2 official works. Is it possible to officially get two jobs at the same time? About additional registration in the labor

For some, one job is good, but two is even better. And here everyone decides for himself what is most important to him - the size of wages or work experience, which is so necessary to obtain a higher position. There may be a huge number of reasons, but if a person has the opportunity to work in two jobs at once, then the question naturally arises as to whether it is possible to work in two jobs officially?

For many, this question causes some bewilderment, because one should have one, and in general, many do not even seek to find out if this is possible, making a choice in favor of a certain job. In our article we will talk about whether it is possible to work officially in two jobs at once, and even in different organizations.

You should start with the fact that you still have to choose. There can be only one main official source of income. However, it is possible to work fully officially in other jobs as well. In this case, all other jobs will be part-time. According to Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you can work part-time:

  • At the place of main work, that is, in the same organization;
  • With another employer.

Only even taking into account such freedom of choice in design, the combination of jobs has a list of restrictions. The number of part-time jobs itself can be very diverse, if the conditions for such a part-time job are met.

Many people get an additional job unofficially in order to receive illegal, but larger earnings through tax evasion. However, part-time work will be able to prove your seniority, which will play an important role when applying for a higher position.

Conditions for part-time work

Before applying for a part-time job, you will need to meet some conditions:

  • You must have a main source of income (main job);
  • A new part-time job should not be done during the execution of your main job. That is, work shifts or duties should be carried out in their spare time from the main ones;
  • The employer must conclude with you , where they will be registered at a part-time job.

Remember that for a part-time job, you need to discuss working conditions with the employer - agree on shifts, their order, as well as discuss the details of the performance of work duties. The restrictions will mainly concern:

  • Minor workers;
  • Students who combine study and work.

In such cases, it will be impossible to get a part-time job. In view of the limited time for study, this is suppressed by law in accordance with Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Quite often, employers meet the news about your desire for a combination of jobs negatively. This is easy to explain, because first of all they are interested in productive work. However, such moments may lead to the fact that the employer will refuse to provide you with a work book. But you will need to make a corresponding entry in it.

How the second work is completed

The issue of registration for a new job always raises a number of difficulties. According to the law, the work book must be at the main place of work. But then what documents should you provide at your second job? It also happens that, due to difficulties with documents, people refuse a vacancy.

As a standard, when applying for a part-time job, you must provide a passport or other identity document. If the vacancy for which you are applying requires special knowledge or skills, then a diploma will be required. In addition to it, you can provide documents proving qualifications and professional courses. Moreover, you can provide both the original and a certified copy of the educational document.

What if they require a work book?

If at the second job it is specifically required to provide a work book, then, at least, the registration itself is performed incorrectly. The work book must be at the place of main work, and an entry in it can be put down at any time. That is, her finding a part-time job is not necessary. When registering and after you present your passport and education document, you simply get a labor card.

Usually, when the employer is presented with such requirements, many get a second document. The current legislation does not specifically stipulate that a person can have only one work book. That is, in theory, a citizen of the Russian Federation can have two documents. However, it is impossible to work simultaneously for each of the labor workers, because this will be classified as fraud. Possession in itself rarely threatens a fine, but it can cause problems in the future.

If the employer puts an ultimatum regarding the work book, then you can either leave your main job and retrain it into a part-time job, or refuse the vacancy. We strongly do not recommend you to work on two labor lines at once.

How is an employment contract drawn up?

The employment contract itself is practically no different from the standard one. It should spell out the conditions, details of the obligations of each of the parties and it should be indicated that the job is a combination. Before signing the contract, the employer is obliged to fully familiarize you with the rules of the organization and job duties. Often, drawing up an employment contract is directly related to the signing of the necessary acts or instructions.

An employment contract is drawn up in two copies, each of which is confirmed by a signature or seal. Subsequently, one copy will remain with you, and the second with the employer. Details and requirements for an employment contract are specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation describes in detail the content of the contract itself. However, we strongly recommend that you read the entire agreement before signing it.

In an effort to protect themselves and their rights, citizens study the legislation, and also make excellent use of various legal methods to protect their interests.

