How to send a document by registered mail. Track the letter. Small package in rectangular packaging

For a valuable letter, the sender indicates a "declared value", which is fully or partially reimbursed if the letter is lost or damaged.

Like a registered letter, a valuable letter is a registered item, its delivery and delivery can be tracked using a tracking number. On the territory of the Russian Federation, a valuable letter is handed over personally to the addressee against signature or to a representative of the addressee by power of attorney.

To calculate the delivery time and cost, use a postage calculator or check the rates for delivery of letters in Russia and abroad.


the size

the size

Maximum weight

229 x 324 mm (C4 format)

In the Russian Federation - 100 g

Abroad - 2 kg

Minimum size

110 x 220 mm (Euro envelope) or 114 x 162 mm (C6 format)

Maximum size

229 x 324 mm (C4 format)

Maximum weight

In the Russian Federation - 100 g

Abroad - 2 kg

How to send

  1. Buy any envelope of a suitable size, enclose the letter and write the address. The envelope can be bought at the post office.
  2. Give the envelope with the letter to the post office employee and tell the amount of the declared value in rubles that you want to receive as compensation in case of loss or damage to the letter.
  3. If you need a receipt notice, take a notice form on the desk at the post office (for shipments within Russia - form f. 119, for shipments abroad - form CN 07), fill it out and hand it along with the letter to the Post employee.
  4. If you need an inventory of the attachment, fill in 2 copies of the inventory form (f. 107) and give it along with the letter to the operator. Or fill out the forms on the website.
    ATTENTION! A letter with a list of attachments is handed over to the department employee in an open form for verification.
  5. If you need a cash on delivery service, inform the operator of the amount of cash on delivery in rubles.
  6. If you need an SMS notification, fill out the SMS notification form and give it to the operator.

Additional services

  • Delivery notice... You will receive a return receipt signed by the addressee.
  • Attachment Inventory... You will receive a certified confirmation by the postal worker of the contents of the letter and the date it was sent.
  • C.O.D... To receive the letter, the addressee will have to pay the amount you specified.
  • SMS notification on the arrival of the shipment at the department and delivery to the addressee. The service is available only for shipping within Russia.
  • Air forwarding- it is delivered faster by air.

Please note that the services Inventory of attachments, Cash on delivery and SMS notification are available only for sending items within Russia.

Date of publication: 09.02.2018

A registered letter delivery notification is a special document that informs the sender that his postal item has been delivered and received by the final addressee. The return receipt is a special mailing form of form 119 (f 119). This form is filled in by the sender of the registered letter and sent with him.

In addition to a registered letter with notification f 119, you can also send: a valuable letter, including a valuable and registered letter of the 1st class, a registered and valuable parcel post, as well as parcels. In each case, the form must be sent with the mail to the place of delivery.

A registered letter, like any other type of mailing with a receipt acknowledgment, is handed over to the addressee (recipient) in person against signature. At the time of delivery by the employee of the mail, the reverse side of the form is filled in, which indicates when and by whom this postal item was received. In the line "Received", the recipient puts his signature. Further, the notification form is sent back to the sender of the letter.

Both the addressee himself and his legal representative on the basis of a power of attorney can receive a letter, a parcel post or a parcel sent with form f 119. Both the first and the second must present a passport upon receipt. A legal representative, in addition to an identity document, will also have to show a power of attorney. If another person receives the letter by proxy, then this moment is also indicated in the notification form.

The return receipt can be simple or customized. In this case, a simple notification is the same as a simple one - that is, the postman will simply drop it into the sender's mailbox; ordered - will be delivered personally.

The acknowledgment of delivery of a certified letter is additional service Russian Post, which is paid by the sender. From January 1, 2020 rate next:

  • the cost of a simple notification is 28.50 rubles;
  • the cost of a custom notification is 72 rubles.

Compared to the previous year, the price increased by 1-4 rubles, according to the type of notification. It is not possible to pay for the delivery notice with stamps from 2019. Therefore, you will not be able to save 20% on VAT.

Terms for delivery of notification the sender is exactly the same as for a plain or custom postcard.

Attention: today, in addition to the "delivery notification" service, Russian Post offers the service SMS notifications on the arrival of the shipment at the department and delivery to the addressee. Cost: 10 rubles for each message.

How to correctly fill out the form of notification of delivery of a registered letter f 119

Form f 119 is issued free of charge at post offices. Those who have an agreement with the Russian Post are allowed to independently produce and print forms in compliance with all standards. True, such "homemade" forms are very often accepted from ordinary citizens. You can fill out the online receipt notification form and later print it using various services that can be found on the Internet.

