Presentations on the history of the Crusades. Presentation on the theme of the third crusade. Tasks according to the text of the textbook

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Crusades... The Crusades are a series of military campaigns by Western European knights directed against the "infidels" (Muslims, pagans, Orthodox states and various heretical movements). The purpose of the first crusades was the liberation of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem from the Seljuk Turks, but later crusades were also conducted for the sake of converting the pagans of the Baltic states to Christianity, suppressing heretical or solving the political problems of the popes.

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Crusades The first crusade was proclaimed by Pope Urban II in 1095 and ended with the liberation of Jerusalem. Later, Jerusalem and the Holy Land were captured by Muslims and crusades were undertaken to liberate them. The last (ninth) crusade in its original meaning took place in the years 1271-1272. The last campaigns, which were also called crusades, were undertaken in the 15th century and were directed against the Hussites and Ottoman Turks.

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Crusaders The name "crusaders" appeared because the participants of the crusades sewed crosses on their clothes. It was believed that the participants in the campaign would receive forgiveness of sins, so not only knights, but also ordinary residents, and even children, went on campaigns (see Children's Crusade).

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Children's Crusade The Children's Crusade is the name adopted in historiography for the popular movement of 1212, which quickly became overgrown with legends. “At the beginning of 1212, thousands of peasants (including children and adolescents) from Germany and France gathered in an army to conquer the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem) .In May 1212, when the German people's army passed through Cologne, there were about twenty-five thousand children and adolescents in its ranks, heading to Italy to reach Palestine from there by sea. In the chronicles of the 13th century, this campaign is mentioned more than fifty times, which was called the "crusade of children".

In the middle of the 11th century, most of the Arab possessions were conquered by the Seljuk Turks who came from Central Asia. After the Turks - Seljuks seized the Christian shrine - "the Holy Sepulcher" - in Western Europe, rumors spread about the oppression of pilgrims in Jerusalem .. In 1095, Pope Urban II, in his speech to a huge crowd of people near the city of Clermont, called on Christians to "gird themselves with a sword" and move to Palestine to free the Holy Sepulcher from the Muslims in the city of Jerusalem.

At the end of the XI century. Europe suffered from famine and epidemics. The peasants dreamed of Palestine, wanting to get rid of the owners and get land. The landless knights were interested in oriental goods and dreamed of getting rich by plundering rich cities. The clergy wanted to extend their power to the East. "

Liberation of Palestine from the Seljuk Turks; the conversion to Christianity of the pagans of the Baltic states; suppression of heretical movements in Europe (Cathars, Hussites, etc.). "Going to Palestine, the participants sewed red crosses on their chest, returning, sewed it on the back, hence the name" crusaders ".

Clergy - expansion of the sphere of influence, seizure of lands Landless knights - seizure of lands. Children - search for a home, tk. most of them were street children. Peasants - seizure of land for Agriculture Knights - glory, money and removal of sins. Lawbreakers are a hideout from punishment.

The poor were the first to set out on the campaign at the call of Peter the Hermit. They were unprepared, almost unarmed, but believed that God would help them defeat their enemies and liberate Jerusalem. On the way, they begged for alms and often robbed the local population. The Byzantine emperor hastened to transport them to Asia, where in the very first battle with the Turks, almost all of them were killed or taken prisoner. "

In the fall of 1096, under the leadership of large feudal lords, detachments of the knights of France, Germany and Italy set out on a campaign. Their detachments united in Constantinople, crossed over to Asia Minor and defeated the Seljuk Turks in a decisive battle. On the way to Jerusalem, the crusaders seized and plundered cities, quarreled among themselves over loot. In 1099, after a month's siege, the crusaders took Jerusalem by storm. Almost all of its Muslim residents were killed. "

On the occupied lands - a narrow strip along the sea - the crusaders created several feudal states. The local population became dependent on the new land owners - European feudal lords. The main one was the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the rulers of other crusader states were its vassals.

The orders were headed by the Grand Masters and they obeyed only the Pope. In the East, they helped pilgrims and protected them from Muslims, opened hospitals. Incoming donations and trade enriched the orders. Grand Master of the Order of the Knights Templar Grand Master of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The 2nd Crusade, led by the French king Louis VII and the German king Konrad III, was organized after the conquest of Edessa by the Seljuks. It ended with a terrible defeat of the crusaders, who lost tens of thousands killed and died from disease and hunger. "

At the end of the 12th century, Muslims created a strong state. Its ruler Salah ad-Din (Saladin) managed to defeat the crusaders in several battles, the king of Jerusalem and the master of the Templar order were captured. In 1187, after a short siege, Saladin captured Jerusalem. Residents-Christians could leave the city for the ransom, those who could not pay the ransom were sold into slavery (15 thousand people). "

The Third Crusade was organized to return Jerusalem. Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa, who led the German knights, died in Asia Minor, and his army returned home. The French and English knights, led by Kings Philip II Augustus and Richard I the Lionheart, acted inconsistently. Unsuccessful, the French knights, led by the king, returned home. "Philip II Augustus and Richard the Lionheart

Richard the Lionheart managed to conquer the city of Acra (which became the capital of the Kingdom of Jerusalem), but the British and the knights of various orders that supported him did not have enough troops to capture Jerusalem. On the way to England, Richard the Lionheart was captured by his enemy the Duke of Austria and spent two years in captivity. He was released for a large ransom. "

Pope Innocent III organized the Fourth Crusade. The crusaders were supposed to land in Egypt, but the Venetian ruler (doge) demanded a huge amount for transportation and the knights could not pay it. The Venetians persuaded the crusaders to seize the Christian city of Constantinople. In 1204 Constantinople was taken by storm and plundered. The trip to Jerusalem did not take place. On the territory of Byzantium, the Crusaders created the Latin Empire. "

In France, in 1212, a new Crusade began, in which only children took part, in order to liberate Jerusalem without weapons with the name of God on their lips. 25 thousand children from all over Europe came to Italy. There they were put on ships and, taken to Africa, were sold into slavery. "

"The campaigns brought misfortune to the inhabitants of Eastern countries and devastation for the inhabitants of Europe. But by paving the way to the East, the knights contributed to the development of trade. The Europeans took a lot from the East - silk and glass, rice and buckwheat, lemons and sugar, watermelons and apricots. The way of life of Europeans also changed. - they began to observe hygiene, wash in baths, change linen and clothes. Feudal lords began to strive for luxury, and this required money, so commodity-money relations began to develop rapidly in Europe.

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