Warehouse buildings and facilities for the storage of petroleum products in containers

Underground storage facilities for oil and oil products constructed by geotechnological and mining methods in rock masses impervious to these products, and ice-soil storage facilities for oil and oil products;

2.4. When placing oil and oil products on sites that have higher marks compared to the marks of the territory of neighboring settlements, enterprises and railway lines of the general network, located at a distance of up to 200 m from the tank farm, as well as when placing oil and oil products warehouses near the banks of rivers at a distance of 200 m or less from the water's edge (at the maximum level), additional measures should be taken to exclude the possibility of spilling oil and oil products into the territory of a settlement or enterprise, on the path of railways of the general network or into a reservoir in the event of an accident of tanks.

│ Buildings and structures of the warehouse │ Distance, m, from ground tanks │
│ │ warehouse category │
│ ├────────┬────────┬────────┬────────┬────────┤
│ │ I │ II │ IIIa │ IIIb │ IIIc │
│1. Filling devices:│ │ │ │ │ │
│ a) for sea and river │ 75 │ 50 │ 50 │ 50 │ 50 │
│ vessels (dumping at-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ chals and piers); │ │ │ │ │ │
│ b) for railway │ 30 │ 20 │ 20 │ 20 │ 20 │
│ (railroad slivona-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ storm overpasses) and auto-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ mobile tanks │ │ │ │ │ │
│2. │ 30 │ 15 │ 15 │ 15 │ 10 │
│ stations (pump shops), │ │ │ │ │ │
│buildings and sites for nodes│ │ │ │ │ │
│valve product pump-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ stations, metering stations and │ │ │ │ │ │
│measurement, filling, distribution-│ │ │ │ │ │
│scoop, sewer│ │ │ │ │ │
│pumping stations of untreated│ │ │ │ │ │
│oily wastewater │ │ │ │ │ │
│3. Warehouse buildings for nave-│ 30 │ 20 │ 20 │ 20 │ 15 │
│teproducts in containers, platforms│ │ │ │ │ │
│for storage of petroleum products│ │ │ │ │ │
│in containers and for storage of containers│ │ │ │ │ │
│(used or │ │ │ │ │ │
│ clean fuel), buildings and │ │ │ │ │ │
│platforms of collection points for reflection-│ │ │ │ │ │
│botany oil products │ │ │ │ │ │
│4. Tap water (drinking│ 40 │ 40 │ 40 │ 40 │ 30 │
│appointment) and fire prevention-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ pumping stations, fire-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ posts and storage rooms-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ fire-fighting equipment-│ │ │ │ │ │
│blowing and fire extinguishing │ │ │ │ │ │
│ funds, fire re-│ │ │ │ │ │
│reservoirs or reservoirs (before-│ │ │ │ │ │
│admission wells or months-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ta water intake) │ │ │ │ │ │
│5. Sewer treatment plants│ │ │ │ │ │
│production facilities│ │ │ │ │ │
│wastewater (with oil and oil-│ │ │ │ │ │
│teproducts): │ │ │ │ │ │
│ a) settling ponds, was-│ 30 │ 30 │ 30 │ 30 │ 20 │
│ monoaccumulators; closed nave-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ body traps, flotation units - │ │ │ │ │ │
│tanki outside the building (area│ │ │ │ │ │
│mirrors 400 m2 and more), bu-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ farm reservoirs and reserve-│ │ │ │ │ │
Settling tanks with a volume of 700│ │ │ │ │ │
│m3 and more; │ │ │ │ │ │
│ b) flotation plants │ 15 │ 15 │ 15 │ 15 │ 10 │
│and filters in buildings, closed-│ │ │ │ │ │
│tye (area│ │ │ │ │ │
│mirrors less than 400 m2), buffer-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ tanks and reservoirs-│ │ │ │ │ │
│settlers with a volume less than │ │ │ │ │ │
│700 m3, washing plants│ │ │ │ │ │
│draft, including reservoir-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ry-sludge collectors and ozonizer-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ny installations; │ │ │ │ │ │
│ c) evaporation ponds │ 24 │ 24 │ 18 │ 15 │ 15 │
│6. Buildings and structures with │ │ │ │ │ │
│production processes│ │ │ │ │ │
│with the use of open fire│ │ │ │ │ │
│(furnaces for heating oil, │ │ │ │ │ │
│boiler rooms, welding processes and│ │ │ │ │ │
│etc.), garages and premises│ │ │ │ │ │
│Maintenance│ │ │ │ │ │
│cars from tanks: │ │ │ │ │ │
│ with flammable │ 60 │ 40 │ 40 │ 40 │ 30 │
│oil and oil products; │ │ │ │ │ │
│ with combustible oil and oil-│ 60 │ 30 │ 30 │ 30 │ 24 │
│teproducts │ │ │ │ │ │
│7. Fire station buildings│ 40 │ 40 │ 40 │ 40 │ 30 │
│(without living quarters), admin-│ │ │ │ │ │
│nistrative and domestic buildings-│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│8. Technological mouth-│ 40 │ 40 │ 40 │ 40 │ 24 │
│novki with explosive fire │ │ │ │ │ │
│productions at the central-│ │ │ │ │ │
│collection points for oil│ │ │ │ │ │
│fields (installations│ │ │ │ │ │
│preparation of oil, gas and water-│ │ │ │ │ │
│dy, pre-reset│ │ │ │ │ │
│formation water) │ │ │ │ │ │
│9. Starting or receiving nodes│ 30 │ 30 │ 30 │ 30 │ 30 │
│cleaning devices │ │ │ │ │ │
│10. Edge of the carriageway│ 15 │ 15 │ 9 │ 9 │ 9 │
│domestic automobile do-│ │ │ │ │ │
│horn and driveways │ │ │ │ │ │
│11. Other buildings and co-│ 20 │ 20 │ 20 │ 20 │ 20 │
│ warehouse rotation │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │
│Note. The distance according to the table is determined to the nearest part│
│the hull of the settlement vessel, standing at the berth; for other positions - in│
│according to . │



Warehouses for oil and oil products

1. General provisions ........... 3


2. General plan ........... 4

3. Tank farms.......... 9

4. Warehouse buildings and facilities for oil products in containers .... 10

5. Railway loading and unloading racks..........11

6. Loading-unloading berths and piers............12

7. Filling, packaging and distributing ..........12

8. Product pumping stations and laboratories........13"

9. Water supply and sewerage...............14

10. Heat supply, heating and ventilation..........19

11. Electrical devices, communications and automation ...... 20

WAREHOUSES OF THE SECOND GROUP......................22

12. Norms for designing warehouses of the second group ........ 22

Application. Steel pipes for transportation of oil and oil products 25

Gosstroy of the USSR CHAPTER SNNP II-106-79


Edition of instructive and normative literature

Head edited by G. A. Zhigachev

Editor N. V. Loseva

ml. editor A. N. Kryakvina

Technical editors N. G. Novak, Yu. L. Tsikhankova Proofreader N. S. Safronova

Handed over to the set 01/25/80. Signed for publication on 08/05/80. Format 84X108Vie d.l. Paper type. No. 2, Typeface "Literary". The print is high. Uel. oven l. 2.52. Uch.-ed. l. 2.9i. Circulation 100,000 copies. Ed. No. XI1-8772. Zach. No. 278. Price 15 kop.


J0I442, Moscow, Kalyaevskaya, 23a

Vladimir Printing House "Soyuzpo/Igrafprom" under the USSR State Committee for Publishing, Printing and Book Trade SOOOOOO, Vladimir, Oktyabrsky Prospekt, 7

2.16 The building density of sites for oil and oil products warehouses must be at least: warehouses of category I - 30%, category II - 25%, category III - 20%.


3.1. Tanks for oil and oil products must be designed in accordance with the chapter of SNiP on the design of structures of industrial enterprises and the norms of this chapter of SNiP.

For tank farms of oil and oil products, typical tanks of optimal sizes should be used.

3.2. For tank farms of oil and oil products with a flash point of 28 ° C and below, regardless of the category and group of warehouses, the following should be applied:

vertical tanks with a floating roof and, if justified, tanks with a pontoon;

horizontal cylindrical tanks;

other tanks in which the loss of oil and oil products does not exceed the loss in floating roof tanks.

Note. For oil and oil products with a pour point above 0 ° C, for the storage of which tanks with a floating roof or with a pontoon cannot be used, tanks with a fixed roof should be provided.

3.3. Tanks should generally be placed in groups.

The total capacity of tanks in one group should be no more than: tanks with a floating roof or pontoon - 200,000 m 3 when using tanks with a capacity of 50,000 m 3 or more and 120,000 m 3 when using tanks with a capacity of less than 50,000 m 3; tanks with a fixed roof - 120,000 m 3 when storing oil and oil products with a flash point above 45 ° C and 80,000 m 3 when storing oil and oil products with a flash point of 45 ° C and below.

The capacity of a tank with a floating roof should not exceed 120,000 m 3 , a tank with a pontoon or a fixed roof - 50,000 m 3 .

The surface area of ​​the underground reservoir should be no more than 7000 m 2 , and the total surface area of ​​the group of underground reservoirs - 14 000 m 2 .

Note. Tanks with a capacity of 10,000 m 3 or more should be placed in a group in one or two rows.

3.4. The distance between the walls of surface tanks for oil and oil products

Commodities located in the same group should be:

tanks with a floating roof - 0.5 diameter, but not more than 20 m;

tanks with a pontoon - 0.65 diameter and with a fixed roof - 0.75 diameter, but not more than 30 m when stored in these tanks of oil and oil products with a flash point of 45 ° C and below and for both types of tanks 0.5 diameter, but no more than 20 m when storing oil and oil products with a flash point of more than 45 ° C.

Notes: 1. Between tanks of different

types and sizes, the largest distance from those established for these tanks should be taken.

2. Tanks with a capacity of up to 400 m 3 (inclusive) for oil and oil products should be located on the same site in a group with a total capacity of up to 4000 m 3, while the distance between the walls of the tanks in this group is not standardized, and the distance between the nearest tanks of neighboring groups with a capacity of 4000 m 3 should be taken as 15 m.

Each group of tanks with a capacity of up to 4000 m 3, located outside the external enclosure (bund) of the tank farm, must be fenced with a solid earthen rampart or wall 0.8 m high for vertical tanks and 0.5 m for horizontal tanks.

3.5. The distance between the walls of underground tanks of the same group must be at least 1 m.

3.6. The distance between the walls of the nearest tanks located in adjacent groups should be:

ground tanks - 40 m;

underground tanks - 15 m.

Notes: 1. When placing each group of above-ground tanks in a separate pit containing all the liquid stored in these tanks, the distance between the upper edges of adjacent pits should be taken as 15 m.

2. The specified distance between the walls of ground tanks (located in neighboring groups) with a capacity of 20,000 m 3 or more can be increased if justified by the placement of engineering networks and roads.

3.7. Each group of ground tanks with a total capacity of not more than the values ​​specified in clause 3.3 of this section must be fenced with a solid earthen rampart with a top width of at least 0.5 m or a wall designed to withstand the hydrostatic pressure of the spilled liquid.

The height of the external fencing of a group of tanks should be 0.2 m higher than the level of the calculated volume of spilled liquid, but not less than 1 m for tanks with a capacity of less than 10,000 m 3 and 1.5 m for tanks with a capacity of 10,000 m 3 and more.

The volume formed between the internal slopes of the embankment or enclosing walls should be determined by the estimated volume of the spilled liquid, equal to the capacity of the largest tank in the group or a separate tank.

The distance from the walls of the tanks to the lower edge of the internal slopes of the embankment or to the enclosing walls should be taken at least: 3 m - from tanks with a capacity of less than 10,000 m 3 and 6 m - from tanks with a capacity of 10,000 m 3 and more.

Notes: 1. Within one group, each tank with a capacity of 20,000 m 3 or more, or several smaller tanks with a total capacity of 20,000 m 3, must be separated from other tanks of the group by internal earthen ramparts or walls 0.8 m high for tanks with a capacity of less than 10,000 m 3 and 1.3 m for tanks with a capacity of 10,000 m 3 or more.

2. In warehouses of categories I and II, when storing fuel oils, oils and other petroleum products in tanks of one group, tanks with oils and fuel oils must be separated from other tanks of the group by internal earthen ramparts or walls in accordance with note. 1 to this paragraph.

3.8. The embankment of underground reservoirs should be provided only for the storage of oil and fuel oil in these reservoirs.

The volume formed between the internal slopes of the embankment should be determined from the condition of retaining the spilled liquid in an amount equal to 10% of the capacity of the largest underground reservoir in the group.

The embankment of a group of underground reservoirs for storing oil and fuel oil may not be provided if the volume formed between the slopes of the subgrade of roads around the group of these reservoirs satisfies the specified condition.

3.9. To pass through the dike or the enclosing wall, it is necessary to provide (on opposite sides of the fence) stair-transitions in the amount of four for a group of tanks and at least two for separate tanks.

3.10. Wells and control chambers with valves should be located on the outer side of the dike (enclosing wall) of tank groups. Root valves must be installed directly at the tanks.


4.1. Storage of petroleum products in containers should be provided depending on the client

matic conditions in buildings or on sites under canopies, and oil products with a flash point above 45 ° C - also in open areas.

4.2. Warehouse buildings for flammable oil products in containers should be no higher than three floors, and for flammable oil products - one-story.

For the storage of combustible petroleum products in containers, it is allowed to design one-story underground structures.

For warehouses of category III, it is allowed to store oil products with a flash point above 120 ° C in an amount of up to 60 m 3 to design underground structures made of combustible materials, provided that these structures are backfilled with a layer of earth (with compaction) with a thickness of at least 0.2 m and the floor is made of non-combustible materials.

4.3. Storage buildings for petroleum products in containers must be separated by fireproof walls (partitions) with a fire resistance limit of at least 0.75 hours into storage facilities with a capacity of not more than 200 m 3 of flammable and not more than 1000 m 3 of combustible oil products. The total capacity of one storage building for oil products in containers should not exceed 1200 m 3 flammable and 6000 m 3 combustible oil products.

Note. The capacity of a warehouse building or room for the simultaneous storage of flammable and combustible petroleum products in a container is set according to the reduced capacity, determined from the following calculation: 1 m 3 flammable

oil products is equal to 5 m 3 of combustible oil products.

4.4. Storage facilities for petroleum products in containers, as a rule, should be combined in the same building with bottling, packaging and distribution facilities, as well as pumping and other service facilities.

Storage rooms must be separated from other rooms by fireproof walls (partitions) with a fire resistance limit of at least 0.75 hours.

4.5. Doorways in the walls of storage buildings for oil products in containers must have dimensions that ensure the passage of mechanization equipment, but in all cases not less than: 2.1 m wide and 2.4 m high; doors should be designed self-closing with a fire resistance limit of 0.6 h and thresholds (with ramps) 0.15 m high should be provided in the openings.

4.6. Floors in storage buildings for oil products in containers should be made of non-combustible materials and have slopes to drain liquid to trays and ladders.

4.7. When designing warehouse buildings and sites under sheds for storing oil products in containers (barrels, canisters, special containers, etc.) with mechanized packaging, the following should be taken into account:

height of racks or stacks of pallets - no more than 5.5 m;

placement of containers on each tier of the rack - in one row in height and in two rows in width;

stack width - from the condition of placing no more than four pallets;

the width of the passages between the racks and stacks - depending on the dimensions of the mechanization used, but not less than 1.4 m;

passages between racks and stacks - 1 m wide.

4.8. Cargo platforms (ramps) for railway and road transport must be made of non-combustible materials; for category III warehouses, it is allowed to design cargo platforms from combustible materials.

4.9. When designing open areas for the storage of petroleum products in containers, the following should be taken into account:

the number of stacks of containers with oil products - no more than six;

stack dimensions, no more than: length 25 m, width 15 m and height 5.5 m;

stacking containers or pallets in a stack - in two rows with aisles or passages between them in accordance with clause 4.7 of this section;

the distance between stacks on the site is 5 m, and between stacks of adjacent sites - 15 m.

4.10. Sites (open and under sheds) for storing oil products in containers should be fenced with an earth rampart or a fireproof wall 0.5 m high. Ramps and stepladders should be provided for driving or access to the site.

4.11. Open storage areas for empty metal drums (used and contaminated with oil products) should be designed in accordance with the standards given in paragraph 4.9 of this section, assuming stacking of empty drums in four tiers in height.


5.1. Loading and unloading racks should be located on a straight section of the railway track.

Note. In warehouses of category III, loading and unloading racks equipped with loading and unloading devices on one side may be located on curved sections of the track with a radius of at least 200 m.

5.2. The length of railway loading and unloading racks is determined depending on the volume of loading and unloading operations, but should not exceed the maximum length of one route train of railway tanks.

