Small business in a private house. Business organization at the dacha: what to do at the dacha in times of crisis

Is it good for an entrepreneur, but for a neighbor?

Land users of such plots, who are individual entrepreneurs or registered legal entities, will be able to launch trade in goods or services on their territory. At the same time, they will be exempted from administrative responsibility for the use of land for other purposes.

It is planned to amend the Code of Administrative Violations and the Tax Code. In the meantime, the existing legislation (part 3 of Article 8.8 of the Administrative Code) states: non-use of a land plot intended for housing or other construction, for these purposes, may entail a fine for citizens in the amount of 1 to 1.5% of the cadastral value of the site, but not less than 20 thousand rubles.

This measure seems too harsh to many entrepreneurs: the existence of a strict rule on the use of land for housing creates many problems for those who want or are forced to use land for business. By the way, in Europe, business on a personal plot is quite common. Many families there use their homes not only for living, but also for accommodating, say, dry cleaners, bakeries or hostels with appropriate signs and banners.

But there is also the opposite side of the issue. “The very idea of ​​doing business on land plots intended for residential construction can be viewed in different ways. In the village, probably, few people will be happy with the fact that a neighbor instead of a residential building has built a car wash or a beer restaurant and, at the same time, is not in any way responsible for the fact that he is not using his land for its intended purpose. On the other hand, today's legislation, in principle, rather sparingly says whether the owner of an already built private house can conduct entrepreneurial activities in his garage or on another territory and whether he risks earning a fine for this, ”writes the portal“ Russian Planet ”.

According to Vladimir Khomyakov, Chairman of the Committee on Housing Legal Relations of LLC Civil League for Housing, Land Legal Relations and Territorial Public Self-Government, the draft law being developed by the Ministry of Economic Development is primarily intended to protect property and owners.

After all, if the construction of a gas station, conceived by the owner of the land, which is in the status of individual housing construction, does not fit into the master plan, where it is necessary to register and approve any construction object without fail, then it will not be allowed to build it anyway. But the fines in addition to this prohibition are nothing more than racketeering. Such fines are not recorded and go exclusively into the pocket of the official. In this case, the department is rightly trying to protect the owners of land plots, - quotes Mr. Khomyakov "Russian Planet".

"Garage economy"

Enterprising Russian citizens who cannot afford to lease commercial real estate often decide to use not only personal plots or houses, but also garages for business. Premises intended for personal cars are "transformed" into tire shops, car washes or repair shops. This phenomenon has come to be known as the "garage economy".

Experts note that the economic crisis in the country is increasingly driving Russian small businesses into garages. The Khamovniki Foundation for the Support of Social Research last week published the results of monitoring within the framework of the Garage Economy project. The fund's specialists managed to find out: now, even in large cities, entrepreneurial activity is in full swing in many private garages. Furniture shops, barbecue shops, pastry shops and even hotels are opening in these premises!

15% of the able-bodied population of large, but not rich cities of Russia is involved in the "garage" economy "- this is the main result of the study (Ulyanovsk, Saratov, Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Togliatti, Perm, Anapa and Nizhny Novgorod were studied from large cities).

Co-author of the project, graduate student of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Sergey Seleev notes the ambiguity of the situation. Even if a business is legalized (a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is registered), it cannot carry out its activities in the garage - it is illegal. At the same time, the municipal authorities, according to Mr. Seleev, are aware of what is happening.

The internet is rife with business ideas in this area. Yandex gives 19 million responses to the query "business in the garage".

Viewed 297 times
Set 2013-07-22 22:10:38 +0400 in the topic "Business" from Chelyabinsk

In particular: art workshops for blacksmith and carpentry production. according to okved code 28.40.1 and okved code 20.51

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Replies (1)

According to the Land Code of the Russian Federation, all lands are divided by purpose into the following categories: agricultural land; lands of settlements; lands for industry, energy, transport, communications, broadcasting, television, informatics, lands for providing space activities; lands for defense, security and other special purposes; lands of specially protected areas and objects; forest land; water fund lands; stock lands. Your land plot most likely belongs to the category of settlement land. Settlement lands may include land plots attributed to the following territorial zones - residential, public and business, industrial, engineering and transport infrastructures, recreational, special purposes, military facilities and other territorial zones. It is important to understand that a land plot can only belong to one zone. Based on the content of your question, we can assume that the site belongs to a residential area. In these zones, it is allowed to place free-standing, built-in or attached social and communal facilities, healthcare facilities, garages, facilities related to the residence of citizens, and most importantly, do not have a negative impact on the environment. Urban planning regulations, which establish the legal regime of a land plot, as well as everything that is above and below the surface of land plots and is used in the process of development and subsequent operation of buildings, structures, structures, is of great importance in determining the legal regulation of certain lands. Urban planning regulations are mandatory for all land owners, tenants, landowners and land users. These persons can use land plots in accordance with any type of permitted use provided for by urban planning regulations. In addition, construction, reconstruction and expansion of real estate objects firmly connected with the land plot is carried out only in accordance with the established urban planning regulations. Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the location of production on land intended for living is impossible. Despite the fact that the Constitution of the Russian Federation provides citizens with private ownership of land plots, and the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) gives the owner a full set of rights (possession, use, disposal), however, the owner has the right to own, use and dispose of land, provided that that the exercise of these powers does not harm the environment and does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of other persons (Art. 2 tbsp. 36 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In the same normative legal act, we find confirmation of the previously stated conclusion, namely, the use of land plots can be carried out within the limits determined by its purpose.

