Copywriter - who is it and what does it do? Who is a copywriter and what does he do, what is copywriting and how to make decent money on it Who is a copywriter and what does he do

Svetlana Kuznetsova

Do you know why in 10 years good copywriters will receive huge fees? For two reasons.

First, everyone will have to engage in content marketing in the conditions of informational noise, the amount of which will be prohibitive, and the consequence of this will be only one thing: the audience will begin to ignore medium-quality content, as it ignores television advertising today. This content will be equated to informational noise. Only exceptional texts will work, which only copywriters who put super-correct words in super-correct order can create.

Second: there will still be few such copywriters, and the need for them will only grow.

A copywriter is an ordinary person with an unusual ability to work. There is a rule of 10,000 hours, which says: to become a professional in some business, you need to devote exactly this number of hours of your life to it. Naturally, if you have the potential in this direction (the soul lies, to put it differently), your chances of success increase.

In principle, I knew from childhood that my profession would somehow be connected with writing texts. She started as a journalist for a municipal newspaper, later worked on one of the cable channels as a news editor and announcer, and at the same time was the editor-in-chief of another municipal newspaper. But the moment came when I realized that all this does not make sense. The target audience of print publications began to flow to the Internet, the topics that I had to write about were not interesting to me. So I ended up in a company that was engaged in interior design and needed content support for the site. The bosses liked my work, and soon, at their request, I began to write for third-party companies. And then I ended up at Texterra, whose position - to write texts for people, and not for search engines - I immediately liked. Perhaps this is exactly what I would like to do.

Our profession is an excellent training of the brain and fine motor skills :) Seriously, I like that within the framework of a given topic you have enough freedom, the opportunity to look at the topic from different angles. And the skill of quickly immersing yourself in any topic to the level of an expert is very useful in life: choose a camera, provide first aid to the victim, make repairs in the house...

Perhaps the only difficulty is finding an approach to routine work. When you have to write several texts on the same topic (for example, when filling out product cards), it is important to avoid “stamps” and keep originality in each of them.

When writing any, including advertising text, the most important thing is to remain honest and objective, not to write about advantages that do not exist, not to create the illusion of the absence of disadvantages. And, of course, there should not be a single unverified fact in the articles.

I hope that in 10 years meaningless texts written on a turn-key basis will finally disappear from the market. And I would very much like to believe that the level of literacy will increase on the Internet: when you see a text with arithmetic letters on the site of a seemingly reputable company, it is terribly annoying.

I loved writing essays at school. Wrote content for the corporate newspaper and local media while working in finance. In 2009, I realized that copywriting is an opportunity to make my profession an occupation that I really like. I believe that I help people get the information they need, which means I am doing a good job.

Having to deal with technical topics was the biggest challenge for me. I am a humanist, so I was afraid of mistakes when I made materials, for example, about pipeline fittings. I realized that the more time I spend on studying the subject, the better the text turns out. The main secret is to look at the material through the eyes of the reader in the process of working on it. This helps to make the article specifically for the audience.

Speaking of expectations... Personally, I'm looking forward to convenient and inexpensive voice input devices. During work, I usually walk around the room, thinking about the material. It is inconvenient to get up and sit down all the time :)

Once I received a certificate of higher philological education and the official specialty "teacher of the Russian language." And I immediately realized that teaching is not for me. She went into advertising, worked in journalism, was a full-time copywriter. When I was going on maternity leave, the employer offered me to work at home. And I never made it back to the office.

For me, working with the word is what the soul lies to. It's interesting, it poses new challenges and allows you to improve by solving them.

Starting my way in copywriting about three years ago, I could not even think that this occupation would become my main one, because. The initial task was to earn some money. I realized very quickly that this profession, like any other, requires a serious approach, so I took several training courses and trainings, which, in addition to knowledge, gave me self-confidence. Since then, I can’t imagine my life without copywriting, which for a long time I have not associated only with earnings: new knowledge, new discoveries, constant movement forward - that’s what attracts me the most!

A copywriter has to be a jack of all trades, or rather, a master of all trades. Texts on various topics require relevant knowledge, and sometimes you need to dive into a narrowly focused complex topic. But this is a huge plus at the same time - the copywriter is constantly improving.

This activity gives room for a creative soul. Therefore, if you like to create something new, and hundreds of ideas are constantly born in your head, perhaps the profession of a copywriter will be your calling.

