Best Jubilee script 55. Scripts. Poems from children

55 year old woman

Host: Hello dear friends! It is very pleasant to see all of you at our holiday! And today we have a great occasion - we want to celebrate the anniversary birthday of an amazing woman - the birthday of _________________________________________________! Let's start celebrating now, and so we sit down, apply, pour, do not hesitate, smile, look forward to the fun, and everyone Have a good mood for tonight, everything is just beginning! .. and, of course, I would like to turn to our men, do not forget about our duties, we look into a glass not only to ourselves, but also to the ladies sitting next to us, if we fill it empty.

Two fives stood side by side -
It turned out to be an anniversary.
___________ we are happy to congratulate you.
And we wish her soon:
Let the charm of you
Will never leave!
Shine, smiles, charm
They will always stay with you!
May happiness, joy, eyes shine,
The success will last for years!
And may for all your desires
Fate will say in response: "Yes"!

And so everyone is poured? I ask everyone to get up, raise their glasses, congratulate the hero of the day, to announce to us the beginning, we need to drink everything to the bottom - FOR THE ANNIVERSARY.
Men drink while standing, women also to the bottom.

Well, dear friends, and now a loud triple "Hurray" to our ANNIVERSARY.

Musical background:

Host: Friends, I would like to tell you something that a charter has been created for our event, such a set of laws for tonight. I'll acquaint you with it now.
Our charter states:
That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
It is announced to all hearings that today, the anniversary of ______________________________________.
Remember: for a start, everyone did not interfere with a glass.
Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted 24 hours a day for another month after this evening and are non-refundable.

And also for tonight we are creating teams.
The Pouring Team! their motto is "Fight drunkenness, so let's drink before the fight!" Your applause to the pouring crew.
And the team of "Drinkers" - "Always ready to drink for ____________________!" your applause. (when addressing the parties, each party says its own motto)

Wish tree.

Friends. I would like to tell you that at our holiday there is a "Jubilee Tree of Wishes", everyone can come up by tying a ribbon to make a wish for our birthday girl, just to yourself, you don’t need to say aloud, let this tree fulfill it, with all the revelation with which you make a wish, you can make a wish at any time. Well friends, we read the charter, we said about the tree, and smoothly move on to congratulations.

Congratulations 1.
Congratulations from her husband.

Host: To begin with, I will turn to our men, did you forget what to do? Then go ahead.
In the meantime, we will find out what the anniversary is for?
And the answer flies to mind sooner -
To catch happy moments
Listening to congratulations from loved ones.
Friends, I do not know about you, but I would like to know, from the husband of our birthday girl, one thing,
______________________________________________, do you remember where and under what circumstances you met ___________________________________________? Do you remember the first time you kissed? How did you propose? In what year did you get married, preferably date, month, and year? Bravo friends, here is an ideal husband, remembers all the most valuable things that have been deposited in the soul, our birthday girl.
And with great pleasure I give the floor to the person who has the opportunity to admire the beauty of our birthday girl every day and walk hand in hand with her along the road of life, the floor is given to her loving husband __________________________________________!
Friends, isn't it true that we drink very bitter drinks, but let's ask them to spoil.

Musical background:

Congratulations 2
Congratulations from the children.

Host: Dear friends, before I say something, I will again turn to men, fill the glasses. Dear guests in the Orthodox tradition, family life is understood as the Path to Salvation, the ascent of which is associated with bearing the cross of daily duties, mutual work, cooperation, understanding and harmony.
Conjugal love extending to children warms them up. Children are the greatest joy, the greatest happiness for parents, for the whole family! And so, with the words of congratulations, the eldest daughter ____________________________ turns to you!

Host: Dear friends, for such sincere words from my daughter's lips, I propose to raise the glasses and drain them to the very bottom.

Congratulations 3

Host: Yesterday I read in the newspaper that the son of Arkady Ukupnik stopped listening to his father. This speaks of the child's good ear for music. so the word for congratulation is given _________________________________________________!

Congratulations 4

Moderator: The word for congratulations is given by ___________________________________!

Game "Do you know the birthday girl well?"

Host: Friends, well, first I will ask the men to fill the glasses, do not forget not only to ourselves ... and ask you this question, “DO YOU KNOW THE NAME WELL?” ... She probably knows you all well, because she has gathered the closest and closest friends, well, here's the question in another ... and so, let me ask questions, and you, in turn, will answer them amicably.

So, in __________, a girl was born, who was named ________________________ ,. Who knows…

1) - In what city was our birthday girl born? ___________________

3) - Favorite dish? _________________________________

4) - Favorite color? __________________________________

5) - Do you think the birthday girl is in a festive mood today? I just asked that.

6) - What is her favorite pastime, hobby? __________________________

7) - Does the birthday girl like milk? _______________________________

8) - Favorite drink? _________________________________________

9) - Favorite music performers? _____________________________________

10) - Does the birthday girl like fruit drink with currant jam? _____________________

11) - What TV program does he like to watch? ________________________

12) - What about your favorite TV show? __________________________

13) - And the shoes on her today, what color? _______________

14) - Does the birthday girl like to look out the window? _________________

15) - What is your favorite season? _________________________________

16) - Does the birthday girl like to correct her hair every hour? ____________________

17) - Does the birthday girl like to dance until you drop? _____________________________

18) - Does our birthday girl like to drink? _______________________________

19- What kind of strong drinks does the birthday girl like? _________________________

And if, in your opinion, the birthday girl loves to drink, I suggest raising your glasses and a drink to the birthday girl!

Musical background:

Congratulations 5
Congratulations from sisters and brothers.

Host: Friends, do you know how the name Svetlana stands? I'll tell you now. The name Svetlana is of Slavic origin, from the word "bright". Independent and hardworking, diplomatic, kind, flirtatious, Svetlana takes great care of her family, an ideal mother and wife. Note how much good qualities absorbed this beautiful name. And now I want to give the opportunity to congratulate the birthday girl to people who know her from birth, remember the secrets of children's mischief and funny stories of youth, the floor is given ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________!
(Brothers and sisters take turns congratulating)
Host: Dear friends, I propose to break away from the feast a little and stretch your legs. A dance program sounds for you.

Dance program.

