Financial literacy in school. Project "Model for creating a school of financial literacy" Mopeu & Ya Social project financial literacy

The activities of the project are aimed at forming in preschoolers the necessary ideas about the financial component of the modern family, the organization of the material side of the surrounding space. The project provides for close contact between children, educators and parents, which facilitates the perception of new material by children.




Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

Relevance of the project …………………………………………………………….p. 3

Purpose, objectives of the project………………………………………………………………p. four

Project participants ………………………………………………………………..p. four

Stages of the project……………………………………………………………………..p. 5

Expected Results………………………………………………………………...p. 5

Thematic plan of work with children…………………………………………..p. 6-7

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………..p. eight

References………………………………………………………………..p. 9

Appendix……………………………………………………………………...p. 10-20


The project on the formation of financial literacy "Young financier" includes the following information:

  • the relevance of economic education at the present stage and social significance;
  • principles of project implementation;
  • goals and objectives of educational activities with children within the framework of the proposed project;
  • terms and stages of project implementation;
  • project management and support;
  • expected results after the implementation of project activities and project performance indicators;
  • planned activities within the framework of the project;
  • final provisions, prospects for further development of the project.

The project was drawn up in accordance with the principles defined by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (hereinafter GEF DO).

The project on the formation of financial literacy "Little Financier" was developed for the purpose of financial education of children of senior preschool age as part of a comprehensive thematic planning of educational activities.

The activities of the project are aimed at forming in preschoolers the necessary ideas about the financial component of the modern family, the organization of the material side of the surrounding space.

The project provides for close contact between children, educators and parents, which facilitates the perception of new material by children.

This project will be implemented with the pupils of the Moscow Autonomous Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5 named after. K.N. Chubarova, Svobodny (preschool education)


A low level of financial literacy negatively affects the personal well-being and financial potential of households, impedes the development of the financial market, slows down investment processes in the economy and leads to a deterioration in the socio-economic situation of the country. The problem is related to the fragmented nature of teaching the basics of financial literacy in educational institutions, the lack of understandable and accessible curricula and educational materials for all segments of the population, the lack of qualified teachers of the basics of financial literacy. This entails a lack or lack of skills and competencies necessary for the effective management of personal finances, making an informed choice of financial services, interacting with financial institutions, bodies and organizations that protect the rights of consumers of financial services.

Financial education and economic education is a relatively new direction in preschool pedagogy. Numerous studies of recent years indicate the need to introduce economic education from preschool age, when children receive the primary experience of participating in elementary economic relations, they are introduced to the world of economic reality.

The content of the project, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, ensures the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types of activities and covers the following structural units, representing certain areas of development and education of children: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development.

Formulation of the problem

To help preschool children form ideas about economic concepts: the economy, needs, living standards, money, goods, price in accordance with their age characteristics.

Objective of the project: promoting financial education and upbringing of preschool children, creating the necessary motivation to improve their financial literacy.


  • To form the basics of financial literacy among preschoolers;
  • To develop the basics of financial literacy of preschoolers through a variety of children's activities;
  • Improve the communication skills of children;
  • Promote children's interest in the professional activities of adults.
  • To develop the ability to creatively approach solving situations of financial relations through game actions.

Project participants:

  • children of senior preschool age (5-7 years);
  • group educators;
  • parents.

Project implementation timeline:short term (within one week)

Project type: information-practice-oriented

Project stages:

Stage 1 - Organizational:

  • study of reference, methodological, encyclopedic literature, collection of material necessary for the implementation of the project goal.
  • informing parents about planning work with children under the Little Financier project.
  • selection of fiction for children on the chosen subject.
  • selection of the necessary equipment and manuals for the practical enrichment of the project.
  • Creation of a developing environment on the topic.

Stage 2 - Practical:implementation of project activities in the form of joint activities of the educator with the children. This is the use of handouts in accordance with the theme of the project, the production of manuals for classes and attributes for games; reading fiction, watching cartoons (Lessons of Aunt Owl), presentations, conversations, excursions, didactic games, artistic creativity, solving problem situations, role-playing games, game situations, productive activities.

Stage 3 - Final:Summing up the results of the project implementation in the form of an intellectual and educational game "Journey through the country Economy"

Expected Results

  • Children acquire primary financial experience, learn to establish reasonable financial relationships in various areas of life.
  • Parents receive additional knowledge on raising children's financial literacy.
  • Teachers will receive a system of work on the formation of the financial experience of children.

Action plan for financial literacy of children


The teacher's story about money, about the price of goods

Demonstration of the presentation "History of money"

Watching the cartoon "How the old man sold the cow"

NOD "The house in which money" lives "

Tasks: give initial knowledge about the bank (the bank accepts money for safekeeping, lends money to depositors, lends money).

