Filling out the journal of associations of interest. Guidelines "Maintaining and filling out a journal of planning and accounting for the work of an association of interests." Sample work plans

Educational program of the circle

The educational program of the interest association determines the goals and objectives of studying the content of educational areas, topics, academic subjects, academic disciplines of the relevant profile, the levels of their study, the period for obtaining additional education, the educational and thematic plan, the time allotted for the study of educational areas, topics, types of classes , recommended forms and methods of training and education

Journal of planning and accounting for the work of an association of interests

The journal of planning and accounting for the work of an association of interests is the main document reflecting the educational work of a teacher with students. At the same time, it is an important financial document, on the basis of which the time sheet is filled out and payroll is calculated.

According to the nomenclature of cases, the journal is stored in the archive for at least 5 financial years. During this time, it may be subject to inspection by financial regulatory authorities.

Entries in the journal should be kept by the teacher regularly.

General logging requirements

1. Depending on the language in which education is conducted in an interest association, the journal can be filled out in Russian and Belarusian.

2. Entries in the journal are kept neatly (without corrections by a corrector, sticking, strikethrough), ink of only one color - blue.

3. The pages of the magazine are numbered starting from the first page.

4. No page tearing allowed

5. No notes are made in the journal.

6. The appearance of the magazine should be aesthetic.

Magazine- a state accounting, financial document that requires accurate, competent and timely filling in one color of ink.

1. Magazine filled out strictly at the end of the working day and is with the teacher of additional education.

2. Title page. It is indicated for which sport the interest association, group number, year of study, name of the institution in accordance with the charter of the FSTsDiM of the Moskovsky district of Minsk, last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher of preschool education, when the magazine started and ended.

2. Schedule of training sessions. The academic year is indicated. In the column "Months" indicate the month, for example, September. In the column "Days and hours of classes" the time of the lesson of one group is recorded, for example,

Tue. 17.00-18.30, Thu. 17.00-18.30

The teacher informs the deputy director for educational work about all changes in the schedule. The teacher corrects the schedule of classes, makes a change on the 1st page of the journal

2. Annual plan for the distribution of educational material approved by the director and signed by the deputy director for educational work. The journal is checked monthly by the head of the department or methodologist). The inspector also reflects the number of hours worked by the DL teacher per month.

3. Classes according to the curriculum in associations begin on September 1st according to the schedule, or from the date on which the teacher was hired.

4. Calendar-thematic plan for a month is compiled in minutes, based on the annual work plan and signed by the teacher of distance learning.

5. Must be completed "Knowledge Test Protocol by Measures safety during classes " at the first lesson and as needed (with newly arrived students at the first lesson, before participating in competitions, before attending mass sports and fitness events), prescribing specific instructions for various types of activities. In the column "mark on the knowledge test" it is written "passed" or "failed".

6. In "Plan of ideological and educational work" indicate the academic year, the name of the event, the date and place of the event. The plan is signed by the teacher of additional education. Approximate topics of the plan: "Organizational meeting of the group", "Choice of the group's asset", "Excursions", "Thematic conversations with a teacher-psychologist", "Visiting major tournaments in the chosen sport", "Political information", etc. (Appendix No. 1).

7. "Summary of the Lesson" for sports associations, it reflects the disclosure of the topics of theory and practice and coincides with the calendar and thematic plan (it is necessary to indicate the topic of the theoretical lesson and the topic of the practical lesson. For example, "Rules of safe behavior", "Hygiene and self-control in class" or (and) " Teaching the technique of throwing”, “Improving the technique of performing the bench press”, etc. The last topic “Final lesson” may include: discussion of the results for the year and plans for the next academic year, conducting final demonstration performances, demonstrating previously studied exercises or elements , throws, competitions within the circle.If participation in competitions is supposed, then this must be included in the annual plan for the distribution of educational material and in the calendar-thematic plan, then in the "Content of training sessions" we indicate "Participation in competitions".

8. Filling each month begins with a new page of the magazine. For filling "Summary of the Lesson"(on the right) the teacher himself chooses the number of lines convenient for him. All the number of classes on the left coincides with the number of classes on the right, including vacation days and days of free sheets.