In the labor sphere, the legal literacy of citizens is growing by leaps and bounds. Employees know how many vacations they are entitled to per year, what hours of work can be considered overtime and what the allowance is for.

Also, many, trying to get around the law and possessing irrepressible energy, try to work two jobs at once. Two work books - is it legal or not? About how legal such actions are and up to what moment the second work book has the right to exist - we will tell in our article.

Can I have several?

So, how many work books can you legally have in Russia?

And is it possible to work on two work books in different organizations?

Russia has a huge base of labor legislation.

It regulates all aspects of the life of workers and their employers, from small nuances to global problems.

The legislation did not bypass the issue of work books. But first things first.

The state provides several regulatory legal acts which regulate all provisions concerning labor books.

The most important normative act that stands alone and is, in fact, a kind of top of the hierarchy, is Labor Code.

Also has its considerable weight Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On work books".

Can I have two work books at the same time? To help personnel officers, the government issued two whole major acts - instructions for storing and maintaining work books, and internal instructions for HR employees... It is on the basis of these acts that control over the procedure for storing, filling out and providing labor is carried out.

The fact that one person has two whole work books is an out of the ordinary incident, although, according to labor practice, it is often encountered.

Against such a number of workers in the hands of one citizen, the labor code in article 66.

It emphasizes that an employee, when applying for a job, should have only one work book, and besides, and of the established sample.

Other documents do not say anything about whether it is possible to work in two jobs officially on two work books. But also, in these acts and not said about whether it is possible to get a second work book for a second job.

Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Employment history
The work record book of the established form is the main document on the work activity and work experience of the employee. The form, procedure for maintaining and storing work books, as well as the procedure for producing forms of work books and providing employers with them are established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs) maintains work books for each employee who has worked for him for more than five days, in the case when the work for this employer is the main one for the employee.

The work book contains information about the employee, the work performed by him, transfers to another permanent job and the dismissal of the employee, as well as the grounds for terminating the employment contract and information about awards for success in work. Information about penalties is not entered in the work book, except in cases where the disciplinary penalty is dismissal.

At the request of the employee, information about part-time work is entered into the work book at the place of main work on the basis of a document confirming part-time work.

Part six is ​​no longer valid.

The question "Is it possible to have two work books?" has no simple answer.

A work book is a purely personal document. However, it contains official information that is incredibly important for an individual. What if someone has 2 work books at the same time, or even several work books?

Neither the labor code nor leading academic theorists can answer the question of whether an employee can have two work books at the same time.

Endless disputes continue to this day, and the courts have not yet formed a practice to hold citizens accountable for working on 2 work books at the same time.

And even if the answer cannot be found in the legislation, but after carefully examining all aspects of the question of the presence of two labor, you can come to the right decision.

So, is it possible to have two work books in different jobs?

The Labor Code does not prohibit citizens from working in several places at once and at the same time officially.

No attention is paid directly to this, but the article on combining clearly indicates the fact that with this type of employment, the employee is official employee and in one and in another organization.

But a logical question immediately arises: how to officially get a second job, if after being employed for the first one, we leave our work book in the HR department of the organization or with the employer?

The legislator clarifies this issue. In this situation, there are only three ways out:

  1. Applying for a second job without labor enrollment, with its subsequent introduction upon dismissal from the first job (if possible).
  2. Applying for a second job with submission of a work book at the time begged from personnel officers from the first place of work. In this case, one of the employers, despite the entry made, remains without an employee's document. As practice shows, rarely does any employer make such concessions.
  3. Well, the third, the easiest way to which the overwhelming number of persons who combine two jobs resorts - creation of a new work book.

Work on these books officially you can.

No one will catch you by the hand and say that on the other side of the city in the organization there is a second one in your name, and employers, in fact, do not care.

That's why, purely theoretically, such behavior can be characterized as possible, but negative, because, in fact, we do not violate the law, but we deceive state bodies, including the tax inspectorate.

In what cases can an employee have a second work book?

The employee may have a second work book for other reasons than those specified in the previous paragraph. A common example is loss of labor... At home, not finding the necessary document in the folder, we do not even think about whether it is possible to get two work books, and open a new one. And then, unexpectedly, after some time, we find the old one and keep both documents.