5.3. The length of a dead-end railway track with a loading and unloading rack should be increased by 30 m (for the possibility of uncoupling the train in case of fire), counting from the extreme tank of the calculated route train to the stop bar.

5.4. When placing loading and unloading devices on parallel railway tracks, one overpass should be designed, equipped with loading and unloading devices on both sides.

The distance between the axes of the nearest railway tracks of adjacent loading and unloading racks (located on parallel tracks) must be at least 20 m, and between the longitudinal sides of the loading and unloading devices - at least 15 m.

The distance from the railway tracks to the protruding parts of the loading and unloading racks should be taken in accordance with the dimensions of the approach of buildings in accordance with GOST 9238-73.

5.5. The distance from the axis of the railway track (warehouse or enterprise), which provides for the movement of locomotives, to the axis of the nearest track with a loading and unloading rack should be at least 20 m, if the flash point of the drained oil and oil products is below 120 ° C, and at least 10 m if the flash point is 120°C or higher.

It is not allowed to provide a railway track with a loading and unloading rack for the through passage of locomotives.

5.6. Draining and filling devices for oil and oil products (except for fuel oils) with a flash point of 120 ° C and below must be closed.

For oil products with a flash point above 120 ° C and fuel oil, open drain devices are allowed.

Notes: 1. In warehouses of category I, filling devices for flammable and combustible liquids must be separate.

2. Underground drain tanks for fuel oil may be placed both on the outside of the railway tracks with loading and unloading racks, and under the railway tracks.

5.7. Platforms for loading and unloading racks must have slopes for the flow of liquids.

5.8. Loading and unloading racks must have ladders made of non-combustible materials at the ends, as well as along the length of the racks at a distance of no more than 100 m from each other.


6.1. The loading and unloading berths and piers must be made of non-combustible materials and have a width that ensures the laying of all pipelines and the passage of at least 3.5 m wide for fire trucks; at the end of the dead-end passage there should be a turnaround area for cars.

On piers connected to the shore by bridges intended only for laying pipelines and pedestrian traffic, and piers up to 120 m long inclusive, equipped with fire extinguishing mortar pipelines, the arrangement of the specified passage for fire trucks is not required.

Loading and unloading berths and piers must be fenced from the coast.

6.2. The distance from loading and unloading berths in ports of sea, lakes and reservoirs to dry cargo, passenger and service berths (with the exception of berths for fire ships) should be at least 300 m when reloading flammable and 200 m when reloading combustible oil and oil products, but in in all cases - not less than a distance equal to the sum of the length and two widths of the largest design vessel at berths on piers, and not less than the length of the largest design vessel at berths on the shore.

Note, The specified distance is determined: at berths on piers - clear between adjacent piers, at berths on the shore - clear between ships.

6.3. The clear distance between loading and unloading piers in ports of sea, lakes and reservoirs should be at least 200 m when reloading oil and oil products

cargo with a flash point of 28° C and below and not less than 150 m when transshipping oil and oil products with a flash point above 28° C, but in both cases not less than the length of the largest settlement vessel.

The distance between the loading and unloading berths (on the piers and on the shore), as well as between the loading and unloading berths and the berths of the auxiliary fleet serving oil tankers, is assigned based on the safety of navigation according to the norms of technological design of seaports, approved in the prescribed manner.

6.4. Drainage and loading berths on navigable rivers and canals, as a rule, should be located below (downstream):

raids and places of permanent parking of the fleet - at a distance of at least 1000 m;

bridges, water intakes and other berths - at a distance of at least 300 m.

Loading and unloading berths may be located upstream (downstream):

raids and places of permanent parking of the fleet - at a distance of at least 5000 m;

bridges, water intakes and other berths - at a distance of at least 3000 m.

6.5. The distance between river loading and unloading berths should be at least 300 m when transshipping oil and oil products with a flash point of 28 ° C and below, and not less than 200 m when transshipping oil and oil products with a flash point above 28 ° C, but in all cases not less than length of the largest design vessel.


7.1. Filling, packaging and distributing, depending on climatic conditions and types of oil products, should be placed in buildings or on sites (open or under sheds).

Filling, packaging and distribution facilities in buildings should be designed in accordance with paragraphs. 1.7 and 4.4 of this chapter of SNiP and the norms of this section.

7.2. A separate room should be provided for spilling leaded petroleum products.

7.3. Draining and filling devices for tank trucks should be placed on sites (open or under canopies). Filling islands of these devices and passages between

islands should be designed in accordance with the chapter of SNiP on the design of car service enterprises.

Note. Draining and filling devices for tankers are allowed to be placed:

for flammable and combustible oil products - at one site;

for petroleum products with a flash point above 120 ° C - directly at filling, packaging and distributing and at loading and unloading railway racks for oils;

according to the technology requirements - from the outside of the warehouse fence.

7.4. At solid (without openings) bottling walls, at a distance of at least 2 m (outside the building), it is allowed to place distributing tanks with a capacity of each up to 25 m 3 inclusive and a total capacity of not more than 200 m 3. The distance between the dispensing tanks should be taken at least 1 m.

7.5. Distribution tanks with a capacity of up to 75 m 3, intended for heating and dispensing oils, should be placed so that their ends are located in the bottling room.

Distribution tanks with a capacity of up to 25 m 3, intended for heating and dispensing oils, can be placed in the bottling room, provided that the lares are removed from the tanks outside the room.

7.6. Reservoirs for oils with a total capacity of not more than 400 m 3 are allowed to be placed in the basement of a one-story building under bottling, packaging, distributing and under storage facilities for oils in containers combined with them in the building.

Exits from these basements should be directly outside and should not communicate with the first floor of buildings.


8.1. Pumps for pumping oil and oil products should be placed in buildings or on sites (open or under sheds).

Pumps for pumping oil and oil products, the design and engines of which allow their operation in the open air, should be placed on sites.

8.2. The building of the product pumping station should provide for the placement

cathodic protection station for pipelines, monitoring and control point, premises for installation of means of automatic control of the technological process and other premises in accordance with clause 1.7 of this chapter of SNiP and the norms of this section.

Notes: 1. It is allowed to place diesel generators in category III warehouses in the building of the food pumping station.

2. Service tanks for combustible oil products with a capacity not exceeding the daily requirement should be located outside the building of the product pumping station on the side of a solid (without openings) wall or in an extension made of non-combustible materials.

8.3. The ends of underground horizontal tanks for petroleum products with a flash point above 120 ° C and fuel oil may be located in the premises of a product pumping station serving these tanks, or a control and management center.

8.4. Valve assemblies, as a rule, should be placed outside the building of the product pumping station at a distance (to the nearest valve) of at least: 3 m from the building wall with openings and 1 m from the building wall without openings. It is allowed to place valve assemblies in the same room with pumps with the number of main working pumps (not counting the reserve, cleaning, vacuum and other auxiliary pumps) in this room:

a) in warehouses of category I and II - no more than 6 pumps for oil and oil products with a flash point below 120 ° C (except for fuel oil) or no more than 10 pumps for oil and oil products with a flash point of 120 ° C and above or for fuel oil;

b) in category III warehouses - no more than 10 pumps for oil and oil products with a flash point below 120 ° C or any number of pumps for oil and oil products with a flash point of 120 ° C and above;

c) when pumping fuel oil heated to a temperature below the flash point by 10 ° C - no more than 6 in warehouses of I and II highlands and no more than 10 in warehouses of category III.

When placing valve assemblies in a separate room, it must be separated from the pump room by a fireproof wall with a fire resistance limit of 0.75 h and have an exit to the outside. The door between these rooms must be self-closing with a fire resistance limit of 0.6 hours.

At the location of the valve nodes, a tray should be provided in the floor for draining wastewater into a closed collection or into a well with a hydraulic seal on the industrial sewerage network.

8.5. When installing pumps for pumping oil and oil products with different flash points in one room, this room and all types of equipment in it must comply with the requirements for them when pumping oil and oil products with the lowest flash point.

8.6. In product pumping stations, the width of the passages between the protruding parts of the pumps must be at least 1 m. The width of the passages between the pumps up to 0.6 m wide and up to 0.5 m high can be reduced to 0.7 m.

8.7. In places where pipes pass through the internal walls of product pumping stations, sealing devices should be provided.

8.8. In the buildings of product pumping stations, the room for internal combustion engines must be separated from the room for pumps by a solid (without openings) gas-tight fireproof wall with a fire resistance limit of at least 0.75 hours.

Shafts connecting motors to pumps must have sealing devices at the points of passage through the said wall.

8.9. The premises of the laboratory for the storage of oil and oil products, as a rule, should be located in the same building with rooms for gas generators, high-pressure apparatus, for storing samples of oil and oil products, chemical reagents in accordance with clause 1.7 of this chapter of SNiP.

The composition of the laboratory premises should be taken according to the norms of technological design of oil and oil products warehouses.


9.1. Water supply and sewerage of oil and oil products warehouses should be designed in accordance with the chapters of SNiP on the design of external networks and water supply facilities, external networks and sewerage facilities, internal water supply and sewerage of buildings and the norms of this section.

9.2. In warehouses of oil and oil products, as a rule, fire should be provided

extinguishing with air-mechanical foam of medium expansion.

To extinguish a fire in warehouses of oil and oil products, installations should be provided: stationary automatic fire extinguishing, stationary non-automatic fire extinguishing and mobile.

Notes: 1. A stationary automatic fire extinguishing installation consists of a pumping station, tanks for water, a foam concentrate or its solution, foam generators installed on tanks and in buildings, pipelines for supplying a foam concentrate solution (solution pipelines) to foam generators and automation equipment.

2. A stationary non-automatic fire extinguishing installation consists of the same elements as a stationary automatic one, with the exception of permanently installed foam generators and automation equipment; on mortar pipelines, fire hydrants or risers with connecting heads are provided for connecting fire hoses and foam generators in case of fire.

2. Mobile installation - fire trucks or motor pumps. Water supply is provided from the external water supply network (from fire hydrants or risers with connecting heads) or from fire tanks in accordance with clause 9.9 of this section.

9.3. Stationary automatic fire extinguishing installations should be provided for extinguishing the fire of ground tanks for oil and oil products with a capacity of 5000 m 3 or more, as well as buildings and warehouse premises specified in clause 9.7 of this section.

Note. In warehouses of category III with ground tanks with a capacity of 5000 m 3 in the amount of not more than two, it is allowed to provide fire extinguishing of these tanks with mobile units, provided that the tanks are equipped with permanently installed foam generators, dry risers and horizontal pipelines (with connecting heads for connecting fire equipment) bunding, and the provision of the warehouse with the necessary amount of fire equipment and special fire extinguishing equipment.

9.4. Stationary non-automatic fire extinguishing installations should be provided for extinguishing the fire of underground tanks with a capacity of 5000 m 3 or more, unloading devices for rail and road tanks in warehouses of categories I and II.

Note. When using stationary installations of automatic and non-automatic fire extinguishing in a warehouse of oil and oil products, a common pumping station and a network of mortar pipelines should be designed.

9.5. Mobile fire extinguishing installations should be provided to extinguish the fire of ground and underground tanks

with a capacity of less than 5000 m 3, product pumping stations located on sites (open or under a canopy), unloading and filling devices for railway and road tanks in warehouses of category III, as well as the buildings and premises of the warehouse specified in paragraph 9.7 of this section, with the area of ​​​​these premises and performance of pumping stations less than those given in Table. 5.

Note. To extinguish the fire of these buildings and premises, as well as ground tanks with a capacity of less than 5000 to 1000 m 3 inclusive, it is allowed to provide stationary automatic fire extinguishing installations during a feasibility study.

9.6. Fire extinguishing of loading and unloading berths and piers, if a separate fire extinguishing installation is not designed for them, should be provided from stationary installations of automatic or non-automatic fire extinguishing of the warehouse, designing the laying of mortar pipelines to the berths and

Premises for pumps and valve assemblies with a floor area of ​​300 m: and more

Rooms for pumps and valve assemblies at stations with a capacity of 1200 m 3 / h and more

Warehouses with an area of ​​500 m 2 or more for petroleum products with a flash point below 120 ° C and an area of ​​750 m 2 or more for other petroleum products

Industrial premises with an area of ​​more than 500 m 2, in which there are oil and oil products in excess of 15 kg / m 2

Table 5

piers from the ring network of mortar pipelines of the warehouse.

9.7. Buildings and premises of oil and oil products warehouses to be equipped with stationary automatic fire extinguishing installations are given in Table. 5.

9.8. Surface tanks with a fixed roof or with a pontoon and walls with a height of more than 12 m must be equipped with fixed cooling units.

Cooling in case of fire of these tanks with walls up to 12 m high inclusive, as well as underground tanks with a capacity of more than 400 m 3, should be provided by mobile units.

To ensure the cooling of tanks in case of fire, an annular fire water supply system should be provided around the tank farm.

Notes: 1. It is not provided for the cooling of ground tanks with a floating roof equipped with a stationary automatic fire extinguishing installation, tanks with a stationary roof and tanks with a pontoon located at a distance of more than two standard distances (specified in paragraph 3.4 of this chapter of SNiP) from a burning tank, tanks with thermal insulation, which excludes the temperature rise of oil and oil products stored in them in case of fire of neighboring tanks, as well as underground tanks with a capacity of 400 m 3 or less.

2. Stationary tank cooling installation consists of a horizontal irrigation ring (irrigation pipeline with a device for spraying water - perforation, sprinkler or deluge heads, etc.) located in the upper belt of the tank walls, dry risers and horizontal pipelines connecting the irrigation ring with a fire fighting network plumbing, and manually operated valves to ensure the supply of water in case of fire to cool the entire surface of the tank and any quarter of it (counting along the perimeter).

3. Mobile tank cooling unit - fire hoses connected by fire hoses to hydrants on the fire water supply network.

4. In warehouses of category I and II, during a feasibility study, it is allowed to provide for the equipment of above-ground tanks with walls up to 12 m high, inclusive, with stationary cooling units.

9.9. In warehouses of category III with tanks with a capacity of less than 5000 m 3 each, it is allowed to provide for the supply of water for cooling and extinguishing a fire by fire trucks and motor pumps from fire-fighting tanks (tanks or open artificial and natural reservoirs).

Note. The number and placement of fire fighting tanks, depending on the range of fire equipment, is taken in accordance with

Premises to be equipped with stationary automatic fire extinguishing installations

Warehouse buildings

1. Buildings of product pumping stations in warehouses of oil and oil products and tank farms of main oil pipelines, sewage pumping stations for pumping untreated industrial wastewater (with oil and oil products) and captured oil and oil products

2. Buildings of pumping stations of tank farms of main oil pipelines

3. Warehouse buildings for oil products in containers

4. Other warehouse buildings (bottling, packaging, distribution, etc.)

head of SNiP for the design of external networks and water supply facilities.

When tank farms are located at a distance of less than 200 m from natural reservoirs, fire tanks and artificial reservoirs should not be provided.

9.10. At warehouses for oil and oil products with a stationary installation for automatic fire extinguishing of tanks, product pumping stations, storage buildings for oil products in containers, bottling, packaging and distributing and with a stationary cooling installation for tanks to be cooled in accordance with the norms of this section, fire posts or rooms should be provided for fire equipment according to table. 6.

For warehouses of oil and oil products, where a stationary installation of automatic fire extinguishing of tanks and other buildings and premises is not provided, or when this installation is used, mobile and stationary installations of non-automatic fire extinguishing are also used simultaneously, according to the norms of this section, fire stations, posts or premises for fire equipment must be provided in accordance with the organization of fire protection in the prescribed manner. At the same time, the location of fire stations and posts should be carried out in compliance with the relevant norms of the head of SNiP on the design of master plans for industrial enterprises.

9.11. For the estimated water consumption for extinguishing a fire in a warehouse of oil and petroleum products, one of the following largest costs should be taken: for fire fighting

tank farm (calculated by the highest consumption per tank) or for fire fighting of a railway overpass, or the highest total consumption for

external and internal fire extinguishing of one of the warehouse buildings.

The estimated number of simultaneous fires in oil and oil products warehouses in all cases should be taken: one fire with a storage area of ​​up to 150 hectares, two fires with an area of ​​​​more than 150 hectares.

9.12. The consumption of water and foaming agent for extinguishing a fire should be determined based on the intensity of the solution supply (94% water and 6% foaming agent) for extinguishing oil products with a flash point of 28 ° C and below (except for oil) - 0.08 l / s, and oil and other oil products - 0.05 l / s per 1 m 2 of the mirror of evaporation of oil and oil products and the estimated fire extinguishing time equal to 10 minutes.

