Willingness to choose a profession profile. Formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in adolescence. Directions of psychological assistance

O. A. Kapin

The article is devoted to the analysis and clarification of the concept of "readiness to choose a profession" and the specification of the structure of this type of readiness. Various types of readiness are considered: readiness to study at school and university, readiness to choose a profession. An analysis of approaches to determining the structure of readiness made it possible to single out two key components in its composition: personal (internal position) and operational.

Key words: readiness for activity, readiness to choose a profession, readiness structure, internal position, operational readiness component.

A Structure of Psychological Readiness to Choose a Profession

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept "readiness to choose profession" and structure concretization of the given type of readiness. It also considers various types of readiness: readiness to study at school and a higher educational institution, readiness to choose the profession. The analysis of approaches to determine the structure of readiness allows to single out two key components there: personal (the inward position) and operational, and to specify their content.

Key words: readiness to work, readiness to choose a profession, a structure of readiness, the inward position, the operational component of readiness.

The requirements of society and the labor market for modern teenagers put them in a situation of choosing a profession quite early. Previously, the system of general secondary education was arranged in such a way that decision making could be postponed until grades 10-11. Today, due to the intensive modernization of the system of general secondary education, the urgent need to decide on the choice of profession arises already in the 9th grade, and from the 10th, specialized profile preparation for entering a vocational educational institution begins, preparation for the Unified State Examination in major subjects that provide an opportunity receipts. At the same time, age-related needs remain relevant for a teenager: communication with peers, finding oneself, personal searches. Thus, having not fully realized the needs of adolescence, the subject finds himself in a difficult critical situation of choosing a profession, which he is far from always ready to overcome constructively and make a conscious choice. This determines the relevance of the problems of research and the formation of readiness for choosing a profession.

Readiness for activity is a concept that has been sufficiently studied in the psychological literature.

tie. In general, readiness is a synthesis of psychological phenomena, such as the mood of the individual before the implementation of activities, the internal position of the individual, readiness for activity. Let's take a closer look at this concept.

S. L. Rubinshtein presents readiness as an attitude of personality. “A person’s attitude,” writes S. L. Rubinshtein, “is the position taken by her, which consists in a certain attitude to the goals and tasks that are standing and is expressed in selective mobilization and readiness for activities aimed at their implementation ... This is adaptation to activity. The formation of an attitude presupposes the entry of the subject into the situation and the acceptance of the tasks that arise in it; it depends on the distribution of what is subjectively significant for the individual.

This definition, in our opinion, is very close to the concept of the internal position of the individual, which was studied by L. I. Bozhovich. An analysis of the concept based on the works of L. I. Bozhovich shows that under the internal position, she means a single system of really acting motives in relation to the environment or any of its spheres, self-awareness, as well as attitude towards oneself in

© Kapina O. A., 2011

The structure of psychological readiness for choosing a profession

context of the surrounding reality. Thus, D. V. Lubovsky concludes, the internal position is the unity of three components - reflexive, emotional and motivational. In addition, in the studies of L. I. Bozhovich, devoted to psychological readiness for school, the internal position is recognized as the lowest actual level of mental development, necessary and sufficient to start schooling.

The internal position is closely connected with arbitrary self-regulation of activity. So, N. I. Gutkina, analyzing readiness for schooling, notes: “In order for behavior to be consciously regulated, a person must want to do something, or understand why he needs it.” L. I. Bozhovich also writes about this, describing the process of self-determination of older adolescents: “... the presence of stable personal interests in a teenager makes him purposeful, and, consequently, internally more collected and organized” . As E. M. Borisova notes, older adolescents mainly choose those types of activities in which they have made some progress. This speaks, according to the author, of an attempt to direct their interests to those areas of activity in which they have certain achievements and therefore further progress is possible.

In addition to the internal position and the arbitrary self-regulation of behavior associated with it, an important component of readiness for activity is the general abilities of the subject, his knowledge, skills, experience. This point of view is shared by A. K. Markova, V. D. Shadrikov, S. N. Chistyakova, M. V. Retivyh, N. F. Vinogradova.

As convincingly proved in the studies of V. D. Shadrikov and Yu. P. Povarenkov, any activity is mastered on the basis of general abilities. It is the abilities and experience of the subject that determine the effectiveness and success of the performance of the activity. The integral manifestation of abilities, knowledge and skills, according to V. D. Shadrikov, is intelligence, the level of which is determined by the level of development of individual abilities, the availability of knowledge, plans, programs and their connections and the integral nature of functioning.

In domestic psychological science, the intellectual properties of a person are most often

are interpreted as mental development, which depends both on the maturation of the organic basis that creates the prerequisites for development, and on the assimilation of social experience. Based on the opinion of L. S. Vygotsky, one can even say that the most significant is the ratio of the level of preparation and development of the subject to the level of requirements that society imposes. Such requirements in domestic science are represented by a socio-psychological standard. So, for example, K. M. Gurevich characterizes the socio-psychological standard of schoolchildren as a set of specific requirements of the curriculum that are presented to them at a certain stage of education.

Thus, in the structure of readiness for activity, 2 main components can be distinguished - personal (internal position of the subject) and operational (arbitrary self-regulation of activity, mental development and experience). In addition, in various types of readiness, specific components can be distinguished, depending on the characteristics of the situation in which the subject is located. So, for example, N. V. Nizhegorodtseva and V. D. Shadrikov in the structure of readiness for learning at school distinguish 5 blocks of educationally important qualities: personality-motivational, acceptance of a learning task, idea of ​​the content of activity, information, management activity . E. I. Rogov includes a socio-psychological component. Considering the readiness to study at a university, S. N. Kusakina includes motivational-professional, cognitive-tempo and volitional components in its structure.

Analyzing the readiness to choose a profession, N.V. Nizhegorodtseva and O.A. Tarotenko define it as an integral property of individuality, the structure of which includes individual qualities that encourage, guide, regulate real activity, which develop unevenly and heterochronously. S. N. Chistyakova defines this concept as a stable integral system of the individual's ICP, which includes a positive attitude towards the chosen type of activity, the availability of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

M. V. Retivyh understands it as an integral property of the personality, contributing to the conscious and independent implementation of the strategy of professional choice, which is manifested in moral, psychophysiological and practical

O. A. Kapin

tic readiness for the formation and implementation of professional intentions.

Based on such ideas, readiness to choose a profession can be characterized as a systemic quality and the following structure can be assumed. The content of the internal position includes a motivational aspect - professionally oriented interests, inclinations, preferences, values ​​of a teenager. The reflexive aspect presupposes, first of all, the awareness of what a teenager wants and what he can really achieve, critical assessment of his capabilities and awareness of personal responsibility for the events of his life. The emotional aspect characterizes the attitude of the subject to the choice of a profession, the emotional acceptance of this situation, a positive attitude towards activity.

In the structure of the operational component of the readiness of the subject, we consider the features of self-regulation of activities, in particular, the ability to set a goal, plan activities for choosing a profession, the ability to make informed decisions, to search for the necessary information. Of no small importance is the level of mental development of adolescents, its compliance with the socio-psychological standard, as well as training and learning ability, which characterizes their readiness to master the program of profile or vocational education.

This approach to understanding the readiness to choose a profession suggests that it is a system in which the lack of formation of one of the components can lead to the failure of the entire system. This, in turn, can make it possible to individually describe the problems of adolescents in a situation of choosing a profession and find an individual way to accompany the subject, based on the specifics of his problems.

Bibliographic list:

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The structure of psychological readiness for choosing a profession

  • Specialty HAC RF13.00.01
  • Number of pages 189

Chapter 1

1.1. The essence of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students

1.2. The peculiarity of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among senior schoolchildren.


2.1.Characteristics of the model of the system for the formation of readiness for the choice of a profession in the senior schoolchildren in the educational process of a general education school.

2.2, Experience of experimental study of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession in a secondary school in senior schoolchildren.

2.3. Pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession in a secondary school in senior schoolchildren.

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Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Formation of readiness among older students to choose a profession in the educational process of a comprehensive school"

The modernization of Russian education requires an active search for new forms, methods, means of training and education aimed at improving the pedagogical process, preparing the younger generation for life and work in a market economy.

In the "intensive search for ways" of the country's economic development, combining the functioning of market relations and state regulation, young people need to develop social activity, civic initiative, entrepreneurship and the ability to determine their future. A special role in the formation of such personality traits belongs to educational institutions.

The increased requirements of society for the quality of education in general, the level of educational preparation of schoolchildren and readiness to choose a profession, to personal development, determine the purpose and content of the educational process at school.

In the current situation, school graduates are more serious about choosing a profession of the new century, the question of self-determination in modern socio-economic conditions is more acute.

The school is designed to ensure readiness to choose a profession, develop professional interests and inclinations of the individual. At the final stage of schooling, high school students should be ready to choose a profession and continue to receive education.

However, studies show that schoolchildren are poorly prepared for choosing a profession, about 50% of them (11, p. 92).

Such uncertainty leads to the fact that random people who do not strive to master their chosen profession to perfection often enter vocational schools.

To this end, schools began to actively introduce specialized education. However, the analysis of the state of practice shows that providing the necessary knowledge does not solve the problem of schoolchildren's readiness to choose a profession and to adapt to the dynamic socio-economic conditions of our reality.

The potential possibilities of today's school, the social environment, do not allow students to have a sufficient level of sufficient knowledge and are purely theorized in nature, divorced from reality. Modern schoolchildren will not be able to resist the negative phenomena of the market environment. In this regard, the problem of the formation of such values ​​that contribute to the moral stability of schoolchildren to the negative phenomena of a market economy has arisen. Therefore, the formation of students' readiness to choose a profession in the context of moral development acquires special significance and requires effective pedagogical guidance in the formation of this process. Thus, a contradiction arose between: the requirement of society for the formation of students' readiness to choose a profession and the conservatism of the school as a social institution; the need to develop and implement effective forms and methods of new technologies that increase the efficiency of shaping the readiness of schoolchildren to choose a profession and the predominance of traditional approaches in school; the changing content of the subjects of the humanitarian cycle, the need to use a variety of programs in the school according to the profiles of education and the insufficient preparedness of teaching staff for this type of educational activity. These contradictions give rise to a problem that consists in the need to develop pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession in the educational process of a general education school in senior schoolchildren.

In the 70-80s of the XX century, a coherent system of vocational guidance for schoolchildren was developed, but today the general education school is in dire need of developing and implementing new approaches to shaping the readiness of older students to choose a profession.

The theoretical understanding of various aspects of the problem of choosing a profession was facilitated by the works of various scientists. The importance of her research was noted in their works by well-known domestic teachers P.P. Blonsky, A.V. Lunacharsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.T. Shatsky.

The social aspect of the problem of choosing a profession by young people was analyzed by scientists I.N. Nazimov, M.N. Rutkevich, M.Kh. Titma, V.N. Shubkin.

Psychophysical and biomedical foundations for choosing a profession are presented in the works of V.G. Anan'eva, I.D. Kartseva, E.A. Klimova, I.D. Levitova, N.S. Leites, A.N. Leontiev, K.K. Platonov.

The choice of a profession on a polytechnical basis in the process of combining the education and upbringing of students with productive labor was considered in their works by P.R. Atutov, K.Sh. Akhiyarov, A.F. Akhmatov, S.Ya. Batyshev,

A.A. Vasiliev, A.A. Kyveryalg, V.A. Polyakov, V.D. Simonenko and others.

Pedagogical conditions, management of the process of choosing a profession are summarized and presented in the works of Yu.P. Avericheva, L.V. Botyakova, E.D. Varnakova, Yu.K. Vasilyeva, A.E. Golomshtok, N.N. Zakharova, A.Ya. Naina,

B.L. Savinykh, A.D. Sazonova, G.N. Serikova, S.N. Chistyakova and others.

As you know, there have been changes in the priorities in the values ​​and goals of education, the transition from a technocratic approach to the implementation of its cultural and humanistic essence dictated a change in the nature of the preparation of schoolchildren for choosing a profession. Academician P.R. Atutov noted that it is necessary to “recognize as the leading developing function of labor training”, “a radical change in the goals and objectives of career guidance” (12, p. 3). The doctoral dissertations of N.E. Kasatkina, N.S. Pryazhnikova, S.V. Saltseva, I.D. Chechel, T.I. Shalavina.

However, until now, the formation of readiness for choosing a profession in the educational process of older students has not been sufficiently studied, its main pedagogical conditions have not been identified.

The urgency of the problem, its insufficient elaboration determined the theme of our study "Formation in senior schoolchildren of readiness to choose a profession in the educational process of a general education school."

The contradiction we have identified between the needs of mass practice and the state of the area of ​​pedagogical science we are studying made it possible to formulate the problem of this study as follows: what are the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the readiness of older students to choose a profession in the educational process of a general education school?

The purpose of the study: to identify, theoretically and experimentally substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students.

Object of study: a holistic educational process in a general education school.

Subject of study: the formation of readiness among senior schoolchildren to choose a profession in the educational process of a general education school.

As a hypothesis, it was suggested that: the effectiveness of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession in the educational process in the educational process is predetermined by two groups of hierarchically interconnected conditions: for older students to choose a profession; b) particular conditions that directly affect the process of formation of readiness for choosing a profession. The implementation of these two groups of conditions in their organic relationship can ensure the effectiveness of the process we are studying if a model is developed and implemented for the formation of readiness for choosing a profession in a general education school among older students.

Taking into account the problem, purpose, object and subject of the study, its tasks were defined:

1. Consider the essence of the readiness of older students to choose a profession in the educational process of a general education school.

2. To study the originality of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students.

3. Develop a model (goal, objectives, factors, contradictions, patterns, principles, content, forms, methods, means, pedagogical conditions, result) of formation of readiness for choosing a profession in the educational process of a general education school in senior schoolchildren.

4. To identify, theoretically and experimentally substantiate the pedagogical conditions (general and particular) of the effectiveness of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession in older students.

The methodological basis of the study is: materialistic dialectics and a systematic approach as its most important facet and the general methodological principle of science (V.G. Afanasiev, I.V. Blauberg, V.N. Kuzmin, I.V. Yudin, etc.); the implementation of activity, cultural approaches, the idea of ​​humanism and the democratization of society and education, the position on the unity of theory and practice, the doctrine of the creative and activity essence of the individual, the laws of its formation, the leading role of activity and communication in the development of the individual.

The theoretical basis of the study was: the psychological theory of personality (B.G. Ananiev, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, K.K. Platonov, S.L. Rubinshtein); theory of vocational guidance and professional self-determination (E.A. Klimov, I.N. Nazimov, E.M. Pavlyutinkov, O.G. Maksimova, V.D. Simonenko, S.N. Chistyakova, etc.); modern concepts of education (E.V. Bondarevskaya, L.I. Novikova, Yu.P. Sokolnikov, G.N. Volkov, N.I. Shchurkova, B.T. Likhachev).

Research methods. The central place among them was occupied by the organization by the author as the head of a general educational institution of a holistic pedagogical experience and the conduct of experimental work on it. Along with them, to achieve the goals and objectives of the study, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical literature, analysis of educational documentation and statistical data, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience in the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students, observation, questioning, testing , conversations with students, teachers and parents, modeling of the pedagogical process.

The study was carried out in several stages.

Stage 1 (1993-1995) - accumulation and comprehension of personal pedagogical experience in the activities of a general education school, theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, legislative and regulatory acts on research issues, as well as studying the experience of formation among older students in a secondary general education school . The main attention at this stage was paid to the definition of the initial parameters of the study and its general hypothesis.

Stage 2 (1996-2000) - comprehension of the holistic pedagogical experience that we have accumulated in a general education school and the formation in it of the readiness of older students to choose a profession.

