Selfish: what does Kim Kardashian's book conceal? Kim kardashian nude selfie and reactions to it

The Google search engine has compiled a rating of the most popular selfies of the outgoing year. The first place went to the queen of selfies, Kim Kardashian: it was her nude photo in front of a mirror in her own bathroom that Internet users were looking for most often. According to Time magazine, after a naked selfie, the popularity of the account of Kanye West's wife has grown several times. And the selfie itself gave rise to a lot of memes and parodies on social networks. Just three months after the birth of her son, 35-year-old Kim posted on her microblog a picture in which she poses completely naked. Kardashian stands in front of the bathroom mirror and takes pictures of himself on a smartphone. The "strategic" places on the model's body are covered with black dies, but the frame still turned out to be quite provocative.

It's like when “oh, I have absolutely nothing to wear,” she coquettishly signed the picture.

The second place in the ranking went to the account of Sharon Osbourne, the wife of the rocker Ozzy Osbourne. 64-year-old Sharon posed nude in support of Kim Kardashian and posted a provocative shot on her Instagram. The photo caused a flurry of comments and likes, and Mrs. Osborne's followers grew dramatically.

"Kim Kardashian, you inspired me!" - signed a nude selfie by Sharon Osborne. Photo: Twitter.

The five most popular selfies also include rapper Asher, actor Sebastian Stan and US President Donald Trump. In the top ten - Justin Timberlake and Jared Leto. Recall that Timberlake took a selfie in Memphis during the early voting in the US presidential elections, and the frame he published caused a big scandal, as this is a violation of Memphis law.

The first place for Kim Kardashian is quite natural: no one likes to take "selfies" as often as she does. During a week's vacation in Mexico alone, the star of the reality show "The Kardashian Family" took more than 1,500 pictures of herself, her beloved. A year ago, she published a photo album of her own selfies, and now she decided to republish it, releasing a new version - improved and supplemented. The new edition will, of course, also include this shot in the bathroom.

But whether we will wait for new incendiary selfies from Kim is still unclear. Misfortunes pour down on the beauty one after another. After the robbery in Paris, Kardashian stopped publishing new pictures on social networks and "lay low". According to the environment, Kim was very scared during the robbery, and therefore reconsidered her whole life. She decided to behave more modestly: no candid pictures and transparent outfits, as well as temporarily refuse to attend social events.

As soon as Kardashian came to her senses and decided to finally appear in public again, a new misfortune happened: the husband of the star, musician Kanye West ended up in a psychiatric clinic with a nervous breakdown. Kanye was treated for almost a week, and only recently came to his senses. Apparently, everything is already in order with him: the rapper held several meetings, including an audience with President-elect Donald Trump.

Kim Kardashian was in the spotlight after the publication on March 7 on her Instagram of a selfie without clothes with the caption: "When you realize that you have nothing to wear." The publication caused a storm of comments, among which there was a lot of criticism, including from well-known personalities.

In particular, actress Bette Midler wrote on her Twitter that if Kardashian wanted to surprise someone, then she should have swallowed the camera in order to demonstrate to the public those parts of her body that no one has ever seen. Actress Chloe Moretz wrote that she really hopes that Kardashian realizes that she is a role model for a huge number of young girls and is responsible for her actions. And the famous journalist Piers Morgan jokingly recalled the financial difficulties of the star's husband and offered to buy her clothes.

A comedian with the nickname "Fat Jew" parodied Kardashian on his Instagram.

In the end, the TV star was forced to write a response to all the critics. In her address, she admitted that she did not understand why some people are so concerned about the behavior of others. According to Kardashian, she does not take drugs, almost does not drink alcohol and has not committed a single crime, and a sex video that she is often remembered for hit the Internet 13 years ago.

“It's 2016. Be yourself and let me be myself. I'm a mother. I am a wife, sister, daughter, entrepreneur, and I have the right to be sexy, ”Kardashian tweeted.

However, this did not stop the flow of jokes.

However, there are those who have spoken out in support of the Kardashians. For example, British TV presenter, writer, music producer and entrepreneur Sharon Osborne posted a nude selfie of herself saying that she was inspired by Kim Kardashian.

Emily Ratajkowski, too, apparently did not find what to wear.

American actress and singer Bette Midler asked the Kardashians to donate money to charity.

Kylie Jenner tried to copy her sister.

She injured her wrist, and the doctors asked her to stop taking selfies during the treatment. And it would be a daunting task for the Kardashians, who are called the queen of selfies and who even released a book named after this method of photography. However, she still found a way out of the situation - she didn't even have to get used to holding the phone in the other hand, writes Metro.

Various publications often call Kim Kardashian the queen of selfies. In 2015, she even released Selfish, a play on words - "selfie" and "selfish", consisting mostly of her own photographs. And in 2016, Kardashian said that during a trip to Mexico she took 1,500 selfies a day and two selfies a minute.