We must try to write for people, because the easier the text is to perceive, the more effort must be made to write it. The reward is a sense of satisfaction from a job well done!

What will be tomorrow

Now the main customers of copywriting services are commercial organizations. Writing texts is carried out taking into account the requirements described in the terms of reference, in which the client provides information about how he wants to see the content. Today, the material is accepted if the customer is satisfied. Tomorrow, the opinion of the customer will play a significant role, but the real facts that are important for marketing will be much more important: the number of natural links to the page, audience comments, whether the text converts customers. An understanding will come that content marketing is not a general feeling, success can be measured in numbers. It doesn't matter what the client thinks about the text, what matters is whether the text works. Only super-pros can create such content. Victor Ignatiev, one of our copywriters, suggested that in 10 years the market will be fiercely competitive, in which exceptionally competent copywriters with extensive knowledge in marketing and advertising will survive. We are sure it will be so.


There are two opinions. The first is that a copywriter is a person who can literally “print money”. The second is that a copywriter is a “rogue” who does what he does because he is not good for anything worthwhile.

Which opinion is correct - we will analyze in this article. Looking ahead, I will say that copywriters are different. And let's find out what's the difference.

Be sure to check out our free training (opens in a new tab).

And first, let's look at the most common type of copywriter - who they are and what they do.

Who is a "regular" copywriter, and what does he do?

In Russia, a copywriter is a live text generator for websites. Today, search engines pay great attention to ensuring that the site is filled with a large number of original articles. Then they consider that this site is “useful”, and push it to the first places in the search results.

That is, such sites begin to receive free traffic from search engines, which they then somehow convert into money. But in order to have enough money, there must also be a lot of visitors. And for this, there should be a lot of content (text articles) on the site.

Therefore, copywriters today are people who write A LOT of articles every day, and on completely different topics. One and the same person can write today about electric generators, tomorrow about the treatment of gout, and the day after tomorrow about ways to train raccoons at home.

And the question is - how do people who need texts for the site find such "universal" writers?

Where does a copywriter get orders from?

There are many special Internet exchanges where both you and any other person can register, call themselves a copywriter (fortunately, they won’t ask you for any diplomas and licenses), and start earning by writing texts.

Here are some of the most popular exchanges for copywriters:

  • Weblancer

Working through exchanges is the very first stage of working with customers, and you won’t see big money there. Simply because several thousand more copywriters are registered on the same exchange, who also need to eat something.

Most copywriters use this tactic. They first carry out several orders at low cost for different customers to show the quality of their work and their responsibility.

And then the customer invites them to a conditionally permanent job. That is, of course, they don’t register a copywriter anywhere, and they don’t have any entries in their work book. It's just that the customer begins to give all orders directly to the selected copywriter, bypassing the exchange.

This type of cooperation is beneficial to both parties. The customer is sure that his articles will be written with high quality and on time. And the copywriter does not pay commissions to the exchange, and, as a rule, he already receives much more than through the exchange.

As a rule, at the second stage of cooperation, the customer even stops giving the copywriter technical tasks. Whereas when working through the exchange, this is a mandatory component. Let's take a quick look at what a terms of reference for a copywriter is.

The terms of reference is a description of what exactly the copywriter should write. The more detailed the TOR is, the better.

Usually, the terms of reference indicate the topic, title of the article, the main key query for which the article should be optimized. They also indicate the “tail” of the key query - these are smaller keywords derived from the main “key”, which must also be used in the text.

Well, the general requirements for the text are to write in a more colloquial language, or vice versa - in a more academic one. How best to formulate the first paragraph, what to write in the conclusion of the article, and so on.

If all this is correctly described in the TOR, then the copywriter is very lucky. This will facilitate his work, and then most likely there will be no problems with the customer when submitting the work. And it often happens - the customer says "write me an article about London." And the copywriter writes about Big Ben and the features of obtaining a visa. And in the end it turns out that it was necessary to write not about the city, but about the London nightclub.

You can download an example of TOR for a copywriter. Then it will come in handy.

And as I said above, when working with a regular customer, the need for detailed technical specifications usually disappears. There, the copywriter is already given only a set of keywords for optimization, and he does the rest himself.

But in order for the customer to want to work with you all the time, you really need to be able to provide high-quality textual material. And let's look at how a copywriter works. All his work can be divided into three stages.

How do copywriters write their articles?

#1 - Information Gathering

Having received the terms of reference, the copywriter opens many articles on a given topic. For example, he needs to write an article about growing dwarf pines on his windowsill.

