They are drilled as if they were scalded. Production drilling

Drilling market is a key driving force of the Russian oilfield services market. Drilling accounts for over 30% of the total oilfield services market (in monetary terms). Together with drilling services (including horizontal drilling support) and other services used in well construction, this share exceeds 50%.

During 2016, new trends emerged in the drilling market, which significantly affect the prospects for market development and are of fundamental importance for making strategic decisions by market participants.

... In 2016, Russia achieved historical maximum of oil production in the amount of 547.5 million tons. The active growth in oil production was primarily due to an increase in the volume of drilling meterage - by 23.2% in 2015-2016. Production growth over the same two years amounted to 3.8%.

In accordance with the agreement on limiting oil production dated December 10, 2016, Russia pledged to reduce production from the level of October 2016 by 300 thousand barrels per day, or by 2.7%. Expected that production volume in 2017 will decrease by about 0.5% compared to 2016, and in the subsequent period, production will show moderate growth and will reach the level of 570 million tons in 2025.

In 2017, despite the restriction of oil production, the drilling market expects increase in the volume of penetration by 8-10% from the level of 2016. This is due to the need to maintain production in old depleting fields.

In the medium term, drilling will mainly focus on maintaining production levels. Starting from 2018, a trend associated with moderate growth in the drilling market in physical terms and outstripping growth in monetary terms.

The share of horizontal drilling in production will continue to grow: it has grown from 11% in 2010 up to 36% in 2016, and by 2021 it will reach 44-46%.

In exploration drilling, the volume decline in 2015 was replaced by a 3% increase in 2016. In the period up to 2026, it is projected comparable volumes of exploration drilling due to the growing importance of additional exploration in mature fields.

Open market share in drilling continues to decline: in 2016 it amounted to 44% with the prospect of further reduction due to the consolidation of the market by Rosneft.

As a consequence of key market trends, it is expected significant increase in competition between contractor companies, as well as increasing price pressure on them from the contracting companies.

The analytical report aims to provide expert support for making strategic and operational decisions to a wide range of market participants, based on the following key elements of the study:

Assessment of key factors and development trends, including both common for the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation, and specific to the drilling market and its key segments.

Market size forecast for the period up to 2026 for production (separately horizontal) and exploration drilling. The forecast is formed in the context of the main regions of oil production and taking into account the peculiarities of drilling in each of them.

Analysis of customers and the competitive environment of contractors, including an assessment of the fleet of drilling rigs and the scope of work.

Report contains a basis for assessing the potential of the entire range of drilling-related service and equipment segments, including drilling services, horizontal drilling support, primary cementing, well injection and others.

Around sources for the formation of the report were: the RPI knowledge base, company data, industry statistics, estimates of industry experts.

"Russian oil drilling market" designed for the following industry audience:

Oil and gas production companies

Oilfield service companies

Oil and gas equipment manufacturers and suppliers

Banks and investment companies

Consulting companies

"Russian oil drilling market" is the first in a series of reports on the main segments of the Russian oilfield services market. The reports analyze the current state and development prospects until 2025 for the following segments:

1. Accompaniment of directional drilling(69,500 rubles)

2. Sidetracking (69,500 rubles)

3. Workover of wells (69,500 rubles)

4. Hydraulic fracturing (69,500 rubles)

5. Seismic exploration (69,500 rubles)

6. Coiled tubing(64,500 rubles)

1. Introduction
2 Key findings of the study
3 Production of oil and gas condensate in Russia in 2006-2016 and forecast of production volumes for the period up to 2026

3.1 Production of oil and gas condensate in Russia in 2006-2016 by companies
3.2 Production of oil and gas condensate in Russia in 2006-2016 in the context of oil production regions
3.3 Forecast of the annual volume of oil production in Russia for the period 2016-2026
4 The volume of the Russian oilfield services market in monetary terms
4.1 Methodology for calculating the volume of the oilfield services market
4.2 Volume of the oilfield services market in 2005-2016
4.3 Forecast of the volume of the oilfield services market for 2017-2026
5 Current state of the drilling market
5.1 Dynamics of the footage in drilling in 2001-2016
5.2 Dynamics of production drilling volumes in 2006-2016
5.3 Dynamics of exploration drilling volumes in 2006-2016
5.4 Drilling market volume in monetary terms in 2006-2016
5.5 Main production trends in the drilling market
5.5.1 Development of horizontal drilling
5.5.2 Change in capital expenditures in production drilling
5.5.3 Effects of measures to increase production levels
5.6 Main technological trends in the drilling market
5.7 Relevant management challenges and trends in the drilling market
5.7.1 Well Construction Management Challenges
5.7.2 Formation of the estimated cost of well construction
5.7.3 Development of time requirements
5.7.4 Risk Management of Well Construction Projects
6 Forecast of the dynamics of the volume of penetration for 2016-2026
6.1 Forecasting methodology
6.2 Forecast of production drilling volumes for 2017-2026
6.3 Forecast of horizontal drilling volumes for 2017-2026
6.4 Forecast of exploration drilling volumes for 2017-2026
6.5 Forecast of the drilling market volume in monetary terms for 2017-2026
7 Major customers in the drilling market
8 Analysis of the competitive environment in the market of drilling contractors
8.1 Drilling market in Russia by drilling contractors
8.2 Production capacity of major drilling contractors
8.3 Activities of drilling contractors by region
8.4 Major M&A deals in the drilling contractor market in 2016
9 Profiles of major contractors
9.1 Independent drilling contractors
9.1.1 Eurasia Drilling Company Ltd.
9.1.2 Gazprom Burenie LLC
9.1.3 ERIELL
9.1.4 LLC "Integra-Drilling"
9.1.5 Katoil-Drilling LLC (Petro Welt Technologies Group of Companies, former C.A.T. oil AG)
9.1.6 KCA Deutag
9.1.7 Nabors Drilling
9.1.8 LLC "NSH ASIA DRILLING" ("Neftserviceholding")
9.1.9 Group of Companies (GC) "Investgeoservice"
9.1.10 CJSC Siberian Service Company (SSK)
9.1.11 OOO TagraS-holding (OOO UK Tatburneft, OOO Burenie)
9.2 Drilling divisions of vertically integrated companies
9.2.1 Drilling subsidiaries of OJSC Rosneft
9.2.2 Drilling block "NGK" Slavneft "
9.2.3 Drilling divisions of Surgutneftegaz

Chart 3.1. Dynamics of annual volumes of oil and gas condensate production in Russia in 2006-2016 by companies, mln.t

Chart 3.2. Distribution of the increase in oil and gas condensate production in Russia in 2016 by producer, mln.t

Chart 3.3. Share of manufacturing companies in oil and gas condensate production in Russia in 2016,%

Chart 3.4. Dynamics of annual volumes of oil and gas condensate production in Russia in 2006-2016 in the context of oil production regions, million tons

Chart 3.5. Distribution of the increase in oil and gas condensate production in Russia in 2016 in the context of oil production regions, million tons

Chart 3.6. Forecast of the dynamics of the annual volumes of oil and gas condensate production in Russia in 2016-2025 in the context of oil production regions, million tons

Chart 3.7. Forecast of the dynamics of annual volumes of oil and gas condensate production in Russia in 2016-2025 by type of fields, mln.t

Chart 4.1. Annual total volumes of the oilfield services market in Russia in 2005-2016, billion rubles,% of annual growth

Chart 4.2. Specific shares of segments of the oilfield services market in Russia in 2016,% of the total market volume in monetary terms

Chart 4.3. Contribution of segments to the total volume of the oilfield services market in Russia in 2016, billion rubles

Chart 4.4. Forecast of the volumes of the oilfield services market in Russia in 2017-2026, billion rubles,% of annual growth

Chart 4.5. Forecasted volumes of segments of the oilfield services market and their specific shares in 2026, billion rubles,%

Chart 4.6. Forecasted shares of segments of the oilfield services market in Russia in 2017-2026,% of the total market volume in monetary terms

Chart 4.7. Specific shares of segments of the oilfield services market in Russia in 2017-2026,% of the total market volume in monetary terms