The area of ​​the evaporation mirror should be taken equal to:

in ground tanks with a fixed roof and tanks with a pontoon and in underground tanks - the area of ​​the horizontal section of the tank;

in floating roof tanks, the area of ​​the annulus between the tank wall and the foam barrier (on the floating roof);

for tanks with a capacity of up to 400 m 3 located on the same site in a group with a total capacity of up to 4000 m 3 - the area within the dike of this group, but in all cases not more than 300 m 2;

for loading and unloading railway overpasses - the area of ​​the overpass along the outer contour of the structure, including the railway track (s), but in all cases not more than 1000 m 2;

in storage buildings for oil products in containers (for internal fire extinguishing) - the floor area of ​​the largest storage room;

in other industrial buildings (product pumping and sewer stations, bottling, packaging, distributing, etc.) - the floor area of ​​the largest room (from those indicated in Table 5) in which there is oil and oil products.

Note. When extinguishing a fire in tanks with a floating roof (with a capacity of less than 5000 m 3) with a mobile fire extinguishing installation, the area of ​​​​the evaporation mirror (to determine the flow rate of water and foam concentrate) in these tanks should be taken equal to the area of ​​the horizontal section of the tank.

9.13. The stock of foaming agent and water for the preparation of a foaming agent solution should be taken from the condition of ensuring

Table 6

Warehouse capacity, THOUS. M*

Fire stations or rooms for fire equipment provided in warehouses

A room with an area of ​​20 m g for

fire equipment and fire-

motor pumps

2. St. 100 to

Fire station for one car

bill with box for backup car

Fire station for two cars

three times the consumption of the solution for one fire (with filled mortar pipelines of stationary fire extinguishing installations).

Note. For stationary fire extinguishing installations with dry mortar pipelines, the need for an additional amount of foam concentrate solution for the initial filling of dry mortar pipelines should be taken into account.

9.14. As a rule, at least two tanks should be provided for storage of the foam concentrate or its solution; it is allowed to provide one tank for a stock of a foaming agent in an amount up to 10 m 3 or its solution in an amount up to 50 m 3 inclusive.

Notes: I. It is allowed to provide one tank for a stock of foaming agent of more than 10 m 3, provided that the tank is divided by partitions into compartments with a capacity of each not more than Yum 3.

2. Reservoirs for storing a stock of foaming agent and water for preparing a solution or for. storage of a stock of a foaming agent solution, it is allowed to use metal ones only in cases where their total capacity does not exceed 200 m 3.

9.15. Water consumption for cooling ground tanks should be determined:

burning tank - at the rate of 0.5 l / s per 1 m of the length of the entire circumference of the tank;

neighboring tanks - at the rate of 0.2 l / s per 1 m of the length of half the circumference of each tank.

The total water consumption for cooling underground tanks (burning and neighboring ones) should be taken as 10 l / s with a capacity of the largest tank over 400 to 1000 m 3, 20 l / s with a capacity over 1000 to 5000 m 3, 30 l / s with a capacity over 5000 to 30,000 m 3 and 50 l / s with a capacity of over 30,000 to 50,000 m 3 inclusive.

9.16. The estimated duration of cooling of tanks (burning and adjacent to it) should be taken:

ground tanks when extinguishing a fire with a stationary installation - 3 hours and a mobile installation - 6 hours;

underground tanks - 3 hours.

9.17. The recovery time of the emergency water supply in fire-fighting tanks (after a fire) should not exceed 96 hours.

9.18. A network of mortar pipelines (permanently filled with mortar or dry) for extinguishing a fire in a tank farm or a railway overpass equipped with loading and unloading devices on both sides should be designed as a ring with dead ends

branches (inlets) to individual buildings and structures (including tanks with a stationary installation of automatic fire extinguishing). The laying of the mortar pipelines of the ring network should be provided around the tank farm outside the external embankment (or enclosing walls) of the park and at a distance of at least 10 m from the railway tracks of the overpass, equipped with loading and unloading devices on both sides.

The placement of mortar pipelines in relation to other buildings and structures of the oil and oil products warehouse should be taken in accordance with clause 2.10 of this chapter of SNiP as for water supply networks.

To ground tanks with a capacity of 10,000 m 3 or more, as well as to buildings and structures of the warehouse located further than 200 m from the ring network of mortar pipelines, two dead-end branches (inlets) from different sections of the ring network of mortar pipelines should be provided for each of them to supply the full calculated fire extinguishing costs.

Notes: 1. A network of dry mortar pipelines with a length of not more than 250 m can be designed as a dead end.

2. The laying of mortar pipelines should be provided, as a rule, in the same trench with fire water supply, with the installation of common wells for control units and fire hydrants.

9.19 The free pressure in the network of mortar pipelines of stationary fire extinguishing installations in case of fire should be no more than 60 m and not less than 40 m in front of foam generators installed permanently or connected with fire hoses.

The free pressure in the fire water supply network in case of fire should be taken:

when cooling tanks with a stationary installation - according to the technical characteristics of the irrigation ring, but not less than 10 m at the level of the irrigation ring;

when cooling tanks with a mobile unit - according to the technical characteristics of fire nozzles, but not less than 40 m.

9.20. On the territory of oil and oil products warehouses, industrial or industrial and rain sewerage should be provided to receive:

a) industrial wastewater: from washing drums from oil products, sites with loading and unloading devices, floors in product pumping stations, etc.;

commercial from tanks;

b) rainwater from open areas for loading and unloading devices, the bunded area of ​​the tank farm and other places where these waters may be contaminated with oil or oil products;

c) water from cooling tanks in case of fire.

Notes: 1. It is allowed not to provide rainwater sewerage for rainwater drainage from the bunded site of the tank farm in areas with rainfall less than 400 mm per year.

2. Waste water from showers and washbasins in the amount of not more than 5 m 3 / day, treated at local treatment facilities, in the absence of domestic sewage, it is allowed to be discharged into the industrial and rain sewer.

9.21. Waste water from tanks and technological installations associated with the storage and use of leaded gasoline, as well as laboratory waste water containing tetraethyl lead, must be removed by a separate sewer to a treatment plant designed to treat these effluents, or collected in separate collections (outside buildings and installations) and transported to designated areas.

Note When the total amount of the indicated industrial wastewater is not more than 100 m 3 /day and they are cleaned at ozonation plants, it is allowed to provide for their discharge into the industrial or industrial-rainfall sewer of the warehouse.

9.22. Wastewater from cleaning tanks for oil and oil products is not allowed to be discharged into the sewerage network. These wastewaters should be discharged through pipelines with collapsible connections to sludge reservoirs and, after settling in sludge reservoirs, be discharged through a network of industrial or industrial-rainfall sewerage to the storage treatment facilities.

9.23. The storm water inlets on the embanked area of ​​the tank farm must be equipped with locking devices (flappers, valves, etc.) actuated from the enclosing shaft or from places located outside the external fence (embankment) of the park.

9.24. Networks of industrial and industrial-rainfall sewerage of oil and oil products warehouses should be designed from non-combustible materials, as a rule, underground. Gravity pipelines for industrial and rain sewerage must be at least 200 mm in diameter.

9.25. At the railway stations

takad (along the drain-filling devices), open trays should be provided with a slope to the storm water inlets.

9.26. In wells on the network of industrial or industrial and rainwater sewerage, it is necessary to provide for the installation of hydraulic gates (at least 0.25 m high):

on the main sewerage network - after 400 m;

at outlets from buildings (product pumping station, bottling, laboratory

and etc.);

on outlets from storm water inlets located on the bunded site of the tank farm - outside the bunding (fence);

on outlets from storm water inlets located on the sites of loading and unloading devices (for rail or road tanks);

on the sewer network before and after the oil trap - at a distance of at least 10 m from it

9.27. Industrial wastewater and rainwater (contaminated with oil and oil products) must be treated at the warehouse's local wastewater treatment plant. The composition of the treatment facilities and the degree of purification of these waters is determined depending on their further use (circulating water supply, evaporation, flooding in oil fields, discharge to the treatment facilities of an industrial hub or a neighboring enterprise, descent into a reservoir, etc.).

9.28. The concentration of contaminants in the industrial wastewater of oil and oil products warehouses should be taken (in the absence of data in the design assignment) according to Table. 7.

9.29. The capacity of the network and structures of industrial and storm sewerage should be designed to receive wastewater from industrial buildings and structures and the largest of the following estimated costs:

bottom water from one largest reservoir;

rainwater from open areas for loading and unloading devices;

rainwater from the bunded site of the tank farm with controlled discharge;

from the cooling of tanks during a fire with controlled discharge.

Official edition



Note. The estimated flow of rainwater from the bunded area of ​​the tank farm or water from the cooling of tanks during a fire is determined with a controlled discharge based on the condition of diverting this water from the bunded area of ​​the park within 24 hours.

Table 7

Pollution concentration, mg "l

Waste water type

oil and oil products

BOD full-

1. Wastewater from washing sites for loading and unloading devices and other technological equipment and rainwater from these sites, industrial wastewater from buildings of food pumping stations, bottling, laboratories, etc.

2. Commercial water from tanks for:

petroleum products (cro-

me mazuts)

oil and fuel oils

3. Wastewater from washing oil drums

4. Rainwater from the bunded site of the tank farm

9.30. The following main treatment facilities should be used for mechanical treatment of industrial and rainwater in oil and petroleum products storage facilities: sand traps, oil traps, flotation plants, settling tanks, settling ponds and evaporation ponds.

For the treatment of wastewater contaminated with tetraethyl lead, as a rule, ozonation plants or settling ponds should be provided, designed to settle wastewater for 30 days.

9.31. Oil traps with a capacity of not more than 15 l / s may be combined in one unit with a collection tank for captured oil and oil products and with a chamber for installing pumps.

9.32. Earthen sewer structures (settlement ponds, evaporation ponds, sludge collectors, etc.) of oil and oil products storage facilities, as well as emergency earthen pits (see clause 2.3. of this chapter

SNiP) must have impervious protection of slopes and bottoms (screens made of polymer films, clay, etc.), which excludes soil and groundwater pollution by oil and oil products.

9.33. The collection of trapped oil and oil products from all industrial and industrial sewage facilities (oil traps, settling ponds, flotation plants, etc.) should be provided in a separate tank with a capacity determined from the condition of emptying the tank with a pump for 10 minutes, but in all cases not less than 5 m 3.

9.34. Sewage pumping stations for pumping captured oil and oil products should be designed in accordance with the design standards for warehouse product pumping stations.

9.35. Ground tanks with a fixed roof for dehydration of oil and oil products caught at treatment facilities (cutting tanks), for controlling the amount of wastewater entering the storage treatment facilities (buffer tanks), and settling tanks should be designed in accordance with the standards established by this chapter of SNiP for tank farms and tanks for oil and oil products. Fire extinguishing for these tanks is not provided.

9.36. In sewer pumping stations of oil and oil products warehouses, it is allowed to provide for the installation in one room of pumps for pumping industrial wastewater, captured oil and oil products, sludge from sewage treatment facilities (oil traps, flotation plants, etc.), as well as for pumping domestic wastewater.



10.1. Heating and ventilation of buildings and structures of oil and oil products warehouses should be designed in accordance with the chapters of SNiP on the design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, boiler plants, heat networks and the norms of this section.

10.2. For warehouses of oil and oil products, as a rule, centralized heat supply (from heat networks) should be provided; in exceptional cases, when justifying

UDC 621.642.07: 665.5/6/083.75/

Warehouses of oil and oil products. SNiP N-106-79/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1980. - 24 p.

The chapter was developed by the Yuzhgipronefteprovod of the Minnefteprom.

With the entry into force of this chapter, the chapter of SNiP I-P.3-70 “Warehouses of oil and oil products. Design standards".

For engineering and technical workers of construction and design organizations.

Editors-engineers R.T. Smolyakov (Gosstroy of the USSR) and A.A.

Instruct.-work. Issue I-1.8-80.3201000000

© Stroyizdat, 1980


1.1. These standards must be observed when designing new, expanding and reconstructing oil and oil products storage facilities.

Note. The design of warehouses for flammable and combustible liquids, the storage conditions of which, depending on their properties, including properties for explosive, explosive and fire hazards, are similar to those of oil and oil products, may be carried out in accordance with this chapter of SNiP, which should be established by ministries and departments that have jurisdiction over warehouses of flammable and combustible liquids.

1.2. These standards do not apply to the design of:

warehouses of oil and oil products of the Ministry of Defense;

warehouses of liquefied gases;

warehouses of petroleum products with a vapor pressure above 93.6 kPa (~ 700 mm Hg) at a temperature of 20 ° C;

warehouses of synthetic fat substitutes;

underground storages in rocks, in deposits of rock salt and ice-ground storages for oil and oil products;

reservoirs and other containers for oil and oil products, which are part of technological installations.

1.3. Categories of industries (located in buildings and structures of oil and petroleum products warehouses) in terms of explosive, explosion and fire hazard should be taken according to technological design standards or according to special lists of industries that establish these categories, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.4. Depending on the flash point of vapors, oil and oil products are divided into flammable - with a flash point of 61 ° C and below, and combustible - with a flash point above 61 ° C.

Note. In the future, for brevity, oil and oil products are allowed, when the norms apply simultaneously to oil and oil products, called liquids.

1.5. Warehouses of oil and oil products are divided into two groups - the first and second:

the first group includes warehouses intended for the storage and supply of oil and oil products to various consumers; commodity warehouses (parks) of oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises; tank farms of pumping stations of main oil pipelines and oil products pipelines; transshipment warehouses (bases) of oil and oil products;

the second group includes warehouses of oil and oil products that are part of enterprises (industrial, transport, energy, etc.).

Notes: 1. Design standards for warehouses of the first group are given in sections 2-11, and for warehouses of the second group - in section 12 of this chapter of SNiP.

Warehouses of the second group with a capacity greater than that specified in clause 12.1 of this chapter of SNiP must be designed according to the standards for warehouses of the first group.

2. Warehouses for storing and supplying oil products to consumers with a capacity of up to 1000 m 3 of flammable oil products or up to 5000 m 3 of combustible oil products may be designed according to the standards for warehouses of the second group. The reduced capacity of such warehouses with simultaneous storage of flammable and combustible petroleum products is determined in accordance with note. to clause 4.3 of this chapter of SNiP.

1.6. Reservoirs, as well as storage buildings and facilities for storing oil and oil products in containers include:

to underground (buried in the ground or sprinkled with soil - underground storage), if the highest level of liquid in the tank or spilled liquid in the warehouse building or structure is lower than the lowest planning level of the adjacent site (within 3 m from the tank wall or from

walls of a building or structure) not less than 0.2 m;

to ground (ground storage) if they do not meet the above conditions.

Notes: 1. The width of the soil filling is determined by the calculation for the hydrostatic pressure of the spilled liquid, but must be at least 3 m above.

2. Reservoirs for storage of oil and oil products are not allowed to be placed in casemates.

1.7. Production and storage buildings of oil and oil products warehouses (product pumping stations, bottling, packaging and distributing stations, for storing oil products in containers, laboratories, etc.) should be designed in accordance with the chapters of SNiP for the design of industrial buildings of industrial enterprises and for the design of storage buildings and structures general purpose and the norms of this chapter of SNiP.

1.8. Structures of oil and oil products warehouses (overpasses, canals, galleries, etc.) should be designed in accordance with the chapter of SNiP on the design of structures of industrial enterprises, taking into account the norms of this chapter of SNiP.

1.9. Auxiliary buildings and premises for those working in warehouses of oil and oil products should be designed in accordance with the SNiP chapter on the design of auxiliary buildings and premises of industrial enterprises.

1.10. Buildings and structures (with the exception of metal tanks) of oil and oil products warehouses must be at least II degree of fire resistance.

1.11. Pipelines of warehouses for transportation of oil and oil products

must not be designed in accordance with the norms for the technological design of oil and petroleum products warehouses, approved in the prescribed manner, guidelines for the calculation of steel pipelines for various purposes, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee, and the norms of this chapter of SNiP.

Steel pipes for transporting oil and oil products should be accepted in accordance with the appendix to this chapter of SNiP.

1.12. Corrosion protection of building structures of buildings and structures of oil and oil products storage facilities should be provided in accordance with the SNiP chapter on the design of corrosion protection of building structures.

Corrosion protection of pipelines for oil and oil products should be provided for:

for underground laying - in accordance with GOST 9.015-74;

for above-ground laying - in accordance with the standards for protecting above-ground pipelines from atmospheric corrosion, established by the head of the SNiP for the design of main pipelines;

when laying pipelines heated according to the requirements of the technology, in impassable channels or when laying above ground - in accordance with the standards for protecting the outer surface of pipes from corrosion established for the indicated methods of laying pipelines by the head of SNiP for the design of heating networks.

1.13. When designing warehouses for oil and oil products, measures should be taken to prevent pollution of the natural environment (reservoirs, soil, air).