The concept of "production" is very capacious in its content, in order to answer your question it is necessary to specify what exactly you are planning to do. Manufacturing is the process of creating an end product and sometimes a service. When assessing the possibility of creating production on a land plot intended for residence, the main thing is to observe 2 basic rules: 1. not to violate the rights and legitimate interests of other persons 2. not to damage the environment. in the air of certain chemicals and their standards, the level of emission of substances into the environment, indicators of vibrations and radiation, the parameters of the location of industrial premises relative to residential buildings and much more. It is important to know that Chapter 8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses) provides for liability for violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection and natural resource use. For example, for the use of land for other than its intended purpose (Article 8.8 of the Administrative Code), liability arises in the form of an administrative fine, for legal entities the fine ranges from 40-50 thousand rubles. Chapter 6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for liability for violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, the measure of responsibility in most cases is an administrative fine. It should be borne in mind that Chapter 26 of the Criminal Code also provides for liability for environmental crimes. For example, Art. 246 (violation of environmental protection rules during the performance of work), Art. 254 (spoilage of the earth), art. 251 (air pollution). The measure of responsibility is much stricter, ranging from fines in the amount of 120 thousand rubles. and more, and ending with imprisonment for up to 5 years.

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Business on your own site

A low-pressure gas pipe was laid by the city administration on our land plot near the house, which was registered as shared ownership, without our knowledge and approval. This was necessary for the construction of a new house. The territory on which our house is located and the plot in shared ownership has already been given away without our consent for the construction of a new complex. Now the first house was built, the work was carried out with all violations. We filed a claim against the developer with a request to remove the gas pipe from our territory. The court denied us our claims, referring to the fact that the developer is a third party allegedly not guilty and asked us to prove the infringement of our property rights in the use of the land plot.

Hello! If by "refused" you understand that the decision was made by the court, then you need to file an appeal (Article 321 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation), since according to article 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, obstacles in the use of your property must be removed, and the violation of rights was just on the part of the developer. No developer is a third party, because it was he who carried out the construction and is responsible for the consequences of his activities. And it is strange that the court offered to provide evidence (Articles 55-56 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation) after the decision was made. Indeed, in the court of appeal, it is necessary to substantiate the impossibility of their presentation in the court of first instance. Or is the decision still pending? If by refusal you understand that the defendant was considered a third party, then you need to provide such evidence. According to part 1 of article 56 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation "each party must prove the circumstances to which it refers as the basis for its claims and objections, unless otherwise provided by federal law." Alternatively, through a forensic examination (Article 79 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation) with a visit to the place.

You were correctly refused, in this case the proper defendant is the city administration, which provided the developer with the land plot. You can establish a PAID easement for the use of your land plot, or oblige the administration to buy out this land plot at market value, since the consumer properties of the plot have changed significantly, decreased. Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 274. The right of limited use of another's land plot (easement) 1. The owner of immovable property (land plot, other real estate) has the right to demand from the owner of a neighboring land plot, and, if necessary, from the owner of another land plot (neighboring plot), granting the right limited use of a neighboring plot (easement). An easement can be established to ensure passage and passage through a neighboring land plot, construction, reconstruction and (or) operation of linear facilities that do not interfere with the use of the land plot in accordance with the permitted use, as well as other needs of the owner of real estate that cannot be provided without establishing easement. (as amended by the Federal Law of 23.06.2014 N 171-FZ) (see the text in the previous edition) 2. The encumbrance of a land plot with an easement does not deprive the owner of the plot of the right to own, use and dispose of this plot. 3. The easement is established by agreement between the person requiring the establishment of the easement and the owner of the neighboring land and is subject to registration in the manner prescribed for the registration of rights to real estate. In case of failure to reach an agreement on the establishment or conditions of the easement, the dispute shall be resolved by the court at the suit of the person requiring the establishment of the easement. 4. On the conditions and in the manner provided for in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this article.

Of course, you can appeal, but it is unlikely that this will give you anything, and the decision will most likely not be canceled. Article 320,330 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. Because despite all its "shoals" (they indicate on the last page of the decision a bunch of decisions that have nothing to do with the dispute of the courts, including the regional level), in fact, the court is right. The wrong method of protection was chosen and it will not be possible to oblige to dismantle the gas pipeline. And the proper respondent should really be the administration, not the developer. I don’t know if the judge hinted to you in the process or not. In any case, replacing the inappropriate defendant with a proper one was only possible with the consent of the plaintiff (Article 41 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation) I would still recommend filing an appeal just in case. And if it doesn’t work out - to submit claims to the court already to the administration. Let them bear responsibility and tell in court on what basis they gave permission to build a gas pipe instead of the owners of the MKD. You can demand from the administration to compensate for the damage caused (Article 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Also write a statement to the administration to the law enforcement agencies on the facts of abuse of authority or arbitrariness (Article 330 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 19.1 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation). Let them check and make a decision.