Thank God, the Internet is big, and he is far from the first to write something on this topic. Here begins the stage called "vacuum cleaner". The copywriter literally "sucks" all the information from the articles into himself, and then gives it out in a different form, in other words, but with the same meaning.

He cannot think of any other meaning, because he is not a specialist in growing dwarf pines. And it only remains for him to repeat what others have written. But at the same time, it is important that the article is “original” from the point of view of search engines.

#2 - Text Checker

The good news is that search engines are robots. And not the smartest either. Where a person immediately notices that such and such an article was almost entirely “torn off” from another article, the robot will take it as completely original.

But the copywriter definitely needs to check the level of "originality" of what he did. This is one of the main parameters of the quality of his work. And it depends on whether the customer will accept his work or not.

And for this, the copywriter goes to a resource like this one, inserts its text into the box and checks it. Let's say the value is originality not lower than 96 - 98%. If it turned out lower, you need to refine it. That is, again, swap words, replace synonyms, and all that stuff.

There are also other formal parameters of text quality. For example:

  • Percentage of water in text
  • "Nausea"
  • "Academic nausea"

If the indicator of the same "nausea" (the use of the same word in the text) is too high, then the text must be rewritten. The same with “water” is the use of empty words that only complicate the understanding of the text, and are written exclusively “for volume”.

Theoretically, more “dry” articles are more likely to get into the TOP. But this is only theoretical. In practice, it turns out that people like to read more lively articles. And if the article is written as a scientific report at the institute, then no one will read it.

After the desired level of "originality" and "quality" of the text is obtained, the copywriter proceeds to the final stage of work - optimizing the text for SEO.

#3 - Optimizing text for SEO

Actually, for the sake of this, everything is started. We need not just an article, but an article that search engines will show in the first places for certain queries. And at this stage, the copywriter places in the article all the necessary keywords that he has spelled out in the terms of reference.

Usually the most attention is paid to the main keyword. It should not be too much in the text, but not too little either. They try to insert the main "key" in a direct word form:

  • In the title of the article;
  • In the first paragraph;
  • In the subtitle (slightly changing the word order);
  • At the end of the article.

Then the person who will publish the article will place the same key in the description, in alt tags for pictures, and in other places. So we will ensure that not very smart search engines still understand that in our article we are talking about this, and not about something else.

As you can see, this is not the easiest job. Find material, write a formally high-quality text, optimize the finished text for the necessary key queries. Perhaps such a difficult job should be paid accordingly? Unfortunately no.

How much do copywriters get paid?

Above, we described the ideal workflow of an ideal copywriter. When it produces really high-quality text material that both search engines and people will love - live readers.

Some copywriters try to work that way. And others simply issue tons of printed characters per day, without really thinking about the consequences. But both are paid very little. 50-70 rubles for 1000 characters with spaces (and sometimes without spaces) - this is the "normal" rate of a copywriter in Russia today.

The most expensive and elite copywriters will charge 100-150 rubles for 1000 characters. But at the same time they will have big problems in finding customers.

That is, an ordinary copywriter needs to write 10 thousand characters a day in order to earn 15-20 thousand rubles a month. And this is provided that he will work seven days a week. Why are copywriters paid so little?

Why are copywriters paid so little?

The point here is not that they have a very simple job. Above, we have already seen that everything is far from being so simple there. For doctors, too, for example, the work is not easy. But for some reason no one is going to pay them a million a month.

In fact, there is only one reason - there are a lot of copywriters. And there are far fewer customers. Accordingly, customers can dictate almost any conditions, and there will always be several performers who will be ready to work under these conditions.

In addition, even if the customer suddenly wants to find the best and most expensive copywriter in the world, and decides to pay him 1,000 rubles for 1,000 characters, it’s far from a fact that he will get the job done with high quality.

Oddly enough, but the quality of the work of a copywriter does not depend on the price of his services at all. Someone who writes for 30 rubles for 1000 characters can work for you several times better than some "elite" who orders cheaper than 100 rubles. for 1000 characters and does not look.

But in any case, these are all very low earnings with a very high load. But there are copywriters who can earn several thousand dollars by writing just one single text (and not even a very long one). Yes, there are. But these are completely different copywriters.

How to earn $300,000 a month as a copywriter

You see what's the matter, in Russia the word "copywriter" means something completely different from that in the rest of the world. Our copywriters are the same “generators” who write articles for sites in order to promote them in search engines such as Yandex and Google.