Playing with cards.
Host: Dear friends, let's take a little rest and play. I need 5 girls and 5 guys. Girls stand on one side, men, respectively, on the other. So, keep such medallions around your neck, just remember these letters that you own, since I will ask you questions, and your task will be rearranged into the correct answer, in the correct order, if the letters remain, they must be turned over to another side, that is, close. And so: a warm-up word, which is necessarily defended, to the ball for one or another team.
1) - And so, is it time when everything blooms, becomes colorful? (Spring)
2) - The river flowing in St. Petersburg? (Neva)
3) - Shelter from the rain, at a summer cottage? (Canopy)
4) - Where does the nurse in the clinic take blood from? (Vein)
5) - The city and the lake, called what? (Seva)
6) - Capital of Australia? (Vein)
7) - Near the Caucasian mountain lake, there lives a beautiful horseman, whose name is? (Vanes)

Well done, and with a margin of _______, the __________ team wins! And now, let's make pairs with the same letters, so now choose the 1st card, and see what is written on them. And so, I think a little older people remembered this period. It was believed that there was nothing in the Soviet Union? (sex) however, this is everyone's favorite pastime, we will not do it now, but what is accompanied with this wonderful activity? (Sighs), everyone received cards with syllables written on them, I will now approach each pair, and you must, in turn, wake up this sound that you have on the card five times. Only one condition, it is necessary to pronounce it as erotic as possible.
And so, dear guests, there are five couples in front of you, I will name each team in turn, and you, with your applause, must choose the best couple, are you ready? (gifts to the winning couple, and to the rest of the lads)
Well, dear friends, you and I rested a little, and now the most mobile part of our program continues.

Everyone at the table
A toast to the company.

Host: Well, dear friends, I will ask everyone to sit down and fill their glasses, my next toast is ripe: In ancient times, a very beautiful Queen Tamara ruled in Georgia, she held every year on the high, rocky bank of the river "KURIL "Archery tournament, she put the most ordinary bull's-eye on her chest, and every jikit - an archer, must hit the target precisely, whoever hits the bull's-eye, had the right to live for one year as a spouse with the queen. The first horseman was found, pulled the string, took aim, shot an arrow and missed. Queen Tamara asks the assembled honest people, what, they say, are we going to do with this horseman? and the people answered in his kuru in the kuru and threw the poor fellow. There was a second horseman - an archer, of course he was afraid, he knows the fate of the first shooter, but nevertheless he pulled the bowstring, took aim, fired an arrow and also missed, again Tamara asks the honest people, what, they say, are we going to do with these horsemen? And the people answer, in his kuru in the kuru, they threw this participant from the cliff into the river. Then the third horseman - the archer appeared, and he was also scared, but nevertheless pulled the bowstring, took aim, fired and hit the target accurately. Tamara was delighted, because the horseman is brave, beautiful and she wanted to live with him for a whole year, but the people still have to ask what, they say, we will do with this handsome man? And the people answer, in kuru in kuru, but for what, Tamara asks? Yes for the company. For a long time I led to this keyword "company", because we have gathered at our table so cheerful, good company, with which you can go into fire and water, and even go into exploration, so let's fill our glasses, glasses and drink to a cheerful and friendly company.

Congratulations 6
Colleagues congratulate.
Host: In a good team, you can
Works on a positive note
I am glad to congratulate the hero of the day
From you work colleagues.
The word for congratulations is provided by _________________________________________________________________!
Colleagues take turns congratulating

Jubilee bottle game

Host: Friends, Today on the festive table there are an abundance of festive drinks - vodka, wine, cognac ... Not infrequently, they are consumed, diluted with water or mixed with each other. So let's talk about famous cocktails. And so, I will name the ingredients, and you have to answer what kind of cocktail it turns out.
Beer and vodka - "Ruff!"
Vodka and tomato juice - "Bloody Mary!"
Vodka and champagne - "Northern Lights!"
By the way, who knows the recipe for homemade champagne? And the recipe is simple: Vodka under his wife's hiss! It turns out so sparkling, I checked it myself. And so we continue.
Vodka and Coca - Cola - "Summer!", But where there is summer, friends, a picnic, a lawn, there will be a cocktail "Three Little Pigs" who will tell you the recipe? Write down, Crate of vodka and three friends!
What was all this I was leading. This is true. To warm up, now we will play this bottle of vodka from our birthday girl, which means that I ask questions, and whoever answers them correctly will get it for personal use!

1) The name "Vodka" appeared only in the 17th century, earlier this drink had a different name ...
A) Boozer;
B) Alcohol;
C) AQUA - VITA: from Latin "water - life".
2) What does the word "Vodka" mean literally?

Congratulations 7
Friends congratulate.

Host: I must say that our birthday girl is a happy person. So many good close friends have gathered around her today, who have walked alongside her throughout their lives, were together in sorrow and in joy.
Dear _________________________________________!
We see what has come to the Anniversary
Many of your loyal friends!
They are ready at this hour
All from the bottom of my heart congratulate you!
The word for congratulations is given by ___________________________________________________!

(Friends take turns talking)

A candle burns in the soul of every person
Which produces warmth of the soul.
But when we get together
The candles connect and heat is generated
From souls united.
I give the floor to ____________________________________________________________________________________!

Musical background:

Host: Before we sat down at the table, we were told that a very cheerful and friendly company would gather. Having been here, for a short period of time, I was completely convinced that this is so.
First question:
1) - What word has forty letters - A? (Magpie)
2) - From what cup do we drink, but we cannot get drunk? (Cup of love)
3) - Good husbands, do not roll on the road, they roll on ...? (On the couch)
4) - A solemn promise of fidelity to each other? (Vow)
5) - Name the author of the lines: “Only a lover has the right to the title of man? (Block)
6) - Deity shooting arrows of love? (Cupid)
7) - What kind of knot cannot be untied? (Railway)
8) - What makes the dog howl at the moon? (From the earth)
9) - What is 906090? (Speed ​​at the traffic police inspector)
10) - About 40 million people doing this at night? (Social network)
11) - Now hanging, now standing, now cold, now hot? (Shower)
12) - Which wheel does not spin when turning right? (Spare)
13) -In the autumn it nourishes, in the winter it warms, in the spring it amuses, it cools in the summer? (Vodka)
14) - Will he get up, will he reach the heavens? (Rainbow)
15) - What word always sounds wrong? (Wrong)

Toast "About the crow"

Host: And now I will ask you to fill the glasses, men, I am addressing you, and listen to another toast addressed to our birthday girl. High, high in the mountains lived a lonely mountaineer. He was a hermit, no one could climb so high on the mountain where his lonely house stood. One day a mountaineer found a little crow with a broken wing. He left him, raised him. And when the highlander had his birthday, a huge old raven told him - Happy anniversary.
So let's drink to the fact that our hero of the day is congratulated not by one crow, but by a whole flock!

