How to write an author's position. How to write a literary commentary

The task of the textologist is not only to establish the exact text of the author's work, but also to comment on it. The first scientific commentary edition was Pushkin's edition edited by Annenkov (1857).

A comment- this is an interpretation of the text of the work as a whole from one side or another.

Types of comments:

1) Textological - a set of information characterizing the state of the literary heritage of the writer, and highlighting the direction and nature of the work of the editor-textologist in preparing the text of each work included in the publication. Accordingly, the textual commentary should contain the following sections:

2) Historical and literary commentary. It aims to put this work in connection with the era, the history of the country, to explain to the reader its ideological content and the artistic skill of the writer, to tell how the work was received by readers and critics of that time. This type of commentary should help the reader more correctly and better assimilate, understand, comprehend the work of the writer, his artistic skill, his ideological positions.

3) Dictionary comment. Its purpose is to explain to the reader those words and turns of speech that differ from the usual word usage in the modern literary language and therefore can be. not understood by the reader or misunderstood. Such words and phrases include archaisms, professionalisms, dialectisms, neologisms, words with a changed meaning, etc.

4) Real comments. In fact, this is a system of references to the author's text, which should pursue three main goals:

Disclosure of names, hints, allegories.

Communication to the reader of the factual information necessary for understanding the text.

Textual commentary. Its structure and characteristics

Textological - a set of information characterizing the state of the literary heritage of the writer, and highlighting the direction and nature of the work of the editor-textologist in preparing the text of each work included in the publication. Accordingly, the textual commentary should contain the following sections:

List of all text sources.

Justification of the attribution of works.

Substantiation of the dating of works.

Brief review of text theory.

List of corrections made to the text.

The first section of the textological commentary provides an exhaustive list of all sources of the text, arranged in chronological order, and handwritten and printed sources should be grouped separately.

The second section is found only in cases where the published work is not signed by the name of the author, and if its belonging to this author has been proven long ago, the textologist is limited to a brief reference, indicates by whom, when and where the attribution was made, what additions were later in it, new arguments and arguments. But if the work is published for the first time as belonging to the author in this edition, then the editor in the commentary is obliged to give a full statement of the attribution arguments.

The third is given in all cases. Here the editor should not be limited to referring to predecessors, so the commentary on each work should contain information about the date. Sometimes it might. simple reference.

In other cases, the editor should give an extended reasoning for the date, especially in cases where he has set a date for a given edition or changed an earlier one. In cases where there is an author's date that the editor rejects, he should give the necessary extended argumentation.

The fourth gives a coherent account of the history of the text from conception to the last authorized edition. This is always a research work of a textologist who logically reveals all the stages of the author's work and gives a detailed description of the sources that were listed in the first section, necessarily with their description, features of the form and content of the text, with an analysis of the change in the author's intention. It is in this section that the editor must prove the correct choice of the source of the main text.

The fifth should give the necessary list of corrections made by the editor to the main text. Since the main text can almost never simply be retyped, since various kinds of distortions are found in it, which the editor has the right and must correct. It is this work of the editor on the main text that this section of the commentary should reflect.

One of the most frequently used terms in literary criticism is the author's position. It can become the basis for the topic of an essay, article, abstract or essay. The author's position in the text must be seen and understood as it is expressed.

Term transformation

It should be said that the author's position throughout the development of literature has undergone a number of qualitative changes. At the very beginning of the birth of mass literature (that is, when it separated from folklore, ceased to be of a political or religious nature), the author's assessment was expressed directly in the work. The author could openly talk about which character seemed to him positive or negative, expressed his attitude to what was happening in digressions, in conclusions. Over time, this way of the author's presence in the text became unacceptable, the creator of the text began to distance himself, giving the reader the opportunity to decide for himself which side he is on. This process became especially aggravated in the 20th century, this phenomenon was called by R. Barth "the death of the author". However, not all researchers agree with him, noting that the author in any case assesses the situation, expresses his opinion, he just does it covertly, veiled, using various means.