Improvement of this experience on the basis of the general hypothesis developed by us. Organization of experimental work aimed at testing the proposed hypothesis.

Stage 3 (2000-2004) - completion of experimental work aimed at testing the general hypothesis of the study. Determination of criteria and levels of formation of readiness for choosing a profession among senior schoolchildren.

The model developed by the author for the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among senior schoolchildren was introduced into the practice of general education schools. Formation of conclusions and recommendations of the study. Preparation of the abstract and dissertation for defense.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that:

1. The essence of the readiness of older students to choose a profession and the peculiarity of their formation in the educational process are clarified.

2. A model was developed and experimentally tested for the formation of readiness in senior schoolchildren to choose a profession in a general education school.

3. Two groups of pedagogical conditions (general and particular) of the effectiveness of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession in the pedagogical process of a general education school have been identified, theoretically and experimentally substantiated.

The theoretical significance of the study is as follows: the existing theoretical ideas about the essence of the readiness of high school students to choose a profession have been expanded, a model has been developed for the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among senior schoolchildren in the pedagogical process of a general education school, and pedagogical conditions have been identified that ensure the effectiveness of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession, which represent new knowledge, will be widely used by researchers of this problem, primarily in the development of new approaches to the formation of readiness for choosing a profession by older students.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the conclusions and recommendations contained in the dissertation can be used in schools. They can be used in the preparation of manuals on pedagogy, in advanced training courses for teaching staff.

The validity and reliability of the research results are provided by a scientifically based methodological approach based on a systematic understanding of pedagogical reality, the adequacy of the research methodology for the tasks set, the variety of research methods that complement each other, the central place among which was occupied by experimental work and holistic pedagogical experience, the representativeness of experimental data, careful analysis of the results obtained.

Approbation and implementation of the results of the study was carried out in the course of organizing a holistic educational process in schools No. 1977, 936. The main results of the study were discussed and received a positive assessment.

Approbation and implementation of the results of the study: the results of the study were discussed at meetings of the school's pedagogical council, methodological associations of teachers, parent meetings of the school, at seminars for deputies. directors and directors of schools in Moscow (2001, 2002, 2003), dedicated to the formation of the readiness of older students to choose a profession, at the annual meetings of the laboratory of the center for a systematic approach to education of the Association "Education", at the annual conferences of teachers and graduate students of the Moscow State Pedagogical University named after. M.A. Sholokhov, at interuniversity conferences in the city of Moscow (2002), at meetings of the laboratory of the OSI MO RF.

The following are submitted for defense:

1. Characteristics of the essence of the readiness of senior schoolchildren to choose a profession in the educational process of a general education school, as well as the peculiarity of its development in senior school age.

2. Characteristics of the model of formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students (components, models - goal, tasks, factors, contradictions, patterns, principles, content, forms, methods, means, pedagogical, conditions, result).

3. Theoretical and experimental substantiation of the pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession in the senior schoolchildren in the educational process of a secondary school. The first group of conditions are general pedagogical conditions that affect the effectiveness and integrity of the educational process, as well as the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students:

The performance by a general education school of functions, both general and specific, inherent only to a particular educational institution.

Organization and optimal functioning of educational teams of a general education school as forms of functioning of educational systems.

Ensuring a high level of educational process and assisting every senior student in achieving academic success.

The combination of the teachings of older students with a variety of extracurricular activities and the creation on this basis of conditions for their comprehensive development.

The second group of conditions are particular conditions that directly affect the formation of readiness for choosing a profession in older students:

Systematic professional diagnostics and career guidance of older students.

The systematic inclusion of students in a diverse and consistently developing work, subordinated to the tasks of forming in older students the readiness to choose a profession, the manifestation of creativity in work.

The use of game technologies for the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among senior schoolchildren.

The community of the school in the formation of senior students' readiness to choose a profession with professional educational institutions, with the leading role of the school.

Individual approach to older students in the formation of their readiness for choosing a profession.

Dissertation structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a list of references and an appendix.

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The results of the study of reflexive processes by S.D. Neverkovich, N.V. Samoukina, I.N. Semenov, the content of the reflexive component of a student's readiness to choose a profession makes it possible to determine the student's ability to rethink the means and logical foundations of his activity, the goals of his actions, self-esteem, etc. The presence of such an ability, schoolchildren develop a stable motivation for self-change and self-improvement of their activities, their personality.

So, we consider readiness to choose a profession as a stable personality characteristic, an integral complex that includes personal-target, information-gnostic and reflective-evaluative components that meet the requirements of the content and conditions of future professional activity.

1.2. The peculiarity of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students

In characterizing the features of the formation of readiness to choose a profession in senior school age in a general education school, we proceed from the recognition that personality development is a complex, lengthy, multi-stage process. At the same time, like the personality itself, its development is a process both holistic and multifaceted.

As you know, each personality in its development goes through certain stages that are qualitatively different from each other. The most general periodization of life, covering it as a whole, is reduced to the allocation of three very long segments of the life path: 1) growing up - up to 30 years; 2) maturity - up to 60 years; 3) old age - until the end of life.

Pedagogical psychology, which studies the features of human development in the period of its formation, distinguishes the following stages: infancy, early childhood, preschool age, primary school age, adolescence, adolescence. In adolescence, younger adolescence and older adolescence are distinguished.

As you know, the development of personality is a gradual accumulation of imperceptible quantitative changes and their transition at some stage into qualitative ones. Accordingly, the age characteristics of individual stages of development do not exist as static for a given stage and changing only with the transition of the individual to the next stage. It can be noted that the age characteristics of each of the stages of personality development exist as certain trends.

Teachers in their activities should use the opportunities of each age period in the formation of personality, missed in childhood, never return to the years of youth, and even more so in adulthood. This rule applies to all areas of a student's life, and especially the stage of formation of readiness for choosing a profession. An indicator of its development is the emergence of a sense of "adulthood", which is the central formation of adolescence, since it "is the neoplasm through which the adolescent identifies, compares himself with adults, comrades, finds role models, builds relationships with other people and rebuilds his activity” (5).

It should be remembered that the social situation of adolescence is such that it is at this age, due to the level of development achieved by the pupils, that new opportunities appear in order to direct their activities for the benefit of society. But at the same time, at this age, there are more and more opportunities for labor and other activities to be organized by the forces of the pupils themselves. In this progressively more complex, developing activity of adolescents, their self-awareness is formed. Awareness of one's "I" and one's attitude to the environment acts as a single process, the sides of which mutually penetrate, intertwine.

It has been established that a teenager's awareness of his relationship to the surrounding reality is one of the prerequisites for the emergence of a social situation in the development of senior school age, which is characterized by the formation of a worldview, beliefs, and the development of mediated needs (24). At this age, there is a transition from the rather conscious, unstable and, often not correlated with the requirements of society, motives of younger students to the formation of a certain moral orientation in older students.

Science has established that the peculiarities of the upbringing of high school students are largely determined by the specifics of adolescence. Let's give a brief description of it.

At this age, older students are at the stage of entry into an independent life. They are characterized by a focus on the future. It inevitably leaves an imprint on the entire behavior and psyche of young men and women. Their self-awareness grows, the need for self-determination develops, in choosing a future profession, the role of self-esteem increases, and the worldview is intensively formed. It should be noted that the process of formation of readiness for choosing a profession for girls and boys is largely determined by the state of the economy of modern society, and the organization of work on their education in those pedagogical systems in which they are included - in the family, school, institutions of additional education. Deficiencies in career guidance and in general educational work lead to the manifestation of infantilism in the formation of readiness for professional activity, lack of education in professional interests, and unpreparedness for the choice of a profession by older students. A mass study of the readiness to choose a profession among senior schoolchildren in the course of experimental work showed that the levels of its readiness turn out to be different. There are three levels - low, medium and high. The ascertaining stage of the experiment that we conducted showed that usually the majority of high school students have a low level of readiness to choose a profession. Summarizing the materials of the mass study of students, we came to the conclusion that the reason for this is that high school students are not included in professional tests that contain creative components of various types of professional activity from an idea to the final result. The formation of readiness to choose a profession, interest in a variety of activities, in general, will be effective when a senior student participates in a variety of activities.

As psychologists note, teaching continues to be the leading activity at this age, but along with it, labor and professional activities play an increasingly important role in the life of a student, usually going beyond the boundaries of school and institutions of additional education. An important factor in the moral formation of the personality of an older student, in developing his readiness to continue education after graduation, is labor. The interests of high school students, in comparison with adolescents, become more selective and stable, they have a growing interest in the subject into an interest in science.

The contents of the studied disciplines allow senior students to comprehend the surrounding reality from a philosophical standpoint, and show a serious interest in worldview issues. In the field of their interests and problems of logic, psychology, bionics, genetics, astrophysics, market economy, etc. Considering these circumstances, we have activated the intellectual activity of older students, setting them tasks of increasing complexity that require high school students to analyze and generalize the phenomena under consideration, make independent conclusions, create conditions in the classroom for a creative discussion of issues of concern to high school students, an active exchange of opinions, attract them to participate in scientific conferences, olympiads, meetings with scientists.

It has been established in science that the collective plays an important role in the life of high school students, this age is called the most “collectivist”. The involvement of older students in collective affairs and concerns provides an opportunity to show their abilities and talents. There is a process of self-determination of the personality, the growth of self-consciousness of high school students contributes to the development of the need for self-education, the desire to get rid of not only some shortcomings in behavior, but also to improve the personality as a whole. At this stage, it is of great importance to educate senior schoolchildren of a correct idea of ​​the personality of a young person, to form his moral model, ideal. In accordance with which he will educate his own personality.

It should be noted that in modern conditions, the potential readiness of older students to arrange life is formed in a complex social reality, and therefore his further life path and career become very uncertain. This gives rise to a very difficult problem for them - determining the measure of correctness in assessing and understanding social relations, their significance in life that make up these relations. Schoolchildren need communication and the learning process itself at school attracts not only the content, but also the opportunity to communicate with peers.

Teachers and psychologists note that development at this age is determined by its communication with people in all forms of socially useful activities: production, labor, art, sports, etc. A senior student receives such communication in extracurricular activities, being engaged in interest associations in institutions of additional education. In the educational space of the city, they are the most popular, necessary for the emerging personality of the student. There is an intensive psycho-physiological development, the development of imagination, perception, tactile qualities of memory, as well as strengthening the muscles of the body. These qualities contribute to the education of professional interests.

At this age, the formation of value orientations takes place, the defining focus of which is social responsibility. It is characterized by a person's attitude to creative activity as to his civic duty, readiness to correlate his interests with public ones, to be responsible for the results of his activity and behavior. The education of readiness for choosing a profession in senior school age is associated with the development of creative activity, the desire of students for self-education. One of the criteria for the readiness of older students to choose a profession is an adequate positive self-assessment, readiness for a reasonable professional self-determination.

The identification of features of the content of extracurricular activities in the process of preparing for the choice of a profession, the features of the content of the process of high school students does not mean that the determination of his readiness for choosing a profession is formed only at this age stage. In pedagogical science, it has been established that the organization of activities, accuracy, diligence continue to form even after the transition of students from primary to secondary school, social activity - at senior school age, but certain content is most successfully absorbed at a sensitive age for their perception.

The conducted studies have determined and proved that it is in the senior school age that such dominant features characteristic of the subjects of today's market psychology are actively formed, such as: efficiency, practical orientation, initiative, openness to innovation, readiness for extraordinary solutions, reasonable risk, orientation to win in a competitive market. struggle, confidence in decisions and actions.

As you know, at this age there are two major changes in life: organic - puberty and cultural - the discovery of one's "I", the formation of personality and its worldview. The appearance of a life plan as a system of adaptation, realized by a person, continues the development of the personality of an older student.

It should be noted that the specifics of the senior school age are the relationships between boys and girls, created and necessary for each other. Their relationship is beautiful because opposites unite, each of them supports and develops these opposites. A young man develops in a girl the desire and ability to please, to be gentle and affectionate, the ability for subtle emotional resonance, female beauty. And the girl develops in the young man his masculinity, self-confidence, chivalrous attitude towards the weak, a sense of duty to the family, society, strength of mind, the strength of male society, endurance, male enterprise, efficiency, energy, etc.

Analysis and generalization of the results of the development of the emotional volitional and intellectual spheres of the child's personality in various age periods preceding the senior school age makes it possible to predict its further development. Personal development is based on continuity, and all new personal qualities are laid down at previous age stages. Based on what has already been formed in the student, we will consider the readiness to choose a profession at senior school age, taking into account the leading activity of this age - professional. It provides for the development of the content of various activities that enrich the life of an older student, provide multifaceted material for imagination, for building life goals. A characteristic feature of the psychology of adolescence is aspiration to the future (83). A.S. Makarenko believed that to educate a person means to educate a person with a perspective (84), based on the real requirements of life, taking into account the emerging socio-economic perspective, that is, to reflect, and, if possible, to forestall the processes taking place in society.

Scientists, experts, practitioners note that the orientation of young people to life in the system of market relations is the most difficult task, since a significant part of our population (including young people) is characterized by egalitarian collectivist relations, socio-psychological attitudes. Preparing young people for life in the harsh realities of a market economy, it is necessary to overcome these attitudes. At senior school age, students are clearly convinced that the market is a sphere of alternatives and entrepreneurial risk, a kind of test of economic independence and a manifestation of intellectual originality. For young people, the market can be a powerful stimulus for developing a sense of ownership, independence and self-activity. In the conditions of the market, people will find themselves entrepreneurial, businesslike, hardworking, professionally competent, able to quickly adapt to changing conditions, capable of taking risks, independently choosing areas of activity, making responsible decisions and self-regulating behavior. This situation requires the formation of a high type of personality, characterized by decency, a sense of human dignity. If these qualities are not present in the self-consciousness and behavior of young people, civilized market relations are doomed to failure. The upbringing of high moral qualities is becoming an indispensable condition for the preparation of business people capable of reviving and developing an economy that is turned to people.

Teachers and psychologists believe that the relevance of the formation of readiness to choose a profession among future participants in social production is determined by two main reasons. The first of them is connected with the adaptation of a school graduate in adult labor activity, in the material and non-material spheres of social production. The second is connected with the development of his social and political activity. Whatever the problem of social life we ​​are faced with, each in one way or another is connected with the economic interests and relationships of people in society. This also applies to environmental issues, politics and national relations, the development of morality, ethics and many other important issues.

Senior schoolchildren are active, enter into numerous connections and relationships with the outside world, with people. The wider and richer the circle of these connections and relations of students with society, with other people, the more versatile practical activity in society, in a team, the more successfully they develop mentally, morally, aesthetically, etc.

The transition to market relations is accompanied not only by significant changes in the professional training of young people, but

RUSSIAN STATE LIBRARY and a fundamentally new approach to planning your own career, work path.

As you know, upbringing and education at senior school age cannot be reduced to a passive perception of the experience, knowledge, and skills of the older generation. The effectiveness of education increases if the pupil himself is more active. The development of the student occurs in the course of his active activity.

It is known that the efficiency of the process of mastering knowledge and experience increases if the student himself begins to explain the perception of knowledge to others. AND I. Comenius wrote: “Everything that is assimilated must, in turn, be passed on to others and for others, so that no knowledge is lost. In this sense, it is correctly said: your knowledge is nothing if the other does not know that you know it. To teach means to retell everything learned in turn to comrades or to anyone who wants to listen. He who teaches others learns himself - not only because, by repeating, he strengthens his knowledge in sebb, but also because he gets the opportunity to penetrate deeper into things.

A student who wishes to make great progress in knowledge would look for students whom he could teach daily what he is learning himself, even if he had to pay them money. This is about education.

