Achinsk oil refinery of the Eastern Oil Company. JSC "Achinsk Oil Refinery of the Eastern Oil Company". Production figures and statistics

Achinsk Oil Refinery (JSC "Achinsk Oil Refinery"), is part of the oil company "Rosneft". The design full capacity of the plant is 7.5 million tons of oil per year. Location - Achinsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The plant specializes in the production of motor and aviation fuel, as well as various types of petroleum products. These include: gasolines, diesel and marine fuels, fuel oil, nefrases, process fuels, bitumens, etc. In total - about 100 types of oil products. The enterprise processes raw materials from the fields of Western Siberia.

The plant became part of OAO NK Rosneft in May 2007. Prior to that, since 1994, the enterprise (JSC Achinsk Oil Refinery, registered in May 1993) was part of the Eastern Oil Company, created on the basis of Tomskneft. Since 1997, the plant (ANPZ-VNK) has become the property of NK Yukos. With the acquisition of the assets of Yukos, the Achinsk Oil Refinery is part of Rosneft. For 2015, this company owns a full stake in the plant.

The Achinsk Oil Refinery OJSC includes: a primary oil refining unit ELOU-AVT-6, a complex for vacuum distillation of fuel oil and the production of bitumen, a gas fractionation unit, a catalytic reforming unit with preliminary hydrotreatment (L-35/11-1000), a unit for hydrotreating kerosene and diesel fuel (S-300/1, 2), isomerization complex, granulated sulfur production unit, etc.

History of creation and development

In December 1982, the start of the work of the plant.

In 1984, the launch of a combined bitumen plant.

In 1990, the production of high-octane gasolines began.

In 1993 corporatization of the enterprise and its large-scale reconstruction.

In 1997, the production of high-quality polyethylene film began.

In 2005, the launch of an oil sludge processing unit.

In 2007, commissioning of a light gasoline fraction isomerization unit.

In 2008, the beginning of a complete reconstruction and the launch of a plant for the utilization of hydrogen sulfide and the production of granulated sulfur. Entry into the production of Euro-3 gasolines.

In 2011, the commissioning of a gasoline mixing station.

In 2012, the production of low-viscosity marine fuel was launched. Entry into the production of Euro-4 gasolines.

In 2013, the start of production of Euro-5 class fuel.

Main current activities and strategic objectives

With the entry into Rosneft, the Achinsk Oil Refinery was the first of the enterprises of this company to start producing high-quality fuel of modern environmental standards that meets the requirements of the Technical Regulations.

Since 2008, after the approval of a comprehensive project for the development of the Achinsk refinery, work began on its modernization. The project provides that the volume of oil refining will be increased to 8 million tons. The processing depth will be 96%. At the Achinsk Oil Refinery, it is planned to build reforming units, a hydrocracking and hydrotreatment complex (the plans are to complete it by 2017). The second stage of the isomerization unit will be put into operation. Commissioning of the combined delayed coking unit is scheduled for 2016.

The production of high-octane gasolines and diesel fuel meeting the Euro-5 environmental standard at the refinery began in November 2013. Since January 2015, the production of Euro-3 standard fuel has been discontinued. From January 2016, it is planned to stop producing fuel according to the Euro-4 standard. Access to premium brands that meet international requirements is carried out ahead of schedule. At the same time, products are sold not only in the domestic market (Krasnoyarsk Territory and neighboring regions), but also exported abroad. According to Atyrau refinery reports, oil products released from the refinery are shipped to 10 countries.

The plant has unique technological positions. These include, in particular, the scheme of water supply and sanitation. For repeated technical needs, not only treated wastewater is used, but also storm and melt water from industrial sites. In August 2012, water intake facilities from underground sources were put into operation at the Atyrau Refinery, which allow the refinery to receive its own water for household needs and at the same time reduce its own operating costs.

In 2011 and 2012, the products of the Achinsk Oil Refinery were among the winners of the all-Russian competition "100 Best Goods of Russia" in the nomination "Industrial and technical products". Petroleum products of the Atyrau Refinery (diesel fuel "Euro" according to GOST R 52368-2005, grade C, type II and unleaded gasoline "Premium Euro-95" type II) are winners of the All-Russian competition "100 Best Goods of Russia".

In 2011 and 2012, the plant became the winner of the prestigious All-Russian Ecoleader competition.