9. The number of hours worked per day in this group is written as one number (1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours). The DL teacher signs in the "signature" column. The normalized part of the working time of teaching staff is determined in astronomical hours and includes training sessions and short breaks between each session, established for students, while the duration of the training session does not exceed 45 minutes. Another part of the pedagogical work, which requires the expenditure of working time, follows from the duties of the teacher, provided for by the charter of the educational institution, is regulated by schedules and work plans, incl. personal plans of the employee (participation in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils; holding parent meetings, consultations; health-improving, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program, according to the plan of ideological and educational work .

10. Keeping a journal does not involve putting dots on the subject of the presence of students. Those absent are marked with the letter -n-. Newly accepted children are included in the list of group members indicating the date of admission. Conducting a lesson on security measures when conducting classes with newcomers takes place on the first day of their classes.

11. The quantitative composition of the groups of the 1st year of study - 15 people, the 2nd year - 12 people, the 3rd year - 8 people. For groups of the IV year of study and further, a smaller composition of the occupancy is possible.

12. "Student Information" must be completed at the beginning of the opening of the association, indicating all the necessary information about the student. It is necessary to have a statement from the parent indicating the name of the association and a medical certificate from the clinic at the place of residence from the district pediatrician indicating the type of sport to which he is allowed to practice. The certificate is valid only if there is a seal of a medical institution (a photocopy is not valid).

13. During the school year, the list of children may change. In this case, the teacher of additional education makes an entry in the journal in a timely manner (enters “Data” for the newcomer in all sections), the child starts classes with a medical certificate and a statement from the parent.

14. If a student has dropped out, write it down next to their last name in pencil in the section "Class Attendance" and no longer include him in the group.

Be careful and careful when filling out the journal!

planning and accounting for the work of an association of interests

The journal of planning and accounting for the work of an association of interests is a necessary document reflecting the content of work with students. At the same time, this is a financial document; every teacher of additional education must maintain it. According to the nomenclature of cases, the period of its storage is 3 years.

All entries in the journal must be kept clearly, accurately and regularly.

The journal is written in blue ink. Corrections, notes are not allowed. Depending on the language in which education is conducted in the association, the journal can be maintained in Russian or Belarusian. The pages of the magazine are numbered.

The order of filling the journal

On the cover of the magazine, the name of the association of interests, UDODiM, is written; on the title page - the name of the association, UDODIM, last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher (in full), last name, first name (in full) of the head of the group.

Page numbers are indicated according to the content.

On the subsequent pages of the journal, the work plan of the association for the academic year is written, which consists of the following sections:

Section I Targets and goals

Taking into account the direction of activity of the association, the age characteristics of students, the goals and objectives of the association are determined. When planning, it is necessary to highlight the subject-practical tasks (what knowledge, skills we want to form), educational (what personality traits we want to develop), methodological (what and how we want to provide, develop), etc.

Section II. Organizational work

This section sets out the organizational conditions for the effectiveness of the educational process: measures for recruiting the association, planning its activities, preparing the office and equipment for the new academic year, developing and collecting methodological materials in the areas of the association's activities, holding organizational meetings with students and parents, choosing self-government bodies and others

Section III. Educational and thematic plan

In the curriculum and thematic plan, it is necessary to indicate the topics of the classes and the number of hours allotted for their study, broken down into theoretical and practical classes. The educational and thematic plan includes hours intended for studying the topics of the educational program, educational excursions, introductory and final classes.

Section IV. Educational work

This section reveals the content of educational activities as a necessary component of the educational process in an association of interests. These are traditional activities of the association, activities aimed at developing children's self-government and team building, career guidance for students, participation in exhibitions, reviews, festivals, competitions, excursions, etc. In this section of the plan, it is necessary to reflect all areas of educational work with students: ideological, civil patriotic, spiritual and moral, ecological, intellectual, formation of a healthy lifestyle, aesthetic.