Further, criticizing teachers who do not teach to transfer their knowledge to others, Comenius writes: “What was connected by nature was not taken together, but separately. They (the students) were forced only to study and never - to teach, although all this. must be connected together, as in running - the ability to raise and lower the legs, in conversation - to listen and respond, in the ball game - toss the ball and pick it up, etc. ”

Comenius' wishes are relevant for us today. We have the same shortcomings. Sometimes you can meet teachers who only themselves strive to teach and educate children, but do not force them to teach and educate others.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Many years of experience convinced me that a person is truly educated when he educates another person, self-esteem, honor, pride awakens in a person on the condition that he puts a particle of his spiritual forces into another person. I see my most important, paramount task as the chief educator of the school in that every high school student is to some extent an educator.

A huge influence on the choice of a profession by older students has an ideal and the implementation of professional activities, which gives the experience of the fullness of life, the recognition of a person and the realization of his capabilities. Otherwise, it is also called a sense of social belonging (136).

Creativity becomes more and more significant in the life of older students, which allows them to experience the fullness of life associated with efforts to organize the “I”. They already have performing, visual, economic, entrepreneurial activities, which require the manifestation of such personal qualities as initiative, self-regulation, involvement in the task, perseverance. (93,148). This is what often characterizes the level of personality development, which later manifests itself in the achievements of professional activity. The world of professions is dynamic, and it forms an adequate “human factor”, highlighting the development of a person’s personality (92)

As we have already noted, the social situation of development at senior school age is determined by the fact that he is on the verge of entering an independent life. In a market economy, many researchers of this age (93;94;27;29). connect the transition from adolescence to early adolescence with a sharp change in the internal position, which consists in the fact that aspiration for the future becomes the main focus of the personality and the problem of choosing a future profession, a further life path is in the focus of the young man's attention, becomes his immediate prospect. It is no coincidence that the main neoplasm in senior school age is life and professional self-determination, awareness of one's place in the future, i.e. the birth of a “life perspective” 26 an idea of ​​your desired “I”, about what you would like to do in life.

At this stage of personality development, the organization of specialized training is relevant. But it should be remembered that in mental development nothing happens "by itself", without external influence. It is in our power and interest to make this influence more "nourishing" (143). Identification of professional interests, awareness of one's life plan is the basis of professional self-determination. “The activity should be mine, captivate me, come from my soul,” confirms K.D. Ushinsky (143). Therefore, the study of professional interests at an early stage of the formation of a professional choice allows organizing specialized training, taking into account the correction and development of pedagogical technologies.

The school is undergoing a complex process of changing orientations. There is a movement that begins with the rejection of the previous ideological set dogmas through the situation of a certain value vacuum to a gradual and difficult realization of the priority of universal human values. The humanistic ideas of "all-unity", the cosmic connection of man with the world, the harmony of the relationship between personality and nature, uniting various philosophers (V. Vernadsky, N. Berdyaev, V. Solovyov, A. Chizhevsky, etc.) into a common moral and philosophical trend of Russian cosmism can serve as a methodological basis for building a non-uniform Russian school based on faith in transformative processes and the great potential of GOMO Sapiens.

K. Rogers, A. Maslow note that a person is a unique value system, which is an open possibility of self-actualization, inherent only to a person. Such people are free to choose their own path in life. With all the restrictions, they always have a choice, they are free to choose and are responsible for the consequences of the choice.

According to K. Rogers, freedom is the most important condition for self-actualization.

In the world educational tradition, a special value and at the same time a vector of development is the movement towards independence (the ability to self-development, in the words of A.S. Pushkin) towards the formation of an amateur, self-conscious, self-directed.

School No. 1977 educational institution. As an element of pedagogical experience, it is always present along with the general and the special.

What is special about the school is that it is an urban experimental site, one of the most important tasks of the school is profiling, the school is experimenting with profile education: two profiles are open - natural-mathematical and social-humanitarian, career guidance. These tasks are implemented in the structural divisions of the school, which include initial vocational training, associations of interest. The latter provide additional education in school subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and also realize the interests of children in interest associations in various areas (there are more than 40 in the school).

In the implementation of these tasks, the teaching staff proceeds from the essence of general education, specifying what kind of knowledge, skills and abilities students should learn: knowledge of economic laws and categories of development of social production, the role and importance of labor in society, knowledge of the economic policy of the state, etc.

The next feature of the school is that it is a collective member of the Association "Education" and the base institution of the Department of Methodology and Theory of Educational Systems and Spaces of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences.

The school, as a center of educational work, organizes the versatile daily activities of high school students, maintains contact with the family and other educational and educational institutions. Therefore, it is the school that coordinates all efforts in the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students.

The effectiveness of educational work at the present time must be assessed by how much we have managed to prepare students to act independently and make decisions independently. Consequently, in modern conditions, the individual must possess two oppositely directed series of qualities. On the one hand, you need a stable worldview, stable beliefs and value orientations; on the other hand, we need psychological stability, flexibility, the ability to assimilate and process new information not only in youth, but also in adulthood.

The formation of readiness to choose a profession among older students occurs most effectively in the process of purposeful activities of general educational institutions, in close connection with the family.

In the course of our study, we turned to the consideration of the issue of criteria, indicators and levels of formation of the readiness of older students to choose a profession.

As you know, "criterion" is a sign on the basis of which something is evaluated, defined or classified; "Measure" - this is how the concept of criterion (119) is defined.

The choice of criteria and indicators is determined by the objectives of a particular study. We have studied the criteria and indicators that are used in the theory and practice of vocational guidance. Vershinin, N.N. Zakharov, E.A. Klimov, M.S. Savina, S.N. Chistyakova singled out the criteria and indicators of the formation of professional self-determination among schoolchildren, according to which its assessment is carried out (26,45,58, 125, 153).

S.N. Chistyakova, N.N. Zakharov identified the following criteria for the formation of professional self-determination: 1) an ideological and moral criterion, which implies the presence of socially significant motives for choosing a profession, awareness of duty to society, the desire to bring it as much benefit as possible with one's work; 2) a general labor criterion, showing the presence of interests and respect for working people and any work, the need for labor activity, the formation of general labor skills and abilities; 3) an effective practical criterion, indicating the inclination and ability for a particular type of work activity, the presence of an adequate self-assessment of the correspondence of personal qualities and character traits to the requirements of the chosen profession, the conviction in the need to choose this particular profession (155).

Criteria characterizing the levels of formation of professional self-determination were developed by scientists of the Institute of Labor Training: professional interests, abilities (general and special), motivation, professionally significant character traits, participation in labor activity, knowledge about professions and personal characteristics (66).

E.B. Savina in her study presented the criteria for professional self-awareness in high school students: awareness, stability, focus on a particular profession (125).

S.N. Chistyakova determined the criteria for the readiness of schoolchildren to choose a profession: the social orientation of the individual, interest and inclination to the chosen type of occupation, the degree of practical preparation for activities in the field of personal professional interests. Further, she notes that if each of these criteria includes a number of manifestations of schoolchildren's readiness for career choice, then together they can represent an approximate model of the level of readiness of schoolchildren to choose a profession (151, p. 8).

It should be noted that in the pedagogical literature the concept of a criterion is also used as a basis for a certain conclusion, assessment, judgment.

Enough works are devoted to the study, consideration of the criteria for making a decision on choosing a profession: A.V. Karpova, I.V. Kuznetsova, Yu.M. Zabrodina, V.D. Shadrikova and others. So, A.V. Karpov, as a component of a holistic structure of choosing a profession, considers a system of criteria as a set of requirements for the procedural and productive sides of decision-making; distinguishes decision-making criteria not only in content and type (criteria of attainability, preference, optimality), but also in terms of level (maximum, intermediate, minimum). In addition, in terms of life and professional self-determination, A.V. Karpov notes the criteria for the relationship between the factors of choice; life calling and its fulfillment; awareness of professional intent.

E.A. Klimov proposed a system of empirical criteria based on the establishment of a relationship of consistency between professional plans and inclinations, inclinations and abilities, personal plans of parents (59, pp. 124-138).

You can present the criteria and indicators proposed by modern researchers in the form of a table (see Table 2).

The choice of criteria and indicators is justified by the objectives of the experimental work of the above researchers. It should be noted that we used the criterion of personal readiness developed by scientists.

The researchers of this issue considered that it is logically expedient to distribute the criteria and the corresponding indicators according to the algorithm: personality - knowledge - activity.


The humanization and democratization of the pedagogical process, as the most important direction in the renewal of the modern general education school, currently require the creation of conditions for educating the younger generation, preparing them for choosing a profession, and being ready for work.

The implementation of the study, the study of special literature on the formation of readiness for the choice of a profession in the pedagogical process among senior schoolchildren, make it possible to conclude that their application has theoretical and practical significance.

Considering the formation of readiness to choose a profession among older students in the pedagogical process of the school, it should be noted that this problem is not new in principle. But upon a more detailed examination of it, we came to the conclusion that the formation at senior school age (10-11 grades) in the educational process of a general education school (with specialized education) remains insufficiently studied. Therefore, the problem under consideration requires a more in-depth study.

The study of psychological and pedagogical literature, the study showed that the organized educational process in the conditions of a general education school in the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students is a favorable, theoretical basis for their development. The results of the study on the study of pedagogical conditions for increasing the effectiveness of raising the readiness to choose a profession among older students in the pedagogical process of the school made it possible to solve the tasks and prove the hypothesis put forward by us.

The formation of readiness to choose a profession among the majority of senior schoolchildren is characterized by three levels and needs to be stimulated to develop it.

The study noted that there is a real opportunity to increase the level of formation of readiness to choose a profession among older students. This position is confirmed by the high level of formation of readiness to choose a profession for some of the older schoolchildren revealed in this study.

Conducted research:

1. Allows you to determine the model of formation of readiness to choose a profession among older students in the educational process of a general education school. The developed model of formation of readiness for choosing a profession among senior schoolchildren, in the course of its testing, showed the need to design a process, and also confirmed the objectivity of one of the research objectives formulated.

2. Allows you to identify the typical levels of formation of readiness to choose a profession among older students based on the study of psychological and pedagogical literature and observation in the course of a variety of activities. There are three of them: high, medium, low.

3. Allows you to determine the pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of readiness in older students to choose a profession in the educational process.

In defining these conditions, we proceeded from the main provisions of the research hypothesis, the leading idea of ​​which was the organic relationship between the two groups of efficiency conditions.

The first group of conditions includes general pedagogical conditions that affect the effectiveness and integrity of the educational process, as well as the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students.

1. The performance by a general education school of functions, both general and specific, inherent only to one or another educational institution.

2.0organization and optimal functioning of educational teams of a general education school as forms of functioning of educational and educational systems.

3. Ensuring a high level of the educational process and assisting each senior student in achieving success in learning.

4. Combining the teachings of older students with a variety of extracurricular activities and creating on this basis the conditions for their comprehensive development.

The second group of conditions, in our opinion, are particular conditions that directly affect the formation of readiness for choosing a profession in older students.

1. Systematic professional diagnostics and career guidance for older students.

2. The systematic inclusion of students in a diverse and consistently developing work, subordinated to the tasks of forming in older students the readiness to choose a profession, the manifestation of creativity in work.

3. The use of gaming technologies for the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students.

4. Commonwealth of the school in the formation of senior students' readiness to choose a profession with professional educational institutions, with the leading role of the school.

5.Individual approach to older students in the formation of their readiness to choose a profession.

The experimental work proved the hypothesis put forward that the effectiveness of the formation of readiness to choose a profession among older students will increase significantly if a system of pedagogical conditions is implemented.

An important indicator of the effectiveness of the experimental work was the change in the levels of formation of the readiness of older students to choose a profession in the experimental class. Comparison of the quantitative and qualitative indicators obtained during the experiment allows us to notice that the experimental class of senior schoolchildren, educated at the beginning of the experiment, in the conditions created in the course of our work, advanced more successfully. If at the beginning of the experiment in a class with a high level of readiness to choose a profession there were only 5 students, which was 20.8%, then at the end of the experiment it increased to 17 students, which amounted to 77.3%. The group of schoolchildren with an average level at the beginning of the experiment was 7 people, which amounted to 29.2%, and at the end of the experiment 4 people, which is 18.2%. The low level group consisted of 7 people. at the beginning of the experiment (29.2%), at the end of the experiment it was one student, i.e. 4.5%.

The conducted research does not exhaust all aspects of the problem being covered. They require a deeper study of the problem of the relationship between the family and the school, the implementation of an individual approach in shaping the readiness for choosing a profession for older students and natural connections in this process. We connect the prospects of our further research with the solution of these and other problems.

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As a manuscript

Revina Irina Aronovna


19 00 07 - Educational psychology

Nizhny Novgorod - 2008


Scientific adviser Doctor of Psychology, Professor Gaponova Sofia Alexandrovna

Official opponents:

Doctor of Psychology, Professor Mkrtchyan Gerasim Amirovich,

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Shabanova Tatyana Leonidovna

Lead organization

SEI HPE "Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute named after A. P. Gaidar"

The defense will take place on April 7, 2008 at 12:00 pm at a meeting of the dissertation council DM 212.162 05 at the Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering at 603022, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Timiryazeva, 31, room. 215.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Nizhny Novgorod State Architectural and Construction

Scientific Secretary

dissertation council,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, .GK

associate professor l-gls-s "g / ¡^-¡^ n F Komarova


The relevance of research. In accordance with the plan for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, profile education is provided for at the senior level of the general education school, the task of which is to create a system of specialized training in the senior classes. The introduction of profile education is a natural and objective process for today's society. It is dictated, on the one hand, by the problems associated with the need to better take into account the individual capabilities and needs of students, on the other hand, by the social problems of ensuring the preparation of graduates for work, continuing education in universities and other educational institutions.

The transition to specialized education began in 2002. Now we can talk about a certain transitional state of the system of teaching high school students, which involves further analysis and search for technologies to implement the ideas embodied in the Concept of Russian education. This dictates the relevance of this work.

Theoretical and practical tasks of professional orientation of schoolchildren within the framework of pre-profile training are updated with renewed vigor in the context of the formation of readiness for an early choice of a profession or a further educational profile of training.

“Pre-profile training is a system of pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical, informational and organizational activities that promotes self-determination of high school students regarding the chosen or major areas of future education and a wide range of subsequent professional activities (including in relation to the choice of a profile and a specific place of study at (Pinsky A.A.) , Grigoryeva E L, Dubrovina I V, Klimov R A, Leontiev D A, Makhaeva O A Mitina L M. Pryazhnikov N S, Rezapkina G V, Reshetova 3 A, Savchenko M Yu, Safin D A, Tyushev Yu V, Chernyavskaya A P, Chistyakova S.N and others) However, these works are focused on the process of professional self-determination school career guidance, the components of which are professional information and professional counseling, did not require an early professional choice from a high school student, postponing it, at least

graduation In the conditions of profile education, students must make their choice at the end of the ninth grade, therefore, according to many authors, there are now serious grounds for revising the traditionally established methods of vocational guidance for young people. future educational profile and future profession in adolescence

A teenager who finds himself under double pressure (the need to combine the tasks of adolescence and adolescence), most often is not able to find an adequate way out without a special psychol! psychological assistance This means that practical psychologists in education need modern, more effective methods and tools to provide such psychological assistance.

This paper analyzes and justifies the possibility of forming readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in older adolescence (by the end of the ninth grade, that is, at 14-15 years old), and also suggests practical methods for solving this problem.

The conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession by adolescents is understood as the internal activity of adolescents aimed at building and comprehending alternatives for professional choice, as well as determining criteria for comparing these alternatives, identifying key alternatives and implementing the final choice (Kazeletsky YuV, Larichev OI, Leontiev DA, Naumova NF, Ovchinnikova OV, Pilipko NV, Solntseva GN, Shelobanova EV, etc.)

