Military events and political news. Military events and political news Exhibition of weapons and hunting

Weapons and hunting 2016: Exhibition ARMS& Hunting 2016 takes place in Moscow from September 29 to October 2 at Gostiny Dvor. Entrance for the people 350 rubles. You can see a brief overview of the exhibition in text and video of the previous two years at the link In this video: About the long-awaited departure of the temporary worker Budilin from the post of head of the Okhotsk Department of Russia - a farewell letter to RORS (I warned him several times), Interview with Nikolai Valuev about plans for a new Duma, Interview with Valery Kuzenkov - where did the Okhota magazine go, Interview with Vladislav Lobaev and his plans for a world record, Announcement of proposals from Veles-Tour - Prime Minister Azarov rested and hunted with us, the Ministry of Nature of Bulgaria - we have world record holders for deer and wild boar trophies, new barrels from Benelli 828U, Izhevsk MP-156, 234, ... well, as a bonus - the prices for holidays in the houses of Putin, Medvedev, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, and how the staff lives at Serdyukov's dacha, which is only listed in court and in newspapers as a house with a garage (in fact, everything is completely different, starting from the pontoon bridge and ending with two-room suites for staff). Why was the Director of the hunting department Budilin removed

For the past six years in a row, I have been attending this wonderful event, which attracts those who are not indifferent to weapons.
I am against war and against the killing of animals, but there is something in me that makes me want to admire weapons every year.
I love and respect weapons.

From September 29 to October 2, Moscow hosts the 13th International Exhibition"Arms and hunting: Arms & Hunting 2016".
Traditionally, in the best exhibition hall of the capital - Gostiny Dvor on Ilyinka, gunsmiths and hunters, leading manufacturers and distributors of hunting and sporting weapons in the world, young manufacturers of smooth-bore weapons and cartridges, dealers of leading hunting brands gathered.

Leading Russian and foreign arms manufacturers are represented at the exhibition.
It attracted numerous amateurs and professionals: hunters, employees of security and law enforcement agencies.

By the way they handled weapons and the questions they asked, it immediately became clear that they knew this subject firsthand.
A lot of young people come too. At various stands it was possible to get acquainted with samples of modern guns, optics, crossbows, knives from various manufacturers, clothing and equipment for hunting. Impressive expositions were brought to Moscow by gunsmiths from Germany, Italy, and Belgium. Beautiful guns, high-quality optics (sights, binoculars, spyglasses etc.), all this could be touched, carefully examined and consulted.

2. The relatively young Moscow International Exhibition "Arms and Hunting" has gained well-deserved prestige and recognition among professionals and amateurs of the hunting industry and has firmly entered the top rating of global weapons shows along with the famous "SHOT Show" (Las Vegas, USA) and "IWA & OutdoorClassics" (Nuremberg, Germany). The confirmation of the above is indisputably the fact that almost all the leading manufacturers and distributors of hunting and sporting weapons in the world have included in their schedules exactly the beginning of October, as the time to participate and visit the exhibition.

3. Hunting weapon.

4. Sports weapons.

5. The famous company "BrowninG"

6. Firm Browning International s.a. from the city of Erstal - the largest arms company in Belgium.

7. The current name of Browning International s.a. appeared only in the 20th century, although in fact the company arose quite a long time ago: back in the 1870s. the young American gunsmith Browning John Moses, with the support of numerous brothers in his hometown of Ogden, established the company Browning & Brothers

8. Shotguns from Istanbul by the arms company Armsan.

9. Equipment for tourism and hunting.

10. APS-M - the famous Stechkin, 1955 release.

12. Trophies from Africa. Would you like to go on safari?

13. Pneumatic weapons with syringes for biologists from reserves. In Russia, such weapons are not produced ...

14. Hunting trophies.

17. Kalashnikov light machine gun and AGS for 104,000 rubles.

18. Knives for real boys.

19. Orsis precision rifles.

20. Machine gun on the machine.

24. With a slight movement of the hand, with the help of such devices, a rifle can be made from a pistol)

26. Kalashnikov, take a closer look at Saiga)

27. Men's conversations.

29. Experienced consultants will tell and show everything.

34. AK-47 1973, converted into a carbine for 3,000,000 rubles.

35. On the subject of Syria. Dagger for 34,000 rubles.

36. Dagger autographed by Kalashnikov.

37. Do you want oil? Yana
46. ​​Do not touch with your hands!

50. September 29 - October 2, 2016
Moscow, Gostiny Dvor
Exhibition opening hours:
October 02: from 10:00 to 16:00
Entrance ticket price: 350 rubles
It's worth it, big discounts on the last day!

For the past six years in a row, I have been attending this wonderful event, which attracts those who are not indifferent to weapons.
I am against war and against the killing of animals, but there is something in me that makes me want to admire weapons every year.
I love and respect weapons.

From September 29 to October 2, the 13th International Exhibition "Arms and Hunting: Arms & Hunting 2016" takes place in Moscow.
Traditionally, in the best exhibition hall of the capital - Gostiny Dvor on Ilyinka, gunsmiths and hunters, leading manufacturers and distributors of hunting and sporting weapons in the world, young manufacturers of smooth-bore weapons and cartridges, dealers of leading hunting brands gathered.

Leading Russian and foreign arms manufacturers are represented at the exhibition.
It attracted numerous amateurs and professionals: hunters, employees of security and law enforcement agencies.

By the way they handled weapons and the questions they asked, it immediately became clear that they knew this subject firsthand.
A lot of young people come too. At various stands it was possible to get acquainted with samples of modern guns, optics, crossbows, knives from various manufacturers, clothing and equipment for hunting. Impressive expositions were brought to Moscow by gunsmiths from Germany, Italy, and Belgium. Beautiful guns, high-quality optics (sights, binoculars, spyglasses etc.), all this could be touched, carefully examined and consulted.

