Why do we need orders in 1s. Examples of customer orders. Stages of automation and refinement

Do you know that in 1C you can quickly create orders to suppliers based on the current needs of the online store?

The process of providing orders in the configuration "1C: Trade Management 11" is supported by the standard processing "Formation of orders according to needs".

Such processing has one disadvantage, which negates many advantages: all its capabilities are closely intertwined and the user is required to specify all the necessary parameters for meeting the needs. And there are a lot of such parameters, which complicates the user's work.
Processing is too complex to understand. And managers of online stores create orders to suppliers manually.
Of our clients, only a few confirmed that they use the standard processing capabilities to some extent, but even then only to a very limited extent.

We have developed an intuitive mechanism for automatically creating orders to suppliers. This solution is in the form of external processing "Create orders to the supplier". It minimizes user involvement in the order fulfillment cycle.

It is possible to form orders to suppliers for all received orders from buyers per day in 3-4 mouse clicks.

Let's give an example of how such external processing is used in the UNIZOO online store for pet products.

Features: the store has a lot of customer orders and a wide selection of suppliers, so you need to send orders for goods to different suppliers in different time days, including several times a day, which took a lot of time from managers.

Stages of automation and refinement

1. We add automatic division of goods according to the supply option (from the warehouse / under the order) to the mechanism for placing the buyer's order.

Here, processing automatically, depending on the free balance in the warehouse, determines the quantity of goods that must be ordered by the supplier for a specific customer order.

The same goods that are available in the organization's warehouse are placed in reserve for a specific buyer's order (separate reserve).

Figure 1. Breakdown by supply options

2. For each product in the store, we specify a list of all suppliers and the main counterparty. We establish a correspondence between the names of goods from the client and from a particular supplier for automatic substitution of values ​​in orders to suppliers. The initial input of information was performed programmatically based on the provided price lists of suppliers.

Figure 2. List of nomenclature positions of suppliers
For the relevance of information about the availability of goods from the supplier, the attribute “Availability from the supplier” was set for each item. And now the managers of the online store automatically download information on the price lists of suppliers once a day, spending only 5 minutes on it.

Figure 3. Vendor nomenclature

As a result, the system supports actual information about the availability of goods in the warehouse of a particular supplier on a particular day.

3. For the mass formation of orders to suppliers, external processing was developed. At the first step, we select the goods for the order and indicate the delivery date (period). By clicking the "Fill" button, all orders of buyers for the required dates fall into the table. By switching order display options (“Only unsecured / All orders) and a filter by manager, you can customize the processing interface individually for each manager.

Figure 4. Step 1. Selecting items to order
The necessary information is displayed in the tabular part of the processing: the name and quantity of the ordered goods in the context of customer orders, the status of the provision of each item (see the table below), etc.

After clicking "Checkboxes and Quantity", the required quantity of goods for the order for each line is automatically calculated, taking into account the availability of goods in the warehouse and already formed orders to suppliers (the "Quantity" field is edited manually if necessary).

Figure 5. Step 1. Calculation of the quantity required for the order

Please note: the fields with the status "Not secured" in Figure 6 correspond to the items marked with a checkmark in Figure 5

Figure 6. Step 1. Automatic selection of goods for the order

4. The tabular part of the second step of processing - Selection of suppliers - is formed on the basis of the information specified in the first step. The user sees information about all unsecured positions for which it is required to place an order with suppliers.

The main supplier for this position is automatically selected as the supplier. If the product is not available from the main supplier, the system offers a choice of those suppliers that supply this product, and they have it in stock.

Figure 7. Step 2. Supplier selection

For any position, the supplier selection can be adjusted manually. We complete the step by clicking the "Generate Orders" button.

5. Orders to suppliers are formed based on the information selected in the second step. For each supplier, all goods are collected in a separate order. Now it remains only to send them to suppliers.

This mechanism made it possible to reduce the labor costs of purchasing managers by 4 times compared to manually creating orders to suppliers.

If you want to see how to automate the creation of orders to suppliers in 1C, order a free demo.

The "Buyer's Order" document is intended for making a preliminary agreement with the buyer about the intention to purchase goods.