Section V Communication with educational institutions, the public, parents

This section of the plan defines the connection of the association with scientific, specialized institutions, enterprises, public organizations; the forms and goals of cooperation are concretized with an indication of the timing of the events. Work with parents is envisaged (individual work, holding parent meetings, joint events with parents), performances, exhibitions.

Section VI. Methodical work

The section reveals the activities of a teacher to improve professional qualifications (self-education, development of an educational program for advanced training, participation in seminars, master classes, conferences, in the work of methodological associations of teachers of additional education), the content of methodological work (development of program and methodological materials, organization and conduct open classes of an association of interests, master classes, creative workshops, etc., indicating specific topics and dates for the events).

Section VII. Association's calendar plan is compiled in accordance with the educational and thematic plan and is divided into quarters. The plan reflects the detailed study of topics during the academic year, indicates the required number of hours and the date of the event. The annual work plan of the association is endorsed by the specialized methodologist and deputy director for educational and methodological work of UDODiM. The work plan of the association is approved by the director.

Section VIII. "Information about the members of the association" contains all the necessary information about students. Student information is updated throughout the year. It is forbidden to cross out students who have dropped out; opposite the names of students, the entry “dropped out” is made.

Section IX. "Accounting for class attendance" in which the teacher makes systematic records of the fact of the classes. Students who are absent from class are marked with the letter “n”. The surname and name of the students are recorded in full. Hours and dates of classes must comply with the approved class schedule. The dates set on the left half of the journal must fully correspond to the dates of the groups on the right half of the sheet and the schedule.

Classes in groups of the second and subsequent years of study begin on September 1st according to the schedule.

The journal of the first year of study is also kept from September 1, where the section "Content of classes" indicates interviews with students and their parents, organizational meetings, preliminary testing, group recruitment, etc. The first two classes are allotted for the recruitment period.

On the right page of the spread, the content of the classes, the date and number of hours worked by the teacher in accordance with the schedule and the calendar educational and thematic plan, taking into account practical and theoretical classes, are recorded.

Sample filling in the Belarusian language of instruction

Sample filling in the Russian language of instruction

You can not make dashes of repetition of the topics of classes. In the "Hours" column, the teacher indicates the number of hours worked in this lesson, in accordance with the schedule (for example, 2 hours). Corrections in the dates of classes and hours are not allowed.

In cases of vacation, business trip, sick leave of the teacher, missed dates of classes are not indicated on the left half of the sheet, an entry is made on the right half. For example, from October 15 to October 30 sick leave; from March 20 to April 10 - business trip, order.

During the school holidays, teachers can work in accordance with the approved work plan for the holidays and carry out pedagogical, methodological or organizational work related to the implementation of the educational program, about which an appropriate entry is made in the journal.

Section X. "Safety Lessons", where the list of students is filled out, the dates of the briefing are noted, the content and duration of the lesson are recorded, and the teacher's signature is put. Instruction is provided as needed. The number of classes depends on the specifics and requirements of the educational program.

Section XI. In the final section of the magazine "Remarks of the administration on logging" the following aspects can be noted:

timeliness and correctness of entries in the journal;

implementation of the program (compliance with the educational and thematic plan);

a variety of forms of conducting classes;

preparation and conduct of final classes;

class attendance.

The journal is stored in the office.

After the end of the academic year, the journal is handed over to the deputy director for educational and methodological work.

artistic creativity of children and youth

logbook of the work of the club formation

According to the nomenclature of cases, the journal is stored in the archive for at least 5 financial years. During this time, it may be subject to inspection by regulatory authorities. Entries in the journal must be kept by the head of the club formation, regularly. Every month from the 25th to the 30th day of the current month, the head is obliged to submit the journal for verification to the head of the institution (artistic director).

The structure of the journal of accounting for the work of the club formation

The journal consists of the following sections:

1. Requirements for filling out the journal of accounting for the work of the club formation.

2. Plan of organizational and educational work, which, in turn, is divided into sections:

· Targets and goals

Organizational work

· Educational work

Communication with educational institutions, the public, parents

· Methodical work

4. Accounting for class attendance

5. Participation in events

6. Activity report

7. Creative achievements

8. List of members of the club formation

9. Mark on the briefing

10. Comments and suggestions on the work of the club formation.

General logging requirements

2. Entries in the journal are kept neatly (without corrections with a corrector, sticking, strikethrough), ink of only one color - blue or black.