Production figures and statistics

In 2014, the enterprise processed 5.12 million tons (a smaller volume of output was due to the shutdown of the plant, as a result of the accident on 06/15/2014), the processing depth reached 64.4%. The yield of light oil products was 55.8%. In 2013, the plant processed 7.4 million tons of raw materials, the processing depth was 61.3%, and the yield of light products was 55.5%.

Compared to these years, 4.97 million tons were produced in tons against 7.16 million tons. The main oil products were produced: gasoline - 1.03 million tons, diesel fuel - 1.35 million tons, fuel oil - 1 .73 million tons, aviation kerosene - 0.18, marine fuel - 0.26 million tons. In 2013, the same products were produced: 1.53; 2.04; 2.74; 0.19; 0.33 million tons, respectively.

High-octane gasoline produced: in 2014 - 0.66 million tons, in 2013 - 1.23 million tons.

The Achinsk Oil Refinery of the Eastern Oil Company (AO ANPZ VNK) is the only large oil refinery in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The plant's capacities allow processing about 7.5 million tons of crude oil annually. In 2013, 2.83 million tons of fuel oil, 2.1 million tons of diesel fuel, 1.22 million tons of gasoline and other products were produced.


Initially, the Achinsk Oil Refinery of the Eastern Oil Company was to be built in Krasnoyarsk. Considering that it was planned to produce mainly products for the Achinsk Alumina Refinery, the USSR Council of Ministers decided to reconsider the construction site, choosing a site near Achinsk.

The first oil refiners came to work at the Achinsk refinery from different parts of the country: Angarsk, Omsk, Pavlodar, Yaroslavl. At the time when the Atyrau Refinery was launched, Achinsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory were not preparing "oil" specialists.

On December 12, 1982, the plant received the first straight-run gasoline, and on December 31, 1982, the first 15 commercial fuel oil for the Achinsk Alumina Refinery was shipped at a temporary loading rack. On December 12, 1984, a combined bitumen plant was put into operation. The first tar, vacuum gas oil and bitumen were obtained.


For a long time, the Achinsk Oil Refinery produced standard products:

  • low octane gasoline;
  • fuel oil;
  • gas oil;
  • bitumen;
  • tar.

The production of high-octane gasoline at the Achinsk Oil Refinery began in 1990 due to the expansion of the region's vehicle fleet. Until that time, the plant produced A-80 gasoline.

In 2008, the Atyrau Refinery was the first of the Rosneft enterprises to start producing Euro-products: it received commercial batches of Regular and Premium motor gasoline that meet Euro-3 MST standards.

In 2012, Rosneft at the Achinsk Refinery organized the production of a new type of fuel - marine low-viscosity type 1. And on December 6, 2012, Achinsk oil refiners received the first industrial batch (more than 4,000 tons) of Regular-92 gasoline, corresponding to Euro-4. Since the beginning of 2013, the plant has been producing Regular-92 (Euro-5) gasoline and Premium-95 (Euro-4) gasoline.


At the very beginning of the construction of the Atyrau Refinery (July 1971), when funding had not yet begun, the directorate of the future enterprise had already begun to function. At first, six people worked in it, but they didn’t even transfer money for the salaries of the first managers. Then the deputy director V. A. Burtsev sold his motorcycle. With these funds, the young team lasted from July until the end of 1971. Today, the backbone of the administrative staff is made up of experienced managers. The General Director of the Atyrau Refinery is Demakhin Alexey Alexandrovich. The company is managed by a board of directors.

By the way, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu worked at the Achinsk Oil Refinery in 1991-1992. During these years, he was the chief engineer of the SU-82 trust "Achinskalyuminstroy". This department built facilities for factory treatment facilities.


The Achinsk Refinery was transferred to Rosneft in 2007, since then the range of products has been steadily expanding, process equipment has been modernized. For example, in June 2007, a centralized operator room No. 1 was put into operation, from where technological processes are controlled. This is a bunker-type building, the thickness of its walls reaches one meter. At the same time, the operating room is very comfortable inside. The construction of such a building is dictated by modern requirements for the safety of personnel in fire and explosion hazardous production. In November 2012, the second control room was put into operation on the territory of the Atyrau Refinery - it housed the personnel of the units under construction.

Safety and ecology

Since the oil refining industry is explosive and fire hazardous, groups of specially trained people function in the workshops of the Achinsk Oil Refinery VNK, who, in the event of an emergency, will be able to cope with fire. For the first time such formations were created in 1996. Every year, at the factory training ground, emergency rescue teams hone their skills in emergency response.

