The characteristic of the participant is the best in the profession. Protocol on the nomination of a nominee for the federal stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "The Best in Profession" in the nomination "The Best Beekeeper. Pool of "corporate talent"

The grounds for applying a particular type of incentive for employees of an organization should be determined in the relevant local regulatory act. If this is not accepted in the organization, then when choosing one or another type of labor incentive, one can proceed from the established practice of regulating the procedures for encouraging employees, which is described by the author of the article.

When asked if your company uses non-monetary incentives, many HR directors answer positively, not without reason believing that public praise, awards and informing that someone is the best in a given period is nice. Among the legislatively defined measures of moral encouragement of employees, one can name the declaration of gratitude, the awarding of an honorary diploma, and the promotion to the title of the best in the profession. The moral rewards of employees for work not named by labor legislation can be established by employers independently, for example:

Public recognition of the merits of an employee at meetings held, including when summing up the results of the annual work of the organization;

Informing the entire staff of the organization about the achievements of the employee;

Referral of an employee to special conferences, seminars, exhibitions;

Providing opportunities for training, advanced training;

Creation of more comfortable working conditions for the employee;

Provision of days off and additional days for vacation;

Instructing an employee to perform special tasks as an expression of management's trust.

In addition to the above measures, a fairly strong moral incentive is the recognition of the merits of the employee directly by the management of the organization. For example, a manager can praise an employee for the work he successfully completed immediately after its completion, discuss the results of his work with the employee, and evaluate the personal qualities of a conscientious employee.

Each employer needs to strive to ensure that the system of incentive measures applied to employees is not uniform, for this it is necessary to use various forms and methods of encouragement.

Consider the features of the regulation of incentive measures and the practice of their application.

Thanks Announcement

The declaration of gratitude as a type of labor encouragement consists in the public expression by the employer of gratitude to the employee for such achievements in work as:

Improvement of indicators in comparison with previous periods, overfulfillment of the plan;

Progress in the early development and implementation of measures related to the improvement of the organization of production and labor, with an increase in the quality of products (work performed, services rendered);

Fulfillment at a high level of their labor duties;

Successful holding of events, implementation of projects, active participation in events or projects, etc.

The procedure for applying this incentive measure, as a rule, is regulated in a special local regulatory act (in the regulation on the moral encouragement of the employee) or is established in a document of a more general nature (in the regulation on material and moral incentives for employees of the organization, internal labor regulations, regulation on staff incentives ).

Sample Sample

Regulation on the moral encouragement of the employee


Section IV. Gratitude

For active participation in the implementation of particularly significant projects of the Company;

For impeccable and efficient work in the Company;

For conscientious work and professional skills.

Gratitude is declared to the employees of the Company with the payment of a one-time incentive in the amount of the official salary.

2. An application for announcing Gratitude can be submitted by the heads of structural divisions of the Company.

3. When making proposals for announcing Gratitude, the heads of the Company's structural divisions shall submit the following documents:

Application for announcing Gratitude addressed to the head of the Company;

Characteristics of the encouraged in accordance with Appendix N 1 to this Regulation.

In the application for the announcement of Gratitude, information on the achievements of the employee to be awarded is indicated.

Award materials are submitted by the heads of structural divisions 2 months before the expected award to the HR department.

In the case of submission to the announcement of Gratitude for active participation in the implementation of particularly significant events, a petition and a list of persons who actively participated in the implementation of projects are submitted in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations.

4. The Human Resources Department considers the received award materials and prepares a draft order of the head of the Company on the announcement of Gratitude.

Award materials submitted in violation of the procedure established by these Regulations are returned with appropriate justifications to the applicant.

5. The draft order is coordinated with the head of the structural unit of the Company that submitted the application for the announcement of Gratitude, the legal department, the accounting department and sent for signing to the head of the Company.

6. The announcement of Gratitude is carried out on the basis of the order of the head of the Company.

7. The announcement of Gratitude is carried out by the head of the Company or, on his behalf, by the first deputy head of the Company and the heads of the structural divisions of the Company in a solemn atmosphere.

8. Re-announcement of Gratitude for new merits is possible no earlier than two years after the previous award.

In exceptional cases, for high performance in the work, a repeated announcement of Gratitude is possible earlier than the specified date.

9. A description of the form and a sketch of Acknowledgments are given in Annexes N N 3, 4 to this Regulation.

Although this is not directly provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is advisable to prepare an appropriate document with the heading "Gratitude" (Fig. 1 - not shown).

Rice. 1 - Gratitude Form

The figure is not shown.

Registration of "Gratitude" (entering information about the employee, ensuring the signature of the management and certification by the seal of the organization) is carried out by the personnel service of the organization.

Rewarding with the Certificate of Honor of the organization

A more significant measure of encouragement for success in work compared to gratitude is the awarding of an honorary diploma of the organization. It is usually awarded to individual employees and teams, to which the specified incentive measure was previously applied for achievements in labor activity.

The awarding of an honorary diploma consists in the public presentation to the employee of a document indicating the recognition of the merits of the employee by the management of the organization. A local regulatory act of an organization may provide for a one-time bonus payment to an employee in connection with the award of a certificate of honor.

Among the grounds for awarding employees with certificates of honor are most often called:

High results in a specific area of ​​work;

professional skill;

Significant contribution to the development of the organization;

Innovation and other achievements in work;

Exemplary performance of work duties, etc.

Quite often, among the grounds for awarding employees with a certificate of honor are "long-term work in the organization" or "work experience in the organization for at least ___ years." The mere fact of long-term work in an organization is not a basis for encouragement in the sense that part 1 of Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, in the conditions of increasing competition, the loyalty of the staff can and should deserve an appropriate assessment by the employer.

In the presentation for the award of the certificate of honor, the following shall be indicated:

Surname, name, patronymic of the employee;

Date of his birth;

Position held;


Work experience;

Achievements (characteristic of the results of labor that deserve encouragement).

