Презентація на тему моя сім'я з англійської мови. Презентація на тему моя сім'я з англійської мови Презентація на тему моя сім'я англійську мову

Our family is neither large nor small.

I have a mother, a father, a brother and a sister and grandparents.

My father Peter Ivanovich is 47 years old. He is a tall and well-built man with short black hair and brown eyes.

He works as a manager at a plant. He likes his work and spends most of his time there.

His hobby is collecting stamps.

By character my father is a quiet man, while my mother is energetic and talkative.

My mother's name is Marina Petrovna. She is forty.

She is a teacher of music and plays the piano well.

My mother always has a lot of work to do about the house and at school.

She is a busy woman and we all help her.

My sister's name is Irena.

Like our mother Irena has brown eyes and beautiful hair. She is a very good-looking girl.

Irena is younger than me. She is a pupil of the 8th form.

She does well at school and gets only good and excellent marks. Literature is her favourite subject and she wants to become a teacher.

I also have many other relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins.

We are happy when we are together.

  • grandp a, grandm a, st ar
  • [ᴧ] br o ther, s o n, m u m
  • [Æ] d a d, f a mily, gr a ndfather
  • [Ɔ:] d au ghter, f or, dr aw

1. He is the father of your father. 2. She is the sister of your father. 3. She is the mother of your sister. 4. She is the daughter of your mother. 5. He is the brother of your mother.

Class work.

The theme of the lesson is

My Family ".

  • 1) називати по-англійськи членів сім'ї;
  • 2) складати розповідь про свою сім'ю;
  • 3) вживати дієслова в минулому часі (Past Simple) в усній і письмовій мові

  • Cousin [ brʌðƏ]
  • parents [ dɔ: tƏ]
  • father [ peərənts]
  • mother [ kʌzn]
  • grandmother [ a : nt]
  • Grandfather [ sʌn]
  • aunt [fa : ðƏ]
  • uncle [ sistə]
  • brother
  • sister [ grᴂnd fa : ðƏ]
  • son [ ʌɳkl]
  • daughter [ grᴂndmʌðƏ]

Clap, clap, clap your hands ,

Clap your hands together

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,

Stamp your feet together.

Touch, touch, touch your ears

Touch your ears together

Touch, touch, touch your cheeks

Touch your cheeks together

Shake, shake, shake your hands

Shake your hands together

Smile, smile at your friends

Let us smile together.

The presentation

My name is Lyda.

I am 10. I am a pupil.

I study in the fourth form.

I like to ride a bike.

My dad's name is Vladimir.

He likes hockey,

basketball and swimming.

My mum's name is Polina.

She is 33.

She is very kind,

beautiful and funny.

My brother`s name

is Egor.

He is two.

He likes to play

with his toys.

My sister`s name is Diana. She is six.

She likes

to draw the pictures .

  • I have got a big / a small family.
  • I have a ..., a ...,
  • My father's name is ...
  • My mother's name is ...
  • My brother's / sister's name is ...

  • The father (watch) the stars.
  • The mother and the sister (play) puzzles.
  • The grandfather and the brother (make) a toy.
  • The grandmother (play) computer games.
  • I (take) a photo of my family.

Say what you like to do on Sundays ask your classmates.

Use the words:

skate, play chess / tennis / piano, draw pictures,

make a snowman, watch TV / video, play puzzles,

ride (my) bike / scooter, play with (my) toys, read

books, listen to music

Example: I like to play computer games. And you, D asha?

I like to walk in the park. And you, Masha?

Family "

Glad to see you, my friends! How are you? Before we start I'd like to know about your mood. Show me your mood (смайлики).

Are you ready to work? So, let's start.

Ex. 2 Answer my questions :

  • P1, have you got an elder brother?
  • What's her name?
  • P2, have you got a younger brother? Have you got a sister.
  • P3, have you got a cousin? How many cousins ​​have you got?
  • P4, have you got an uncle? What's his name? where does he live?
  • Has anybody a nephew or a niece? Nobody has?
  • Maybe anybody has a wife or a husband?

  • How do you think, what we'll talk about? What is our topic today?
  • You are right we'll speak about family and family relations today.