Below is a sample of filling out the form of notification of receipt of a certified letter:

You need to fill out the form on both sides. On the front, the sender must indicate the following:

  • type of notification (simple or customized);
  • type of postal item (letter, parcel post, etc.);
  • your address, zip code and full name.

The reverse side indicates:

  • type of postal item;
  • recipient's address and zip code (at the end, you should also write your full name).

Attention: on the front side, it is the sender of the mail item that indicates the data. That is, if you send a certified letter with a receipt confirmation, then indicate your data, since it will be you who will be the recipient of this document.

On the reverse side, the data to whom the shipment is intended is indicated. In this case, the reverse side of the form, as already mentioned above, will be supplemented by the postal employee at the time of delivery of the letter and signed by the recipient.

You can download a blank form f 119, which can be printed and filled out, at the link:

Often, people do not have the opportunity to personally submit documents to the court. Barriers are the lack of money for travel, the remoteness of the court from the citizen's place of residence, illness and many other circumstances. To overcome this, you can and should use the postal service. How to do it? Not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

When sending a standard letter in an ordinary envelope (dropping it into a blue mailbox familiar to everyone), you should remember that in case of loss of the letter, no one is responsible for this. For guaranteed delivery of correspondence, there are registered items: registered and valuable letters. Forms, documents, receipts, reports requiring guaranteed delivery are sent by registered mail. The registered written correspondence is accepted from the sender with the issuance of a receipt to him and handed over to the addressee with a receipt.
A registered letter will surely reach the addressee, since he is assigned a unique an identification number, with the help of which it will be possible to track his movement throughout the country - this number will be marked at each post office through which the letter passes. Also, before sending a letter, an inventory of its contents is made, after which a coupon is issued to the sender (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2005 No. 221 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of postal services").

The secrecy of postal messages included in the sphere of activity of postal operators is guaranteed by the state. Inspection and opening of postal items, inspection of their attachments, as well as other restrictions on the secrecy of communication are allowed only on the basis of a court decision. Consequently, the question of disclosing the circumstances of the appeal to the court cannot take place.

The requirements are the same

You need to know about the basic requirements for a registered letter:
- delivery of registered letters is carried out in sealed and correctly filled envelopes;
- limit dimensions - from 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm (euro), up to 229 x 324 mm (large, A4 format);
- maximum weight - no more than 100 grams.
- when registering a registered letter with a simple notification, the completed card - notification of delivery - is attached ("pointwise", with glue) on the back of the envelope;
- letters that do not correspond to the specified dimensions and weight of the shipment cannot be sent by mail and are returned to the senders.

A special case

Make sure you have collected all of the items before shipping. Required documents, and also check the correctness of their compilation and filling.
According to the existing rules, a registered letter cannot be sent with a list of attachments - only a valuable letter. In some cases, the procedural legislation of Russia specifically indicates that documents must be sent without fail by registered mail with return receipt. If you have such a case, then the list of documents to be sent should be drawn up not on the postal form, but in the form of a cover letter.
Collect all documents that you intend to send by certified mail. On a separate sheet of paper, compose transmittal letter... In the upper right corner, indicate the recipient of the letter. For the title, write: "On the direction of documents." In the body of the letter, briefly explain the purpose for which you are sending them. Below, as attachments, list the names of all documents you send. Include the date, your signature with a transcript, and contact details.
Seal your cover letter with all attachments in an envelope. Write the detailed address of the recipient and go to the post office - send all this by certified mail with a receipt confirmation (if notification is necessary).

Since September 1 of last year, a new state sign of postage has been put into circulation - "Letter D". Thanks to this innovation, it will become easier and more convenient to pay for the mailing of registered letters weighing up to 20 grams. In the past, senders had to put stamps on envelopes with "Letter A" intended for sending simple letters. Now they will be able to send registered mail in new envelopes with "Letter D", thus saving time.

Value - at your discretion

If you nevertheless decide to send the documents by letter with a declared value, fill out the form 107 Attachments Inventory. Fill out two standard forms according to the sample, as one copy will remain with you, and the second will be sent to the recipient. If necessary, you can also issue a return receipt form.
Assign the value of documents as desired. The higher the value, the more compensation you will receive in case of loss of the letter, however, the more you will pay for sending it. Usually such letters are estimated at 10 rubles. Individual attachments can be left without evaluation, in this case a dash is put in the corresponding column of the inventory.
When writing an envelope, besides the addresses of the sender and the recipient, also indicate the total value of the investments. Usually it is written in the free space of the envelope on top. The amount of rubles is indicated in words, kopecks - in numbers. Do not seal the envelope with documents until the postman checks the attachments and certifies the inventory with his signature and seal of the department. Get your copy of the inventory and payment receipt from the postal worker.