Now this habit had to be paused: after the injury, the celebrity can still hold the phone with his right hand, but cannot hold it in the right position to take pictures.

However, the TV star does not work in vain, surrounded by a whole film crew. Kardashian revealed that when she needed to record a short promo video for Instagram, she asked her cameraman Paxi to help her. So now selfies (and videos where Kardashian allegedly takes pictures of herself) are done like this: a professional operator takes her on a phone, and she stretches out her hand to this phone, as if holding it.

"Doctors say that I can only hold my phone in one position. So Paxy takes pictures for me so that my hand can rest," - said the star.

True, it is not a fact that this will help Kardashian avoid failures when shooting, such as the recent one, when she starred for advertising in such a strange pose that she was compared with video game characters, and with athletes, and with rappers. The model's wife, musician Kanye West, also recently had to explain his strange photos, but many did not understand why he came to a friend's wedding in slippers, which are too small for him.

0 March 25, 2016, 09:36

Kim Kardashian

Whether we like it or not, but with all the contradictory nature of her figure is a real quintessence of the features of the society of the era of social networks with its cult of narcissism, nudity, scenes of a beautiful life with all the relying paraphernalia and round-the-clock upgrading of her appearance in the name of beautiful picture... Not with the help of plastic, but with the help of sculpting or at least "face-tuning" and filters.

So in some ways, Kim is really genius in her own way, otherwise she will not see her popularity in the form of tens of millions of followers and a fortune earned on everything that moves. What is genius? - you ask. Yes, at least that it was she who undertook to take selfies - and not just to do, but to cultivate this "genre" ten years ago.

Legendary pictures appeared on the Web, anticipating her triumphant ascent to the "throne" of the main star of the Instagram era and the queen of selfies. They are made by Kim herself on digital camera on the way to the prison, where her sister Chloe was to arrive in connection with the violation of the order of her parole.

Outside the window - 2007, the end of the second presidential term of George W. Bush is approaching, the Keeping Up with the Kardashian show has just appeared on the screens, there is no talk of Kanye yet, and Kim is known, first of all, for her private intimate videos that have appeared on the Web. Kylie is not even ten years old, and iPhones do not have a front camera, so no one is addicted to selfies yet. Let's clarify - no one except Kim, who, accompanying her sister, unaware of it, takes epoch-making shots: firstly, taking pictures with Chloe and her mother Kris Jenner, in order to preserve the moment in her memory, and secondly - taking a selfie by unfolding the lens the camera towards you.

The pictures taken by Kim were released only now. But the video, in which Kim is just busy with them, has been on the Web for several years. On it, by the way, you can see and hear how Kris Jenner scolds her daughter:

Kim, stop taking pictures of yourself! Your sister is going to jail!

But the rebel Kim does not even think to obey her mother, instead she continues to document the trip. In what, what, but Kim's flair can not be denied!

Photo GettyImages


Selfish: what does Kim Kardashian's book conceal?

As we remember, Kim has already broken the Internet. Is it time to top the bestseller lists? Yesterday, May 5th, at the legendary bookstore Barnes & noble an autograph session took place with Kim Kardashian , which presented fans with her own book with a self-explanatory title Selfish... You read that correctly, Kim wrote the book. Although, to be completely accurate, Mrs. West has released a collection of ... her best selfies.

From Instagram of astonished ordinary people:

- What a life.

- What is it?

- I'm not kidding, this is a book by Kim Kardashian with selfies by Kim Kardashian.

But perhaps we are all too biased? Thanks to the fans of the reality TV star, you can already get an idea of ​​the new product of the publishing house Rizzoli... So what do we find in Kim Kei's book:

  • 115 shots of neckline.
  • 23 "belfi" (that is, a selfie of the famous fifth point).
  • 10 nude photos.
  • One shot of a pregnant belly.
  • Wedding ring selfie.
  • Photos of the pre-instagram friendship with Paris Hilton.

The book begins with the very first selfie of the future star - a blurry shot on a disposable soap dish with her sister Chloe, where the girls measure clips of their mother, Chris.

"Then we did not call these pictures 'selfies.' I had no idea what I was saving, just memories," the author says in his only interview in support of the book to Harper's Bazaar... Further, we see how from an inconspicuous girlfriend Paris Kim turns into a diva, tracing the evolution of her style and observing how the skill of "selfishness" has grown over the years. By the way, until 2013, the now so familiar endless bikini parade was almost completely absent.

Why pay $ 20 when you can see it all - and more - for free? Marketing specialists believe that the idea with the book was successful, because it is one thing to flip through 30,000 photos on your phone, and another to have them always at hand to admire your idol. Plus, such a collection can be a great gift, says Ryan Shinman, head of the agency. Platinum Rye Entertainment: true fans will be happy, and your more ironic friends can present this on some holiday as a joke. Be that as it may, for love, for fun or out of envy, the book is being sold out like hot cakes.