2.1. Warehouses of the first group for oil and oil products, depending on the capacity, are divided into three categories according to Table. one.

2.2. Distance from buildings and structures of oil and oil products warehouses with explosive, explosive and fire hazardous industries (including tank farms and loading and unloading facilities

roystvo) to buildings and structures of neighboring enterprises, residential and public buildings of settlements and other objects should be taken according to Table. 2.

2.3. Tank farms of oil and oil products warehouses, as a rule, should be located at lower elevations of the earth in relation to the elevations of the territory of neighboring settlements, enterprises, railway lines of the general network.

Note. The capacity of the warehouse is determined by the total capacity of tanks and containers for storing oil and oil products, with the exception of the capacity of intermediate tanks of loading and unloading devices and service tanks of the boiler house and diesel power plant of the warehouse.

table 2

Buildings, structures and other objects to which the distance is determined

Distance, m, from buildings and structures of warehouses of the category

1. Buildings and structures of neighboring enterprises

2. Forest areas:



3. Warehouses: timber, peat, fibrous materials, hay, straw, as well as areas of open peat

4. Railways of the general network:

at stations

on sidings and platforms

on hauls

5. Highways of the general network:

6. Residential and public buildings of settlements

7. Dispensers of public petrol stations

8. Overhead power lines

Notes: 1. Distance*

1iya specified in

table, are determined: between buildings and structures

niami - as the clear distance between the outer 2-278

Continuation of the table. 2

walls or structures of buildings and structures; to railways and highways - to the border of the right of way of land of the corresponding roads; from loading and unloading devices - from the axis of the railway track with loading and unloading racks; from sites (open and under sheds - for pumps, containers, etc.) - from the boundaries of these sites.

2. The distance from buildings and structures of a warehouse of category II with a capacity of more than 50 thousand m 3 is taken according to clause 1 of the table - 100 m, according to clause 6 - 200 m.

3. When placing storage facilities for oil and oil products in forest areas, when their construction is associated with deforestation, the distance indicated in paragraph 2 of the table to the coniferous forest area may be halved.

4. The distance from buildings and structures of warehouses to areas of open occurrence of peat may be reduced by half, provided that the open occurrence of peat is backfilled with a layer of earth with a thickness of at least 0.5 m within half the distance from buildings and structures of warehouses of the corresponding categories specified in clause 3 tables.

5. Distance from tank farms of pumping stations of main oil pipelines and oil

inductor pipelines to buildings and structures of enterprises, settlements and other objects should be determined as from a pumping station in accordance with the chapter of SNiP on the design of main pipelines.

6. The distance from the buildings and structures of the oil and oil products warehouse to electrical installations (RU, TP, PP, etc.) should be taken in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE) approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy.

7. The distance from two adjacent warehouses of oil and oil products to the buildings, structures and other objects indicated in the table should be taken according to the table as from one warehouse, determining its category by the total capacity of both warehouses; the distances between buildings and structures of adjacent warehouses must be no less than the distances established in this section between the corresponding buildings and structures of one warehouse.

8. Within the distances indicated in the table, outside the territory of warehouses, it is allowed to place tree and shrub plantations of deciduous species, orchards, kitchen gardens and open warehouses of fireproof materials.

When placing tank farms of oil and oil products on sites that have higher elevations compared to the elevations of the territory of neighboring settlements, enterprises and railway lines of the general network, located at a distance of up to 200 m from the tank farm, agreed upon with the relevant state supervision bodies, measures (emergency earthwork

barns, diversion ditches for dumping oil and oil products in case of an accident, etc.) on pre-

aversion in the event of an accident of ground reservoirs of spilling oil and oil products into the territory of a settlement, an enterprise or on the path of railways of a common network. These measures should also be provided for when placing tank farms of oil and oil products in the coastal strip of water bodies at a distance of up to 200 m from the water's edge (at the maximum level).

2.4. Warehouses for oil and oil products located near the banks of rivers at a distance of 200 m or less from the water's edge (at the maximum level) should, as a rule, be located below (along the river) moorings, river stations, raids and places of permanent parking of the fleet, hydroelectric power stations, hydraulic structures, shipbuilding and ship repair yards and at a distance of at least 100 m from them.

Warehouses for oil and oil products are allowed to be located above (along the river) the indicated objects at a distance: warehouses of category I ~ 3000 m, warehouses of category II - 2000 m, warehouses of category III - 1500 m from hydroelectric power plants, shipbuilding and ship repair plants and 1000 m from other objects .

Note. When storing oil and oil products warehouses at a distance of more than 200 m from the water's edge in the river, these requirements may not be taken into account when designing warehouses.

2.5, The distance from ground tanks for oil and oil products to the buildings and structures of the warehouse should be taken from Table. 3.

Continuation of the table. 3

Buildings and structures warehouse in,

To which the distance is determined

Distance, ". from above-ground storage tanks of the category

3. Loading and unloading devices for truck tanks (tank trucks), product pumping stations, buildings and platforms for valve assemblies of product pumping stations, sewage pumping stations for industrial wastewater (with oil and oil products) filling, packaging and distributing, sites for storing oil products in containers and for storing containers (used or clean combustible - wooden, plastic, etc.)

4. Water supply and fire-fighting pumping stations, fire stations and posts, fire-fighting reservoirs (up to the hatch of the tank or the place where water is taken from the reservoir)

5. Sewer treatment facilities for industrial wastewater (with oil and oil products):

a) settling ponds, evaporation ponds, sludge feeders

b) flotation plants, settling tanks and oil traps with a capacity of 400 m 3 or more

c) the same, with a capacity of 100 to 400 m 3

d) the same, with a capacity of up to 100 m 3

6. Buildings and structures with production processes using open fire (furnaces for heating oil, boiler rooms, welding processes, etc.);

a) from tanks with flammable oil and oil products

b) from tanks with combustible oil and oil products

2.6. The distance from the buildings and structures of the oil and oil products warehouse (with the exception of tanks and the buildings and structures specified in clause 6 of Table 3) to loading and unloading devices (for rail and road tanks, sea and river vessels) for flammable oil and oil products should be not less than 15 m, for combustible - 10 m.

Pumping stations for pumping oil and oil products from river vessels may be located directly on berths made of non-combustible materials.

2.7. Distance from buildings and structures of the warehouse with production processes using open fire (see clause 6 of Table 3) to loading and unloading devices (for railway and road tanks, sea and river vessels), product pumping stations, sites for pump valve assemblies stations, sewage pumping stations and treatment facilities for industrial wastewater (with oil and oil products), bottling, packaging and distribution, storage buildings and sites for storing oil products in containers and sites for storing used containers should be at least 40 m during storage flammable and 30 m when storing combustible oil and oil products.

2.8. The distance to the buildings and structures of the warehouse (with the exception of tanks and the buildings and structures specified in clause 6 of Table 3) from sewage treatment facilities for industrial wastewater (with oil and oil products) with an open liquid mirror (settlement ponds, oil traps, etc.) etc.) must be at least 30 m, from other sewage treatment plants - 15 m.

2.9. Warehouse buildings for petroleum products in containers may be located in relation to the railway tracks of the warehouse in accordance with the dimensions of the approach of buildings to the railway tracks in accordance with GOST 9238-73.

2.10. The distances between the buildings and structures of the warehouse, with the exception of those established by this chapter of SNiP, as well as the placement of engineering networks, should be taken in accordance with the chapter of SNiP on the design of master plans for industrial enterprises.

2.11. The horizontal distance in the light from the warehouse pipelines for transporting oil and oil products [pressure up to 2.5 MPa (~ 25 kgf / cm 2) inclusive] to buildings, structures and other engineering networks of the warehouse should be taken according to Table. four.

2.12. Distance from underground pipelines for oil and oil products [pressure up to 1.2 MPa (~ 12 kgf / cm 2) inclusive], laid outside the warehouse (to loading and unloading berths and piers,

Notes: 1. The distance indicated in

item 1 of the table is determined to the nearest part of the hull of the design vessel, standing at the berth (pier), and the remaining distances indicated in the table are determined in accordance with note. 1 to table. 2 of this section.

2. Distances from ground tanks to buildings and structures from the side of solid (without openings) walls with a fire resistance limit of at least 2 hours may be reduced by 10%.

3. For warehouses of category III with ground tanks with a capacity of each less than 5000 m 3, the distance from these tanks to buildings and structures (with the exception of those indicated in paragraphs 4 and 6 of the table) equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations may be reduced by 25%.

4. From underground tanks, the distances indicated in the table may be reduced: according to paragraph 4 - by 25% (except for tanks of pumping stations of main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines), according to paragraphs. 1-3, 5 and 7 - by 50%.

The distance from underground tanks to buried product pumping stations from the side of a solid (without openings) wall can be reduced to 1 m.

5. Pumping units for pumping oils may be placed at a distance of 5 m from the oil tanks.

Submersible explosion-proof electric pumps can be installed directly on the tanks.

6. The distance from tanks for oil and oil products to sites for storing clean metal containers, as well as from sewage treatment facilities (oil traps, settling ponds, etc.) to collection tanks and sites for sediment removed from these facilities, is not standardized.

Table 4

Buildings, structures

The smallest distance, m, from pipelines

to engineering networks to which the distance is determined

underground (including channels, trays)

1. Foundations of buildings and structures of the warehouse (except for tanks for oil and oil products)

2. Oil tanks

4 but not less

and oil products

trench depth to tank foundation

3. Foundations for warehouse fencing, searchlight masts, gallery supports, overpasses, pipelines, contact network and communications

4. The axis of the track of the iron do-

4 but not less

horn gauge 1520 mm 5. Highways:

trench depth to the bottom of the embankment


outer edge of the ditch or the bottom of the embankment

6. Foundations of overhead power lines:

up to 1 kV and outdoor lighting

from 1 to 35 kV

7. Water supply, sewerage, drains and drains

8. Heat pipelines (to the outer wall of the channel)

9. Cables up to 35 kV and communication cables

Notes: 1. The distance in brackets indicates

to the foundations of buildings from the side of the walls without

2. The distances indicated in the table from the pipe

wires for oil and oil products to the axis of the same

lezny roads, as well as to buildings and structures,

introduced in paragraphs. 1 and 2 tables do not apply respectively

responsible for pipelines

railway fir-trees

loading racks and to the inputs (supplies) of these

pipelines in buildings and structures

And the distances

to heat pipelines do not belong to heating systems

pipelines for oil, fuel oil and

oils, pre-

viewed according to the requirements of technology.

railway overpasses, boiler plants and gas stations of the warehouse, to neighboring warehouses of oil and oil products), to the fences of contact network and communication supports, to railways and roads, foundations of overhead power transmission line supports should be taken in accordance with the head of SNiP on designing the layout and development of cities , settlements and rural settlements equal to the distance established for high pressure gas pipelines [over 0.6 to 1.2 MPa (~ over 6 to 12 kgf / cm 2)].

The distance from these pipelines to the foundations of buildings and structures should be taken: from pipelines with a diameter of up to 300 mm inclusive - 15 (10) m and from pipelines with a diameter of more than 300 mm - 25 (15) m.

Notes: 1. The distance in brackets is indicated from pipelines for combustible oil and oil products only.

2. When laying these pipelines for oil and oil products in the coastal zone at a distance of up to 200 m from the water line in the reservoir (at the maximum level) and on the territory of the settlement, measures should be taken to improve the reliability of pipeline operation, including 100% control of all welded joints by physical methods, testing pipelines for a pressure equal to twice the working pressure, but in all cases not more than a pressure that causes stress in the pipe metal equal to 0.9 yield strength, automatic shutdown of product pumps when pressure drops in pipelines, shut-off valves for shutting down specified pipelines.

3. The conditions for laying the said pipelines for oil and oil products in the residential area of ​​the settlements must be agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure.

2.13. Driveways should be designed along the boundaries of the tank farm, between groups of tanks and for access to loading and unloading sites, as a rule, with a 3.5 m wide carriageway and a transitional type pavement.

2.15. The territory of oil and oil products warehouses must have a 2 m high fence located 15 m from railway overpasses equipped with loading and unloading devices on both sides (counting from the axis of the nearest track), and 5 m from other buildings and structures of the warehouse (except for administration buildings). and auxiliaries).



SNiP 2.11.03-93

SNiP 2.11.03-93. Warehouses of oil and oil products. Fire regulations.

DEVELOPED by the Institute "Yuzhgipronefteprovod" (A.A. Tsvigun- responsible executor) with the participation of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Defense of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia I.F. Bezrodny, A.N. Giletich), Higher Engineering Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (A.F. Sharovarnikov, V.P. Suchkov), Firefighting and rescue services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (G.A. Lartsev, V.P. Molchanov) and Association "Stroynormirovanie".

INTRODUCED by the Institute "Yuzhgipronefteprovod" and the Association "Stroynormirovanie".

PREPARED for approval by the Main Directorate of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification of the Gosstroy of Russia (N.N. Polyakov).

With the introduction of SNiP 2.II.03-93 "Warehouses of oil and oil products. Fire safety standards" SNiP II-106-79 "Warehouses of oil and oil products" becomes invalid.

When using a regulatory document, one should take into account the approved changes in building codes and regulations and state standards published in the Bulletin of Construction Equipment magazine and the State Standards information index.

These standards apply to oil and oil product storage facilities and establish fire safety requirements for them.

The rules do not apply to:

warehouses of oil and oil products for non-civilian purposes, designed according to special standards;

warehouses for liquefied hydrocarbon gases;

warehouses of oil and oil products with a saturated vapor pressure of more than 93.1 kPa (700 mm Hg . ) at a temperature of 20°C;

warehouses of synthetic fat substitutes;

lift storages for oil and oil products, constructed by geotechnological and mining methods in rock masses impervious to these products, and ice-soil storages for oil and oil products:

reservoirs and other containers for oil and oil products, which are part of technological installations or used as technological apparatus.


1.1 Warehouses for oil and oil products, depending on their total capacity and the maximum volume of one tank, are divided into categories according to Table. one.

Table 1

The total capacity of oil and oil product storage facilities is determined by the total volume of the stored product in tanks and containers. The volume of tanks and containers is taken according to their nominal volume*

When determining the total capacity, it is allowed not to take into account:

intermediate tanks (drain tanks) at loading and unloading racks;

service tanks of a boiler house, diesel power plant with a total capacity of not more than 100 m 3;

leakage collection tanks:

tanks of collection points for waste oil products and oils with a total capacity of not more than) 100 m 3 (outside the tank farm);

reservoirs of captured oil products and separation tanks (captured oil products) at treatment facilities for industrial or industrial and storm sewerage.

1.2. Categories of premises and buildings of oil and oil products warehouses for explosion and fire hazard should be taken in accordance with ONTP 24-86 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR "Definition of categories of premises and buildings for explosion and fire hazard", departmental (industry) standards for technological design or according to special classifications and lists approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3. Reservoirs, as well as storage buildings and facilities for storing oil and oil products in containers include:

to underground (buried in the ground or strewn with soil - underground storage), if the highest level of liquid in the tank or spilled liquid in the warehouse building or structure is at least 0.2 m lower than the lowest level of the adjacent site (within 3 m from the tank wall or from the walls of a building or structure);

to ground (ground storage) if they do not meet the above conditions.

The width of the soil filling is determined by calculating the hydrostatic pressure of the spilled liquid, while the distance from the wall of the vertical tank (cylindrical and rectangular) to the edge of the embankment or from any point of the wall of the horizontal (cylindrical) tank to the slope of the embankment must be at least 3 m.

1.4. Buildings and structures of oil and oil products warehouses must be I, II or III degrees of fire resistance.

1.5. When designing buildings and structures at oil and petroleum products warehouses, the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents of the system of building codes and regulations, if they are not defined by these standards, as well as industry (departmental) standards for technological and construction design of the relevant enterprises approved in the prescribed manner, should be taken into account.

In addition to the fire breaks established by these standards, when assigning distances between buildings and structures of oil and oil products warehouses and other objects, one should also take into account the distances established by other regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner (sanitary, environmental, etc.).

1.6. When designing warehouses for oil and oil products, measures should be taken to prevent pollution of the natural environment (reservoirs, soil, air).