2. The relatively young Moscow International Exhibition "Arms and Hunting" has gained well-deserved prestige and recognition among professionals and amateurs of the hunting industry and has firmly entered the top rating of global weapons shows along with the famous "SHOT Show" (Las Vegas, USA) and "IWA & OutdoorClassics" (Nuremberg, Germany). The confirmation of the above is indisputably the fact that almost all the leading manufacturers and distributors of hunting and sporting weapons in the world have included in their schedules exactly the beginning of October, as the time to participate and visit the exhibition.

3. Hunting weapon.

4. Sports weapons.

5. The famous company "BrowninG"

6. Firm Browning International s.a. from the city of Erstal - the largest arms company in Belgium.

7. The current name of Browning International s.a. appeared only in the 20th century, although in fact the company arose quite a long time ago: back in the 1870s. the young American gunsmith Browning John Moses, with the support of numerous brothers in his hometown of Ogden, established the company Browning & Brothers

8. Shotguns from Istanbul by the arms company Armsan.

9. Equipment for tourism and hunting.

10. APS-M - the famous Stechkin, 1955 release.

12. Trophies from Africa. Would you like to go on safari?

13. Pneumatic weapons with syringes for biologists from reserves. In Russia, such weapons are not produced ...

14. Hunting trophies.

17. Kalashnikov light machine gun and AGS for 104,000 rubles.

18. Knives for real boys.

19. Orsis precision rifles.

20. Machine gun on the machine.

24. With a slight movement of the hand, with the help of such devices, a rifle can be made from a pistol)

26. Kalashnikov, take a closer look at Saiga)

27. Men's conversations.

29. Experienced consultants will tell and show everything.

34. AK-47 1973, converted into a carbine for 3,000,000 rubles.

35. On the subject of Syria. Dagger for 34,000 rubles.

36. Dagger autographed by Kalashnikov.

37. Do you want oil? Yana
46. ​​Do not touch with your hands!

50. September 29 - October 2, 2016
Moscow, Gostiny Dvor
Exhibition opening hours:
October 02: from 10:00 to 16:00
Entrance ticket price: 350 rubles
It's worth it, big discounts on the last day!

For the past six years in a row, I have been attending this wonderful event, which attracts those who are not indifferent to weapons.
I am against war and against the killing of animals, but there is something in me that makes me want to admire weapons every year.
I love and respect weapons.

From September 29 to October 2, the 13th International Exhibition "Arms and Hunting: Arms & Hunting 2016" takes place in Moscow.
Traditionally, in the best exhibition hall of the capital - Gostiny Dvor on Ilyinka, gunsmiths and hunters, leading manufacturers and distributors of hunting and sporting weapons in the world, young manufacturers of smooth-bore weapons and cartridges, dealers of leading hunting brands gathered.

Leading Russian and foreign arms manufacturers are represented at the exhibition.
It attracted numerous amateurs and professionals: hunters, employees of security and law enforcement agencies.

By the way they handled weapons and the questions they asked, it immediately became clear that they knew this subject firsthand.
A lot of young people come too. At various stands it was possible to get acquainted with samples of modern guns, optics, crossbows, knives from various manufacturers, clothing and equipment for hunting. Impressive expositions were brought to Moscow by gunsmiths from Germany, Italy, and Belgium. Beautiful guns, high-quality optics (sights, binoculars, spyglasses etc.), all this could be touched, carefully examined and consulted.

2. The relatively young Moscow International Exhibition "Arms and Hunting" has gained well-deserved prestige and recognition among professionals and amateurs of the hunting industry and has firmly entered the top rating of global weapons shows along with the famous "SHOT Show" (Las Vegas, USA) and "IWA & OutdoorClassics" (Nuremberg, Germany). The confirmation of the above is indisputably the fact that almost all the leading manufacturers and distributors of hunting and sporting weapons in the world have included in their schedules exactly the beginning of October, as the time to participate and visit the exhibition.

3. Hunting weapon.

4. Sports weapons.

5. The famous company "BrowninG"

6. Firm Browning International s.a. from the city of Erstal - the largest arms company in Belgium.

7. The current name of Browning International s.a. appeared only in the 20th century, although in fact the company arose quite a long time ago: back in the 1870s. the young American gunsmith Browning John Moses, with the support of numerous brothers in his hometown of Ogden, established the company Browning & Brothers

8. Shotguns from Istanbul by the arms company Armsan.

9. Equipment for tourism and hunting.

10. APS-M - the famous Stechkin, 1955 release.

12. Trophies from Africa. Would you like to go on safari?

13. Pneumatic weapons with syringes for biologists from reserves. In Russia, such weapons are not produced ...

14. Hunting trophies.

17. Kalashnikov light machine gun and AGS for 104,000 rubles.

18. Knives for real boys.

19. Orsis precision rifles.

20. Machine gun on the machine.

24. With a slight movement of the hand, with the help of such devices, a rifle can be made from a pistol)

26. Kalashnikov, take a closer look at Saiga)

27. Men's conversations.

29. Experienced consultants will tell and show everything.

34. AK-47 1973, converted into a carbine for 3,000,000 rubles.

35. On the subject of Syria. Dagger for 34,000 rubles.

36. Dagger autographed by Kalashnikov.

37. Do you want oil? Yana
46. ​​Do not touch with your hands!

50. September 29 - October 2, 2016
Moscow, Gostiny Dvor
Exhibition opening hours:
October 02: from 10:00 to 16:00
Entrance ticket price: 350 rubles
It's worth it, big discounts on the last day!