Another reason is the so-called prudence. For example, a student is looking for a part-time job. He has been working for several months as a waiter, for some time as an assistant to a lawyer, then as a consultant in a law firm, then abruptly quits and after a while finds a part-time job as a clothes seller.

Considering that the student is studying to be a lawyer, in his opinion, he needs to have two labor. In the first, he enters work in his specialty, and the second serves him in case of getting a job outside of his profession.

Sometimes from a work book make a duplicate... It is removed if the forms are over, if the labor was a little spoiled. But often, both the duplicate and the work book are used as two different, but complete documents for personal purposes.

What is the responsibility?

Is it legal to have two work books?

What will happen if you work on two work books?

Keeping two work books is not illegal if you are not using one of them.

Perhaps you decided to leave the document as a souvenir and it has not yet been filled out, or perhaps when you lost it and then found it and, deciding not to violate the law, kept it for yourself.

In any case, keeping two laborers poses no threat, while you are not using these documents or at least one of them.

What is the threat of working on two work books? Unfortunately, in the administrative code no liability is provided for 2 work books at the same time, so many people have a second and third work book with impunity.

But still there is justice in the world, and when the time comes to calculate the pension of a particular person who actually has two books, problems may arise. So tax officers may not count the experience from one of the work books, which means that all your tricks over the years were in vain.

In some republics within Russia, in judicial practice, there are penalties for such an act as a result of the fact that deductions for an employee came from two employers at once.

Many citizens are not afraid of responsibility, but as predicted, very soon the situation will change.

What to do?

If the employer finds out that the employee has two work books, he can only talk to the subordinate. The legislator did not provide for the possibility of dismissal for such an action. The employer will continue to pay taxes for the employee to the pension fund and the tax office.

The only way to cut costs for such a not-too-decent employee is to offer him get a part-time job, without presentation of labor.


Not everything that is not directly prohibited by law can be implemented. Not everyone follows the emergence of new regulations, so it is quite possible that when the prescribed punishment for the presence of two labor workers is imposed, you will not find out about this and will be punished for your act with a fine.

Live honestly and then your work will bring you much more pleasure, both spiritual and material, which neither two nor three work books can bring you.

Unfortunately, Russians do not always manage to earn as much as they would have been enough for a normal, full-fledged existence. That is why many, sitting at work, often think about where to earn extra money. Is it possible to work officially in two jobs, are there legal opportunities and grounds for this?

In contact with

How to get a second job officially

Everyone understands that old age is ahead, you need to "earn" a decent pension, so citizens are seriously considering different proposals. Today it is profitable to work officially so that the pension is worthy.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a possible second official employment, calling such actions of a citizen "". When asked whether it is possible to get two jobs at once, experts say that there are no restrictions for this. You can find yourself at least three or more, if you follow some of the nuances of the law.

Basic conditions:

  • the person has already been officially employed at least once;
  • an employee is hired internally or externally, the first is appropriate in the same organization (appointment of a second position), the second is for third-party employment;
  • the schedule and responsibilities should not interfere with the main activities.

An activity is considered a formal combination when the respective responsibilities are agreed upon with the first contract. An appropriate agreement is concluded between the employer and the employee. An entry is made in the book. Another question involuntarily arises, how many work books are allowed by law, is it possible to have two work books at the same time.

Second labor

When planning to find a second job, people are trying to find out whether it is possible in their case to get two jobs officially, whether to start a second work book and whether it is legal. Experts, studying the code, give the following explanations: when applying for an additional official position, they do not get a second work book.

Or organizations, the manager simply makes an additional corresponding entry in the document. Based on this, appropriate deductions are made. Having entered a position in a third-party organization, an employee is somehow obliged to make a note in the existing document, but not to start a second work book. Although many, when they try to hide from the main employer the fact of additional employment, they do not.

The second work book is entered if the main one has been lost. To receive a new document to replace the lost one, a corresponding statement is written. All records from the old one are recorded in the new document, if there is a possibility of data recovery.