Errors in filing a claim. 1. Inappropriate Responder. In your dispute, the defendant is the Administration (the state body that issued the illegal permit) and the co-defendant is the organization that laid the gas pipeline. Because it was this company that violated your ownership rights. 2. Third parties, declaring or not declaring independent claims - the developer (in whose interests the pipe was built). 3. Grounds in the claim - infringement of your rights, supporting evidence in accordance with Art. 56 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. Your rights have been violated, this can be proved by applying for an examination with questions about when the gas pipeline was laid, in what territory, how many meters underground. Attach the expert opinion to the case. Based on the results of the examination, explain to the court that the rights of the owner of the land plot are to build a house with a foundation, which will be impossible due to the gas pipeline installed. The fact of violation of your rights is obvious. 4. Wrong Claims. Your claim is negative, the claims of the claim must be considered in accordance with Art. 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the obligation to remove obstacles to the right to use and dispose of the owner of his property. Also Art. 274 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on easement. Requirements: on the recognition of the issued permit by the administration as invalid and on the obligation of the gas pipeline organization to remove the gas pipeline from under your territory of the land plot with cadastral number XXX. 5. Lack of required documents in the application of the claim. According to Art. 56 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, you are obliged to attach evidence to the claim for the requirements to which you refer. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for the defendant indicating the legal address, a certificate of ownership of land, cadastral documents on the boundaries of your site, a receipt for payment of state fees, an agreement on the provision of legal services, an agreement on the provision of technical services. Expert, receipts for drawing up a power of attorney for a representative of the Claimant, etc. What actions are best for you to take today: First. Make an appeal only if you declared at the court of first instance to challenge the defendant, or to involve the administration and the organization laying gas pipes and you were refused. If there were no such motions, then the appeal is not promising. Serve or not, you decide. The state duty to the court of appeal is 150 rubles. Second. Already now, draw up and submit a claim to the court in the manner indicated above on the points. You will have no limitation period. Because this is a negative claim. However, until the foundation is laid and the rest of the construction work, the easier it will be to return the land work to its previous state. Thus, having lost time and effort in the first instance, you should eliminate the shortcomings and file a claim again. If you have any questions, write to your private messages.

On the land plot of our house, the land is registered in shared ownership, the city administration, without our knowledge, agreed to the developer next to the house under construction to carry out a low-pressure gas pipe using the puncture method. Does this action have a legal basis? I ask you to respond to whatsapp or vibe.

If the land is yours, you should have received your consent to this. You have the right to file a statement of claim in court in the manner prescribed by Articles 131-132 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, on the elimination of obstacles to the use of your property in accordance with Article 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

This is illegal and the administration exceeded its authority, if the site is not in municipal ownership, it could not do it and sign it without checking it. Since the permission to install the gas pipe had to be given by the owners of the land plot, that is, the residents of house C, v. 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, you can go to court with a claim, Article 131,132 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. In this case, it was necessary to hold a meeting of the owners of the house on this issue and make a decision, Article 36.44 of the LC RF. In principle, the owners of apartments in MKD can now hold a meeting at which to consider the situation that has already developed in fact and decide what to do next (contact the municipality, gas workers, the developer of a neighboring house or the court) of the RF Housing Code Article 44. General meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building 1. The general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is the management body of an apartment building. A general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is held in order to manage an apartment building by discussing agenda items and making decisions on issues put to a vote. 2. The competence of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building includes: 2) making decisions on the limits of use of the land plot on which the apartment building is located, including the introduction of restrictions on the use of it, as well as on the conclusion of an agreement on the establishment of an easement, an agreement on the implementation of a public easement in relation to a land plot related to common property in an apartment building home;

Hello! Due to the fact that the land is owned (albeit in share), it is NOT municipal. Accordingly, only share owners can use it, dispose of it, and the administration could not without your consent, Articles 36, 44 of the RF LC. Arbitrariness is evident,. Arbitrariness 1. Arbitrariness, that is, unauthorized, contrary to the procedure established by law or other regulatory legal act, the commission of any actions, the legality of which is disputed by an organization or a citizen, if such actions have caused substantial harm, is punishable by a fine of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or compulsory labor for a period of up to four hundred and eighty hours, or correctional labor for a period of up to two years, or arrest for a period of up to six months.

I bought a garage on the border of two plots, the land is owned. The new owner requires the dismantling of the gable roof, as snow falls into his yard. Is his demand legal?

Good afternoon. Yes, it is legal.

Allowed a neighbor to park the car on his site, After registering the land in ownership, they asked to remove the car. Doesn't clean. What to do? Call the police?

Good afternoon. You can call the district police officer, it doesn't hurt. If it doesn’t help, or if it doesn’t help for a long time - in court with the requirement not to obstruct the use of s / y.

I am buying a house with a plot of 15 acres. Which is owned. I'm also waiting for the documents for the auction, I wanted to lease a land plot for building a house. Can I own and rent these two plots.

Yes, you have the right, without restrictions, both to buy land and to lease it.

I was issued a certificate of ownership of land in May 1995, I have not used the site to this day. Has the title to the land been preserved?

Good day! If the rights are registered in Rosreestr, of course, all the information is up to date. Write me the cadastral number and I can check it using the USRN.

Is it possible to register the ownership of a house built on the plot of the parents, where there was a vegetable garden?

You can register the house as a property.

Owned a land plot on the land of private household plots the plot is owned on a plot house half of the house belongs to me the second half belongs to neighbors now neighbors are selling their plot documents for the plot they have it one second part of the house is not in the case of my buyout of the land Can I demolish the house the whole house is very dilapidated Thank you.

DM can only be demolished with the consent of all the owners of the house.

3 years have passed, and on the land plot, which was registered as property and allocated by the state for a large family, nothing has been built and no land surveying has been carried out. Do I have the right to take the plot away?

Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 1. Article 284. Withdrawal of a land plot that is not used for its intended purpose (as amended by Federal Law of 03.07.2016 N 354-FZ) A land plot can be withdrawn from the owner in cases where the plot is intended for management agriculture or housing or other construction and is not used for its intended purpose for three years, unless a longer period is established by law. This period does not include the time required for the development of the site, except for cases when the land plot belongs to agricultural land, the turnover of which is regulated by the Federal Law of July 24, 2002 N 101-FZ "On the turnover of agricultural land", as well as the time , during which the site could not be used for its intended purpose due to natural disasters or due to other circumstances precluding such use.