Musical background:

Host: Dear friends, we sat in one place for a while, I suggest we dance a little.

Dance program

Congratulations 8

Host: We hurry to the table, once again, since there is a reason for fun. Let it become a holiday for us, we will close friendly glasses for ________________________________________________________, securing our Location. So that this day becomes a bright day, for the one whose birth we celebrate.
How they sat down at the table.
Host: I know you have a secret,
Years do not have power over you!
I have known you for many years
And you are still fresh and young!
So let's drink to miracles!
That help the ladies not to grow old
And this secret is guarded by heaven!
It remains for us men to watch with bated breath!

Host: Friends, today, on this significant day, is the anniversary of a wonderful person, _____________________________________________________! And today she is awarded the CERTIFICATE, which certifies that its owner is the HAPPY woman on the planet.

Certifies that its owner is
HAPPY woman on the planet.

She is happy because ... she lives an active, rich, versatile life full of various emotions. Because she has the ability to experience a range of feelings and become the heroine of unique events, she boldly overcomes all obstacles, gaining experience and skill.

Happy because ... she is a mother, she has three loving daughters, and this is the best creation of her life!

I am happy because ... she is a grandmother who has granddaughters, who delivers a lot of wonderful impressions and emotions, delighting her with her victories and skills.

She is happy because ... she is a wife, and she has a beloved and loving man next to her, caring, economic, kind, sympathetic and noble. And it's hard to imagine people who are more suitable for each other.

She is happy because ... thanks to her sociability, naturalness and devotion, she has found many friends who are always there, always in touch, and she gives herself to them with all her heart.

She is happy because ... she has and loves her home and with all her might strives for coziness and comfort in it. And he realizes all his grandiose ideas with lightning speed.

Happy because ... she has excellent culinary skills, beckoning guests to her house.

She is happy, because ... everything she conceived always comes true, a little earlier or a little later.

Happy because ... she has the opportunity to live on this planet and enjoy all its gifts.

Happy because ... she never doubts that she is really happy !!!
The certificate must be framed and hung over your favorite sofa!

Host: And to all who agree with this, I propose to raise their glasses and drink to the endless feeling of happiness, our birthday girl.

Tree to the hero of the day

Host: Friends, well, the festive evening has come to an end, and we wholeheartedly congratulate the Anniversary, and present the “Tree of Wishes”, to which throughout the evening, dear guests, you said the most sincere wishes, and the ribbons on this tree are proofs of this.
Dear _________________________________, please accept this Jubilee tree with wishes, and save it until the next anniversary, because this tree contains the most cherished wishes of all guests who came to the holiday, and everything that our guests whispered to this tree will certainly come true.

Host: Well, lastly, I would like to turn to our man, fill the glasses and once again raise them for our ANNIVERSARY.
Last Toast
On some vessels, a division is put: 50, 100, 150, 200 ... We wish you to fill such a vessel to the brim with a beautiful creature - your life! Happy anniversary! Happy 55th birthday to you!

Celebrating a birthday is a solemn and fun event, which is not complete without scenes for a 55-year-old woman's anniversary, and interesting and incendiary scenarios can be diversified with many contests in a humorous style. Older ladies understand humor and jokes, so they will appreciate the effort to make the holiday brighter and more fun. In addition, they have self-irony formed over the years, and are distinguished by a humorous disposition. A biting joke will be appreciated.

Holiday options

As many costumes as possible!

The 55th anniversary is a case when life gives the birthday girl a double "excellent" - for everything she has experienced and passed, for all achievements and conquered peaks. I would like to celebrate such a birthday as best and interesting as possible. Humor is indispensable here. And he is present just in the skits with dressing up, sketches, fairy tales, competitions - table and dance.

Women who have become grandmothers by the age of fifty-five love to listen and sing not only ditties and drinking songs to the accordion. Funny humorous numbers will make the hero of the day laugh sincerely. It will be good if the entire interesting and incendiary scenario is recorded on video, so that the birthday girl at each viewing will be surprised at the ingenuity of her friends and delight her heart. The warmest memories will be associated with the holiday.


This scenario is suitable for celebrating the anniversary of a woman who turns 55. You must choose the host for the celebration. Prepare some prizes. To create images of gypsies and gypsies, find colored scarves, long skirts, earrings, hats. At the end of the anniversary evening, a bouquet of 55 flowers will be presented, since this is how much the hero of the occasion is fulfilled, therefore, in advance between the guests, discuss this moment and collect all the flowers in such an amount. There is no need to prepare glass or crystal glasses (vases) for the game, they can be taken from the table. You will no longer need other attributes and requisites. Congratulations to guests - according to the free program (except for the first one), between contests and words.

Happy anniversary day
Let's start celebrating it,
I turn on the music, friends,
I will say congratulations.
I wish you happiness, laughter,
So that there is always joy
Love, reliability, kindness,
So that life is full of adventures!
Now I convey the words to the guests,
I'll put the microphone in my hands.
Anyone who wants to toast will tell us
Maybe, in addition, she will dance here?
Anniversary today 55,
She has no time to sleep now!
Let everything in life be 5
And luck will only come!
Men, don't forget to pour
And women - to treat them,
Dear friends, we will raise for a toast,
Who will congratulate - now let's estimate.

(The presenter is looking with the eyes of those who want to congratulate now. The toast was said. The gypsies are running in.)

Oh look who's come
The gypsy camp has found us!
And, come on, prepare all your eyes, predictions will begin!

Several of the guests dress up as gypsies or gypsies, respectively. There are fortune-telling sheets in the hat. To the accompaniment of gypsy, guitar music, gypsies run in dances into the room where the anniversary is celebrated, constantly, continuously saying something. They come up to one of the guests and start talking. For example: “I see your future”, “gild the pen” (not with money, but with sweets, for example), “I read in your eyes that ... The improvisation of people dressed as gypsies works here.

