Ciatim 221 shelf life. Performance properties and characteristics

For many car enthusiasts, the choice of lubricant for servicing their car is quite acute. This is understandable when you consider that everyone wants to have a universal grease at hand, suitable for servicing most parts of the car in all weather conditions.

Now many of the lubricants produced in the Soviet Union in accordance with GOST acquire a certain aura of mystery in the minds of many people. It is believed that the strict standards and careful quality control that each manufactured product underwent in those years ensured consistently high quality. This fully applies to the CIATIM 221 grease.

The very name of the CIATIM grease (Central Institute of Aviation Fuels and Lubricants) connects this product with aerospace technologies in the minds of many car owners. Many of them believe that the scope of this wonderful lubricant is truly limitless.

However, is it really so?


It is known that the working properties of any lubricant are primarily determined by its composition.

CIATIM 221 grease is made on the basis of silicone oil and a complex calcium thickener. It is known that organosilicon fluids maintain working properties over a wide temperature range.

The use of a thickener in greases significantly narrows the temperature range.

According to GOST, CIATIM-221 is intended for lubrication of friction units and mating surfaces "metal-metal" and "metal-rubber". Temperature characteristics of CIATIM 221 guarantee its effective use at temperatures from -60 to +150 ° C.

As you can see, the grease is frost-resistant and heat-resistant. It can operate both in the Far North and in hot climatic zones, and can be used in high-temperature equipment.

One of the components of CIATIM-221 are antioxidant additives, which prevent the material from rapidly losing its properties under the influence of atmospheric oxygen and high temperatures.

Silicone greases are chemically inert. They are not destructive to rubber and plastic parts.

One of the special properties that make CIATIM-221 a particularly popular material is the retention of a low effective viscosity at significant negative temperatures. This allows the grease to be used in high speed bearings and precision instruments down to -60 ° C.

CIATIM-221 does not contain water and does not dissolve in water, retains its properties in boiling water. But, at the same time, it is very hygroscopic, therefore it absorbs moisture well from the atmosphere. In this case, the lubricant is compacted and becomes ineffective at low temperatures.

Due to its high hygroscopicity, the lubricant should be stored only in a sealed, tightly closed original container. Under such conditions, the properties of the material can be maintained for several decades.

A remarkable feature is that even after complete melting during heating and subsequent cooling, CIATIM-221 fully restores its original properties.

Advantages and disadvantages

The composition and features of the lubricant production determine its main advantages and disadvantages.

Main pluses:

  • Wide operating temperature range from -60 to +150 ° С
  • CIATIM 221 operates at very high bearing rotation speeds
  • Chemical inertness makes the grease compatible with plastics and elastomers
  • The grease is characterized by low volatility, therefore it can work in a vacuum
  • CIATIM-221 grease is inactive and harmless to the human body, does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes

We see that CIATIM 221 grease can operate in a very wide temperature range.

If there are many analogues at the upper limit of the temperature range (+150 ° C) today, then in terms of frost resistance (-60 ° C) it has very few competitors.


  • The main disadvantage of the lubricant is its low bearing capacity compared to traditional materials, which is determined by the silicone base oil used for the base.
  • In addition, organosilicon fluids operate ineffectively in the metal-to-metal tribological system, since they do not form a strong lubricating film on the friction surface that protects against wear. As a result, silicone greases exhibit a lubricating effect only at high sliding speeds when the hydrodynamic lubrication mode is implemented.


The technical characteristics of the CIATIM-221 grease indicate its low bearing capacity and ineffective operation in metal-metal steam. For this reason, the material has a limited scope.

However, in the field of equipment operation at low temperatures and high rotation speeds, CIATIM-221 has few competitors.

Examples of typical applications:

  • Bearings for electric machines with a speed of up to 10,000 rpm
  • High-speed instrumentation and control systems
  • Aircraft Aggregate Bearings
  • Friction units and mating surfaces "metal-rubber"
  • Equipment assemblies operating in a vacuum
  • Unloaded nodes of outdoor equipment operating at low temperatures
  • Operation at temperatures down to -60 ° C and low volatility in a rarefied atmosphere (vacuum) have allowed service departments to lubricate aviation components with this grease for many years.

Analogs TSIATIM 221

Among all the variety of lubricants, it is difficult to lubricate CIATIM 221 with an analogue in all operating parameters at the same time. However, when it comes to a specific application, it is very rare that all properties are required at once.