What is the right thing to do in such a situation: on the piece of land that I own, someone's garage was found. Neighbors do not recognize or do not know whose it is, and who is the owner of this structure. How to correctly formulate communication to this citizen. Where to go?

Write a free-form application to the Land Committee and the Department of Urban Development.

I sell a house with a plot, land surveying was done in 2010, at the moment everything is owned, but the land surveying documents are lost. Do I need to survey a plot of land?

If the land surveying was done and the land plot is on the cadastre, then you do not need to restore the land surveying documents. In a purchase and sale transaction (Article 454 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), neither the MFC employees nor the Federal Register will be interested in your border agreement or land survey. It is enough to present the cadastral passport of the land plot on which it will be visible. That the boundaries are set. Therefore, you can order such a cadastral passport.

Good day! If the site is formed and put on cadastral records, the absence of a land survey will not be an obstacle to the sale.

I bought a garden plot, property. There is a small country house on the plot. Can I build a house larger than the one on the plot? And is it possible to register in it? Thank you.

You can build a larger house by obtaining permission to build Article 51 of the RF Urban Planning Code. As for registration, registration is possible if this house is assigned a postal address.

I own a land plot since 1997 (there is a certificate of ownership of the land.) In 2018, I sold it under a sale and purchase agreement.On the day of registration of the right in the Federal Register, the sale and purchase transaction of this land plot was made. Do I need to pay 13 percent tax? After all, I have been using it for 21 years, and the right is listed in the Russian Register for 1 day?

The ownership right belongs to a citizen not on the basis of an entry in the Rosreestr, but on the basis of documents of title. In 1997, the law on the registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it has not yet entered into force, which established that the ownership right arises after its registration. Therefore, you really have been the owner for 21 years and, accordingly, you do not have to pay tax.

They filed a lawsuit to recognize the ownership of a land plot in Crimea, the price was indicated without evaluation. The court left it without consideration until the violations were eliminated. With the wording "since there is no appraisal document, the price of the claim cannot be determined. Now we provide a certificate of the cadastral value from the state register. Accordingly, the price becomes higher and we pay the state duty. In this case, you need to submit: Addendum at the request of a court ruling or an updated claim. Yours." the free phone did not work.

Hello! Just write a statement about attaching to the case file a receipt for payment of state duty in pursuance of a court ruling.

Good afternoon, due to the fact that the court has issued a ruling on the abandonment of your statement of claim, you need to file a claim on a new one, indicating its price on the first sheet of the claim and attaching 2 certificates (the initial one and the one for which the surcharge occurred) about payment of the state duty , also, so that the state duty paid by you when you filed the initial claim was counted in this, you can attach a copy of the Decision to leave the claim without consideration to the statement of claim.

If the statement of claim with all the materials was not returned to you, but only a ruling was made to leave the claim without movement, simply send the documents with a covering letter in pursuance of the court ruling, including the amended statement of claim.

On our land plot (ownership is registered) there is a house, registration of ownership of the house is denied, since it is registered for other persons. As it turned out, in our rural settlement there are 2 villages with the same names and 2 identical addresses, but in the BTI there is information only on one house (not ours) and on one land plot (ours) - that's in the register and "combined" information. How to fix? The house, the ownership of which is registered, must have a different cadastral number, as it is located in a different cadastral quarter. In a voluntary (joint order), those owners refused to act. Anna.

All this can be corrected in court.

Anna, if those persons refuse to act on a voluntary basis, you are left with a judicial procedure for resolving this issue.

The property was acquired by real estate located on the territory of the land plot which is in municipal lease.

How can the site itself be registered?

What should be guided by the registration procedure?

To register ownership of a land plot, you must contact the lessor - the municipality, guided by the norms of land legislation.

Owned land. Shopping malls have been built on this site. Do you have to pay land tax?

As long as the land plot belongs to you on the basis of ownership, you are a land tax payer.

Naturally. If the right is registered, Rosreestr had to transfer the relevant information about the object within the framework of interdepartmental interaction with the Federal Tax Service. You should be given appropriate notices. The tax notification must indicate the amount of tax to be paid, the object of taxation, the tax base, the due date for payment of the tax, as well as the information required to transfer the tax. The notification can be sent both in writing and in electronic form, if you have a personal account.

There is a plot with a house, everything is owned. We have built a new house on this plot, we have a building permit. How to remove an old house from the cadastral register, before or after demolition?

After demolition, invite a cadastral engineer, he will draw up an Act.

We would like to apply for a land plot for a large family. The property has a 2-room apartment in which at this time all 5 people live. We would like to build a house. Is approval possible. Thanks in advance.

If the number of square meters in this apartment per person is less than the accounting norm of housing Art 50 of the RF Housing Code, then of course you will be approved for the provision of land.

Can I engage in personal subsidiary farming to make a profit on my own plot, if the land documents indicate "lands of settlements"? Thank you.

Of course, you can engage in personal subsidiary farming there, if this is your land, you can simply also build something with the permission of the authorities.

A neighbor on the plot (the plot is owned, the purpose of gardening and horticulture) has long planted birches, pines, aspens and other tall trees on his plot, although we were against it, since we continue to grow potatoes in the field. Over the years, these trees have grown and shade our site. We went to court. By a court decision, a neighbor is obliged to remove trees one meter from the border. The neighbor did not comply with the court decision. And if he did, then the situation would not change, the shadow would remain.
What responsibility before the law will be if we ourselves cut down all the tall trees on the neighbor's plot?
Thank you.

