegetation."

Lichens reproduce either by spores that form the fungus, or by fragments of the thallus, that is, vegetatively, Lichens reproduce either by spores that form the fungus, or by fragments of the thallus, that is, vegetatively. Sexual reproduction of lichens is provided by apothecia located on the upper side of the thallus and having a saucer shape. There, spores are formed as a result of the fusion of germ cells. The spores are spread by the wind and, once in favorable conditions, germinate into the hypha, but a new lichen will form only if the hypha meets a suitable alga. Lichens reproduce vegetatively with isidia and sredia - outgrowths on the thallus containing both components of the lichen.

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I'm good, I know everything, I will try I will succeed.



Problematic question.

Are there in nature

organisms consisting of

independent organisms?

What is special about these



The purpose of the lesson: to study the features of the structure, nutrition, reproduction, significance and ecology of lichens as symbiotic organisms.

Attention! Basic concepts:



scale, leafy, bushy.


1. Diversity and distribution. Types.


3. Nutrition.

4. Reproduction.

5. Dissemination.

6. Meaning.








I watched the bark on the branch,

Turned glass:

There in the cells of the white grid

The fish are sleeping green.


organic matter

water and minerals



Klim and Pakhom agreed

Living together, in a common home:

Klim prepares salt, water,

And Groin is grain, flour.


Most often by separating pieces

thallus with subsequent growth.

Special groups of fungal cells and


Lichens grow very slowly, the growth

they are from 1 to 8 mm per year (reindeer lichen

grows by 1-3 mm per year).

The average age of lichens is from 30 to 80 years.

Life expectancy is 50-100 years.



Lifeless Antarctica

The sands of the Sahara

Polar tundra



The mountains

Bare soil

Tree trunks

Rocks heated by the sun



Blank paper







The Bible tells of a people who wandered around for many days

desert, sinking knee-deep in the sand, all the supplies we took with us were

eaten. Many fell from exhaustion and exhaustion on

hot sand In the morning, when the sun began to heat the sand,

the wind suddenly rose. And they saw, as on the sand,

driven by the wind, gray lumps roll. Strong gust of wind

lifted them up, and it seemed that they were falling from the sky. “Manna, manna!

Manna is falling from the sky! " Everyone who else could rushed to collect this

Manna. Greedily ate dry gray lumps, cooked porridge from them and

baked cakes.

What was this "manna" really?

Features of lichens:

The originality of form, exchange

substances, growth characteristics and

breeding, habitats

despite their ambivalent

nature, self-reliant



1. Lichens are representatives of the plant kingdom.

2. Lichens are a single organism consisting of fungus and algae living in symbiosis.

3. Lichens absorb water from the soil using their roots.

4. Lichens can be found in forests, mountains, meadows.

5. Algae synthesize organic matter, fungi absorb water and minerals.

6. Cladonia are representatives of crustose lichens.

7. Lichens are fast growing.

8. A person does not use lichens in his life.

Correct statements:


To all - pp. 102-106.

Choice task: 1. compose a crossword puzzle on the topic "Lichens" (rating - "4")

2. “Present the report in an interesting way (in the form of drawings, poems, etc.)

(rating "5")





Synthesis of organic substances

Minerals and water.

Lichens are symbiotic organisms consisting of algae and fungal hyphae.

Algae cells

Mushroom filaments

Lichens are photophilous, water-loving, undemanding to the substrate, sensitive to air pollution - biological indicators of air purity.

Lichens grow extremely slowly - the growth per year in cortical - 1-8 mm, in bushy - 1-35 mm.







reindeer moss

  • Destroy rocks
  • Form soil.
  • The main food for deer in the North.
  • From them, paints and litmus are obtained.
  • Also used in medicine and perfumery.
  • Bioindicators

Icelandic cetraria

"Icelandic moss"

  • Yagel grows very slowly: a few millimeters per year.
  • Therefore, one and the same tundra pasture cannot be used for several years in a row - it is no coincidence that the Sami wandered with their herds throughout the region.
  • If the reindeer eat all the lichen, then it takes quite a long time to restore the lichen cover - up to 15 years.

Deer looking for reindeer in winter

“Does a water cliff protrude from the waves of the ocean, does a piece of rock come off, discovering a fresh, unweathered fracture, does a boulder that has lain underground for centuries break loose, everywhere on a bare, barren surface, lichen appears first decomposing the rock, turning it into fertile soil. "

K.A. Timiryazev

"Plant Life"

Asahinea Sholander

Cladonia graceful

Leptogium Burneta

Pulmonary lobaria

The Bible tells of a people who wandered in the desert for many days, knee-deep, drowning in the sand. All the supplies we took with us were eaten. Many fell from exhaustion and exhaustion on the hot sand.

In the morning, when the sun began to heat the sand, the wind suddenly rose. Everyone saw gray lumps rolling along the sand, driven by the wind. A strong gust of wind lifted them up, it seemed that they were falling from the sky.

“Manna, manna! Manna is falling from the sky! " Everyone who could still rushed to collect this "manna". They greedily ate dry gray lumps, cooked porridge from them and baked cakes.

  • What do you think this manna really was?

In 1772, the Russian scientist P.S. Pallas proved that it was an edible lichen that is carried by the wind over the vast expanses of Africa and Asia Minor.

  • Option 1. Choose the correct statements: The answer is yes or no.
  • Lichens are representatives of the plant kingdom.
  • Lichens absorb water from the soil using their roots.
  • Algae synthesize organic matter, fungi absorb water and minerals.
  • A person uses lichens in his life.
  • Lichens grow in contaminated areas.
  • Option 2. Choose the correct statements: The answer is yes or no.
  • Lichens are a single organism consisting of fungus and algae living in symbiosis.
  • Lichens can be found in forests, mountains, meadows.
  • Lichens grow rapidly.
  • Lichens are used to make paint.
  • Lichens settle only on fertile soils.

Lichen - benefit or harm to the tree?