To disinfect water, which is repeatedly used at the enterprise for technological needs, the method of ultraviolet purification is used instead of chlorination. It provides a water treatment technology that is harmless to humans and the environment, destroys the DNA and RNA of bacteria, viruses and fungi. By the way, the Achinsk Oil Refinery annually allocates hundreds of millions of rubles for environmental protection measures. In 2011 and 2012, the plant became the winner of the prestigious All-Russian Ecoleader competition.


The ANPZ scheme is unique in its kind. Not only the treated wastewater of the plant, but also storm and melt water from the industrial site and undeveloped territory are reused for technological needs. The maximum water circulation and minimum water intake from allow to ensure the absence of discharges into the river for 10 months a year.

Since 2011, large-scale construction has been underway at the plant. Two large production facilities are expected to appear: a petroleum coke production complex and a hydrocracking unit. They will create 860 additional jobs at the enterprise.

A gasoline blending station was put into operation - the first at the refineries of Rosneft Oil Company. With the help of automated technology, Achinsk oil refiners now mix gasoline components with “pharmacy” precision.

In August 2012, the Atyrau Refinery put into operation from underground sources, which will allow the plant to receive its own water for household and drinking needs and reduce operating costs. Soon, almost as many builders will work at the site of the Achinsk Oil Refinery as oil refiners themselves. Today, almost 800 people work at the construction sites of the hydrocracking complex and the petroleum coke production complex, and at the peak of construction work it is planned to increase their number to 1,500 specialists.


The Achinsk bypass road appeared in the city also thanks to the oil refinery. The construction of the route in the eastern mouth of the overpass made it possible to bring heavy vehicles out of the city, as well as to use the road for the passage of transit vehicles through Achinsk along the Moskovsky Trakt.

Construction has been going on for 5 years, which today connects the city with the road to the Achinsk Oil Refinery (we presented a photo of some of its facilities in the review). The pace of work was slowed down by the constant movement of trains. For the builders, "windows" were allocated, during which traffic along the highway was stopped. As a rule, they lasted no more than two hours. Also, three bridges were built at the expense of the Achinsk Oil Refinery: two railway and one automobile.

Major social projects

In September 1986, a polyclinic was built in the Privokzalny district of Achinsk at the expense of the Atyrau Refinery, designed to receive 600 visitors a day. In 1989, a hospital was put into operation. The builders said that at the very height of the construction of the medical unit of the refinery, there was sometimes a shortage of bricks at the construction site - due to the fact that the Achinsk brick factory could not cope with the production of the required amount of building materials. And because of this, the brigades had to stand idle.

The reconstruction of the football field at the Olymp stadium was also carried out at the expense of the Atyrau Refinery. In 2011, Rosneft allocated 60 million rubles for these purposes.


The training of personnel for the oil industry in Achinsk began in 1987. This year, at the initiative of the Achinsk Oil Refinery, vocational school No. 96 was opened (now - the technical school of oil and gas). In November 2013, ATNiG celebrated its 25th anniversary. Every year, 50 young specialists are hired by the plant. University graduates have this status during the first three years after graduation.

Schools No. 18 and 1 (now Lyceum No. 1) and three kindergartens of the Privokzalny district were built by the ANPZ according to new projects, specially adapted to the conditions of Siberia.

Achievements of our days

The Achinsk enterprise can be proud not only of the Soviet past. Achievements of recent years are no less significant:

  • In 2009, the annual volume of oil refining at the Atyrau Refinery exceeded 7.5 million tons for the first time. Initially, the capacity of the primary oil refining unit was 6 million tons of oil.
  • According to the results of social activities in 2010, Achinsk Oil Refinery VNK OJSC was the first in the region to receive a certificate of trust in the employer.
  • In 2011-2012, the products of the Atyrau Refinery were among the winners of the all-Russian competition "100 Best Goods of Russia" in the nomination "Industrial and technical products".
  • On the eve of its 30th anniversary, November 19, 2012, the refinery has processed the 180 millionth ton of oil since the plant was launched.

Achinsk Oil Refinery: contacts

OJSC ANPZ VNK is located at the address: Krasnoyarsk Territory (RF), Bolsheuluysky District, industrial zone of the refinery.