Ways of expressing the author's position in drama, lyrics and epic

The author of the text is eliminated, which is why Bakhtin called it polyphonic. Indeed, in the text there are a lot of voices, opinions and assessments, among which it is difficult to distinguish the author's. However, everything in the novel suggests that the most important thing for Dostoevsky was to carry out the Gospel idea that the life of every person is valuable in itself, that it is impossible to violate God's main commandment either for the sake of an idea, or for money, or for good purposes. Dostoevsky actively attracts characters of various levels. The very name of the main character is considered by researchers from different positions, one of which recalls the schism that occurred in the history of the Russian Church. The repeated repetition of the numbers 7, 3 again refers us to religious books. It took the Lord 7 days to create this world, 3 is a sacred number for Christians, symbolizing God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Thus, the author's positions are important for understanding the ideological intent of the works. They can be expressed in different ways. when reading works, one should pay attention, first of all, to the names and surnames of the characters, the details that are mentioned in the text, the clothes of the characters, their portrait characteristics. It is also worth paying special attention to landscape sketches and lyrical digressions.

Problem comment

Commenting on the problem is one of the most difficult stages of work. By it is meant the "interpretation" of one of the problems of the text, explanatory remarks, reasoning about it. The volume of the commentary is small: three to four detailed phrases will be enough.

There are two types of problem comments:textual and conceptual (conceptual).

Textual The commentary assumes consideration of the problem in its numerous connections with other components of the text (composition, system of characters, figurative means, etc.), without breaking away from it.

Conceptual the commentary implies isolating the problem and considering it in other, broader contexts: the author's biography, the demands of today's time, tradition, reader's perception.

Give textual A comment means to consistently answer a series of questions:

    What aspects of the problem does he pay attention to (what does he emphasize)?

    How does he argue his reasoning (if the argument is present)?

It is important to remember that a textual commentary is not a paraphrase. By paraphrasing, we convey the entire content of the text. In the textual commentary, we only focus on on the problem of text, we follow author's train of thought revealing the problem.

An example of a textual commentary to the text by K.G. Paustovsky:

“K. G. Paustovsky tells about the dramatic fate of an elderly woman - Katerina Ivanovna - lonely, abandoned by her grown daughter. Dreaming of meeting her, the old woman asks for help from an outsider, whose sympathy sounds genuine, sincere. It is no coincidence that he deserves her appeal “my dear”, it is no coincidence that his confession: “How happy I would be if I had such a mother!”

The problem of lonely old age permeates the entire text. The narrator, on behalf of whom the story is being told, conveys to us the feeling of longing that fills the soul of a person before death, a lonely and loving soul. This poignant feeling is enhanced by landscape sketches: the image of an overflowing garden, with which Katerina Ivanovna's youth is associated, a lone star in the sky, reminds her of the irreversibility of time. The feelings of the narrator are undoubtedly close to the author. They are passed on to the reader…”

Using conceptual comments, you need to find answers to the following questions:

    What type of problem does this problem belong to? , economic, socio-economic, political, socio-political, ecological, eternal, philosophical, religious-philosophical, moral, psychological, moral-psychological, etc.)?

    Why did this problem attract the attention of the author, how is it related to his biography and work?

    Who, where and when else addressed this problem, is there a tradition associated with it in literature, journalism (this question should be answered in general terms)?

    Is this problem relevant today? What is its significance for society?

    How often do we face this problem? Does it concern each of us or only people of a certain age, occupation, etc.? Is she new to you?

    How does the reader perceive the author's reasoning on this problem (does the author's excitement convey to him, does the problem leave him indifferent)?

An example of a conceptual commentary to the text by K.G. Paustovsky:

“K. G. Paustovsky is known as a successor to the best traditions of Russian classical literature. Being a master of subtle, psychological stories, a wonderful landscape painter, he addresses the problem of loneliness, old age, farewell to the world and life gradually - through a series of artistic images.