After a certain speech, predictions are taken out of the hat. Perhaps there will be guests who wish to take part in this, so those who disguised themselves as gypsies will not have to look for the so-called “victim”. The predictions are best made humorous or just plain enjoyable. You don't need to say anything bad.

Among these, the following options are possible:

You will soon meet your destiny
- don't go to work tomorrow,
- wealth awaits you,
- you have the gift of persuasion, use it soon,
- you constantly think about food, it's time not only to think, but to eat it, etc.

It's time to move on to the exotic,
For many, even to the unusual, Make us a sandwich,
And somebody prepares your mouth!

For a willing (voluntary) participant, the guests silently (whispering or just pointing at the products with a finger) a kind of "sandwich" of any products, even not combined. The participant's task is to guess the taste of what ingredients this "sandwich" consists of. It will be enough not more than 5 products, which guests will collect on the table. The difficulty of the task lies in the fact that the participant is with his eyes closed, which, in turn, is more difficult to determine which foods are in the sandwich-mixture.

Well, friends, are you probably tired?
They wanted to listen to the lyrics.
Two different sexes will come out to us,
Former, once lovers.
But reincarnating a little,
The voices of the sexes are changing!
We keep on joking
To amuse the jubilee!

For this game you will need 2 participants: a man and a woman. Their task: for a man to speak in a woman's voice, and for a woman in a man's. They need to demonstrate a dialogue on a free topic, imagine a situation that two acquaintances met by chance on the street after long years of separation. The participants are awarded a prize.

Who else is sober here?
Not sedentary, but very playful?
Come out soon,
Let's entertain the guests!
Don't swing, don't blink,
Try to concentrate
Keep your balance
It will be a lot of fun!

Equilibrium competition

This competition is held exactly when everyone has already accepted the "intoxicating". Now is the time to check your sobriety. 3 participants are called (more or less can be, at the request of the guests), they need to stand on one leg and hold out as long as possible, without swaying or falling. It is best to turn on music so that there is no silence during this competition. The one who has stood on one leg the longest is the winner. He is awarded the prize and the title: The most persistent (sober).

Who is not greedy here with us?
Come to the master class!
You need to transfer an item
But without saying hello!
Squeeze your knees tighter, Simultaneously spread your legs!
Gently transfer the cap
And we return it to me later.

Contest "Transfer"

Anyone can participate in the dacha competition, from 4 people or more. Everyone stands up one after the other in a "train", in the hands of the leader, who tells the rules, a cone-shaped object (it can be a festive cap). All participants need to transfer the object to each other along the chain. The difficulty lies in the fact that the object is sandwiched between the knees and it must be transferred so as not to drop it, and the next participant must grab and hold this one with his knees. And so on, according to the same rules, everything is transmitted in a chain, one after another. The one who dropped it is eliminated. The one who remained the last one who did not drop, he won, receives the prize and the title: The most grasping.

Today's number
55 - anniversary date,
Who is ready to show everyone
How can legs bend 55 degrees?
Who will not break anything here,
Is the task easy to handle?
Come out soon, hero
We will admire you!

Game "Don't break your glasses!"

1 person participates in this game. Glass or crystal glasses (or vases, for example) with a distance of about 10 cm are placed on the floor in front of him. It turns out a string of glass or crystal objects. The participant is told that he must pass these objects with a "snake", bypassing each object, without touching it, without breaking it. A scarf is tied tightly over the eyes, untwisted. At this time, all objects are removed silently so that the participant does not notice, spinning, with a dizzy head, with a loss of orientation, this person tries not to step on the glasses, observing the represented distance that he was just shown. All the guests laugh at the fact that the obstacle is gone, and the participant is trying, bending his legs, goes in a "zigzag" fashion.

We all love the jubilee
And who we just won't be
We are ready for her
Take on different looks!
Come out, prove
Confirm my words!

Everyone is invited to participate in this competition. Their task is to dance to different national songs according to the style. Includes:

Russian folk music (should depict Russian folk dance);
- Georgian national music (should depict Georgian dance, lezginka);
- Cossack music (should depict the Cossacks, their special sitting position);
- Chinese music (should depict the Chinese, bow, move by leaps and bounds);
- ethnic music (should depict anything, who how the given dance feels);
- gothic music (each depicts according to his knowledge and feelings);
- hard rock (should depict a rock guitarist, sudden head movements, etc.);
- ballet music (must depict a dance white swans holding hands);
- then the waltz suddenly turns on (here everyone should waltz, whoever they can).

All participants are awarded a prize for resourcefulness.

So the evening has come to an end
It's time to collect your food!
Let the rest dance
This is just bluffing! Keep on rockin '
To amuse the jubilee!
(Guests bring out a common bouquet with 55 flowers)
Flowers in a bouquet 55,
Impossible to embrace!
All guests tried
It was nice to be with you!
Until next time, friends,
Let's shout loudly all: "Hurray!"
Goodbye everyone, bye!

Ved .: Friends! Before we start our holiday, 55 years old anniversary evening, may I ask our beautiful hero of the day? Didn't she receive a document the day before, which is a signal, so to speak, a starting shot that will allow us to start our evening?
(In advance jubilee A Summons was sent in the mail, which she was to bring with her.) Anniversary reports that she received a certain document, and reads it to everyone present.

Ministry of Pension Insurance of Drunken People celebrating a beautiful anniversary in honor of 55th anniversary from the day of birth and the assignment of the high title "PENSIONER OF RUSSIA - 2013", informs citizen IVANOVA LYUDMILA GRIGORIEVNA that she must appear on January 23, 2013 by 13.00 in the festive hall of the Palace of Culture to receive gifts, congratulations, healthy toasts, poured and glasses drunk to health.
With her citizen IVANOVA LYUDMILA GRIGORIEVNA must have a good mood, delicious vodka and a sea of ​​snacks.
Getting citizen IVANOVA LYUDMILA GRIGORIEVNA even better mood is provided by a cheerful and drunk company of guests.
The attendance of citizen IVANOVA LYUDMILA GRIGORIEVNA for the merry anniversary celebration is strictly obligatory.
If citizen IVANOVA LYUDMILA GRIGORIEVNA fails to appear, the company happy guests Emergency measures will be taken to deliver the hero of the occasion to the holiday and forcibly raise her festive mood by pouring a large amount of strong drinks inside, blasting toasts and body movements in dances.
This Agenda is valid at all times and has no retroactive effect.