Material: comic book "Once upon a time there was money", pictures depicting heroes.

The game "Buy a friend a gift" [see. appendix no. 2]

Target : to teach how to pick up coins of different denominations, in the amount that make up the price of a gift.


Reading the works of A. Romanov "Miracles in the wallet", K. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotuha".

NOD "Family Income"

Tasks: to introduce children to the individual components of family income: salary, pension, scholarship; to clarify the idea of ​​pupils about the dynamics of income and expenses; develop memory, thinking, logic, attention; to cultivate respect for people who earn money.

Productive activity: production of checks, bank cards for the s / r game "Supermarket".

D \ and "Guess where they are sold" [see. appendix no. 2]



"Family Budget Presentation"

Role-playing game "Supermarket";

GCD "Journey of money"

D \ and "What will they buy faster?" [see. appendix no. 2]



Solving the problem situation “I want and I need” [see. appendix no. 2]

Presentation "Cognitive route "ATM""

Productive activity: making crafts for the fair

D \ I "Who works, who plays" [see. appendix no. 2]

Target: to consolidate children's ideas about the difference between work and play activities (work - non-work)


Discussion with children "Good - bad" - on the topic "About product advertising"

[cm. appendix no. 2]

Watching the cartoon "Barboskins and Advertising". Game situation "Advertising company" - children choose a product and advertise it for the purpose of sale.

"Craft Fair" - teach you to set your own price by trying to sell the "goods" at your own price.

GCD "Journey to the country of Economics" [see. Appendix No. 3]

In the future, you can organize work with children in the following areas:

  • money "grows" if it is not stored in a bank - piggy bank, but in the Bank;
  • authoritative qualities of a host: frugality, prudence, frugality, diligence, but at the same time generosity, nobility, honesty, empathy, mercy, examples of patronage, material mutual assistance, support, etc.,
  • rules of conduct in real life situations.

The most important effect that we expect from the implementation of this project is the beginning of interaction between children and parents in the field of personal finance. In the classroom in a playful way, through an interesting and informative story, children get acquainted with complex financial concepts, and at home, together with their parents, they complete tasks on financial literacy. In the classroom, the teacher gives them knowledge, but children can get the right skills for handling personal finances only in the family.

We expect that preschoolers will receive the necessary knowledge during this period, but parents will also be interested in financial literacy issues.

List of used literary sources

  1. Amend A.F., Salamatov A.A. Formation of moral ideas of preschoolers in the process of economic education // Kindergarten from A to Z. 2003. No. 4. p.55.
  1. Anoshina L.M. Economic education of older preschoolers in the process of familiarization with new professions // Kindergarten from A to Z. 2003. No. 4. p.103.
  2. Belokashina S.V. Economy and children. Proverbs and sayings // Preschool pedagogy. 2009. No. 7. p.8.
  3. Preschoolers about the economy: a guide for teachers of institutions that provide preschool education / E.N. Tabih. - Minsk: Vysh. school, 2007. - 48 p.: ill.
  4. We play the economy: complex classes, role-playing games and didactic games / ed.- comp. L.G. Kireeva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. – 169 p.
  5. Lushnikova E.V. How we play the economy // Educator of the preschool educational institution "TC SPHERE" M .; 2008. No. 11. p.75.
  6. Smolentseva A.A. Introduction to the World of Economics, or How We Play Economics: Educational and Methodological Guide, - St. Petersburg: "Childhood - Press", 2001. - 176p.
  7. Smolentseva A.A. We introduce the preschooler to the basics of the economy with the help of fairy tales. M.: ARKTI, 2006. - 88 p.
  8. Smolentseva A.A. Problem-playing technology of economic education of preschool children // Kindergarten from A to Z.2003. No. 4. p.63.
  9. Yagunova N.M. Introduction of preschool children to the economy in creative activities // Kindergarten from A to Ya.2003. No. 4. p.128.

Internet resources

application number 1

Why does a child need financial literacy?

« If you want to be rich, you need to be financially literate.”

Robert Kiyosaki

Parents, raising their child, try to give him the best. They give it to various circles, teach politeness, manners and much more, but most of them approach such an important issue as financial literacy completely irresponsibly. In order for the child to live a comfortable, prosperous life in the future, parents should explain to their children the following questions about money:

1. What is money

2. Where to get them

3. How to properly dispose of them

If the child does not form the correct idea about money, then he will have his own, often incorrect opinion. Children should be aware that money is earned by their own labor.

Financial literacy is a special quality of a person, which is formed from a very young age and shows the ability to independently earn money and manage it competently.

It is best to start learning how to handle money from the age of five, since from that moment the child is ready to start learning something new.