Sample Sample

Presentation For the award of the Honorary Diploma

Closed Joint Stock Company "Prior"

1. Surname, name, patronymic _________________________________________________

2. Year of birth ___________________________________________________________

3. Education (where, when he graduated from an educational institution)

4. Place of work, position held _____________________________________


5. Total work experience ____________________________________________________________

6. Work experience in this organization _______________________________________

7. Characteristics (specific merits) ____________________________________


Head of the structural unit ___________________________________

(name of department,

signature, full name)

"__" ___________ 20__

It is advisable to set out the procedure for awarding employees with an organization's diploma of honor in a general local regulatory act on the promotion of employees or in a separate regulation on the organization's diploma of honor. First of all, it should officially establish the full name of this type of encouragement, which will be indicated in the order (instruction) on encouragement and recorded in the work book. So, the name of the organization's certificate of honor must contain the name of the organization, for example: "Certificate of honor of the Closed Joint-Stock Company Prior" or "Certificate of honor of Aprina LLC". This is necessary in order to distinguish it from other certificates of honor that an employee can be awarded.

Registration of a certificate of honor (acquisition of a ready-made form or ordering a printed form of an original design), entering information about the employee, ensuring the signature of the management and certifying with the seal of the organization are carried out by the personnel service of the organization.

Awarded the title of the best in the profession

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for such a type of encouragement as a presentation for conferring the title of the best in the profession. As a type of intra-company incentive, such a presentation provides for the formation of a competition commission, the formulation of the goals and objectives of organizing a competition, the development of conditions and indicators for the fulfillment of which such a title can be awarded to an employee, the timing, frequency and procedure for holding a competition, the timing and procedure for summing up.

The title of the best in the profession can be formulated according to one of the following schemes:

A) "best _______", for example:

"the best pastry chef";

"the best seller";

"the best doctor";

"the best driver";

B) "the best in the profession" _______ ", for example:

"the best "plasterer" by profession;

"the best by profession "machine milking master";

C) "best in profession among _______", for example:

"the best in profession among machine operators";

"the best in the profession among hairdressers."

Also, as a similar type of encouragement, the assignment of other significant titles, for example, "Excellence in Quality", "Best Young Worker", as well as honorary titles of organizations, for example, "Honored Worker of the Organization", "Master - Golden Hands", "Excellent Trade Worker", etc.

For this type of incentive to be "legitimate", it must be provided for in the collective agreement or internal labor regulations.

The award of the title of the best in the profession is carried out in two ways:

1) holding a special competition or review of professional skills among the employees of the organization and identifying the best of them. The objectives of such competitions or reviews are:

Developing a sense of prestige among employees of the profession;

Revival of the traditions of the profession;

Improving knowledge, skills and abilities in work;

Dissemination and development of advanced techniques and methods of work, dissemination of the positive experience of the winners of the competition;

Disclosure of employees' creative potential;

Creation of incentives to improve professionalism in work;

Creation of a reserve of personnel from among the winners to fill managerial positions, etc.

The commission (committee) created by the employer organizes the holding of the competition and, based on its results, determines the winner, who is awarded the title of the best in the profession;

2) generalization of the achievements of employees, carried out by the personnel service or other unit, and as a result of studying documents, conducting observations, surveys, etc., an employee with the best achievements.

As a rule, the title of the best in the profession is assigned to one winner. In confirmation of this, he is issued a certificate (diploma) of conferring the title, as well as a ribbon with the appropriate inscription.

In recent years, regional and municipal competitions and reviews of professional skills have become widespread, as a result of which the winners are awarded the title of the best in their profession within the city, district, region, etc. As a rule, they are initiated by local governments and executive bodies. authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The direct holding of events, as a result of which the participants are awarded the title of the best in the profession in a certain nomination, is carried out by the organizing committees or commissions created by the indicated bodies.

Normative legal acts of the executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments provide that employees take part in such competitions or reviews on the proposal of the heads of organizations. When developing a document regulating the conditions and procedure for submission, the following sections should be provided (Table 1).

Table 1

Sections of the document regulating the competition

Awarded the title of "Best in Profession"


General provisions

Contains a list of competition nominations, names
organizers, indicates what determines the given
position, - the procedure and conditions for the competition,
criteria for selecting the best in the profession, the order

Targets and goals

The objectives of the competitive events are indicated and
tasks that are set before the organization of the competition


The conditions for admission to participation in the competition are indicated
(agreement with the terms of the competition,
timely submission of an application, questionnaire of the established
sample, etc.). Also in this section may be
an information resource (newspaper, web address) is indicated, where
official conditions for the competition


This section indicates the frequency and timing
competition events, and
list the stages of the competition (for example,
Stage 1 - municipal (district) - selection
administrations - until July 15; Stage 2 - edge -
selection by the department from those submitted by administrations
nominations - until August 1; Stage 3 - federal -
selection by the ministry, summing up and awarding


Formation of the competition commission, its procedure
meetings, main functions, order of filling
contestants of applications (questionnaires) for participation in the competition,
the procedure for their registration and consideration of the tender

The list of awards is indicated (for example, the diploma "Best
by profession" and a sign for a diploma), as well as the procedure
informing the public about the results of the competition
and list of awardees


Application form (questionnaire).
Evaluation methodology (determining the winners of the competition)

Awarding a valuable gift

An incentive in the form of rewarding with a valuable gift is a presentation to an employee of a specific thing that has a certain value.

With the entry of Russia into the era of market relations, symbolic gifts (busts of leaders, table sculptures, caskets, vases, handicrafts) were replaced by more practical household appliances and household items, tourist vouchers, etc. The value of a gift as an incentive measure is emphasized by the corresponding engraving, drawing a commemorative inscription, etc. The most prestigious is the production of symbolic items on a special order of the organization.