It often happens that after purchasing a "duplicate", a person finds an old book. Of course, this is not reported anywhere, both documents remain. However, only one of them can be considered valid, which one specifically chooses the employee himself together with the employer. We answered the question, how many work books you can have under the law. Yes, as much as you like, only to make all the basic records and use one document is allowed. It is prohibited by law to use several work books at the same time.

Important! The employer has no legal right to demand a second job. Parallel maintenance of two documents is prohibited by law and is considered (Article 66).

It is recommended to keep all available books, since when registering a pension, calculating pregnancy benefits, errors and inaccuracies are often found in a new document, then information is taken from the old version, which was once lost and then found, but then never kept. The old form is also considered valid.

Often people do not even think about whether it is possible to work on two work books at the same time. For example, having an unpleasant entry, because of which they will hardly be accepted for a good place, they deliberately start another document and do not say anything about the previous one. In this case, if the fact of fraud is proven, the employee faces administrative punishment.

The legislation does not prohibit working officially in two jobs

When a part-time job is impossible

When looking for additional employment (part-time job), you need to know that many categories of citizens are prohibited by law from such actions.

  • citizens who have not reached the age of majority (under 18);
  • whose main work is considered especially dangerous for life (presence of harmful, dangerous, difficult working conditions).

Experts note that the following professions fall under the ban: vehicle driver, military, government officials (police officers, representatives), members of the government, deputies, lawyers, prosecutors, judges. At the same time, there are adjustments, for example, members of the government can simultaneously conduct pedagogical practice, get carried away with scientific directions. Some may combine an additional position within the organization where they work.

Citizens who have not reached the age of majority cannot work part-time

Required documents

When applying for additional employment, workers often hear when asked if it is possible to work officially in two jobs, a negative answer is not true. It is forbidden to conduct two labor jobs at the same time, but it is allowed to work part-time. Is it possible to work two jobs officially without breaking the law - yes! The main thing is to fulfill all the nuances of correct employment, so that the appropriate deductions and deductions are carried out.

When applying to a new employer, an employee provides:

  • passport;
  • diploma of existing education;
  • other documents confirming the suitability of the position: driver's license, certificates of completion of refresher courses;
  • a certificate from the chief from the main place of work (the document must contain the specifics of the specifics of labor, the time period of employment);
  • application for admission.

The list of basic documents can be supplemented by a pension certificate, a military ID, which the representative of the personnel department deems it necessary to request. It is not necessary to provide the original work book; it is stored at the main place of employment. New entries are also made there, based on documents for additional employment.

When settling for the main position, the employee is formalized for labor, and in case of part-time employment, he is accepted under the contract.

Applying for a part-time job

Deciding to once again legally find a job, a citizen applies in writing or in person to the employer.

Having discussed the nuances of future activities, the part-time reception is performed in stages:

  1. An agreement is signed.
  2. The manager issues an order for admission, which clearly states that this is part-time employment.
  3. The employee provides the necessary documents to the personnel department of the selected organization.
  4. Recording in labor.

Re-employment usually takes a little time. The employee gets a personal file, his duties and rights are clearly explained, how to work officially in two jobs. The employee retains the right to receive bonuses, bonuses, holidays, sick leave. The vacation is planned according to the vacation time at the main place. If at the second job the vacation is shorter, or the employee has not yet earned it, it is still given "in advance" or it will be unpaid. After working for two years, you can get paid sick leave in a second job. If the period is shorter, then sick leave is issued only at the main place of employment.

Re-employment takes a little time

Working time planning

When drawing up a contract, the employer is obliged to agree on a schedule. It is believed that additional employment cannot take more than 4 hours a day. Working hours may be less if the main job includes a full work shift. Holidays that fall on the main place of employment during the period from Monday to Friday can be used as full working days in additional work. The period of part-time employment, at the request of both parties, can be unlimited or clearly limited. This nuance must be prescribed when drawing up agreements.

Useful video: legal advice, is it possible to officially work in two or more jobs

If you are going to find additional official earnings, you can apply for a job according to the law, without breaking anything. When applying for an additional position, a citizen should not wonder whether there can be two main jobs. This definitely does not happen. Therefore, it is necessary to decide which employment will be the main and which will be additional.