Between 5 and 7 years it is necessary to introduce the concept of labor to the child. The kid should begin to understand that income is the result of work. The child needs to know what profession his parents are engaged in. Before the child, it is important to share the successes of your career.

When a child goes to school, he should already be able to shop. The school canteen can serve as a place for learning, so

how it can clearly show what money looks like, the process of their exchange and the moment of issuing change.

In the period from 7 to 9 years should teach shopping in large stores. The child needs to visually introduce such a concept as "Check". It is necessary to give him a little more money than necessary and send him to the store for some purchase, but with the condition that he must bring a check. A favorable outcome will be if the child brings the goods and the correct change. As a result, change, as a reward, can be given to the child.

At each stage of education, parents are required to exercise control. If the child made a mistake, then aggression is not an option. On the contrary, it is necessary to help, but it is also not worth doing everything for him, since he must develop independence in decision-making.

Explain to your child what money is and where it comes from.

Instructions that should be followed so that the child understands what money is:

To begin with, children need to show coins and banknotes so that he carefully examines them. While he is getting to know them, it is necessary to explain to him that goods are bought for money in stores;

When a parent buys a toy for a child, you can put banknotes in the child’s hand so that he pays for the purchase himself at the checkout. Thus, he will understand that things have to be paid for;

The child needs to purchase a small piggy bank and put coins in it, so he will not only understand the value of money, but also learn how to store and save them;

In order for the child to understand where the money comes from parents, he needs to talk more often about his work. Talk about what you do there, what benefits you bring and what successes you have. It is important to emphasize that for the work done, you receive a certain amount of money. When the child grows up a little, it is necessary to introduce him to credit cards and show the procedure for withdrawing cash using an ATM;

You should never use money as a reward. If this is done, then the child will have a wrong idea about money, and he will most likely grow up financially illiterate, since for him money will not be a reward for work, but a tool for manipulating people;

In order for a child to really understand what money is and how valuable it is in a family, it is necessary to show him everything by example. Let's say his toy is broken. No need to immediately run to the store and buy a new one. Let him understand that money is not unlimited and is earned by labor.

  • Talk to your kids when you go shopping with them.
  • Take the child to the bank.
  • Talk to your children about investing money.
  • Determine the rate of issuance of money, and give the child a piggy bank.
  • Teach kids how to make money.
  • Help the children identify a goal for which they will save money.
  • Show your child how to use a credit card.
  • Involve your children in family budgeting and vacation planning.
  • Tell the children about giving to charitable causes.
  • Be an example for your child.

Good luck with your financial literacy journey!

application number 2

Games with economic content

The game "I want - I need"

Target: To acquaint children with the diversity of needs and disabilities. Learn to tell the difference between "want" and "need".
Rules: determine which concept - “I want” or “need” - the item depicted on the card refers to, and stick the picture on the corresponding panel.
TCO: cards depicting a house, clothes, food, water, a cat, a dog, a bicycle, sweets, ice cream, a car, a doll, a computer, a TV set, flowers, etc.; playing field.

Game "Buy a friend a gift"

Target: to teach how to pick up coins of different denominations, in the amount that make up the price of a gift.
Rules: choose a gift, determine the value and select the appropriate coins. The one who pays the appropriate price for the goods buys.
TCO: a card with "gifts" and price tags, coins of different denominations, pencils of different colors.

"Who's doing what?"

Target: to expand children's knowledge about professions and labor activities; to cultivate interest in new professions, respect for the work of adults.

Rules: Children select tools (pictures) that are necessary for the work of people of those professions that are depicted in the story pictures.

TCO: cards depicting the profession (seller, cook, cashier, artist, banker) and labor activity (weighs goods, cooks food, draws, talks, counts money, shows advertising samples, etc.).

"Guess where they sell"

Target: to teach children to correlate the name of the store with the goods that are sold in it; develop the ability to generalize groups of objects.

Rules: Establish a relationship between the name of the store and the goods that are sold in it.

TCO: pictures of vegetables, fruits, furniture, shoes, etc.

"Toy shop"

Target: To enable children to practically carry out the process of buying and selling; develop the ability to "see" the product: material, place of production, price (cost).

Rules: The child counts a certain amount of money and buys a toy. As the toys sell out, the seller adds new ones.

TCO: Different toys, price tags, trademarks, play money.

"What will they buy faster?"

Target: To develop the ability to establish a relationship between the quality of a product, its price (cost) and the demand for it.

Rules: The child is offered a pair of cards with the image of the same goods. Of the two things offered, the child chooses the one that will be bought faster, and explains the reason for his choice.

TCO: cards depicting high-quality and low-quality goods (a dress for a doll, one of them is missing a few buttons); boots (one does not have a lace).