Chart 5.1. Production and exploration drilling in Russia in 2001-2016, mln.m 30

Chart 5.2. Completed wells in production and exploration drilling in Russia in 2006-2016, units

Chart 5.3. Average depth of one well, completed construction, in production and exploratory drilling in Russia in 2006-2016, m

Chart 5.4. Influence of an increase in the number of wells and an increase in well depth on the volume of production and exploration drilling in Russia in 2006-2016,%

Chart 5.5. Production drilling in Russia in 2006-2016 in the context of oil production regions, mln.m

Chart 5.6. Change in production drilling in Russia in 2016 in the context of oil production regions, mln.m

Chart 5.7. Commissioning of completed wells in production drilling in Russia in 2006-2016 in the context of oil production regions, units

Chart 5.8. Average depth of one completed well in production drilling in Russia in 2015-2016, m

Chart 5.9. Exploration drilling in Russia in 2006-2016 in the context of oil production regions, mln.m

Chart 5.10. Number of completed wells in exploration drilling in Russia in 2006-2016 in the context of oil production regions, units

Chart 5.11. Average depth of one completed well in exploration drilling in Russia in 2015-2016, m

Chart 5.12. Dynamics of the drilling market volume in monetary terms in 2006-2016, billion rubles

Chart 5.13. Dynamics of the volume of the drilling market in monetary terms in 2006-2016 in the context of oil production regions, billion rubles

Chart 5.14. Dynamics of the volume of horizontal and directional drilling in Russia in physical terms in 2006-2016, million m

Chart 5.15. Dynamics of the number of wells completed in horizontal and directional drilling in Russia in 2006-2016, units

Chart 5.16. Average depth of one well, completed construction, in production and exploratory drilling in Russia in 2006-2016, m

Chart 5.17. Average depth of one horizontal well completed in Russia in 2016, m

Chart 5.18. Average depth of one directional well completed in Russia in 2016, m

Chart 5.19. Dynamics of changes in capital costs per 1 meter of production drilling in Russia in 2006-2016, thousand rubles per m

Chart 5.20. Dynamics of changes in capital costs per 1 m of production drilling by customers in Russia in 2015-2016, thousand rubles per m

Chart 5.21. Effects on the increase in oil production from the commissioning of new wells and geological and technical measures in Russia in 2006-2016, million tons

Chart 6.1. Dynamics of changes in monthly drilling meterage in Russia in 2012-2017, million m

Chart 6.2. Forecast of annual production drilling meterage in Russia for the period 2016-2026, million meters

Chart 6.3. Forecast of annual production drilling meterage in Russia at new fields for the period 2016-2026, million meters

Chart 6.4. Forecast of the share of drilling at new fields in production drilling in Russia in 2017-2026,%

Chart 6.5. Forecast of annual footage in horizontal drilling in Russia for the period 2016-2026, million meters

Chart 6.6. Forecast of annual exploration drilling meterage in Russia for the period 2016-2026, million meters

Chart 6.7. Forecast of the volume of the production drilling market by oil production regions in Russia for the period 2016-2026, billion rubles

Chart 6.8. Forecast of the volume of the horizontal drilling market by oil production regions in Russia for the period 2016-2026, billion rubles

Chart 6.9. Forecast of the volume of the exploration drilling market by oil production regions in Russia for the period 2016-2026, billion rubles


2.1 Exploration phase

2.2 Drilling wells

2.4 Drilling mud

2.5 Offshore drilling

3.2 Well design




Oil and natural gas are among the main minerals. Oil production began to grow at an especially rapid pace after drilling wells began to be used to extract it from the bowels of the earth. The increasing consumption of oil and gas in industry and the possibility of their quick and economical extraction from the subsoil make these minerals the object of priority searches.

From the point of view of ecology, the oil production, oil refining and gas industries are major environmental pollutants and have a negative chemical and physical impact on all natural components.

The expansion of the mineral resource base and fuel and energy resources is inextricably linked with an increase in the volume of drilling operations for the search and detailed exploration of the most important types of minerals.

Since a further increase in the number of exploration and production wells, as well as in the volume of open-cut mining, is inextricably linked with a violation of the ecological balance, the protection of the environment and the protection of the subsoil are acquiring important national economic significance.

drilling technogenic impact of the rig

1. Normative legal framework governing economic activity

Legal protection of nature is a set of legal norms established by the state and legal relations arising as a result of their implementation, aimed at the implementation of measures to preserve the natural environment, rational use of natural resources, and improve the living environment surrounding a person in the interests of present and future generations.

The system of legal protection of nature in Russia includes four groups of legal measures:

) legal regulation of relations on the use, conservation and renewal of natural resources;

) organization of education and training of personnel, financing and material and technical support of environmental actions;

) state and public control over the fulfillment of environmental protection requirements;

) legal responsibility of offenders.

Sources of environmental law are recognized legal acts that contain legal norms governing environmental relations.

Environmental legislation includes Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002 "On Environmental Protection" and other legislative acts of comprehensive legal regulation.

The subsystem of natural resource legislation includes: Land Code of the Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 No. 2395-1 "On Subsoil", Fundamentals of Forestry Legislation of the Russian Federation, Water Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of April 24, 1995 No. 52-FZ "On wildlife ", as well as other laws and regulations.

Below are some documents in the field of regulation of the work of the n / a fishery:

· PB 08-623-03Safety Rules for Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas Fields on the Continental Shelf;

· No. 116-FZ Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities";

· Regulations for the preparation of project technological documents for the development of oil and gas-oil fields

RD 153-39-007-96(instead of RD 39-0147035-207-86).

This Regulation determines the structure and content of project documents for the industrial development of technological schemes, projects and revised development projects, as well as pilot operation projects and technological schemes for pilot industrial development of oil and gas-oil fields both when using developed practice methods of development, and when applying methods of increasing oil recovery from reservoirs.

2. Exploration and production drilling for oil and gas. General information

2.1 Exploration phase

The exploration stage is carried out in one stage. The main goal of this stage is to prepare deposits for development. In the process of exploration, deposits, reservoir properties of productive horizons should be delineated. Upon completion of exploration work, commercial reserves are calculated and recommendations are given on putting the deposits into development.

Exploration of hydrocarbon deposits is a set of works that allows assessing the industrial value of a deposit identified at the prospecting stage and preparing it for development. Includes drilling of exploration wells and conducting research necessary to calculate the reserves of the identified field and design its development.

During geological exploration, the following parameters are identified:

geological structure of the deposit;

spatial location, conditions of occurrence, shape, size and structure of deposits;

quantity and quality of minerals;

technological properties of deposits and factors determining the operating conditions of the field

When designing a system for the placement of exploration wells, their number, location, drilling procedure and well grid density are determined. The most commonly used grid of wells is uniform over the field. The main indicators of the exploration stage are:

the cost of 1 ton of oil and an increase in reserves per 1 m of exploration wells drilled;

the ratio of the number of productive to the total number of wells.

2.2 Drilling wells

Among geological research and work, a large place is occupied by well drilling, their testing, coring and its study, oil, gas and water sampling and their study, etc.

Drilling -the process of destruction of rocks using special equipment - drilling equipment.

Targets and goals:

· establishment (clarification of tectonics, stratigraphy, lithology, assessment of the productivity of horizons) without additional well construction;

· identification of productive objects, as well as for delineation of already developed oil and gas reservoirs;

· extraction of oil and gas from the earth's interior;

· injection of water, gas or steam into reservoirs in order to maintain reservoir pressure or treat the bottomhole zone. These measures are aimed at lengthening the period of the flowing method of oil production or increasing the efficiency of production;

· oil and gas production with simultaneous clarification of the structure of the productive formation;

· determination of the initial oil and water saturation and residual oil saturation of the formation (and other studies);

· monitoring the object of development, researching the nature of the movement of formation fluids and changes in the gas and oil saturation of the formation;

· study of the geological structure of large regions in order to establish general patterns of bedding of rocks and to identify the possibility of the formation of oil and gas deposits in these rocks.