This problem is not new for Russian literature; it can be classified as an eternal philosophical and psychological problem and is relevant at all times. And today it sounds even sharper, given the increasing passage of time and alienation between people. That is why the story of K. G. Paustovsky cannot leave the modern reader indifferent.

Maybe combination of textual and conceptual comment.

An example of a combined commentary on the text by K.G. Paustovsky:

The text of K. G. Paustovsky refers to the artistic style, and fiction creates a believable, but fictional world. Therefore, the problem of the loneliness of an elderly person is revealed on the example of the fate of the heroine of the story - Katerina Ivanovna - a suffering and close person to us, whose experiences cannot but touch the soul.

Katerina Ivanovna, living out her last days, is deeply unhappy. To express her despair and longing, the author resorts to expressive repetitions (“God forbid you, my dear! God forbid you!”). Phraseologism "alone in the world" most fully characterizes the situation in which the heroine finds herself. The image of an empty autumn garden only enhances the experiences of the characters and the reader.

The invisible connection between native people is broken, the most intimate, the strongest. "What's happening?" - as if the author asks a question, and does not find an answer, offering the reader to do this. The eternal problem, which has a long tradition in human culture, sounds acute precisely because it is given not in speculative reasoning, but through a specific life situation. This problem is very relevant today: the pursuit of pleasure and success leads to alienation between people, to the loneliness of the weakening old people.

Template schemacombined comment Problems:

Question about… (describe the problem) can not leave anyone indifferent, it affects each of us to a greater or lesser extent. The problem raised (raised, marked, etc.) NN (specify author) , especially relevant (topical, important, essential) these days because... (give an explanation) .

The narrator does not discuss the issue raised by him in a detached way, his interest in what he writes about is felt. His relation to agreed on a hero, a situation, a problem ) is felt in an excited, emotional manner of writing (give examples, you can quote) , in an effort to make the reader your like-minded person. Reasoning over (repeat problem) , NN is drawn ( indicate on what material the author considers the problem: maybe these are memories, incidents from life, dialogues, artistic narration, an excited monologue, quoting the thoughts of great people, reasoning, describing pictures of nature, statistical data, etc.).

Speech clichés that help to formulate a comment on the problem

There are special constructions, speech clichés for making comments. This "markers" indicating that we

The essay on the text on the exam is built according to a special algorithm: the formulation of one problem, its explanation (i.e. commenting with the introduction of two text examples), designation of the position of the author of the text, highlighting his opinion (agreement or disagreement with the author), selection of evidence (at least two arguments) from the reader's experience or life observations.

When the problem of the original (primary) text has already been formulated, it is necessary to comment on it, give explanatory remarks, evaluate the identified problem. This is the hardest part of writing. It shows how deeply and accurately the problem is understood, how clear the course of the author's thought is to the writer.

The following components should be drawn in one line: one problem out of several - its explanation - the author's position on the same problem - the expression of his opinion on that problem - the presence of his own arguments on this formulated problem. Such a common connection of all components is necessary for the secondary text to have consistency, consistency, and accuracy of expressing its own understanding of the primary text.

As a working algorithm, you can use the scheme:

first problem → selection of examples from the text on the first problem → author's opinion on the first problem → arguments of agreement or disagreement on the first problem → selection of books with examples to support the arguments.

According to this scheme, it is possible to identify all the problems raised in the text, and to separate different problems into blocks. Thus, several graph lines are outlined in order to decide on the choice of a problem for writing an essay. If all the blocks are in place and there are no gaps, you can start creating an essay.

It is best to formulate the problem in the form of an interrogative sentence, and express the author's position as an answer to this question.

Example one:

Problem: Why does a person torture an animal, condemn him to a painful death?

Second example:

Problem: Does studying the features of the work of famous people help a person?

Example three:

Problem: How do geniuses differ from nature and geniuses from themselves?

Author's position: There are two types of creative activity: through inspiration or through tireless work. Through inspiration, the author, as it seems from the outside, creates with extraordinary ease. Genius on his own breaks through external and internal obstacles, working tirelessly, constantly overcoming failures and failures.