Purpose of the game: it is necessary to earn the most money by the time one of the players becomes bankrupt. In order to earn money, you need to place your ticket booths on ride sectors and sell tickets (analogous to taxes) when other players enter those fields.

application number 3

Synopsis of the GCD "Journey to the Country of Economy"


  • To teach to highlight the main direction of the use of money by people.
  • To consolidate the concept of family income, family budget.
  • Expand knowledge about producers of goods and services
  • Exercise children in solving economic problems.
  • Cultivate respect, the ability to appreciate the work of adults.

Preliminary work:

  • Parents' stories about the family budget, about their professions.
  • Conversation on the topic "Not everything is bought and sold"
  • Organization of gaming activities: C / role-playing games "Family", "Library", "Hospital", "Hairdresser", "Shop", "Builders" ...
  • Reading fiction V. Permyak “What are hands for”, V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”, S. Marshak “Mail”, A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, K. Chukovsky “Fly-Tsokotuha”, etc.
  • Memorizing proverbs on the topic
  • Excursion to the store, to the post office, to the library.


flying carpet, basket with puzzles, money coins, attributes for the game "Shop" (toys, price tags), cards depicting professions and their results of work, pictures for the game "What is for sale and not for sale", a large painted wallet, Crocodile Gena , Cheburashka, Rat Lariska, Shapoklyak (toys or pictures), musical accompaniment, multimedia equipment.


V-l: Guys, today I invite you to take a trip around the country "Economy". It's very interesting there. Want to?

Children: Yes.

V-l: What do you think about how you can go on a trip?

Children: list modes of transport.

V-l: Tell me, what did the well-known Old Man-Hottabych travel on?

Children: on a flying carpet.

V-l: Let's take a trip on a "carpet - plane" today

V-l: We fly over fields, over meadows, over wide rivers, forests.

They arrived at the field. Look, a magic tree grows on it. Let's see what it has in store for us. Under the tree is an envelope with a letter in it. Now let's read it.

"Hello guys! The gnome Economy is addressing you. In the country's economy you are waiting for hard tests. To go through it you need to be smart, decisive, skillful and not be afraid of anything. Under my magic tree you will find tasks. Good luck! Gnome Economy»

V-l: Guys, are you afraid of difficulties? And where can there be assignments? Here is the basket, and there are balloons in it, and the tasks are inside the balloons. We will pop the ball with the corresponding number and get the task.(We call the number, we burst the ball)

V-l: The first stop is called"Budget". On it we will talk about the budget. Guys, tell me, what is the family budget?

Children: This is all the money that all family members have earned.

Sounds like music from the cartoon about Crocodile Gene.

V-l: Let's talk about the budget of the Gena crocodile family.

“The old woman Shapoklyak, the crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and the rat Lariska somehow became friends and began to live together. And they all succeeded. Crocodile Gena got a job at the zoo, got paid for it .... what?

Children: Crocodile Gena received a salary.

V-l: Guys, who in your family receives a salary?

Children: dad, mom, grandma...

V-l: What are they getting paid for?

Children: for the work done(children read poetry)

1. A month has flown by

What I'm very happy about

After all, my parents

The salary is due.

2. Payday is here

Dad went to the store.

Mom's wardrobe replenished,

And I got a plane.

V-l: Cheburashka went to flight school to become a pilot. Cheburashka was paid for her studies, what do you think?

Children: Cheburashka was paid a scholarship for her studies (children read poetry)

1. Today is the first number,

What I am very happy about:

After all, it receives on this day

My brother's scholarship...

2. I explained to my friends

Let all the guys know

What exactly is a scholarship?

Student salary.

3. Students for academic work

Scholarship granted.

Brother will buy a lot of books for himself,

And ice cream for me!

V-l: That's right, well done. The old woman Shapoklyak no longer worked, she sat at home, kept house and received from the State .... What?

Children: Old woman Shapoklyak receives a pension(children read poetry)

1. My grandfather and grandmother

Work hard from the heart.

For many years they tried

Here are the pensions.

From retirement, of course, grandfather

Buy delicious sweets.

I always visit them

I help as much as I can.

V-l: Correctly. Once the rat Lariska also came up with an occupation for herself. She began to grow flowers near the house. The flowers were of extraordinary beauty, a lot of them grew. At the family council, it was decided to sell flowers in the market. From the sale of flowers she received ... what?

Children: selling flowers, the old woman Shapoklyak received money

V-l: Correctly. What do you think, will the income of Crocodile Gena's family become more or less if Lariska sells flowers?

Children: income will be higher.

V-l: All the money earned by the family of Crocodile Gena is the income of his family. Let's calculate how much is the income of his family.