Based on the works of well-known psychologists related to research in the field of psychological readiness for activity (BG Ananiev, L S Vygotsky, N I Gutkina, G Kraig, L E Loskutov, V M, Pozdnyakov, K K Platonov, S L. Rubinshtein, A .M Stolyarenko, A.P. Chernyavskaya, S.N. Chistyakova, L.A. Yasyukova, etc.), psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in adolescence is determined by the formation of the informational, motivational, value-based and practical components of this readiness

The purpose of the study: to identify the psychological conditions that contribute to the formation of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence

The object of the study is the psychological readiness of older adolescents for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession.

The subject of the study is the individual characteristics of the personality that determine the conditions for the formation of the readiness of older adolescents for a conscious professional choice. Hypotheses of the study:

1. Personal prerequisites for psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescents are

Meaningfulness of life;

competence over time

Certainty of choice;

2. A specially organized program of pre-profile and profile training forms a higher level of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession compared to a spontaneous choice

3 The most important psychological condition for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence is the formation of the motivational component of readiness

Research objectives:

to analyze and generalize modern approaches of pedagogical psychology to the problem of formation of readiness for a conscious choice of profession among older adolescents,

to analyze the structure of the concept of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of a future profession,

to analyze the conditions that impede the formation of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of a future profession,

to study the main personal prerequisites that affect the psychological readiness of schoolchildren for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence,

to study the levels of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence,

develop a program for the formation of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence and evaluate it

The theoretical and methodological basis of our study was the subject-activity approach to the study of the problem of professional self-determination of adolescents (K A Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B. G. Ananiev, A. G. Asmolov, E. N. Volkova, E. A. Klimov, A. N. Leontiev, D. A. Leontiev, B F Lomov, S L Rubinshtein, G V Sukhodolsky and others),

theoretical provisions of the personality-oriented approach to the processes of self-determination and professional choice (I V Dubrovina,

L I Bozhovich, M R Ginzburg, I S Kon S L Rubinshtein, Yu V Orlov, A V Poddubnaya, VF Safin, DI Feldshtein et al.),

Ideas about the mechanism of development of the value-semantic sphere of a teenager in the context of the process of his professional self-determination (VV Davydov, D. A. Leontiev, L. M. Mitina, I. S. Kon, A. Maslow, V. F. Safin, S. N. Chistyakova, V. E. Chudnovsky and others)

Research methods To implement the tasks, achieve the goals of the study and test the hypotheses put forward, the following methods were used

1 Theoretical analysis and generalization of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological literature on the research problem

2 Psychological and pedagogical experiment (stating, forming, control) The following methods were used in the work: research of the level of readiness for professional choice by A. P. Chernyavskaya, test of meaningful life orientations (LSS), methodics of the level of self-actualization of the personality (CAT), career guidance methodology "Crossroads" by E Yu Pryazhnikova , differential diagnostic questionnaire (DDO) B. A. Klimova, method of content analysis of motives for choosing a future profession

The reliability of the conclusions was checked using the following methods

the reliability of differences (similarity) between samples for the studied indicators was determined using Student's t-test for normal and percentile samples. At the same time, M - arithmetic mean, o - standard deviation, p - probability of an event (probability of the "null hypothesis"), indicating the presence of or no difference

the assessment of the dependencies between the compared indicators was determined using the Pearson correlation analysis method for quantitative characteristics, the correlation coefficient (r) was calculated,

Experimental base of the study. The study involved schoolchildren of the 8th, 9th and 10th grades of Nizhny Novgorod

The total number of subjects - 984 people Of which 174 were students of school No. 186 in Nizhny Novgorod (experimental group) and 502 were students of schools in Nizhny Novgorod (control group)

The main provisions of the study were formulated and tested in practice in the process of developing and implementing a career guidance program based on the Nizhny Novgorod school No. 186. The program was implemented during the 2003-2006 years

The reliability and validity of the conclusions and results of the study was ensured by the use of a set of modern methods that are adequate to the purpose, subject and objectives of the study, the results of experimental work, approbation and implementation of the results obtained, the representativeness of the study sample, the use of mathematical and statistical data analysis

Provisions for defense:

1 Personal prerequisites for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescents are

Meaningfulness of life, understood as a combination of the following components, the presence in the life of the subject of goals in the future, which give life meaningfulness, direction and time perspective, interest and emotional richness of life, satisfaction with self-realization, readiness to rely in the future mainly on one's own strength,

Self-reliance in decision making

competence in time, as a sense of the continuity of the past, present and future, that is, the ability to see one's life as a whole,

certainty of choice, as an orientation, the presence of a stable dominant system of motives,

Flexibility in the implementation of their values, the ability to quickly respond to changing aspects of the situation

Creative realization in activity

2 The psychological characteristics of older adolescence in modern society do not allow solving the problem of forming readiness for a conscious professional choice by the age of 14-15, based on the traditionally established methods of career guidance for young people

3 Formed ™ motivational component is the most important psychological condition for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in older adolescents

4 An innovative psychological vocational guidance program (STI), which includes active teaching methods and is focused on the motivational component of readiness for a conscious choice of profession, has a positive effect on the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in general and allows you to form such readiness among older adolescents already at school age

The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the work is as follows

1 The psychological content of the concept of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in

all the necessary and sufficient elements that make up the concept of psychological readiness of adolescents for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession, and reveals the main connections between them,

2 The possibility of developing all the structural components included in the concept of readiness for a conscious choice of profession through the use of special techniques and active methods of working with

high school students in a general education school, which makes it possible to form such readiness already at school at the age of 14-15,

3 The personal prerequisites for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in older adolescence are determined,

4 It is shown that the most important psychological condition for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in older adolescence is the formation of the motivational component of readiness,

5 A program has been developed for organizing a special environment in an educational institution that takes into account the peculiarities of the age development of adolescents in modern society and contributes to the formation of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence

Practical significance of the study

1 The created psychological career guidance program for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in adolescence can be partially or completely implemented in other educational institutions when working with students in the pre-profile and specialized educational space

2 The diagnostic complex proposed in the work can be used both as one of the modules of a career guidance program, and as a separate method in professional counseling for high school students in educational institutions, psychological and career guidance centers

3 The data obtained in the study enrich the methodological base of psychologists in pre-profile and profile work

Approbation of work. The main results of the study were reported and discussed at. meetings of the Department of Social Psychology of the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, at methodological seminars of the Laboratory of Actual Problems of Practical Psychology of NIRO, at international, all-Russian, regional scientific and practical conferences and seminars, including at the first international scientific and practical conference "Psychology of Education Problems and Prospects" 2004 d, III National scientific and practical conference "Psychology of education, cultural, historical and socio-legal aspects" 2006, regional scientific and practical conference, "Psychology of education, professionalism and culture" Nizhny Novgorod 2005, international scientific and practical conference "School education and social adulthood of a growing person, searches and prospects "N Novgorod 2006, IV regional scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of the psychology of education", 2007

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (213 titles), an appendix. The dissertation is illustrated with diagrams and figures. The total volume of the work is 195 pages.

The Introduction substantiates the relevance of the dissertation topic, its novelty, theoretical and practical significance, describes the degree of its development, formulates the goal, objectives, object, subject of research, determines the hypotheses, provisions submitted for defense

The first chapter - "Study of the problem of studying the psychological readiness of adolescents to choose a profession in perfect pedagogical psychology" - is devoted to a theoretical analysis of the main approaches of educational psychology to the problem of forming readiness for a conscious choice of a future educational profile and profession

As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the choice of the future educational profile and profession is an internal activity of adolescents aimed at building and comprehending alternatives for professional choice, as well as determining criteria for comparing these alternatives, highlighting key alternatives and implementing the final choice (A G. Asmolov, F. E. Vasilyuk, E. N. Volkova, V. V. Davydov, Yu. Kazeletsky, O. I. Larichev, A. N. Leontiev, D. A. Leontiev, N. F. Naumova, S. L. Rubinshtein, G. N. Solntseva, G. V. Sukhodolsky, and others)

Psychological readiness for such activities is associated with the development of the following components: motivational (attitude towards choosing a profession, the desire to make one's professional choice), cognitive and prognostic (an idea of ​​the features and conditions of professional activity, the ability to adequately assess the level of professional compliance and predict upcoming events), operational (possession of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to complete the process of choosing and mastering one or another chosen profession), emotional-volitional (inspiration, confidence in one's strengths and abilities, the ability to control oneself and self-mobilize to overcome the difficulties encountered); intellectual (formed r of the corresponding intellectual substructures) (B G Ananiev, L S Vygotsky, N I Gutkina, G Kraig, L E Loskutov, V M, Pozdnyakov, K K Platonov, S L Rubinshtein, A M Stolyarenko, L A Yasyukova, etc. ).

Thus, the basis for a mature conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in adolescence is the presence of broad informational, motivational-value and practical readiness in adolescents to make this choice (Chistyakova S N)

Personality According to many authors, self-consciousness of a person is the most important structural component, that internal mechanism, thanks to which a person is able not only to consciously perceive the environment, but also independently realize his capabilities, determine the measure and nature of his own activity (LI Bozhovich, MR Ginzburg, I V Dubrovina, I S Kon, D L Konstantinovsky, A M. Kukharchuk, Yu V Orlov, A V Poddubnaya, S L Rubinshtein, V F Safin, D I Feldshtein et al.)

The study notes that the readiness for professional choice is formed and concretized in the space of two aspects - temporal and timeless, which is associated with the dual nature of the person himself, the presence in his life of value-semantic and spatio-temporal aspects (N. A. Berdyaev, M R Ginzburg, E.E. Krylova, S. L. Rubinshtein, A. M. Pavlova, S. L. Frank).

The main functions of the value-semantic and spatio-temporal activities of adolescents in the process of professional choice are self-development and provision of the semantic and temporal perspective of professional choice.

Such activity is associated with the development of the following personal characteristics

Meaningfulness of life - the presence in the life of the subject of goals in the future, which give life meaningfulness, direction and time perspective; interest and emotional saturation of life, satisfaction with self-realization, a characteristic related to whether a young person in the future mainly relies on his own strength (Leontiev D A),

Self-reliance in decision making

Competence in time - a sense of the continuity of the past, present and future, that is, the ability to see one's life as a whole (Gozman L Ya, Kroz M V),

Certainty of choice - direction, i.e., a stable dominant system of motives (Ginzburg M R)

Flexibility in the implementation of their values, the ability to quickly respond to changing aspects of the situation

Creative realization in activity

Thus, as a result of the analysis of the problem of psychological readiness of adolescents for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in modern educational psychology, the following conclusions were drawn

1 A conscious choice by adolescents of a future educational profile and profession is understood as the internal activity of adolescents aimed at building and comprehending alternatives for professional choice, as well as determining criteria for comparing these alternatives, highlighting key alternatives and implementing the final choice,

2 Psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession is determined by the formation of the informational, motivational-value and practical components of this readiness. Such readiness is formed by early adolescence at the age of 16-17;

3 Personal prerequisites for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession by adolescents are the meaningfulness of life, self-reliance in decision-making, competence in time, certainty of choice, flexibility in realizing one's values, the ability to quickly respond to changing aspects of the situation, creative implementation in activities

The second chapter - "Organization and methods of research into the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in adolescence" - describes the research methods and presents an analysis of the results of the ascertaining experiment.

In our experimental scheme, several research tasks were combined and solved.

To fix the changes that have occurred in the experimental group compared to the control group under the influence of the formative influence,

Establish a connection between the personality traits of the subjects and the characteristics of a conscious professional choice

To solve the first task, several experiments were sequentially carried out - ascertaining, forming and control The purpose of the ascertaining experiment is to determine the level of actual readiness for a professional choice before the start of career guidance among students in the experimental and control groups. Then a formative effect is carried out, and at the last stage - a control experiment, which just captures the changes in the experimental group compared to the control

The solution of the second task is carried out in one stage, the purpose of which is to state the presence or absence of significant relationships between the personal traits of the subjects and the characteristics of a conscious professional choice.

This chapter provides an analysis and interpretation of a diagnostic study, which includes the ascertaining experiment itself and the results of a correlation analysis of the personal characteristics of the subjects with the characteristics of a conscious professional choice.

The experimental base of the study was the students of school No. 186 of the city of Nizhny Novgorod. This school created a specially organized pre-profile space. It includes both pedagogical and psychological methods and techniques of work, therefore, it is not possible at this stage to single out and explore in a “pure” form the actual psychological program. seems possible By and large, we can only explore

the influence of all the complex work carried out at school However, in any educational institution there is a system of additional education in the form of circles, sections, electives, etc., which are some analogue of educational centers and specialized courses organized at school No. 186. In this sense, we can interpret the results , as a result of the influence of a predominantly psychological program on the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession of adolescents

The experimental group included students of grades 8, 9 and 10. It was in these classes that the career guidance program developed by us was carried out.

The control group consisted of students from Nizhny Novgorod from various schools where career guidance work was not carried out or only individual one-time career guidance activities were carried out, as well as students from schools where other career guidance programs were conducted.

As the results of the initial ascertaining experiment, data were taken from students in the 8th grade of school No. 186 and students from other schools, obtained at the beginning of the school year, that is, at the beginning of the formative


The level of actual readiness for choice was determined according to the methodology of A GT Chernyavskaya, which assesses the level of emotional involvement in the selection process, awareness, autonomy, ability to make decisions, plan a professional career. The listed indicators reflect to a greater extent the level of informational, practical and value readiness. only indirectly in all five indicators To determine the actual motivational readiness, the method of content analysis of the motives of choice is used, which reflects the level of formed ™ motivation for the choice. It includes the completeness of the correlation of categories<осочу»-«могу»-«надо», профессиональную направленность (преобладание внутренних мотивов), полимотивированность и определенность выбора

To study the relationship between the personal traits of the subjects and the characteristics of a conscious professional choice, the following methods were used: the test of meaning-of-life orientations (LSS), the method of the level of self-actualization of the personality (CAT), the career guidance method "Crossroads" by E Yu Pryazhnikova, the differential diagnostic questionnaire (DDO) by E A Klimova, the method study of the level of readiness for a professional choice by A. P. Chernyavskaya and the method of content analysis of the motives for choosing a future profession

Correlation analysis was carried out only on the basis of the results of a study of students in grades 9 and 10 of the experimental group, since students in grades 8 still lack awareness to objectively answer the questions of tests of meaningful life orientation and personal self-actualization.

ninth graders found it difficult to answer the questions of this test. The results of the ascertaining experiment confirmed that adolescents aged 14-15 are really not ready for a conscious choice of profession. This is expressed in low awareness, insufficiently developed ability to quickly respond to changing aspects of the situation and be flexible in realizing their values.