Minister of Pension Insurance for Drunken People

Lieutenant Colonel: Pour - in - a glass. Your friends and colleagues.
———————————- —————————–
signature transcript of signature

PS. Lyuda, take this document with you to anniversary.

Ved.: Well, now we can start our solemn anniversary! What is this? What's the matter?
(A nurse enters the hall with a baby in her arms. Two guests: one depicts a nurse holding a dummy baby; the second walks behind the first, and stretches her head in a cap and with a pacifier in her mouth from behind her shoulder. The nurse approaches her husband jubilee and angrily reprimands him for the fact that the girl was born on January 11, but he still has not taken the child. Swears at the child, says that he is tired of her. The baby laughs and hums. The nurse irritably pulls out a bottle of vodka with a nipple on the neck and holds out to the baby with the words: “Here, here is your food, choke!” Gives the fake child to her husband jubilee and leaves).

Ved .: Friends, now you and I have witnessed the birth of our dear birthday girl Lyudmila Grigorievna! I must say the girl was a success: see for yourself - the length is 170 centimeters, and the weight is not less than 60 kg.
Today is a significant date
Today is the most significant day!
And on this day you don't need to be bored at all,
There is no place for sadness on this winter day!
January! How much of this word
Familiar letters, but the meaning is the same:
We now have a newborn in the house,
And we will give all our attention to it.
Let's congratulate the culprit of the feast.
Fill the glass and raise the toast.
Today anniversary- expanse to the soul!

This day is great and simple in its own way.

Let's close our glasses
Into a single festive bouquet,
And we wish our dear lady
Health, happiness, many years!
(guests drink and eat)
Ved .: Anniversary- it's always nice! This is the date, this event, which all friends and relatives of the birthday girl are looking forward to, and only the hero of the occasion today is a little sad to realize that another one has come up anniversary... But these thoughts are not for our birthday girl, dear Lyudmila Grigorievna. You are stepping forward with a proud step, to meet all the obstacles that life teaches.
Today you have gathered to visit you, on this wonderful anniversary evening, all the people closest to you - relatives and friends. And in such a company, if you spend a long time, then old age simply will not overtake you, and the anniversary that you have to celebrate today, and we, the guests, to celebrate it properly, will not only bring new wrinkles, but will plant even more kindness in your heart. , and will kindle a fire in the soul even hotter.
So let's drink to us today in an excellent, family-like warm atmosphere worthy of meeting anniversary our dear Lyudmila Grigorievna.

(guests drink and eat)

Lead: Dear guests!
Today is not an easy day for all of us,
Today the doors of the heart have been opened.
So that wishes flow like a river,
For this, wine was poured into a glass.
It's time for us to congratulate
Here, at the table, is a beautiful girl.
Yes, yes, the hero of the great celebration,
We will give congratulations like the Firebird!
Let's fill the glasses to the brim,
And let's say congratulations words
To the most beautiful hero of the day.
And then we'll drink everything to the bottom!

The presenter gives the guests the opportunity to congratulate the hero of the day and present them with a gift. Here is the congratulation of the husband and children.

Ved.: Words of congratulations now
They sounded from dear friends.
On an anniversary like yours,
Should be even more fun!
Our culprit is worthy
Now we will arrange something for you.

Program Guide.

TV, host in it, a group of guests to perform songs.

Ved.: Good afternoon! Our viewer is different
We send you hello on-screen.
To everyone who watches us today
We will tell you without embellishment
News of one hinterland,
Our story is about our compatriot.
From Novaya Zaimka
A message came -
To everyone's surprise.
Reported by:
There is one beauty
And she is the sweetest of all
She is called Ludochka,
Her heart is like the sun.
If there is a holiday in the club house,
She's the first bastard
The cheerleader, the actor,
That's a woman! Trust me!
And I used to be a bun,
And dived like a fish
If necessary, and a cop
Will get very nimble.
All the roles are countless,
After all, Luda has talent!
And slender, but stately!
Acts like a pava
Well, he speaks of speech,
As if the river gurgles.
But she's a coward, here
As the mouse sees - yells!
For the rest:
Wonderful country woman
This citizen Lyudok!
All animals will confirm
Even a shepherd puppy.
That woman is the highest grade!
Lives in Novaya Zaimka!
And now the vocal-instrumental group "Slender Waist" will tell us about this woman, no, excuse me, the group "Sagging Belly".
It turns out, stepping heavily, stroking their bellies, a group of guests and singing to the tune of the song "New Turn".
We gave ourselves our word
Do not stray from the straight path,
But, to Lyuda it came ... m..m..m
And cook and fry,
The curtains will starch
Hey, come in soon ... m..m..m

Chorus: Here, a glorious pancake, compote,
Doesn't fit into your mouth
And I'm so rushing
And she carries:
Olivier salad,
Sauce, marmalade.
Ahead, believe me
Goose meat
Have pity on me.

There is a plate of cucumbers
And potatoes with jellied meat.
Here - baked goods are ... m..m..m
And salads - carbonates!
Oh, the belly is growing, guys,
But, I pull everything into my mouth ... m..m..m

Ved .: And we continue our news program. And in honor of the beautiful Novozaimskaya woman Luda, the folklore group "Lapti - give" will perform a song.
A group of guests in headscarves comes out and sings to the tune of the song "Am I to blame".
We have a colleague,
We have a colleague
Such a fighting temperament!
Everyone will notice her
Yes, with a cunning eye.
The voice of the bold voice is heard far away.
Where has she been
Where has she been
All the bosses were better.
Creates comfort for everyone,
Gives affection to children
She is an irrepressible lady.
Children love her
Friends respect.
Because, otherwise it is impossible.
After all, kinder than a soul -
Look for a century, not to find.
After all, Lyudmila is so alone.
And their home
Lives in full
All in worries, deeds -
Day after day!
For her wonderful gift
For her kind disposition
We sing this song with love.

Lead: We complete the transmission,
In conclusion, we wish
Live without old age
Work without fatigue
Health - without treatment,
Happiness - without grief.
We wish you earthly blessings
We know: You are worthy of them!