1.7. The terms and concepts used in these standards are given in mandatory Appendix 1.


2.1. The minimum distances from buildings and structures of oil and oil products warehouses with explosive and fire hazardous and fire hazardous industries to other facilities should be taken according to Table. 2.

table 2

0 objects Minimum distances, m, from buildings and structures of warehouses of the category
1. Buildings and structures of neighboring enterprises 100 40(100) 40 40 30
2. Forest areas: -

coniferous and mixed breeds

100 50 50 50 50


20 20 20 20 20
3. Warehouses: timber, peat, fibrous materials, hay, straw, as well as areas of open peat 100 100 50 50 50
4. Railways of the general network (to the bottom of the embankment or the edge of the excavation):

at stations

150 100 80 60 50

on sidings and platforms

80 70 60 50 40

on hauls

60 50 40 40 30
5. Highways of the general network (edge ​​of the carriageway):
75 50 45 45, 45
40 30 20 20 15
6. Residential and public buildings 200 100(200) 100 100 100
7. Dispensers of public petrol stations 50 30 30 30 30
8. Garages and open car parks 100 40(100) 40 40 40
9. Wastewater treatment plants and pumping stations not related to the warehouse 100 100 40 40 40
10. Waterworks not related to the warehouse 200 150 100 75 75
11. Emergency barn for tank farm 60 40 40 40 40 /
12. Technological installations with fire and explosion hazardous industries and flare installations for gas combustion 100 100 100 100 100.
Note. The distances given in parentheses should be taken for category II warehouses with a total capacity of more than 50,000 m3.

The distances indicated in the table are determined by:

between buildings and structures - as a clear distance between the outer walls or structures of buildings and structures;

from loading and unloading devices - from the axis of the railway track with loading and unloading racks;

from sites (open and under sheds) for loading and unloading devices of automobile tanks, for pumps, containers, etc. - from the boundaries of these sites;

from technological racks and pipelines - from the outermost pipeline;

from flare installations - from the torch trunk.

2.2. When placing warehouses for oil and oil products in forest areas, when their construction is associated with deforestation, the distance to the coniferous forest area may be halved, while along the border of the forest area around the warehouse, a plowed strip of land with a width of at least 5 m should be provided.

2.3. The distance from buildings and structures of warehouses to areas of open occurrence of peat can be reduced by half, provided that the open occurrence of peat is backfilled with a layer of earth with a thickness of at least 0.5 m within half the distance from buildings and structures of warehouses of the corresponding categories specified in clause 3 of Table. 2.

2.4. When placing tank farms of oil and oil products on sites that have higher marks compared to the marks of the territory of neighboring settlements, enterprises and railway lines of the general network, located at a distance of up to 200 m from the tank farm, as well as when placing oil and oil products warehouses near river banks at a distance of 200 m or less from the water's edge (at the maximum level), additional measures should be taken to exclude the possibility of spilling oil and oil products into the territory of a settlement or enterprise on the way of the railways of the general network or into a reservoir in the event of an accident of tanks.

2.5. The distance from ground tanks for oil and oil products to the buildings and structures of the warehouse should be taken according to Table. 3.

Table H

Warehouse buildings and structures Distances, m, from above-ground storage tanks of the category
1. Drainage devices:

a) for sea and river vessels (unloading berths and piers);

75 .50 50 50 50

b) for railway (railway loading and unloading racks) and automobile tanks

30 20 20 20 20
2. Product pumping stations (pumping shops), buildings and sites for valve assemblies of product pumping stations, metering and metering units, filling, packaging, sewer pumping stations for raw oily wastewater 30 15 15 15 10
3. Warehouse buildings for oil products in containers, sites for storing oil products in containers and for storing containers (used or clean combustible), buildings and sites for collection points for waste oil products 30 20 20 20 15
4. Water supply (drinking purposes) and firefighting pumping stations, fire stations and storage rooms for firefighting equipment and extinguishing agents, firefighting tanks or reservoirs (up to water wells or water intake points). 40 40 40 40 30
5. Sewer treatment facilities for industrial wastewater (with oil and oil products):

a) settling ponds, sludge collectors; closed oil traps, flotation installations outside the building (mirror area of ​​400 m 2 or more), buffer tanks and settling tanks with a volume of 700 m 3 or more;

30 30 30 30 20

b) flotation plants and filters in buildings, closed oil traps (mirror area less than 400 m 2), buffer tanks and settling tanks with a volume of less than 700 m 3, sediment washing plants, including sludge collector tanks and ozonation plants;

15 15 15 15 10

c) evaporation ponds

24 24 18 15 15
6. Buildings and structures with production processes using open fire (oil heating furnaces, boiler rooms, / welding processes, etc.), garages and car maintenance rooms from tanks:

with flammable oil and oil products;

60 40 40 40 30

with combustible oil and oil products

60 30 30 30 24
7. Buildings of fire stations (without residential premises), administrative and amenity buildings 40 40 40 40 30
8. Technological installations with fire and explosion hazardous industries at the central collection points of oil fields (installations for the treatment of oil, gas and water, preliminary discharge of formation water) 40 40 40 40 24
9. Nodes for launching or receiving cleaning devices 30 30 30 30 30
10. Edge of the carriageway of internal roads and driveways 15 15 9 9 9
11. Other buildings and structures of the warehouse 20 20 20 20 20
Note. Distance according to pos. 1a of the table is determined to the nearest part of the hull of the design vessel, standing at the berth; for other positions - in accordance with clause 2.1.

2.6. The distance from underground tanks for oil and oil products to the buildings and structures of the warehouse should be taken;

to water supply (drinking purposes) and fire fighting pumping stations, fire

posts and storage facilities for fire-fighting equipment and extinguishing agents, fire-fighting tanks or reservoirs (up to water intake wells), administrative and domestic buildings, buildings and structures with production processes using open fire - according to table 3;

to other buildings and structures of the warehouse, the distance indicated in Table. 3, allowed to reduce up to 50%;

to buried product pumping stations from the side of a blank (without openings) wall - at least 3 m (except for the cases specified in clause 7.2 of these standards).

2.7.. The distance from loading and unloading devices for railway and truck tanks, sea and river vessels (at loading and unloading berths) to buildings and structures of the warehouse (with the exception of tanks) should be taken according to Table 4.

Table 4

Warehouse buildings and structures Distances, m, from loading and unloading devices of warehouses of the category
1. Product pumping stations (pump shops), buildings and sites for valve assemblies of pumping stations, metering and metering units, bottling, packaging, storage buildings for storing oil products in containers, buildings and sites for collection points for waste oil products 18/12 18/12 15/10 15/10 10/8
2. Open areas for storage of oil products in containers and clean combustible containers, nodes for receiving or starting treatment devices 20/15 20/15 15/10 15/10 10/8
3. Water supply (drinking purposes) and fire fighting pumping stations, fire tanks or reservoirs (up to a water intake well or water intake point), fire stations and rooms for storing fire fighting equipment and extinguishing agents 40/30 40/30 40/30 40/30 40/30
4. Buildings of fire stations (without residential premises), administrative and amenity buildings 40 40 30 30 30
5. Intermediate tanks (drain tanks) at loading and unloading railway racks Not standardized outside the overpass and railway tracks
6. Buildings and structures of a warehouse with production processes using open fire 40/0 40/30 40/30 40/30 40/30
Note: 1. The distances indicated above the line refer to filling devices with flammable, below the line - with combustible oil and oil products.

2. Loading and unloading devices for tank cars designed for draining and loading oil products with a flash point above 120°C may be placed directly at the filling, packaging and unloading railway racks for oils.

2.8. Distance from the building and structures of the warehouse with production processes using open fire to product pumping stations, sites for valve assemblies of pumping stations, sewage pumping stations and treatment facilities for industrial wastewater (with oil and oil products), bottling, packaging, storage buildings and sites for the storage of petroleum products in containers and areas for the storage of used containers should be at least 40 m when storing flammable and 30 m when storing combustible oil and petroleum products.

At the sites of pumping stations of main oil pipelines with a capacity of 10,000 m 3 / h and more, the specified distances to product pumping stations, valve assemblies, sites for valve assemblies of pumping stations, as well as to loading and unloading devices for railway tanks should be increased to 60 m.

2.9. Distance to buildings and structures of the warehouse (with the exception of tanks and buildings, structures with production processes and the use of open fire) from sewage treatment facilities for industrial wastewater (with oil and oil products) with an open liquid mirror (settlement ponds, oil traps, etc.) , as well as sludge collectors should be at least 30 m. In category III warehouses, when storing only combustible oil and oil products, this distance can be reduced to 24 m. The distance from other sewage treatment plants should be taken at least 15 m,

2.10. Warehouse buildings for oil products in containers may be located in relation to the railway track of the warehouse in accordance with the dimensions of the approach of buildings to the railway tracks in accordance with GOST 9238 - 83.

2.11. The distances between the buildings and structures of the warehouse, with the exception of those established by these standards, as well as the placement of engineering networks, should be taken in accordance with SNiP II-89-80.

2.12. The territory of oil and oil products warehouses must be fenced with a ventilated fence made of non-combustible materials with a height of at least 2 m.

The distance from the buildings and structures of the warehouse to the fence of the warehouse should be taken:

from loading and unloading railway racks equipped with loading and unloading devices on both sides (counting from the axis of the track closest to the fence) - at least 15 m;

from administrative and household buildings of the warehouse - not standardized;

from other buildings and structures of the warehouse - at least 5 m.

When placing warehouses for oil and oil products on the territory of other enterprises, the need to install a fence for these warehouses is established by the customer in the design assignment.

2.13. The territory of oil and oil products warehouses must be divided according to functional use into zones and sections, taking into account technological connections, freight turnover and modes of transport, sanitary and hygienic, environmental, fire and other requirements.

2.14. Start-up and reception (reception-start-up) units of cleaning devices for main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, located on the territory of oil and oil product warehouses at elevations above the elevations of buildings and structures of the warehouse, must be protected from the side of these buildings and structures by an earthen rampart (enclosing wall) with a height of not less than 0.5 m.

2.15. Warehouses of oil and oil products of categories I and II, regardless of the size of the site, must have at least two exits to motor roads of the general network or to the access roads of a warehouse or enterprise.

2.16. Driveways should be designed along the boundaries of the tank farm, between groups of tanks and for access to loading and unloading sites with at least a 3.5 m wide carriageway and a transitional type pavement.

For loading and unloading railway racks equipped with loading and unloading devices on both sides, the passage for fire engines must be circular.

2.17. On the territory of the tank farm and on the sections of railway and automobile reception and delivery of oil and oil products pipelines, the planning marks of the carriageway of internal roads must be higher than the planning marks of the adjacent territory by at least 0.3 m.

2.18. Hardwood trees and shrubs should be used for landscaping on the territory of oil and oil products warehouses.

It is not allowed to use deciduous species of trees and shrubs for landscaping the territory, which emit flakes, fibrous substances or pubescent seeds during flowering.

Only lawns should be used for landscaping in the production area at the railway and automobile receiving and dispensing areas, as well as in the area of ​​the tank farm.

Planting lawns inside the bunded territory of the tank farm is not allowed.

2.19. The minimum horizontal distances in the light from pipelines for transporting oil and oil products to buildings, structures and engineering networks of warehouses should be taken according to Table 5.

Table 5

Buildings, structures and engineering networks. The smallest horizontal distance (clear) from pipelines, m
elevated underground (including in channels, trays)
1. Tanks for oil and oil products (tank wall) 3 4, but not less than the depth of the trench to the foundation of the tank
2. Foundations of administrative buildings at pressure in the pipeline, MPa:
12,5 5
25 10
3. Foundations for warehouse fencing, searchlight masts, gallery supports, overpasses, pipelines, contact network and communications 1 1,5
4. Track axis of 1520 mm gauge railways (internal) at pipeline pressure, MPa:
4 4, but not less than the depth of the trench to the bottom of the embankment
8 8, but not less than the depth of the trench to the bottom of the embankment
5. Internal roads:

side stone of the road (edge ​​of the carriageway)

1,5 1,5

the outer edge of the ditch or the sole of the road embankment -

1 2,5
6. Foundations of overhead power transmission lines, kV:

up to 1 incl. and outdoor lighting

1 1,5

over 1 to 35 incl.

5 5
10 10
7. Foundations of other buildings and structures of the warehouse 3 3
the same, from the side of walls without openings of buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance 0,5 3
8. Open transformer substations and switchgear 10 10
9. Water supply, industrial (pressure and gravity) sewerage, drainage, household pressure sewerage, drains (contaminated water) 1,5 1,5
10. Household gravity sewerage, drains (conditionally clean water) 3 3
11. Heat pipelines (to the outer wall of the channel) 1 1
12. Power cables and communication cables 1 1


3.1. For tank farms of oil and oil products, types of tanks should be used in accordance with the requirements of GOST T510 - 84*. For oil and oil products with a pour point above 0°C, for which tanks with a floating roof or with a pontoon cannot be used, tanks with a fixed roof should be provided.*

* Tanks with a fixed roof with a pontoon are referred to hereinafter as tanks with a pontoon, tanks with a fixed roof without a pontoon - as tanks with a fixed roof.

3.2. Tanks should be placed in groups.

The total capacity of a group of ground tanks, as well as the distance between the walls of tanks located in one group, should be taken in accordance with Table. 6.

Between tanks of different types, sizes and volumes, the distance should be taken as the largest of the values ​​​​set in Table. 6 for these tanks.

Table 6

tanks Single nominal volume of tanks installed in a group, m 3 Type of stored oil and oil products Permissible total nominal capacity of the group, m 3 Minimum distance between tanks located in the same group
1. Floating roof 50,000 or more Regardless of the type of liquid 200 000 30 m
Less than 50,000 Same 120 000 0.5D, but not more than 30m
2. With pontoon 50 000 Same 200 00 30m
Less than 50,000 Same 120 000 0.65D, but not more than 30m
3. Fixed roof 50,000 or less Oil and oil products with a flash point above 45°С 120 000 0.75D, but not more than 30m
50,000 or less The same, with a flash point of 45 ° C and below 80 000 0.75D, but not more than 30m
Note. The nominal volumes of the used typical vertical and horizontal tanks and their main dimensions are given in the recommended appendix 2.

3.3. Surface tanks with a volume of 400 m 3 or less, designed as part of a common group, should be located on the same site (or foundation), combined into separate groups with a total capacity of up to 4000 m 3 each, while the distance between the walls of the tanks in such a group is not standardized, and the distance between the nearest tanks of such adjacent groups should be taken as 15 m.

The distance from these tanks to tanks with a volume of more than 400 m 3 should be taken according to Table 6, but not less than 15 m.

3.4. The surface area of ​​an underground reservoir should be no more than 7,000 m 2 , and the total surface area of ​​a group of underground reservoirs should be 14,000 m 2 .

The distance between the walls of underground tanks of the same group must be at least 1 m.

3.5. The distance between the walls of the nearest tanks located in neighboring groups should be, m:

ground tanks with a nominal volume of 20,000 m 3 and more - 60, with a volume of up to 20,000 m 3 - 40;

underground reservoirs - 15.

When placing each group of ground tanks in a separate pit or recess, containing all the liquid stored in these tanks, the distance between the upper edges of adjacent pits or recesses should be taken as 15 m.

3.6. Along the perimeter of each group of ground tanks, it is necessary to provide a closed earth embankment with a width of at least 0.5 m on top or an enclosing wall made of non-combustible materials, designed for the hydrostatic pressure of the spilled liquid.

The volume of the embanked area free from development, formed between the internal slopes of the embankment or enclosing walls, should be determined by the estimated volume of spilled liquid, equal to the nominal volume of the largest tank in the group or a separate tank.

The height of the embankment or enclosing wall of each group of tanks should be 0.2 m higher than the level of the calculated volume of the spilled liquid, but not less than 1 m for tanks with a nominal volume of up to 10,000 m 3 and 1.5 m for tanks with a volume of 10,000 m 3 and more.

The distance from the walls of the tanks to the bottom of the internal slopes of the embankment or to the enclosing walls should be taken at least 3 m from tanks with a volume of up to 10,000 m 3 and 6 m - from tanks with a volume of 10,000 m 3 and more.

A group of tanks with a volume of 400 m 3 and less with a total capacity of up to 4000 m 3, located separately from the general group of tanks (outside its external dike), must be fenced with a solid earthen rampart or a wall 0.8 m high with vertical tanks and 0.5 m for horizontal tanks. The distance from the walls of these reservoirs to the bottom of the internal slopes of the embankment is not standardized.

3.7. The embankment of underground reservoirs should be provided only for the storage of oil and fuel oil in these reservoirs. The volume formed between the internal slopes of the embankment should be determined from the condition of retaining the spilled liquid in an amount equal to 10% of the volume of the largest underground reservoir in the group.

The embankment of a group of underground tanks for storing oil and fuel oil may not be provided if the volume formed between the slopes of the subgrade of roads around the group of these tanks satisfies the specified condition.

3.8. Within one group of ground tanks, internal earthen ramparts or enclosing walls should separate:

each tank with a volume of 20,000 m 3 or more, or several smaller tanks with a total capacity of 20,000 m 3 ;

tanks with oils and fuel oils from tanks with other oil products;

tanks for the storage of leaded gasolines from other tanks of the group.