Immediately, we will make a reservation that we will not find a direct answer to the question of whether there can be two main places of work in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the current labor legislation grants the employee the right to work simultaneously in several jobs (positions).

However, this should not mislead either the employer or the employee. By officially allowing an employee to do such actions, the legislator establishes the specifics of simultaneous work in several places.

Differences between part-time work and main job

Performing work duties for two, three, etc. employers is called the special term "combination" (part 2 of article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An important feature of part-time work is the ability to perform it only in free time from the main job, subject to the rules for its registration (Article 60.1, Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not disclose the concept of "main job". However, the term itself is used regularly.

So, for example, the employer whose work is the main one for the employee is obliged to keep and keep his work book. And only this employer is allowed by the legislator to enter information about part-time work (at the request of the employee) into the work book (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). That is, the main job, including, is considered to be the work of the employer who keeps the work book.

As we indicated above, part-time work is possible during free time from the main job. And in the event that the part-time job will be with harmful (dangerous) working conditions, the employee must submit a certificate from the main place of work about the nature and working conditions (Article 283 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Annual paid leave for part-time jobs is provided simultaneously with leave at the main place of work (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An employment contract can be terminated early with a part-time job if an employee is hired in his place (position), for whom this work will be the main one (Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And there are many more such examples from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (study leaves, compensation, guarantees, etc.).

But the most important thing: the combination of these provisions from the Labor Code allows us to draw an important conclusion that the main place of work is the place that is not a part-time job for the employee.

This means that an employee can have two or more jobs, but only one of them can be the main one (where the work book is kept and stored), and all other jobs are part-time jobs. At the same time, the law does not limit the number of employers with whom an employee can work on a part-time basis.

Consequently, if an employee works in two places, then he cannot work in two organizations at the main place of work. At one of the employers, it must be a part-time job. It is necessary to determine the main place of work and enter it in the work book. And the record of part-time work is optional and is entered at the request of the employee.

Features of working in multiple locations

When working in multiple locations at the same time, there are a few more things to keep in mind.

Dismissal of an employee and termination of an employment contract at the main place of work does not mean that the work on a part-time basis automatically became for him the main place of work.

Part-time work is an independent labor legal relationship between an employee and an employer. Changes to the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties are allowed only by agreement of the parties to the contract in writing (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Therefore, in order for part-time work to become the main place of work, the employee must draw up an additional agreement with the employer (or terminate the previous contract and conclude a new employment contract) on changing the previous conditions and hiring the employee at the main place of work.

Is it possible to work officially in two jobs? Many citizens in Russia are thinking about this more and more often. Someone simply counts on a good salary in this way, while for someone it is more important to get work experience. The reasons may vary. But they still do not give an answer to the question. How are things really going? Is there a right to work in two jobs and be formalized both there and there for citizens?


To begin with, you must clearly understand why you are agreeing to double work, and even officially. Very often people go to the second, third and subsequent part-time jobs unofficially. After all, although it is not entirely legal, it helps to save money. More precisely, do not pay additional taxes.

Many citizens just want to have many professions at the same time and provide themselves with a comfortable old age with the help of insurance premiums. It should be noted right away that this will not work. After all, if you are thinking whether it is possible to work officially in two jobs, then you should prepare for the fact that, if you have such an opportunity, they will impose a lot of restrictions on you.

Labor Code

In general, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to be officially registered in several places during employment. But with a huge amount of reservations. For example, you must have one single main job in order. You can't do without it.

But you can officially get a job for additional earnings. But this will no longer be the main job, but a part-time job. Here you can find a job at least in 100 places, the main thing is the presence of the main source of income. And nothing can be done about it. There are also limitations regarding side jobs. And considerable.

Who is not allowed

Can I work two jobs at the same time? Yes. In this case, one place will be listed as the main one, and the other - as a part-time job. However, not all citizens have this opportunity.

Restrictions are imposed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on adolescents and young students who combine education and employment. In this case, they are, in principle, allowed to work only for a short period of time.

