What is beauty? Presentation on the topic: "Symmetry is beauty in perfection. Presentation in dhow what is beauty

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Beauty in art and in life. What is beauty? Each of us, at least once in his life, has experienced admiration for the beauty of a winter forest, a blooming garden, a rising sun over the sea, enchanting folk tunes, paintings and sculptures. V. Van Gogh. Blooming tree

Why do we understand what is beautiful and what is not? You can say without hesitation: "I see that it is beautiful" or "I feel that everything is beautiful" Then what is beauty, no one will definitely answer. After all, the understanding of beauty extends to objects, phenomena, the appearance of a person and to his inner and moral essence.

When we say “handsome man,” what do we mean? Correct facial features, slim figure? Or spiritual beauty, kindness, nobility? Or maybe both together? What is more important in life and art - form or content?

What is beauty? And why do people deify her? Is she a vessel, in which there is emptiness, Or flickering fire in a vessel? N. Zabolotsky

At all times, people have tried to capture their attitude to life in different types of art. All life impressions are refracted through the artist's inner world and are addressed to the experience of each viewer, reader, listener.

A miracle of art in catharsis. Catharsis - overcoming the ordinary feeling, enlightenment, purification, elevation of the human soul. "Art encourages to seek and find the main thing, to think, to worry again and again about the fate of the heroes, correlating them with their own lives." psychologist L. Vygotsky

Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love

The soulful face of the Mother of God and the face of the mysteriously smiling Mona Lisa, they are all different, but each of them is a symbol of beauty at all times.

There is no image in world art that is equal in strength to the image of Our Lady of Vladimir Compiled by Yu.S. Koptilkina Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium" Kirishi, 2015

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Cosmetic lesson of art in grade 8 "Beauty in art and in human life"

The lesson gives an idea of ​​how the ideals of beauty have changed in different epochs among different peoples, it is considered what is the measure of beauty. The lesson is accompanied by a multimedia presentation ....

Outline - a synopsis of an art lesson in grade 8 "Beauty in art and life"

In this lesson, we are talking about how the ideals of beauty have changed in different eras, among different peoples ...