(Children count to 10) (The whole story is accompanied by a display of pictures

and putting coins into a common "purse")

V-l: well done guys, you did a good job. And now I propose to go further.

(Children stand on a flying carpet, imitate flight to the music).

V-l: We burst the ball under the number 2. Stop"Money". On it we will talk about money. What do people get paid for?

Children: people get paid for their work.

V-l Q: What is the money for?

Children: buy groceries, pay rent, pay for treatment, pay for kindergarten, go to the cinema, go to a cafe , pay for public transport

V-l: That's right, well done. You all know what money is for. Now guess the riddle:

Guess what it's called

What is sold for money.

It's not a wonderful gift

And simply, simply .... (product)

V-l: guys, tell me if everything in the world can be bought and sold?

Children: No.

The game "What is for sale, what is not for sale"[cm. appendix no. 2]

V-l: You did a great job, let's move on.

(Children stand on a flying carpet, imitate flight to the music).

V-l: The third stop is called"Labour"

I want to please you that at this stop for your work you will receive coins that will still be useful to you.

Hardworking people live in this country. And the economy gnome asks you to callproverbs about workthat they came up with?

(children get coins for correct answers)

Children :

  • What is the worker, such is his pay.
  • The work of the master is afraid.
  • A small deed is better than a big idleness.
  • It is not easy to make money, but it is easy to live.
  • Who loves to work, he has something to be proud of.
  • Work feeds, and laziness spoils.
  • Patience and work will grind everything.
  • You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
  • Who does not work shall not eat.
  • Whoever sits on the stove does not eat kalachi.

V-l: Well done, they named a lot of proverbs. Guys, let's remember what professions are. And for this we will playin the puzzle game.

(The teacher makes riddles, the children guess and get coins)

  • Who teaches you to read, write, so that you can become smart Who will sell you cottage cheese, sausages and Whiskas for your favorite pussy?
  • Who will nail your heel, insert the lock into your boot?
  • Who checks the tickets, kicks out the stowaways?
  • Who sews a sundress for Tanya from fabric?
  • Who will cure all diseases and knows what is more useful for someone?
  • Who guards the borders and protects our sleep?
  • Who teaches to speak clearly and pronounce all sounds?
  • Who flies into space in a fast rocket and sees the earth that looks like a globe?

V-l: Well done boys. I propose to play the game "Who produces what?"

[cm. appendix no. 2](Children select professions to the picture - his result of work)The teacher draws the attention of the children to the box. They open it, and there are economic tasks in it.

(Children solve puzzles and get coins for correct answers.)

V-l: Well done guys, great job. They solved all the riddles, solved the problems, coped with all the tasks, and even earned money. And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to a beautiful box. They open it, and there is a letter in it, reads it

"Guys! I congratulate you all! I am glad that you were not afraid of difficulties, passed all the tests, helped each other. And as a reward for this, I have prepared this unusual chest with prizes for you.

(Encouraging children. Children fly away on a magic carpet to the music)

and spend them in the "Shop"

(Game "Shop")

Children correlate the number of coins with the price of the goods and

buy one item or several.

Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory

State budgetary professional educational institution

"Pyatigorsk College of Trade, Technology and Service"




Project Manager



Project summary

A social project is a way of expressing the idea of ​​improving the state of society in the language of specific goals and objectives, measures and actions to achieve them, as well as a description of the necessary resources for the practical implementation of the idea and specific deadlines for implementing the described idea.


In the modern world, more and more attention is paid to personal financial practice, namely financial literacy. Many countries have implemented financial literacy projects at the national level. In our country, such proposals are put forward, and the state does not stand aside. At the moment, a number of programs are being implemented: “The State Program for Improving Financial Literacy in the Russian Federation”, “Financial Culture and Security of Citizens”, “The Financial Education Project in Russia “Improving the Financial Literacy of the Low-Income Population “Plan Your Future””” and others. The development of this direction is mainly due to the fact that financially literate people are more protected from financial risks and unforeseen situations. They can be more responsible in managing their personal finances, as well as increase their level of well-being through the rational distribution of expenses and budget planning.

The development of a modern market economy presupposes the broad participation of the population in long-term funded pension, insurance and mortgage schemes that help solve many issues related to pension savings, social insurance, education and housing.

The active savings behavior of the population, the use of savings and insurance instruments presupposes a sufficient level of financial literacy, which allows citizens to actively interact with financial institutions. Recently, there has been an increase in the role of personal responsibility for financial decisions against the backdrop of expanding financial market offers, a general increase in income and savings of the population, which makes the problem of improving financial literacy even more urgent.

Increasing financial literacy contributes to the growth of the quality of financial services, expands the ability of citizens to use financial services more efficiently.

