Why is the time sheet not filled in 1s zup. How to save accounting data

Organizations are required to keep track of employees' working hours. To do this, use the unified form T13 - timesheet. In this document, for each employee, they fill in the data on the days and hours worked by him. Time sheet in 1C 8.3 Accounting is formed according to the data of the production calendar. Here we will show you where to find your timesheet and how to customize it.

Read in the article:

There are two options for keeping a timesheet:

Option 1. Complete registration of attendance and non-attendance at work;
Option 2. Registration of only deviations (vacations, sick leaves, etc.).

The time sheet in 1C 8.3 Accounting is formed in the second way. The program automatically fills in it for hired employees, taking into account their vacations and sick leave. 1C 8.3 is based on a 5-day 40 hour work week from the production calendar. How to setup production calendar in 1C 8.3 Accounting read here. Accounting for unpaid vacations ("at one's own expense") and absenteeism in the 1C 8.3 program is not provided for.

For accounting of workers and non-working days in the time sheet in 1C 8.3 Accounting uses the following designations:

  • "I AM". Working day (turnout);
  • "V". Weekend;
  • "FROM". Vacation;
  • "B" Sick leave.

We will tell you how in 5 steps in 1C 8.3 to find and set up a timesheet in 1C 8.3 Accounting.

How to make a timesheet in BukhSoft program

Step 1. Set up sick leave and vacation accounting in 1C 8.3

Go to the section "Salary and personnel" (1) and click on the link "Salary settings" (2). The settings window will open.

In the window that opens, click on the link "Payroll" (3) and put a tick (4) in front of "Keep records of sick leave, vacations and executive documents".

Now the time sheet in 1C 8.3 Accounting will be formed taking into account the entered sick leave and holidays.

Step 2. Open in 1C 8.3 timesheet for filling

Go to the section "Salary and personnel" (1) and click on the link "Reports on personnel" (2). The "Personnel accounting" section reports window will open.

In the window that opens, click on the link "Timesheet (T-13)" (3). A window will open for filling out the document.

Step 3. Create a timesheet in 1C 8.3

In the filling form, indicate:

  • your organization (1);
  • the period for which it is necessary to form the timesheet (2). Enter the start and end date of the period;
  • department for which you need a timesheet (3). If this field is left blank, then the timesheet will be filled in for all departments.

To complete the operation, click the "Generate" button (4).

The generated report card will contain information:

  • by employees and their positions (5);
  • the number of days worked for the selected period for each employee (6);
  • the number of hours worked for the selected period for each employee (7).

Step 4. Formation of timesheet in 1C 8.3 for individual employees

The time sheet in 1C 8.3 Accounting can be formed for a single employee or their group. To do this, press the "Settings" button (1). In the "Report settings ..." window that opens, click the "Selection" link (2). Will open.

In the list, click on the required employees and click the "Select" button (3). Click on the "x" (4) to close the list.

Now the selected employee is indicated in the "Report settings ..." window (5). Press the button "Close and form" (6) to complete the formation of the document.

A timesheet will be generated for the specified employee (7).

2016-12-01T11: 51: 01 + 00: 00

Unfortunately, the standard edition of the accounting department does not allow creating timesheets. This processing corrects this shortcoming.

Possibilities of processing "Timesheet":

  • Automatic filling of the list of working employees;
  • Automatic calculation of hours according to the production calendar from the configuration;
  • Changing the rate of working hours (from 0 to 1);
  • Saving filled timesheets to disk;
  • Printing plate T-13.

Attention! If you get an error while using the timesheet and it doesn't work, it means that your production calendar is not full. Read how to fill it in.
Another addition!

Download for troika

Important # 1! If an error occurs when opening processing " Access violation"- about what to do.

Important # 2! When there is any other mistake after opening or during processing work - follow.

Vladimir Milkin(teacher and developer).

For 1C: Accounting 8.2 (revision 2.0)

Attention! If you receive the "Index is out of bounds array" error when using timesheets, your production calendar is not full. Read how to fill it in.
Another addition! This version of the timesheet is valid ALL YEARS. You just need to re-fill the production calendar every year. Read how to fill it in.

Download for deuce

Sincerely, Vladimir Milkin(teacher

Last week, two visitors at once wanted to know about summary entry of hours worked across report card in 1C ZUP 3. Let's analyze this issue in more detail:

“Help, please, set up a calculation in ZUP 3, similar to the calculation in ZUP 2.5. We previously introduced the Timesheet of the worked hours with the time input method "Cumulative, as a whole for the period". How to do this in ZUP 3? "

Seminar "Life hacks on 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1s ZUP 3.1:

CHECK-LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self check accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instruction for beginners:

In ZUP 3 there is also a Timesheet document, with which you can enter the hours worked by employees. However, this document does not have the ability to summarize hours worked.

