Organic certificate service. Environmental certificates. What standards does it work by

On January 1, 2016, GOST R 56508-2015 “Organic Products. Rules for production, storage, transportation ", developed by the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on agrarian issues with the participation of specialists from the Ministry of Agriculture.

The main task of GOST is to establish the rules and norms for the production and circulation of organic products in the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST contains general principles of organic production, requirements for collection, packaging, labeling, transportation and storage of organic products.

GOST largely repeats international organic standards, primarily the EU, and entails state regulation of the bio-industry in the Russian Federation, which is welcomed by its representatives.

The pre-audit of the processing plant of JSC RUZSKOE MOLOKO for compliance with Russian and European eco-standards of ecological (organic) agriculture has been completed. Now, after bringing the economy in full compliance with them and passing bio-certification, Russian consumers will be able to purchase a whole range of high-quality ecological (bio, organic) products "from blissful Ruza". The pre-audit was carried out by Eco-Control Company within the framework of the state registered System of Voluntary Certification of Ecological and Biodynamic Management "BIO" (registration number ROSS RU.3238.04BX00).

Reference. Since 2011, the agricultural holding "Russian Milk" has chosen the production of high-quality ecological (bio, organic) products as a strategic vector of its development. The agricultural holding is one of the largest in the Moscow region and Russia and unites 8 agricultural enterprises (dairy farms and fodder growing) of the Ruzsky district, the production of vegetables LLC Ruzskie vegetables, the feed mill “Bogorodskoye”, the dairy plant “Ruzskoye milk” and the trading house Ruzskoe Milk; the total area of ​​land is more than 35 thousand hectares in ownership and use.

In March 2007, the dairy plant "Ruzskoe Moloko" received an international certificate of conformity of the quality management system to the ISO 9001: 2008 standard, which was an important stage in the implementation of the plant's plans for the development of the quality system at the enterprise. In March 2013, the plant confirmed its compliance with the international certificate of conformity of the quality management system to the ISO 9001: 2000 standard and received an international certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the ISO 22000: 2005 standard (safety of dairy products).
In 2012-2013. 15 products of the assortment passed the state registration procedure and were transferred to the category of baby food for children of preschool and school age from 3 years old.
The products of OJSC "Ruzskoe Moloko" are regularly awarded medals of the largest exhibitions of agricultural products in Russia: "Golden Autumn", "Gourmet", "Russian Food Products", "Dairy and Meat Industry", "Prodexpo", "Agrorus", "Green Week" and other. In July 2006, the activity of the agricultural holding was awarded an Honorary Diploma of the Moscow Fund for the Protection of Consumer Rights. The highest quality of dairy products of the agricultural holding and its contribution to the development of the civilized consumer market in Russia were recognized by professional experts - the company has more than 25 gold medals for quality.
In 2014, for the achievement of significant results in the field of product and service quality and the introduction of highly effective quality management methods, OJSC Ruzskoe Moloko was awarded the 2013 Government Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of quality.

Since the beginning of 2007 Eco-Control has expanded the capabilities of the Pre-audit program for enterprises.

Now enterprises can pass the Pre-audit not only to confirm the "fallow status" of land(in order to reduce the conversion period to green management and save costs for annual inspection and certification), but also those enterprises that embark on the rails of ecological management or are going to do it, but would like to be more confident in our Conversion Program, taking into account such requirements of Eco-standards, which may turn out to be “critical” (= a serious obstacle) for the transition to ecological management and, accordingly, production of ecological products.

Pre-audit costs 2-3 times cheaper than the cost of certification and allows businesses thus, not only is it the best way to prepare for eco-certification, it is better to navigate the Eco-standards and the Bio-industry in general, but also, in case of serious inconsistencies, significantly reduce your costs for environmental certification.

All over the world, food is labeled environmental safety signs that are associated with organic farming. It means by itself maintaining a healthy soil, ecosystem and caring for human health. According to the concept of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM, the basic principles are health, sustainability, care and fairness.

Organic Agriculture Standards the use of pesticides, herbicides, seed dressing is prohibited. In animal husbandry, it is important to refuse to keep animals in stalls all year round, grazing is necessary, growth regulators and antibiotics, etc. are prohibited. In addition, it is impossible to use genetically modified organisms.

There are several main certification marks in the world. Having seen products with one of these markings in abroad or in Russia, you can safely buy them.


Euro-leaf - a new mark of the European Certification System for Organic Products, which was changed in 2010. The system itself was approved in March 2000 by the European Commission. Sign mandatory for all organic products, sold in the European Union. In our stores, it can be seen on imported organic products and goods of some Russian manufacturers that have passed voluntary certification.