Hello! Cutting down these trees can lead to a serious fine. ... Illegal felling of forest plantations 1. Illegal felling, as well as damage to the point of stopping the growth of forest plantations or trees, shrubs, lianas not classified as forest plantations, if these acts were committed in a significant amount, are punishable by a fine in the amount of up to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three years, or compulsory labor for up to four hundred and eighty hours, or corrective labor for up to two years, or compulsory labor for up to two years with a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the salary or other income of the convicted person for a period from one year to eighteen months or without such, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years with a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the salary or other income of the convicted person for period from one year to eighteen months or not.

On the land of common use adjacent to my site, which is in my property, an unauthorized seizure of land was made, a fence was erected, which fenced off the resulting site. What are my actions to eliminate this site.

Please contact your local administration. Maybe the site is no longer in common use but owned.

I have a private house on my own land plot in the city. The house was declared emergency after a fire. Is there an option that the state will resettle me to non-emergency housing, as is the case with apartment buildings?

According to Article 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, out of turn residential premises under a social tenancy agreement are provided to citizens whose living quarters are recognized in the established manner unsuitable for living and cannot be repaired or reconstructed. If, as a result of a fire, a dwelling (residential building) has become unsuitable for living and cannot be repaired (but only demolished), which is confirmed by the decision of the interdepartmental commission, then the owner of this house is entitled to apply for an extraordinary provision of housing only if a number of conditions are met. At the same time, we immediately note that the payment of compensation for a burned down house at the expense of the federal or local budget is not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the presence of the following conditions, housing on an extraordinary basis can be provided to the owners of a burnt-out residential building only on the terms of a social rental agreement, but not in ownership.

A large family received the property for two. Divorced. What's with the site now? Is it divided in half? Is it possible to re-register for yourself and your children?

Initially try to negotiate a settlement.

I wanted to install a bathhouse at my summer cottage. Owned land. What is needed for this? Do I need permission? Thank you.

Good evening! Household buildings - sheds, baths, greenhouses, sheds, cellars, wells and other structures and buildings (including temporary ones) designed to satisfy citizens' household and other needs (clause 3 of Art. 3 217-FZ of 07/29/2017). A building permit and commissioning of such structures is not required. Cadastral registration and registration of rights is carried out in the order of 218-ФЗ dated July 13, 2015.The bathhouse is an auxiliary structure and in this regard, a building permit is not required for the construction of a bathhouse. Art. 51 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Civil Code of Art 51, a permit is not required for the construction of a bathhouse (auxiliary building).

I arbitrarily built a store on my own site since 2010 in conditional coordinates. When I transferred it to GLONASS, half of the store fell into the security zone of power transmission line 10, as the administration does not give a building permit.

Hello, in this case you need to go to court with claims for recognition of ownership of the building. To accurately answer your question, you need to familiarize yourself with the documents for the land plot and the available documents for the erected structure.

The house was built on a plot of individual housing construction, registered in the property, people are registered. Now they say that because of the enterprise nearby, part of the house is located in the sanitary zone. The company most likely acquired this status after the house was registered, otherwise we would not have received a building permit. What consequences?

The decision to establish the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone is made by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation. This decision serves as the basis for entering information into the real estate cadastre. Based on information from the cadastre, the owners of land plots that have fallen into the sanitary protection zone are notified of the restrictions on the use of these plots. The owners must be compensated for damages due to restrictions. All of the above actions are performed by the local government body, on the subordinate territory of which the land plots are located. Based on the provisions of Art. 87 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", SanPiN 2.2.1 / Sanitary Protection Zones (hereinafter - SPZ) are a special territory with a special mode of use , installed around objects and industries that are a source of harmful effects on the environment and human health, in order to reduce such impact. According to paragraph 3 of Art. 87 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, land plots that are included in the SPZ are not withdrawn from owners, land users, landowners and tenants, but a special regime for their use may be introduced within their boundaries, restricting or prohibiting those activities that are incompatible with the goals of establishing zones. According to paragraph 4 of Art. 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation SPZ are classified as zones with special conditions of use. The establishment of sanitary protection zones for industrial facilities and industries in accordance with clause 4.2 of SanPiN 2.2.1 / is carried out by a resolution (deputy) of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on the basis of a preliminary conclusion of the Rospotrebnadzor Administration for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, an examination of the sanitary and a protective zone with calculations of the dispersion of atmospheric air pollution and physical effects on the atmospheric air, performed by accredited organizations. Information on land plots with special conditions for the use of the territory is subject to entry into the Unified State Register of Real Estate (part 2 of article 7 of the Federal Law of 13.07.2015 No. 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate"). By virtue of Part 1 of Art. 32 of Law No. 218-FZ, information on the establishment of such zones is entered into the EGKN in the order of interdepartmental information interaction on the basis of relevant decisions (acts) of state authorities or local authorities. Section 5.3. Art. 87 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the local government that made the decision to establish the SPZ to notify the owners of land plots located in this zone about the restrictions on the use of their land plots within fifteen days from the date the information was entered into the state real estate cadastre. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.07.2016 No. 662 approved the Rules for notifying rightholders of land plots included in the boundaries of a zone with special conditions for the use of the territory, about restrictions on the use of land plots within the boundaries of such a zone. In the sanitary protection zone, the following cannot be located (p. 5.1-5.2 SanPiN 2.2.1 / residential buildings, including separate residential buildings; landscape and recreational areas and recreation areas; the territory of resorts, sanatoriums and rest homes; the territory of gardening associations, collective or individual summer cottages and garden plots; athletic facilities; playgrounds, educational and children's institutions; medical and prophylactic and health-improving institutions of general use; food industry facilities (including warehouses); complexes of water supply facilities for the preparation and storage of drinking water. Thus, when land is included in the SPZ, the rights of owners (rightholders) to locate certain objects and conduct certain types of activities are limited, in connection with which Art. 57 of the RF Labor Code provides for the right to compensation for losses. The procedure for compensation for losses is determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/07/2003 No. 262 "On approval of the Rules for compensation to owners of land plots, land users, landowners and tenants of land plots for losses caused by temporary occupation of land plots, restriction of the rights of owners of land plots, land users, landowners and tenants of land plots. or deterioration in the quality of land as a result of the activities of others. "