When choosing a valuable gift, the personnel department should not only be guided by financial capabilities (the amount of funds allocated for the purchase of gifts), but also take into account the personality and wishes of the employee being encouraged.

Collective agreements, internal labor regulations, special local regulations that determine the procedure for encouraging an employee, may provide for the application of several (usually two) types of incentives to an employee at the same time. So, it is advisable to combine material types of incentives with moral ones, for example, awarding a certificate of honor with the payment of a bonus, conferring the title of the best in the profession with rewarding with a valuable gift, etc.

Pool of "corporate talent"

This type of local incentive, such as the inclusion of "corporate talents" in the pool, has a relatively short history in the practice of encouraging employees of Russian organizations. The main encouragement for those who got into the pool of "corporate talents" is intangible:

Priority in career advancement;

Great opportunities for development;

Participation in promising projects that "challenge" their capabilities;

Greater attention of status managers (it is possible to appoint a personal curator from among them).

Employees from among the "talents", of course, also have a material interest: they can increase their income much more often than others. "Corporate talent" can increase their income by receiving rewards for working on projects, encouragement for mentoring.

Entry on the Board of Honor, In the Gallery of Labor Glory, Book of Honor

Despite the fact that legislators did not transfer this type of encouragement from Art. 131 Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, listing on the honor roll is becoming more and more popular every year as a local promotion.

This type of encouragement consists in placing a photograph of an employee indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, position or profession on a specially made and installed stand - a board of honor (Fig. 2 - not shown).

Rice. 2 - Leaderboard

The figure is not shown.

The Board of Honor is established to spread the idea of ​​the positive attitude of the employer to the labor achievements of employees and demonstrates the manifestation of the employer's deep respect for the achievements of its employees. An organization may establish a common board of honor for the organization, and individual structural units (mainly production units) may have their own boards of honor.

Employees who have made the most significant contribution to the production and economic activities of the enterprise, who have achieved stable high results, who have particularly distinguished themselves in service and labor activities, are entered on the honor roll.

At present, electronic Boards of Honor have become widespread, which are a virtual gallery of photographs of the best employees of the organization, posted on the corporate website of the organization. The order of entry on the electronic board of honor can be reflected in a special local act or in a general document (see an example document below).

Sample Sample

Regulations on the motivation of employees of LLC "Aprina"


1. General Provisions

1.2. Based on the results of work for the year, employees are awarded: for high achievements in increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of production, improving the quality of work performed and products, for fruitful production, scientific activities, who have worked in the company for at least one year.

1.3. The following list of awards and quotas for awarded employees has been established:

*Entering the best specialists on the electronic Board of Honor - 4 people.

2. Order of awarding

2.1. The decision on the award is made by the CEO of the company. The head until December 1 determines the quotas for the divisions of the company.

2.2. Applications are submitted by the heads of departments before December 15 and are considered within one month. Managers who filed a petition for rewarding employees subordinate to them are personally responsible for the validity of the presentation for rewarding and the accuracy of the information contained in the petitions signed by them.

2.3. Presentation of valuable gifts and entry on the electronic board of honor is accompanied by Letters of Appreciation... which are signed by the General Director and certified with a seal.

3. Accounting and monetary support of incentives

3.2. When presenting Letters of Appreciation and Letters of Honor, when entering on the electronic Board of Honor, conferring the title "Best Aprin Worker", employees are given a cash reward in the amount of 10,000, 15,000 and 20,000 rubles, respectively.

In addition, it is desirable to define in the local regulatory act:

Requirements for a photo portrait of an employee (color / black and white, size, background, clothing);

The composition of the entry under each photo (usually - last name, first name, patronymic, position (profession, specialty), structural unit (if the honor roll belongs to the organization) and the procedure for its application (placement) on the honor roll);

The procedure for placing a photo portrait on the honor roll or opening it (in a solemn atmosphere, in the presence of an employee, etc.).

In order to avoid difficulties when registering this type of encouragement, even when establishing an honor roll, in the collective agreement or internal labor regulations, it is necessary to reflect the full name of the honor roll, i.e., including the name of the organization or structural unit of the organization. However, if the organization has only one common honors board, then in the order (instruction) on encouraging the employee, its name can be given without indicating the name of the organization.

In a number of organizations, the considered type of encouragement has been transformed into such an encouragement as entering a photograph of an employee in the gallery of labor glory, which is a combination of all the organization's honor stands into a single complex.

Employers who introduce this type of promotion for the first time need to remember that the honor roll is not infinite, and therefore it is necessary to determine the period during which the employee's photo will be placed on it. Most often, this period is 1 year (unless the honors board is intended to include the winners of regular labor competitions). After the expiration of the specified period, the employee’s photograph must be taken, unless a decision is made in relation to the employee to re-encourage him in the form of entering on the honor roll.

Entry in the Book of Honor

Entry in the book of honor was previously provided for by Art. 131 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Despite its absence in Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this type of incentive is increasingly included in the list of local incentives provided for by collective agreements or internal labor regulations.

The publication of the book of honor is a manifestation of deep respect for the merits of the employees of the organization. Such a book (Fig. 3 - not shown), as a rule, is an A3 format album, in which photographs of encouraged employees and sheets with the last name, first name and patronymic, position or profession of the employee, a brief curriculum vitae and description of merits are placed in special pockets , details of the order (instruction) on the promotion.

Rice. 3 - Covers of books of honor

Rice. not given.

The fact of entering into the book of honor is confirmed by the issuance of a certificate (Fig. 4 - not shown).

Rice. 4 - Samples of certificates of entry into the Book of Honor

Rice. not given.

The general basis for entering an employee into the book of honor is the achievement of high results in work, and additional conditions are a long work experience in the organization and the use of incentive measures of lesser significance in the past.

As with encouragement by entering on the honor roll (to avoid confusion in the order (instruction) on the application of this type of encouragement), it is advisable to indicate the name of the organization in the title of the honor book.