Drilling of wells for oil and gas, carried out at the stages of regional work, prospecting; exploration, as well as development, is the most time consuming and costly process. Large costs when drilling oil and gas wells are due to: the complexity of drilling to great depths, the huge volume of drilling equipment and tools, as well as various materials that are required to carry out this process, including mud, cement, chemicals, etc. in addition, costs increase due to the provision of environmental protection measures.

2.3 The main problems when drilling wells

The main problems arising in modern conditions when drilling wells, prospecting and prospecting for oil and gas are as follows.

The need to drill in many regions to a great depth exceeding 4-4.5 km is associated with the search for hydrocarbons in unexplored low parts of the sediment section. In this regard, the use of more complex but reliable well designs is required to ensure the efficiency and safety of operations. At the same time, drilling to a depth of more than 4.8 km involves significantly higher costs than drilling to a shallower depth.

In recent years, more difficult conditions have arisen for drilling and prospecting for oil and gas. Geological exploration at the present stage is increasingly moving into regions and areas characterized by difficult geographic and geological conditions. First of all, these are hard-to-reach areas, undeveloped and undeveloped, including Western Siberia, the European north, tundra, taiga, permafrost, etc. in the Caspian region), the presence of hydrogen sulfide and other aggressive components in the deposits, abnormally high reservoir pressure, etc. These factors create great problems in drilling, prospecting and prospecting for oil and gas.

Exit with drilling and prospecting for hydrocarbons in the waters of the northern and eastern seas washing Russia creates huge problems associated with both the complex technology of drilling, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas, and environmental protection. Access to sea areas is dictated by the need to increase hydrocarbon reserves, especially since there are prospects there. However, it is much more difficult and more expensive than drilling, prospecting and exploration, as well as developing oil and gas accumulations on land.

Drilling to great depths (over 4.5 km) and trouble-free drilling are impossible in many regions. This is due to the backwardness of the drilling base, deterioration of equipment and the lack of effective technologies for drilling wells to great depths. Therefore, there is a problem - in the coming years, to modernize the drilling base and master the technology of ultra-deep drilling (that is, drilling over 4.5 km - up to 5.6 km and more).

Problems arise when drilling horizontal wells and the behavior of geophysical surveys (GIS) in them. As a rule, imperfect drilling equipment leads to failures in the construction of horizontal wells.

Drilling errors are often caused by the lack of accurate information about the current coordinates of the well in connection with geological benchmarks. This information is needed especially when approaching a pay zone.

An urgent problem is the search for traps and the discovery of non-anticlinal oil and gas accumulations. Many examples from foreign objects indicate that lithological and stratigraphic, as well as lithological-stratigraphic traps can contain a huge amount of oil and gas.

In our country, structural traps are more involved, in which large accumulations of oil and gas have been found. A large number of new regional and local uplifts have been identified in almost every oil and gas province (OGP), which constitute a potential reserve for the discovery of oil and gas accumulation sites. Oilmen were less interested in non-structural traps than the absence of major discoveries in these conditions can be explained, although oil and gas objects of insignificant reserves have been identified in many oil and gas fields.

But there are reserves for a significant increase in oil and gas reserves, especially in the platform areas of the Ural-Volga region, the Caspian region, Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia, and others. First of all, the reserves can be associated with the slopes of large uplifts (vaults, mega-shafts) and the sides of adjacent depressions and troughs, which are widely developed in the mentioned regions.

The problem is that we do not yet have reliable methods for searching for non-anticlinal traps.

In the field of prospecting and exploration for oil and gas, there are problems associated with increasing the economic efficiency of geological exploration for oil and gas, the solution of which depends on: improving geophysical research methods in connection with the gradual complication of geological and geographical conditions for finding new objects; improving the search method for various types of hydrocarbon accumulations, including non-anticlinal genesis; enhancing the role of scientific forecast in order to provide the most reliable justification for prospecting for the future.

In addition to the above main problems facing oil workers in the field of drilling, prospecting and prospecting for oil and gas accumulations, each specific region and area has its own problems. The further build-up of proven oil and gas reserves, as well as the economic development of regions and districts and, consequently, the well-being of people, depend on the solution of these problems.

2.4 Drilling mud

Drilling mud - a complex multicomponent dispersed system of suspension, emulsion and aerated fluids used for flushing wells while drilling. To prepare drilling fluids, finely dispersed, plastic clays with a minimum sand content are used, capable of forming a viscous suspension with water that does not settle for a long time.

When circulating in the well, the drilling fluid: creates a back pressure to the pore pressure; cleans the bottom of the cuttings; transports cuttings from the well; transfers hydraulic energy to the downhole motor and bit; prevents debris, landslides, etc.; provides lubricating and anticorrosive action on the drilling tool; cools and lubricates the bit; providing information about the geological section.

The choice of mud formulations for drilling individual intervals of deep wells in difficult mining and geological conditions is the most difficult, therefore, the use of universal drilling fluids is very effective, allowing, with minimal adjustments, to ensure the drilling of various drilling intervals. Minimizing the consumption of materials for the preparation of the solid phase of drilling fluids simplifies the task of their disposal.

Drilling fluids of the country are increasingly using drilling fluids with a low solids content (polymer clay, polymer fluids, condensed solid phase fluids, etc.). This makes it possible to reduce the consumption of clays, increase the ROP, and improve the technical and economic indicators of drilling operations.

Noteworthy is the method of using environmentally friendly drilling fluids based on peat and sapropel, developed at the Tomsk Polytechnic University.

To prepare drilling mud from peat, soda, KSSB, CMC and other non-deficient and environmentally friendly substances are used. The drilling mud was characterized by stability of properties, it was easily cleaned of cuttings.

The cost of 1 m of drilling a well using peat mud for flushing is about 2 times lower than that of a clay mud. If we take into account that additional costs are required for the neutralization and disposal of toxic drilling waste, then the economic efficiency of the use of peat solutions will be much higher. Peat drilling fluids are suitable for drilling wells in clay and carbonate rocks, salt deposits, as well as when opening productive formations. In many cases, peat can be replaced by clays and chalk, thus obtaining solutions with a low solids content and an insignificant consumption of alkaline and polymer reagents and surfactants.

It should be noted that since the concentration of the solid phase of peat solutions is low (2-8%), the consumption of reagents is, accordingly, two to three times less than for the treatment of clay and chalk drilling fluids. Effective and cheap reagents and modifiers for clay solutions were obtained on the basis of peat.

A distinctive feature of peat drilling fluids is their good compatibility with clay, carbonate and saline fluids, as well as with all polymer additives. The density of the solution can be adjusted by selecting the appropriate genetic type of sapropel: organic sapropel and peat sapropel make it possible to obtain drilling muds with a density of 1.01-1.03 g / cm3, silica and mixed sapropels 1.04-1.06 g / cm3, carbonate - 1, 07-1.12 g / cm3. If necessary, they can be additionally weighted with chalk and barite.

Peat is a cheap and widespread organogenic raw material and can be used both naturally and in the form of lump products of numerous peat enterprises. It is especially promising to use peat instead of clay in hard-to-reach regions of Siberia and the Far North, since the cost of clay powders is $ 35-40 / t, and transport costs for their delivery to the Tyumen region reach $ 100 / t.

Compositions of peat-based drilling fluids have been developed for drilling wells in permafrost rocks, clay deposits and opening up productive strata. High technological and rheological properties are possessed by polymer peat solutions with an insignificant consumption of high-molecular compounds and surfactants, suitable for drilling wells under conditions of high temperatures and pressures, as well as polymineral aggression. Peat drilling fluids are environmentally friendly, easily cleaned of cuttings, after use they can be used for recultivation of disturbed lands both in the form of solutions and the resulting unused peat residues in wells.

On the basis of peat and sapropels, lightweight cementing materials for well casing have been obtained, which have high corrosion resistance in relation to formation waters. In addition, when using them, cement savings are achieved.

According to the calculations of VNIIKR oil, reducing the consumption of materials by only 1% when drilling wells will allow, without additional costs for their production, only in the Ministry of Oil Industry to increase the volume of penetration by 200-300 thousand meters. The use of peat and sapropel in drilling will make it possible to significantly reduce the cost of purchasing mud powder and chemical reagents. But the main economic effect can be obtained by reducing the environmental burden on the environment and reducing the cost of environmental protection measures.