In most cases, a replacement for CIATIM 221 is looked for when it comes to heat resistance or frost resistance, as well as the ability of a lubricant to work in a vacuum.

According to these parameters, you can select several materials of both domestic and foreign production.


It is a non-hardening and non-coking silicone grease with a stated operating temperature range of -43 ... + 299 ° C.

The material is insoluble in water and hydrocarbons, vegetable and petroleum oils, glycerin, dilute alkalis and acids.

It is characterized by good thermal and mechanical stability and high dielectric properties.


  • H1 food grade approved by NSF
  • Does not release oil
  • High stability


  • It is inferior to other materials along the border of minimum temperatures
  • The declared operating temperature limits correspond to the pour point and melting point

Frost resistant grease from Dow, one of the world's largest manufacturers of specialty and industrial lubricants.

Made from synthetic PAO oil and lithium soap.

Its operating temperature range is -60 ... + 130 ° C.


  • High bearing capacity
  • Dusty performance
  • High stability
  • Low limit of minimum operating temperatures


  • It is inferior to other lubricants at the maximum operating temperature range
  • Difficult to buy on free sale

Multipurpose grease based on PAO oil and calcium sulfonate complex.

It has high bearing capacity, antioxidant, anticorrosive and antiwear properties.

Along the border of the upper operating temperatures of -55 ... + 150 ° C, it fully complies with CIATIM.


  • Good stability
  • Affordable price


  • Difficult to find on free sale

Another analogue of CIATIM-221 grease from the Effective Element company.

This grease, based on synthetic PAO oil and lithium soap, can handle high bearing speeds in all weather conditions. It is used with such constructional materials as metal, plastic, rubber in any combination of them in a pair of friction.

Operating temperature range: -60 ... + 120 ° C.


  • Affordable price
  • Works at very high speeds under heavy loads


  • Low upper limit of operating temperatures

Which is better - Litol 24 or CIATIM-221?

This question can often be heard from newbie car owners. However, the very formulation of the question is fundamentally wrong and incorrect. This is tantamount to asking which is better - bread or cheese.

Although Litol-24 and TsIATIM-221 belong to greases, they were originally created for different purposes. Litol was developed as a universal grease for ordinary conditions of use, and CIATIM - as a special thermo- and frost-resistant grease.

The first of the materials is made on mineral oil and is effective in the range of medium loads and speeds, but it can take significant loads. CIATIM-221 synthetic silicone grease cannot withstand significant loads, but is used in high-speed bearings.

LITOL-24 works perfectly in a metal-metal friction pair, but is aggressive towards plastics and rubbers. CIATIM is inert in polymers and elastomers, but cannot work in a purely metallic friction pair.

In a word, these are completely different products with their own pros and cons. And each of them has its own area of ​​application.

Thus, when choosing CIATIM-221 as a lubricant for your car, you need to clearly understand where it will be most effective and where it will not cope with the operating conditions. For loaded assemblies or metal-to-metal friction pairs, it is better to use other lubricants.

GOST 9433-80

Group B32



Technical conditions

Grease CIATIM-221. Specifications

OKP 02 5421 0800

Date of introduction 1982-01-01

PUT INTO EFFECT by the resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated May 19, 1980 N 2188


By Decree of the USSR State Standard of 04/17/91 N 513, the limitation of the validity period was lifted

EDITION with Amendments N 1, 2, 3, approved in August 1982, April 1986, April 1991 (IUS 11-82, 7-86, 7-91)

This standard applies to grease intended for lubrication of friction units and mating surfaces "metal-metal" and "metal-rubber" operating at temperatures from minus 60 to plus 150 ° C.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 3).



1.1. The lubricant must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, according to the technological regulations and from the components that were used in the manufacture of lubricant samples that have passed state tests with positive results and are approved for use in the prescribed manner.

1.2. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, the CIATIM-221 grease must comply with the requirements and standards specified in the table.

Indicator name

Test Method

1. Appearance

Homogeneous ointment, smooth structure from light yellow to light brown

According to clause 4.3

2. Effective viscosity at minus 50 ° C and an average gradient of the deformation rate of 10 s, Pa · s, no more

According to GOST 7163-84

3. Ultimate strength at 50 ° С, Pa, not less

According to GOST 7143-73, method B

4. Dropping point, ° С, not lower

According to GOST 6793-74

5. Penetration at 25 ° C, 0.1 mm

According to GOST 5346-78

6. Corrosive effect on metals


According to GOST 9.080-77 and clause 4.4 of this standard

7. Colloidal stability,% of isolated oil, no more

According to GOST 7142-74 and clause 4.5 of this standard

8. Mass fraction of alkali in terms of NaOH,%, no more

According to GOST 6707-76 and clause 4.6 of this standard


According to GOST 2477-65

According to GOST 6479-73 and clause 4.7 of this standard

11. Evaporation at 150 ° С for 1 hour,%, no more

According to GOST 9566-74

1.1-1.2. (Modified edition, Amendments N 1, 3).