Determining in the local regulatory act of the organization the procedure for entering an employee in the book of honor, personnel services should establish the time the employee’s photo stays in the book, the requirements for the employee’s photo portrait, the procedure for making entries - by whom they are made, what content, whether the employee gets to know them, etc.

As a rule, color photo portraits of employees sized 9x12 (without a headdress, in festive clothes) are placed in the book of honor. The functions of making an entry in the book are entrusted to one of the personnel officers (usually the head of the personnel service).

The book of honor must be kept in a room intended for holding ceremonial events (an assembly hall, a conference hall, a representative office), in the museum of the organization or in another room that allows everyone to get acquainted with it.

In a number of organizations, the analogues of the book of honor are the book of labor glory, the book of the history of the organization.

Corporate awards

The current legislation does not establish a ban on the establishment of an organization's own corporate badge and medal, so the awarding of a corporate award or badge is increasingly appearing in collective agreements and internal labor regulations as a form of moral encouragement for staff.

The corporate badge should have a special title. In order for it to be "legitimate", the leadership of the organization must make sure that the badge being established does not duplicate departmental and, even more so, state badges. According to the Regulations on State Awards of the Russian Federation, the illegal establishment and production of signs that have similar, similar names or external resemblance to state awards are prohibited.

To avoid complications, it is desirable that the names of corporate badges contain the name of the organization and are associated with some significant event, such as the anniversary of the organization, etc.

In confirmation of the fact of awarding a badge, as well as the right to wear it, an employee, as a rule, is issued an appropriate certificate or certificate.

For a badge or a corporate medal, it is necessary to develop not only an official name, but also approve a full description of the appearance of the award, as well as fix in an internal document the conditions, procedure and procedure for making a decision on the award and the procedure for presenting the award to employees (see sample sample below).

Sample Sample

Description of the badge "The best worker of Aprina LLC"

The badge is a blue oval with a golden edging in the form of laurel branches.

In the center of the oval is the logo of "Aprina" LLC. Under the logo - in a golden figured shield with a border - an inscription in straight letters: the best employee of Aprina LLC.

Sign height - 50 mm, width - 30 mm.

On the reverse side of the sign is a device for attaching to clothing and its serial number.

Regulations on the badge "The best worker of Aprina LLC"

1. The badge "The best employee of Aprina LLC" (hereinafter referred to as the badge) is established to reward employees of Aprina LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) for performing tasks of particular importance and complexity, successful and conscientious performance of their duties, impeccable, no less five years, work and other achievements in work.

2. The badge can be awarded to the heads of departments for their great contribution to the development of financial and executive discipline, the system of financial and economic control.

3. The issue of awarding a badge is considered at the award committee on the proposal of the heads of structural divisions of the Company and the head of the Company. The submission reflects information about the professional activities of persons nominated for awarding a badge, their personal contribution to ensuring the Company's activities.

4. The decision to award a badge is made by the award commission by a majority vote of the total number of members of the commission.

5. The presentation of the badge and certificate to it is carried out in a solemn atmosphere by the head of the Company or, on his behalf, by the deputy head of the Company.

6. The awarded badge is awarded a sum of money in the amount of three times the monthly salary.

7. The badge is worn on the right side of the chest and is located below the state awards.

8. In the work book of the awarded, an entry is made about the awarding of the badge.

9. The person awarded with a badge has the right to establish the maximum salary for the position, the preferential right to receive annual leave and tourist vouchers at a convenient time for him.

10. Registration of documents on awarding a badge and accounting of the awarded is provided by the personnel department of the Company.

Thus, the introduction of measures of moral encouragement should be accompanied by the approval of the procedure for their registration and individual accounting. In particular, the issue of their reflection in the work books of employees should be resolved. Since the work book is intended to record individual labor activity, it should contain information about the employee's encouragement for his individual merits, and not about the recognition of the labor achievements of the labor collective (structural unit) of which he is a member.

And other measures

Often, in local incentive systems, the early removal of a previously imposed disciplinary sanction is indicated as an incentive measure. Without denying the stimulating nature of this measure, nevertheless, experts recommend not designating it as a type of encouragement. Moreover, its application is formalized not by an order (instruction) on encouragement, but by a separate order (instruction) on the early removal of a disciplinary sanction. The removal of a disciplinary sanction should not be considered as an incentive measure applied to employees in the manner prescribed by Art. 194 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, since this is the restoration of the position of the employee that existed before the application of disciplinary measures against him. As a general rule, a disciplinary sanction is removed when the employer can see that it has played its educational role and the employee has corrected his behavior by exemplary performance of work duties.

If the organization nevertheless applies the removal of disciplinary sanctions as a measure to encourage employees, then in the local regulatory act that determines the procedure for encouragement, it is necessary to separately stipulate that information about its application is not entered in the employee's work book in the section on incentives.

According to part 2 of Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, incentives for employees can be determined by charters and regulations on discipline. In this case, charters and regulations are understood not as local regulations of the organization, but as regulations approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws, charters and regulations on discipline for certain categories of employees. These include, for example, the Regulations on the discipline of railway workers, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 1992 N 621 (as amended on July 14, 2001, as amended on July 14, 2003); Disciplinary charter of paramilitary mine rescue units in transport construction, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1994 N 879; Charter on the discipline of employees of organizations with especially dangerous production in the field of the use of atomic energy, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1998 N 744 and a number of others.

Such documents provide for the use of most of the above types of incentives. However, a significant part of them are departmental awards.

Thus, according to the Regulations on the discipline of railway workers, railway workers are awarded the badge "Honorary Railwayman". In accordance with the Disciplinary Charter of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation, customs officers are awarded departmental badges "Honorary Customs Officer of Russia" and "Excellent Worker of the Customs Service". The awarding of the badges "Honorary worker of the navy" and "Honorary polar explorer" is provided for by the Charter on the discipline of the crews of the support ships of the Navy for crew members of the support ships of the Navy.