The use of cheap and widespread organogenic raw materials with high adsorption and ion-exchange capacity is also possible for the treatment of drilling wastewater. Widespread use of peat and sapropel is known to increase the fertility of unproductive soils. All this testifies to the need for large-scale introduction of peat and sapropel for the neutralization of drilling waste and reclamation of disturbed lands.

A significant part of the reagents used to regulate the properties of solutions are, to one degree or another, harmful to human health. When introduced into a solution and evaporated, they pollute the air, as a result of which their concentration in the air of the working area (space up to 2 m above the floor or working platform level, where the places of permanent or temporary stay of workers are located) is limited. The maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of harmful substances in the air of the working area in accordance with GOST 12.1.005-76 are concentrations that, during daily (except weekends) work for 8 hours or for another duration, but not more than 41 hours per week, during of the entire work experience cannot cause diseases or deviations in the state of health, detected by modern research methods, in the process of work or long-term periods of life of the present and subsequent generations. "

2.5 Offshore drilling

The depletion of oil and gas reserves on land is gradually increasing and the world energy crisis is aggravating, this leads to the need for more and more extensive development of the oil and gas resources of the seabed.

Oil production in the sea is now about 1/3 of the world. Already at the present time, countries such as Norway, Great Britain, the Netherlands fully satisfy their oil needs through offshore fields, and Great Britain also in gas.

The potential resources of oil and gas in the waters of the World Ocean exceed their reserves on land by almost three times.

Russia is currently on the verge of commercial development of oil and gas reserves on the continental shelf. It has 22% of the shelf area of ​​the World Ocean, 80% of which are considered promising for hydrocarbon production. About 85% of the reserves of fuel and energy resources are on the shelf of the Arctic seas, 12% on the shelf of the Far Eastern seas, and the rest on the shelves of the Caspian, Black, Azov and Baltic seas.

3. The main man-made objects and their impact on the environment

3.1 Equipment used when drilling wells

Well drilling is carried out using drilling rigs, equipment and tools.

Figure 1. Drilling rig

A drilling rig is a complex of surface equipment required to perform well drilling operations (Figure 1). The rig includes:


· equipment for the mechanization of round-trip operations (hoists and winches);

· surface equipment directly used in drilling;


· drilling mud circulation system;

· near-terrain structures.

The tool used in drilling is divided into main (bits) and auxiliary (drill pipes, drill joints, centralizers).

Drill pipes are designed to transmit rotation to the bit (for rotary drilling).

3.2 Well design

The upper part of the well is called the wellhead, the bottom is the bottomhole, the side surface is the wall, and the space bounded by the wall is the wellbore. The borehole length is the distance from the wellhead to the bottomhole along the borehole axis, and the depth is the projection of the length onto the vertical axis. Length and depth are numerically equal only for vertical wells. However, they are not the same for deviated and deviated wells.

Figure 2. Well construction

The following rows of casing are lowered into the well (Figure 2):

Direction - to prevent wellhead washout.

Conductor - for fixing the upper unstable intervals of the section, isolating horizons with groundwater, installing blowout equipment at the mouth.

Intermediate casing (one or more) - to prevent possible complications when drilling deeper intervals (when drilling the same type of section of strong rocks, there may be no casing).

Production casing - to isolate horizons and extract oil and gas from the reservoir to the surface. The production string is equipped with elements of the string and casing (packers, shoe, check valve, centralizer, thrust ring, etc.).

3.3 Types of offshore drilling rigs

Drilling barge- for drilling wells mainly in shallow and sheltered areas (Figure 3). Scope - inland deposits: river mouths, lakes, swamps, canals and at shallow depths (usually from 2 to 5 meters). Drilling barges are usually non-self-propelled and therefore unable to operate in high seas situations.

Figure 3. Drilling barge

The jack-up floating drilling rig is a floating pontoon with an oil rig in the center and support columns in the corners. At the drilling site, the strings sink to the bottom and go deeper into the ground, and the platform rises above the water. The depth of water in which a jack-up drilling platform can operate is limited, as a rule, by the length of the supports and does not exceed 150 meters. stability depends on what kind of soil is at the bottom of the sea.

Submersible drilling rig.Not a common type of drilling rigs.

The submersible installation is a platform with two hulls placed on top of each other. The upper building houses the living quarters for the crew. The lower part is filled with air (which provides buoyancy) when moving, and after arriving at the destination, air is released from the lower case, and the drilling platform sinks to the bottom.

The advantage is high mobility, however, the depth of drilling operations is small and does not exceed 25 meters.

Semi-submersible platformsused at great depths (more than 1500 m). The platforms float above the drilling site, supported by heavy anchors. The structure includes supports that provide buoyancy to the platform and provide a lot of weight to maintain an upright position. (when the air is discharged, the semi-submersible installation is only partially submerged without reaching the seabed and remains afloat).

During drilling operations, the lower body is filled with water, as a result of which the necessary stability is achieved.

Drilling ship

Drilling vessels are self-propelled and therefore do not require towing to the work site. They are specially designed for drilling wells at great depths (unlimited). The drilling shaft runs through the entire hull of the ship, expanding towards the bottom. Oil, extracted and then refined, is stored in the tanks of the hull, and subsequently loaded into shuttle cargo tankers.

Gravity drilling platforms are the most stable, as they have a strong concrete base resting on the seabed. This base contains wellbore strings, storage tanks for mined raw materials and pipelines, and an oil rig is located on top of the base. The seabed at the site of the gravity platforms must be carefully prepared. Even a slight slope of the bottom threatens to turn the rig into a Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the presence of protuberances on the bottom can cause a split in the base.

3.4 The impact of man-made objects on the environment

The modern technology of well casing during drilling is imperfect and does not provide reliable separation of layers behind the casing. For this reason, fluid flows from high-pressure formations to low-pressure ones, i.e. most often from the bottom up. As a result, the quality of the entire hydrosphere sharply deteriorates.

During exploration, exploitation and transportation of oil, land is being withdrawn, natural waters and the atmosphere are polluted. All components of the environment in oil production areas are under intense anthropogenic pressure, while the level of negative impact is determined by the scale and duration of exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits.

The processes of exploration, drilling, production, preparation, transportation and storage of oil and gas require large volumes of water for technological, transport, household and fire-fighting needs with the simultaneous discharge of the same volumes of highly mineralized wastewater containing chemicals, surfactants and oil products. ...

Sources of pollution of the territory and water bodies in oil fields are present to one degree or another in any section of the technological scheme from a well to reservoirs of oil refineries.

The main environmental pollutants in the technological processes of oil production are: oil and oil products, sulfurous and hydrogen sulfide-containing gases, saline formation and waste water from oil fields and well drilling, drilling sludge, oil and water treatment and chemical reagents used to intensify oil production, drilling and oil treatment , gas and water (Table 1. shows the main negative impacts of works on the OS).

Table 1.

Negative impact on the environment of exploration and production works in oil fields

Production and technological stages Natural objects Ground surface Water environment Atmospheric air Search and exploration Disturbance and pollution of soil and vegetation cover. Alienation of land for the construction of drilling rigs and the placement of temporary settlements. Activation of exogenous geological processes. Decrease in bioproductivity of ecosystems Pollution of surface and ground waters with flushing fluid, salinization of surface water bodies during the spontaneous outflow of brines exposed by structural exploration and exploration wells Emergency emissions of oil and gas during drilling and well development. Gas and dust pollution during the construction of roads and industrial sites Extraction Withdrawal of land from agricultural use for oil field facilities Disturbance of isolation of aquifers due to overflows Contamination of hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur and nitrogen oxides during well operation. Release of waste gases by vehicles and engines of drilling rigs Primary processing and transportation Land for waste storage. Violation of the environmental situation during the construction and operation of main oil pipelines Leakage of oil products and chemical reagents from tanks and dosing installations. Contamination of surface and underground waters with fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants), household and technical waste. Spraying and bottling of oil and oil products. Losses during evaporation of light oil fractions during storage in tanks and during loading and unloading operations

The well construction technology used in our time causes both man-made disturbances on the earth's surface and changes in physical and chemical conditions at a depth when opening reservoir layers during drilling. Numerous chemicals used to prepare drilling fluids are environmental pollutants in drilling and well equipment. To date, not all reagents included in the composition of drilling fluids have established MPCs and limiting hazard indicators.