In addition, citizens who work in especially dangerous conditions also have restrictions. Or in hazardous work. In this case, only the option without official registration is suitable for the second job. This is how you will get the opportunity to work part-time. Yes, it’s not entirely fair, but if it’s so necessary, you have to "spin" as you can.


How can you work two jobs officially? It's easy and simple - just have a main job, and write the second one in the work book as a part-time job. Keep in mind, with all this, all the privileges available in employment, you must retain both in the main place and in the part-time job. Sick leave, vacation pay, maternity leave - the employer is obliged to provide all this if necessary.

In addition, an employment contract is mandatory with you. You can't do without it. And in it you need to indicate that you are working part-time. It is very important. If this item is absent, then no official employment can be guaranteed. It's just illegal.

At the same time, certain restrictions are also imposed on your working time. You can work no more than 4 hours a day, as part of a day. And this figure should not exceed 16 per week. This is what the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says. A well-grounded decision. If you spend about 8 hours at your main job, plus 4 part-time work, it turns out that 12 hours a day is devoted only to work. You also need to rest a little. Under the law, as you can see, many citizens have the opportunity to earn extra money. More precisely, almost everyone.

Expert opinion

Is it possible to officially take two jobs? Experts believe that such an opportunity exists for all citizens who have reached the age of majority. Only in this case you will have to come to terms with a huge number of restrictions.

At the same time, social guarantees and all services that are available with official employment, you retain. Fully and in all places where you are somehow listed as an employee. Sickness, vacation and other payments - all of this is mandatory for the employee both in the main job and in part-time jobs.

But officially on two jobs without the option of "part-time" it is impossible in any way to take shape. It is illegal. And in general, no employer would agree to such a thing. The corresponding records will not be reflected in your work book. This, of course, affects the entire employment process as a whole. After all, the labor book is usually kept by your employer at the main job.

High positions

Is there a right to work two jobs officially for high-ranking officials? Yes, there is such a possibility. But again, with a huge number of reservations.

The main problem here is getting permission from the property owner. Very often it is impossible to earn it. In addition, not all types of activities are allowed to have part-time jobs. But positions within the organization can be combined without much difficulty. But not where the enterprise is controlled. And in any other industry, it's easy.

Please note - a part-time job in any case should not strike a blow at the main place of work. The Labor Code also states that when employed in several places, a conflict of interest in the chosen areas is unacceptable. Otherwise, you have the right to be deprived of your part-time job. Or main job. And without her, as it has already become known, it is impossible to find a job in several places at the same time.


Is it possible to work officially in two jobs? As we have already found out, almost all citizens have such an opportunity. And even the law does not prohibit having a part-time job. Moreover, it is encouraged - you are entitled to social guarantees from all sides. But how are things really going in Russia?

Practice shows a completely ambiguous picture. Legally, you can officially find a job for a part-time job. And even a few. But you will hardly be able to practically implement this idea. Usually employers seriously violate the rights of their employees. For example, they set one work schedule under the contract, but in practice it lasts several times longer. A part-time part-time employee is a huge disadvantage for almost any company.

Very often, employers come up with clever tricks to prevent combining work. They may not give you a work book, in which they must put a record of a part-time job, come up with conflicts of interest or even create such working conditions for you that there is no time to even think about additional work.

Nevertheless, some, in spite of all this, go to work in several places. You have to do it unofficially, without any guarantees. For the purpose of just one additional income. Not entirely honest and fair, but when there is no way out, there is no other way to do it. It's easier to do this than to seek justice from the main employer. In the end, it can take away your main job. And in this case, there should be no talk of any part-time jobs.


How to work two jobs officially? One of them should be the main one, the other - a part-time job. And nothing more. As you can see, in principle, citizens of the Russian Federation have such an opportunity. But in practice it is not always possible to implement it.

Usually, when you need to get a job in several jobs, it is done informally. It's not entirely fair, but this practice is much more frequent than the official registration of part-time jobs. Nevertheless, for a start, it is still worth trying to negotiate with your main employer. Maybe he will turn out to be law-abiding and give his go-ahead for your part-time job. In any case, legislative registration officially in several companies takes place. Is it possible to work officially in two jobs? Yes. Be aware of this.