Among the additional measures not discussed above, one can name the early assignment of the next special rank, which is used in the civil service, as well as the assignment of the next special rank one step higher than the corresponding position. Awarding personalized weapons is predominantly common in the state law enforcement service. In some industries, the use of such an incentive measure as an increase in the duration of annual leave is practiced. For example, an increase in the duration of annual leave for up to 5 days is provided for by the Disciplinary Charter of militarized mine rescue units in transport construction.

From practice

Andrey Tsinchenko, Head of the Human Resources Department at Khlebny Dom, said in an interview:

In celebration of the company's 70th anniversary, we have established two awards. The first is the most significant, something like our own Order "For Labor and Loyalty". This is a badge made of precious metals (silver with gilding) for ceremonial wear and its reduced copy - a silver badge that can be worn on everyday clothes every day.

Unfortunately, the sanitary standards adopted by us do not allow wearing it on work clothes. Of our entire team of two thousand, no more than three or four people can be nominated for this award every five years. In addition, the requirements for work experience and its quality are quite serious, i.e., the employee must be a truly flawless worker. Attention is drawn to his achievements and personal qualities. In addition to the badge, a bonus is provided, which can amount to a very serious amount equal to the employee's salary for six months.

The second award established by us may be more accessible, but no less important - "Master of Golden Hands". The sign is also made of precious metals. It is awarded to those who have shown high achievements in their professional activities, who are valuable to the company as an excellent specialist. There may already be more than 20 people presented for this award. We award every three years, and, of course, the presentation of the award is accompanied by a prize.

Naturally, we also have the title of "Best in Profession", photographs of such employees are placed on the factory board of honor.

There are also competitions between labor collectives for the best performance, and, of course, we present honored workers for state awards.

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Reference submission for the applicant MBOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school" for the award of the title "Best in profession in 2016" in the nomination "The best teacher of chemistry" 1. Nomination 2. Surname of the applicant 3. Name of the applicant 4. Patronymic of the applicant 5. Place of work, position 6. Gender 7. Date of birth (day, month, year) 8. Place of birth 9. Education (full name of the educational organization, year of graduation) 10. Qualification category (date of its assignment), academic degree, academic title 11. What state and departmental ( industry) awards, awards of the Moscow region, Stupinsky municipal district municipal and departmental awarded, date of award (for all teaching activities) 12. Work experience: general / in the industry 13. Work experience in this organization The best teacher of chemistry Popova Valentina Mikhailovna MBOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school" Chemistry teacher Female January 22, 1961 Tambov region, Bondarsky district, p. Arable Corner. Higher, Tambov State Pedagogical Institute, 1983 First qualification category, 11.11. 2015 (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Moscow Region No. 5957 of November 16, 2015. 1. Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region (Order No. 275k of the Ministry of Defense of the Moscow Region of September 7, 2005) 2. Diploma "Teacher of the Digital Age" from the School of Digital century Moscow, 2015 3. Diploma of the Department of Education of the Stupinsky District, 2006 4. Diploma of the Administration of the Stupinsky District, 2007 5. Diploma of the Administration of the Stupinsky Municipal District, 2009 ”, 2011. 7. Letter of thanks from the Head of the Stupino municipal district, 2015 8. Certificate of participation in the annual award of the Governor of the Moscow Region “Our Moscow Region”, 2015 32 6 months / 32 6 months 31 6 months 14 Characteristics of the applicant (the characteristics should reflect the specific merits, achievements of the candidate for 2014-2016) 1. The productivity of the educational activities of the teacher: the dynamics of the educational results of students (pupils) (indicate in% by years) Year 2 014 2015 2016 Quality of knowledge 56% 72.3% 73.2% Level of education 100% 100% 100% 2. Efficiency of the teacher's activity in the development of students (pupils): 2.1. Number of participants/winners/winners of the municipal stage of the Higher School of Education (by years) Years 2014 2015 2016 Total number 3 3 2 Winners 1 1 2.2. The number of participants / prize-winners / winners of the regional stage of the High School of Education (by years) is not. 2.3. The results of students (pupils) in other Olympiads, competitions in accordance with the Lists approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense (by years, indicating the name of the competition and the result of participation) School level Intellectual game "Chemistry and Life" Winners 5 Reference MKOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school" from 22.06.2015 Extra-curricular event in chemistry "Intellectual ring" Winners1, prize-winners2 Certificate of MKOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school" dated 06/22/2015 Chemistry game "Intellectual Express" Winners 2 Certificate of MKOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school" dated 06/22/2015 Extra-curricular event in chemistry "A nuka, catch up! » Winners 1 Certificate MKOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school" dated 06/22/2015 Municipal level Intellectual game "Knowledge Box" Certificate MBOU DPO IMC dated 24.06. 2014 Intellectual game "Chemistry in puzzles" 2016, Minutes No. 1 15. Consent to the processing of personal data from the applicant received 16. Candidacy recommended (name of the body that made the decision, date of discussion, protocol number) We confirm the accuracy of the information specified in the Certificate of submission. Deputy Director for Water Resources _____________ I.V. Chaley Head of the School of Natural History and Mathematics ____________ V.M. Popova Head of the School of Humanities, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee _____________ N.A. ______________ E.V. Ivanova Director of MBOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school" ___________________ E.V. Paskar MP "_______" __________________ 2017

Reference-representation for the applicant MBOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school"

for the award of the title "Best in profession in 2016"

in the category "Best Chemistry Teacher""

position held

MBOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school"

Chemistry teacher

7. Date of birth (day, month, year)

8. Place of birth

Tambov region, Bondarsky district, with. Arable Corner.