Oil and oil products significantly pollute the environment, which can come to the surface not only as components of drilling fluids, but also when using fuels and lubricants, when testing wells or as a result of an accident.

During the construction of the drilling site, air pollution is mainly limited by the emissions of exhaust gases from vehicle engines into the atmosphere.

The operation of diesel installations during the year at one drilling rig provides the emission of up to 2 tons of hydrocarbons and soot into the atmosphere, more than 30 tons of nitrogen oxide, 8 tons of carbon monoxide, 5 tons of sulfur dioxide.

During the period of drilling a well, drilling muds have a negative impact on the soil layer, surface and underground waters, the consumption of which per object can reach 30 m3 / day. In addition, when drilling wells, it is possible to use petroleum products in the amount of up to 1,000 tons per year.

During the well test period, hydrocarbon pollution prevails, and at the stage of dismantling the drilling site, the territory is polluted due to used technical materials and equipment that cannot be restored.

The composition of flushing fluids includes a number of chemical ingredients that have toxic properties (ammonium, phenols, cyano groups, lead, barium, polyacrylamide, etc.) Especially serious environmental consequences are caused by the discharge of special-purpose flushing fluids, for example, on a solar basis. The presence of organic reagents promotes the formation of suspensions and colloidal systems in wastewater.

Sources of pollution during well drilling can be divided into permanent and temporary (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Classification of pollution sources during well drilling

3.5 Environmental Issues While Drilling Wells

So, below are the main environmental problems that arise when drilling wells:

· the ability to cause deep transformations of natural objects of the earth's crust at great depths - up to 10-12 thousand meters. In the process of oil and gas production, large-scale and very significant impacts on reservoirs (oil, gas, aquifers, etc.) are carried out. Thus, intensive oil withdrawal on a large scale from highly porous sandy reservoirs - reservoirs leads to a significant decrease in reservoir pressure, i.e. formation fluid pressure - oil, gas, water. Thus, the balance of the lithosphere is disturbed, i.e. the geological environment is disturbed;

· In order to maintain reservoir pressure, injection of surface water and various mixtures into reservoirs is widely used, which leads to a complete change in the physicochemical environment in them. Do not forget about the amount of water pumped into the reservoirs;

· In emergency situations with open flowing fluids can pour out onto the day surface and directly pollute the natural environment - soil, land, water, atmosphere, vegetation;

· In the process of drilling wells, even without disrupting the technology, drilling fluids enter the absorbing horizons, as well as the penetration of the filtrate of solutions into the near-wellbore space;

· Highly toxic gases such as, for example, hydrogen sulphide can come from the well and be released from the solution; flares in which unused associated petroleum gas is burned are environmentally hazardous;

· it is necessary to withdraw the corresponding land plots from agricultural, forestry or other use. Oil and gas production facilities (wells, oil gathering points, etc.) occupy relatively small areas in comparison, for example, with coal pits, which occupy very large areas (both the open pit itself and overburden dumps);

· The use of a huge number of vehicles, especially automotive vehicles for preparing drilling and carrying out uril work. All this equipment - automobile, tractor, river and sea vessels, aircraft, internal combustion engines in the drives of drilling rigs, etc. in one way or another they pollute the environment: the atmosphere - with exhaust gases, water and soil - with oil products (diesel fuel and oils), mechanically (soil is pressed).

4. Measures to reduce the negative impact

4.1 Stage of preparatory work for the construction of exploration wells

At the first stage of preparatory work for the construction of exploration wells, there is a need for a rational choice of land plots for the construction of drilling sites. The provision of land allotments for the construction of wells for temporary use is carried out for the entire period of exploration of a mineral, after which they must be returned to the user of the land in a condition suitable for agricultural use. To ensure effective environmental protection and reliable protection of the subsoil, it is necessary to have the following data: a description of the complex geological structure, justification for the selection of the necessary equipment and materials, the estimated volumes of drilling fluids and the resulting drilling waste, the selection and provision of progressive systems for opening productive formations, reducing material losses in the process exploration, decoding of economic and environmental indicators of drilling operations.

Special attention should be paid to taking measures for possible complications and accidents while drilling wells, preserving land plots from pollution, neutralizing them and completely restoring them to their original state suitable for further use.

The size of the allotted areas during drilling operations depends on the purpose and depth of the wells, the equipment used and near-surface structures. So, for example, for the construction of structural exploration wells using drilling rigs with a diesel drive on a flat surface relief, areas of 2500 m are required, and in mountainous areas - 3600 m. the topography, respectively, is NOOO and 16000 m.For the placement of residential settlements, depending on the number of workers, the allotment of necessary land can additionally reach 7400 m. m3 - 4500 m2. For metal tanks for collecting oil products with a volume of 200 m3, plots with an area of ​​3500 m3 are required.

Before the delivery of materials and equipment to the drilling site under construction, it is necessary to carry out work to remove the fertile surface layer of the earth. To collect liquid drilling waste and cuttings, sludge pits are built, the volume of which depends on the depth and diameter of the wells. To provide the drilling with clean water in the amount of 400 m3 or more, it is necessary to drill an additional well for water, which then enters the barn in the form of drilling waste water.

Oil inflows, waste waste and sludge can also enter here. The brines have a mineralization of up to 250 g / l and they are discharged into the barn. Thus, the pits accumulate liquid and solid drilling waste of a complex composition, which has aggressive components that pose a great threat to the environment.

When drilling deep wells for oil, there are the highest environmental loads on the environment and widespread subsoil pollution due to poor-quality reservoir insulation. Substandard materials and toxic chemical reagents also cause significant harm to the environment. In addition, due to imperfections and long periods of transportation and storage, materials such as cement and chemical reagents lose their original properties, which leads to cost overruns and costs.

One of the most important reserves for improving the quality of flushing and casing wells, reducing environmental stress on the environment is the use of an optimal amount of high-quality materials, which for exploration and production wells, respectively, account for 25 and 30% of the total costs of well construction. Reasonable standardized material consumption at the stages of design, planning and operational management of the well construction process is of great importance. In this regard, VNIIKR Neft has developed algorithms and programs to optimize the consumption of materials for flushing and a method for determining the volume of waste drilling fluids during well drilling.

Taking into account the losses of binder and reagents for well cementing allows to achieve their significant savings and increase the efficiency and quality of work on separation of layers.

4.2 Disposal of used drilling fluids

Drilling waste (OB) -these are drilling waste water (BSW), waste drilling fluids (OBR) and drill cuttings (BSH).

Drilling waste water- water generated during flushing of the drilling site, drilling equipment and tools; contain residues of drilling mud, chemicals, oil

Drill cuttings- a mixture of water and particles of destroyed bottom hole and borehole walls, drill, casing, abrasive material. Usually it rises to the surface when cleaning the well with special devices (bailers, spoons, glasses, etc.). That part of Sh. B., Which is carried out of the well by the drilling fluid, is called drilling mud. Particles that are trapped in drill cuttings are commonly referred to as cuttings.

Waste drilling mud is the mud obtained after the completion of the construction cycle of a well or part of it. OBR are formed as a result of mud production during drilling of intervals formed by clay rocks, change of one type of mud to another, as well as during the elimination of accidents and complications.

Drilling waste disposal:

OBR that meet certain requirements can be reused for drilling another well.

Drilling waste is collected in two barns on the territory of the drilling site. The barns are lined with plastic wrap (Figure 5). The heavy fraction of the waste settles at the bottom of the barn (mechanical separation into liquid and solid phases). The clarified part (if the chemical analysis meets the requirements for safe discharge) is dumped at the rig site, used for other technological purposes, or disposed of. After pumping out the clarified part, the sediment is treated with a thickening (dolomite) and hardening (cement mortar) composition and buried.

Figure 5. Slurry pit

4.3 Measures to protect lands from technogenic impact

To prevent and eliminate the consequences of the negative impact of man-made factors on the soil and vegetation cover, measures are used that are subdivided in relation to prospecting and exploration work and oil production in the fields (Scheme 1).