The motivational component of readiness is especially low developed, which is manifested in the following: for 8th grade teenagers, the completeness of the representation of the categories “I want” - “I can” - “I must” in the motivation for professional activity is not expressed enough. They are mainly guided only by their desires. The motives associated with the assessment of one's capabilities and requirements imposed by society are practically absent or poorly represented. In the “want” category, external motives are most present: material interest, prestige, the desire to communicate, the influence of parents and interest in specific school subjects or non-specific, unconscious motives " just want, just like"

Thus, the results of the ascertaining experiment showed what it is necessary to focus on first of all when developing a program of a formative experiment. In addition, the results obtained recorded the same level of professional readiness among students

8th grade of the experimental and control groups before the start of the formative experimental impact At the same time, motivational readiness for the future educational profile and profession among adolescents is formed much worse than informational, practical and value

Correlation analysis of the data obtained made it possible to identify the presence of the following significant intercorrelations (р<0,05-0,01):

a) readiness for a conscious professional choice correlates with the meaningfulness of life. This is concretized by the following links with goals in life (meaningfulness of the future) - (in the 9th grade - 0.289, in the 10th grade -0.447); with the process (meaningfulness of the present) - (in the 9th grades - 0.529, in the 10th grades - 0.405), with the result (meaningfulness of the future) - (in the 9th grades - 0.543, in the 10th grades -0.287), with the general indicator of meaningfulness - (in the 9th grades - 0.485, in the 10th grades -0.491)

b) readiness for a conscious professional choice> correlates with the level of subjective control: with the locus of control - I (the belief that control is possible) - (in the 9th grade - 0.471, in the 10th - 0.401), with the locus of control - Life (belief in one's own ability to exercise such control) - (in

9th grade - o.485, in 10th grade - 0.491)

c) readiness for a conscious professional choice correlates with support in decision-making and competence in time with indicators on the support scale (CAT) - (0.575 in the 9th grade, 0.343 in the 10th grade); With

indicators on the scale of orientation in time (CAT) - (in the 9th grades - 0.728, in the 10th grades - 0.563);

d) readiness for a conscious professional choice correlates with certainty in decision-making with an indicator of certainty (DDO, "Crossroads") - (in the 9th grade - 0.279, in the 10th - 0.467),

e) readiness for a conscious professional choice correlates with flexibility - (in the 9th grade - 0.301, in the 10th grade - 0.305).

The results obtained indicate that these qualities are the personal prerequisites for readiness for a conscious professional choice, and if we want to achieve maximum efficiency, we need to start educating them in a child from early childhood, long before the moment of choice.

The third chapter - "Research of the conditions that ensure readiness for a conscious choice of a profession with the help of a specially developed innovative psychological career guidance program (STI)" - is devoted to the rationale and description of the principles for constructing a formative experiment in accordance with the age development of adolescents, as well as interpreting the results of a control experiment

As a result of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical research conducted in the first chapter, it was noted that the readiness for a conscious professional choice is formed only by the younger adolescence, that is, at 16-17 years old (This was also confirmed in the process of ascertaining experiment)

Our task is to form such readiness by the end of the ninth grade among adolescents aged 14-15. To solve it, it is necessary to analyze the psychological conditions for the development of modern adolescents that impede the formation of professional readiness in adolescence, and then select adequate methods aimed at overcoming them. This is the subject of the 1st and 2nd paragraphs of this chapter.

As a result of the analysis of the features of the psychological conditions for the development of modern adolescents, it is shown that schoolchildren aged 14-15, due to a number of objective reasons, are not ready for an adequate conscious choice not only of their future profession, but also of their educational profile. These reasons are as follows

Psychological characteristics of adolescents

Insufficiently developed ability to combine near and far perspective

Incomplete development of the planning function.

The inconsistency and disorder of different aspects of the "I", which violates the integrity and consistency of choice

Inability to distinguish between what is possible and what is desired

The conditions for the development of society and the characteristics of modern adolescents contribute to the emergence of factors that further impede the formation of readiness for a conscious professional choice. These factors are as follows.

A change in value orientations in modern society, leading to a gap between the so-called declared values ​​and the real ones that a person is guided by in life,

The emergence of a large number of "new" professions,

The uncontrolled growth of higher education institutions, as a rule, commercial ones, which open faculties for the training of specialists in prestigious specialties;

Social "confusion" in society and the lack of specially organized spaces for adolescents that model the ideal structure of adult society and allow adolescents to try themselves in various socially significant roles and positions

Features of the modern education system

The listed reasons do not allow to solve the problem of formation

professional readiness by the age of 14-15, counting only on the age-related personal development of adolescents or on the traditionally established methods of vocational guidance for young people.

Thus, the age characteristics of a teenager and the development trends of modern society are steadily increasing the age limits of schoolchildren's self-determination, even compared to previous years. and prepare children for the choice in specialized classes.

The paper shows that specially organized activities can significantly reduce the impact of negative factors and speed up the selection process itself. This is possible with the introduction of the following methods and forms of work into the school curriculum

Training, games and other active forms of work,

Special work aimed at raising students' awareness of the world of professions, working conditions, requirements for specific professions

Formation in adolescents of an adequate level of claims regarding their own capabilities in mastering a particular profession, as well as value orientations and motives for choice

Creation of special, specially organized spaces that create opportunities for the formation and satisfaction of the need for growing up in adolescents and for their professional trials

The use of diagnostic programs to track and detect problems associated with the development of conceptual thinking, as well as the development of appropriate recommendations for their correction

Creation and application of a special diagnostic block to identify abilities and inclinations for a specific educational profile

The basis for the development of a program for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession was the concept formulated by EA Klimov. This concept follows from the principle of the unity of consciousness and activity and focuses on the formation of an individual style of future professional activity

Our Innovative Psychological Career Guidance Program (STI), aimed at students in grades 8-10, includes theoretical, diagnostic and training blocks

The purpose of the STI is to create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the professional self-determination of students. The goals of the individual stages.

in the 8th grade - the creation of psycho-pedagogical conditions for the development of motivation for a professional choice

in the 9th grade - the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for a conscious professional choice by students of a future educational profile

In the 10th grade - psychological and pedagogical support for the professional choice of students

The well-known programs of Grigorieva E.E., Klimov E.A., Mitina L.M., Makhaeva O.A., Miklyaeva A.V., Ponomarenko L.P., Pryazhnikova N.S., Rezapkina G.V., Savchenko M.Yu., Chernyavskaya A.P., etc. are taken as the basis of theoretical blocks ., adding and strengthening them with those points that were described in the second chapter

The innovativeness of our program, in our opinion, lies in its focus on the motivational component of readiness for a conscious choice of profession. It is in the motivational sphere, as L. I. Bozhovich believed, that the main neoplasm of adolescence is located.

So in the program of the eighth grade, special methods of working with emotional involvement in the selection process (emotional acceptance of the choice) are used.

We believe that another important difference of our program is the introduction of career guidance training and special diagnostic blocks in the ninth grade, which are also aimed at a significant increase in the level of professional readiness in general, and especially its motivational component.

Compared to fairly common and widely used communication trainings, career guidance training is currently a new unique development. It is based on classes developed by A. P. Chernyavskaya Training, as well as the proposed classes, is aimed at forming a conscious readiness for a professional choice, however, unlike from them it passes by the method of "immersion" for three days, has a slightly different logic and structure, supplemented by specially designed psycholo! scientific methods and techniques for working out each stage

Along with vocational guidance training, other types of training are also used in STIs.

INNN training blocks include

Partner communication training (in 8th grade -12 hours),

Career guidance training (in the 9th grade - 24 hours),

Training of a professional orientation using role-playing and business games aimed directly at developing certain qualities and skills (in the 10th grade for each profile group - 9 hours)

All trainings are held in the "immersion" mode for 6-8 hours 2-3 days in a row

Another essential point of the program is the diagnostic unit in the ninth grade. As mentioned above, many ninth graders are not able to make any definite choice even regarding their future educational profile, not to mention a specific profession. But it is precisely the certainty of choice that can motivate a student to make efforts and try different activities in order to choose the most suitable one for himself.

Although almost all career guidance programs include diagnostics, this diagnostics is usually very general and therefore ineffective. related professions

The difference of this program lies in the fact that it is aimed at identifying specific professions for which a teenager has an inclination. This requires a high awareness of psychologists about the world of professions, as well as possession of modern diagnostic tools.

As a result of the diagnostic course passed, schoolchildren are given a career guidance card with general results and recommendations, as well as with the results for three blocks, a block of abilities, motivational and personal, where each contains a list of those professions that are most suitable for this student in terms of motivation, abilities and personal qualities As the final results, these three blocks are analyzed and recommendations are given on which professions are currently most inclined, and what should be paid attention to if these conclusions do not coincide or partially coincide with his declared professional intentions

An individual consultation is also held with the teenager and his parents, and, finally, the entire program of the ninth grade ends with a role-playing game for recruiting into specialized groups

The effectiveness of the entire comprehensive program of pre-profile and profile training is confirmed by the results of diagnosing the level of readiness for a conscious choice of profession and comparing these results with

the results of students from schools in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, where there was no such program

Measurements of the main psychological components of the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile were carried out during the 2005-2006 academic year at the beginning of the academic year among students in grade 8, when the career guidance program began, at the end of the academic year in the same classes, as well as at the end of the academic year. year among ninth-graders and tenth-graders of school No. 186 in Nizhny Novgorod and students of the corresponding classes of other schools in the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

The data obtained at the end of the eighth grade, at the end of the 9th and the end of the 10th grade are given as the results of the control experiment. Thus, this gives us the opportunity to track the effectiveness of the career guidance program at each stage of its implementation.

The analysis of the results of the control experiment is carried out on the basis of a comparison of the difference in the average indicators of all parameters of professional readiness according to the method of A. P. Chernyavskaya (at the end of each stage of the formative impact) and content analysis of the motives for choice at the end of the 9th grade, as well as an analysis of differences in the distribution of students by proficiency levels

The results of the average indicators obtained by the method of A.P. Chernyavskaya and with the help of content analysis show that an innovative career guidance psychological program (STI) significantly increases motivational readiness for a conscious professional choice. This is manifested in significant differences (p< 0,05-0,001) показателей мотивации у учащихся 9-х классов в экспериментальной и контрольной группах-

by certainty (a certain choice is made) (p< 0,05), по полимотивированности (р < 0,001);

according to the ratio of internal and external motives, the number of internal motives differs significantly (p< 0,05)

At the end of the 8th grade, there were no significant differences in the level of readiness

In addition, the career guidance program increases the level of formation of readiness for a conscious professional choice (in terms of awareness, autonomy, the ability to make a decision, plan a professional career, and emotional involvement in a choice situation)

Significant differences (p< 0,05-0,01) отмечаются между средними показателями экспериментальной и контрольной группы по следующим


1) according to the level of general readiness in the 9th and 10th grades,

2) on awareness and planning in the 9th grade;

3) on autonomy and emotional involvement in the 10th grade.

The impact of №11111 on the willingness to make an informed choice (for the same indicators) was also analyzed in comparison with the impact of traditional career guidance programs. To this end, an additional study was conducted in schools where such programs are carried out. The results revealed significant differences (p< 0,05) по показателям информированности и планирования.

In order to assess the degree of influence of a career guidance program on the formation of information, practical and value readiness for a professional choice (according to the method of A.P. Chernyavskaya) and on the formation of motivational readiness (using the content analysis method), we present the results of the average levels of readiness of 9th grade students according to the and another technique (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Average indicators of the levels of professional readiness of students in the 8th and 9th grades of the control and experimental

Analysis of the figure allows us to draw the following conclusions:

at the beginning of the formative experiment, the average level of professional readiness in the experimental and control groups does not differ from each other;

The level of motivational readiness for a professional choice is significantly lower than the level of information, practical and value readiness (according to the method of A.P. Chernyavskaya) (p< 0.01);

At the end of the 9th grade (before choosing an educational profile), the levels of professional readiness in the experimental and control groups differ significantly from each other (p< 0,05);

the dynamics of the level of motivational readiness for the students of the experimental group is significantly higher than the dynamics of the level of professional readiness according to the method of A.P. Chernyavskaya (r< 0,05). То есть важнейшим психологическим условием формирования готовности к осознанному выбору будущего образовательного профиля и будущей

profession in adolescence is the formation of the motivational component of readiness.

The results of the experimental study indicate that:

Awareness of the choice of the future educational profile and future profession among adolescents begins to appear only by the ninth grade, even if they study according to a career guidance program from the eighth grade,

Adolescents of the 9th and 10th grades of school No. 186, who studied according to the developed career guidance program (Sh11111), experienced a more significant increase in the level of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession than students from other schools who did not undergo such training. manifested itself in a higher level of general readiness, autonomy, informed I, ability to make decisions, plan one's professional career and in a more positive attitude towards choice, as well as in more conscious motivation, certainty and sustainability of choice,

A significant difference in the level of professional readiness was also found between individual indicators of readiness for a conscious choice among ninth-graders who were trained according to the program developed by us and among ninth-graders of other schools who studied according to standard career guidance programs. This difference manifested itself in a higher level of awareness and ability to plan a professional career,

A significant difference was found between the indicators of readiness for a conscious choice among tenth-graders of the experimental group and tenth-graders studying at a specialized educational institution. The difference manifested itself in a higher general readiness for choice, as well as in the level of awareness and decision-making

Among the eighth-graders of the experimental group, there was no significant increase in awareness. However, they also completed the first block of the career guidance program. This suggests that high results in grades 9 and 10 are due, among other things, to the foundation laid in the classes in the previous grade at least from the eighth grade, and the most important psychological condition for the formation of professional readiness in adolescence is the formation of the motivational component

In conclusion, it is shown that the features and patterns of formation of readiness for conscious

professional choice in older adolescence allow to substantiate and experimentally confirm the possibility of early professionalization

Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn

1 The choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence is an internal activity of adolescents aimed at building and comprehending alternatives for professional choice, as well as determining criteria for comparing these alternatives, highlighting key alternatives and implementing the final choice

2 The structure of the concept of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence includes informational, motivational-value and practical components of this readiness.

3 The main personal prerequisites that affect the psychological readiness of schoolchildren for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence are the meaningfulness of life, self-reliance in decision-making, competence in time; certainty of choice, flexibility in the realization of one's values, the ability to quickly respond to changing aspects of the situation, creative implementation in activities

4 The paper identifies and analyzes the conditions that impede the formation of readiness for a professional choice

Psychological characteristics of adolescents - insufficiently developed ability to combine near and far perspectives, incomplete development of the planning function, inconsistency and disorder of different aspects of the "I", inability to distinguish between the desired and the desired

Conditions for the development of society change in value orientations in modern society, the emergence of a large number of "new" professions, the uncontrolled growth of higher educational institutions; social "confusion" in society and the lack of specially organized spaces for teenagers, modeling the ideal structure of adult society, and allowing teenagers to try themselves in various socially significant roles and positions, features of the modern education system.

5 In the course of the ascertaining experiment, data were obtained confirming that adolescents aged 14-15 are not quite ready for a conscious professional choice. This is manifested in the following.

Adolescents in grades 8-10 have a low level of awareness,

Lack of ability to respond quickly to changing aspects of the situation and be flexible in realizing one's values

5 The motivational component of readiness is especially poorly developed, which is manifested in the following

for adolescents in grades 8-10, the completeness of the representation of the categories "want" - "can" - "should" in the motivation for professional activity is not sufficiently expressed. They are guided mainly only by their desires. The motives associated with the assessment of one's capabilities and requirements imposed by society are practically absent or poorly represented. In the “want” category, unreasonable or external motives, material interest, prestige, the desire to communicate, the influence of parents and interest in specific school subjects are most present.

7 It has been experimentally shown that a specially developed innovative psychological career guidance program (STI), taking into account the peculiarities of the age development of adolescents in modern society, makes it possible to form a higher level of readiness for a conscious professional choice among adolescents aged 14-15

8 In the process of a formative experiment, the features of the dynamics of development of individual components of readiness were revealed.