In the West, a copywriter is a person who writes selling texts for magazines, newspapers, or the same sites. And here the payment for the work does not depend on any formal indicators such as “wateriness” or “originality”. The only thing that matters here is the result - how well the text will sell.

If you learn exactly how the printed word makes readers take out their bank cards and buy what you offer, then you will definitely never have problems with money.

Aspiring sales copywriters (sometimes referred to as "commercial writers") usually take a percentage of the sales they make with their text. A sales letter can be posted in the mailing list, or on, or on social networks. And even on interest alone, you can earn from one hundred thousand a month (by writing only 1-2 texts).

And seasoned copywriters take 100 - 300 thousand just to write the text. Even if he does not sell anything, they receive their payment anyway. But seasoned copywriters, as a rule, make sure that the text sells and very well.

A bad SEO copywriter is one who doesn't dream of becoming an elite commercial writer. The question is how and where to learn it.

Where can I learn copywriting for free?

Abroad there is a whole training institute for selling copywriters. There is even an Association of Copywriters and Writers. And you can go through a large number of trainings, get quite official "crusts", and become a real professional. The tradition of copywriting in the West is long and rich.

We don't have anything like that, and we don't foresee it yet. Everyone has to get out on their own. Search for training materials yourself, practice, look for customers. Explain to customers that the accountant Aunt Lyuda will not be able to write a normal advertising text, and that this should be trusted to a professional.

I hope this little overview of who copywriters are and what they do was helpful to you.

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov

Who is a copywriter? How does a professional copywriter do his job? Where to look for jobs for novice copywriters working from home?

Hello, dear readers of the HeatherBeaver business magazine! This is Denis Kuderin, a professional copywriter and journalist with 15 years of experience.

In today's publication, we will talk about the profession of a copywriter.

I will tell you what are the advantages of working on a content exchange, what typical mistakes beginners make, and I will teach you the skills to communicate with customers.

So go ahead!

1. Who is a copywriter and what is his job - a complete description of the profession

The classic definition of the profession of a copywriter is as follows:

Even 20 years ago, the profession of a copywriter as such did not exist in Russia. However, at all times there were people who wrote texts for commercial content, scripts for advertising, image articles in magazines and newspapers.

A copywriter today is a generalist writer, a specialist in creating texts and, in combination, an idea generator. As a rule, he deals with and writes articles, news, advertising texts on any topic proposed by the customer.

Most of the sites in the current web space have a commercial purpose. They should bring benefits to their owners, working through the sale of specific goods / services or through advertising.

The constant development of the Internet requires filling resources with relevant and high-quality content. Visitors and consumers need interesting, useful and fresh content: website traffic and its conversion (commercial effectiveness) directly depend on this.

Conversion is the ratio of the total number of resource visitors to those who perform any conversion action - fill out an application, make a purchase, order a call back or directly offer a service.

A professional copywriter is a person who fills resources with useful content and directly or indirectly affects the traffic and conversion of the resource. Everyone needs a good textbook. It depends on the activities of the copywriter whether the visitor leaves the page immediately or lingers until he has read its contents in full.

The list of duties and skills of a copywriter includes:

  • creation of informational texts;
  • writing selling content and;
  • creation of technical texts;
  • processing of large volumes of information with subsequent analysis;
  • the ability to competently, concisely and literary express thoughts;
  • SEO-optimization of text content - filling articles with keywords and phrases to promote the text (and, accordingly, the site) in search engines.

It is the last skill that is especially important. In order for the article to be read by the maximum number of users, it is necessary that it be not only interesting, but also noticeable for search robots Yandex, Google and others. To do this, the words that make up the so-called "semantic core" of a specific search query fit organically into the article.

Sometimes journalists working remotely are also called copywriters. It is the journalist who is the easiest to retrain as a good copywriter - you just need to slightly change the specifics of the letter and learn the basics of Internet marketing.

Good specialists are obtained from graduates of philological faculties, sales consultants, and teachers.

2. Where to start and where to find vacancies for a novice copywriter without work experience

Copywriting is almost always work at home, in freelance format. Less commonly, full-time copywriters are required for large advertising agencies or internet marketing companies.

Finding a remote job for beginners in copywriting is relatively simple - you need to register on the content exchange and start working through an intermediary. Any of the clients of the exchange can order a text for a novice writer: the task of a copywriter is to beat competitors and win a tender for a specific order.