Scheme 1. List of measures to protect land from technogenic impact

An important area of ​​land conservation is cluster well drilling.

At the same time, specific capital investments for each well are reduced, the rate of land allotment is reduced, and the length of communications is reduced. At the same time, the circulation of formation waters is limited when they are collected in the reservoir pressure maintenance system, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the environment.

Depending on the intensity and duration of soil and ground pollution with oil products, technical, chemical and biological reclamation is envisaged.

The first of them includes works on cleaning the territory, leveling disturbed areas and mechanical processing of the soil (loosening, disking) for artificial aeration of its upper horizons and accelerated weathering of the pollutant. To restore the productivity of oilfield lands, it is recommended to deep plow them and leave them for fumes (solar thermal reclamation). Under the influence of heliothermal treatment, the processes of degradation of oil products are intensified, the water-air regime is improved, and the biochemical activity of soils increases.

In order to create optimal conditions for the vital activity of bacterial microorganisms capable of assimilating hydrocarbons, acidic soils are subjected to liming. To restore the quality of sod-podzolic soils, which have been transformed into technogenic salt marshes as a result of oil pollution, gypsum is used together with artificial moistening.


So, drilling of wells for oil and gas, carried out at the stages of regional work, prospecting, exploration, and development, is the most time-consuming and expensive process. In addition, well drilling entails a wide range of serious environmental problems, both in terms of mechanical impact on the environment (the well construction technology used nowadays causes man-made disruptions on the earth's surface), and in terms of chemical pollution (oil and oil products pollute the environment. , which can come to the surface not only as components of drilling fluids, but also when using fuels and lubricants, when testing wells or as a result of an accident; the composition of flushing fluids includes a number of chemical ingredients that have toxic properties).

Thus, environmental issues while drilling are very important today and must be addressed rationally.

So, for example, one of the most important factors in improving the quality of flushing and casing of wells, as well as reducing the environmental load on the environment, is the use of the optimal amount of high-quality materials (for exploration and production wells, they account for about 30% of construction costs).

Again, the problem of excessive material costs arises - drilling equipment, its operation and storage require high costs, but to save on high-quality well casing tools, drilling fluids, etc. impractical, since an unscrupulous approach to the organization of production can lead to accidents and colossal damage to the OS.


1. Akulyshin A.N. and other Operation of oil and gas wells. - M .: Nedra, 1889, 480 p.

Ishmurzin A.A. Machines and equipment for the collection and treatment of oil, gas and water. - Ufa: Ed. Ufimsk. Oil. in-ta, 1981, 90 p.

Krets V.G., Koltsov V.A., Lukyanov V.G., Saruev L.A. and other Oilfield equipment. Set of Catalogs. - Tomsk: Ed. TPU, 1997, 822 p.

Reference guide for the design, development and operation of oil fields. Oil production. Ed. Sh.K. Gimatudinova. - M: Nedra, 1983, 455 p.

Technique and technology of oil production: Textbook for universities / A.Kh. Mirzajanzade, I.M. Akhmetov, A.M. Khasaev and V.I. Gusev. Ed. Prof. A.Kh. Mirzajanzade. - M .: Nedra, 1986, 382 p.



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Drilling is the impact of special equipment on the soil layers, as a result of which a well is formed in the ground, through which valuable resources will be extracted. The process of drilling oil wells is carried out in different directions of work, which depend on the location of the soil or rock layer: it can be horizontal, vertical or inclined.

As a result of work in the ground, a cylindrical void in the form of a straight hole, or a well, is formed. Its diameter can be different depending on the purpose, but it is always less than the length parameter. The beginning of the well is located on the soil surface. The walls are called the wellbore, and the bottom of the well is called the bottomhole.

Key milestones

While medium and light equipment can be used for water wells, only heavy equipment can be used for oil drilling. The drilling process can only be carried out using special equipment.

The process itself is divided into the following stages:

  • Delivery of equipment to the site where the work will be carried out.
  • The actual drilling of the mine. The process includes several works, one of which is the deepening of the shaft, which occurs with the help of regular washing and further destruction of the rock.
  • To prevent the wellbore from being destroyed and clogged, the rock formations are strengthened. For this purpose, a special column of interconnected pipes is laid into the space. The place between the pipe and the rock is fixed with cement mortar: this work is called plugging.
  • The last job is mastering. The last layer of the rock is opened on it, the bottom-hole zone is formed, and the mine is perforated and the fluid outflow is carried out.

Site preparation

To organize the process of drilling an oil well, a preparatory stage will also need to be carried out. In the event that the development is carried out in the area of ​​a forest, it is required, in addition to the preparation of the main documentation, to obtain consent to work in the leshoz. The preparation of the site itself includes the following steps:

  1. Cutting down trees on the site.
  2. Breaking the zone into separate parts of the land.
  3. Drawing up a work plan.
  4. Creation of a settlement for the placement of labor.
  5. Preparation of the base for the drilling station.
  6. Carrying out markings at the place of work.
  7. Creation of foundations for the installation of tanks in a warehouse with combustible materials.
  8. Arrangement of warehouses, delivery and debugging of equipment.

After that, you need to start preparing equipment directly for drilling oil wells. This stage includes the following processes:

  • Installation and testing of equipment.
  • Power line routing.
  • Installation of bases and auxiliary elements for the tower.
  • Installation of the tower and lifting to the required height.
  • Debugging of all equipment.

When the equipment for drilling oil wells is ready for operation, it is necessary to obtain a conclusion from a special commission that the equipment is in good working order and ready to work, and the personnel have sufficient knowledge in the field of safety rules at work of this kind. When checking, it is clarified whether the lighting devices have the correct design (they must have an explosion-resistant casing), whether lighting with a voltage of 12V is installed along the depth of the mine. Performance and safety considerations must be taken into account in advance.

Before drilling a well, it is necessary to install a hole, deliver pipes to strengthen the borehole, a bit, small special equipment for auxiliary work, casing pipes, instruments for measuring while drilling, provide water supply and resolve other issues.

The drilling site contains accommodation for workers, technical rooms, a laboratory building for analyzing soil samples and the results obtained, warehouses for inventory and small tools, as well as medical and security equipment.

Features of oil well drilling

After installation, the processes of re-equipment of the tackle system begin: in the course of these works, equipment is mounted, and also small mechanical means are tested. The installation of the mast opens the process of drilling into the soil; the direction must not deviate from the axial center of the tower.

After the alignment is completed, a well is created for the direction: this process refers to the installation of a pipe to strengthen the wellbore and filling the initial part with cement. After setting the direction, the centering between the tower itself and the rotor axles is re-adjusted.

Pit drilling is carried out in the center of the wellbore, and in the process, casing is made using pipes. When drilling a hole, a turbo drill is used; to adjust the rotation speed, it is necessary to hold it by means of a rope, which is fixed on the rig itself, and is physically held by the other part.

A couple of days before the launch of the drilling rig, when the preparatory stage has passed, a conference is held with the participation of members of the administration: technologists, geologists, engineers, drillers. The issues discussed at the conference include the following:

  • Layout of reservoirs in an oil field: a layer of clay, a layer of sandstone with water carriers, a layer of oil deposits.
  • Well design features.
  • Rock composition at the point of research and development.
  • Taking into account possible difficulties and complicating factors that may arise when drilling an oil well in a particular case.
  • Review and analysis of the map of standards.
  • Consideration of issues related to trouble-free wiring.

Documents and equipment: basic requirements

The process of drilling a well for oil can only begin after a number of documents have been drawn up. These include the following:

  • Permission to start exploitation of the drilling site.
  • Map of standards.
  • Drilling Fluid Journal.
  • Journal of labor protection at work.
  • Accounting for the functioning of diesel engines.
  • Rotational log.

To the main mechanical equipment and consumables that are used in the process of drilling a well, include the following types:

  • Cementing equipment, cement slurry itself.
  • Safety equipment.
  • Logging mechanisms.
  • Process water.
  • Reagents for various purposes.
  • Drinking water.
  • Pipes for casing and actual drilling.
  • Helicopter pad.