The parameters by which the control of shipment and payment for the order takes place are set in the contract with the counterparty.

In the order, you can indicate the expected date of payment (“Payment”) and the bank or cash desk where you should receive cash for order payment. This information is used to schedule incoming payments.

The document provides for two types of operations:

    Sale, commission;

    In processing.

Sale, commission

This type of operation is used to place an order from a buyer or commission agent. For whom the order is placed - for the buyer or for the commission agent is determined by the type of contract that is selected in the document.

It is not obligatory to place customer orders for trade transactions. Trading operations can be processed even if orders are not recorded.

If the contract with the buyer-contractor with the type of mutual settlements “According to the agreement as a whole” or “By orders” has the flag “Separate accounting of goods by customer orders”, then the batch cost accounting of goods and materials used to manufacture products by order will be kept separately. The same characteristic is used to determine the separate accounting for production costs and the calculation of the cost price for customer orders.

In customer orders for trading operations, you can also specify a list of returnable packaging in which material assets will be shipped to the customer. Data on returnable containers are indicated on the "Container" tab. On the "Services" tab, indicate Additional services related to the fulfillment of an order, for example, services for the delivery of goods.


This type of transaction is used to place an order from the buyer for the production of products from customer-supplied raw materials.

If this type of operation is selected, then the list of products that need to be manufactured for the customer is indicated on the “Products” tab, and customer-supplied materials that are planned to be received for processing from the customer are indicated on the “Materials” tab. On the tab "Add. services”, indicates additional services related to the execution of the order, for example, services for the delivery of materials or products.

On the “Products” tab, for each line, you can specify the item specification. Based on the specification data, you can automatically fill in the "Materials" tab. By default, the BOM is filled with the value of the main BOM assigned to the item and can be corrected if necessary.

A reflection of all operations for the processing of raw materials supplied by a third-party counterparty must be drawn up with an indication of the buyer's order for processing.

The order will be considered completed if the entire quantity of products specified in the document on the "Products" tab is shipped to the customer and all materials specified on the "Materials" tab are received from the customer, or if the order is forcibly closed by the "Closing customer orders" document.

For customer orders for the processing of customer-supplied raw materials, separate accounting of goods and materials is always maintained, all costs, all transferred lots of goods and materials are indicated up to the order, regardless of the state of the flag “Separate accounting of goods by customer orders” in the contract with the counterparty.

Reservation of goods under the order in the warehouse and placement in orders

When placing a buyer's order, goods can be reserved for this order from the current free balance at any of the warehouses (wholesale or retail) or placed in other orders - orders to suppliers, internal orders, production orders. The warehouse for reservation or the order for placement is indicated in the tabular section in the "Placement" column, thus, according to one order of the buyer, the goods can be reserved in several warehouses and placed in several orders.

Under the buyer's order, you can not reserve the goods in a non-automated outlet.

Reservation and placement can only be performed in an order with the operation type "sale, commission". For such orders, it is also possible to perform reservation and placement in orders for returnable packaging on the “Package” tab by specifying the warehouse or order in the “Placement” column.

When posting a document online, you can perform automatic reservation and / or placement. Automatic nesting can only be performed on a vendor order. The parameters of automatic reservation and placement are configured in a special form that opens when you click on the button "Fill and Spend" in the document form command bar.

If you want to perform an automatic reservation, you must select the "reservation" checkbox in the form, and the "placement" checkbox to perform automatic placement. If necessary, you can change the default auto-reserve strategy in the form.

When performing automatic reservation and placement, the value specified in the Warehouse/Group variable in the document header is taken into account. In this attribute, you can specify a warehouse or a warehouse availability group. The attribute value is taken into account as follows:

    The warehouse of the preferred location is determined. If a certain warehouse is specified in the order, then it will be considered as the preferred location warehouse, otherwise the warehouse specified as the main warehouse in the user settings will be the preferred location warehouse.

    A warehouse availability group is defined. If the warehouse availability group is specified in the order, then this group is selected, otherwise the warehouse availability group specified in the user settings is taken.

    Reservations will be made first at the warehouse of the preferred location, then at the warehouses that are part of the availability group. Placement will be performed first on orders to vendors that specify the preferred placement warehouse, then on orders that specify warehouses that are part of the availability group.