The presenter offers to drink to all the congratulations that were addressed to the hero of the day.
Ved .: Dear guests! We were so carried away by congratulations and forgot that today is not easy anniversary. 55 years for woman- this is the line, crossing which, she begins to live in a new quality. As a pensioner, in our case, as a working pensioner.
Greyhounds hid, fire burns in their eyes,
Today on a holiday you are among friends.
With all their hearts now they are in a hurry to congratulate you
All guests at the table on your anniversary.
Today, here is your attention, love,
We all hasten to wish you success.
You remember your past youth again,
You all see dreams about your pension!
And on a bright day for us, in a night eclipse,
The path has been paved for you with a bright star,
Let everything be always, only at will -
Longing and sadness will leave the heart.
Today is such a special day for you,
We are all ready to confirm this -
And this choice is yours quite deliberate,
Be a working pensioner!

But, nothing comes as hard as a pension! And today, dear Lyudmila Grigorievna, you will have to withstand a serious jubilee test in order to worthily receive a new title! The test will be one of the most difficult for you! Now you have to go along the road of earthly difficulties and prove to everyone that you also with dignity and fearlessness, confidently overcame all life difficulties on the way to the big anniversary!

“The Road of Earthly Difficulties”.

Ved.: As you know, small children are very fond of eating semolina. At the same time, the mother ties a bib on the child's chest. Dear birthday girl, we now offer you to overcome the first test in a child's life with dignity.
Leading ties jubilee bib and asks one of the guests to feed the "baby".
Ved .: And now the second test. You, Lyudmila Grigorievna, of course, had to lull your children for long dark nights, while singing a lullaby. Now we invite you to remember one of the lullabies and perform this evening for the guests.

Ved .: Well, you, dear birthday girl, overcame all obstacles with honor and fearlessly.
So many years have passed
You shouldn't count them here.
Do you think that's it? But no,
Don't worry!
There are so many events ahead
There are many things to do and worries ahead
There are still many discoveries ahead
Sleep with a hat, people will say!
You have passed the obstacle course with excellent marks!
Let me congratulate you personally!
And in front of all friends
Assign the title on the anniversary!
The presenter ties the hero of the day with a ribbon with the inscription "Pensioner 2013". Then he hands over a secret order and a telegram from the president.

"Government telegram".

Dear Russian woman! Dear Lyudmila Grigorievna!
On my own behalf and on behalf of the government, I congratulate you on this significant date: 55th anniversary and the acquisition of the honorary title "Super Pensioner"!
From my seat, I see that you - Lyudmila Grigorievna, despite your 40, still please the eyes of the people around you, which is very important.
I am very glad to know that in your 30s, you have not lost interest in professional activities and still please the eyes of the fathers of your readers.
In your 20s, few have this kind of energy and enthusiasm. And let everyone know that I will not give Ivanov. I desperately need young specialists in Siberia!

Vladimir Putin.

Ved .: So let's raise our glasses to the new pensioner, Lyudmila Grigorievna!

Fancy dress congratulation "Zachki".
The hall includes two prisoners in sweatshirts with numbers, prison hats. They begin to rage, assure that it was the hero of the day who invited them.

(addressing the presenter, who is trying to get them out)

Pull off the washcloth, the plowwoman has hammered the arrow for us. Oh, Luda! What are you, Luda, are you staring at us like that, drunk already? So you scored an arrow for us, and you yourself are having fun with these cardboard fools? Well, the fraera bespontovye now we will arrange a buffet table with broodershaft, I will tear my mouth, I will knock out the blinkers. Yes, we will tear them right now like a hot water bottle.

At the end they sing a song to the tune "Gop-stop".
Gop - stop, we came around the corner
Gop - stop, you gave us an invitation,
Now it's too late to repent
Look at the stars
Look at these hands and these faces
Look at our faces
This is not the first time you have seen us.

Hop-stop, so welcome your guests
Gop - stop, pour some vodyars for us soon,
You promised us salads
I promised snacks, we will eat everything, it will not be enough for us,
There will be few vodyary.
And we will sing the most fashionable
Congratulations on our zone.

Gop - stop, you have become a pensioner,
Gop - stop, so congratulations, accept:
Health, happiness and good luck,
A cool super car
A million dollars in thick bundles
A million more in the stash
The love of the children, the care of the husband
We want to wish you.

Gop - stop, don't tell us thank you
Gop-stop, look at our faces.
Better remember that raspberry
Zhenya's picture,
Where he figured you and me right in the window.
So we came Ludmila,
Bring the vodyars to us soon!
Then they give a picture of life in the zone where all the colleagues of the hero of the day are present at work.

Ved .: Friends! Today the world famous magician - illusionist came to our festive evening. Copperfield! But Eban'ko Ivanovich. So, welcome!
(Speech by the magician)

Ved .: And now I invite several people to participate in the game. I will read the text, and you show everything that I read.
- You are walking in the hot desert. You are terribly thirsty. Everything is dry in your throat, you can hardly move your legs. And the sun beats down mercilessly. Suddenly, on the horizon, you see an oasis. With the last bit of strength you go to him. Seeing the stream, you are insanely happy, raise your hands to heaven and kneel down. Leaning on your hands, you tilt your head towards the water.
Everyone gets down on all fours. The presenter salutes the birthday girl and addresses her.
- Dear Lyudmila Grigorievna, in honor of your anniversary, a platoon of service dogs has been built!

Ved.: Everything for you today, dear,
Guests can perform from the heart.
And accepting these congratulations,
Rate them how good they are.
And what can you tell us in response?
Perform a song, dance or verse?
All guests are waiting for what you cook for them
Look how this hall has become quiet.
The birthday girl's answer.

Scene "Time Machine"

Ved .: Friends! Today we celebrate a wonderful anniversary - 55 years... Let's take a look, well, another 50 years ahead. Imagine: the Ivanovs' house. The children left. Our dear spouses are talking to each other.

Grandfather and grandmother enter the hall, sit on the sofa.
Grandma: Do you remember Sano, how you and I were engaged in sekos.
Grandfather: I remember Lyudka. (The grandmother strokes her grandfather's leg) Yes, I understood Lyudka, we were doing it wrong. After all, Lyudka must moan.
Grandma: It's like moaning something?
Grandfather: Well, do you remember the soap opera entu? So she moaned as if Lyudka had a lot of soap.
Grandma: Oh, I get it, I get it. Well, let's try Sanhok, let’s dumb.
The grandfather long and unsuccessfully tries to settle down with the grandmother. Hugs her around the waist.
Grandma: Well, already moan?
Grandfather: No, it's too early. He puts his hand on the grandmother's chest.
Grandma: Well, moan?
Grandfather: No, it's too early. (gets tired of joining). Okay, Lyudka, groan.
Grandma: O-e-e-e-y, how are we going to live, oh-e-e-e-y, where to get money, oh-e-e-e-y, and buy firewood necessary, etc. Well Sanhok, stop moaning?
Grandfather: Duck, it seems like everyone, Lyudka.
Grandma: Well, let's go to the disco to have fun.
Grandfather and grandmother go to dance, inviting all the guests.