9 The results of the control experiment showed that the greatest positive changes occurred in the formation of motivational readiness to choose a future educational profile and profession

10 The conducted research makes it possible to transfer the obtained results and conclusions to the practice of pre-profile and profile training of students when working with all subjects of the educational space, and the developed STI program can be partially or fully implemented in other educational institutions

11 Developed on the basis of the results of the study, training courses and methodological materials for psychologists, teachers, administration of educational institutions will help increase the effectiveness of the program for the modernization of Russian education at the senior level of the general education school

Articles in a peer-reviewed publication included in the list of HAC:

1. Revina, I A The influence of training work on the formation of adolescents' readiness for a conscious choice of a future profession [Text] / I A, Revina I Vestn. un-ta (State un-t administration) -2007 - No. 9 (35) - С 103-104

I Revina, I A When a psychologist and a teacher work together [Text] / V Zh Perezhogina, I A. Revina / / Ped review - 1998 - No. 4 - C 57-61

3 Revina, I A. Psychological diagnostics why and how we test "" [Text] / I A Revina / / Ped review - 2005 - No. 1 - C 7177

4 Revina, I. A Creativity and professionalism of educational psychologists [Text] / I A Revina // Psychology of education professionalism and culture materials region scientific-practical conference - Nizhny Novgorod, 2005 - C 159-167

5 Revina, I. A. Diagnostics in the career guidance program for high school students [Text] / I. A. Revina // The activity of a teacher-psychologist in the education system: theoretical, methodological and applied aspects

Proceedings of the regional conference / Nizhegorsk Humanit. center; edited by S N Mitina

N. Novgorod, 2005. - Issue. 5 - C 106-113

6 Revina, I. A The work of a teacher-psychologist through the eyes of the subjects of the educational space [Text] / S. A Gaponova, I A. Mayorova, I V Ogarkova, I A Revina // The activity of a teacher-psychologist in the education system theoretical, methodological and applied aspects / under the editorship of L N Shilova -N Novgorod, 2006 - Issue VI - S. 82-85

7 Revina, I A The influence of developmental education on the formation of professional motivation of schoolchildren [Text] / I A Mayorova, I A Revina / / Vopr Gum of Sciences -2006 - No. 6 (27) - C 386-391.

8 Revina, I. A. From the experience of working in the pre-profile and profile space of the school [Text] / I A. Revina // Ped review - 2006 - No. 1 -С 98-106

9 Revina, I A Study of the motives for choosing a profession by applicants from the Faculty of Radiophysics of the UNN [Text] / S A Gaponova, I A Revina // Ped review. - 2006 - No. 3 - С 44-50

10 Revina, I A The results of training work in the program of pre-profile training [Text] / I A Revina I The activity of a teacher-psychologist in the education system theoretical, methodological and applied aspects / edited by L N Shilova - Nizhny Novgorod, 2006 - Issue VI

II Revina, I A Study of schoolchildren's readiness for a conscious professional choice [Text] / I A Revina // Ped review - 2007 - No. 3 - P. 100-106.

12 Revina, I.A. Vocational guidance pre-profile space of the school as a condition for the formation of students' readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile in adolescence [Text] / M. V. Burov, S. D. Lopatina, I. A. Revina // Innovative

activities in educational institutions of the city of Nizhny Novgorod (experience, problems, prospects) - 2007. - Issue 3 - P. 73-78

13 Revina, I A. The main issues of psychological diagnostics [Text] / I A Revina, S A Gaponova, O. V Ladykova // Psychology of Education Problems and Perspectives. materials I International scientific-practical conf - M, 2004.-C 367-368

14. Revina, I. A. Training work in the program of pre-profile training at school [Text] / S. A. Gaponova, I. A. Revina // Psychology of education, cultural, historical and socio-legal aspects materials of the III nat scientific-pract. conf. - M, 2006 - T 2. - C 315.

15 Revina, I A Peculiarities of career guidance in modern school [Text] / I A Revina // School education and social maturation of a growing person. searches and prospects materials Intern. scientific-pract. conf. - N Novgorod, 2006 - C 411-413

16. Revina, I A Organization of career guidance in educational institutions [Text] / I A Revina // Parent Adolescent Profession materials of the mountains of scientific-practical conference - Nizhny Novgorod, 2007 - C 1011.

Teaching aids

17 Revina, I. A. Conceptual model of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in institutions working on programs with an increased level of educational content [Text]. study method manual / I A Revina, Nizhegor Humanitarian Center. - N Novgorod NGC, 2000 - 14 p.

18 Revina, I.A. Education and development of gifted and capable children in a secondary school [Text] study guide / I.A. Revina, Nizhegorsk Humanitarian Center - Nizhny Novgorod NGC, 2000 - 15 p.

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Dissertation content author of scientific article: candidate of psychological sciences, Revina, Irina Aronovna, 2008


Chapter 1. Study of the problem of studying the psychological readiness of adolescents to choose a profession in modern educational psychology

1.1. An activity approach to the concept of professional choice

1.2. The concept of psychological readiness for activity.

1.3. Features of the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in adolescence

1.4. Conclusions on the first chapter

Chapter 2

2.1. Strategy for setting up an experimental study

2.2. Methods for studying the features of the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile in older adolescents

2.3. Analysis and interpretation of the results of the ascertaining experiment 98 2.4 Conclusions on the second chapter

Chapter 3

3.1. Justification of the methods of the formative experiment

3.2. Principles of constructing a psychological and pedagogical program of career guidance for schoolchildren

3.3. Study of the effectiveness of a specially designed innovative psychological career guidance program

3.4. Forecast of future professional self-realization and methods of further work with students

3.5. Conclusions on the third chapter 170 Conclusion 174 References 179 Applications

Dissertation Introduction in psychology, on the topic "Formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in adolescence"

The relevance of the work

In accordance with the plan for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, specialized education is provided for at the senior level of the general education school, the task of which is to create a system of specialized training in the senior classes. The introduction of specialized education is a natural and objective process for today's society. It is dictated, on the one hand, by problems; associated with the need to better take into account the individual capabilities and needs of students, on the other hand, social problems of ensuring the preparation of graduates for work, continuing education in universities and other educational institutions.

The transition to profile education began in 2002, that is, relatively recently: Now we can talk about a certain transitional state of the system of teaching high school students, which involves further analysis and search for technologies to implement the ideas embodied in the Concept of Russian Education. This dictates the relevance of this work.

Thus, the theoretical and practical tasks of the professional orientation of schoolchildren within the framework of pre-profile training are updated with renewed vigor in the context of the formation of readiness for an early choice of a profession or a further educational profile of training.

Pre-profile training is a system of pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical, informational and organizational activities that promotes self-determination of high school students regarding the chosen or major areas of future education and a wide range of subsequent professional activities (including in relation to the choice of a profile and a specific place of study in high school). school levels or other ways of continuing education) ”(Pinsky A.A., 2004).

Pre-profile training is, in fact, career guidance work well known to school psychologists. The development of theoretical and practical methods of career guidance for young people at different times was carried out by many psychologists: Bozhovich L.I., Ginzburg M.R., Grigorieva E.E., Dubrovina I.V., Klimov E.A., Leontiev D.A., Makhaeva O.A., Mitina L.M., Pryazhnikov N.S., Rezapkina G.V., Reshetova Z.A., Savchenko M.Yu., Safin DA:., Tyushev Yu.V., Chernyavskaya A.P., Chistyakova S.N. etc. However, all these works are focused on the process of professional self-determination of schoolchildren, not limiting it to the framework of secondary school. School vocational guidance, the components of which, as is known, are professional information and professional counseling, did not require an early professional choice from a high school student, postponing it, at least, at the time of graduation. In the conditions of profile education, students must make their choice already at the end of the ninth grade, therefore, according to many authors, there are now serious grounds for revising the traditionally established methods of vocational guidance for young people. There is a need for a scientific substantiation of the possibility and development of methods for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in adolescence.

A teenager who finds himself under double pressure (the need to combine the tasks of adolescence and youth) is most often not able to find an adequate way out without special psychological help. This means that practical psychologists in education need modern, more effective methods and tools to provide such psychological assistance.

This paper analyzes and substantiates the possibility of forming readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in older adolescence (by the end of the ninth grade, that is, at 14-15 years old), and also suggests practical methods for solving this problem.

Under the conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession by adolescents (according to the theories: Kazeletsky Yu.V., Laricheva O.I., Leontiev D.A., Naumova N.F., Ovchinnikova O.V., Pilipko N.V.;, Solntseva - G.N., Shelobanova E.V., etc.) is understood as: the internal activity of adolescents aimed at building and comprehending alternatives of professional choice, as well as determining criteria for comparing these alternatives, highlighting key alternatives and implementing the final choice.

Based on the works of well-known psychologists related to research in the field of psychological readiness for activity (B.G. Ananiev-L.S. Vygotsky, N.I. Gutkina, G. Kraig, L.E. Loskutov, V.M., Pozdnyakov, K. K. Platonov, S. L. Rubinshtein, A. M. Stolyarenko, A. P. Chernyavskaya, S. N: Chistyakova, L. A. Yasyukova, etc.), psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in adolescence, age is determined by the formation of the informational, motivational-value and practical components of this readiness. According to Chistyakova S.N. :

Information readiness includes awareness of schoolchildren:

About the world of professions;

About the labor market;

About the presence of one's own practical readiness and abilities for mastering the chosen profession or the profile of the chosen education;

About ways to plan and implement their professional plans;

On the ways of making a decision in a situation of choice. Practical readiness includes:

Availability of practical knowledge and skills necessary to continue education in the chosen profile;

The ability to make a choice (identifying alternatives for obtaining specialized education that meet one's own needs and capabilities; assessing their advantages and disadvantages; choosing the best option from the available options).

Motivational-value readiness is understood as:

Emotional involvement in the selection process;

The desire and desire to make your choice;

Formation of self-esteem, adequate to personal abilities and capabilities;

The presence of value orientations and goals related to the further profile of education and future profession.

The purpose of the study: to identify the psychological conditions that contribute to the formation of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence.

Object of study: psychological readiness of older adolescents for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and "future profession"

Subject of study: individual personality traits that influence the creation of conditions for the formation of older adolescents' readiness for a conscious professional choice.

The work tests the hypotheses that: 1. Personal prerequisites for psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescents are:

Meaningfulness of life1;

Competence in time2;

Certainty of Choice3;

2. A specially organized program of pre-profile and profile training forms a higher level of readiness for a conscious choice of a future educational profile and a future profession compared to a spontaneous choice.

2. The most important psychological condition for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence is the formation of the motivational component of readiness.

Objectives of the study: to analyze and generalize modern approaches of pedagogical psychology to the problem of formation of readiness for a conscious choice of profession among older adolescents; to analyze the structure of the concept of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of a future profession; to analyze the conditions that impede the formation of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of a future profession;

1 Meaningfulness of life - the presence in the life of the subject of goals in the future, which give life meaningfulness, direction and time perspective; interest and emotional richness of life; satisfaction with self-realization; a characteristic related to whether a young person in the future relies mainly on his own strength (Leontiev D.A., 1992).

2 Competence in time - a sense of the continuity of the past, present and future, i.e. the ability to see one's life as a whole (Gozman LL, Kroz M.V. 1987).

3 Certainty - orientation, i.e. - a stable dominant system of motives (Ginzburg M.R. (1994). to explore the main personal prerequisites that affect the psychological readiness of schoolchildren for a conscious choice of a future educational profile and a future profession in older adolescence; to explore the levels of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of a future educational profile * and future profession in older adolescence;

Develop a program for the formation of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence and evaluate its effectiveness.

The theoretical and methodological basis of our study was:

Subject-activity approach to the study of the problem of professional self-determination of adolescents (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B.G. Ananiev, A.G. Asmolov, E.N. Volkova, A.N. Leontiev, D.A. Leontiev, B.f. Lomov, S.L. Rubinshtein, G.V. Sukhodolsky and others);

Theoretical provisions of the personality-oriented approach to the processes of self-determination and professional choice (I:V. Dubrovina, L.I. Bozhovich, M.R. Ginzburg, I.S. Kon. S.L. Rubinshtein, Yu.V. Orlov, A.V. Poddubnaya, V.F. Safin, Feldgein D.I., etc.);

Ideas about the mechanism of development of the value-semantic "sphere of a teenager in the context of the process of his professional self-determination (V.V. Davydov. D.A. Leontiev, L.M. Mitina, I.S. Kon, A. Maslow, V: F. Safin , Chistyakova S.N., Chudnovsky V.E. and others)

Research methods:

To implement the tasks set, achieve the goals of the study and test the hypotheses put forward, the following methods were used: 1. Theoretical analysis and generalization of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological literature on the research problem.

2. Psychological and pedagogical experiment (stating, forming, control). The following methods were used in the work: a study of the level of readiness for a professional choice of A.P. Chernyavskaya, the test of meaningful life orientations (LSS), the method of the level of self-actualization of the personality (CAT), the career guidance method "Crossroads" by E. Pryazhnikova, the differential diagnostic questionnaire (DQO) of Klimova E.A, the method of content analysis of motives for choosing a future profession.

2. Mathematical processing of the data was carried out using the following methods: the significance of differences (similarity) between samples for the studied indicators was determined using Student's t-test for normal and percentile samples. In this case, the following were calculated: M - arithmetic mean; a - standard deviation; p is the probability of an event (probability of the "null hypothesis"), indicating the presence or absence of differences; the assessment of the dependencies between the compared indicators was determined using the Pearson correlation analysis method for quantitative characteristics, the correlation coefficient (r) was calculated; Experimental research base:.

The study involved schoolchildren of the 8th, 9th and 10th grades. Nizhny Novgorod.

The total number of subjects - 984 people. Of these, 174 were students of school No. 186 in Nizhny Novgorod (experimental group) and 502 were students of schools in Nizhny Novgorod (control group).

The main provisions of the study were formulated and tested in practice in the process of developing and implementing a career guidance program on the basis of the Nizhny Novgorod school No. 186, which since 2001 has been a federal experimental platform for career guidance in high school. The program was implemented during 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006. gg.

The reliability and validity of the conclusions and results of the study was ensured by the use of a complex of modern methods that are adequate to the purpose, subject and objectives of the study; results of experimental work; approbation and implementation in practice of the obtained results; representativeness of the study sample; using mathematical and statistical data analysis. Provisions for defense:

1. Personal prerequisites for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in older adolescents are:

Meaningfulness of life;

Self-reliance in decision-making;

Competence in time;

Certainty of choice;

Flexibility in the implementation of their values, the ability to quickly respond to changing aspects of the situation.

Creative realization in activity.

2. The psychological characteristics of older adolescence in modern society do not allow solving the problem of forming readiness for a conscious professional choice by the age of 14-15, relying on the traditionally established methods of vocational guidance for young people.

3. The most important psychological condition for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in older adolescence is the formation of the motivational component of readiness.

3. The innovative psychological career guidance program (I111111), which includes active teaching methods and is focused on the motivational component of readiness for a conscious choice of a profession, has a positive effect on the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of a future educational profile and a future profession in general and allows the formation of such readiness among older people teenagers are already at school age.

The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that:

1. The psychological content of the concept of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in older adolescence has been clarified; its structure is defined, which includes all the necessary and sufficient elements that make up the concept of psychological readiness of adolescents for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession, and establishes links between them;

2. The possibility of developing all the structural components included in the concept of readiness for a conscious choice of profession through the use of special techniques and active methods of working with high school students in a general education school is shown, which makes it possible to form such readiness already at school at the age of 14-15;

3. The personal prerequisites for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile^ and profession in older*adolescent age have been determined;

4. It is shown that the most important psychological condition for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and profession in older adolescence is the formation of the motivational component of readiness;

5. A program has been developed for organizing a special environment in an educational institution that takes into account the peculiarities of the age development of adolescents in modern society and contributes to the formation of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of a future educational profile and future profession in older adolescence.

Practical significance of the study:

1. A psychological career guidance program has been created to form readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in adolescence.

It can be partially or fully implemented in other educational institutions when working with students in the pre-profile and profile educational space.

2. The diagnostic complex proposed in the work can be used both as one of the modules of a career guidance program, and as a separate method in vocational counseling for high school students in educational institutions, psychological and career guidance centers.