2.1. CIATIM-221 grease is inactive, has no toxic effect on the body, does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

The maximum permissible concentration of the liquid base of the lubricant in the air of the working area is 10 mg / m.

2.2. When working with grease, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment in accordance with the standard industry standards approved in the prescribed manner.

2.3. Persons working with lubricants should wash their hands with warm water and soap before eating, smoking and after finishing work.

2.4. The grease is not fire-hazardous and non-explosive, it is a flammable product of group IV. The flash point of the liquid base is above 265 ° C.

When the lubricant ignites, the following fire extinguishing agents are used: SI-VK, SI-2 and SZHB-BF-2 compounds.


3.1. Lubrication is taken in batches.

A batch is considered to be the amount of grease weighing up to 1000 kg, homogeneous in terms of quality, accompanied by a quality document.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2.).

3.2. The volume of samples is in accordance with GOST 2517-85.

3.3. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results for at least one indicator, repeated tests of a newly selected sample from the same sample are carried out on it.

Retest results apply to the entire batch.

3.4. The indicator "Evaporation at 150 ° C" is determined by the manufacturer at the request of the consumer.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 2).


4.1. Lubricant samples are taken in accordance with GOST 2517-85.

The mass of the combined sample is 2 kg of grease.

In case of disagreement in assessing the quality of the lubricant, the sample should be stored for at least five years.

4.2. The analysis of grease for compliance with the requirements of this standard, in addition to the content of mechanical impurities, is carried out before packaging. Mechanical impurities are determined in grease packaged in containers.

4.1-4.2. (Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.3. To determine the appearance, the lubricant is applied with a spatula to a 50x70x2 mm glass plate in accordance with GOST 111-90 using a template (internal dimensions 35x35 mm, 2 mm thick) and viewed with the naked eye in transmitted light.

4.4. Corrosion testing is carried out on copper plates of grades M0k or M1k in accordance with GOST 859-2001. Discoloration and slight reddish-brown discoloration of the plates are allowed.

4.5. When determining colloidal stability, the ashless filter is moistened with liquid 132-24 in accordance with GOST 10957-74. Pressing out the grease is carried out at a load of (200 ± 10) g.

4.6. When determining the mass fraction of alkali, toluene of analytical grade is used as a lubricant solvent. according to GOST 5789-78 and titrated with a hot lubricant solution.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 2).

4.7. When determining mechanical impurities, a sample of the lubricant is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained with 75 cm of gasoline. The mixture is transferred into a separating funnel, 75 cm of 50% acetic acid is added in accordance with GOST 61-75 and vigorously stirred until the grease is completely decomposed. After settling and separation of layers, the lower acetic acid layer is filtered. At the end of filtration, the filter is washed three to four times with hot distilled water and dried in a thermostat, then a layer of gasoline lubricant solution is filtered through the same filter.


5.1. Packaging, marking, transportation and storage of the grease - according to GOST 1510-84 with the following addition: the grease is packed in tin cans and, at the request of consumers, in aluminum tubes without coating or with an inner coating with phenol-polyvinyl acetate glue BF-2 in accordance with GOST 12172-74 with a capacity of 40 -200 g.

Lubricated tubes are packed in plank or plywood boxes in rows, with cardboard or paper spacers between the rows.

The gross and net weight on the tubes is not indicated. The batch number, month and year of manufacture of the grease are stamped.

5.2. The grease must be stored in the manufacturer's container.

5.3. (Deleted, Amendment No. 3).


6.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the lubricant meets the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

6.2. The guaranteed shelf life in the manufacturer's container is five years from the date of manufacture.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
Petroleum products. Lubricants. Additives.
Specifications: Sat. GOSTs. -
M .: IPK Publishing house of standards, 2002

GOST 9433-80

CIATIM-221 antifriction grease belongs to the subgroup of heat-resistant greases. The maximum temperature for its application is 150 ° C. Short-term overheating up to 180 ° C is allowed. It also possesses good low-temperature properties, it can be used down to –60 ° С. The grease is intended for rolling bearings of electric machines, incl. aircraft electric machines, control systems and instruments with a rotational speed of up to 10,000 min -1, for aggregate bearings of aircraft, for friction units and mating surfaces "metal-rubber" operating in a vacuum.