Well types

In the process of drilling an oil well, a mine is formed in the rock, which is checked for the presence of oil or gas by perforating the wellbore, which stimulates the inflow of the desired substance from the productive area. After that, the drilling equipment is dismantled, the well is sealed with the date of the beginning and end of drilling, and then the garbage is removed, and the metal parts are disposed of.

At the beginning of the process, the trunk diameter is up to 90 cm, and by the end it rarely reaches 16.5 cm. In the course of work, well construction is done in several stages:

  1. Deepening the day of the well, for which the drilling equipment is used: it crushes the rock.
  2. Removing debris from the mine.
  3. Securing the barrel with pipes and cement.
  4. The work, during which the resulting fault is being investigated, identifies the productive locations of oil.
  5. Depth descent and cementing.

Wells can differ in depth and are divided into the following types:

  • Small (up to 1500 meters).
  • Medium (up to 4500 meters).
  • In-depth (up to 6000 meters).
  • Superdeep (over 6,000 meters).

Well drilling involves crushing an entire rock formation with a chisel. The resulting parts are removed by washing with a special solution; the depth of the mine becomes deeper when the entire bottomhole area is destroyed.

Problems while drilling oil wells

While drilling wells, you can encounter a number of technical problems that will slow down or make work almost impossible. These include the following phenomena:

  • Trunk collapses, landslides.
  • Leaving in the soil for flushing (removing parts of the rock).
  • Emergency conditions of equipment or mine.
  • Errors in barrel drilling.

Most often, wall collapses occur due to the fact that the rock has an unstable structure. Signs of collapse are increased pressure, a high viscosity of the fluid used for flushing, and an increased number of rock pieces that come to the surface.

Liquid absorption most often occurs when the underlying layer takes the entire solution into itself. Its porous system or high absorbency contributes to this phenomenon.

In the process of drilling a well, the drill, which moves clockwise, reaches the bottom hole and rises back. The well is drilled down to the bedrock layers, into which a tie-in of up to 1.5 meters takes place. So that the well is not washed out, a pipe is immersed in the beginning, it also serves as a means of conducting the flushing solution directly into the trough.

The drill, as well as the spindle, can rotate at different speeds and frequencies; this indicator depends on what types of rocks you need to punch through, what diameter of the crown will be formed. The speed is controlled by a regulator that adjusts the level of load on the bit used for drilling. In the process of work, the necessary pressure is created, which is exerted on the walls of the face and the cutters of the projectile itself.

Well drilling design

Before starting the process of creating an oil well, a project is drawn up in the form of a drawing, in which the following aspects are indicated:

  • Properties of the discovered rocks (resistance to destruction, hardness, degree of water content).
  • Well depth, angle of inclination.
  • Shaft diameter at the end: this is important to determine how much the hardness of the rocks affects it.
  • Well drilling method.

The design of an oil well must begin with determining the depth, the final diameter of the shaft itself, as well as the level of drilling and design features. Geological analysis allows to resolve these issues regardless of the type of well.

Drilling methods

The process of creating a well for oil production can be carried out in several ways:

  • Shock rope method.
  • Working with rotary mechanisms.
  • Drilling a well using a downhole motor.
  • Turbine drilling.
  • Drilling a well using a screw motor.
  • Drilling a well with an electric drill.

The first method is one of the most well-known and proven methods, in which case the mine is punctured by bit blows, which are performed at regular intervals. The blows are made through the influence of the weight of the chisel and the weighted rod. The lifting of the equipment is due to the balancer of the drilling equipment.

Working with rotary equipment is based on the rotation of the mechanism with the help of a rotor, which is placed at the wellhead through the pipes for drilling, which function as a shaft. Small wells are drilled by means of a spindle motor in the process. The rotary drive is connected to a cardan shaft and a winch: this device allows you to control the speed at which the shafts rotate.

Drilling with a turbine is carried out by transferring the rotating moment to the string from the motor. The same method also allows the transmission of hydraulics energy. With this method, only one channel of energy supply functions at the level to the bottom.

A turbodrill is a special mechanism that converts the energy of hydraulics in the pressure of the solution into mechanical energy, which ensures rotation.

The process of drilling an oil well consists of lowering and lifting a string into a shaft, as well as holding it in place. Column is a prefabricated structure of pipes that are connected to each other by means of special locks. The main task is to transfer different types of energy to the bit. Thus, movement is carried out, leading to deepening and development of the well.

Drilling volumes in Russia have fully recovered after the 2014–2015 crisis, when the decline in oil prices and sanctions led to a reduction in investment in the domestic oil sector. At the same time, drilling is becoming more and more technologically complex and expensive, but experts believe that the current peak in footage will not last long. Trends in the Russian drilling market in the review of "Siberian Oil" The article uses materials from the research of the service market in the oil industry, provided by the Techart company. .

The ups and downs

After the 2009 crisis in 2010–2013. In Russia, there has been a dynamic increase in drilling footage. During this period, production directional drilling was most actively used. The growth in production drilling meterage during this period was 26.1%, and in exploration drilling - 14.9%.

In 2014, the situation changed: oil prices fell, Russia found itself under sanctions from the EU and the United States, as a result of which investment activity decreased, and the volume of meterage decreased again. However, this indicator was influenced by another factor: an increase in the volume of horizontal drilling, which makes it possible to obtain a higher flow rate of wells compared to directional drilling. The scope of work in this area from 2008 to 2015 increased by 4.3 times. According to Teckart, the share of horizontal drilling in the total production drilling in 2016 was 33.5% (8.3 million meters).

As a result, the drop in the total drilled volume in 2014 was 4.1% compared to 2013. At the same time, exploratory drilling, on the contrary, increased by 21.6%. A year later, the picture changed to the opposite: production drilling won back the fall in 2014, while exploration, on the contrary, declined. 2016 was characterized by an increase in both production and exploration drilling. The volume of meterage in production drilling at the end of 2016 amounted to 24.8 million meters (+ 14.5%), in exploration - 910.0 thousand meters (+ 6.1%).

In monetary terms, however, the changes in the market looked different. Due to the complication of production conditions, the depletion of traditional fields, in recent years, the demand for such technological services as sidetracking and horizontal drilling is growing, the average well depth is increasing and, accordingly, the volume of investments per meter drilled.

Structure of the Russian service market in the oil and gas industry

by type of service in 2016,% of the total volume in value terms

Infographics: Daria Hasek

The growth of work production in new regions with more difficult conditions (when developing new fields in Eastern Siberia, Timan-Pechora region, etc.) also necessitates higher costs. The lack of infrastructure in the regions and difficult natural conditions require specialized machinery and equipment, which leads to higher prices and an increase in the average cost of a well.

According to the Central Dispatch Office of the Fuel and Energy Complex, in 2016 the total investment in production and exploration drilling for all companies producing oil in Russia amounted to RUB 673.5 billion. ($ 11.1 billion). The increase in investment in production drilling compared to 2015 is estimated at 19.4%. Investments in exploration drilling increased to 9%.

Share of horizontal drilling in RF
in 2011–2016,

% of the total production drilling

Average annual growth rate (CAGR) of investments in drilling in 2011-2016 amounted to 13.4%. At the same time, due to changes in exchange rates, the average indicator for the same period in dollar terms showed negative dynamics (-1.9%).

In 2016, the average cost of penetration per meter in production drilling, calculated as the ratio of the investment volume to the total penetration rate, increased by 4.2% (in ruble terms). The same trend was observed in exploration drilling. The average cost of penetration has shown continuous growth throughout 2011–2016. and in 2016 reached the level of 57.9 thousand rubles / m for production and 25 thousand rubles / m for exploration drilling.

Major players

All oilfield service companies currently represented on the Russian market are conventionally divided by analysts into three groups.

The first includes service divisions within the vertically integrated oil companies: NK Rosneft, service divisions of Surgutneftegaz, Bashneft, Slavneft, etc. It should be noted that if in 2009–2013. service divisions were actively withdrawn from the vertically integrated oil companies, then the current trend, on the contrary, is the development of their own or affiliated services by oil and gas companies.

