Power reserve of the cold water supply system. Calculation of water supply with an example. Example of water supply calculation

An important part of monitoring is the determination of the utilization factor of the production capacity of water supply networks and facilities. The coefficient of utilization of the production capacity of water intake facilities (water treatment facilities, water supply engineering networks) is determined by the ratio of the amount of actual water supply per day to the installed design capacity of water supply per day. The water supply capacity reserve can be used when commissioning additional housing stock or other consumer facilities. However, the presence of additional capacities should be compared with the available reserves, for example, with additional capacities of treatment facilities, with the throughput of filters, with the presence of intermediate reservoirs. The study of the use of the capacity of water supply systems should be supplemented by an analysis of data on the length of water supply networks and street networks, water losses in case of accidents, and data on the number of accidents.

The second information block provides information for a real assessment of the state of water supply systems and includes the following group of indicators - see Fig. table 30.

Table 30. Indicators of the technical level of water supply systems

Name of indicator base period reporting period forecast period
1. Coefficient of utilization of the production capacity of water intake facilities, % 40,19 41,79 43,88
2. Coefficient of utilization of production capacity of water treatment facilities, % 46,92 50,15 50,65
3. Water pipeline production capacity utilization factor, % 45,90 45,56 45,76
4. Specific energy consumption for lifting water, kW. hour / m 3 0,70 0,68 0,59
5. Specific energy consumption for water treatment, kW. hour / m 3 0,050 0,050 0,043
6. Specific energy consumption for water transportation, kW. hour / m 3 0,650 0,640 0,555
7. Accident rate characterizing the number of accidents in water supply networks per 1 km of the network; number of accidents / 100 km / year 11,02 11,47 9,04
8. The share of accidents on water supply networks with exceeding the liquidation period to the total number of accidents, % 4,65 2,86
9. The ratio of the number of constructed and reconstructed water supply networks to the total length of enterprise networks, % 1,38 2,67 2,98

1. The coefficient of utilization of the production capacity of water intake facilities (KIPM water soor.), %.

2. The coefficient of utilization of the production capacity of water treatment facilities (KIPM soor. water.),%

3. The coefficient of utilization of the production capacity of the water pipeline (KIPM water supply),%

4. Specific energy consumption for lifting (water treatment, water transportation), kW. hour / m3

5. The accident rate, which characterizes the number of accidents in water supply networks per 1 km of the network (KA waters); number of accidents/km/year

6. The share of accidents on water supply networks with exceeding the liquidation period to the total number of accidents,% (DA waters)

7. The ratio of the number of constructed and reconstructed water supply networks to the total length of enterprise networks, (KR water)%


where M is a fact. v. soor. - actual capacity of water intake structures, thousand m3/day; M project. v. soor. - design capacity of water intake structures, thousand m3 / day.


where M is a fact. soor. water. - actual capacity of water treatment facilities, thousand m3/day; M project. soor. water. . - design capacity of water treatment facilities, thousand m3 / day.


where M is a fact. plumbing - actual capacity of the water pipeline, thousand m3/day; M project. plumbing . - design capacity of water supply facilities, thousand m3 / day.

The indicator (OP) is calculated by the formula.

representatives of many large enterprises and organizations are currently interested in the issue of introducing mandatory payment for the power reserve. Recently, at the level of the Government of Russia, there has been a very active discussion of the issue of mandatory payment for the "surplus" of the maximum power allocated to consumers - that is, the introduction of the so-called fee for power reserve. At present, there are already developed draft resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, which oblige all consumers-legal entities (except for the population and categories equated to it - they do not pay for the power reserve) to pay for the maximum power reserve if several conditions are met. It is worth noting separately that for now this is just a project and consumers do not need to worry about additional energy costs. But we are forced to state that with a high degree of probability, the published projects will actually be signed and a fee for the maximum capacity reserve will be charged.

Therefore, consumers need a clear understanding of how the maximum power reserve will be paid and what actions need to be taken to minimize the cost of paying for the reserve.

In accordance with the existing draft resolution, the power reserve is defined as the difference in the value maximum power and network power. At the same time, the value of network power for consumers with a maximum power of at least 670 kW is determined in general order, provided for determining the value of network power (as in the calculations of consumers according to 4 price categories), and for consumers less than 670 kW is determined as the product of the coefficient 0.002667 and the actual consumption electrical energy for the billing period.

Then, after determining the power reserve, the electricity supplier (power grid company) compares the result of calculating the power reserve with the maximum power value. If the power reserve is more than 40% of the maximum power agreed with the power grid company, as well as during long period time earlier for such a consumer (at least 12 months in a row) this condition was met, then the electric grid company (electricity supplier) has the right to present the calculated cost of the power reserve to the consumer.