CIATIM-221 grease are obtained by thickening a synthetic oil with a complex calcium soap and adding an antioxidant additive. It is a homogeneous soft ointment with a smooth texture from light yellow to light brown, insoluble in water, hygroscopic, and remains stable even when boiled. When moisture is absorbed, it compresses, and its performance properties, in particular, low-temperature ones, deteriorate. Due to hygroscopicity CIATIM-221 grease cannot be stored in an unsealed container. The lubricant is chemically resistant and inert towards rubber and polymer materials, therefore it is used in rubber-metal friction pairs, for example, for lubricating rubber sealing rings of pneumatic cylinders, friction units and metal-rubber mating surfaces in pneumatic boosters of brakes and steering wheels.

CIATIM-221 grease They are successfully used in friction units operating in high vacuum (from 10 -1 to 10 -10 Pa). In a vacuum, it ensures the operation of low- and medium-loaded rolling bearings at speeds of up to several thousand min -1 and temperatures up to + 150 ° C for 1000 hours. CIATIM-221 grease They are successfully used in instrument rolling bearings and lightly loaded gearboxes. As an instrument lubricant, it can be used at temperatures from –60 to 150 ° C at atmospheric pressure and in vacuum.

CIATIM-221 grease has low antiwear characteristics, therefore it cannot be used in medium- and heavily loaded plain bearings, gearboxes and guides. When using CIATIM-221 grease, remember that it is incompatible with other types of greases. Mixing it with other lubricants, in particular, with aviation Era grease unacceptable.

Foreignanalogslubricants: Aeroshell Grease 15(SHELL), Unirex S2(Esso).

Grease specification CIATIM-221 (GOST 9433-80) according to DIN 51502: KSI1-2N-60

physical and chemical indicators

p / p
Indicator name Indicator value
1. Appearance Homogeneous ointment with a smooth structure from light yellow to light brown
2. Penetration at 25 ° С with stirring, 10 -1 mm 280–360
3. Effective viscosity at -50 ° С and average gradient of deformation rate 10 s -1, Pa-s, no more 800
4. Ultimate strength at 50 ° С, Pa, not less 120
5. Dropping point, ° С, not lower 200
6. Colloidal stability,% of released oil, no more 7,0
7. Evaporation at 150 ° С, for 1 hour,%, no more 2,0
8. Corrosive to metals Withstands
9. Mass fraction of alkali in terms of NaOH,%, no more 0,08
10. Water content Absence
11. Content of mechanical impurities Absence


Heat-resistant grease Tsiatim-221 GOST 9433-80

The very name of the grease - the abbreviation stands for "Central Institute of Aviation Fuels and Lubricants" (CIATIM). This institution has developed this lubricant. Today, mechanics associate this abbreviation with the aerospace industry. However, the real field of application of the lubricant is much higher.

Scope of CIATIM-221:

CIATIM-221 It is widely used in various types of specialized equipment, for example, in cryogenic and high-temperature apparatus. The lubricant is ideally suited to the harsh vacuum conditions. Therefore, it is in high demand not only in industrial production, but also in the manufacture of precision instruments.

Heat-resistant grease CIATIM-221 It is used in rolling bearings of electric machines, control systems and instruments with a rotational speed of up to 10,000 min -1, aggregate bearings of aircraft, friction units and metal-rubber mating surfaces operating in a vacuum.

The grease is a homogeneous soft ointment with a smooth texture ranging from light yellow to light brown.

Tsiatim-221. Main performance characteristics:

Ciatim-221 is insoluble in water, hygroscopic, and remains stable even when boiled. When absorbed by moisture, it compresses, has low antiwear characteristics, is inert to rubber and polymer materials. It is efficient at a residual pressure of 667 Pa, in the temperature range from -60 o C to +150 o C.

The most demanded parameter of CIATIM 221 lubricant is a rather high temperature of product application - up to 150 ° С. Low values ​​of effective viscosity at negative temperatures are no less important. Due to this characteristic, the grease does not thicken much with the onset of cold weather and can be operated even down to minus 60 ° C.