Example four:

Problem: What is true friendship? What is its value?

Example five:

Analyzing the given examples, we see that it is possible and necessary to look for the author’s answer to the question posed in the text, if not direct, as in journalism, then indirect (how the author would answer, what would he say about it).

Now about the place between the problem and the position of the author is occupied by a commentary. The task of the commentary is to show how the author comes to the answer to the problematic question posed, to name what facts or episodes influenced his conclusions.

Essentially, a commentary is an extension of a problem in order to clarify and evaluate it. If a problem is a question, then a comment is an understanding of the causes and consequences of what caused the question. The author cannot remain impartial in the presentation of any facts, he is indignant, indignant, argues, proves, analyzes, criticizes, protests, admires, is perplexed, etc.

When working with a literary or journalistic text, look for examples that illustrate the reasons (Why does this happen or happened?), Goals (Why did someone do or do something?), Details (How did something happen in detail?), Relationships ( How does it relate to other areas of life?). Such a comment, as a rule, is called textual. You follow the author in revealing the problem, looking for answers to the following questions in the text:

  • What especially and why does the author focus on?
  • What names, facts or events are mentioned by the author and why?
  • What emotions of the author are expressed in the text?
  • How is the attitude of the author to the depicted expressed?

But there is also a conceptual comment.

For reference: CONCEPT (from Lat. conceptus - fight, plan, conception) - a unit of speech utterance, a logically semantic component of its semantic structure; characterizes the act of understanding and its result obtained in communication, thereby suggesting a focus on the other; the act of seizing meanings.

Understanding the intricacies of the journalistic text, determine why this problem attracted the attention of the author, what conclusions he leads the reader to. You can find and write down any paradoxical statement or aphorism of the author, explaining the essence of the event, or seeking to change some kind of stable opinion, or offering his own solution to the problem.

To introduce a comment, it is appropriate to use speech phrases:

2. Writes with admiration, pride, bewilderment. The author is truly alarmed that ... It is worth listening to the words of the author ... It is scary and painful for him to see ...

In the writings of students, the commentary is often absent altogether; unfortunately, it is sometimes forgotten. It also happens that another problem is commented on, and not the one that was formulated.

When commenting on a problem, one should not retell the text or get carried away with excessive quoting, as well as rewrite a fragment of the review from task 24. Of course, it is necessary to rely on the source text, but not thoughtlessly. Analysis is preferred here. It is necessary to show what examples the author gives, how he proves his thoughts. In general, what is important is not what the characters did, but what the writer thinks about it.

We must not forget about two examples in the commentary. How to enter them? You can briefly quote phrases from the text or indicate in brackets the numbers of important sentences.

Often the author of the text and the person on behalf of whom the reasoning is being mixed up are not distinguished by the students. In no case should two concepts be replaced: "author" and "hero". The author can make anyone a narrator: a literary character, and himself, that is, a writer. The hero, on the other hand, is the direct protagonist of the work, everything happens to him in the text, although he may even be very close to the writer himself or similar to him with the facts of his biography, but he is never identical to him.

In a word, if the pronoun "I" is found in the narrative, this does not mean that the narrator is the author himself. The narrator and the author may actually have very different positions, opinions, assessments.

It's time to move on to practical examples. Let's take a look at some of the student essays. For work, he was offered a text by contemporary prose writer Sergei Kachalkov about Maxim Lyubavin.

Here is the text in full.

(1) How time changes people! (2) Unrecognizable! (3) Sometimes these are not even changes, but real metamorphoses! (4) As a child, there was a princess, matured - turned into a piranha. (5) But it happens the other way around: at school - a gray mouse, inconspicuous, invisible, and then on you - Elena the Beautiful. (6) Why does this happen? (7) It seems that Levitansky wrote that everyone chooses a woman, religion, a road for himself ... (8) It’s just not clear: does a person really choose a path for himself or does some force push him onto one path or another? (9) Is it really our life that was originally destined from above: one born to crawl cannot fly? (11) I don't know! (12) Life is full of examples both in favor of one opinion and in defense of another.