Contacts: telephone (391-59)533-10, fax (391-59)537-10.


A major man-made accident in 2014 knocked the enterprise out of its usual work cycle for a long time. The explosion of oil products occurred at 23:37 on June 15, 2014, people died. The special commission calls the cause of the tragedy the corrosion of the pipeline in the area where oil is processed. The Achinsk Oil Refinery became an anti-record holder: insurers had to pay out the largest insurance in 2014 - $800 million. By November 20, the enterprise was restored.

The head of Rosneft, I. Sechin, informed that the contractor's mistakes were the cause of the accident. During the repair of the system, technological standards were not observed, in particular, the tightness of the joints was violated during installation. During start-up work, gas leaks led to an explosion and a large-scale fire.


Even today, the Achinsk Oil Refinery is one of the best oil refineries of Rosneft. Taking into account the growth of investments in the countries, the large-scale modernization program being implemented at the plant, as well as its favorable geographical position, the Atyrau Refinery has all the prerequisites for leadership in the industry. At least - in the Siberian region.

After a recent man-made disaster, the refineries are using the latest safety monitoring tools and implementing environmental projects. The patronage assistance to the region does not decrease. The plans include a gradual increase in the range of innovative products, expansion of capacities, improvement of quality, cost reduction, increase in the depth of hydrocarbon processing. Company leaders look to the future with confidence!

In May 2007, the plant was acquired by NK Rosneft. Now it is medium in capacity and one of the youngest enterprises in the domestic oil refining industry - the first producer of petroleum products in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The enterprise is distinguished by a favorable geographical position - in the center of the developed industrial zone of the region, in close proximity to the Trans-Siberian Railway. Therefore, a significant amount of oil products produced by the plant is supplied to the domestic market. Among the traditional consumers of ANPZ products are the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khakassia, Tomsk and Kemerovo Regions, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories.

Currently, the Achinsk Oil Refinery specializes in the production of motor and aviation fuel and is capable of producing about 100 types of competitive commercial products. The capacity is 7 million tons (51.2 million barrels) of oil per year. The refinery processes West Siberian oil supplied through the Transneft pipeline system. Since the beginning of 2013, the Achinsk Refinery has started producing motor gasolines corresponding to class 4 and 5 (Euro-4 and Euro-5).

In 2005, the plant received two international certificates. They testify that the company's quality management system and occupational health and safety management system comply with international standards (AS 9100 and OH SAS 18001-99).

In 2006, as a result of the development and implementation of the environmental management system, it is planned to obtain the third international certificate (for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001 version 2004).

Among the largest implemented investment projects of the plant in recent years is the development of the production of aviation fuel of the JET A-1 brand, which meets the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Association (IATA). It was carried out taking into account plans to create an aviation hub in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Apart from the Atyrau Refinery, today there are no enterprises beyond the Urals that produce jet fuel for international flights. Refueling imported aircraft with certified fuel will significantly extend the service life of aircraft engines, as well as develop transit transportation (including cross-polar) from Europe and North America through the Russian territory to the countries of East and Southeast Asia.

As part of a large-scale investment program to modernize production at the Achinsk Oil Refinery, four reactors for a hydrocracking unit will be built. The first reactor arrived at the construction site on October 28, 2013. Its length is 48.5 m, diameter 4.4 m, weight with fasteners - 1306 tons. The cargo was delivered from the Italian port of Mantovo by two barges along the Northern Sea Route to the port of Dudinka, and further - down the Yenisei to a specially created temporary berth in the village of Kubekovo. From there, the equipment was transported along the roads of the Krasnoyarsk Territory using a 36-meter transport module. The path of the super-heavy equipment crossed 16 rivers and streams, bridge crossings, as well as the Trans-Siberian Railway. The editor-in-chief of the Russian Book of Records set a record for the heaviest cargo transportation by road - 1306 tons - over the farthest distance - 203 km. In terms of the dimensions and weight of the cargo, as well as taking into account the range of movement and the complexity of the route, the operation is unprecedented not only for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but also for Russia as a whole. At the end of 2013, all planned cargo was delivered to the Achinsk refinery.

Achinsk Oil Refinery of the Eastern Oil Company, JSC ANPZ VNK

The logo of the Achinsk Oil Refinery strikes with imagination...


