Open a hostel. How much does it cost and is it profitable?

The hostel is an ideal vacation spot for students, business travelers and tourists who do not want to pay extra for expensive hotels. Despite the offered low cost of accommodation and services, in total, such an institution brings excellent profits, and for many, opening a hostel means choosing the most promising and profitable line of business.

Why are hostels profitable?

It's very simple: they are popular. A lot of tourists and guests of the city are happy to be accommodated in "hotels" that rent not separate rooms, but places. Of course, there is a possibility that you will have to spend the night in the same room with strangers, however, as compensation, the guest receives low prices, acceptable service, cleanliness and the ability to communicate.

What do you need to know to open a hostel? In fact, a businessman should only have experience of recreation in such institutions, and there will be a minimum of difficulties accompanying the creation of a business. The owner of such a "hotel" will need:

  1. To register an enterprise (an individual entrepreneur or LLC with a simplified taxation system would be an excellent way out)
  2. Open a bank account, which will receive payments for guests (it is advisable to immediately open the possibility of transferring funds from abroad)
  3. Obtain permission to open a hostel in the selected premises - it is issued by the municipal authorities
  4. Obtain permission from the sanitary station, which will check the living conditions at the "hotel"

No business license is required. Moreover, you may not even have your own cash register - it will be replaced by strict reporting forms.

Particular attention should be paid to the premises, on which the answer to the question of whether it is profitable to open a hostel directly depends. It is best to locate such a "hotel" in convenient, but not central areas, where the cost of rent is not too high. There must be major public transport stops nearby, and if there are none, the "hotel" should offer a transfer for guests.

You can save on the area of ​​the rooms by placing bunk beds in the rooms: the number of beds will thus double, but they will take up a minimum of space. It is also important to take care of the hygiene of guests: in hostels there should be 1 sink for 6 people, 1 toilet for 12 people, and 1 shower for 15 people. All this will be in great demand: for many visitors, such an accommodation is the height of dreams!

What should be taken care of when opening a hostel?

There are a number of important nuances that need to be taken into account, and on which the answer to the question of how much it costs to open a hostel in each specific case will depend. The enterprise needs:

  1. An interesting idea - hostels designed in accordance with a particular theme are always in higher demand
  2. Qualified staff - for a start, one administrator is enough (he may also be a porter), 1-2 maids: all employees must be young, because most often it is young people who stay in hostels, and it is much easier for peers to find a common language with her
  3. A well-thought-out range of services: the hostel should, if possible, offer free Internet, household items and basic equipment, guide services (simple tourist information will be enough)
  4. Well-thought-out rules - any guests can check in, but they should not interfere with neighbors, make noise, provoke conflicts

How do I get started with a hostel?

The building for the "hotel" can be rented or purchased. In the latter case, it will be expensive - 4-5 million rubles (the construction of a new building will cost 9-10 million at all, but this step should be taken, having firmly understood whether it is profitable to open a hostel in a particular settlement). The rental price can be equal to the cost of an ordinary apartment or office space in a particular city.

Having decided on the room, you need:

  1. To make repairs in it - it will take up to 100 thousand rubles
  2. Buy room furniture - 200-300 thous.
  3. Purchase various household items (bed linen, towels, hygiene items, curtains, etc.) - 50-80 thousand rubles

As for the profit, the cost of placement can range from 800 to 2000 rubles (depending on the locality). A 20-bed "hotel", fully filled, will thus bring in 16-40 thousand at a time. The total amount of profit per month can reach 100 thousand and more. Half will be spent on paying employees, renting premises, as well as paying for utilities, and about 50 thousand will remain net profit.

Regardless of how much it costs to open a hostel in a given city, the payback of the project, even if it does not develop at all, will come within 10 months. If the building was purchased or built from scratch, this period will last for several years, however, with the proper development of the "hotel", you can significantly reduce the specified time, gaining a solid client base and never idle without guests.