(13) Choose what you want? ..

(14) Maxim Lyubavin we called Einstein at school. (15) True, outwardly he did not at all look like a great scientist, but he had all the manners of geniuses: he was absent-minded, thoughtful, a complex thought process always boiled in his head, some discoveries were made, and this often led to the fact that he , as classmates joked, was not adequate. (16) They used to ask him in biology, but it turns out that at that time, in some tricky way, he calculated the radiation of some nuclides there. (17) He will go to the blackboard, start writing incomprehensible formulas.

(18) The biology teacher will shrug her shoulders:

(19) - Max, what are you talking about?

(20) He will catch on, hit himself on the head, not paying attention to the laughter in the class, then he will begin to tell what is needed, for example, about the discrete laws of heredity.

(21) He did not show his nose at discos, cool evenings. (22) I was not friends with anyone, so I was friends. (23) Books, a computer - these are his faithful comrades-brothers. (24) We joked among ourselves: remember well how Maxim Lyubavin dressed, where he was sitting. (25) And in ten years, when he will be awarded the Nobel Prize, journalists will come here, at least there will be something to tell about their great classmate.

(26) After school, Max entered the university. (27) He brilliantly graduated from it ... (28) And then our paths diverged. (29) I became a military man, left my hometown for a long time, started a family. (30) The life of a military man is stormy: as soon as you are going on vacation - some kind of emergency ... (31) But nevertheless, he managed to escape to his homeland with his wife and two daughters. (32) At the station, they agreed with a private trader, and he drove us in his car to his parents' house.

(33) - Only, you didn’t recognize me or what? the driver suddenly asked. (34) I looked at him in amazement. (35) A tall, bony man, a liquid mustache, glasses, a scar on his cheek ... (36) I don’t know this! (37) But the voice is really familiar. (38) Max Lubavin?! (39) Yes, it can't be! (40) Is the great physicist a private driver?

(41) - No! (42) Take it higher! Max chuckled. - (43) I work as a loader in the wholesale market ...

(44) From my face, he realized that I considered these words a joke.

(45) - No! (46) I just know how to count! (47) We sell sugar in bags! (48) In the evening I’ll pour out three hundred or four hundred grams from each bag ... (49) Do you know how much it comes out a month, if you don’t be greedy? (50) Forty thousand! (51) Just think, if I became a scientist, would I get that kind of money? (52) On the weekends, you can pick up a cab, drove a couple of clients - another thousand. (53) Enough for a bun with butter...

(54) He laughed contentedly. (55) I shook my head.

(56) - Max, but with sugar - this is not theft?

(57) - No! (58) Business! Max replied.

(59) He drove me home. (60) I gave him two hundred rubles, he returned ten change and went to look for new clients.

(61) - Did you study together? the wife asked.

(62) - This is our Einstein! I told her. - (63) Remember, I talked about him!

(64) – Einstein?

(65) - Only the former! I said with a sad sigh.

(According to S. Kachalkov*)

* Sergey Semyonovich Kachalkov (born in 1943) is a contemporary prose writer.

Since the test can be attributed to the artistic style, it is important to highlight the characters: the narration moves from the point of view of the first - the narrator Anatoly (33-34 sentences "- Only, you didn’t recognize me or something? - the driver suddenly asked. I looked at him in amazement.") who shares his sore and seeks answers to philosophical questions. Maxim Lyubavin, his former school friend, enters into a dialogue with him (Sentence 14 "We used to call Maxim Lyubavin Einstein at school."). Here the image of a military man named Anatoly is immediately separated from the image of the author - writer Sergei Kachalkov.

Let us now define one of the problems posed by the author in this text. The problem of moral choice, formulated in the 8th sentence of the text, is immediately obvious (“It’s just not clear: does a person really choose a path for himself or does some force push him onto one path or another?”). We will answer this problematic question by clarifying the author's position: the future of a person is in his own hands, he himself builds and destroys it.