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 12 minutes


A plot of 20 acres is an ideal springboard for starting your own business. A summer cottage or garden plot of this size can be adapted for growing vegetables and seedlings for sale, renting it out, and raising animals on it. There are many other productive ideas for using land as a valuable resource. Let's consider the most effective and profitable ones.

Growing greens, vegetables, fruits for sale

The most common way to use a land plot for starting a business is horticultural and vegetable growing.

It can be organized in two ways:

  • Firstly , growing in the open field of seasonal vegetables and fruits.
  • Secondly , construction of a greenhouse for the cultivation of heat-loving fruit and vegetable crops, as well as for satisfaction and vegetables.

The first option is distinguished by minimal investment: an entrepreneur will only need to purchase seedlings and seedlings, as well as take care of timely watering, dressing and fertilization. The second option requires the construction of a greenhouse structure, the organization of a heating and irrigation system in it.

It is important to understand that the sale of seasonal vegetables and fruits will not provide the entrepreneur with such a significant profit, compared with the sale of exotic crops, as well as berries and herbs in the cold season.

At the first stage of organizing a business, you can manage on your own, but with a gradual expansion of the business, it will be necessary to attract hired workers seasonally - during the period of planting seedlings, harvesting, etc.

There are also several options for selling finished products:

  1. Wholesale supply to large retail outlets (supermarkets).
  2. Self-service retail on the market or in a stationary vegetable tent.
  3. Selling products directly from the farm , which requires advertising in local print media.

Business benefits

  1. Consistently high demand.
  2. Significant value of agricultural products in the winter season.
  3. Relatively small investment.

Business Disadvantages

  1. High probability of a force majeure situation (death of seedlings, crop failure, pests).
  2. The finished product does not have a long shelf life.

Breeding and raising pets

If the available land plot is by no means distinguished by fertile soil, then it makes sense to adapt it for breeding domestic animals.

In this case, you can make a choice in favor of one of two options:

  • Firstly , if there are places for grazing, you can make a choice in favor of cows or sheep.
  • Secondly , in the absence of those, you can start breeding chickens, rabbits or ducks.

Taking care of pets is a daily systematic work. That is why, already at the first stage of organizing a business, you should take care of hiring 2-3 employees.

What are the nuances of this business:

  1. On the site, it is imperative to equip pens for animals, protected from rain, wind and cold.
  2. It is imperative that you follow a vaccination schedule for your animals to keep your business from unforeseen cattle deaths.
  3. Care should be taken in advance to establish channels for the supply of feed and vitamins for animals.

The most profitable and popular options for a livestock business at a summer cottage are the breeding of geese, rabbits and ducks:

  • Breeding ducks ... To begin with, you will need to purchase about 100 ducklings (the price of one ranges from 80 to 120 rubles) and purchase food. It is worth noting that ducks are very unpretentious in food and can even eat boiled potatoes. In 3-5 months, the animal reaches a mature state and is ready for sale (the cost of a mature bird is 400-800 rubles).
  • ... Little rabbits are sold on the market at a price of 70 rubles apiece. Large enclosures and bathing areas are not required for their maintenance. Rabbit food is represented by grasses and grains (corn, wheat, barley). In 4-5 months, the animal reaches adulthood and can be sold for 700-1000 rubles. Moreover, rabbits give a very significant offspring.
  • ... Breeding geese is similar to breeding ducks. However, these birds do not require serious structures (they are not afraid of cold and rain). They also consume less feed. Goslings can be purchased for 90-110 rubles apiece, and adult birds at the age of 4-5 months can be sold for 1000-1500 rubles.

It is most convenient to sell products in the order of wholesale deliveries.

Business benefits

  1. High demand for products from supermarkets, restaurants, meat industries.
  2. Medium-sized investments.
  3. Simple organization algorithm.
  4. Acceptable in any climatic zone.

Business Disadvantages

  1. High probability of force majeure (illness and death of livestock).
  2. High level of competition in the industry.
  3. Requires significant labor costs.

Growing seedlings, seedlings for sale

In spring, seedlings and seedlings are in high demand on the market. Moreover, in Russia only 40% of the market is occupied by such products created on an industrial scale. Basically, the seedlings are supplied by summer residents.

There are two directions for organizing such a business:

  • Growing seedlings ... For this, wild trees are grown from the seeds of apples, cherries, pears, etc., which, at the age of one year, are pricked with twigs from different cultivated varieties of fruits and berries. Within a few months after the plant takes on the cutting, it can be sold on the market.
  • Growing seedlings ... In this case, you will need to purchase special containers or boxes in which the seeds are placed. Since it will be necessary to present seedlings for sale in early spring, special greenhouses will be required to grow them.

The most popular products on the market are:

  • Berry bushes - raspberries, currants, gooseberries, blackberries.
  • Fruit trees - apple, pear, plum, apricot, cherry.
  • Vegetable crops - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, eggplants.

The sale of seedlings and seedlings will have to be carried out independently: as a rule, large agricultural farms provide themselves with young plants on their own.