Often we are faced with the need to notify someone: the employer - about dismissal, the seller - about the claim to the quality of the goods, neighbors - about the sale of a room and in many other situations. When it comes to the need to "notify in writing", you should know that this is a legally significant action with corresponding consequences.

Many civil lawsuits can only be initiated after going through an out-of-court settlement. That is, it is necessary to prove that attempts were made to reach an agreement before going to court. What if the other party refuses to compromise or ignores appeals altogether? And in such cases, the law allows you to go to court. But a prerequisite acceptance of the claim for consideration is confirmation that the plaintiff has duly notified the defendant.

A way to avoid court

Is the correct written notice important only to the court? Not at all! You don't want to sue, do you? Rest assured that the person you need to notify is also. Upon receiving written notice from you, for example, sent by a notary (more on this below), he will understand that you:

  • ready to bring the case to court;
  • are legally competent enough to defend their interests in court.

And this is a direct way to pre-trial settlement of the situation.

Notification form

All notifications that citizens have to deal with can be roughly divided into:

  • notification of various state and municipal authorities;
  • legally significant messages in civil law relations.

When notifying the state. authorities most often use forms approved by various subordinate regulations (administrative regulations, instructions, orders, letters from various ministries and departments).

In civil law relations, notifications are made, as a rule, in free form.

Sometimes the parties to the contract, in order to make their life easier, make the forms of the most important notifications and notifications annexes to the concluded contract.

Notification methods

Since September 1, 2013, the procedure for transferring legally significant documents is governed by Article 165.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A “legally significant” document can be called in different ways: a claim, a demand, a notification, a statement. The rule of bringing them to the addressee, approved in the law, is rather flexible, it does NOT indicate:

  • obligatory delivery methods,
  • the form in which the relevant document should be sent.

But at the same time, the law states that legal consequences occur from the moment it is delivered. Accordingly, in the interests of the sender of the notification hand it over so that you have proof of delivery to the addressee... Moreover, in the event of a legal dispute, it will be he who will have to prove the fact of notification. Therefore, if you do not want to prove in court with the help of the testimony of witnesses that - notify in writing!

The best options for written notice are those that allow you to prove the fact of receipt of this document by documentary:

  • by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt;
  • a valuable letter with an inventory and return receipt.
  • courier service;
  • handing over to the addressee in person.

When sending a regular parcel in a standard type of mail package, do not forget that if a message is lost, the mail will not be responsible for them. It should also be noted that the risk that when sorting letters at post offices, the parcel will be lost, is almost reduced to zero. But if the index or the recipient's location is filled incorrectly, this risk increases significantly.

Many people are interested in the question of how to send a registered letter by Russian Post. Due to the fact that letters usually go missing outside post offices, companies do not accept complaints.

In order for the delivery of letters to be guaranteed, it is advisable to use registered shipments: expensive and registered messages. If we talk about how much it costs to send a certified letter by mail, then these types of shipments have a higher cost, however, each parcel is supplied with its own unique code indicated in the receipt. The latter is transmitted to the addressee. If you are interested in how to track a registered letter sent by Russian post, then thanks to this code, you can easily perform this operation along the entire delivery route.

When choosing the type of shipment, you should carefully analyze possible options.

Postal items are simple letters that are accepted without issuing checks to the addressees, and are delivered without an additional receipt. Such dispatches include private correspondence, miscellaneous notices, greeting cards, etc. Ordinary notes should have a maximum weight limit of no more than 20 grams (for example, 6 photographs of 10x15 size). If the notification turns out to be more difficult, it is returned to the addressee. At the same time, he must pay for every 20 grams of excess weight.

If there is no reverse location, then the parcel is still sent to the recipient, provided that the latter pays for the extra grams. Plain mailings include regular types of 114 x 162 mm postage packages. The thickness of postal bags should be no more than 5 mm. According to all established norms, the receipt should not contain any plastic cards, or money, or any expensive documentation. In this case, the sending of photographs is allowed.

Registered parcels (with a pre-declared value or registered ones) are sent in receipts. The maximum norms of the latter should be 110 x 220 mm. The limiting rate should not be more than 100 grams. If the weight is exceeded, then sending through the mail will refer to parcels (with a declared value or registered). Registered parcels can be sent via mail with a list of contents or with notification of the fact of shipment (registered or standard).

In order to send a registered letter to Nova Poshta, you must always mark the index of the recipient's post office. Letters will be sorted automatically using automatic machines that read the index. If there is no index, then the transfer is postponed and sorted by post office employees manually.