Here are several options for commenting on this problem, which were given by different students in their essays on the text.

First comment example:

The author in his text tells about the young man Maxim Lyubavin and about his life. At school, Max was called Einstein, however, externally and internally, he did not look like a scientist. The writer notes that the young man was not particularly friends with anyone, preferring a computer and books. But soon everything changed ... Maxim did not choose the path of a scientist, did not become a great physicist, but took up private transportation, working as a loader in the wholesale market.

Second comment example:

The author is seriously worried about the fate of his classmate, the line of his life gave a strange roll and does not lead at all to where, obviously, one should move. The abundance of exclamatory sentences and antitheses indicate that the writer cannot come to an unambiguous conclusion. Kachalkov quotes the lines of Y. Levitansky's poem and immediately contrasts them with the words from M. Gorky's "Song of the Falcon". However, the story about a classmate is also contradictory. The author notes at the beginning that everyone teased Lyubavin with Einstein because of the obvious manners of a genius who chose books and a computer as his comrades. Now the writer recalls with a smile how he and the guys joked about Maxim's future Nobel Prize. And these were not ridicule, but prophecies in a funny form. The author draws our attention to the fact that Lyubavin brilliantly graduated from the university, and then their paths diverged. A meeting many years later revealed not only external changes in Maxim (a liquid mustache, glasses, a scar on his cheek), but also internal ones (physics is abandoned, now Lyubavin counts money and calls theft "business"). Such a metamorphosis frightens the writer, and with a sad sigh he calls Maxim the "former" Einstein.

Third comment example:

Discussing the problem, Kachalov refers to the memories of a military man who returned to his city and accidentally met his classmate. He could not imagine that time can change a person beyond recognition and even change his lifestyle, goals and aspirations.

Example of the fourth comment:

The author draws attention to the fate of his school classmate Maxim Lyubavin, "young Einstein", who was not friends with anyone, did not go to discos, only studied. Kachalkov bitterly tells that Maxim later became an ordinary loader in the wholesale market, quitting science after graduation, referring to the low salaries of scientists.

In each example there are some shortcomings, we will understand them. In the first, a confusion of the concepts of "author" and "writer" is noticeable. The author in this case has a military profession, his name is Anatoly. This is a storyteller who reflects on time and its influence on a person, about the choice that a person makes, building his life values ​​and his path. We agree that here the writer Kachalkov gives way to the hero-narrator, apparently sharing his position with him.

The same substitution is observed in the second commentary, which is rather detailed, with examples from the text. Based on the text, it freely outlines the main aspects of the identified problem, gives an understanding of the main thing - the author's concern due to the fact that "a person can eventually abandon his destiny and change his former ideals, replacing them with selfish interest."

In the third example, one can find a factual error: the surname of the author of the text is distorted (Kachalov is written instead of Kachalkov!), although there is no substitution between the concepts "author" and "hero".

In the fourth example, the substitution of concepts already noted by us in the previous comments is revealed. The student forgot to give any examples from the text.

As you can see, among the main errors in commenting were the substitution of the concepts of "author" and "hero", factual errors and lack of examples. We are convinced that in order to write a commentary it is very important to understand the text itself, to identify its undercurrents, if you want, to make its analytical scheme: who is who and who is brought to whom, who is the author and who is the hero, on whose behalf the reasoning is being conducted (narration /description) and draw conclusions.

In our examples, there are elements of presentation, but there are not enough quotations, references to specific proposals, only in the second commentary the author’s movement from the formulation of the problem to the main conclusions is traced, the author’s logic and his system of arguments are visible, in this work all the key points of the problem are highlighted.

We recommend that in the draft, before writing a coherent text of your essay, make a similar scheme and write out the most important keywords and phrases, distinguish which phrase contains the name of the problem, which paragraph includes a comment with two examples, what a sentence denoting the author’s position looks like, highlight the thesis of your opinion and , finally, list the two compiled arguments.