The cost of the capacity reserve is calculated as the product of the reserve itself, the rate for the maintenance of networks of the two-part variant of the tariff for electricity transmission and the reduction factor for the payment of the reserve. This coefficient in the first year of application of such an order is 0.05, in the second 0.1, in the third year - 0.15 and in the fourth and subsequent years - 0.2.

It should be noted that the power grid company, prior to billing consumers with a capacity reserve, is obliged to inform consumers about the possibility of waiving part of the maximum capacity in favor of the power grid company.

A water supply system is a collection of pipelines and devices that provide an uninterrupted supply of water to various sanitary appliances and other devices for which it is required. In turn water supply calculation- this is a set of measures, as a result of which the maximum second, hourly and daily water consumption is initially determined. Moreover, not only the total flow rate of the liquid is calculated, but also the flow rate of cold and hot water separately. The rest of the parameters described in SNiP 2.04.01-85 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings", as well as the diameter of the pipeline, are already dependent on water consumption indicators. For example, one of these parameters is the nominal diameter of the counter.

This article presents example of calculating water supply for internal water supply for a private 2-storey house. As a result of this calculation, the total second water consumption and the diameters of pipelines for plumbing fixtures located in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen were found. The minimum section for the inlet pipe to the house is also determined here. That is, we mean a pipe that originates at the source of water supply and ends at the place where it branches to consumers.

As for the other parameters given in the mentioned normative document, then practice shows that it is not necessary to calculate them for a private house.

Example of water supply calculation

Initial data

The number of people living in the house is 4 people.

The house has the following sanitary appliances.


Bathroom with mixer - 1 pc.

San. node:

Toilet bowl with flush tank - 1 pc.


Washbasin with mixer - 1 pc.


The formula for the maximum second water flow:

q c \u003d 5 q 0 tot α, l / s,

Where: q 0 tot - the total flow rate of a liquid, one consumed device, determined in accordance with clause 3.2. We accept app. 2 for the bathroom - 0.25 l / s, san. node - 0.1 l / s, kitchens - 0.12 l / s.

α - coefficient determined according to the appendix. 4 depending on the probability P and the number of plumbing fixtures N.

Determination of the probability of action of sanitary appliances:

P = (U q hr,u tot) / (q 0 tot N 3600) = (4 10.5) / (0.25 3 3600) = 0.0155,

Where: U = 4 pers. - number of water consumers.

q hr,u tot = 10.5 l - the total rate of water consumption in liters, by the consumer in the hour of the highest water consumption. We accept according to the appendix. 3 for an apartment building with plumbing, sewerage and baths with gas water heaters.

N = 3 pcs. - the number of plumbing fixtures.

Determination of water consumption for the bathroom:

α = 0.2035 - taken according to the table. 2 app. 4 depending on NP = 1 0.0155 = 0.0155.

q c \u003d 5 0.25 0.2035 \u003d 0.254 l / s.

Determination of water consumption for a dignity. node:

α = 0.2035 - exactly the same as in the previous case, since the number of devices is the same.

q c \u003d 5 0.1 0.2035 \u003d 0.102 l / s.

Determination of water consumption for the kitchen:

α = 0.2035 - as in the previous case.

q c \u003d 5 0.12 0.2035 \u003d 0.122 l / s.

Determination of the total water consumption for private house:

α = 0.267 - since NP = 3 0.0155 = 0.0465.

q c \u003d 5 0.25 0.267 \u003d 0.334 l / s.

The formula for determining the diameter of the water pipe in the design area:

d = √((4 q c)/(π V)) m,

Where: d is the internal diameter of the pipeline in the calculated section, m.

V - water flow rate, m/s. We take equal to 2.5 m / s in accordance with clause 7.6, which says that the speed of the liquid in the internal water supply cannot exceed 3 m / s.

q c - fluid flow in the area, m 3 / s.

Determination of the internal section of the pipe for the bathroom:

d = √((4 0, 000254)/ (3.14 2.5)) \u003d 0.0114 m \u003d 11.4 mm.

Definition of internal section of a pipe for a dignity. node :

d = √((4 0, 000102)/ (3.14 2.5)) \u003d 0.0072 m \u003d 7.2 mm.

Determination of the internal section of the pipe for the kitchen:

d = √((4 0, 000122)/ (3.14 2.5)) \u003d 0.0079 m \u003d 7.9 mm.

Determination of the internal section of the inlet pipe to the house:

d = √((4 0, 000334)/ (3.14 2.5)) \u003d 0.0131 m \u003d 13.1 mm.

Conclusion: to supply water to a bath with a mixer, a pipe with an inner diameter of at least 11.4 mm is required, a toilet bowl in a bathroom. node - 7.2 mm, washbasin in the kitchen - 7.9 mm. As for the inlet diameter of the water supply to the house (for supplying 3 appliances), it must be at least 13.1 mm.