Address: 662110, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Bolsheuluysky District, industrial area of ​​the Achinsk Oil Refinery
Telephone (391-59) 5-33-10
Fax (391-59) 5-37-10
Email: [email protected]

OFFICIAL SITE Achinsk Refinery

Demakhin A. A.

History of the Achinsk Oil Refinery

The refinery produced its first products on December 12, 1982.
From January 1983 to December 2014, 193.5 million tons of oil were processed.
The refinery's current refining capacity is 7.5 million tons of oil per year.

Achinsk Oil Refinery takes care of the environment…

The main fuel sales regions of the Achinsk Oil Refinery: Krasnoyarsk, Altai, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Irkutsk Regions, the Republics of Khakassia and Tyva. A significant part of the fuel is exported. After the start of the production of EURO fuel, sales are carried out to the western regions of Russia.

Since May 2007 JSC ANPZ VNK has been part of the Rosneft group

In 2014, the refinery processed 5.1 million tons of oil and produced 4.9 million tons of products. Depth of processing - 64.4%. Also, since 2014, the Achinsk Oil Refinery has been producing Euro-5 motor gasoline.

Achinsk Refinery performance indicators





Refining volume, mmt
Depth of processing, %
Output of petroleum products, mmt
— gasoline (including straight-run)
- diesel fuel
— fuel oil

MAIN PRODUCTS of the Achinsk Refinery

  • fuels for various purposes:
    • motor gasolines, gasolines for petrochemicals,
    • jet fuel,
    • NGL (broad fraction of light hydrocarbons),
    • diesel fuels,
    • road grade bitumen,
    • fuel oil,
    • sulfur technical granulated.

Joint Stock Company "Achinsk Oil Refinery" is one of the largest companies in its industry. The only company for the extraction and processing of black gold in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which provides for many regions of Russia and is responsible for the full functioning of their infrastructure.

The first products were released at the end of 1982. It was from this date that the history of the company began. In 1993, they launched the reconstruction of the plant, which significantly increased its capacity. The event allowed to expand the range of products and its quality. The plant began to proudly be called a joint-stock company. Since the spring of 2007, it has been part of the Rosneft Oil Company. This company owns a full stake.

The company refines oil from fields in Western Siberia. Processing facilities include various hydrocracking, isomerization, hydrotreating, delayed coking and other units. In 2015, the refinery switched to the production of Euro-5 quality fuel.

Every year the plant stops for preventive maintenance. Within a month, diagnostics and equipment replacement are carried out to minimize the occurrence of emergencies. Also, a management system for environmental and industrial safety was developed and successfully implemented in accordance with international standards.


Achinsk oil refinery of the Eastern Oil Company:

  • Address: 662110, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Bolsheuluysky District, Oil Refinery Industrial Area
  • Phone: (391-59) 5-33-10
  • Fax: (391-59) 5-37-10
  • Email: [email protected]

Official site

The official website of the Achinsk Oil Refinery is


Vacancies of JSC ANPZ VNK are posted on the website (PJSC NK Rosneft) in the Career section and on the website (HeadHunter).

Email to send resume: [email protected] .

Products and their implementation

The plant's products are varied. There are more than 100 types of oil products in the nomenclature, including fuel oil, technical sulfur in the form of granules, road bitumen, etc. The main focus is on the production of motor and aviation fuel. Sales are carried out mainly on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and neighboring regions, and are also exported. Fuel is rarely supplied to remote regions due to the inexpediency and activities of other branches.

Production capacities allow supplying thousands of retail outlets and enterprises with fuel. During the year, the company processes more than 7 million tons of oil.

History - bright events of recent years

The history of the refinery is full of events: both positive and negative. In 2013, the company, together with Spetstyazhavtotrans, became the leader in the transportation of the heaviest cargo by car. The huge rector covered 203 kilometers.

On June 15, 2014, closer to midnight, the distillation column exploded. A large fire broke out, as a result of which 8 people died and more than 20 were injured. This tragedy became the most expensive insured event of 2014 not only in Russia, but throughout the world. According to rough estimates, the loss from plant downtime and destruction amounted to about $ 800 million. Primary oil refining processes have been launched since September. Russian President Vladimir Putin posthumously awarded firefighters and employees of the Achinsk enterprise who died from the explosion. All victims were provided with material support.

The refinery is an important unit of the trade and energy complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Inclusion of the refinery into Rosneft has had a positive impact on the activities and modernization of equipment, as well as the provision of high quality services.