  • Author MartynovS. N. teacher of fine arts ns (k) osh No. 75 Tatarstan. Naberezhnye Chelny
What is beauty?
  • It is impossible to give a clear definition of this concept. For every person, beauty lies in different things. For some it is a diamond placer, for others a string is pearls. A sakura branch or a whole plum blossom tree ... Spring sunrise or stellar summer midnight ...
  • Or maybe these are roses, pink or white, tight unopened buds, many buds ... Or the only one, the one whose beautiful life is just beginning ...
  • Rome and Venice, Leonardo and Raphael, Louvre and Hermitage ...
  • ... Or the quiet rustle of waves, a palm tree on pink sand, a moonlit path with the shade of a cypress ... A seagull on a rock or a quiet river framed by lush greenery ... And those eyes that reflect either transparent amber or the sun's rays ... And the face of a loved one. In the morning. Nearby on a pillow, with the first smile of the day ...
  • All this is beauty! She is everywhere! One has only to look around more attentively, leaving behind all the prose of life with its black and white stripes. And then you will surely see everything beautiful, that which will not allow your soul to harden and turn into stone.
  • You just need to notice this and admire everything that surrounds us: streets, trees, drawings of branches against the sky, the beauty of people and crowds.
BEAUTY - everything that is beautiful, beautiful, everything that gives AESTHETIC and MORAL pleasure; full of inner content, highly moral.
  • BEAUTY - everything that is beautiful, beautiful, everything that gives AESTHETIC and MORAL pleasure; full of inner content, highly moral.
  • BEAUTIFUL, pleasing to the eye, pleasant appearance, HARMONY, harmony.
  • Harmony is the proportionality of parts, the fusion of various components of an object into a single ORGANIC whole. In the history of aesthetics, harmony has been seen as an essential characteristic of beauty.
The specific function is aesthetic (art as the formation of a creative spirit and value orientations).
  • 1) Nature itself appears in the eyes of the poet as an aesthetic value, the universe acquires poetry, becomes a theatrical stage, gallery, artistic creation pop finita (unfinished). Art gives people this feeling of the aesthetic significance of the world;
  • 2) value orientation of a person in the world (build a value consciousness, teach to see life through the prism of imagery). Without value orientations, a person is even worse than without sight - he can neither understand how to relate to something, nor determine the priorities of activity, nor build a hierarchy of phenomena in the surrounding world;
  • 3) awaken the creative spirit of the individual, the desire and ability to create according to the laws of beauty. Art awakens the artist in a person. Making even purely utilitarian objects (a table, a chandelier, a car), a person cares about the benefits, and about convenience, and about beauty. Everything that a person produces is created according to the laws of beauty. And he needs a sense of beauty. To awaken in a person an artist who is willing and able to create according to the laws of beauty - this goal of art will grow with the development of society. The aesthetic function of art (the first essential function) ensures the socialization of the individual, forms his creative activity; permeates all other functions of art.
General beauty formula:
  • Beauty is a single HARMONIOUS whole, full of inner content, giving AESTHETIC and MORAL pleasure
  • Since the time of Socrates, beauty has begun to be considered but also as a category of reason, consciousness. For Socrates himself, beauty was one of the most important categories of the universe.
  • Aristotle's concept of beauty as the personification of good, perfection belonged to a purely moral, non-judgmental category.
  • According to Plato, before birth, a person is in the realm of beauty and pure thought. The perception of beauty and goodness (goodness) as the highest idea is the main motive of his philosophical work.
Eros and physical beauty
  • Men and women are beautiful when the opposite sex likes them. Perceiving a woman / man as our possible partner, we are never mistaken about which gender needs what.
Outer beauty
  • it is not only the beauty of the body, but also the beauty of its "packaging" - clothes, make-up, jewelry, which together represent a single and harmonious whole
Spiritual beauty
  • In addition to physical beauty in human culture, the idea of moral, spiritual beauty. This category is applicable to people regardless of their age and gender and determines the attitude towards wisdom, honesty, poise, and decency of a person. For children, adolescents and young people, this concept also includes such characteristics as "innocence", "integrity" and others.
Inner beauty
  • it is, first of all, the beauty (high morality) of the feelings experienced by a person and their harmonious combination (absence of contradictions) with thoughts, words and deeds, since this is precisely what the harmony of the human soul consists in and consistently manifests itself.
Healthy mind
  • it is a harmoniously and multilaterally developed human soul, its multifaceted life program, which is most fully capable of realizing a body donated by GOD to a given person, and not a soul fanatically "off-scale" only on one idea or goal, moreover, going, sometimes, contrary to universal laws (as was the case with the Nazis).
Beauty is also health
  • moreover, the physical and the spiritual, since illness and harmony are not compatible. A healthy body is a harmoniously developed body, and not the hypertrophied development of its individual organs, which we now observe in professional sports and in many of those whose "victories" are entered in the Guinness Book of Records.
What is the basis of a woman's beauty?
  • A woman is honored by God to ensure the harmonious development of a fertilized cell and the trouble-free birth of a healthy child, and then she must ensure good "weather in the house", since it is the woman who is primarily responsible for the moral climate of the family. And this (for today) is still the indisputable reality of our World, which should be laid in the basis of the beauty of a woman ..
Formula for the beauty of a woman's soul
  • true love for everything that exists, wisdom, gentleness and flexibility of character, combined with a strong (unshakable) will to create (creation).
  • It is these WOMEN who are able to "control" their men (and through them the state), or rather, gently, unobtrusively, with love, but with a firm hand, to direct the actions of men towards creation, and not towards destruction.
What is the beauty of a man's soul?
  • A man as a home builder and his defender should be endowed with good logical abilities that allow him to find quick and correct decisions, be a reliable (faithful) protector for his family, and also be able to direct the great physical strength given to him by God not towards aggression and destruction , but for creation and protection. Not abuse of physical strength is possible only if the man is kind and noble. Therefore, the formula for the beauty of a man's soul can be formulated as follows:
  • The formula for the beauty of a man's soul: nobility, good nature, loyalty, the ability to think logically.
  • It is these properties of the soul that will help a real MAN to fulfill his main purpose - to build a warm and bright home "hearth" and provide reliable protection for the family.
What could be beautiful
  • Creation of God
  • Objects (human creativity)
  • Faces of loved ones
  • Relationship
  • good, beautiful relationship
  • for life
  • faces of loved ones
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Expand the meaning of the concept '' beauty '';