The relevance of this project is also confirmed by a sociological survey conducted in September of this year among first-year students of GBPOU PTTTiS on the topic: “Assessment of financial literacy”. From the results of the survey, we can conclude that about half of the students consider themselves financially literate people and monitor their personal expenses. But the other half remains, which needs clarification of various financial issues. Thus, this once again proves the need to introduce a special course on financial literacy.

Target project: development, testing, implementation and implementation of a set of educational activities in order to actively involve young people in improving financial literacy.

1. To study the need and opportunity for students to improve their financial literacy.

2. To study the offer and structure of financial literacy services in the educational market.

3. Develop financial literacy lessons for different population groups.

4. Conduct a trial cycle of financial literacy classes for schoolchildren in grades 7-9, grades 10-11.

5. Based on the results of testing, taking into account all the shortcomings, conduct classes in the orphanage No. 32.

6. Formulate conclusions and proposals on ways and options to improve the financial literacy of the population.

Target groups of the project:

This project is aimed at children from.

Within the framework of the program for orphans, the most relevant issues are personal financial planning, educational loans and bank deposits.

Within the framework of the developed program for pupils of orphanage No. 32, questions on personal financial planning, network marketing and financial pyramids, banking products are considered.

Project implementation timeline

Reduction of financial risks;

Increasing the level of financial literacy;

Opening a section on the technical school website;

Interregional exchange of experience between the participants of the club program;

Expected results of the project:

Creation and implementation of new leisure and;

Training of personnel in the direction of "Financial literacy";

Increasing the number of students participating in financial literacy Olympiads;

Increasing the number of orphans who have the opportunity to receive affordable quality services for additional education;

Growth in the share of teachers interested in the work of the financial literacy club;

Implementation of this project in other educational institutions;

Possibility of cooperation with higher professional institutions;

Exchange of experience with other educational institutions;

Prospects for the implementation of the project.

Possible creation of a virtual financial literacy club;

Attracting students to design and research work on financial education;

Search for like-minded people, establishing links with other educational institutions of the city, prompt exchange of experience in order to create a single upbringing and educational space;

Creation of the press center of the club;

Final position.

As a result of the project, there is an increase in the communicative culture of the student, which is a very important component in the formation of the student's consciousness. There is a decrease in the number of ill-considered financial investments, as well as an increase in the share of the financially literate population will contribute to the development of the financial market, the influx of investments from citizens, improving the quality of products and services offered, the development of small and medium-sized businesses, and employment.

To do this, it is necessary to start studying the financial market as early as possible, improve financial literacy, gain practical skills in managing personal finances, be able to draw up your personal financial plan, learn the art of saving and investing; it is necessary to form stable views that financially literate people are more protected from financial risks and unforeseen situations. They are more responsible in managing personal finances, are able to increase the level of well-being by allocating existing financial resources and planning future expenses.

The skill of solving financial issues, successfully applied at club meetings, can later be continued in other life situations. That is why it is so important to teach the behavior in financial decisions of all participants in the educational process, because in the future the experience of the club can be applied at the level of the city, region and country.


Research topic: “Assessment of financial literacy”.

A survey is conducted to identify the needs of students in financial literacy. Please answer a few questions. We ask you to take part in our questionnaire because the opinion of each of you is important to us. It is possible that some of the answers may be useful to you.

The questionnaire is anonymous, i.e. you do not need to write your name.

Rules for filling out the questionnaire: circle the answer that you think is more in line with your opinion. Thank you in advance for your work. Filling out the questionnaire will take you 5-7 minutes.

1. Please tell me, do you keep track of your expenses?

1. Yes, I keep track of expenses.

2. No, I don't keep records.

3. Difficult to answer

2. Tell me, please, what questions about the financial market do you especially need now?

1. Banking services, in particular obtaining an educational loan.

2. Consultations on planning a personal budget.

3. Consultations on the housing issue.

4. Functioning of the pension system.

5. Taxation of income of individuals and receipt for training.

6. Other (write) _________________________

7. I find it difficult to answer.

3. Tell me, please, do you consider yourself a financially literate person?

2. Rather yes.

3. Rather not.

5. Difficult to answer

4. Please tell me if you need to improve your financial literacy?

2. Rather yes.

3. Rather not.

5. I find it difficult to answer.

5. Please tell me, is it necessary to study the basics of financial literacy at school?

2. Rather yes.

3. Rather not.

5. I find it difficult to answer.

6. Please tell us in what form it is necessary to study the basics of financial literacy at school?

1. In the form of extracurricular activities.

2. In the form of elective courses.

3. Need classes in financial literacy within the subject of "economics".

4. You need a separate subject "Fundamentals of Financial Literacy" in the program.

5. We need educational programs conducted by the main participants in the financial market (Pension Fund, insurance companies, banks).