3. The pages of the magazine are numbered starting from the first page.

4. No page tearing allowed!

5. No additional notes are made in the journal.

6. The appearance of the magazine must be aesthetic (the presence of a cover is obligatory).

The order of filling in the sections of the journal

Each section of the journal must be filled in by the supervisor with the relevant information.

The cover of the magazine indicates the name of the team (studio, club), the name of the institution, as well as the academic year (September to May, inclusive).

1. Introductory safety briefing (September)

2. Briefing on electrical safety in the institution (September, January)

3. Fire safety briefing, study of evacuation routes in case of fire (September, January)

4. Studying the rules of safe behavior on the roads (in children's groups - in September, and before the holidays (November, December, March, May).

5. Briefing "Rules of conduct ..." (when leaving for excursions, walks, outdoor concerts, etc.).

In chapter Comments, suggestions for work the persons who checked the work of the club formation indicate the date of the check, comments and suggestions on the work of the club formation or the head of the documentation of the team. The manager's mark on the implementation of the comments is placed in a special column after the elimination of the shortcomings identified in the work, but no later than 10 working days.

The logbook of the work of the club formation should be with the head of the team at each lesson. Magazines should be kept in the director's or artistic director's office.

The obligatory minimum documentation includes: the charter of the club, work plan, subscription, diary of events, lists.

Club charter

The fundamental documents of clubs are charters and regulations. In their meaning, content and purpose, they are unambiguous. The charter usually begins with an epigraph, which may be the club's slogan or motto. The charter stipulates all the main aspects of the organization and activities of the club.

Targets and goals

Clubs contribute to the development of people's activity, the expansion of their cultural horizons, the improvement of the organization of leisure, the formation of high moral qualities, the development of organizational and creative abilities.


In some associations, the access of new members is subject to certain requirements. Their composition is usually stable and changes are minor. Most clubs do not put forward any serious restrictions on the composition of their members. Membership is paid and free.

Rights and obligations of club members:

Members recognize the goals and objectives of the club;

Attend meetings regularly;

Conscientiously carry out orders;

Everyone has an opinion and defends it;

Shows initiative, makes suggestions to improve the integrity of the club.

Organization. self-government bodies.

Self-management in the club is evidence of democracy and initiative. The decisive body of the club is the general meeting (2-3 rubles per year). It elects a council, approves plans and programs, and at the end of the year a report on the work done is given.

Club attributes

The attributes of the club are the motto, anthem, emblem, flag, which expresses the essence of the club, its goals, serve as a beacon.

Work plan

This is an important association document, drawn up in the form:

      number in order;

      the date of the;


      completion mark.


Compiled for a year and reproduced, as a rule, by typographic

way. A subscription is a statement of the club's program events indicating the days, hours and places of their holding. A subscription is both a reminder and an invitation, and a document indicating involvement in this club.

Unification Journal

This is the main document reflecting the work of the association. Journal form: 1) date of holding; 2) a brief description of the event (where it was held, good moments); 3) the number of people present; 4) note.

Organizer lists

The lists of organizers, members of the club, the Council, and the board also belong to the mandatory minimum.

Sample work plans

Charters of amateur associations

and interest clubs in various areas of activity

Work plan of the socio-political club


Club tasks: to promote the formation of high moral qualities among young people, to develop their socio-political and social activity, to promote the organization of leisure.

October - the foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus with the countries of the Near and Far Abroad

November - youth issues of security and cooperation in Europe

December - issues of war and peace in the modern ideological struggle.

January - art in the struggle for peace (exhibition of wall newspapers and posters by amateur artists dedicated to the theme of peace and the solidarity of peoples)

February - viewing the program of the republican television "World - today"

March - "9th Studio", "International Panorama", "Actual Camera"

April - political song concert

May - excursion on the political map of the world "Planet of the Future"