Since the text is always in front of your eyes, you should not be lazy to check the titles, quotes over and over again, indicate the numbers of sentences, which can later be referred to in brackets. When the coherent text is written, it is necessary to set repetitions and edit them in the position of removal: as if the text was written not by oneself, but by someone else, and critically evaluate the speech embodiment. Then, and only then, will the writing be good.

One of the most difficult steps for eleventh graders in writing an essay (task 25) is working on a commentary on a text problem. This is due to the lack of a clear idea of ​​the content of the commentary, not only among students, but also often the teacher.

The difficulty in working on a commentary is also due to the impossibility of presenting this fragment of the created text in any generalized, schematic form, which, undoubtedly,would make it easier for the graduate to write an essay.

working outwriting a commentary should be carried out only after students have sufficiently mastered the stageformulating the problem of the source text.
Writing a comment on a problem (exercises)

Familiarization with the system of evaluation by criterion

K2. Commentary on the formulated problem of the original text

The problem formulated by the examiner is commented. There are no factual errors related to understanding the problem of the original text in the comments.

The problem formulated by the examinee is commented,

no more than 1 factual error was made in the comments related to the understanding of the source text.

The problem formulated by the examinee is not commented,

more than 1 factual error was made in the comments related to the understanding of the source text,

commented on another problem not formulated by the examiner,

a simple retelling of the text or its fragment is given as comments,

a large fragment of the original text is cited as comments.

Problem update:

What do you think a comment is?

- Did you have to comment on anything?

- What will we comment on?

Why is a text problem commentary necessary? What skills, in your opinion, are tested by writing a commentary?

Why is it necessary to write a comment?

The commentary on the problem of the text is given great importance, since this part of the essay demonstrates the graduate's ability to find and explain the semantic components of the text. It is the commentary of the highlighted problem that shows how deeply and fully the graduate understood the meaning of the text and the problem identified by the author. A correctly written comment allows you to get 2 points in part C.

Let's get acquainted with the definitions of the commentary, which are given by various sources:

Comments- reasoning, explanatory remarks about something (Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, ed. D.N. Ushakov)

A comment- 1. explanation; 2. notes; 3. interpretation(Aleksandrova Z.E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: a practical guide)

Let's highlight the key words in the definition of the comment: "reasoning", « explanation". Please note that you need to comment on the PROBLEM,reflected in the text, not just text andits themes and not just a problem in isolation from the text.

What can you write about in a comment?

oHow relevant is what the author of the text writes about?(Can you assess the degree of relevance of the problem raised and explain why it is relevant?)

oWho and in what situations has to face a similar problem? (Who is the text addressed to (narrow specialists or the general public, young people or middle-aged people, intellectuals or everyone who is interested in this problem)? Here it would be good to note on the basis of what you made such a conclusion. Why is this problem interesting to them?)

oIf possible, briefly describe how other authors (or famous people) have considered this problem.

oDoes the graduate know about the point of view that does not coincide with the position of the author of the submitted text?

oHow does the author of the text approach this problem? What life/literary material is the text based on? Is the situation depicted by the author typical? What facts, details does the author pay attention to? Why? What impression does this make on the reader?

oWhat mood is the author in? (sad irony, sarcasm, sadness, sadness, joy, etc.) It is necessary to indicate how this manifests itself (preferably based on the writer's (or publicist's) choice of specific words, details).

oIf there are words in unusual word usage (metaphors, epithets) that caught your attention, and you understand that it was thanks to their choice that the author managed to convey his idea to the reader, it’s a good idea to pay attention to them.

oWhat is the author highlighting? What follows from this? What conclusion does it lead the reader to?

A well-written comment allows a person who has not read the text to understand what problem its author was thinking about.

Practical work

Exercise.Read the comments and try to formulate the problem that the author of the original text was thinking about.