Game "Who are you?"

Each person present is given a piece of paper and a pen. Guests must write 6 different animals. After that, the host asks questions, and the guests read the names of the animals, one for each question.
1. Who are you in life?
2. Who are you in bed?
3. Who are you at the table?
4. Who are you on the carpet with your boss?
5. Who are you in relation to your spouse?
6. Who will you be at the end of the anniversary?

The evening ends with dancing.

Anniversary script - 55 years

(holding the house)

Nice music sounds. Guests are seated in their places. The birthday girl enters.


Good evening, dear guests! At this festive hour, we have gathered with you in this hall to celebrate the anniversary of our dear birthday girl, _______________. This evening is not easy, for the heart it is very dear. Indeed, exactly 55 years ago, a star named ______ was lit for us. All this time, she illuminated this world with the amazing light of her soul. And this anniversary can also be called stellar. So, I announce that the Star Jubilee is open.

Fifty-five happens only once

And this anniversary is no exception!

Congratulations from us

On a beautiful day, on a special birthday.

May success be with you everywhere,

Sixty is just a figure!

Don't forget that love and laughter

I suggest you fill your glasses and drink to our star named Lydia.


Leading: And now you, dear guests, will read the oath to the hero of the day.

Anniversary vow of guests

We swear by gifts that are from a pure soul,
The beauty of all the ladies that are so good
We swear by toasts that we will hear again
We swear by drinks that invigorate the blood,
We swear by the big flower bouquet
What is there! We swear by salad, pate,
We swear by the hot potato stew
We swear by the plate, fork and spoon
We swear by everything that we see around:
You, the hero of the day, are our best friend
(You, the hero of the day, are a true friend)!
Just click and we will respond
We swear, we swear, we swear!

On one of the copies of the oath, each guest signs next to the line he pronounced. The document is placed in a beautiful folder or framed and solemnly presented to the hero of the day.

The reciprocal oath of the hero of the day

My anniversary is for you!
Anniversary: I swear!
I'm glad to see you here!
Anniversary: I swear!
I am full of happiness with you!
Anniversary: I swear!
Eat enough - I will not presume to count!
Anniversary: I swear!
Three times I swear to stay young with my heart!
Anniversary: I swear! I swear! I swear!

The oath of the hero of the day is confirmed by raising a glass to the guests and draining it to the bottom, and then - general shouts of jubilation.


If you are before leaving
Discovered slightly
You have other people's things on you
This right is not a problem.
But we strictly forbid
Go home then
When will be next to you
Someone else's husband or wife.

So, drink more, be sad less, do not hide the corks, do not eat flowers.

An unexpected guest comes out - a gypsy.

Contest "Thoughts of guests".


Fifty-five years is the date -
Like chalk on a blackboard.
As desired once
Two five's in the diary.
Two fives - two sisters:
One is joy, one is sadness.
Like pages read,
Those that you know by heart.
These years ... There are many
There were joyful minutes
And it used to be sad
And sometimes I dreamed
In this everyone will understand you
Nothing that remains
Halfway behind you
Halfway it will still have to
Take your time to pass.
Let there be that road
Both pleasant and light.
And there will be many smiles
And love for sure.

Show presentation.



Yes, 55 have been lived! -
For some it is a lot, for others it is not enough.
And I want to tell you
So that the years are not counted at all.
May all dreams come true
Your desires and plans
I know for sure, you deserve
She was the dearest and closest of all!
Let the sun light the way!
Cover the stars with a blanket!
And if everyone wants to feel sad!
Remember everything that life has pampered!
May children become your pride
They will be joy and rapture!
Family and home, and loyal friends,
And a little, sometimes, a miracle!

The floor is given to the husband of the dear birthday girl, ____________.

Leading: The answer is given to the dear birthday girl.



When all the children grow up
Work is no longer needed
That is the best time ever!
You must live for yourself.

Congratulations today
Happy anniversary, loving.
And we all wish you
Love, warmth and kindness.

May your grandchildren adore you
Friends always help
May children always respect
And the family will support.

Let the heart not know sorrow
And let it not hurt for relatives
And so that you do not know offense,
Let luck soar nearby!

The floor is given to the daughters of the birthday girl.

Daughters sing a song about mom and daughter. Guests....


We wish you kindness
Peace of mind
More happiness, beauty
And every day - with love.

Let them pass you by
Sadness and anxiety
And become a smooth path
All roads taken.

And at 55 we wish you
Good luck and luck,
Let us congratulate you
Hug on a jubilee day.

The floor is given to the aunt of the hero of the day.


Don't sum it up
At fifty-five!
Shines in your eyes
Wonderful and wise light!
Happiness and health,
Cheerfulness, warmth!
I wish joyful
Your life was!

The floor is given to the birthday girl's brother and his wife.


Let the congratulations begin
In a whirlwind joyful you
In the coming anniversary year
To make your dream come true
And magical power
The numbers are beautiful: Five and Five
The magic of happy minutes
Let it give for you!

I now give the floor to my cousin __________.


And this anniversary is no exception!
Congratulations from us
On a beautiful day, on a special birthday.

May success be with you everywhere,
Sixty is just a figure!
Don't forget that love and laughter
Prolong life, proven, for a long time!

I give the floor to ________ and _________.


Congratulations on your anniversary,
So pour us soon:
We will raise a toast to you
For the radiance of your eyes
Let's drink to your smile,
For character - a whirlwind whirlwind!
Do not be afraid of bitter berries -
Your joy is two A's!
Happy anniversary symmetrical,
Everything will be fine with you!

The floor is given to the matchmaker ____________.

May you have many friends
Life without friends is both dull and insipid,
So many smiles and different ideas
Friends give: it's so interesting with them.
We wish you true friends.
At a difficult moment (doesn't it happen?)
Stretch out a hand
"Look more fun!" - they will say.
Friends - they help to live.
How many are there?
Let's count:
School and university, travel, work ...
So it comes out:
fifty plus five.
Something to add to someone hunting?