You can implement such input using a document. To do this, in the reference "Input data templates" you need to create a new element. In it, on the "Types of time" tab, indicate the types of time for which we need to enter information. For example, we will indicate the types of time Turnout and Night hours.

It is also necessary to check the box " In general for the period«.

As a result, in the journal of documents "Data for payroll calculation" a new document type will appear for entering hours worked. Let's introduce the employee Khristenko and Tsvetaev the hours worked. Khristenko worked at night.

After that, in the document "Calculation of salaries and contributions" for the calculation of these employees, the worked out from the document will be used "Data for payroll calculation".

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1C experts tell how in the program "1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8" rev. 3, the maintenance of standardand individualwork schedules, as well as the peculiarities of recording the actual hours worked.

To understand the methodology of accounting for working hours in "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" edition 3, we recall the formula for calculating salaries:

Salary = (Actual time worked / Norm of time) x Salary

That is, to calculate the salary, you need to know what proportion of the time the employee actually worked in relation to the norm set for him according to the work schedule. Depending on how the Regulations on the organization's wages provide for calculating the salary - by days or by hours - the time in the formula is used, respectively, in days and hours.

Working hours

The time rate is set by the work schedule. The program provides for the maintenance of standard schedules for the whole year and individual ones for one month.

Typical charts are configured in the menu Settings - Employee work schedules and are installed personnel documents... If the staffing table is maintained, then the position is matched staffing table and a typical work schedule. A typical schedule can be specified both for a group of employees and for only one employee. Directory Employee work schedules configurable for a year. To learn how to set up charts, see video answers from 1C experts:

If an employee switches from one typical work schedule to another within a month, a document may be useful to form the time norm Individual schedule. The Regulations on the wages of the organization should provide for how the standard of working time is calculated in this case. When calculating salaries for each period of time, two options are possible:

  • the rate is taken into account separately for each period;
  • the cumulative time rate applies.

If the time rate is taken into account separately for each period (see Example 1), then to calculate earnings in each of the time periods, the time actually worked in the specified period is divided by the full monthly rate according to the schedule of this period.

If the rate is taken into account cumulatively for all periods (see Example 2), then you must first calculate this cumulative rate for all charts for all periods.

In the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" edition 3, this document is intended for this Individual schedule(menu The salary - Customized schedules). The specified document is automatically clicked Fill in collects single schedule the employee's work for all periods from fragments of typical schedules. In addition, document Individual schedule can be used to register in the program for some special employee schedule for one month, because after auto fill this document can be edited manually.

For example, if, during shift work, one employee goes to work for another, for a similar substitution of himself in the future, then it is supposed to change the schedules of employees using a document Individual schedule.

If the employee has registered Individual schedule, then data on the norm of working hours are taken from it, and not from the schedules specified in personnel documents.

Example 1

Working hours are accounted for separately for each period. An employee with a salary of 30,000 rubles, calculated by day, worked from 01.04.2017 to 11.04.2017 to shift schedule, which provides for 30 working days in April, and from 12.04.2017 it was transferred to a five-day week.

If the working time is taken into account separately for each period, then the calculation of wages will be done as follows (see Fig. 1):

Rice. 1. Calculation of wages, if the standard of working time is taken into account separately for each period

In the period from April 1 to April 11, the employee worked according to the schedule with a working time standard of 30 days. Of these, he actually worked for 11 days, and the earnings will amount to 11,000 rubles. (30,000 rubles x 11 days / 30 days).

In the period from April 12 to April 30, the employee worked according to the schedule with a working time standard of 20 days. Of these, 13 days have actually been worked, and the earnings will amount to 19,500 rubles. (30,000 rubles x 13 days / 20 days).

Total, under the terms of Example 1, earnings in April amounted to 30 00 rubles.

Example 2

The working time is taken into account in total for all periods. An employee with a salary of 30,000 rubles, calculated by days, worked from 04/01/2017 to 04/11/2017 on a shift schedule, providing for 30 working days in April, and from 04/12/2017 he was transferred to a five-day period.

In order for the norm of working time to be taken into account in total for all periods, in the program "1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8" edition 3, you must register a document Individual schedule(fig. 2). The period from April 1 to April 11 is automatically filled according to a shift schedule, and starting from April 12 - on a five-day basis. And, thus, a new summary schedule is obtained with a working time norm of 24 days.

Rice. 2. Individual employee schedule

In this case, the calculation of wages will be done as follows (see Fig. 3).

In the period from April 1 to April 11, the employee actually worked 11 days according to the schedule with a working time of 24 days and the earnings will be 13,750 rubles. (30,000 rubles x 11 days / 24 days).

In the period from April 12 to April 30, the employee worked 13 days according to the same schedule with a working time of 24 days, and the earnings will be 16,250 rubles. (30,000 rubles x 13 days / 24 days).