Business benefits

  1. High seasonal demand.
  2. Minimum investment.

Business Disadvantages

  1. Seasonality, high probability of force majeure (plant death).
  2. Significant industry competition.
  3. The need for knowledge of agrotechnical subtleties in matters.

Organization of a recreation center or boarding house on the site

If there is a forest, grove, picturesque lake or river near the personal or summer cottage, the organization of a private boarding house becomes the only correct decision. You should not think that this is an unbearably difficult task: you can start with a rather simplified version.

  • Firstly , for delivery to vacationers, you can equip a house on the site or install several cabins-change houses on it, designed for a different number of people (from 2 to 5 people).
  • Secondly , you need to take care of the conduction of water, gas, electricity, sewerage.
  • Thirdly , a bathhouse or sauna, gazebos with tables and benches, barbecues, playgrounds and sports grounds, a frame pool, etc. should be built on the site.

If we are talking about a specialized recreation center, then it is possible to organize the provision of special equipment for rent (for hiking, swimming, rock climbing), as well as provide for the positions of instructors and guides in the staff.

In general, the staff of such a company should consist of an administrator and security guards. Cleaning ladies, a medical worker, a locksmith, as well as cooks and waiters (if you plan to organize a dining room).

An important aspect is the organization of a guarded parking lot for customers' cars. Cabins can be rented on an hourly or daily basis. If there is an efficient heating system, houses in a picturesque area can be rented out all year round.

Business benefits

  1. Significant demand.
  2. High income.

Business Disadvantages

  1. High initial investment.
  2. Complexity of the organization.
  3. Payback in 2-3 years.

Lease of a land plot, summer cottages

The simplest, but least profitable option is renting out a land plot.

There are several options for this business option:

  • If there is a house on the site - it can be taken for rest.
  • If there are shrubs and fruit trees on the site - it can be handed over for harvest seasonally.
  • If the soil of the site is fertile , then it can be handed over to farmers for the warm season.

Delivery announcements are usually posted on electronic bulletin boards on the Internet, as well as in local print media.

Business benefits

  1. Ease of business organization.
  2. No upfront costs.

Business Disadvantages

  1. Low profitability.

Organization of a contact zoo

An innovative idea of ​​using the land plot is the creation of a contact zoo. It can be imagined in the form of numerous open and closed enclosures that house horses, rabbits, ducks, geese, turkeys, sheep, goats, and perhaps even ostriches.

It is noteworthy that such a zoo can be combined with a subsidiary farm ("exhibition" goats do not stop giving milk, and chickens - to lay eggs). That is why it makes sense to organize a point for the sale of agricultural products on its territory.

What interesting activities such a contact zoo can offer for visitors:

  • Firstly , standard excursions.
  • Secondly , classes for schoolchildren.
  • Thirdly feeding animals together with visitors.
  • Fourth , horseback riding, etc.

The entrepreneur will need to take care of the competent organization of the zoo space, the installation of aviaries, the purchase of feed, the improvement of the territory, and the formation of the work schedule.

To service animals, 3-4 workers will be required, including a full-time veterinarian. It is also important to take care of hiring 2-3 guides.

Advertisements can be placed in local print media. The zoo's income comes from the sale of tickets, agricultural products and additional services (photos with animals, feeding pets, renting a playground, selling cotton candy and ice cream)

Business benefits

  1. The ability to combine with agricultural activities and provide a range of additional services.
  2. Significant profitability.

There are many interesting and cost-effective ideas for starting a business. Despite today's diversity of information, many villagers are unaware of the tremendous opportunities hidden in the provinces.

Far from the variety of urban offers, there are more opportunities to develop faster and more efficiently, it is easier to hit the first profit. The village has several original ideas that will allow you to implement a business on the ground, with a minimum investment of 1-2 thousand rubles... This can be a service of selling berries or fruits from your garden, selling flowers, selling seedlings.

In 2017

Today there are business ideas and startups that differ from the standard proposals that are being implemented in rural areas today.

Business creation ideas for car owners

The most common option for car owners to own their own business is a private taxi or local taxi. In the countryside, this is a great way to move, at affordable prices, because the transport interchange in any village or village is not too developed. It is imperative to take into account that the cost of the trip and monthly earnings must be covered by gasoline and gas, as well as the depreciation of the car.

The most effective such business will be in the area where there are not only rural residents, but also urban summer residents. To implement this idea, you need to post ads in the village, create ads on Internet resources and repair the car, while waiting for a call from customers.

If you have a car, you can take orders for food from neighbors, the elderly, the elderly and do home delivery, for a small percentage. Often, such goods as clothing, household chemicals, food, conservation, etc. are in demand.

The most profitable ideas in agriculture

The most effective and cost-effective ideas for starting a business in rural areas are fishing and livestock farming. If there is a pond or a small lake on the territory of a summer cottage, a private house, fish farming would be a great idea.

Perhaps in the future it will be possible to offer customers not only fresh fish, but also frozen, salted, smoked fish.

  • In the absence of a pond, reservoir, lake, you can do breeding of animals, for example, cattle... Initially, you will need to have 5-6 thousand rudders for the purchase of several young individuals (goats, pigs, calves, etc.)
  • Apiary creation- breeding and raising bees, collecting honey is always an effective and cost-effective business, because 1 kg of honey costs at least 700-800 rubles. Sales can be established not only to individuals, but also to shops, food stores, boarding houses, etc. To start developing such a business, you will definitely need to learn the basics of breeding bees.
  • Rose growing business or any other flowers (lilies, hyacinths, snowdrops) requires 2-4 thousand rubles of investments for planting material, fertilizers. Greenhouse arrangement for a start requires 2 thousand rubles of costs, agricultural technology will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. Initially, you will need to negotiate with flower shops (bazaars, spontaneous markets or hand-made sales), advertisements on the Internet, and create groups on social networks.
  • Directly the beginning growing strawberries will require from 5 to 7 thousand rubles for planting material and fertilizers, but the payback will be visible already in the first year of strawberry cultivation. However, if you do this business not seasonally, but constantly, in winter, strawberries in greenhouses require artificial pollination. For this, it will be necessary to invest at least 10 thousand rubles.