Ex. 4 Give the opposites :

0) A father - a mother

1) a sister - a brother

2) an uncle - an aunt

3) a nephew - a niece

4) a son - a daughter

5) a grandfather-a grandmother

6) a husband - a wife



10 words

8-9 words

6-7 words

  • Ex. 6 Help Your Mother!
  • Help your mother, set the table; Put a knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother, set the table Every afternoon. Help your mother, clea r the table; Take a knife and spoon. Help your mother, clea r the table Morning, night and noon. .

My Family.

I am Jane Brown. I'm 12. I'd like to tell you about my family. I've got a mother, a father, an elder brother and a younger sister. My grandma and granddad do not live with us. They live in another city. My grandparents are very kind and we love them very much.

My mother's name is Mary Brown. She is 35. She is a beautiful slim woman. She likes cooking very much. Her cakes are so tasty!

My father's name is Paul Brown. He is 1 year older than our mother. My dad is a strong handsome man. He enjoys repairing his car.

My sister Susan is 4 years younger than me. She is a pretty and smart girl. Susan likes walking with our dog in the park not far from our house. And she also often plays with her dolls.

My elder brother John is a tall boy of 14. He is clever and sociable. His hobbies are playing computer games and football.

As for me, I prefer reading books when I have free time. On Sundays I go shopping with my mum. I enjoy shopping.

Our family is friendly. We always help each other. And we love each other too.


What kind of

( hobby)

Ти не лінуйся, а повтори:

Сім'я інакше ...

Вона мріє бути артисткою

Моя сестричка - моя ...

Мій брат розбив сьогодні вазу

Мій брат - малюк,

Мій братик - …

Дядя Скрудж поїхав в банк,

Дядю називають ...

Тітка! А тепер твій фант!

Тітка по-англійськи ...

Доньку як ви назвете?

Дочка по-англійськи ...

Мій синочок зіпсував кран.

Син, синочок значить ...

До мене прийшов один на обід

Друг по-англійськи просто ...

Thank you for your work today. It was fantastic!

Now the lesson is over, good-bye!


1. Ознайомлення і тренування вживання числівників;

2. Введення нового лексичного матеріалу по темі "Сім'я";

3. Розвиток навичок читання;

4. Розвиток навичок аудіювання.

Методи і прийоми: фронтальне опитування, гра, комбінована, групова, діалогічна форми мови.

устаткування: картки зі словами по темі «Family», комп'ютер,

картки, малюнки, підручник, робочий зошит.

Family members:

Grandmother - бабуся

Grandfather - дідусь

Father - тато

Mother - мама

Sister - сестра

Brother - брат

Son - син

Daughter - дочка

Aunt - тітка

Uncle - дядько

Age -возраст

How old are you?

I am

Numerals- числівники one 1 eleven 11 two 2 twelve 12 three 3 thirteen 13 four 4 fourteen 14 five 5 fifteen 15 six 6 sixteen 16 seven 7 seventeen 17 eight 8 eighteen 18 nine 9 nineteen 19 ten 10

Numerals- числівники


My mother is thirty.

My father is ....

My sister is ....

My grandfather is ....

Розкажи про себе:

My name is ....

I am ....

I have got ....

My mother is ....

My father is ....

I love my family.

Презентація створена для узагальнення матеріалу по темі на уроках англійської в початкових класах. Вона систематизує вивчений матеріал, розвиває орфографічні навички, вміння будувати речення, виховує любов до близьких і прагнення мати сімейні традиції. Роботу можна демонструвати для класів, які навчаються за будь-якими програмами.

Презентація складена на дванадцяти слайдах. Розташування слайдів відповідає плану:

Вірш про сім'ю англійською мовою.
-Игра зі словами.
Контроль граматичних навичок.
-Культурологіческая інформація.

Розробка відповідає віковим особливостям молодших школярів, вона має на увазі часту зміну діяльності на уроці. Читання і запам'ятовування вірша, складання слів з букв, заповнення пропусків у реченні, знайомство з гербами знаменитих сімей Росії. Інформація легка в сприйнятті, запам'ятовуванні. Завдання виділені кольором, текст набраний великим шрифтом, є списки. Страноведческий аспект знайшов своє відображення на слайдах з англійським віршем, зображеннями фамільних гербів російської аристократії. Робота привертає увагу дітей стилем оформлення, наявністю тематичних фотографій.