Automatic nesting takes into account the estimated shipping date in the buyer's order and the estimated receipt date in the vendor's order. Placement will be performed only in those orders to suppliers for which the date of receipt of the order is less than or equal to the date of shipment of the order to the buyer (the goods must arrive earlier than they are supposed to be shipped).

If in the accounting parameters settings on the "Orders" tab the "Use specifying series when booking" box is selected and an agreement is selected in the order for which separate accounting is maintained, then you can reserve goods in the warehouse specifying product series. Specifying series in the tabular section "Products" makes sense only for those rows for which reservations are made in the warehouse.

You can fill in the series in the line of the tabular part "Products" in the following ways:

    Manually. In this case, the warehouse where the goods will be reserved must first be indicated in the "Placement" column.

    With the help of the selection mechanism. In this case, the warehouse must be indicated in the header of the document. This warehouse will be automatically set to the Placement column. If the warehouse is not specified in the header, then the selection of a series when selecting an item is prohibited.

    Automatically. When automatically reserving goods using the button "Fill and Spend".

With automatic reservation, all manually selected series will be lost.

The scheme of automatic and manual reservation and placement in orders to suppliers can be combined, for this you need to manually specify the placement option for some positions in the document, and then use the button "Fill and Hold". In order for automatic nesting to be performed only for those positions for which it was not performed manually, in the form of setting up automatic reservation, the checkbox "Clear nesting before filling" should not be selected.

After placing an order, you can adjust the order placement and reservation scheme using the Goods Reservation document.

Batch processing of documents for the buyer

The buyer's order provides a service mechanism that allows you to perform batch input of documents, reducing the time for processing documents for the buyer.

The form for setting up batch input of documents opens when you click on the button « Check out the implementation» in the document form command bar. The button becomes available after the document is saved.

In the settings form, it is determined which documents need to be issued - “Invoice issued”, “Incoming cash order”, “Sale of goods and services”, “Outgoing order for goods”, the print mode is selected for each type of document (with a preview or immediately to print). For documents "Sales of goods and services" and "Goods issue note" You can choose the printable.

The settings set by the user in the settings form are saved, they can be used in the next session. If in the settings form the checkbox "Show settings form when processing documents" is cleared, then the form will not open when the button is clicked "Check out the implementation", and actions will be performed immediately according to the settings. You can restore the display of the form and change the settings from the menu "Actions" - "Open the implementation design settings form» .

Price control in the order

You can use the planned cost price to control selling prices in orders. As the price type of the planned cost, those prices are set in relation to which the allowable markup percentage is calculated. In the order in the "Prices and currency" dialog box, the "Use planned cost price" flag is set. In this case, when entering prices in the order, the markup percentage and the deviation from the planned cost will be automatically calculated. The price type of the planned cost is determined in the accounting parameters settings in the "Production" section.

Notification of upcoming operations on the order

The "Buyer's Order" document provides for the possibility of connecting a notification system about upcoming operations on the order (shipment or payment for the order). To do this, you need to set a flag in the "Reminder" field and specify the time when you need to issue an order notification.

Information about current, overdue and upcoming shipments and payments on the order of the buyer can be viewed in the user's calendar included in the "Contact Manager".

Description of the button "Fill and post"

When you click on the "Fill and post" button, the following actions occur:

2. Based on the selected parameters, the "Placement" column is filled. This takes into account the value of the parameter "Order auto-reservation strategy"

2.1.1.Define the list of warehouses available for reservation: warehouse availability group

        If the warehouse availability group is specified in the order, the group specified in the order is used

        If a warehouse availability group is specified for a user in the default settings, the group from the default settings is used

        If a warehouse (and not a warehouse availability group) is specified in the buyer's order, this warehouse is also included in the list of warehouses available for reservation and is a priority when booking

        If the availability group of warehouses is not specified either in the user settings or in the order, the reservation is made in all warehouses

2.1.2 The stock balances available for reservation are determined. The calculation is based on the balances in the register "Goods in warehouses" minus

        already executed reserves (register "Goods in reserve in warehouses")