The height of the internal earthen rampart or wall should be taken:

1.3 m - for tanks with a volume of 10,000 m 3 or more;

0.8 m - for other tanks.

3.9. Tanks in a group should be located:

nominal volume less than 1000 m 3 - no more than four rows;

volume from 1000 to 10,000 m 3 - no more than three rows;

with a volume of 10,000 m 3 and whiter - no more than two rows.

3.10. In each group of ground vertical tanks located in two rows or more, it is allowed to provide for rides inside the embankment for mobile fire equipment, if the supply of fire extinguishing agents to the tanks is not provided from internal roads and warehouse driveways. At the same time, the planning mark of the carriageway of the race should be 0.2 m higher than the level of the calculated volume of the spilled liquid.

3.11. In order to cross the embankment or the enclosing wall, as well as to climb to the backfill of the tanks, it is necessary to provide on the opposite sides of the fence or backfill ladders-transitions with a width of at least 0.7 m in the amount of four - for a group of tanks and at least two - for separate tanks.

Walkways (sidewalks) with a width of at least 0.75 m should be provided between the transitions through the embankment and stationary ladders on the tanks.

3.12. It is not allowed to lay transit pipelines inside the embankment of a group of tanks.

Connections of pipelines laid inside the dike should be made by welding. It is allowed to use flange connections with non-combustible gaskets for fitting fittings.


4.1. It is not allowed to store petroleum products in containers with a flash point of 45 ° C and below in open areas.

4.2. Storage buildings for petroleum products in containers should be accepted:

for flammable oil products - one-story,

for combustible - no more than three floors with fire resistance degrees of these buildings I and II and one-story buildings with fire resistance degree IIIa.

For the storage of combustible petroleum products in containers, it is allowed to provide one-story underground structures.

In warehouses of category III, it is allowed to design underground structures made of combustible materials for the storage of petroleum products with a vapor flash point above 120 ° C in an amount of up to 60 m 3, provided that these structures are backfilled with a layer of earth (with compaction) with a thickness of at least 0.2 m and a floor made of non-combustible materials.

4.3. The total capacity of one storage building or platform under a canopy for oil products in containers should not exceed 1,200 m 3 of flammable or 6,000 m 3 of combustible oil products.

When storing flammable and combustible petroleum products at the same time, the indicated capacity is set according to the reduced capacity determined from the calculation; 1 m 3 of flammable oil products is equivalent to 5 m 3 of combustible oil products.

Warehouse buildings and platforms under sheds for storing oil products to containers should be divided by fireproof partitions of the 1st type into compartments (premises) with a capacity of not more than 200 m 3 of flammable and not more than 1000 m 3 of combustible oil products.

4.4. Warehouses for the storage of petroleum products in containers must be separated from other premises by fireproof partitions of the 1st type.

4.5. Thresholds or ramps 0.15 m high should be provided in doorways of internal walls and partitions.

4.6. Floors in warehouse buildings should be made of non-combustible and non-absorbent materials and have slopes to drain liquids to trays, pits and ladders.

4.7. Cargo platforms (ramps) for rail and road transport must be made of non-combustible materials. For category III warehouses, it is allowed to design cargo platforms from slow-burning and combustible materials.

4.8. Along the perimeter of the sites for the storage of petroleum products in containers, it is necessary to provide for a closed dike or enclosing wall of non-combustible materials up to 0.5 m high, for passage or passage to the site - stairs and ramps.


5.1 .Dumping racks should be located on a straight horizontal section of the railway track.

5.2. Railway tracks, on which loading and unloading racks are located, must have a ramp to a parallel bypass, allowing the withdrawal of tanks from the racks in both directions.

When reconstructing or expanding existing double-sided overpasses and the impossibility of constructing a bypass, as well as for one-way overpasses, it is allowed to provide a dead-end track (with installation at the end of its winch), the length of which should be increased by 30 m (for the possibility of uncoupling the train in case of fire), counting from the extreme tanks of the calculated route composition to the thrust beam.

5.3. It is not allowed to provide overpasses on railway tracks intended for through passage. ,

5.5. The distance between the axes of the nearest railway tracks of adjacent loading and unloading racks (located on parallel tracks) must be at least 20 m.

The distance from the axis of the railway track of the warehouse or enterprise to the axis of the nearest track with a loading and unloading rack should be at least 20 m if the flash point of the drained oil and oil products is 120 ° C and below, and at least 10 m - if the flash point is above 120 ° C and for fuel oils .

5.6. Intermediate tanks of loading and unloading devices (except for drain tanks for oil products with a flash point above 120 ° C and fuel oil) are not allowed to be placed under the railway tracks.

5.7. The sites for loading and unloading racks must have a hard waterproof coating, fenced along the perimeter with a side with a height of at least 0.2 m, and slopes of at least 2% for the flow of liquid to receiving devices (trays, wells, pits).

5.8. On the loading and unloading racks, the stairs should be made of non-combustible materials at the ends, as well as along the length of the racks at a distance of no more than 100 m from each other. The stairs should have a width of at least 0.7 m and a slope of no more than 1:1.

Stairs and overpasses must have railings at least 1 m high.

5.9. Sea and river loading and unloading berths and piers should be designed in accordance with the norms of technological and construction design of sea and river ports, approved in the prescribed manner.


6.1. The floors in the bottling and packaging rooms should be made in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.6 of these standards.

6.2. At solid (without openings) bottling walls, at a distance of at least 2 m (outside the building), it is allowed to place distributing tanks with a volume of each up to 25 m 3 inclusive. and with a total capacity of not more than 200 m 3. The distance between the dispensing tanks should be taken at least 1 m.

6.3. Distribution tanks up to 100 m 3 inclusive, intended for dispensing oils that require heating, can be placed so that their ends are located in the bottling room, and the same tanks up to 25 m 3 inclusive. it is allowed to place it in the bottling room, provided that the vapors from the tanks are removed outside the room.

6.4. In one-story bottling and packaging buildings intended for pouring oils, it is allowed to place oil tanks in the basement with a total capacity of not more than 400 m 3.

Exits from these basements should be directly outside and should not communicate with the first floor of buildings.


7.1 . It is allowed to place diesel generators in category III warehouses in the building of the pumping station. At the same time, service tanks for combustible oil products with a capacity of not more than a daily requirement should be located outside the pumping station building from the side of a solid (without openings) wall or in an extension made of non-combustible materials.

7.2. The ends of underground horizontal tanks for oil products with a flash point above 120 ° C and fuel oil may be located in the premises of the pumping station serving these tanks, or the control and management center.

7.3. When placing valve assemblies in a separate room, it must be separated from the pump room by a type 1 fire barrier and have an exit to the outside.

7.4. In the buildings of product pumping stations, the room for electric motors of pumps (except for explosion-proof ones) or internal combustion engines must be separated from the room for pumps by a type 1 fire barrier, without openings.

In places where the shafts connecting the motors with the pumps pass through this partition, it is necessary to install sealing devices.


8.1. Foam fire extinguishing and water cooling systems should be provided for oil and oil products warehouses. Application conditions and design features of foam fire extinguishing systems are given in the recommended Appendix 3.

8.2. When designing fire extinguishing and cooling systems for buildings and structures of oil and oil products warehouses, the requirements of SNiP 2.04.01-85 and SNiP 2.04.02-84 for the installation of fire water supply networks and structures on them should be taken into account if they are not established by these standards.

8.3. For ground reservoirs of oil and oil products with a volume of 5000 m 3 or more, as well as the building and premises of the warehouse specified in clause 8.5, automatic fire extinguishing systems should be provided.

In warehouses of category IIIa, if there are no more than two above-ground tanks with a volume of 5000 m 3, it is allowed to provide for extinguishing the fire of these tanks with mobile fire equipment, provided that the tanks are equipped with permanently installed foam generators and dry pipelines (with connecting heads for connecting fire equipment and plugs) taken out of the dike .

8.4. For underground tanks with a volume of 5000 m 3 or more, unloading racks and devices for rail and road tanks in warehouses of categories I and II, stationary fire extinguishing systems (non-automatic) should be provided.

8.5. Buildings and premises of oil and oil products warehouses to be equipped with stationary automatic fire extinguishing installations are given in Table. 7.

Table 7

Warehouse buildings Premises to be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations
1. Buildings of product pumping stations (except for tank farms of main oil pipelines), sewer pumping stations for pumping untreated industrial wastewater (with oil and oil products) and captured oil and oil products Premises for pumps and valve assemblies with a floor area of ​​300 m 2 or more
2. Buildings of pumping stations of tank farms of main oil pipelines Rooms for pumps and valve assemblies at stations with a capacity of 1200 m 3 / h and more
3. Warehouse buildings for the storage of petroleum products in containers Warehouses with an area of ​​500 m 2 or more for petroleum products with a flash point of 120 ° C and below, an area of ​​750 m 2 or more - for other petroleum products
4. Other warehouse buildings (bottling, packaging, etc.) * Industrial premises with an area of ​​more than 500 m 2, in which there are oil and oil products in an amount of more than 15 kg / m 2

Internal fire water supply in buildings and premises equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations may not be provided.

8.6. For ground and underground tanks with a volume of less than 5000 m 3, product pumping stations located on the sites, unloading racks and devices for railway and automobile tanks in warehouses of category III, as well as buildings and warehouse premises specified in paragraph 8.5, with respect for these premises and performance of pumping stations less than those given in Table. 7, as a minimum, provision should be made for firefighting by mobile fire fighting equipment. At the same time, on tanks with a volume of 1000 to 3000 m 3 (inclusive), foam generators with dry pipelines (with connecting heads and plugs) should be installed outside the bunding.

8.7. Ground tanks with a volume of 5000 m 3 or more must be equipped with stationary cooling units.

For tanks with thermal insulation made of non-combustible materials, it is allowed not to connect a stationary cooling installation to a fire-fighting water supply, while its dry pipelines must be taken out of the bunding and equipped with connecting heads and plugs.

Supply for cooling of ground tanks with a volume of less than 5000 m 3 as well as underground tanks with a volume of more than 400 m 3 is provided by mobile fire fighting equipment.

8.8. In warehouses of category III with tanks with a volume of less than 5000 m 3, it is allowed not to install fire-fighting water supply, but to provide for the supply of water for cooling and fire extinguishing by mobile fire equipment from fire-fighting tanks (tanks) or open artificial and natural reservoirs.

8.9. For the estimated water consumption in case of fire in the warehouse of oil and oil products, one of the largest costs should be taken:

for fire extinguishing and cooling of tanks (based on the highest consumption in case of fire of one tank);

for fire extinguishing and cooling of railway tanks, unloading devices and racks or for fire extinguishing of unloading devices for tank cars;

the highest total consumption for external and internal fire extinguishing of one of the warehouse buildings.

8.10. The costs of fire extinguishing agents should be determined based on the intensity of their supply per 1 m 2 of the estimated area of ​​​​extinguishing oil and oil products.

The calculated extinguishing area should be taken equal to:

in ground vertical tanks with a fixed roof, tanks with a pontoon - the area of ​​the horizontal section of the tank, tanks with a floating roof - the area of ​​the annular space between the tank wall and the barrier for foam protection (on the floating roof) when extinguishing by an automatic system and the area of ​​the horizontal section when extinguishing a mobile fire engine technique;

in underground tanks - the area of ​​the horizontal section of the tank;

in horizontal tanks - tank area in plan;

for ground tanks with a volume of up to 400 m 3 located on the same site by a group with a total capacity of up to 4000 m 3 - the area within the dike of this group, but not more than 300 m 2;

for unloading railway racks - the area of ​​the rack along the outer contour of the structure, including the railway track (s), but not more than 1000 m 2;

for loading and unloading devices for automobile tanks - the area of ​​​​the site occupied by filling islands, but not more than 800 m 2;

in warehouse buildings for storing petroleum products in containers (for internal fire fighting) - the floor area of ​​the largest warehouse;

for internal fire extinguishing of product pumping and sewage pumping stations, bottling, packaging and other industrial buildings - the floor area of ​​the largest room (from those indicated in Table 7) in which there is oil and oil products.

8.11. Water consumption for cooling ground vertical tanks should be determined by calculation, based on the intensity of water supply, taken according to Table 8. The total water consumption is defined as the sum of the costs for cooling the burning tank and cooling the neighboring ones in the group.

Table 8

When calculating, it is allowed not to take into account the supply of water for cooling of ground tanks adjacent to the burning one:

with thermal insulation from non-combustible materials, while the site must provide an emergency supply of water in the amount of at least 800 m 3 for tanks with volumes up to 10,000 m 3 inclusive, 2000 m 3 - for tanks with a volume of more than 10,000 m 3, and the distance between the tanks with a volume of more than 10,000 m 3 in this case should be increased to 40 m;

located at a distance of more than two standard distances (specified in clause 3.2) from the burning reservoir.

8.12. The total water consumption for cooling ground horizontal tanks with a volume of 100 m 3 or more (burning and adjacent to it) should be taken as 20 l / s.

8.13. The total water consumption for cooling underground tanks (burning and adjacent to it) is assumed to be equal, l / s:

with the volume of the largest reservoir

St. 400 to 1000 m 3 - 10;

St. 1000 to 5000 m 3 -20;

St. 5000 to 30,000 m 3 - 30;

St. 30,000 to 50,00 m3 incl. .-fifty.

8.14. The total water consumption for cooling by fire monitors of railway tanks, unloading devices on overpasses should be taken from the calculation of the simultaneous operation of two fire monitors, but not less than 40 l / s.

The number and location of fire monitors should be determined from the condition of spraying railway tanks and each point of the overpass with two compact jets. The diameter of the nozzles of fire monitors should be taken at least 28 mm.

Fire monitors should be installed at a distance of at least 15 m from the overpass railway tracks.

8.15. The free pressure of the fire water supply network in case of fire should be taken:

when cooling tanks with a stationary installation - according to the technical characteristics of the irrigation ring, but not less than 10m at the level of the irrigation ring;

when cooling tanks with mobile fire equipment - according to the technical characteristics of fire nozzles, but not less than 40 m.

8.16. The estimated duration of cooling of tanks (burning and adjacent to it) should be taken:

ground tanks when extinguishing a fire with an automatic system - 4 hours, when extinguishing with mobile fire equipment - 6 hours;

underground tanks - 3 o'clock

8.17. The recovery time of the emergency water supply in fire-fighting tanks (after a fire) should not exceed 96 hours.

8.18. For gas stations located outside settlements, with a warehouse of petroleum products in underground tanks with a total capacity of not more than 400 m 3, it is allowed not to provide fire extinguishing systems and fire water supply.

8.19. In warehouses for oil and oil products with an automatic fire extinguishing system for tanks, product pumping stations, storage buildings for storing oil products in containers, bottling, packaging and when equipping tanks with stationary cooling installations, fire posts or rooms for fire equipment should be provided:

with a total storage capacity of up to 100 thousand m 3 inclusive. - a room with an area of ​​at least 20 m 2 for fire equipment and fire motor pumps;

St. 100 to 500 thousand m 3 inclusive - fire station for one car with a box for a reserve car;

St. 500 thousand m 3 - a fire post for two cars.

For oil and oil products warehouses, where fire extinguishing of tanks, buildings and structures is provided for using a stationary system (non-automatic) and (or) mobile fire equipment, fire stations, posts or rooms for fire equipment and equipment should be provided based on the placement of this equipment. At the same time, the location of fire stations and posts should be taken into account the requirements of SNiP II-89-80.


9.1. The categories of electrical receivers for oil and petroleum products warehouses in relation to ensuring the reliability of power supply are established by the customer in the design assignment in accordance with the requirements of the "Electrical Installation Rules" (PUE). At the same time, electrical receivers of automatic fire extinguishing systems and fire fighting pumping stations must be provided in the first category.

9.2. In the premises of product pumping stations with an area of ​​more than 250 m 2, as well as in the premises for operators and dispatchers, emergency lighting should be provided.

9.3. The types of communication means used for buildings and structures of oil and oil products warehouses are established in the design assignment in agreement with the interested organizations.

9.4. In warehouses of oil and oil products, automatic fire alarms should be equipped with:

a) rooms for pumps and valve assemblies in the buildings of product pumping stations, sewage pumping stations for pumping wastewater with oil and oil products, and trapped oil products with an area of ​​​​each less than 300 m 2 or with a capacity of a product pumping station less than 1200 m 3 / h (for reservoir parks of main oil pipelines);

b) warehouses for storage of petroleum products in containers with an area of ​​up to 500 m 2 ;

c) bottling, packaging and other production facilities of the warehouse, in which there are oil and oil products in an amount of more than 15 kg / m 2, with an area of ​​​​up to 500 m 2.