The lack of experience and articles in the portfolio is not a reason to give up. If you are determined to become a professional copywriter, be prepared to work hard and at the initial stage - for almost a penny.

Gradually, your skills will improve, professional knowledge will accumulate, and qualifications will increase. Correspondingly, incomes will also grow.

According to studies conducted by statistical agencies, good copywriters with regular customers have income 600-800 thousand rubles per year or more.

Top Runet copywriters earn several million rubles in year.

Working as a copywriter at home through a content exchange - advantages and disadvantages

Working through the exchange is almost the only way to start a career for a novice copywriter. Later, he may have direct customers, but first you need to achieve a certain status and master the basic skills and abilities.

Even one hundred percent literacy and virtuoso command of the style does not guarantee high earnings from the first month of work. Few of the customers will immediately pay decent amounts to an unknown novice specialist.

The exchange provides an opportunity to declare oneself, acquire regular customers and develop professional skills. A qualified copywriter should be able to write quickly, competently and on any topic.

Specialists in technical and highly specialized topics (construction, automobiles, repairs, computers, digital technologies, business, medicine) are especially valued.

I will list the main advantages of working through the exchange:

  • an extensive customer base;
  • opportunity to improve skills;
  • the opportunity to learn professional skills and techniques;
  • guarantee of payment for the order;
  • the opportunity to choose the topics and areas of work closest to the author.

There are also disadvantages:

  • low pay (especially in the first few months of work);
  • great competition (for example, there are 330,000 authors on the popular Advego exchange - do you think it will be easy for a beginner to break into the TOP?);
  • deduction of intermediary interest for services.

As a rule, on exchanges it is forbidden to contact a client bypassing the resource: for providing personal information in the form of phone numbers, e-mail addresses, links to pages on social networks, the administration can deny access to the account.

Choosing an exchange for permanent work is not easy. We advise you to register on several resources and work on each of them for a while. Gradually, you yourself will understand which exchanges bring you more profit and are more comfortable to work with.

For you, I have prepared a table containing basic information about the five most popular exchanges in Runet:

Exchange name Requirements for new authors Average cost of 1000 characters for beginners Benefits and Features
1 ETXT Open exchange20-40 rub.Loyal attitude towards beginners
2 Advego Anyone can become an author30-50 rub.Huge selection of orders
3 Work Zilla Artists are being testedFrom 50 rub.Lots of different tasks for authors of any level
4 text sale Entrance is free for everyoneFrom 20 rub.The ability to sell ready-made texts in the article store
5 Content Monster Compulsory literacy test30-50 rub.Opportunity to get free training

You just have to choose the one you like and start working with customers.

3. How to become a professional freelance copywriter - TOP 5 main qualities of a professional

Not a single project can exist without interesting and competent text content, more precisely, it will not be commercially successful. More and more resource owners understand a simple truth: to increase the income from the site, you need to invest in its professional content.

All components are important - comfortable navigation, interesting and original design, functionality, useful textual content. The last one is the copywriter.

How to become a copywriting professional? As in any other field, in the field of writing attractive and useful texts, the firm intention to become a master in your field is essential. However, there are a few very specific qualities that every pen professional should possess.

Quality 1. Literacy

A beginner should soberly assess his capabilities: competition in the field of copywriting is high, and at the initial stage, not a single copywriter has high profits.

What is needed to acquire at least the initial status? Write clearly and concisely. Be sure to check the spelling in Word or other editors, look for stylistic errors yourself.

Quality 2. Ability to clearly express thoughts

Briefness... you know whose sister. Clarity is another relative of talent. If your texts are concise, consist of sentences of optimal length and express specific and clear thoughts, you will be interesting to read for both customers and direct consumers of the text.

Clarity and specificity are especially valued in commercial texts.

For example, online stores (the number of which is constantly growing online) require concise and attractive descriptions in product cards. Most inexperienced authors write lengthy texts in the style of "a quality and useful product at an affordable price."

A professional approaches work creatively - his description always contains specifics and evidence of the usefulness and quality of products: “Japanese marker. Writes brightly even after you throw it away.

To create catchy and attractive articles, it is important to correctly format the texts and structure them. A full-screen canvas, divided into a couple of paragraphs, no one reads: dilute the text with lists, tables, bold and italics.