Another significant performance indicator of TsIATIM-221 grease is its inertness to rubbers and plastics. The reason for this behavior of the CIATIM-221 grease is an organosilicon fluid as an oil base for the grease. Organosilicon is widely used in such friction pairs as "plastic + plastic", "metal + rubber", "plastic + metal".

Composition of Tsiatim-221:

Basis: organosilicon liquid.

Thickener: complex soap.

Additives: antioxidant.

Physicochemical properties of Tsiatim-221:

Possible substitutes: In certain cases, the Tsiatim-221 grease can be replaced with the following greases: - provided that it is used at temperatures not lower than -40 o C.

Tsiatim-221 packing: plastic. can of 10 kg, tin of tin. 0.8 kg and 0.9 kg (16 cans in a package).

Lubricant price depends on the volume of each specific application and the selected container.

Tsiatim-221 grease reduces wear and sliding friction of mating parts, is recommended for use in units where it is impossible to determine the degree of wear of working surfaces, as well as for lubricating moving elements of rocker / ball / roller mechanisms. It is a promising heat-resistant material with silicone oil in the base, it remains stable even when boiled. Reliably protects friction units and mating surfaces, it is used when it is impossible to use oils, when it is difficult to replenish and it is necessary to seal oil seals, taps and threaded connections. The stable demand for this product is due to its affordable price and practical packaging. The name CIATIM received from the abbreviated name of the organization of the lubricant developer - the Central Institute of Aviation Fuels and Lubricants.

Composition and low temperature properties

The purpose of the Ciatim 221 grease is determined by its physicochemical properties. Of the main features, it should be noted:

  • appearance at ordinary temperature - soft, greasy, non-flowing material;
  • family - calcium greases;
  • the texture is homogeneous, smooth, reminiscent of petroleum jelly;
  • color - white, yellowish, light shades of gray or brown;
  • base - silicone fluid "132-24" in the total volume of up to 88%, please note that its replacement with other products is not allowed according to the technological regulations;
  • thickener - calcium soap or calcium stearate-acetate in the amount of up to 10%;
  • to improve the viscosity properties and adhesion, as well as to increase the thermal-oxidative stability, up to 5% of an antioxidant additive is additionally introduced;
  • the dropping point is above 200 degrees, and the evaporation rate is not more than 2% per hour at a temperature of 150 degrees;
  • colloidal stability is only 7%, which guarantees long-term storage without changing properties and the possibility of long-term operation in units without the need for replacement;
  • corrosion tests - withstands;
  • packaging - storage in unsealed containers is prohibited due to hygroscopicity, tin cans are recommended, less often aluminum tubes;
  • manufacturer's warranty in an original hermetically sealed container - five years from the date of manufacture, however, the lubricant retains its properties for up to 40 years;

Features of the lubricant, manifested during operation:

  • insoluble in water; hygroscopic; retains stability at the boiling point, but hardens at high air humidity and loses its original characteristics;
  • it is used as a multifunctional grease in difficult operating conditions requiring resistance to washout, to low (up to -60C) and high (up to 150C) temperatures and their sharp drops;
  • with a short heating up to 180C, it does not lose functionality and does not harden;
  • the manufacturer focuses on the fact of incompatibility with other lubricants - even accidental mixing should be excluded, including products with lithium based on petroleum oils;
  • special additives included in the composition increase the efficiency of work - friction units and metal-to-metal mating surfaces are protected from corrosion, scuffing and wear;
  • fire and explosion proof, does not apply to self-igniting products;
  • inertness to polymers allows the product to be used for lubricating the surface of the sealing rings of pneumatic cylinders, as well as for metal-rubber surfaces operating in a vacuum;
  • refers to non-toxic products, safe for the respiratory system and skin, however, the manufacturer recommends using PPE when working;
  • colloidal stability - high, which helps to maintain the consistency of the lubricant;
  • chemically resistant - used for sealing threads, valves, oil seals;
  • for friction pairs metal and metal rubber;
  • capable of ensuring the trouble-free operation of the nodes of most modern devices, incl. and devices with a rotation frequency of up to 10 thousand revolutions per minute.

Scope of use

The product is a multipurpose grease that can handle a variety of loads, over a wide temperature range and at all speeds. It is used in many industries, including instrumentation, metallurgy, automotive, agricultural, aviation, petrochemical and other industrial areas.