Business on agricultural land

Regardless of the type of activity chosen, in a region separated from the city, constant work will be an important factor. The resulting profit will be the key to the development of new areas of activity or the expansion of an existing type of earnings.

On the land of agricultural use ideas you can start growing and subsequent sale of turkey, chickens or quails... In addition to poultry meat, you can also sell eggs, down, feathers for the production of pillows. Today, the cultivation of pheasants is very relevant. To breed poultry, initially you will need to have 3-4 thousand rubles for the purchase of young animals. Arrangement of the territory for cultivation will cost 10-12 thousand rubles (poultry house, paddock, feed, etc.).

Among the common business ideas in rural areas, they are equally relevant options for growing and selling mushrooms, both fresh and pickled, salted or dried. Oyster mushrooms, champignons, porcini mushrooms, as well as medicinal shiitake mushrooms are offered for cultivation today.

Despite the fact that apples seem to be in every yard, they are in great demand on the sales market. Therefore, the business of growing and selling apples will require no more than 2-3 thousand rubles for the purchase of mature trees, and will also provide a payback and the first profit in the first year. The profit can be spent on buying trees to expand the garden.

Along with the cultivation of fruits and berries, potatoes are in no less demand, because today even many summer residents have abandoned their independent cultivation.

Among the original, interesting ideas for the development of your own business, you can consider growing wormwood... This idea is best suited for those who have their own land in the private sector. Wormwood will almost immediately bring considerable profit, because it can be sold not only to pharmaceutical companies, homeopathic pharmacies, but also to those who are engaged in the production of alcohol. Wormwood is one of the main ingredients in making absinthe drink. Among all the existing plant species, the only one sold is Artemisia absinthium or Artemisia absinthium. Average, from 1 hectare, you can get at least 3 thousand dollars for the implementation of the culture.

Business from scratch

Few are ready to start a business from scratch, because this is a risky undertaking that requires some costs and, of course, a lot of effort to work.

  • For those living in the village there is an opportunity to create their own business on the sale of frozen berries, fruits... Natural products are always needed and many city dwellers try to purchase it from private traders who do not use GMOs and a variety of pesticides. The product can be sold through advertisements posted on modern resources on the Internet. Ask family and friends to create a "word of mouth" chain, create social media groups and announcements, and more. Initially, you will need 3-4 thousand to buy a garden or shrubs, packing bags, and you will also need to purchase a new or used freezer (at least 5-6 thousand rubles).

Fast payback, no more than 2 years, is demonstrated by the following ideas for a small business in rural areas:

  • Raising, selling or renting horses... The business requires some investment, horses require constant care, initial costs, more than 50 thousand for the purchase of a horse.
  • Are very popular, namely the process of their breeding and subsequent sale. Rabbit meat is dietary, and modern consumers increasingly began to think about healthy eating and taking care of their own health. Rabbits give birth every year, and after reaching the age of 4 months, they can already be considered a commodity for sale. Rabbit meat costs 400 rubles, one rabbit weighs 1.5-2 kg, which means a rabbit will cost 600-800 rubles, with the cost of feeding and equipping 2 thousand rubles for 5 rabbits.
  • Pig breeding has always been considered profitable(1 kg of meat - 300 rubles, bacon - 250 rubles), making a profit. A pig is a waste-free animal, it is completely sold for meat, lard, offal, head, etc.
  • Not less popular than apples and strawberries, sea ​​buckthorn is in demand in the food market! It is not difficult to create a sea buckthorn garden: one seedling is 1000 rubles, 2-3 seedlings are enough for a start. The profit per hectare of planting can be approximately 1000 euros. Sea buckthorn will only be profitable 2-3 years after planting.

Despite the fact that there are many ideas for those who are looking for what kind of business to start on the land, each of them has pros and cons.

Business registration in agriculture: procedure, documents, advice

The most acceptable option for developing your first business and accumulating start-up capital is to lease land in farmland or villages. This process is specified in the civil code, but for this the tenant will need competent paperwork.

The leased land can be:

  • Agricultural land;
  • Lands of water and forest resources;
  • Plots that include real estate or contemplated construction, etc.

The following lands are officially considered for agricultural use:

  • arable land, plantations, hayfields, pastures;
  • forest belts, land under farm buildings and yards, etc.

The cultivation and breeding of fish, with cancer, implies the need to lease the land of the water fund, which will include the necessary water area for breeding fish, crayfish, creating sports entertainment companies, etc.

In this case, on the leased coastal strip, it is strictly forbidden:

  • Create gardens, vegetable gardens, plow the land;
  • Apply herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals;
  • Graze cattle;
  • Erect, auto repair shops;
  • Set up waste dumps.

To do business in the village, you can buy land or use a summer cottage (if there is one). But if it is planned to rent land, the following documents should be prepared in advance for the village council to sign a lease agreement:

  • Handwritten statement;
  • Passport and TIN code (copies);
  • Lease contract;
  • Calculated deposit for payment.

The use of land outside the prescribed purpose threatens the tenant with termination of the contract.

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