Quality 3. Ability to write in an interesting and unconventional way

A non-standard approach to complex tasks is an indicative feature of a professional. You can create completely readable texts that do not annoy the reader and are read by 30-50% (a very good indicator), or you can generate content that is read from the first to the last word and sent to friends.

To do this, you need to constantly expand your horizons and vocabulary and, most importantly, learn to get rid of verbal slag: clericalism, verbal nouns (such as “implementation of construction work”) and other structures that clutter up the text.

You must always focus on the perception of the target audience. When creating a text, think in advance how the reader can benefit from it. Put yourself in his place, try to understand what drives him, why he came to the site and why he started reading this article.

Quality 4. Ability to talk with the customer

Another important quality of a professional is a conversation with the customer. Know in advance what the client wants, and you will never have to redo work. Feel free to ask the customer questions if you are not sure what the text should be about.

If the topic is clear, you should find out for which site the article is being made and familiarize yourself with other materials of the resource so as not to fall out of style. A constructive dialogue with the client is the key to success.

But what you should not do is to argue with the customer, especially if you are not sure of your competence. If you feel that the client is problematic and not quite adequate, just calmly finish the job in accordance with the TOR and look for other customers.

Quality 5. Readiness for continuous learning

Be ready to constantly learn and learn new things. Copywriting is a relatively new specialty that is being created literally before our very eyes. There are several training courses for copywriters on the Internet, some of them are paid, others are freely available.

Buy training or learn the basics on your own - it's up to you. Both ways are quite effective, but the first one is somewhat shorter. Good basic knowledge can be obtained on the stock exchange, which provides everyone with the opportunity to take SEO courses and “selling texts”.

I found a good video for you, I suggest watching it in addition to what you have already read:

4. The main mistakes of novice copywriters

Briefly about the typical mistakes and misconceptions of beginners. The most important and destructive delusion is a misunderstanding of the specifics of one's own profession.

- this is not a storyteller, not a novelist and not a poet - this is a person who increases the conversion of network resources with the help of texts.

Realize this fact, and further development will become a matter of technology.

Other beginner mistakes:

  • neglect of literacy;
  • lack of feedback from the customer (even when working through the exchange, it is worth maintaining personal contacts with the client);
  • work at the lowest rates - if you have been working for more than a month, you should gradually increase the cost of your services, otherwise you will remain at the beginner level;
  • neglect of the structure and design of the text;
  • irresponsibility - a significant part of the authors do not realize the seriousness of their activities and let customers down by missing deadlines or refusing to rework, which affects their rating and reputation;
  • inadequate response to criticism;
  • wrong distribution of forces and time.

Freelance mode is not a reason for laziness and


Copywriting- the process of writing original texts that promote a business, person, opinion or idea. These texts can be used both in printed and audio and video formats. The main purpose of copywriting is to convince a search robot, listener, viewer or reader to take the desired action, such as buying a product or subscribing to a point of view. The reverse is also true: the text can be called upon to convince a person or an algorithm developed by a person.

Copywriting includes writing body text, slogans, headlines, key phrases, texts for mailing lists, content for websites, scripts for television and radio advertisements, press releases, white papers, etc.

The copywriter's texts and ideas can be used in print ads, catalogs, billboards, postcards, websites, emails, etc.


A copywriter is not so long ago only an advertising specialist who, based on a creative task (brief), creates ideas and concepts for texts for all types of advertising. With the active development of the Internet, the duties of copywriters have expanded. In addition to advertising texts, a copywriter develops texts for websites designed to attract customers to a resource, company, or service.

The task of the copywriter is to briefly, intelligibly and figuratively formulate the merits and advantages of the object of advertising (whether it be a product, service or social movement) in order to influence the opinion and perception of the consumer (reader, listener or viewer) and encourage him to act (purchase) , subscription, order, etc.). The tasks that a copywriter faces are always marketing in nature. The work of a copywriter includes writing various advertising texts, slogans, headlines, subheadings for print, outdoor and Internet advertising, scripts for television and radio advertising, press releases and other promotional materials.

Areas of work

A copywriter can work as an independent specialist (freelancer), as well as an employee of an advertising agency or a firm specializing in public relations, in the advertising department of a large organization, in the mass media. Occasionally performs the duties of a brand manager.


In advertising

In an advertising agency, a copywriter often works in tandem with an art director, together they form a creative team. The copywriter is mostly responsible for the verbal, textual content of the advertisement, and the art director is responsible for the visual part.