If the user is not allowed to exceed the balance of goods in the organization, the quantity to be reserved cannot exceed the balance of goods in the organization specified in the order

2.2.1 The balances in orders to suppliers available for placement are determined. The calculation is based on the balances in the "Orders to suppliers" register, while the list of orders is limited to the following conditions:

        The warehouse in the order is limited to the list of available warehouses, which are determined based on the information in clause 2.1.1

        The date of receipt in the order to the supplier must be less than or equal to the date of shipment in the order of the buyer

        The organization in the buyer's order and in the supplier's order must match

Placements already completed in these orders to suppliers are excluded from the balance in the register "Orders to suppliers"

2.3 From the received free balances for reservation and placement, the quantity of the item for which the placement in the document is specified manually is subtracted (the lines in which the placement is specified are taken into account)

2.4 In the lines of the document for which placement is not filled in, the Placement column is filled. If necessary, one line can be split into several lines with different meaning accommodation. The quantity of the item that could not be placed is highlighted in a separate line with an empty placement value

3. If the buyer's order being adjusted contains a contract with separate accounting for goods according to buyers' orders, and if the "Use specifying series when reserving" constant is set, the column "Nomenclature series" is filled in for the lines in which a warehouse is specified as an allocation

3.1 Free balances are determined at the placement warehouse in the context of series. The calculation is based on the balances in the register "Goods in warehouses" minus

        already executed reserves by series (register "Goods in reserve in warehouses")

        balances intended for transfer according to the order scheme (register "Goods for transfer from warehouses").

3.2 The column "Nomenclature series" is filled in the lines of the document, if necessary, one line can be divided into several lines with different series values

4. The document is being held. If the document fails to post, the document returns to its original state (before clicking the "Fill and post" button)

For retail stores

Anticipate demand and manage inventory
Goods should not be few and should not be many. If there are not enough goods, lost sales occur in the store. If there are too many goods, excess funds are frozen in circulation. Use the 1C-Products service for a more accurate demand forecast. The service takes into account average sales, trends, periods of shortage of goods (gaps on the shelves), seasonality of demand, holidays, sales, promotions.

Every day, the service automatically checks the minimum balances and sends a request to the supplier in a timely manner, using the results of the forecast. So you will avoid both shortages and surpluses of goods in the store.

Plan your assortment without mistakes
Find out what products bring you profit and should always be in stock. And, conversely, remove products with a low margin and turnover from the assortment.

Control your business and increase profits
Try different options for increasing sales - new products, changing markups, reallocating space. Reports will help you make sure you're doing the right thing. The analytics block is available over the web and is designed as a dashboard of activity indicators, allowing you to quickly notice changes.

For wholesalers

Plan the supply of goods to your own or rented outlets
Use the service to get the current balance of goods in stores and correctly determine the size of deliveries. The demand forecasting system built into the service will help ensure a constant availability on store shelves hot commodity and avoid "overstock" in your warehouses.

For such a scenario of work, a special favorable tariff “Auto-order 300 goods” is provided.

Improve the efficiency of processing received orders
The 1C-Products service allows you to synchronize the names of goods from the supplier and the store, which makes it possible to automatically upload applications from retail stores to the accounting system and not spend a lot of time comparing the range.


Demand forecast and automatic order

The automatic ordering system is based on a customized assortment matrix. The assortment matrix is ​​a list of goods that the store sells. For each product, the service calculates the average daily sales and determines the "minimum balance" and the optimal order volume.
The 1C-Products service automatically checks the minimum balances and generates applications for goods for which the balance is less than required.
A well-organized supply process allows you to avoid both a shortage and an excess of goods in the store.

Store management and analysis

Clear reports will help you evaluate the efficiency of using store resources:

  • revenue analysis (by days, hours, types of payments, average check);
  • analysis of commodity balances and turnovers (best-selling goods, turnover, sales by suppliers);
  • analysis of the use of space (revenue per 1 sq. m. of retail space, by section or by product category).
Reports are available from any device via the Internet.