The floor is given to the birthday girl's best friend ________.


Congratulations on your anniversary!
Let's mark the round date.
We do not regret beautiful words
Let's celebrate our birthday together!

I give the floor to ___________.


We congratulate you on a significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health,
And many sincere friends.
We do not give to the birthday boy
No headsets, no rings
Surely you will take it warmer
Greetings from friendly hearts.

I offer a word for congratulations to friends __________ and ____________.


These roses are blooming, dear, for you
This song does not sound once - now.
And in a gentle melody that enveloped the hall,
So much feeling - I can see it in your eyes.
These people did not come to someone, but to you
You will believe their speeches and kind words.
May life continue to show you five,
Keep your motto short: "Hold on!"
Never give up and never lose heart
Live, work and feel -
Only five!

I offer a word for congratulations to friends _________ and ____________.


Fifty plus five years
Your holiday today!
I'm ready to say a lot
In honor of your beauties!
May health never
It does not fail in life,
And for many years
Let the sadness go away!

And now a friend of _____________ will say warm words of wishes.

1. Comic congratulations to the guests.

Dear guests, dear birthday man, a children's nursery squad "Mouse" has come to your holiday!

Aunt Lida congratulates
Our favorite kindergarten,
Sends hello to you, dear,
Junior nursery squad.
We promise to listen to Lida,
Always go to the pot,
When everyone ate the porridge,
We'll take away the cups.
Be healthy Aunt Lida!
Many, many more days
We promise we will come
On your hundredth anniversary!


A young pensioner was born today. We all know which kids are capricious, they are cold, then hot, then their ears are frozen. Therefore, we decided to give the newborn a bonnet. When the baby eats, he will surely get dirty, and a new bib will prevent this. Young retirees are prone to worries and frustrations, their eyes are constantly watering. A distracting maneuver in the form of a dummy will allow a young pensioner to be always happy.

Presentation of the medal.


Dear guests! I ask you to fill your glasses with little white, and drip red into the glasses.

2. Win-win lottery.

1. Fate took a rent from you, for delivery - boxes of matches. (Matches).
2. We'll have to live, the work of grief, And forget about the days of the calendar! (Calendar).
3. Whoever gets a can of beer will live happily all year! (Beer). 4. You are a tough nut to crack, which means that good luck awaits you! (Peanut).
5. Here is a ticket, so a ticket, do not rummage in the rooms, Consider that there is no win - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief).
8. Since you got a chocolate bar, then you will not be bitter - it will be sweet! (Chocolate).
9. Don't drip on your neighbor, And win a napkin. (Napkin).
10. Today you are not a hero of the day, the laurel crown does not shine for you, you better accept from us (a packet of bay leaves).
11. And you are "in juice", in the prime of your life! You have no equal among your friends! (A packet of juice).
12. Do not be bored in the evenings - drink fragrant tea (Tea).
13. The prize went to you to gnaw in the evenings. (crackers).
14. And big love awaits you And kisses all year round! (A set of sponges for dishes).
15. Get it, hurry up, you - a notebook, write poems. (Notebook).
16. Delight awaits you for your heart - Big increase in salary! (Yogurt "Delight").
17. Imported hair dryer "Roventa" with a nozzle. (Comb).
18. A trifle, but nice. (A handful of small coins).

3. Game with the first letter of the birthday girl's name.


Playing with the guests: today there have already been so many good words and congratulations addressed to the hero of the day, and now let's think together with you and I suggest that you name the best human qualities of the hero of the day with the letter "O", whoever calls more words will receive a prize from the hero of the day.

1. Kohl came to the Jubilee,
Drink some vodka soon!
2 drink a glass of wine
For a ruddy face!
3.Guests for the neighbor on the left
A shot of vodka skillfully!
4.You, buddy, have the right
Kiss the friend on the right on the cheek!
5. Compliment Now
The birthday girl from us!
6. To make it more fun
Sing us a song soon!
7.Good guests today
Throw away your timidity,
Tell a joke
This is what the people expect from you!
8. It will be fun with us,
If you get up now
Swallow, my friend,
Toast telling us a little!
9.The birthday girl is with us
A lovely sight, just class!
Come to her, hug
And smile to all the guests!
10 kiss the birthday girl
Just don’t spoil!
11. Well, and you, buddy, the wall
Kiss, standing with your back,
Forget at least for a while
About your beloved chondrosis!
12. Draw a circle with your right foot.
Pounding on the tummy with my left hand,
At the same time, you try to drink a glass,
Not a drop should be spilled!
13 use modern jargon now
Confessing love to the birthday girl,
My order is the strictest law
Do not hesitate to speak!


So our festive evening has come to an end. Once again, we wish our dear hero of the day a happy birthday! May all her dreams come true!


Well finally the day has come
When to work if you are lazy
Not necessary at all. To work
Will not be called on Saturday.

From today
We are responsible for ourselves.
Ah, this age is long awaited
He's sweet and so desirable.

You don't have to try anymore
And do your hobby.
Still full of health and strength,
And the appearance is very nice!

We wish you health
And years filled with love.
Let your friends support you
The family will be surrounded by care.

To the clink of glasses, the laughter of friends
Let me take the floor today!
We gathered for the anniversary
You dear person!
So we wish you many years
Love, health and good luck,
Destiny that will take away from troubles
And ours will solve the problem!
May all dreams come true
Trust me, they are realizable!
And as a source of kindness,
Give warmth to your loved ones!
Let the days, intertwining in a round dance,
They always bring happiness to your house!
And every year that comes
Add more tender passion!
So, friends, for the anniversary!
That everything came true and everything happened!
The years make us wiser -
Enemies in spite, friends at the mercy!

Sweetheart, dear, dear,
Happy birthday, mommy to you.
And congratulating you from the bottom of my heart,
I want to tell you, loving:
If I have ever offended,
Mommy, darling, I'm sorry.
You are loved, you knew it.
And please, dear, do not be sad.
So that your eyes shine with happiness
And she was always smiling.
So that bad weather does not touch you,
And over the years it only bloomed.

Mom, let the years go by
Everything has come and everything is gone.
Your hands and care
They gave me warmth.
I've always loved you.
Happy Birthday to You
I congratulate today
My dear mom!