Copywriter income

According to a study by, in January 2009, the average cost of copywriting firms in Runet was 658 rubles per page of text (1,800 characters with spaces). At the same time, the minimum cost of a page of text among the participants in the study is 333 rubles per page of text, the maximum is 1,500 rubles per page of text.

Famous copywriters

  • David Ogilvy
  • Bill Bernbach
  • Robert W. Bly
  • Leo BurnettLeo Burnett

Many famous creative personalities worked as copywriters before they became famous:

  • Dorothy L. Sayers
  • Joseph Heller
  • Terry GilliamTerry Gilliam
  • Salman RushdieSalman Rushdie
  • Don DeLillo
  • Shigesato Itoi
  • Frederic Beigbeder

SEO copywriting

Copywriting exchanges

These are sites where copywriters and customers gather to make deals on writing texts. Copywriting exchanges are an intermediary between customers and performers.



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  • Copywriter to grow About selling texts and professional growth, Panda P.. Copywriting has changed: The network is maturing, and with it the requirements for modern texts are growing. Cheap content that has been scarcely feeding thousands of authors for years is becoming a thing of the past, giving way to…

And before, after all, writers were held in high esteem. The masters of the pen and the word were received by aristocrats in their homes, invited to all kinds of events and were looking forward to the next work. Times have changed: now writers have been replaced by copywriters, and they use a regular computer with an Internet connection to work. No romance, but the name is beautiful. But still, who is a copywriter, and what does he do?

Who is a copywriter?

Perhaps a few years ago, the word “copywriting” could scare humanities students, but today it is a very profitable business that you can do without leaving your home and without investment. Beautiful fairy tale, isn't it? But what about real things?

To date, there are many definitions as to who a copywriter is and what is included in his duties. Someone assures that this is a marketer and advertiser, and someone says that this is a person who simply writes articles for websites. In a word, it all comes down to the following: a copywriter is a person who creates unique text material. The job of a copywriter is to create texts of different formats. These can be advertising or selling articles, informational content, slogans, landing pages, scripts, etc.

What should a copywriter do?

If the job of a copywriter is to write text, then it can be assumed that anyone who knows the alphabet and can put together several sentences from words can become a copywriter. It's good that it isn't. The work of a copywriter involves the performance of more complex, exclusively professional duties:

  • Rewriting. Creation of a unique text based on a finished article while maintaining the structure and main idea.
  • Editorial and correction. A copywriter must write correctly and use terminology correctly.
  • Slogan and title. When it comes to sales text, you can’t do without catchy statements that will increase the conversion rate.
  • Image. Both the uniqueness of the text and the uniqueness of the images affect the promotion of the resource, and often the copywriter is faced with the problem of choosing a thematic image for the text.
  • SEO optimization. Every copywriter should be able to harmoniously insert keywords into the text.

The ability to write well does not define a good copywriter. Literacy and uniqueness. Only an author with these qualities can become a competitive personality in the field of


And yet, how to become a copywriter? Since there are few miracles in the world, the likelihood that one day a kind uncle will appear and say: “Write, my friend, you have a talent” is extremely low. Therefore, everyone who wants to work in copywriting has to look for work on their own. And often beginners end up on sites such as "" (reviews about it are not the most flattering).

Becoming a copywriter

To avoid trouble, those who want to work in copywriting should know where the “homeland begins”:

  1. Registration on content and freelance exchanges. On such sites you can find many suggestions for writing text. In addition, most of these sites insure performers. That is, they can be sure that they will receive payment for their work.
  2. Order search.
  3. Project writing.
  4. Delivery of the order.

Actually, this is the whole algorithm of work. As you can see from the example, a copywriter is not such a difficult profession, especially if there is any knowledge about who it is, a copywriter, and what it does.

Types of copywriting

Not every novice copywriter knows that there are several varieties of his profession. In general, there are 4 main types of work:

1. Rewriting. Recently, one of the most common phenomena. Since there are not enough qualified specialists for all resources, and everyone wants to earn money using the Internet, such a phenomenon as rewriting has arisen. This is when a new text is created based on an already written article. In the end, a 100% original text is obtained, however, without even a hint of the author's thought.

2. Image copywriting. The text creates and maintains the image of a resource or product. Today, the expression "website image" is very popular. Since there are several million resources on the Web, well-written PR texts help the consumer find one unique, best resource among this million.

3. LSI copywriting. This phenomenon appeared in 2013. At that time, search engines changed the search algorithm, and robots began to rank articles not by key queries in the text, but by how much the text answers the user's question, that is, they began to measure its information content.