6. I find it difficult to answer.

The project on economic education "Financial Literacy in Primary School" was developed as part of a comprehensive thematic planning of educational activities for primary school children.

The activities of the project are aimed at forming the necessary ideas about the financial component of the modern family, the organization of the material side of the surrounding space.




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Completed by: Kravets Ekaterina Alexandrovna Primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 34 municipal budgetary educational institution with secondary school No. 34 of the city of Novoshakhtinsk PROJECT "Financial literacy in primary school" Primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 34 Kravets Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Explanatory note The project is devoted to the analysis of its budget, the study of ways to save money and put them into practice. The project is long-term, research, individual, according to the profile - interdisciplinary; content - financial literacy; by type of design object: practice-oriented.

The relevance of the topic project a is that every person needs to be able to rationally and competently manage their finances.

The purpose of the project: the formation of students' ability to keep records of expenses and incomes, the skills of drawing up an elementary budget

Tasks: 1. Introduce the concepts of "budget", "income", "expenses", "deficit", "surplus", "savings" 2. Teach how to keep track of income and expenses in the process of self-compilation of an elementary budget 3. Introduce constant growth needs and limitations 4. To educate students about budget saving

Planned results: Personal: student's readiness for self-development; formation of motivation for purposeful activity; the ability to set goals and make life plans.

Subject: understanding the basic principles of the economic life of society: understanding the role of money in the family and society, the causes and consequences of changes in family income and expenses, understanding and correct use of economic terms; mastering the methods of working with economic information, its comprehension; making simple financial calculations. acquisition of knowledge and experience in applying the acquired knowledge and skills to solve typical problems in the field of the family economy: knowledge of the sources of income and directions of family expenses and the ability to draw up a simple family budget;

Meta-subject: Cognitive: the ability to set a learning task, the ability to choose ways and find information to solve it and structure the knowledge gained; establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to formulate a problem and find a way to solve it; Regulatory: planning - drawing up a plan and sequence of actions; forecasting - anticipation of the result; correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the real action and its result; assessment - students highlight and realize what has already been done and what else needs to be done self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, to volitional effort Communicative: the ability to enter into a dialogue and conduct it, taking into account the peculiarities of communication with various groups of people, to prove one's judgments;

The result of the project At the end of the project, a 4th grade graduate will clearly know such concepts as “budget”, “income”, “expenses”, “deficit”, “surplus”, “savings”, learn how to keep track of income and expenses in the process of self-compilation an elementary budget, and will also carefully treat and properly manage its budget.

Grade 1 “I am in the world of money” September Lesson - game “We are business guys!” October Home bookkeeping November Consumer basket December Excursion to the Pyaterochka supermarket January Currency of different countries February "Journey to the country Economy" March On-line business game "Forest Fair" April Round table "Financial ABC" May "Piggy bank of happiness"

"We guys are business!"

"Home bookkeeping"

" Consumer basket"

Excursion to the supermarket "Pyaterochka"

Thank you for your attention!

Evgeniya Korkunova
Financial Literacy Project "Little Economist"

Purpose: To promote financial education and upbringing of preschool children, creating the necessary motivation to improve their financial literacy.

1) to expand the knowledge of children about the origin of money, about what served as money for ancient people;

2) develop memory, attention, speech, stimulate the activity of children;

3) to cultivate ideas about the essence of such moral categories as thrift, frugality and honesty.

Equipment, didactic material: drawing paper, felt-tip pens, paper and metal money (copies are available, presentation “Money of the past, present and future”.

Teaching aids: laptop/computer, multimedia projector, screen.

Project duration: short term

Project type: creative - cognitive.

Project participants: children of the preparatory group; group educators; kindergarten workers; parents.


Preparatory stage

During this stage, preliminary work is carried out:

1) Determining the goals and objectives of the project, collecting the material necessary to achieve the goal of the project,

2) Predicting the result, drawing up a plan for joint activities with children, teachers and parents

3) Selection of material and equipment for classes, conversations, role-playing games with children (illustrative, artistic and didactic)

4) Creation of a developing environment, introduction of games on the topic, didactic, role-playing.

Cooperation with parents (designing folders for parents on the topic of the project, a selection of photos, literature. Conversations with parents about the need to participate in the project, about a serious attitude to the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

main stage

The tasks of this stage include the implementation of the main activities in the areas of the project:

Activities for working with children:

reading fiction,

watching cartoons and multimedia presentations,





didactic games.