3. The data obtained in the study enrich the methodological base of psychologists in pre-profile and profile work.

Approbation of work.

1. The main results of the study were reported and discussed at: meetings of the Department of Social Psychology of the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, at methodological seminars of the Laboratory of Actual Problems of Practical Psychology of the NIRO, at international, all-Russian, regional scientific and practical conferences and seminars, including at the first international scientific-practical practical conference "Psychology of education: problems and prospects" in 2004, III National scientific and practical conference "Psychology of education: cultural, historical and socio-legal aspects" in 2006, regional scientific and practical conference, "Psychology of education: professionalism and culture » Nizhny Novgorod 2005, international scientific and practical conference. "School education and social maturation of a growing person: searches and prospects" N.

Novgorod. 2006, IV regional scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of the psychology of education", 2007 Structure and scope of work.

The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (213 titles), and an appendix. The dissertation contains 22 diagrams, 1 scheme, 1 figure, 8 tables. The total volume of the work is 195 pages.

Dissertation conclusion scientific article on the topic "Pedagogical psychology"

The results of the study of the dynamics of development of individual components of readiness revealed the greatest positive changes in the formation of the motivational component of professional readiness;

A significant difference in the level of professional readiness was also found between individual indicators of readiness for a conscious choice among ninth graders who were trained according to the program developed by us and among ninth graders from other schools who studied according to standard vocational guidance programs. This difference manifested itself in a higher level of awareness and ability to plan a professional career;

A significant difference was found between the indicators of readiness for a conscious choice among the tenth graders of the experimental group and the tenth graders studying in a specialized educational institution. The difference manifested itself in a higher overall willingness to choose, as well as in the level of awareness and decision-making;

Among the eighth-graders of the experimental group, there was no significant increase in awareness. However, they also completed the first block of the career guidance program. This suggests that the high results in the 9th and 10th grades are due, among other things, to the foundation laid in the lessons in the previous grade. Therefore, in our opinion, in order to form a readiness for a conscious choice of an educational profile, it is necessary to start career guidance work at least from the eighth grade, and the most important psychological * condition for the formation of professional readiness in adolescence is the formation of a motivational component.

5. The effectiveness of STIs is also confirmed by the results of admission to universities and other professional educational institutions in accordance with the educational profile chosen at school. These results reveal a significant difference between graduates of school No. 186 and graduates of other schools who have completed specialized training at the senior level of school.

10. Based on the cluster analysis of the results obtained in the study, a forecast of the success of future professional self-realization is given and methods for further work with students are proposed.


In connection with the plan for the modernization of Russian education, which involves the general profiling of schools, the problems of pre-profile and profile training are already emerging, and in the near future they will become even more acute for adolescents, their parents and teachers.

This study allows substantiating and confirming the possibility of early profiling of adolescents. The paper describes the program of pre-profile and profile training of students, implemented at school No. 186 in Nizhny Novgorod, which includes the course developed by us on I11Sh1 for grades 8-10. As a result of the theoretical and experimental study, the significant influence of such a program on the effectiveness of the process of forming "readiness" for the conscious choice of the future educational profile by adolescents was confirmed.

The paper shows the need to take into account the changing situation in the development of modern society and modern adolescents and make appropriate adjustments to the development of career guidance programs. Teachers and psychologists should always be on the lookout, have comprehensive information about the world of professions, the modern labor market, and the characteristics of adolescents. It is also worth emphasizing that psychological work on vocational counseling and career guidance can bear fruit only in combination with specially organized pedagogical work.

However, the formation of personal characteristics that contribute to increasing readiness to choose an educational profile or profession; the process is long, it begins in early childhood and largely depends on the upbringing of the child. If such traits as the ability to rely on oneself, and not on external circumstances, awareness of one's decisions and actions, the ability to plan and make choices are not developed from childhood, then one cannot count on responsible actions in adolescence.

The conducted research confirms the research hypotheses about the existence of a connection between the process of formations for a conscious professional choice and the development of certain personal characteristics, as well as that a specially designed psychological career guidance program has a positive effect on the formation of such readiness.

Based on this study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. As a result of the analysis and generalization of modern psychological and pedagogical ideas about the problem of professional self-determination, the work presents an activity approach to choosing the future educational profile and future profession of adolescents. It boils down to the fact that such a choice is an internal activity of adolescents aimed at constructing and comprehending alternatives for professional choice, as well as determining criteria for comparing these alternatives, highlighting key alternatives and implementing the final choice.

2. In the course of the study, the structure of the concept of psychological readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in adolescence was analyzed, which is determined by the formation of the informational, motivational-value and practical components of this readiness.

3. The main personal prerequisites that affect the psychological readiness of schoolchildren for a conscious choice of the future * educational profile and future profession in adolescence have been identified:

Meaningfulness of life;

Self-reliance in decision-making;

Competence in time;

Certainty of choice;

Flexibility in the implementation of their values, the ability to quickly respond to changing aspects of the situation.

Creative realization in activity.

The conditions hindering the formation of readiness for a professional choice are identified and analyzed. Psychological characteristics of adolescents:

Insufficiently developed ability to combine near and far perspective.

Incomplete development of the planning function.

The inconsistency and disorder of different aspects of the "I", which violates the integrity and consistency of choice. inability to distinguish between the possible and the desired. Conditions for the development of modern society:

Changing value orientations in modern society;

The emergence of a large number of "new" professions;

Uncontrolled growth of higher education institutions;

Social "confusion" in society that hinders the development and satisfaction of adolescents' needs in adulthood;

Features of the modern education system.

5. The conditions for the development of modern society and the psychological characteristics of adolescents do not allow solving the problem of the formation of "readiness for a conscious professional choice by the age of 14-15, based on the traditionally established methods of vocational guidance for young people.

6. In the course of the ascertaining experiment, data were obtained confirming that adolescents aged 14-15 are really not quite ready for a conscious professional choice yet. This manifests itself in the following:

Adolescents in grades 8-10 show a low level of awareness

The ability to quickly respond to changing aspects of the situation and be flexible in realizing one's values ​​is not sufficiently developed.

The motivational component of readiness is especially low developed, which is manifested in the following:

For adolescents in grades 8-10, the completeness of the representation of the categories "I want" - "I can" - "I must" in the motivation for professional activity is not sufficiently expressed. They are guided mainly only by their desires. The motives associated with the assessment of one's capabilities and requirements imposed by society are practically absent or poorly represented. In the “want” category, most of all there are unreasonable or external motives: material interest, prestige, desire to communicate, influence of parents and interest in specific school subjects.

7. It has been experimentally shown that a specially developed5 innovative psychological career guidance program (IPPI), which takes into account the peculiarities of the age development of adolescents in modern society, makes it possible to form a higher level of readiness for a conscious professional choice in adolescents aged 14-15.

8. In the course of the formative experiment, the features of the dynamics of development of individual components of readiness were revealed. It is shown that the most important psychological condition for the formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in adolescence is the formation of the motivational component of readiness.

9. The results of the control experiment showed that the greatest positive changes occurred in the formation of motivational readiness to choose a future educational profile and profession.

Thus, the conducted research makes it possible to transfer the obtained results and conclusions to the practice of pre-profile and profile training of students when working with all subjects of the educational space, and the developed STD program can be partially or fully implemented in other educational institutions.

Developed on the basis of the results of the study, training courses and methodological materials for psychologists, teachers, administration of educational institutions will help increase the effectiveness of the program for the modernization of Russian education at the senior level of the general education school.

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T.N. May, A.E. Popovich

Fundamentals of formation of readiness of senior schoolchildren to choose a profession

The article considers the problem of formation of readiness of senior schoolchildren for their professional self-determination. A structural model is presented, constructed on the basis of educational, educational and pedagogical systems. It includes the following components: goal, objectives, content, methods, means, organizational forms, results that contribute to the organization, stimulation and correction of the system of formation of readiness for choosing a profession among the younger generation.

Key words: readiness, choice of profession, modeling, professional self-determination, pedagogical influence.

The main goal of professional self-determination is the gradual formation of a high school student's internal readiness for independent construction, adjustment and implementation of the prospects for his development (professional and personal), readiness to consider himself developing in time and independently find personally significant meanings in a specific professional activity.

The key point of professional self-determination is the readiness for a conscious independent choice of a profession by a person, which ensures the manifestation and disclosure of his individual characteristics, interests and inclinations of the individual, focused on the short term personal and professional development.

The concept of "readiness to choose a profession, professional self-determination" in pedagogical science is considered as:

A stable state of the student's personality, which is based on a dynamic combination of certain properties, including the orientation of interests and inclinations, his practical experience and knowledge of his characteristics in connection with the choice of profession;

Inner conviction and awareness of the factor of choosing a profession, awareness of the world of work, of what physical and psychological requirements the profession imposes on a person;

The ability to recognize individual characteristics (the image of "I"), analyze professions and make decisions based on a comparison of these two types of knowledge, i.e. ability to consciously choose a profession.

We consider readiness for professional self-determination as a stable characteristic of a person, which specifies their goals and preferences, being a solution focused on the near future, and including personal-target, information-gnostic and reflective-evaluative components that meet the requirements of the content and conditions of the future. professional activity.

The methodological basis of our study was the developments in the field of a systematic approach, modeling, mathematical statistics (V.P. Bespalko, I.V. Blauberg, V.M. Glushkov, E.V. Ilyenkov, V.V. Kraevsky, V.I. Mikheev, R. S. Nemov, D. A. Novikov, Yu. P. Sokolnikov, E. N. Stepanov, E. G. Yudin, etc.).

Domestic scientists identify the principles of modeling educational, educational, pedagogical and other systems, primarily from the point of view of a holistic, systemic, personal and activity approach, and call the following: the principle of integrity, the principle of communication (connection), the principle of structurality, the principle of controllability and development .

Our study shows that in practice, the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students is carried out as the interaction of pupils with teachers, teachers of additional education, production specialists, psychologists, as well as with objects of labor, during which their professional development takes place.

The solution of the problem posed in our study required the development of a model of the system for the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among senior schoolchildren. V.V. Kraevsky, for example, characterizes

pedagogy and psychology

Actual problems of pedagogy

modeling as a cognitive reflection based on concepts, principles and patterns.

The practical value of the model in any pedagogical research is mainly determined by its adequacy to the studied aspects of the object, as well as by how correctly the basic principles of modeling (visibility, certainty, objectivity) are taken into account at the stages of building the model, which largely determine both the capabilities and type of the model, and its function in pedagogical research.

The object of our modeling is the system of formation in senior schoolchildren of readiness to choose a profession in the educational process of a general education school during its profiling.

The model of formation of readiness for professional choice of high school students in the process of specialized education is an integrative scientific and theoretical structuring of the process of complex support, built on the basis of the principles of a systematic approach (integrity, the presence of links between elements, orderliness of the system, expediency of functioning), including functions, components, educational environment , results and criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical management, reflecting the specifics of profile education as an option for creating optimal conditions that contribute to the professional self-determination of high school students.

Before building the chosen model, we determined its type, based on a structural model that imitates the internal organization of the original structure.

The central system-forming component of the model is its goal - the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students. In our opinion, senior students should: a) have a positive and stable motivation for specialized and vocational education; b) consciously treat professional work and make strong-willed efforts to perform forced work; c) have a formed logical and abstract thinking, be creative, erudite, with adequate criticality of their capabilities and abilities; d) show initiative, activity aimed at success, allowing to bring the work started to the end; e) to take an active civic position, to be endowed with the ability to work productively and creatively in a team; f) respect other people, take care of national traditions, show a culture of communication, behavior, mental and physical labor.

The purpose of the model determines the main tasks: a) assisting high school students in identifying their cognitive and professional

interests, inclinations and abilities; b) a systematic impact on the consciousness of pupils in order to expand and deepen their knowledge about professional activities, about the world of professions and the requirements for each of them; c) the inclusion of students in activities as close as possible to the professional.

An important factor in the education of the individual in the model developed by us is the team. As you know, a team is a collection of people united by common goals that have a social value orientation, a common activity to achieve them, and certain relationships that arise in it.

It seems to us that these content components can be successfully formed in older schoolchildren as part of the educational process of a general education school.

In our model, the tools for organizing, stimulating and adjusting the system of formation of readiness for choosing a profession among older students are represented by general methods, organizational forms, and means of a holistic educational process.

General methods of education, being ways to achieve the goal, act as ways to organize the joint activities of educators and pupils, as ways of their interaction. Their use is due to the tasks and specifics of the role played by the teacher and students in the process of forming their readiness to choose a profession.

In the educational process, it is necessary to involve three factors in the development of the individual: the social environment, activities, and the return-evaluative influence of the teacher. They determine the methods of our model: methods of influencing the consciousness of pupils, practical activity, its stimulation, organization of the educational environment and understanding of the environment and one's own life.

The method of educational interaction with the environment in our study was predominant in the implementation of various forms of the educational process, such as excursions, tournaments, olympiads, competitions, i.e. where there is: a) the interaction of students with nature, society, material production, spiritual creativity, with another person; b) study, understanding the surrounding life, consideration of differences

pedagogy and psychology

Actual problems of pedagogy

in views on the world and the structure of life; c) actions that involve an active position of a senior student in professional activities, independence and responsibility; d) the choice of values ​​in the life unfolding before them: good and evil, truth and falsehood, beautiful and ugly.

The method of organizing educational activities will be the leading one in theoretical and practical classes, trainings, professional tests, i.e. where there is an opportunity to involve older students in various types of activities, giving it social and value features and through this to establish an active attitude to reality. Specifically, this is done when answering the questions: For whom? For what? (value motivation); What did you feel? What did you like? What did you discover? What did you discover? (relationship living); What is in my life now? What will I try to change? (connection of activity with life); What will it give to others? (social result of activity); How did I feel? How did I work? (introspection).

Awareness of oneself, one's capabilities is formed in the senior student when comprehending life, the personal-value meaning of his activity. The formation of an autonomous inner "I", the development of the individual's ability to choose his life position, the ability to take responsibility for the choice constitutes the pedagogical essence of the method of organized comprehension by students of the life unfolding before them. This method permeates the entire system of formation of readiness for choosing a profession, is built on subject-subject relations and manifests itself in three forms: rational (it is necessary, necessary); emotional (living emotions); practical-effective (we have done it or are doing it).

The listed three forms of relations give rise to three methods of pedagogical influence, which are necessary for the formation of readiness among high school students to choose a profession in a general education school. The rational form of relations through logic and reason gives us the method of persuasion. This method is implemented through such forms as judgments, argumentation, opinion, communication, dialogue, discussions, exchange of impressions, advice, recommendations. In preparation for professional activities, this method allows you to organize training at a high level.

Emotional attitude gives rise to a method of evaluation, which can be open and closed. So, an open pedagogical assessment is a reward or punishment and involves a direct statement of the emotional state. In the system of formation in high school

It is used to provide a strong emotional impact in order to obtain the desired result of pedagogical influence. Closed evaluation is expressed through the communication of one's own state, the supposed state of another person, the delegation of evaluation to another, or evaluation delayed in time. It is used with a soft impact on students in order to give an opportunity to comprehend the event and draw their own conclusions.

Practical-effective relations determine the impact that is produced by the real activity of students, and this method, which is called the method of exercises in the literature, plays an important role in the system of educating the professional interests of older students. The exercise method includes a demonstration-instruction, rules established in collective activities, career guidance games, etc.

The means of forming readiness for choosing a profession include objects that are tools of labor or imitate them, educational tools that carry certain elements of labor culture, as well as devices necessary for the implementation of various types of labor and professional activities, for example, volumetric (models, collections) and printed (tables, pictures) manuals, TCO.

The choice of means in various aspects of education depends on its tasks. When applied, they acquire a specific content. Such a selection of means with the appropriate content also occurs when older students are shaping their readiness to choose a profession.