9. Education (full name

educational organization,

year of ending)

Higher, Tambov State Pedagogical Institute, 1983

11. What state and departmental (industry) awards, awards of the Moscow region, Stupinsky municipal district - municipal and departmental - was awarded, date of award (for all pedagogical activity)

1. Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region (order No. 275-k of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense of September 7, 2005)

2. Diploma "Teacher of the Digital Age" from the School of the Digital Age, Moscow, 2015

3. Diploma of the Department of Education of the Stupinsky District, 2006

4. Diploma of the Administration of the Stupinsky district, 2007

5. Diploma of the Administration of the Stupinsky municipal district, 2009

6. Diploma of the Council of Deputies of the rural settlement "Semyonovskoye", 2011.

7. Letter of thanks from the Head of the Stupinsky municipal district, 2015

8. Diploma of the participant in the annual award of the Governor of the Moscow Region "Our Moscow Region", 2015

12. Work experience: general / in the industry

32 g 6 months / 32 g 6 months

13. Work experience in this organization

31 years 6 months

14. Characteristics for the applicant (the characteristic should reflect specific merits, achievements of the candidate for 2014-2016)

1. The productivity of the educational activity of the teacher: dynamics of educational results of students (pupils) (indicate in % by years)

2.The productivity of the teacher's activities in the development of students (pupils):

2.1. Number of participants/winners/winners of the municipal stage of the Higher School of Education (on years)

2.2. Number of participants/winners/winners of the regional stage of the High School of Education (on years)- no.

2.3. The results of students (pupils) in other Olympiads, competitions in accordance with the Lists approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense (by year, indicating the name of the competition and the result of participation)

school level

Intellectual game "Chemistry and Life"

Winners - 5

Extra-curricular event in chemistry "Intellectual Ring"

Winners-1, prize-winners-2

Chemistry game "Intellectual Express"

Winners -2

Extracurricular activity in chemistry "Come on, catch up!"

Winners -1

Municipal level

Intellectual game "Piggy bank of knowledge"

Help MBOU DPO IMC dated 24.06. 2014

Intellectual game "Chemistry in puzzles and riddles"

Winner -1, participants -2

2.4. The results of students (pupils) in other olympiads, competitions, conferences outside the Lists approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense (by years, indicating the level of the competition, starting from the municipal level and above, the name of the competition and the result of participation)


All-Russian competition "Question" (Blitz-Olympiad "To future oil and gas workers"

2 winners

International Internet Chemistry Olympiad for Grade 8

Diploma 1 degree

September 2016

All-Russian creative competition "Creativity without borders" (Metals and non-metals)

2 winners

December 2016

All-Russian Olympiad in Chemistry (International media "Rosmedal")

1 winner

III International competition "Myriads of discoveries" in chemistry "Mysteries and mysteries of the Periodic system of chemical elements" (Grade 11)

3rd place in the region

3. Productivity of the teacher's personal contribution to improving the quality of education:

3.1. Distribution of own pedagogical experience (by years, indicating the type: performance, master class, open lesson, etc., level: OO level, municipal, zonal, regional, etc., topics, dates, places)


Conference Level(seminar, etc.), name, venue, date

school level

Development of motivation for learning through associative thinking.

SHMO natural-mathematical cycle Protocol No. 4 of 03/27/2014.

Volume of homework by subjects

ShMO natural-mathematical cycle. Minutes of ShMO No. 5 dated 04.04.2014

Methods of problem-based learning in chemistry lessons.

ShMO natural-mathematical cycle. Minutes No. 1 dated 28.08.2014

Analysis of the methodological work of teachers of subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Teachers' Council.

Minutes No. 1 dated 29.08. 2014

Certification as a form of advanced training and a way of teacher's self-realization.

SHMO of the natural-mathematical cycle Minutes of the ShMO No. 2 dated 13.11. 2014

The teacher through the eyes of the students.

Teachers' Council. Minutes of the teachers' council No. 3 dated 12.01. 2015

Application of test technologies in the study of chemistry

SHMO of the natural-mathematical cycle Minutes of the SHMO No. 3 dated 16.01.2015

Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching chemistry.

ShMO natural-mathematical cycle. Minutes No. 4 dated March 20, 2015

Forms and methods of working with gifted children in the subject of chemistry

ShMO natural-mathematical cycle. Minutes No. 1 dated 30.08.2016

Assessment of students in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

ShMO natural-mathematical cycle. Minutes No. 2 dated 01.12.2016

Municipal level

RMO of chemistry teachers. Protocol of the RMO No. 1 dated 26.08.2014

Working with Homeschooled Students

RMO of chemistry teachers. Minutes No. 2 of 06.11.2014

Professional development of teachers by distance learning.

RMO of chemistry teachers. Minutes No. 3 of December 30, 2014

Improving the quality of students' knowledge through distance learning: pros and cons.

RMO of chemistry teachers. Minutes No. 3 dated February 11, 2016

The topic of an open lesson, classes, events, master classes, etc.

Level, place and date of the event

school level

Simple substances-non-metals (open lesson in grade 9).

MKOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school" 12.02.2014

Alcohols (open lesson in grade 10).

MKOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school" 08.10.2014

Halogens (open lesson in grade 9).

MKOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school" 01/13/2017

Educational event "Teach me, God, to love" at the district seminar as part of the Christmas readings for teachers of the ORKSE

MBOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school"


Solving calculation problems (open lesson grade 11).

MBOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school". 03/15/2016

3.2. Printed work of the teacher (by year, indicating the topic and all publication data)

Publication title

Publication Address

Methodological development "Analysis of the methodological work of teachers of the EMC for 2015"

Educational portal


Methodological development "Assignments for the Chemistry Olympiad for Grade 8"

site site


The program "Marathon of school subjects"

site site


Methodical development

"Intermediate certification of 10th grade students in chemistry"

site site


Scenario "Chemistry in riddles and answers"

Educational portal


Work program in chemistry for grade 10

Educational portal

Methodological material on the topic: literary and musical composition "Teach me, God, to love"

Roskonkurs online publication

3.3. Address of the page (professional site) of the teacher (in the presence of)

a ) ( page)

b) / Popova-Valentina-Mikhailovna (personal site)

3.4. Participation in competitions of professional skills, result



Online Chemistry Olympiad "Substances and Compounds"


Diploma of the winner

I degree

All-Russian online testing "Pedzhurnal"

Topic: "The use of information and communication technologies in pedagogical activity"


Diploma of the winner

I degree

June 2016

All-Russian online testing


Topic: "Theory and practice of pedagogical management"


Diploma of the winner III

July 2016

All-Russian online testing "Total test"

Topic: "Organization of methodological work"


Diploma of the winner of the 1st degree

September 2016

All-Russian professional testing "Center for the Development of Pedagogy"

Topic: "Psychology of personality and communication in the educational process"


Member Certificate

September 2016

Topic: "Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the educational sphere"


Diploma of the winner of the II degree

All-Russian professional testing "Pedagogical Journal"

Topic: "Fundamentals of pedagogical excellence"


Diploma of the winner of the II degree

"Our suburbs"



3.5. Achievements in innovation:

The use of multimedia equipment in the educational process;

Active use of digital technologies;

Introduction of new types of lessons and information retrieval (computer game lesson, project presentation lesson, project activity, brainstorming lesson), as well as new creative tasks and assessment methods;

Formation of a portfolio of a student, teacher;

Widespread use of health-saving technologies and environmental protection

3.6. Participation in professional associations, clubs (name, entry date)

All-Russian Association of Methodist Teachers of Russia - July 2016

3.7. Own professional development (retraining, advanced training courses indicating the topic, year, place - for the entire inter-certification period)

Name of courses

Place of passage

Pass date

"A modern view on the didactics of a comprehensive school in the context of the introduction of new GEF"

Moscow city

University "First of September", 36 hours


Formation of a natural-scientific picture of the world among high school students when studying natural science in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Moscow city

01.10-30.04 2015

"Actual problems of methods of teaching chemistry".

University "First of September", 72 hours


"Development of professional competence of teachers who implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Moscow city. University "First of September", 36 hours


Modular courses "Program for the development of professional and personal competencies of a teacher"

Moscow city

University "First of September", 216 hours


"Psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher"

Moscow city

LLC Training Center "Professional", 72 hours


"Application of information technologies, innovative equipment and software in the educational process"

Moscow city

IT Institute of Information Technologies

"Fundamentals of the theory and practice of developing tests for assessing knowledge in chemistry"

Moscow city

University "First of September", 72 hours

"Assessment under the requirements of the new Federal Educational Standard"

Moscow city

University "First of September", 36 hours

"Environmental Chemistry"

Moscow city

LLC Training Center "Professional", 108 hours

3.8. Other (participation in the jury of competitions, expert groups, PMPK, leadership of the methodological association, etc.)

Member of the jury of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren-2014

Member of the jury of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry 2014 (municipal level)

Member of the jury of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren - 2015

Member of the jury of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry 2015 (municipal level)

Member of the jury of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry 2016

Member of the jury of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry 2016 (municipal level)

Member of the jury of the municipal competition in chemistry "Chemistry in riddles and crosswords" 2016 (municipal level)

Name of methodical association, level

Head of the school methodological association of teachers of the natural and mathematical cycle in the period from 09/02/2014 to the present (Orders No. 204/2 of 09/02/2014; 09/02/2016)

15. Consent to the processing of personal data from the applicant received

The expert commission of MBOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school" dated 14.02. 2016, Protocol No. 1

We confirm the accuracy of the information specified in the Help-representation.

Deputy Director for WRM _____________ I.V. Chaley

Head of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics ____________ V.M. Popova

Head of the ShMO humanitarian cycle,

Chairman of the Trade Union Committee _____________ N.A. Kirillova

Head of the School of Primary School. ______________ E.V. Ivanova

Director of MBOU "Ivanovskaya secondary school" ___________________ E.V. Paskar

"______" __________________ 2017

Feature - Representation

for a student of MBOU V-Voznesenskaya secondary school

Shishenko Anastasia.

Shishenko Anastasia, a student of the 10th grade, has been studying at this school since the first grade. During the training shows excellent knowledge in all general subjects. Curious, purposeful, shows interest in studying the humanities.

From childhood, Nastya showed a talent for dancing. Since elementary school, she has been attending the Grace choreographic circle, where she achieves visible results.

Shishenko Anastasia is the captain of the "Rhythms of the Century" team, which took 1st place at the level of the district and the Rostov region increative competition of school dance groups "Starteenager".

Shishenko Anastasiaparticipant of the V-th regional forum of high school students "Step into the future-2015"; participant of the forum of patriots "We are the future of Russia"as part of the social project "The Future Starts with Us!"

Anastasia also takes part in team competitions and olympiads.

So, in the VI regional Olympiad for young researchers, Anastasia participated in the 10th grade team in the competition "Medicine", which took second place and has a letter of thanks for the victory.

Member of regional athletics competitions in cross country.

Participant of the competition in Russian language "Russian bear cub-linguistics for all" certificate of participation.

He has a certificate of participation in the creative competition - "Engineers - the future of the country", which was held by the Polytechnic Institute (branch of DSTU Taganrog).

Participant of the All-Russian Distance Olympiad in the Russian language, certificate of participation -24 points out of 30.

Anastasia has a diploma of the winner of the All-Russian Olympiad of the school stage in social science and a diploma of the winner of the All-Russian Olympiad of the school stage in literature.

Anastasia is a member of the volunteer movement. She took an active part in organizing the events of the Palace of Culture: “Epiphany Sunday”, “Shrovetide festivities, the Last Bell holiday”, the action “We are Russians”, a participant in the festival “Youth is our planet”

Her interests are diverse, she manages to cope with any assignment with high quality.