  • mating surfaces metal rubber working in high vacuum;
  • control and measuring and radio devices, as well as mechanisms with a rotational speed of up to 10,000 min-1;
  • drive mechanisms, as well as all types of transmissions;
  • mechanisms of lenses of photographic and cinematographic equipment;
  • navigation systems, counting devices, automatic control and instruments with a full speed of up to 10 thousand per minute;
  • rolling bearings of electric machines of control and monitoring systems in lightly loaded gearboxes;
  • pneumatic boosters for brakes, steering racks and vehicle suspensions;
  • many other elements - just check with the manufacturer or its official representative for compatibility.

Functional analogs

The following can be noted as analogues in terms of functional purpose from products of Russian and foreign production:

  • Mobil SHC - slightly wider temperature range, hygroscopic in water and remains stable against oxidative reactions;
  • HUSKEY HVS-100 Silicone Grease and CIATIM-201 grease - protects the aggregate bearings of aircraft from oxidation, wear and tear, units of friction pairs and propeller pairs in the range of -60 / + 120 degrees, the composition also contains no mechanical impurities;
  • O-Grease - recommended for use in the Far North, often serves as a single lubricant;
  • Mobiltemp - suitable for preservation and lubrication of devices operating in the open air, friction units and mating surfaces are reliably protected from moisture and corrosion, however, product leakage is not excluded due to its low mechanical stability;
  • Aeroshell "Grease15" - protects aircraft bearings friction units from the possibility of corrosion in the temperature range from - 73 to +232 degrees Celsius;
  • Unirex S2 - the upper limit of the operating temperature is 200C, and the dropping is 280 degrees, it is resistant to oxidation and is characterized by anti-corrosion properties, it is suitable for the lubrication of electric machines of control systems and instruments, but requires preliminary clarification of compatibility with rubber and polymer materials, since softening and loss of shape of the seals.

CIATIM-221 grease is insoluble in water, hygroscopic, and remains stable even when boiled. this grease has found a field of application in electric machines at temperatures from minus 60 to 150 degrees, in addition, in electric motors and rubber-metal friction pairs. When absorbed by moisture, the seals have low antiwear characteristics. Before applying the lubricant, the assembly should be cleaned of previous materials. The antiwear properties of the grease are quite high.

Perspective of application

Tsiatim-221 grease demonstrates outstanding mechanical and thermal stability. Even after 1000 hours of operation at a temperature of +150 ˚С, it hardly changes its physical and chemical properties and practically does not evaporate. And if the thermal effect lies in the limit up to +80 ˚С, and the speed limit is up to 2500 rpm, then the performance of the product increases significantly.

The standard assumes the use of a lubricant in direct contact with aggressive media, but in comparison with modern materials, the chemical stability of Ciatim-221 is satisfactory. Therefore, it is advisable to use it only in contact with slightly aggressive vaporous media. At the same time, due to its low chemical activity, high thermal-oxidative stability in a wide temperature range and an increased lubrication interval, it actively displaces outdated grease VNII NP-242 and 1-13 in electric machines. In bearing assemblies of electric motors and electrical equipment, operating at a speed of up to 6000 rpm, it provides a stable antifriction, antiwear and anticorrosion effect up to 2000 ÷ 3000 hours.

Due to the polymethylsiloxane base, the product demonstrates excellent and stable performance at low and high temperatures and in humid air, under vacuum conditions and at normal atmospheric pressure. Therefore, Tsiatim-221 is of particular interest for servicing friction pairs of instrumentation and navigation devices, lightly loaded mechanical transmissions and rolling and sliding bearings of various aircraft.

The grease is inert to aging and exhibits good colloidal stability. Due to this, when stored in a manufacturer's container, it fully retains its rheological and protective properties, and in batch-type mechanisms it can be used as a permanent lubricant. Taking into account the ratio "price / quality", it is the most promising product for modern engineering.

High-temperature grease CIATIM 221 is used in a wide range of alternating temperatures of operating media from 60 to +150 degrees.


CIATIM 221 grease is most often used in servicing bearing assemblies of electric motors, regulation and control units, various devices, incl. and operating under vacuum conditions at a pressure of 0.0066 atmospheres.

For preventive maintenance of drying chambers, computer equipment, for lubricating ball bearings in fans during operation at high and low temperatures.

The grease does not dissolve in aqueous solutions, has high hygroscopicity and does not lose its working qualities even when exposed to steam and boiling water. When absorbed by vapors or water, it compresses.

CIATIM 221 is inert to rubber polymers and plastics, does not cause their swelling and destruction, and has unique performance characteristics.