Organizational forms of education are understood as the external expression of the joint activity of educators and schoolchildren.

In school practice, in the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among high school students, a variety of organizational forms are used, for example, a career guidance lesson or its fragments, an optional school class, a circle, associations, a class hour, a career guidance meeting, a career guidance excursion, an evening of defense of professions, competitions and competitions in labor all-round competition “Know and be able”, lectures “Professions in the new socio-economic conditions”, “My profession is my pride”, career guidance weeks, months, contests “The best in the profession”, “Who knows more professions”, conducting professional tests, plot -role-playing games, etc. Labor associations of schoolchildren, career guidance local history, KVN, TV shows "Clever and clever", patronage work, etc. can be successfully used.

pedagogy and psychology

Actual problems of pedagogy

Such forms of work as theoretical and practical classes, professional tests, trainings are associated with the method of educational activities. Conferences "Frontiers of Professions", tournaments for young mathematicians, Olympiads, competitions of professional skills are determined by the method of educating the environment, although, like excursions, they can also be associated with the method of understanding the unfolding life. The organic interconnectedness of the methods of education and influence and the means and forms of work arising from them contribute to the process of transition of the external action into the internal state of the individual, accepting it as a value and forming a personal professional quality. The complex of these qualities determines the result of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among high school students.

In the developed model, under the results of the formation of readiness for choosing a profession among high school students, we understand the achievement by pupils of a high level of formation of readiness for choosing a profession.

Thus, the presented model of the functioning of the system of formation of readiness for choosing a profession among senior schoolchildren can serve as a guideline for school teachers in the professional orientation of senior schoolchildren when choosing their future.

Bibliographic list

1. Kraevsky V.V. General foundations of pedagogy: Textbook. M., 2008.

2. Makarenko A.S. Choice of profession // Makarenko A.S. Op. M., 1958. T. 5.

3. Mikheev V.I. Modeling and methods of measurement theory in pedagogy. M., 1987.

4. Sokolnikov Yu.P. A systematic approach to the education of schoolchildren. M., 1990.

5. Stepanov E.N. Theory and technology of modeling the educational system of an educational institution: Abstract of the thesis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences. Yaroslavl, 1999.

UDC 159.922


© Larisa Yurievna PROSKURIAKOVA

Tambov State University G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russian Federation, postgraduate student of the Department of Social Psychology; Center for Extracurricular Activities, Tambov, Russian Federation, educational psychologist, e-mail: [email protected]

The article deals with the problem of readiness for professional self-determination of adolescents with deviant behavior due to their socio-pedagogical neglect. It presents the results of an empirical study showing that adolescents who are characterized by socio-pedagogical neglect are not ready for an adequate conscious choice of a future profession, that such adolescents need psychological and pedagogical assistance aimed at overcoming the deviance of their behavior and forming readiness for professional self-determination. The effectiveness of the program of correctional work with deviant adolescents developed by the author is analyzed.

Key words: deviance; readiness to choose a profession; socio-pedagogical neglect; professional identity.

At present, the urgent task of the practical work of specialists in the system of additional education is to solve the issues of providing assistance to children from families in difficult life situations in order to prevent and overcome deviant behavior, to ensure their adequate socialization. Such assistance is also needed in such an important area of ​​social adaptation as the choice of a profession.

The problem of psychological and acmeological

support in professional self-determination is of particular relevance when working with socially and pedagogically neglected adolescents. In the practice of our work with such adolescents, we encountered the problem of young people's inability to plan their professional career, their ignorance of the basic principles for choosing a future professional activity.

Adolescence in general and adolescence in particular are at risk. In this regard, special attention is paid to the behavior of adolescents prone to deviant behavior, their psychological characteristics. Overcoming the social maladaptation of children and adolescents is possible only under the conditions of a specially organized set of educational measures.

The purpose of our study was to develop and test a career guidance program with sub-

sprouts prone to deviant behavior. At the initial stage of the study, we identified adolescents who can be classified as a risk group based on signs indicating their tendency to deviant behavior. The subjects in our study were 90 adolescents attending teenage clubs in Tambov. The study of adolescents was carried out using a methodology that identifies children at risk by such indicators as family relationships, aggressiveness, distrust of people, self-doubt, and also by the presence of four types of character accentuations: hyperthymic, hysterical, schizoid and emotionally lobile . The results obtained are presented in table. 1, which shows the number and percentage of adolescents with high risk scores.

Table data. 1 show the following.

Thirty adolescents received high scores on the scale of family relations. This indicates that 33% of the surveyed adolescents have violations of intra-family relations. These violations may be due to a tense situation in the family, parental hostility towards the adolescent, unreasonable restrictions and discipline requirements without a sense of parental love, fear of parents, etc. They have a negative impact on the adolescent's condition, causing him distress. When the stress caused by non-

satisfaction of family relationships, continues for too long, it can have a strong devastating effect on the health of children and adolescents.

According to the aggressiveness scale, 33 adolescents received high scores, which is 37% of the total number of subjects. High scores on this scale indicate increased hostility, cockiness, and rudeness. Aggression can also be expressed in hidden forms - hostility and anger. Increased aggressiveness is often accompanied by an increased propensity to take risks and is an integral feature of the character of children and adolescents at risk.

On a scale of distrust of people, 39 (43%) adolescents showed high scores. High scores on this scale indicate a strongly pronounced distrust of other people, suspicion, hostility. Such children and adolescents are often passive and shy around their peers for fear of rejection. This is usually accompanied by communicative incompetence, the inability to establish friendly relationships with other people.

On a scale of self-doubt, 47 (57%) adolescents had high scores. High scores on this scale indicate high anxiety, self-doubt, and possibly also the presence of an inferiority complex, low self-esteem. These personality traits are also fertile ground for various behavioral disorders, and children and adolescents,

those with high scores on this scale can be classified as a risk group.

According to the scale of character accentuations, the picture of the risk of deviant behavior is as follows. High scores for the hyperthymic type of accentuation were shown by 21 adolescents, which is 23% of the total number of surveyed adolescents, there were 11 such adolescents (12%) for the hysteroid type, 15 adolescents (17%) for the schizoid type and 37 for the emotionally labile type adolescents (41%).

From the table. Table 1 shows that in the studied group of adolescents, the most common risk factors for deviant behavior are: self-doubt (52%), distrust of people (43%), emotionally labile type of character accentuation (41%), aggressiveness (37%), family relationships (33%). The least significant risk factors are such character accentuations as the hysteroid type (12%), the schizoid type (17%) and the hyperthymic type (23%).

After assessing the degree of risk of deviant behavior, work was carried out with adolescents on a career guidance program, including a block aimed at preventing deviant behavior. The results of such an experimental impact on the subjects were evaluated by re-evaluating the indicators of the risk of deviant behavior. The results obtained are reflected in table. 1, as well as in the diagram (Fig. 1).

Table 1

Availability of risk indicators for deviant behavior in adolescents

No. p.p. Indicator of the risk of deviant behavior Number of tests. % test

1. Family relations 30 33

2. Aggressiveness 33 37

3. Distrust of people 39 43

4. Self-doubt 47 52

5. Hyperthymic type of accentuation 21 23

6. Hysteroid type of accentuation 11 12

7. Schizoid type of accentuation 15 17

8. Emotionally labile type of accentuation 37 41

■before experiment □ after experiment

Rice. 1. Change in indicators of the risk of deviant behavior as a result of experimental exposure

If at the beginning of the experiment 76% of the examined children belonged to the risk group, then after the completion of the experiment the number of such children became much smaller and amounted to only 36%. At the same time, changes occurred in all indicators of the risk of deviant behavior. This indicates the effectiveness of work with adolescents carried out according to the developed program in adolescent clubs at the place of residence.

Being an integral part of personal development, professional self-determination occurs under the influence of a number of internal (personal) and external (social) factors. Therefore, in adolescents prone to deviant behavior, the process of professional self-determination is significantly hampered due to the disharmony of personal development and the unfavorable influence of social factors. Thus, this category of young people needs professional assistance in solving issues of professional choice. Otherwise, the process of socialization of a teenager and his future integration into the world of adults may fail, which will lead to the moral degradation of the individual, which will pose a threat to society.

In order to determine the level of deformation and the nature of disharmony of various aspects, qualities and personality traits, to identify ways and means of their prevention and correction, to predict the further development of adolescents, we also conducted a survey of adolescents attending teenage clubs using the methodology of R.V. Ovcharova "Complex express diagnostics of socio-pedagogical neglect of children" . The results of the survey revealed the following. Of the total number of surveyed adolescents (90 people), 90% are not socially adapted, 45% have inadequate self-esteem and a level of claims, which indicates violations in the formation of adolescents' self-awareness, their socio-pedagogical neglect. Further, it was found that 52% of adolescents need recognition; 74% are characterized by low communicative activity and unsatisfied need for communication; 39% have a low social status and are rejected by others.

74% of the surveyed adolescents have manifestations of social inadequacy associated with weak social reflection, and the remaining 26% demonstrate ways of protective and compensatory behavior of a socially outcast child.

The data on the scale of general anxiety demonstrate the high family anxiety of the child in all 10 statements of the scale. A high score of general anxiety indicates the neglected child's rejection by reference communities, his social maladjustment.

The results obtained on the “educational micro-society of the family” scale show that most adolescents have an unfavorable family and school atmosphere, rejection of a neglected child by teachers and parents, an authoritarian-hypersocialized type of relationship with the child, which hinders his activity and self-expression. The overall high score on the scale diagnoses the unfavorable socio-pedagogical situation of the child's development.

Thus, the majority of adolescents are diagnosed with socio-pedagogical neglect. With a mild degree of neglect, the number of coincidences is 10-25%, with a pronounced degree - 25-50%, with a high degree - 50% or more.

Thus, the results of studying the socio-pedagogical neglect of adolescents attending teen clubs show that most adolescents need psychological and pedagogical assistance. In particular, this assistance should be aimed at providing them with psychological and pedagogical support in professional self-determination. In this regard, we have developed and tested a program of psycho-logo-acmeological support in the professional self-determination of adolescents with deviant behavior "The road will be mastered by the walking one." The choice of a profession for a teenager with deviant behavior is most often limited by the low level of his knowledge and social maladjustment. In turn, the lack of choice leads to a reluctance to make professional choices as a defensive reaction. Further, the process develops in the mode of positive feedback: the adolescent develops a stable reluctance to make such a choice. This unwillingness is perceived by others as an asocial manifestation, which gives rise to irritation and aggression in them and a response of the same content from the adolescent. But the worst thing is that

These teenagers also irritate their parents. Therefore, the task of the psychologist is, first of all, to reduce this mutual irritation and its consequences.

Adolescents often believe that it is possible and necessary to work only with someone “chief”, receiving money solely for being present at the workplace. Of course, such ideas are the result of mistakes made in their upbringing. Therefore, it should be brought to the attention of a teenager that work should correspond to the capabilities of a person and that the higher his position and salary, the more responsibility he has. In addition, it is important to explain that the prestige of a job can only be discussed when a person has a choice based on real physical and intellectual capabilities. If, due to poor academic performance and other reasons, the choice is limited, then one should be guided by considerations of the moral and emotional acceptability of work within the existing opportunities.

It is practically impossible to encourage "difficult" teenagers to state their professional intentions and interests in writing. Therefore, it is so important to conduct systematic conversations and trainings with them, giving them the opportunity to express their thoughts on this matter.

As a result of the study, we came to the following conclusions:

Adolescents attending teenage clubs are distinguished by the presence of pedagogical and social neglect;

The presence of pedagogical and social neglect is accompanied by the risk of deviant behavior in adolescents and a low level of development of readiness for an adequate conscious choice of profession;

Adolescents with deviant behavior cannot decide on their own in the professional field.

The surveys conducted showed the dispersion of children's interests. Often the motive for choosing a particular profession is its prestige, good wages, which was shown in our joint with B.I. Tenyushev research. Only after specially conducted classes, young men and women were able to make an informed choice in favor of a certain pro-

professions. The “Profile” technique carried out in the course of the work (a modification of the Kart technique by A. Golomshtok) showed that professional interests in most cases do not coincide with inclinations in 72% of adolescents. This, in turn, indicates the predominance of external factors of choosing a profession over internal ones. In the course of work on the program, adolescents have developed knowledge about the market for professions in demand and motivation for a conscious choice of profession.

Based on the data obtained, it can be stated that the choice of profession among the subjects at the final stage of the experiment is not random. When choosing a profession, students are guided by knowledge of its characteristics, working conditions and means.

The results of our study confirmed the connection between the conscious choice of a profession and the personal development of a teenager with deviant behavior. Boys and girls who have made their definite professional choice and are confident in its correctness are more aware of the chosen profession, do better in educational activities, are perceived by teachers as more mature individuals compared to those who have not yet decided professionally. After the completion of the program, older adolescents choose their professional path more independently, without the noticeable influence of significant people around them (parents, teachers, classmates and friends, etc.).

The program of psychological and acmeological support is aimed at professional self-determination, which begins to occupy one of the leading places in the structure of adolescents' self-awareness, and as a result, educational activities acquire a focus on the future and are determined by professional orientation.

A quantitative analysis of the results shows that after the formative experiment there were changes in professional preferences when choosing a profession, i.e., we can talk about the beginning of the formation of an internal plan for self-determination. Thus, psychological and acmeological assistance to adolescents with deviant behavior helps to increase students' readiness for professional self-development.

definition, the emergence of motives for choosing a profession, sustainable professional interests, adequate self-esteem and volitional activity in professional self-determination.

Psychological and acmeological support for adolescents with deviant behavior in professional self-determination is effective if:

The support system for deviant adolescents has been studied;

A conceptual scheme of psychological and acmeological support for deviant adolescents in professional self-determination has been developed;

The technology of psychological and acmeological support in the professional self-determination of deviant adolescents has been developed;

Criteria and indicators of professional self-determination of deviant adolescents have been developed;

The conditions for psychological-acmeological support of deviant adolescents in professional self-determination are determined;

A program of psychological and acmeological support for deviant adolescents in professional self-determination has been developed.

1. Sergeeva V.P. Socio-pedagogical support of each student in the activities of the class teacher // Class teacher. 2008. No. 5. S. 53-66.

2. Peresheina N.V., Zaostrovtseva M.N. Deviant student: prevention and correction of deviations. M., 2006.

3. Scientific and methodological design of socio-pedagogical support for each student in the activities of class teachers of educational institutions / comp. IN AND. Sergeeva, O.A. Nesterov. M., 2009.

4. Tenyushev B.I., Proskuryakova L.Yu. Peculiarities of teenagers' motivational readiness to choose a profession // 15 Derzhavin Readings. Academy of Psychology and Management: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference. Feb. 2010 / rev. ed. E.A. Uvarov. Tambov, 2010.

Received December 8, 2011

FORMATION OF PERSONAL PREPAREDNESS FOR CHOICE OF PROFESSION IN DEVIANT ADOLESCENTS Larisa Yuryevna PROSKURYAKOVA, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russian Federation, Post-graduate Student of Social Psychology Department; Center Of Extracurricular Activities, Tambov, Russian Federation, teacher-psychologist, e-mail: [email protected]

In the article consider the problem of preparedness for professional self-determination of adolescents with behavioral problems stemming from their social and educational neglect. It presents the results of empirical research showing that adolescents, characterized by social and educational neglect, are not prepared to adequately informed choice of future profession, such that adolescents need psychological and pedagogical assistance directed at overcoming the deviancy of their behavior and the formation of readiness for professional self-determination. The effectiveness of programs developed by the author of remedial work with deviant adolescents analyzed.

Key words: deviation; commitment to choice of profession; social and educational neglect; professional self-determination.