As a result, under the terms of Example 2, the employee's total monthly earnings is 30,500 rubles.

Rice. 3. Calculation of wages, if the standard of working time was taken into account in total for all periods

In the considered Examples 1 and 2, it can be seen that the variant of the formation of the time norm affects the result of the calculation wages, and only with the option of using the total time rate can it be guaranteed that with the full month worked according to the schedule, the employee will receive exactly the salary assigned to him by personnel documents.

Actual hours worked

To account for the actual use of working time in "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" edition 3, there are two methods:

  • registration of deviations of actual exits to work from the planned ones according to the schedule;
  • complete registration of attendance at work and other events.

In general, the first method is recommended. At the same time, deviations from the schedule can both increase the hours worked (for example, overtime, work on weekends and holidays), and decrease, if the employee had no reports - absenteeism (for example, illness, vacations, absenteeism, etc.) ... Deviations are registered in the program with the corresponding documents.

Work on weekends, holidays and overtime is recorded, respectively, by documents Work on weekends and holidays, Working overtime... The absence of an employee during the month is also recorded by deviation documents ( Sick leave, Vacation, Absenteeism, no show etc.).

V individual cases, for example, if it is necessary to adjust the hours worked when hourly pay or when an employee works on several types of main time, the deviation is registered by documents Payroll data... Payment for deviations is formed on the basis of the registered deviations documents.

The time worked for payment is determined automatically based on the data of the work schedule and registered documents of deviations from the schedule. Create and fill out a document Report card(menu Salary - Sheets) it does not follow. The time sheet in the form of T-13 is generated in the program in the form of a report (menu Salary - Salary reports - Time sheet T-13).

Example 3

An employee working in accordance with the conditions of Example 2 did not go to work in the period from 04/17/2017 to 04/19/2017 and provided a certificate of incapacity for work. Document Sick leave registered, calculated, approved and carried out in the program "1C: Salary and Management
staff of 8 "edition 3.

In the report Time sheet T-13 disability in the period from 17 to 19 April is reflected by the letters B (see Fig. 4), and the salary is calculated as follows (see Fig. 5):

In the period from April 1 to April 11, the employee worked all days in accordance with the schedule. During this period, earnings in comparison with Example 2 did not change and amounted to 13,750 rubles.

In the second period, worked three days less than the norm (10 out of 13 days), and earnings amounted to 15,000 rubles. (30,000 rubles x 10 days / 24 days).

Total, under the terms of Example 3, earnings in April amounted to 26,000 rubles.

Rice. 4. Report "Time sheet T-13"

Rice. 5. Calculation of wages in case of incomplete work month

The “continuous registration” method, in which, along with the registration of deviating documents, the actual time used is recorded, is generally not recommended to be applied. This method can be useful only in exceptional cases, while in the rest it unnecessarily complicates the work. So, if you apply it for the case presented in the condition of Example 3, then this will only lead to unnecessary work - maintaining the document Report card.

It is important to follow the sequence of actions for “continuous registration”:

  • all absences of the employee during the month are recorded by the corresponding deviation documents ( Vacation, Business trip, Sick leave, Absenteeism, no show etc.);
  • work on weekends, holidays, as well as overtime work is recorded by documents Work on weekends and holidays, Work overtime;
  • special cases are registered (adjustment of hours worked with hourly wages, when an employee is working on several types of main time, etc.) with documents Payroll data;
  • document is introduced Report card, which is generated automatically, based on the work schedule and deviation documents and can be corrected;
  • payroll is calculated.

Failure to follow this sequence can lead to collisions. For example, if you post a document Vacation after the document Report card, then the vacation will be calculated and taken into account when calculating the salary, but the report in the T-13 form will not correspond to the one registered in information base document Report card.

Use document Report card it is impossible to adjust the time for any no-show, since Report card takes precedence over other documents for accounting for hours worked. If the document Report card posted, and then changes are made to the data for payroll, then you need to make these changes in Report card... Otherwise, the salary may be calculated based on incorrect data.

Document Report card allows you to adjust the hours worked and enter the types of time that are not provided for in the work schedule. V Report card letter designations from the directory of types of time are used, and the corresponding number of hours is indicated (I 8, H 6, C 2, etc.). If it is necessary to indicate several types of time (appearance, night, evening hours), then each type is indicated on a separate line. The number of such lines is defined in the field The maximum number of types of time for one date(fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Document "Report Card"

When trying to register using a document Report card attendance on a weekend according to the employee's schedule (or vice versa), the program issues a corresponding warning. This check is enabled by the flag Check the compliance of the actual time with the planned on the menu Settings - Payroll... To ensure the possibility of adjustment Report card this flag should be disabled relative to the schedule.

note: before deciding to use the "blanket registration" method, you should make sure that the problem really cannot be solved using the recommended "deviation registration" method.