1) Activities to work with teachers and parents:

use of handouts, in accordance with the theme of the project,

use of multimedia presentation,

production of manuals for classes and attributes for games

The final stage

At the third, final stage, the results of the work are summarized:

1) Production of the "Shop" album, the menu for the "Cafe", other material for role-playing games.

2) Registration of a photo of an exhibition.

3) Involving parents in the role-playing game "Shop".

Expected results of this project:

Preschoolers acquire primary economic experience, learn

establish reasonable economic relations in various fields


Parents receive additional knowledge on the economic education of children;

The preschool educational institution will have a generalized experience in this


Teachers will receive a system of work on the formation of the economic experience of children.

1. "In the store" Purpose: Consolidation of children's knowledge about grocery stores.

2. "All professions are important" Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge about the professions - the seller, administrator, cashier, director and their responsibilities.

3. "Money" Purpose: To continue to consolidate children's knowledge about money.

Advice for parents:

1. "We play with the children."

2. "Role-playing games in the lives of children"

3. "Role-playing game as a means of comprehensive development of the child"

4. "Adults, children, play"

Artistic activity:

1. Production of signs, checks, invitations to the opening of the store, plastic cards for the game "Shop"

1. Plot - role-playing game with parents "Supermarket"

NOD "Introduction to money"

To acquaint children with money, which was with the ancient man until our times;

To introduce children to money in denominations of 1,2,5,10 rubles, 1,5,10 kopecks;

Introduce concepts: money, coin, bill, ruble, penny;

Learn to establish the ratio between coins and numbers;

To consolidate knowledge about the composition of a number from two smaller numbers and from units;

Learn to make various combinations from the existing set of coins;

Enrich active vocabulary;

Event progress:

Vos: Hello guys. Look who came to visit us?

Children: Cat.

B: That's right, it's the Scientist cat, he knows everything.

K: Hello guys. Do you like riddles?

D: hello

Q: Guys, what do you think the cat likes to do very much?

Answer options.

D: Answer options.

K: Where do we pay with money?

D: Answer options.

K: We put them in the wallet,

We go to the store with them. (Money)

B: Right guys. We wish we could get into the store, but you can get there with the help of one magic item. What do you think? (Flower - seven-flower) Guys, but we need to tear off and say the magic words. Open up and say the words. “STOP” in the ancient world.

K: Where do you think we ended up? We got to the ancient people.

Q: Guys, what was the money in the cartoon?

Y/n: “What happened when?”

Rules: Choose from several pictures what could be money.

Fizminutka: "Orange"

We shared an orange

There are many of us, and he is one.

This slice is for the hedgehog,

This slice is for a swift,

This slice is for ducklings,

This slice is for kittens,

This slice is for the beaver,

But for the wolf. peel.

He is angry with us - trouble!

Run away in all directions.

Q: Guys, let's remember from which fairy tale the flower is the seven-flower?

What desires did the girl have?

K: Could you do without the Flower? How could the girl's wishes be granted?

Q: We went to buy groceries:

Milk, sour cream, fruits.

We carry everything to the cashier in a basket.

We are in the grocery. store

Q: What did the girl from the fairy tale think?

D: Dolls, bagels, bicycles.

K: Guys, let's draw with you what the girl can think of.

Drawing with colored pencils the objects that the girl made up with the help of a flower.

The cat scientist examines the drawings of children.

"Shopping Tour"

Goal: Continue to introduce children to socially significant buildings

the city of their destination store "Products";

professions People Grocery Store Seller,

Course of the tour:

Q: Guys, today we will go on a tour of the store. Let's remember how we can find out how much food or a toy costs ?.

children's answers

B: Right. Near the goods there is always a price tag, on which the price is written.

What can be sold to children?

Children's answers.

Q: Quite right, children can be sold bread, milk, sweets.

What should we do when we have received the goods?

D: Go with him to the cashier.

Q: What is the name of the person who sells groceries in the store?

D: Seller

Q: Yes, there is a salesperson in the shop. In large stores like Victoria, there is a seller and a cashier works at the checkout.

Q: And then what do we do?

That's right, take the goods and go to the cashier, pay the money, only then you can leave the store.

Where do we get money from?

Children's answers

B: That's right, we go to work and get them for work. What professions do you know?

Shop tour

Q: Guys, what do we see in the store?

D: food, groceries, tea, etc.

Q: That's right, we see products, so this store is called a grocery store.

Let's buy marmalade. We have chosen a product. What should we do next?

D: Go to the cashier and pay.

B: We leave the store. Who remembers what money we paid?

Q: Guys, who are mothers already sending to the store?

What do you think will help you buy everything you need in the store?

And what can be done so as not to forget the items that we need to buy?

Children's answers

Q: One must use money carefully so that it is not lost.

Plot - role-playing game "Victoria"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children