9.5. Warehouses for oil and oil products must be equipped with an electric fire alarm with manual fire detectors, the placement of which should take into account the requirements of SNiP 2.04.09-84.

Manual call points for fire alarms on the territory of the warehouse should be provided for:

for tank farms and open areas for storing oil products in containers - along the perimeter of the embankment (enclosing wall) no more than 150 m when storing oil products with a flash point above 120 ° C and no more than 100 m for other oil products;

on loading and unloading overpasses - at the ends of the overpass and along its length at least every 100 m, but not less than two (at ladders for servicing overpasses);

at outdoor technological installations with explosion and fire hazardous industries - along the installation perimeter no more than 100 m.

Manual fire detectors should be installed at a distance of no more than 5 m from the embankment of the park or the boundary of the outdoor installation.

9.6. Fire alarm control and receiving devices should be provided in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.009-83 * and SNiP 2.04.09-84 and placed in the warehouse where the personnel is on duty around the clock.


10.1. The norms of this section are applied in the design of consumable warehouses for petroleum products that are part of enterprises (industrial, transport, agricultural, energy, construction, etc.), if the total capacity of these warehouses when storing flammable and combustible petroleum products in tanks and containers does not exceed that indicated in Table. 9.

In case of surface and underground storage of flammable and combustible oil products at the same time, the total reduced capacity of the supply warehouse should not exceed the capacity indicated in Table. 9, while the reduced capacity is determined from the calculation: 1 m 3 of flammable oil products is equal to 5 m 3 of combustible and 1 m 3 of the volume of tanks and containers for ground storage - 2 m 3 of volume for underground storage.

Table 9

When determining the total reduced capacity, the following are not taken into account:

intermediate tanks (at loading and unloading racks);

leakage collection tanks;

reservoirs of captured oil products at treatment facilities for industrial or industrial and storm sewerage.

10.2. The distance from residential and public buildings to the oil products warehouses of enterprises should be taken according to Table. 2 and 3, to storage facilities for combustible petroleum products provided as part of boiler houses, diesel power plants and other power facilities serving residential and public buildings - in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01-89.

The distance from the supply warehouse of petroleum products to the buildings and structures of the enterprise should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 11-89-80, to the buildings and structures of a neighboring enterprise - according to Table 2 of these standards.

10.3. The distance from ground tanks for oil products to buildings and other structures of the warehouse should be taken according to Table. ten.

Table 10

Buildings and constructions Distance, m, from ground tanks for oil products
flammable combustible
1. Buildings and sites of product pumping stations, bottling, packaging 10 8
2. Warehouse buildings and sites for the storage of petroleum products in containers, loading and unloading devices for railway and automobile tanks, dispensing columns for petroleum products 15 10
3. Single loading and unloading devices for tank trucks (up to 3 risers) 10" 8
4. Overhead power lines According to the PUE

10.4. Distances from underground tanks for petroleum products to the buildings and structures of the warehouse specified in paragraphs. 1 - 3 tab. 10, it is allowed to reduce up to 50%.

The distance from underground tanks for combustible oil products and from ground tanks for oil products with a flash point above 120 ° C to product pumping stations for these oil products is not standardized.

10.5. The distance from product pumping and storage buildings for oil products in containers to unloading devices (for rail and road tanks) should be taken at least, m:

10 - for flammable oil products;

8 - for combustible oil products.

10.6. The distance from ground tanks, storage buildings for storing oil products in containers and tanks, product pumping stations, filling, packaging, unloading devices for railway and truck tanks and drain (intermediate) tanks for oil products to railways and roads should be taken according to Table. eleven.

Table 11

Roads Distance, m, from buildings and structures with oil products
flammable combustible
1. To the axis of the railway tracks of the general network 50 30
2. To the axis of the internal railway tracks of the enterprise (except for the tracks on which liquid iron, slag and hot ingots are transported) 20 10
3. To the edge of the carriageway of motor roads:
15 10


9 5

The distances indicated in the table. 11, from underground tanks, it is allowed to reduce up to 50% . The distance from storage buildings for storing petroleum products in containers and tanks with a flash point above 120 ° C to the internal railway tracks of the enterprise, as well as from dispensers of liquid fuel and oils for equipping locomotives, can be taken according to the clearance of buildings approaching the railway tracks in accordance with GOST 9238-83 .

10.7. The distance from the dispensing columns of oil products to the buildings and structures of the enterprise should be taken at least, m:

3 - up to walls without openings of buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance;

9 - to walls with openings of buildings of I, II, III and IIIa degrees of fire resistance;

18 - up to buildings III6, IV, IVa, V degrees of fire resistance.

10.8. Product pump rooms and storage rooms for storing oil products in containers and tanks should be separated from other rooms by type 1 fireproof partitions.

In places of doorways in these partitions, thresholds (with ramps) with a height of 0.15 m should be provided.

10.9. At enterprises in industrial buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, as well as in one-story buildings, IIIa degree of fire resistance with a zero limit of fire propagation of enclosing structures of walls and coatings, it is allowed to have oil products according to storage conditions and in an amount not exceeding those indicated in Table 12.

The release of vapors of flammable and combustible oil products from tanks into the room in which they are installed is not allowed.

Table 12

Storage conditions The amount of oil products (in tanks and containers), m 3
flammable combustible
1. In a special room, separated from neighboring rooms by type 1 fire partitions and type 3 ceilings and having direct access to the outside, in buildings:

I and II degrees of fire resistance

30 150
10 50
2. In rooms of categories D and D, in buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance 1 5
3. In basements, separated from neighboring rooms by type 1 fire partitions and type 3 ceilings and having direct access to the outside, in buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance Not allowed 300
4. The same, in basements with reservoirs (tanks) for oils in buildings:

I and II degrees of fire resistance

Not allowed 400"
Same 100

10.10. From ground supply tanks with a single and total capacity of more than 1 m 3 for flammable and 5 m 3 for combustible oil products installed in industrial buildings, discharge into an emergency underground tank or emptying them with product pumps into the tanks of the main storage tank should be provided.

The volume of the emergency tank must be at least 30% of the total capacity of all supply tanks and not less than the capacity of the largest tank in the room.

The emergency tank, into which gravity discharge is provided, must be underground and located outside the building at a distance of at least 1 m from walls without openings and at least 5 m from walls with openings. A special emergency tank may not be provided if gravity discharge of oil products into the tanks of the main storage tank is provided.

In case of gravity discharge, emergency drain pipelines must have a diameter of at least 100 mm and be equipped with devices that prevent the possibility of fire transmission.

Each emergency pipeline connecting the supply tanks to the emergency tank must have a shut-off device installed outside the building or on the ground floor (usually near the exit to the outside).

Product pumps that provide pumping of oil products in case of an accident must be placed in a separate room from the tanks or outside the building.

Emergency drain from reservoirs (tanks) for oils located in basements may not be provided.

10.11. At the sites of enterprises and constructions located outside populated areas, as well as on the territory of logging, it is allowed to provide underground structures made of combustible materials for the storage of petroleum products, provided that these structures are backfilled with earth (with compaction) with a thickness of at least 0.2 m and the floor is made of non-combustible materials .

The amount of oil products stored in these facilities should not exceed 12 m 3 for flammable and 60 m 3 for combustible oil products.

10.12. The supply of water for cooling tanks and extinguishing fires at the storage facilities for oil products of enterprises should be provided from the external water supply of the enterprise (providing the estimated water flow and the necessary free pressure in the network) or in accordance with clause 8.8 of these standards.


Moscow 1986


Central Committee of the Trade Union of Oil and Gas Industry Workers September 25, 1985 Minutes No. 45 Gosstroy of the USSR December 24, 1985

Approved by: Deputy Minister of the Oil Industry

S. M. Toplov


Moscow 1986

These Rules are a revised and supplemented edition of the Safety Rules for the operation of gas processing plants, approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on October 21, 1975.

When compiling and editing the draft Rules, the comments and suggestions of the gas processing plants of the Minnefteprom and Mingazprom, the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor, the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Oil and Gas Industry Workers, and VNIPIgazpererabotka institutes were taken into account. sVNIIGaz and YuzhNIIGiprogaz.

With the entry into force of these Rules, the Safety Rules for the Operation of Gas Processing Plants, approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on October 21, 1975, become invalid.

Editorial committee:

V. N. Emelyanov (Chairman of the Commission), S. M. Toplov, V. I. Khobotko, V. M. Mishin, A. N. Yanovich, B. A. Nesterenko, A. S. Agaev, L. G. Andryukovskaya, V. V. Babaev, Yu. G. Vinnikov, B. I. Vladyka, E. K. Gadzhieva, M. Sh. Gallyamov, A. Ya. Isaev, Yu. S. Karpeev, S. V. Konovalov, B. M. Losilkin, Yu. D. Nosachev, Yu. P. Plyknn, G. V. Sheyanov.


1.1. Scope of the Rules

1.1.1. These Rules apply to gas processing plants and installations included in the fields for processing natural and petroleum gas, obtaining sulfur, stabilizing gas condensate and producing motor fuels.

1.1.2. The procedure and terms for bringing existing enterprises in line with these Rules are established in each specific case by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the local bodies of the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor and the technical labor inspectorate, and at enterprises requiring technical re-equipment - by the Ministry of the Oil Industry and the Ministry of the Gas Industry in agreement with the Gosgortekhnadzor USSR and the Central Committee of the trade union of workers of the oil and gas industry.

1.1.3. Changes and additions to these Rules are approved and agreed upon in the same manner as the Rules.

1.1.4. The heads of enterprises of workshops, installations, sites, laboratories and other production units organize work on labor safety in accordance with the requirements of these Rules and the Unified Occupational Safety and Health Management System.

1.2. Organization of the labor protection and safety service

1.2.1. To organize work on labor protection and safety at the plants, a labor protection and safety service is organized.

Engineers with at least three years of work experience in the gas processing industry or technicians with at least five years of work experience should be appointed to the position of head of the occupational health and safety service.

1.2.2. Duties, rights and responsibilities of plant and production unit managers in the field of organizing and creating safe working conditions are determined in accordance with the requirements of the Unified Occupational Safety and Health Management System and job descriptions.

1.2.3. Each site of the enterprise must have documentation provided for by the technological regulations, the Regulation on preventive maintenance and the Unified Occupational Safety and Health Management System.

1.2.4. All areas of the enterprise must have instructions:

officials for engineers;


on labor safety by profession and type of work, as well as on fire and gas safety.

1.2.5. The instructions are subject to revision:

at least once every three years;

when changing the technological process and working conditions;

in case of accidents, explosions and accidents that occurred at the workplaces to which these instructions apply;

when changing the governing documents underlying the instructions.

1.2.6. The list of instructions required for each production facility is approved by the administration of the enterprise and the local committee of the trade union. Work safety instructions should be available at workplaces.

1.2.7. For each gas-, explosion-, fire-hazardous facility of the plant, a plan for the elimination of possible accidents must be developed in accordance with the Instruction for drawing up plans for the elimination of accidents, approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor. Accident response plans are developed in accordance with production conditions.

1.2.8. Plans for the elimination of possible accidents (extract from the operational part) must be at the workplace, 4

service personnel must be familiarized with them against signature.

1.2.9. Knowledge of the plan for the elimination of possible accidents is checked during training and training sessions with the personnel of the facility, conducted according to the schedule approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

1.2.10. It is forbidden to put into operation new installations, as well as those that have undergone reconstruction, without receiving them by a commission with the participation of a representative of the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor bodies, a technical labor inspector of the Central Committee of the trade union, representatives of the fire and sanitary supervision, the labor protection and safety service and the gas rescue service (GSS) of the enterprise.

Note. Reconstruction should be understood as such changes in technological schemes or equipment that lead to the reconstruction of the entire site of the enterprise or a significant part of it.

1.2.11. It is forbidden to carry out any reconstruction of workshops and installations without prior approval of the reconstruction project with the design organization.

1.2.12. For the repair of workshops (installations), a plan for organizing the safe conduct of preparatory and repair work should be developed. When drawing up the plan, the persons responsible for the state of safety (chief engineer, chief mechanic, chief power engineer, chief technologist, deputy chief engineer, shop and installation manager, etc.) are required to provide for the implementation of all necessary work related to the fulfillment of technical requirements safety, gas safety and fire safety in accordance with the rules, regulations, instructions.

The plan for organizing the safe conduct of preparatory and repair work must be agreed with the labor protection and safety service, the gas rescue service and the fire department of the enterprise.

Commissioning of workshops, installations after repair without their acceptance by a commission with the participation of representatives of the labor protection and safety and fire protection services is prohibited.

1.2.13. At the production sites of the plant, it is necessary to maintain a special Log for checking the state of working conditions, in which the managers of the plant site record the results of inspections of these facilities in accordance with the regulations.

the decision on operational control over the state of working conditions, indicating specific deadlines for eliminating detected violations and responsible executors. Representatives of higher organizations write down the detected violations in the specified journal or draw up an act based on the results of the audit.

1.2.14. A violation of safety rules is any deviation from the rules, instructions, normative materials and guidelines for the safe conduct of work that are mandatory for this plant, as well as the failure to take appropriate measures to prevent accidents and accidents.


2.1. Training and briefing of workers and engineering workers

2.1.1. Instructing, training and checking the knowledge of workers and engineers in safe methods and methods of work is carried out in accordance with the Unified Occupational Safety Management System approved by the Ministry.

2.1.2. Employees of third-party organizations who arrived on the territory of the plant to perform work must undergo an introductory briefing in the prescribed manner. Briefing at the workplace for engineers of third-party organizations should be carried out by the head of the facility, and for workers - engineers of third-party organizations. Workers of third-party organizations must carry out work on the territory of the plant under the supervision of a responsible person of their organizations.

2.1.3. Accidents that occurred at the plant are investigated and recorded in accordance with the Regulations on the investigation and registration of accidents at work, approved by the decision of the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on August 13, 1982, accidents that occurred at facilities controlled by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor - in accordance with the Instruction on Investigation and accounting of accidents at enterprises and facilities controlled by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor, approved by a resolution of the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on July 29, 1983, and the investigation of accidents that did not entail accidents that occurred at facilities controlled by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor - in accordance with the Instruction for Technical Investigation and Accounting accidents, 6

that did not entail accidents at enterprises and facilities controlled by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor, approved by the resolution of the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on July 11, 1985.

2.2. Personal protective equipment for workers

2.2.1. Overalls, special footwear and safety devices must be issued in accordance with established standards. The procedure for issuing, storing and using them is established by the Instruction on the procedure for providing workers and employees with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, approved by the State Committee for Labor and Social Affairs of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

2.2.2. The issued overalls and safety shoes must correspond to the size and height of the worker. Overalls should not hamper the movement of the employee during work.

2.2.3. It is forbidden to take out overalls, special footwear and personal protective equipment outside the plant. For their storage, the administration is obliged to provide a room that meets the requirements of sanitary standards.

2.2.4. During work, workers are required to use overalls, safety shoes and personal protective equipment.

Service personnel must wear overalls buttoned up and be in a headdress. When servicing machinery, workers should tuck in clothing so that it cannot be caught in rotating or moving parts.

2.2.5. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to ensure the neutralization, washing, drying and dry cleaning of overalls, repair of overalls and safety shoes.

Used overalls and footwear may be issued to other employees only after washing, repair and disinfection.

2.2.6. It is forbidden for workers and engineers to wash overalls with oil products and other flammable and explosive products.

2.2.7. If there is a danger of foreign bodies, harmful liquids, vapors and gases getting into the eyes, eye irritation is strong

workers should use safety goggles.

2.2.8. Personnel working with caustic alkalis must be provided with goggles, gloves and overalls made of linen or other alkali-resistant fabric, rubber boots and rubber aprons.

2.2.9. Personnel working with acids should be provided with goggles, overalls and gloves made of cloth or other acid-resistant fabric, rubber boots and rubber aprons.

2.2.10. Those working with radioactive substances must be provided with personal protective equipment against ionizing radiation in accordance with the Sanitary Rules for working with radioactive substances and sources of ionizing radiation.

2.2.11. Responsibility for the correct use of personal protective equipment is borne by the persons directly performing the work, as well as work managers, heads of workshops, installations and shifts.

Gas masks and anti-dust respirators

2.2.12. When working in places where it is possible to increase the concentration of harmful gases, vapors and dust above the permissible sanitary standards, workers must be provided with appropriate personal respiratory protection equipment (PPE).

When selecting and using gas masks, you should be guided by the Instructions for the use of industrial filtering gas masks (The main types of industrial gas masks are given in Appendix 1).

2.2.13. Gas masks issued to workers should be selected by size and stored at workplaces in special cabinets, each in its own cell. On each cell and on the bag of the gas mask, a tag must be attached indicating the name of the owner of the gas mask, brand and size of the mask.