Example 1

“Writer Sergei Mikhalkov says that children stop reading good books, but these books develop the spiritual world of the child. Good books are fiction, first of all, world classics, reflecting world spiritual experience. These books are known to educated people, and the author of the text also calls them: "Tom Sawyer", "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka", Russian poetry ... It is with the help of such literature that a person can learn to think, evaluate the actions of other people, form their own moral guidelines. The author of the text draws attention to the special role of a fiction book. This role consists in the education of the soul, the development of a special ability - to feel, to empathize. And it is no coincidence that the writer emphasizes the role of these books in childhood, when a person is still at the beginning of his life path. (The problem of the importance of reading classical literature in childhood)

Example 2

“This problem has become especially burning recently: thanks to the development of genetics, a person can not only determine, but also “set” predispositions and talents. The author's indignation is obvious: it will become uninteresting for us to live if we know everything about our inclinations: everything is predestined, there is no way to choose - many would suffer from a sense of doom, and if everyone were to decipher his genome - there would be little human left in a person. “Life is given to us by fate,” the author claims, and we ourselves have the right to manage this life.” (The problem of heredity and self-formation)

Example 3

“The author of the text proposed for analysis, reflecting on the development of the language, tells that recently borrowings from other language systems have become large-scale. S. Kaznacheev sadly writes that the written form of Russian words is distorted by the fact that Latin and other graphic symbols are being introduced into the established Cyrillic spellings. This, in turn, leads to a disruption in the functioning of the language, "to the erosion of norms that have been established for centuries." (The problem of development and preservation of the Russian language)

Example 4

“Cases like the one described by the author occur quite often in life. We meet a person, we understand that he needs our support, but instead of helping, we remain on the sidelines, thinking that someone else will help him. (The problem of people's indifference to what is happening around)

Let us analyze the proposed examples from the point of view of compliance with the K2 criterion. Note that a good commentary does not contain a paraphrase of the text. Let us point out that a comment can be both lengthy (Example 1) andsmall in volume (Example 4).

Exercise. Read the original text. State the problem and comment on it .


(1) A person in a crowded environment is one of the mostburning topics of our time.

(2) A person is not with his neighbor, but with a group, a mass, a darkness of his neighbors. (B) Naeone with the crowd.

(4) Let's take a walk around Moscow and observe howman-2003 in the big city.

(5) A rare trip around the capital is complete without the subway. (6) Tall heavy doors slam non-stop. (7) Tight boy, apparently finetuned, whistling something, pushes the door with his foot. (8) Bogatyrskoemotion! (9) The door flies off, the guy deftly slips, but does not holdher behind her, and she manages to hit the sluggish old woman well. (10)Tatried to slip along with the guy, but, clearly inferior to him in strength anddexterity, did not have time.

(11) We go down the escalator in zigzag dashes.(12) It is known that you need to stand on the right, pass on the left. (13) But recommendationthis is not respected by everyone, and one has to maneuver between standing "likeshould" and "how not to".

(14) We went to the platform. (15) A train is approaching. (16) We have tosit in the wagon. (17) The operation, it would seem, is simple: first, the passengers exit, then they enter. (18) But pay attention to that woman in front ofdoors. (19) She is unable to restrain herself - wait until she comes outthe last passenger, and after each exit makes an attempt to slip intorailway carriage. (20) Therefore, the crowd leaves the door not smoothly, but somehow convulsively -so thick sour milk from the day before yesterday pours out of an overturned bottle.

(21) 0 whether to give way to a woman, we will not talk here.(22) The picture, in general, is clear: mostly men are sitting. (23) And ifwomen are either so old that it is impossible not to yield to them, or,on the contrary, young, trained, apparently involved in sports,able to get ahead of a gaping man ...

(24) So, a person is not with his neighbor, but alone with the crowd. (25) Maybe hereis it inappropriate to talk about education? (26) We are forced a lotspend time in crowded places, in conditions far from comfortable,then let everyone take care of himself, (27) And in my opinion, it is here andshows true education. (28) Good breeding these days isfirst of all, not impeccable manners (although this, of course, is also not a minus), butSite materials used

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