Anastasia takes an active part in the life of the class and the school. Participates in the preparation of scenarios for events and is the leader in many class hours: "New Year's Masquerade Ball" (for high school students), "On Valor, Feat and Glory"an event about the work of the greatest poet of Russia Alexander Alexandrovich Blok;"Social networks: "For or against" (for students in grade 6), "Meeting with interesting people",leader of the rally and participant in the action “Candle of Memory.

Leadership qualities, project competencies, a broad outlook, deep subject knowledge, dedication and responsibility are the basis of her success in the educational process. Anastasia has a certificate of merit "For excellent academic achievement" and a Certificate of Honor "For excellent studies and active participation in school-wide and district events"

Anastasia is the head of the class. She is a sympathetic person, a good friend, and is respected by her classmates. This is a person who does not stop there, confidently moves forward and leads others.

Class teacher: Demyanenko E.N.

Smirnova Anastasia
Essay of the participant of the competition "Best in Profession"

Essay"My profession-educator»

“The educator is a magician who opens the door to the world of adults for children, and what the educator knows depends on what and how he will teach his pupils”

K. Gelvetsky.

I am a kindergarten teacher, a teacher - profession, which is revered and appreciated throughout the world and in all ages.

Everyone has their own way, their own way, their own choice. We are all born and grow, our dream and our aspirations grow with us. And when it's time for me to decide who profession me to be,I was guided by my hobbies: she loved to play with toys, tell them stories, taught them to see good qualities in people. The choice was made - I will become a teacher. And another example in choosing my professions my mother became - Mikhaleva Lyudmila Mikhailovna, a teacher of service work with more than 30 years of experience. She was born in 1949 in the Amur region with. Tomici. Graduated "Chita Technical School" specializing in women's clothing. In 1979, according to the distribution of my dad Mikhalev Yu.V. to YAGOK, they moved to the village as a TB engineer. Yaroslavsky. She began her teaching career in the Primorsky Territory in the village. Yaroslavsky, where she taught maintenance work at secondary school No. For 30 years of work at the school, she has many certificates, diplomas and letters of thanks.

"You Can't Escape Destiny"- it sounds trite, but in my case it very accurately conveys the situation of choice professions. Since childhood, I knew that after school I would enter the pedagogical one. What doubts could there be when the teacher is around: aunts, mom, talking about school, preparing for lessons, checking notebooks.

After graduating from the Yaroslavl secondary school, town. Yaroslavsky, Primorsky Territory, I entered the Pedagogical College No. VV, Kuibyshev, Vladivostok to the Faculty of Primary School, which she graduated with honors. After graduating from college, I was assigned to work in one of the kindergartens in Vladivostok, after working there for 1.6 months, I decided to return to my native village. But there was no work in my specialty, for some time I worked as a counselor in a health camp of a sanatorium dispensaries"Fluorite". And then one day the phone rang and Tatyana Ivanovna Mastabaeva, the head of the MKDOU d / s No. 9, invited me to work. So since 2008 my pedagogical activity in this educational institution began. Over the years of work in this preschool educational institution under the strict guidance of Mastabaeva T.I. and the senior teacher Babenko O.V., I never had to regret that, like my mother, I did not become a teacher.

Profession the educator is universal - it is an actor, artist, storyteller, researcher, gardener, creator. I think that another distinguishing feature of our professions is the ability to be funny, funny, and sometimes, together with children, look for a way out of a "problem situation", giving children the opportunity to feel their importance and show their abilities. The first years of a child's life are so important! To teach to see, hear, and convey their feelings in words , drawings, actions.To teach communication, the ability to see and understand, empathize with another person.To notice and develop the abilities and inclinations that every child has and perhaps in the future this will allow him to achieve more on his life path.

My profession requires from me constant development, more and more new knowledge, discoveries, because so often I hear questions: "Why? What for? But as?" and again, and again looking for an answer for the next why.

An educator is a teacher, that is, a person who teaches, helps to learn about the world around him. And how effective this process will be depends on the interest of my little trainees. Therefore, the basis of everything is play, fun and joy. I don't just put knowledge into them, I teach them to acquire this knowledge, I teach them to learn. How the child will feel, rising to the first stage of knowledge, what he will experience, depends on his entire further path to knowledge.

Our profession does not bring great material benefits, but it gives us so much love in children's eyes, so much energy and warmth that allows us to remain invariably young and children at heart, and every day make discoveries and fly away in our fantasies to the stars.

Being an educator is a huge responsibility, but also a huge happiness. After all, the essence professions- to give the child knowledge about this colorful world, to develop abilities in it.

The main thing is love for children, we must allow each child to be himself, help to show everything its best qualities, to teach to enjoy every day, to find yourself in life, to endure and win.

The highest reward for me is the happy smiles of the kids, their trust, recognition and love.

And now, after 10 years of working as an educator, when former pupils greet me with a smile on the streets, this convinces me that the educator is my vocation and the right choice. professions!

Related publications:

Portfolio of the teacher, participant of the municipal stage of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year" I, Nenasheva Elena Ivanovna, being a participant in the municipal stage of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year 2018" among teachers.

Photo report on the competition "Best site". Educator Karpukhina Zhanna Alexandrovna. In our kindergarten No. 11 "Rosinka" with this.

Information card of the participant of the regional stage of the All-Russian professional competition "Educator of the Year of Russia - 2018" To the Organizing Committee of the district stage of the All-Russian professional competition "Educator of the Year of Russia - 2018" Information card of the participant.

At the end of May, in the city of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, the intramural stage of the regional competition of pedagogical skills "The Best in the Profession.

Scenario of the competition "The best junior teacher of the preschool educational institution" Competition "The best junior educator of the preschool educational institution" Developed by: Demyanuk O. M. Purpose: improving work to create conditions for exchange.