To foster the physical and spiritual harmony of the individual;

Develop expressiveness of speech, interest in poetry;

Beauty will save the world

What is real beauty?

As stated in the poem by N.P. Ashurova:

The Lord did not offend with beauty,

Neither sage nor scoundrel

But to see the beauty of the soul

Always harder than faces.

What is beauty?

Neither perfect makeup nor a new hairstyle can change our life, but it can make us happier. Ask any woman what makes her feel beautiful? And in response, you will probably hear a whole story about what makes her happy, calm, and self-confident. And our heroines agree that beauty is not only a flawless appearance.

Beauty is ... harmony

For me, beauty is largely determined by the spiritual qualities of a person. The first impression depends on his facial features, physique, posture or gait, clothes, finally. But I always pay attention to the eyes and the smile. A person with regular facial features, but a cold look or unpleasant facial expressions immediately loses his attractiveness for me. Internal qualities are necessarily manifested in the appearance of a person, and even more so in the expression of his eyes.

White winter

In one night, the tops of the mountains turned white with snow. Red bonfires lit up in the sun among green cedars. This larch was seared with frost.

White winter

Beauty is ... pleasure

I enjoy harmony - in nature, in music, in communicating with people, from contemplating talent, from art. Best of all, I recuperate when I just walk, breathe. I try to focus on what is around, and I feel peace, peace from this. Field, forest, coast, seas can bring harmony to the soul.

My dream is to achieve inner harmony, that state when there is no reason for self-criticism. And, of course, I want to be healthy and beautiful.

Beauty is ... children

Yes, it's important for me to be beautiful. And if my own reflection in the mirror is not happy, then my mood, of course, deteriorates. I must like myself first of all, otherwise I will not be able to please others.

It seems to me that it is children who make a woman beautiful - at any age.

Beauty, true happiness and true heroism do not need loud words.

Wilhelm Raabe

Beauty is not in the face, beauty is light in the heart.

Gibran Khalil

Beauty works even on those who do not notice it.

Jean Cocteau

To create beauty, you yourself must be a pure soul.

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka

Beauty will save the world.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Integrative task

1.The ordinal number of April, multiply by the number of vowels in the word dastarkhan.

2. Multiply the number of letters in Pushkin's full name by the third digit of Abai's date of birth.

3. To the number of letters in the name of the capital of Kazakhstan, add the number that you need to measure so many times before cutting it off.

4. The number of heroes from the famous fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin multiply by the number of the day of the celebration of Nauryz.

5. The number of consonants in the name of the capital of France, multiply by the number of vowels in the name of the capital of Germany.

6. Multiply the number of wonders of the world by the number of exploits of Hercules.

7. The number of cases in Russian, multiply by the number of cases in the Kazakh language.

8. From the number of days in a year, subtract the sum of the numbers of your year of birth.



One word noun

Two word adjectives

Three word verb

My attitude

One word noun

Two word adjectives

Three word verb

My attitude

Vocabulary work

Harmony is consistency in combination of something

Beauty is a set of qualities that delight the sight, hearing, everything is beautiful, beautiful

Contemplation - the initial stage of knowledge

Pacification - complete peace, satisfaction