Terms of Use


1C-Products. Test for the store for 1 month

Is free

  • Assortment optimization, inventory control and automatic ordering of goods

1C-Products. Auto order for the store

1000 rub/month
for one store

To order
  • Assortment optimization
  • Control of inventory balances and automatic ordering of goods

1C-Products. Store sales analytics

1000 rub/month
for one store

To order
  • Analysis of the work of a retail store
  • Comparative analysis for a chain of stores

1C-Products. Integrated for the store

1700 rub/month
for one store

To order
  • Using the Prediction Server
  • Assortment optimization, inventory control and automatic ordering of goods
  • Analysis of the work of a retail store or a chain of stores

Many trade organizations work "under the order". That is, the organization first receives several orders from customers. Then he finds suppliers and purchases the necessary goods from them. As soon as the goods arrive at the warehouse from the supplier, they are immediately shipped to the buyers.

In such a situation, purchasing managers should have convenient mechanisms for generating orders to suppliers and tracking delivery dates.

In the program "1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3" the purchasing manager can do the following:

  • Look full list goods to be provided to customers.
  • Automatically create an order to the supplier for all goods required by buyers. In this case, the order to the supplier will clearly indicate for which customer orders the order was made to the supplier. And at the time of receipt at the warehouse, the goods will be automatically reserved for the client.
  • Specify the date of receipt of goods for all orders to suppliers.
  • Check the deadlines for the receipt of goods, if the deadlines are not met, cancel the order to the supplier.

Let's take a closer look at each of these possibilities.

You can use the Customer Order Analysis report to analyze the items that need to be purchased for customers.

Menu: Reports - Sales - Order Analysis - Customer Order Analysis

A report can be generated for orders that have not yet been shipped. To do this, set the flag "Status of shipment by order" and mark the values ​​"Not shipped" and "Shipped partially". Thus, we will receive a report on orders that have not yet been fully shipped:

The report shows all unshipped orders. For each order, we see the necessary goods, in the column "It remains to be provided" the required quantity is indicated. If this column is not empty, then the product is out of stock and has not been reserved - it must be ordered from the supplier.

Create an order to a supplier

From the "Analysis of customer orders" report, we found out that for our customers it is necessary to place an order with the supplier. But we do not have to remember who and what product is missing. Directly from the report, you can create an order to the supplier for all the missing goods!

Click on the button "Order to the supplier - Generate one order to the supplier":

A new document “Order to the supplier” is created, which automatically contains all the goods necessary for the order:

For each product in the column "Order" there is a buyer's order, under which the product is ordered from the supplier. Thanks to this information, at the moment the goods arrive at the warehouse, they will be automatically reserved for the buyer.

In the order, you need to select a supplier, contract, fill in the purchase prices. We agreed with the Mobil counterparty on the delivery of this product on 12/28/2011. Specify the estimated date of receipt of the goods in the "Receipt" field:

By clicking the "OK" button, we will execute and close the order to the supplier.

After placing an order to the supplier, we will again generate the report “Analysis of customer orders”. Now the column "To be provided" is empty, because we have ordered all the necessary goods from the supplier. Information that the goods are ordered to the supplier is displayed in the "Placed in orders" column:

Delivery time control

To control the delivery time, we will use the report "Analysis of orders to suppliers".

Menu: Reports - Purchasing - Analysis of orders - Analysis of orders to suppliers

Let's make a setting to see orders for which the delivery time is violated. Press the "Settings" button.

In the settings form that opens, at the bottom of the table, add a new selection "Order. The date of receipt is less than or equal to the current date." To do this, click the "Add" button, in the field selection window that opens, find the "Order" field, expand it along the plus and select the "Date of receipt" field inside:

In the main form of the report, we will also set the “Receipt status” flag and mark the values ​​“Not received” and “Partially received”.

Click "Generate" and as a result we will see all the orders that should have been fully received before the current date, but this did not happen:

In the column "It remains to purchase" the quantity of goods that did not arrive on time will be indicated.

Based on the results of the analysis, the manager may decide to cancel the order to the supplier. For this, the document “Closing the order to the supplier” is drawn up. You can create a document based on an order to a supplier or manually.

Menu: Documents - Purchasing - Closing orders to suppliers

We will close the order based on. To do this, you can find the required order to the supplier in the list of orders:

Menu: Documents - Purchasing - Orders to suppliers

Or open an order to a supplier directly from the report.