The serviceability of the individual filtering gas mask must be checked by the workers before taking over the shift. Personal protective equipment for respiratory organs must be checked and replaced by employees of the GSS within the time limits specified in their technical passports and factory instructions for the operation of industrial RPE.

2.2.14. Gas masks and their separate parts before and after

Changes must be carefully checked by workers and, if a malfunction is detected, removed from use.

2.2.15. At the workplace, there should be instructions for the use of a gas mask, determining the serviceability of its individual parts, as well as for care, storage and disinfection.

2.2.16. When working in dusty conditions, workers should work in dust respirators, goggles and overalls.

2.2.17. Service personnel must be trained in the rules for using, checking and storing gas masks. Training sessions on the rules of use and testing of gas masks should be carried out according to the schedule approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

2.2.18. Each gas and explosive facility must have an emergency supply of gas masks of the appropriate brands. The number of filtering emergency gas masks for each object is completed at the rate of 3-5 sets of the corresponding brands. Each kit should contain a set of helmet-masks of all sizes. The number of hose emergency gas masks must be at least two sets.

2.2.19. An emergency supply of filtering gas masks should be stored in a sealed box, hose gas masks in sealed suitcases.

It is forbidden to lock the emergency supply of gas masks.

The integrity of the seals of the emergency stock is checked when the shift is accepted and handed over by the service personnel. The presence and condition of the emergency stock is checked at least once a month by a gas rescue service employee in accordance with the schedule approved by the chief engineer of the plant.

2.2.20. Facility personnel should know where to store work and emergency gas masks.

2.2.21. Work in a gas mask must be carried out using an appropriate safety belt and a rescue rope.

2.3. Arrangement and maintenance of the territory and industrial premises

2.3.1. The territory and premises of production enterprises must be maintained in accordance with the requirements

Instructions for the sanitary maintenance of industrial enterprises.

2.3.2. At production facilities, sanitary and technical certification should be carried out in the prescribed manner with the results recorded in the sanitary and technical passport.

2.3.3. The territory of the plant should be landscaped and landscaped. Trays, trenches, pits and recesses, the device of which is caused by technical necessity, must be properly covered with slabs or protected by railings with a height of at least 1 m.

Trays for storm and industrial waste must be connected to the sewer through water seals and have a constant slope towards the sewer ladder.

2.3.4. On the territory of the plant there must be footpaths connecting the entrance to the territory of the plant with workshops and installations, structures and auxiliary premises, as well as these premises and installations with each other. All footpaths must be paved.

2.3.5. Roads, bridges, crossings and walkways must be kept clean and in good condition, have road signs, including the dimensions of the passage under pipeline overpasses, and be illuminated at night.

2.3.6. On the territory of enterprises in places where the passage of vehicles is prohibited, prohibition road signs should be posted.

2.3.7. It is forbidden to move motor-tractor equipment without spark arresters on the territory of fire-explosive facilities of the enterprise.

2.3.8. At the intersections of rail tracks with pedestrian roads, it is necessary to arrange solid flooring at the level with the rail heads and install warning and prohibition signs.

2.3.9. Repair work related to the closure of the roadway must be coordinated with the fire department.

2.3.10. Upon completion of repair and construction works, the site of the plant, where they were carried out, must be planned and cleared of construction debris. It is forbidden to start up the installations until the planning is completed and the surrounding area is cleared of construction debris.

2.3.11. Labor safety posters, safety signs and warnings must be posted on the territory of the plant.

warning inscriptions: "Explosive", "Flammable", "Smoking is prohibited", "Entrance by strangers is prohibited", etc.

2.3.12. Smoking on the territory of the enterprise, in buildings and structures is allowed only in specially designated areas in agreement with the fire department, with the inscription "Smoking Area". Smoking areas must be equipped with water tanks or sandboxes.

2.3.13. On the territory of the enterprise, the use of open fire is prohibited, with the exception of certain places, due to technological regulations or instructions, and places of permanent and temporary hot work, for which a special permit is issued.

2.3.14. It is forbidden to leave production waste on the territory of the plant, installations and other facilities.

2.3.15. In the event of a spill of various oil products and other flammable liquids (flammable liquids) on the territory of the plant, urgent measures must be taken to eliminate the spill.

2.3.16. The spill area should be covered with sand and then cleaned or washed with water using a hose.

2.3.17. Blocking and pollution of roads, driveways, entrances, stairwells, passages and exits from buildings, approaches to fire-fighting equipment, fire extinguishing equipment, communications and signaling is not allowed.

2.3.18. On the territory of the plant, at the places of transition through pipelines, trays and trenches, bridges with a width of at least 1 m, with a railing height of at least 1 m, must be installed.

2.3.19. Temporary pits and pits dug on the territory of the plant, installations and the roadway must have reliable fences, and the wells are closed or fenced, the height of the fence is at least 1 m. At night, these places should be illuminated.

2.3.20. When valves and other valves are located in wells, trays and recesses, remote control (elongated stems or control wheels, electric pneumatic actuators, etc.) should be provided and safe access to them should be provided in case of repair or replacement of valves.

2.3.21. Water risers and hoses attached to the fitting with a clamp must be kept in good condition.

2.3.22. Production and utility rooms must be kept clean. Each worker is obliged to thoroughly clean his workplace.

2.3.23. Cleaning of the floor of industrial premises should be carried out as necessary, but at least once per shift, using wet, damp or other methods that do not allow dust emission. It is forbidden to use flammable liquid for washing floors.

2.3.24. The used cleaning material should be placed in special metal boxes with tight-fitting lids and, at the end of the shift, be removed from the production facilities to a specially designated place.

2.3.25. The floors of industrial premises must be in good condition and have an appropriate slope to sewer drains.

2.3.26. Production premises and sites of the plant territory must be provided with the necessary technical means according to the project (steam, water, air, etc.).

2.3.27. Materials, equipment for temporary storage should be placed in the premises or places designated for this purpose, agreed with the local fire department, in the prescribed amount and in compliance with the rules for their storage. It is prohibited to store equipment and materials in production premises.

2.3.28. Oils and lubricants in industrial premises may be stored in an amount not exceeding the daily requirement in a metal container closed with a lid.

It is forbidden to store in industrial premises

2.3.29. It is forbidden to be in production premises, installations, tank farms, loading and unloading racks and other facilities for persons not related to the production of work.

2.3.30. On the outside of each door of an explosive room there must be an inscription indicating the group and class of explosion hazard of the room.

2.3.31. To determine the explosive concentrations of gas-air mixtures in all explosive rooms, the state of the air environment must be monitored using stationary gas analyzers-alarm devices, which, when the gas content of the room is 20% of the lower pre-12

cases of ignition should give a sound and light signal in place and to the control panel in the control room with automatic activation of emergency ventilation.

2.3.32. To determine the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances (MPC) in the air of industrial premises, stationary or portable gas analyzers should be used.

2.3.34. It is prohibited to take samples of flammable and gaseous hazardous substances and reagents in production facilities.

2.3.35. It is forbidden to dry clothes, shoes in industrial premises, as well as to place any combustible materials on the hot surfaces of pipelines, apparatus and heating devices. Special places should be provided for drying clothes and shoes.

2.3.36. Additional installation of equipment, apparatus and pipelines in industrial premises should not impair the safety and convenience of their maintenance and repair.

2.3.37. Technological equipment, apparatus, machine tools, mechanisms, assemblies, devices, tools, lifting and transport vehicles, etc. must be kept in good order and clean.

2.3.38. Painting of technological equipment must be carried out in accordance with SNiP, and painting of pipelines - in accordance with GOST.

2.3.39. Insulation of hot apparatus, equipment and pipelines must be in good condition. The temperature on its surface in the premises should not exceed 45 ° C, and in open areas - 60 ° C.

2.3.40. The device of electrical equipment, including control and automation devices, power tools and welding machines, lighting on the territory of the plant, in industrial premises, in tank farms and other facilities must comply with the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations, the Rules for the Manufacture of Explosion-Proof and Mining Electrical Equipment, and their operation must be carried out in accordance with with the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers and the Rules for technical

safety nicknames for the operation of consumer electrical installations.

2.3.41. Explosion-proof lamps with a voltage of no more than 12 V should be used as portable lighting. Communication facilities must comply with the explosion hazard class of the premises.

2.3.42. When working in places where the formation of an explosive mixture of gases and vapors with air is possible, a tool made of metal that does not give sparks upon impact, or richly lubricated with grease, should be used.

2.3.43. All production facilities of the plant must be provided with fire extinguishing equipment according to the list agreed with the local fire authorities.

2.3.44. Fire-fighting equipment must be placed in the places designated for this, agreed with the fire department in a strictly established quantity and in compliance with the rules for its storage.

2.3.45. On the territory of production facilities, installations, tank farms, loading and unloading racks and in production premises, the following should be carried out:

checking the serviceability and condition of fire-fighting equipment, the steam extinguishing system and the availability of proper water and steam pressure in the systems at least once per shift by shift supervisors;

external inspection and check of the correct operation of the ventilation units before the start of each shift by the shift supervisor;

inspection and inspection of the condition of instrumentation, automation and safety devices at least once per shift by an instrumentation employee.

The results of the inspections should be recorded in the journal.

2.3.46. It is prohibited to use fire-fighting inventory and equipment, emergency and gas rescue equipment for other needs not related to their direct purpose.

2.3.47. It is forbidden to work in fire and explosion hazardous areas in shoes lined with steel nails or horseshoes.

2.3.48. At workplaces, signs should be posted near all means of communication indicating the procedure for giving signals and calling the fire department, health center, gas rescue service and the plant dispatcher.

2.3.49. Each employee of the plant, who has noticed the danger of an accident, is obliged to immediately inform the plant dispatcher about this and take measures depending on him to eliminate the danger.

2.4. Heating and ventilation of industrial premises

2.4.1. For space heating, centralized systems should be used that use hot water, steam or heated air as a heat carrier.

2.4.2. Trays of heating pipelines passing in the floor of explosive and fire hazardous premises must be completely covered with sand, and the places where they pass through the internal and external walls must be carefully sealed and insulated.

2.4.3. In industrial premises with a significant emission of soot or dust, heating devices should be installed, the design of which should ensure their easy cleaning.

2.4.4. Ventilation units must be maintained in good working order and subjected to inspection and repair in accordance with current regulations.

2.4.5. In all hazardous areas, ventilation must operate around the clock.

2.4.6. The operating ventilation units must provide the efficiency specified in the project.

2.4.7. The effectiveness of ventilation should be periodically checked instrumentally.

2.4.8. Control over the technical condition and sanitary efficiency of ventilation installations is entrusted to the service of the chief mechanic of the plant.

2.4.9. Direct work on the operation of ventilation units in shifts (teams) is performed by persons serving production sites where ventilation units are located.

2.4.10. In industrial premises where a sudden intensive release of harmful or explosive gases and vapors is possible, the start of emergency ventilation should be automatic and remote from the buttons located at the outer doors of the industrial premises.

2.4.11. Fans equipped with automatic start must have a poster with the inscription: “Attention! Automatic start".

2.4.12. In the ventilation chamber, a diagram of the ventilation unit must be posted, on the door of the chamber - a sign indicating the person responsible for the operation of the ventilation unit.

2.4.13. The air handling unit must have a passport in the prescribed form and a repair and maintenance log.

2.4.14. In the defective list of repairs of the technological installation, equipment, industrial premises, repairs and checks of the ventilation systems must be provided. It is forbidden to accept a technological installation or an object from repair if the ventilation installations are faulty.

2.4.15. It is forbidden to use the premises of the ventilation chambers for storage and clutter them with foreign objects.

2.5. Sanitary facilities and medical care

2.5.1. Sanitary facilities must be cleaned and ventilated daily.

Dressing rooms, showers and other rooms must be disinfected periodically.

2.5.2. Workers and engineers employed in industries, workshops, sites and other subdivisions with harmful working conditions must be provided with milk in accordance with the Rules for the free distribution of milk or other equivalent food products to workers and employees employed in industries, workshops, sites and other divisions with harmful working conditions.

Responsibility for the timely and high-quality provision of milk rests with the Deputy Director for General Affairs.

2.5.3. Food items (canteens, buffets) must meet sanitary requirements.

2.5.4. It is forbidden to store and eat food in production premises.

2.5.5. To provide immediate medical assistance, factories must have health centers.

2.5.6. In health centers, it is necessary to ensure round-the-clock duty of medical personnel and transport 16

funds. If this condition cannot be met, the plant dispatcher must ensure that an ambulance is called to provide immediate medical assistance.

2.5.7. Health centers should have telephone communication with all production sites, as well as with city medical institutions.

2.5.8. All production facilities and areas must be provided with constantly replenished first-aid kits with a set of medicines and dressings for first aid.

2.5.9. In case of burns, injuries, poisoning or other accidents, any employee of the plant must inform the shift supervisor, the plant dispatcher, the health center and the gas rescue service (in case of poisoning) and proceed to provide first aid to the victim. All employees of the plant should be trained in first aid and informed about how to quickly contact the health center, gas rescue service and fire department.

2.5.10. Workers and engineers of industries and professions provided for by the current order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR must undergo preliminary medical examinations upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations.

2.6. Water supply and sewerage

2.6.1. All production facilities must be provided with water supply.

2.6.2. To provide drinking water, fountains, closed tanks with spouting nozzles and other devices should be provided.

2.6.4. Water points of technical water must have the inscription "Not suitable for drinking purposes."

2.6.5. All industrial sewage wells on the territory of the plant and outside it must be kept permanently closed. Well covers should be covered with a layer of sand of at least 10 cm in a steel or reinforced concrete ring.

2.6.6. Manhole covers should be opened with special hooks.

2.6.7. Sewer networks should be periodically inspected and cleaned. Inspection and cleaning of sewer wells must be carried out according to the schedule and in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for carrying out gas hazardous work.

2.6.8. Wells in which work is carried out must be fenced and warning signs or posters with the inscription: "Work in progress" are hung around them.

2.6.9. It is forbidden to operate sewage systems with faulty or incorrectly made hydraulic seals. In each hydraulic seal, the water layer forming the seal must be at least 0.25 m high.

2.6.10. The discharge of wastewater, the degree of their contamination and the efficiency of the treatment facilities should be subject to daily laboratory monitoring according to a schedule agreed with the sanitary supervision authority. The content of oil products and harmful substances in wastewater should not exceed the established norms.

With an increase in the amount of pollution in wastewater above the norm, it is necessary to establish the sources of their release and turn off faulty equipment, apparatus and tanks.

2.6.11. Industrial sewage treatment devices must be cleaned periodically. It is not allowed to operate industrial sewage with faulty or contaminated treatment devices that do not provide the necessary wastewater treatment.

2.6.12. During the cleaning of a trap with only one section, wastewater containing oil products must be discharged into an emergency tank.

2.6.13. Around each trap and settling ponds, a fence of non-combustible materials with a height of at least 1 m should be made.

2.6.14. It is forbidden to connect domestic sewage to industrial sewage, with the exception of biological treatment.

2.6.15. The temperature of industrial wastewater when discharged into the sewer should not exceed 40 ° C.

2.6.16. Descent of harmful, as well as flammable and explosive products from equipment, apparatus and tanks into sewer systems is prohibited. For these purposes, it is necessary to provide special containers.

2.6.17. Descent into the industrial sewage of various wastewater streams is not allowed, the mixing of which can lead to any reactions accompanied by the release of heat, combustible and harmful gases, as well as solid precipitation.

2.7. Safety devices and guards

2.7.1. The number of safety valves, their installation and maintenance, repairs must meet the requirements of: Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels; Guidelines for the operation, revision and repair of spring safety valves (RUPK-78); Instructions for the selection of vessels and apparatus operating under pressure up to 100 kgf / cm 2 and their protection from overpressure.

2.7.2. It is forbidden to tighten (adjust) and plug the safety valves if a gap is found in them. In these cases, it is necessary to stop the operation of the apparatus, equipment, pipelines, etc. and replace the valve.

The replacement of the valve must be carried out after the preparation of the apparatus and equipment in accordance with Section 6 of these Rules.

2.7.3. Gas discharge from the working and reserve safety valves of apparatuses and tanks must be carried out to the flare system.

2.7.4. In order to be able to disconnect the plant from the flare system of the plant, it is allowed to place valves at the border of the plant.

The design of the gate valves must prevent the wedge from falling out. In the open or closed state, a lock and a seal must be installed on the flywheel of the valve. The order of operation of such gate valves is established by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

2.7.5. When the serviced equipment (apparatus, instrument, valve hatch, etc.) is located at a height of more than 1.8 m, stationary stairs and platforms with a fence must be installed to access it under the following conditions.