4. Selling texts. Articles ranging from 1800 to 3000 zbp., which briefly and clearly describe the proposed product or service. Such texts are distinguished by a special structure: a catchy heading, a “problematic paragraph”, a sale of an object, a sale of a price, a call to purchase.

5. SEO copywriting. Initially, when ranking resources, search engines focused on the presence of key queries in the text. In this regard, each copywriter had to be able to harmoniously enter the keyword into the text. Now much less attention is paid to this, however, no one has canceled the presence of a couple of keywords in the text.

Do you need to study?

Since anyone can become a copywriter, it is worth thinking about training. Actually, does a copywriter need to learn this profession? Today, there are many courses in which practicing writers teach beginners in this field.

Each of the so-called teachers in copywriting courses talks about what he is good at. Someone teaches how to write landing pages, someone talks about the basics of creating sales texts, and someone gives practical advice on how to make the text interesting. If you think about it and analyze it, it is difficult to find a resource that would offer comprehensive training for a copywriter. In addition, the vast majority of speakers are self-taught. Everything that they talk about in the courses, they learned in the process of work. Such classes are useful in their own way, but even if you visit them all, it is impossible to learn everything about copywriting.

The work of a copywriter is based primarily on practice. Only by practicing writing texts on a daily basis, you can find out your strengths and weaknesses, find your own style and understand how to make articles interesting. In addition, it is necessary to stock up on specialized knowledge on a daily basis. That is, to study marketing, advertising, psychology, books written by outstanding copywriters. It is also worth remembering that the one who reads a lot writes well. Read at least 20 pages of high-quality fiction every day.

  • Author's copywriting has nothing to do with academic education.
  • Copywriting is, first of all, the ability to communicate with people, hear their needs and speak their language.
  • You need to live and breathe texts, make them your favorite work and hobby.
  • Among the crowd of copywriters you need to be able to stand out. It is necessary to write brightly, extraordinary and understandable, each time breaking your ideas about the text.


And yet, no matter how much a person writes, until he is bought, he cannot be considered a copywriter. In this case, how much does a copywriter earn? It all depends on its environment. If a copywriter is looking for orders on content exchanges, then the payment for his work will be extremely low, especially if he is new to the exchange. So, brand new pen masters on such resources receive from 10 to 50 rubles for 1000 zbp. At the initial stages, the authors earn a rating for themselves, and depending on how quickly it grows, the payment for orders also increases. But even in this case, it has an extreme limit. The maximum cost of ordering a copywriter with a high rating is from 100 to 200 rubles per 1000 sbp.

The situation is a little better on freelance exchanges, where customers set a fixed cost for the project. In some cases, the cost of 1000 characters can be from 300 to 500 rubles.

But the copywriters who make the most money are those who have their own websites with portfolios, testimonials, and affordable prices. The names of these copywriters are known to the heads of many firms and advertising agencies. The prices for their work are much higher than customers usually offer. For example, one informational article costs from 2800 to 3500 rubles. The cost is indicated for the entire work, and not for the number of characters, as is customary on exchanges. In a good scenario, the author can earn about $ 2,000 per month.

Therefore, considering the side job of a copywriter as an additional and temporary phenomenon, many authors turn this employment into their main activity.


Some resource owners are wondering where to find a copywriter. The search location directly depends on how much the customer is willing to spend on the text. If he is bad with finances, then he has a direct road to content exchanges. Only in this case the quality of work will correspond to the price. After all, no matter how you look at it, really smart and talented people rarely stay on the stock exchanges.

If you need the price to match the quality, it is better to look for a copywriter on freelance exchanges. As practice shows, on such sites there are experienced and talented performers who, for a moderate fee, will help solve the problem. The only thing that can upset the customer is the time that will have to be spent searching for the contractor. After all, freelance exchanges are inhabited not only by copywriters, but also by representatives of other professions.

If the customer needs chic content that does not mind the money, he can turn to trusted copywriters with a good reputation and a well-known name (Dmitry Kot, Petr Panda, Ksenia Volkodav, etc.).


But not all cat Shrovetide. Aspiring copywriters in pursuit of high earnings or people who want to find work online very often fall into the networks of scams, such as the site "". Reviews about this resource will make everyone think, only if someone else read them.

Therefore, the first rule of a novice freelancer should be as follows: “Before registering on a resource, you need to read the comments of other users about it.”