To open an order to the supplier from the report, you need to double-click on it and select the item "Open order to the supplier" in the list of actions that opens:

In the order to the supplier, use the enter button on the basis and select the item "Closing orders to suppliers":

In the opened document “Closing orders to suppliers”, the order to be closed, the counterparty, the order amount will already be indicated:

You can also specify the reason for closing the order and then analyze the reasons for closing orders in the report:

Menu: Reports - Purchasing - Analysis of orders - Analysis of the reasons for closing orders

Click the OK button and close the document.

After the order is closed to the supplier, the program will no longer expect any receipts or payments on it. The order to the supplier will no longer be shown in reports:

In addition, if we generate the “Analysis of customer orders” report again, we will see that the product has reappeared in the “To be provided” column:

Now the purchasing manager should form a new order to the supplier for the missing goods and expect the delivery of this product on time.

This lesson shows how to work with customer orders during checkout wholesale legal entity.

Document customer order in the system is designed to record the intention of the buyer ( entity) purchase any product, work or service from us. In the context of these documents, you can conduct mutual settlements with customers, as well as collect various additional costs.

To begin with, let me remind you where the functionality of customer orders is included in the program:

In addition to enabling the use of the orders themselves, you need to select the type of use of orders (simply as an invoice, as the ability to reserve goods in stock, or additionally as the ability to create orders to the supplier based on sales orders). Also included is shipment control when closing orders (that is, it will not be possible to close an order if shipment has not been completed for it) and payment control (it will not be possible to close an order if it has not been paid in full):

Create a sales order

Now let's create a customer order, to do this, open the list of orders:

Create a new order in the list of documents:

The form of the document is very similar to the form of the goods sale document:

On the first tab, we indicate the organization, the client, the counterparty, the agreement and the contract are pulled up:

Selection of goods in the document

On the second tab, select products:

In the selection form, we see that we have prices for the item (the price type selected in the agreement is used), but there is no stock balance at all:

Because no warehouse is selected:

I am correcting, now there is a warehouse balance:

We select the necessary nomenclature, when you double-click on the line of the list of goods, the following window appears:

In it, you need to select the quantity of goods for sale and the action for this product, there are several options to choose from. We are only interested in the Ship(only under this option you can place the sale of this product). Details about these settings and about meeting the needs of the program will be discussed later in a separate lesson.

After selecting the necessary goods, we transfer them to the document:

The tabular part of the goods in the order is completely filled:

At the bottom of the form we see the date of shipment of goods (this date will be considered the date of shipment when forming the payment schedule under the contract). If necessary (if different goods on the order will be shipped on different dates), we can uncheck this checkbox and then you will need to fill in the shipment date in all rows of the tabular section Products.

Bookmark Additionally the currency of the order, the taxation option, the number and date of the incoming data (according to the client) are indicated. You must fill in the Department (by default, it is pulled from the department to which the user who placed the order belongs), otherwise the implementation document will not be carried out later:

In order to be able to issue the implementation, you need to set the status To be completed. After that we carry out the document. Completed payment schedule orders:

By default, the schedule is taken from the agreement. If it is not filled in the agreement, then the schedule is set as one hundred percent post-payment on the day of shipment:

Based on the order, you can enter the following documents:

In order to issue a sale by order, we will issue the sale of goods and services:

The document was filled in automatically, it remains to be carried out.

On request, you can create the following printed forms:

And various reports:

Let's take a look at the execution status report, for example:

In it, we see that the order has been shipped in full, but not paid.

A document line appears in the list of orders, the current state is "Ready to close":

Those orders for which the shipment took place and payment from the buyer was accepted are recommended to be closed. Despite the fact that we did not receive the payment and set the payment control when closing orders in the system settings, we will try to close the order:

The following window appears:

We see that the order was successfully closed:

Do not think that this is a system error. It's just that the control of shipments and payments when closing orders only works if mutual settlements with the buyer are carried out in the context of orders (and in this case we have contracts). Exactly for the same reason, the percentage of shipment on the order and the percentage of the debt were not displayed in the list of orders.

We will talk about mutual settlements in detail in a separate lesson.