Magazine modern library year read online. We read the magazine "modern library" online

Friends! At the end of August 2009, the first issue of our magazine "MODERN LIBRARY" was published, which began to cover the diverse palette of the development of libraries in the country and the world.
We remind you that part of the materials of the journal "Modern Library" can be read online at under the heading "Articles".

Issues for 2009, 2010 are posted in the full version in pdf-format.

SUBJECT. Here you will find materials on topical issues in the development of the library and information sphere, on the problems of working under the conditions of Russian legislation, relations with the authorities, on the formation of funds, on the training of specialists, on the introduction of information and communication technologies, etc.

BIBLIOREGION. The materials of the rubric show how libraries of a particular region live and develop, how they build their relations with various institutions of culture, education, and business.

A PERSON. Read materials that tell about people in the library and information field, the field of culture, education, science - in a word, get to know interesting people, as well as memoirs, with the opinions of colleagues on various professional and life issues, with memories of colleagues, etc. .

POSITION. In this section you will read interviews with different people on various fundamental issues of the development of society

IDEA. Articles, notes, interviews about ideas implemented and widely discussed in informal professional communication, in forums and blogs on the Internet.

EVENT. Events in the cultural, informational, scientific life of Russia will be reflected on the pages of this section

CLOSE-UP. The event, which caused a wide resonance in professional circles, will be discussed in this section.

COOPERATION. Materials about interesting forms of cooperation between libraries and institutions of the state and non-state sectors.

IT (INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGIES). Everything about the introduction of information and communication technologies in the work of library and information institutions: from the initial stage of automation to modern problems of leaders.

STANDARDS. The articles of the rubric provide explanations on the application of standards (publishing, bibliographic), the use of classification systems (UDC, LBC), etc.

EDUCATION. The readers of the journal are offered articles on new trends in the education and training of specialists in the library and information sphere, the introduction of 3rd generation standards, the emergence of new specialties, advanced training courses, grants for education in our country and abroad.

IN THE WORLD. The section publishes materials on foreign libraries, foreign library legislation, major events in the world, trends and development directions of library institutions in the world.

GALLERY. We invite readers of the magazine to become our permanent photojournalists. We place interesting photographs on the pages, where the photographer's hand captured a person and a book.

PROFI. Articles, assessments, opinions on professional literature and press

REVIEW. Articles about novelties in different segments of literature: literature for children, artistic and popular science literature.

As well as NEWS, CALENDAR professional events.

Friends! At the end of August 2009, the first issue of our magazine "MODERN LIBRARY" was published, which began to cover the diverse palette of the development of libraries in the country and the world.
We remind you that part of the materials of the journal "Modern Library" can be read online at under the heading "Articles".

Issues for 2009, 2010 are posted in the full version in pdf-format.

SUBJECT. Here you will find materials on topical issues in the development of the library and information sphere, on the problems of working under the conditions of Russian legislation, relations with the authorities, on the formation of funds, on the training of specialists, on the introduction of information and communication technologies, etc.

BIBLIOREGION. The materials of the rubric show how libraries of a particular region live and develop, how they build their relations with various institutions of culture, education, and business.

A PERSON. Read materials that tell about people in the library and information field, the field of culture, education, science - in a word, get to know interesting people, as well as memoirs, with the opinions of colleagues on various professional and life issues, with memories of colleagues, etc. .

POSITION. In this section you will read interviews with different people on various fundamental issues of the development of society

IDEA. Articles, notes, interviews about ideas implemented and widely discussed in informal professional communication, in forums and blogs on the Internet.

EVENT. Events in the cultural, informational, scientific life of Russia will be reflected on the pages of this section

CLOSE-UP. The event, which caused a wide resonance in professional circles, will be discussed in this section.

COOPERATION. Materials about interesting forms of cooperation between libraries and institutions of the state and non-state sectors.

IT (INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGIES). Everything about the introduction of information and communication technologies in the work of library and information institutions: from the initial stage of automation to modern problems of leaders.

STANDARDS. The articles of the rubric provide explanations on the application of standards (publishing, bibliographic), the use of classification systems (UDC, LBC), etc.

EDUCATION. The readers of the journal are offered articles on new trends in the education and training of specialists in the library and information sphere, the introduction of 3rd generation standards, the emergence of new specialties, advanced training courses, grants for education in our country and abroad.

IN THE WORLD. The section publishes materials on foreign libraries, foreign library legislation, major events in the world, trends and development directions of library institutions in the world.

GALLERY. We invite readers of the magazine to become our permanent photojournalists. We place interesting photographs on the pages, where the photographer's hand captured a person and a book.

PROFI. Articles, assessments, opinions on professional literature and press

REVIEW. Articles about novelties in different segments of literature: literature for children, artistic and popular science literature.

As well as NEWS, CALENDAR professional events.

READING. The section tells about projects for the promotion and development of reading that exist in the regions of our country, about the psychology of reading for different age groups of users.

SUBJECT. Here you will find materials on topical issues in the development of the library and information sphere, on the problems of working under the conditions of Russian legislation, relations with the authorities, on the formation of funds, on the training of specialists, on the introduction of information and communication technologies, etc.

BIBLIOREGIO N. The materials of the heading show how libraries of a particular region live and develop, how they build their relations with various institutions of culture, education, and business.

A PERSON. Read materials that tell about people in the library and information field, the field of culture, education, science - in a word, get to know interesting people, as well as memoirs, with the opinions of colleagues on various professional and life issues, with memories of colleagues, etc. .

POSITION. In this section you will read interviews with different people on various fundamental issues of the development of society

IDEA. Articles, notes, interviews about ideas implemented and widely discussed in informal professional communication, in forums and blogs on the Internet.

EVENT. Events in the cultural, informational, scientific life of Russia will be reflected on the pages of this section

CLOSE-UP. The event, which caused a wide resonance in professional circles, will be discussed in this section.

COOPERATION. Materials about interesting forms of cooperation between libraries and institutions of the state and non-state sectors.

IT (INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGIES). Everything about the introduction of information and communication technologies in the work of library and information institutions: from the initial stage of automation to modern problems of leaders.

STANDARDS. The articles of the rubric provide explanations on the application of standards (publishing, bibliographic), the use of classification systems (UDC, LBC), etc.

EDUCATION. The readers of the journal are offered articles on new trends in the education and training of specialists in the library and information sphere, the introduction of 3rd generation standards, the emergence of new specialties, advanced training courses, grants for education in our country and abroad.

IN THE WORLD. The section publishes materials on foreign libraries, foreign library legislation, major events in the world, trends and development directions of library institutions in the world.

GALLERY. We invite readers of the magazine to become our permanent photojournalists. We place interesting photographs on the pages, where the photographer's hand captured a person and a book.

PROFI. Articles, assessments, opinions on professional literature and press

REVIEW. Articles about novelties in different segments of literature: literature for children, artistic and popular science literature.

As well as NEWS, CALENDAR professional events.