Drilling volume dynamics in RF
in 2011–2016,%

Source: Tekart based on data from CDU TEK

The second group includes foreign service companies: Schlumberger, Weatherford (in August 2014 Russian and Venezuelan oilfield service assets were purchased by Rosneft), Baker Hughes, as well as a number of second-tier companies (KCA Deutag, Nabors Drilling, Eriell and others).

The third group is made up of large independent Russian companies, whose turnover exceeds $ 100 million. They have arisen as a result of acquisitions of oilfield services divisions of oil companies or as a result of mergers of smaller service companies. These include BC Eurasia, Siberian Service Company, Gazprom Burenie (sold to A. Rotenberg's structures in 2011).

Average cost of drilling
in 2011–2016, thousand rubles

Source: Tekart based on data from CDU TEK

Currently, the leadership in the Russian oil and gas drilling market remains with large independent companies and structural subdivisions of vertically integrated oil companies. At the end of 2016, the TOP-3 market participants in terms of drilling meterage (in descending order) included EDC (BC Eurasia and SGK-Burenie, previously owned by the Schlumberger group), service divisions of OJSC NK Surgutneftegaz and RN-drilling. In total, these three companies accounted for about 49% of the total drilled.

Experts assess the technological level of independent Russian service companies as “average”. So far, in comparison with the generally recognized leaders of the world market, they can offer standard services with an optimal price / quality ratio.

The service structures of vertically integrated oil companies, in terms of technological capabilities, are also at an average level. As a rule, they have the closest ties with scientific industry institutes and have a number of unique patents. Their additional advantage is a large margin of safety and access to the funds of the parent company to finance the purchase of expensive fixed assets.

Foreign service companies, leaders of the global service industry, acted as the main technology suppliers in the Russian Federation in the early 2000s. Currently, such players as Schlumberger and Halliburton account for about 14% of the Russian oil and gas service market in monetary terms. However, they are not represented among the largest participants in the drilling services market.

The main competitive advantage of large foreign companies is the latest service technologies. Foreign companies were among the first in Russia to begin performing complex hydraulic fracturing operations, brought cementing, drilling fluid preparation and other drilling support services to a new level, used coiled tubing technology for the first time, and offer modern software products.

Their main disadvantage is the high cost of services. It is for this reason that there is currently a decrease in the activity of foreign market participants in Russia. Practice shows that Russian oil companies prefer to turn to domestic contractors for simple drilling. They use the services of foreign companies mainly in the implementation of complex projects - here technologies and competencies in the field of integrated project management are in demand.

It should be noted that for the world leaders of oilfield services in 2015–2016. after the record results of 2014, they became unsuccessful on the scale of the global market. Annual turnover for Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes and Weatherford declined 50-60% to 2010 levels.

Drilling in trend

Russian drilling companies are not public and do not publish information about their fleets, so it is rather difficult to assess their capacity. The Russian fleet of drilling rigs (DR) of all classes of carrying capacity, according to various estimates, ranges from 1000 to 1900 units. At the same time, the fleet of operating equipment in 2016 amounted to about 900 drilling rigs, according to Techart analysts.

From the point of view of the equipment used, each of the groups of companies has its own characteristics of the consumption of drilling rigs. Service divisions of vertically integrated oil companies, relying on the authority of the parent company and, as a rule, relatively high volumes of investment programs, often independently dictate the requirements for the purchased installations. For them, manufacturers are developing new modifications. Foreign contractors prefer to work with European and American equipment suppliers. Independent companies prioritize one supplier or another based on specific needs, ease of procurement, and equipment operation.

Alexey Cherepanov,
Head of operational efficiency programs for Gazprom Neft's own oilfield services:

Taking into account the introduction of new technologies for the use of big data, which penetrate almost all areas of human activity, drilling efficiency will increase, due to which the profitability threshold of many fields will significantly decrease. With the increase in drilling efficiency, as happened in the United States during the shale revolution, the relationship between meterage and the number of rigs will change or even disappear altogether. In Russia, the process of transition to high-tech drilling has already begun, therefore, in the absence of general economic shocks, one should expect at least a quantitative change in functional relationships and trends in the next few years.

If in the early 2000s, drilling rigs of foreign production were practically not supplied to Russia, then since 2006 imported products have gradually taken root in the Russian market. First of all, priority was given to European and American factories (Bentec, Drillmec, National Oil Well Varco, etc.).

However, the demand for drilling equipment in 2006-2008. was active around the world, which led to significant utilization levels of all major global manufacturers, which was taken advantage of by Chinese companies with a significant amount of unused capacity.

As a result, already in 2008, the share of Chinese drilling rigs, according to Tecard, accounted for more than 60% of the Russian market in physical terms.

In 2011 and 2012. the market underwent fundamental changes: the share of imports decreased. This was due to both the restoration of production at the Uralmash plant and the introduction of import duties in 2012: 10%, but not less than 2.5 euros / kg. As a result, prices for Chinese drilling rigs soared by 30-40%.

Over the past four years, a fairly stable ratio of domestic and foreign (primarily Chinese) products has been observed in the structure of purchases. Russian equipment is in first place (from 46% to 61%). It is followed by equipment imported from China (up to 39%). For 2015–2016 4 units of American production were imported to Russia.

At the moment, the main Russian players capable of producing demanded BU with a carrying capacity of 225–320 tons can produce up to 76 BU per year, 40 of which are at the Uralmash plant.

Forecast for the future

The prospects for the drilling and related services market are largely related to the development of the service market in the oil and gas industry as a whole.

Despite the decline in oil prices, the drilling market remains attractive to investors. This is due to the need to maintain the current level of production and development of new fields.

Contrary to previous years' expectations, Techart estimates that drilling peaked in 2016. In 2017, according to preliminary estimates, there will be some more increase in the increase in meterage, since this year it is planned to implement projects in the Bolshekhetskaya Depression (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) and the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskaya zone (Eastern Siberia). In the near future, large projects for the development of fields with large volumes of drilling are not planned, therefore, in 2018–2020. the penetration rate is expected to drop to 2016.

In addition to a slight increase in drilling meterage, the market is expected to grow faster in value terms. This is due to the fact that maintaining production at existing fields presents significant difficulties, and oil companies are moving to the development of new fields in regions such as Eastern Siberia and the Timan-Pechora region, where higher costs are required.

The term "production drilling"

Production drilling - this stage is a continuation of the work on the well, which was started during exploration drilling. Before production drilling, the construction of the site is underway, where it is planned to carry out, which is associated with the development of exploration drilling. So, in the area where production drilling is planned, all the necessary communications have already been carried out, roads have been built to ensure the process. Sometimes it happens that the site is not supplied with electricity for a number of reasons. Then diesel power plants are used, from which drilling rigs can already operate. Drilling of production wells differs from exploration drilling precisely in that all production wells are directional, and exploration wells are vertical. For drilling directional or horizontal wells, special navigation systems are used that track the location of the bit. It is installed in the BHA and measures parameters by transmitting them to the top using the drilling fluid. Horizontal wells can also be referred to as production wells. Their last string can enter the producing formation at an angle and then take a horizontal direction. Thus, a high degree of contact between the producing formation and the casing is achieved. Typically, horizontal wells have higher production rates than conventional wells.

There is also one more difference between production and exploration drilling. It consists in studies that are carried out directly in the wells. So, in exploration wells this volume of production and geophysical studies is very large, and in production wells it is limited only by the necessary minimum. Thus, the costs of examining an exploration well are much higher than those of examining a production well.

Drilling rigs are used for production drilling. They may also differ from those used in exploration drilling.

Since in the sixties there was a very high efficiency of exploration drilling, and many large deposits were discovered in the seventies, from that moment all the main efforts were thrown into drilling production wells. For an optimal balance between exploration and production drilling, field development experience as well as the development period are taken into account.

The stage of production drilling ends with the well testing process, or, in other words, its development. The main thing in testing a production well is the perforation process, which is an operation carried out in the well using firing devices to create holes in the casing, which are the communication between the reservoir and the well.

Companies that have production drilling in their news: TATNEFT , SLAVNEFT , RUSSNEFT ,