Except for the sign itself the product label must contain information about the place of production. There are three designations: EU Agriculture (within the EU), non-EU Agriculture (within third countries, but in accordance with EU regulations) and EU / non-EU Agriculture (both EU and third countries, in accordance with with the norms defined for the EU countries). If more than 98% of the materials that make up a product were grown in the EU, then the country of origin will be indicated on the packaging.

From July 1, 2012, "EuroList" was supposed to replace all the national logos of the EU countries, but many of them still exist in parallel.

In February 2011, the IFOAM federation proposed its own system of organic guarantees and introduced a new world quality mark Global Organic Mark. According to the organization, too many organic labels are confusing to the consumer, which is why IFOAM proposed to use a single sign and standards around the world.

National certification systems for organic products

National mark of Germany "Seal BIO" (Bio-Siegel) used since September 2001. Only growers who comply with the EU Organic Farming Regulation and mandatory inspections, have the right to sell their products as organic, natural and ecological goods and, accordingly, mark them with the special Bio-Siegel mark. For German buyers the presence of such a mark is of greater importance than the EU mark, therefore, the requirements for the quality of organic products in Germany are higher than in the EU. But if both signs are present on the package at once, then this is obviously even better.

The Swedish KRAV mark was adopted in 1985 for the labeling of agricultural products. Controlled by the Swedish Agriculture Authority and the National Food Department. About 3 thousand farmers and 450 companies are entitled to use products certified by KRAV.

The Swiss The BIO Suisse Bud and The BIO-Bud are used to label organic products sold in the country. In Switzerland more than 760 companies obtained the right to use The BIO Suisse Bud. Each product is labeled with a certificate number and the name of the certifying authority.

French AB mark (short for Agence Bio- French Agency for the Development and Promotion of Organic Agriculture). Agence Bio is a public interest group responsible for the development and promotion of organic agriculture. Products bearing this mark guarantee the content of more than 95% organic components. They must also be grown in the EU (except for exotic products).

Soil Association English Standard was developed in the UK by the Soil Association back in 1946. The Soil Association certificate is very authoritative in Europe - not only food products, but also cosmetics, catering establishments, shops are certified.

American USDA organic is the National Organic Standard, developed by the Ministry of Agriculture. It was adopted as part of the national program for the transition of American citizens to the consumption of healthy and natural organic products, so its uniqueness is that it is enshrined at the state level.

Only specialists of the American Department of Agriculture have the right to carry out certification on it. Initially, the standard was created for food, but now it is also used for certification of cosmetics and confirmation of environmental compliance of exported or imported products, therefore it operates not only in the United States.

Organic certification in Russia

In Russia, the law on certification of organic agricultural products is still At the moment any producer can name his agricultural products with the words "organic", "ecological", "bio", whether he uses pesticides, GMOs in crop production, or growth hormones for fattening livestock.

In order to confirm the environmentally friendly origin of products, some Russian farms practicing organic farming undergo voluntary certification through the representative offices of European certifiers - in this case, their products are recognized by the EU countries as organic.

The products of the Konovalovo eco-farm are the first in the Moscow region European auditors from the company "Ecoglob".

BIO certification is the process of obtaining certificates for producers of organic products (food, agricultural products, cosmetics). BIO Certification is a set of standards for the cultivation, production, processing and packaging of goods.

The generally accepted mark of BIO / organic products is the European biocertificate (EU Organic Bio).

This is a single mark of the European Union used for the BIO / ECO / ORGANIC labeling of products manufactured in accordance with the European BIO standards approved by EU Regulations No. and.

EU Regulations No. and regulate that the terms "ecological", "biological" and "organic", including the prefixes "eco", "bio" and "organic" derived from them, can only be used on packaging of raw materials, products, feed and seeds produced in the field of organic agriculture. Such names can only be used for organic farming products, in which at least 95% of their weight components are obtained from ecological farms. The remaining 5% of the ingredients must be natural and approved for use in organic products.

Often, the organic food manufacturer also produces classic products. In this case, the production of organic products should be separated in time or location from the production of classic products. In practice, this means that for the production of organic products, an enterprise must have an independent technological line (division by location).

BIO Certification is a rather long and laborious process. This is a thorough check of the farm, its infrastructure and conditions (testing of mail, pastures, feed and drinking of animals). The work of BIO certified farmers and suppliers is complemented by a number of new activities, such as:

  • Study of organic product standards and compliance with these standards.
  • Compliance of the production process, as well as the farm infrastructure with the accepted standards;
  • Records management. Documents including soil tests, water tests, and farm history.
  • Planning. An annual detailed plan for production and sales, in which everything should be spelled out - seeds, fertilizers, pest control, harvesting methods, storage methods and places, etc.
  • Inspection. Annual scheduled and unscheduled inspections, testing of water, soil. Subsequent examination. A bio-product manufacturer must be able to present to the control organization the flows of bio-raw materials and bio-products from the entrance to the facility to the exit from the facility, especially if the facility also produces classic products.
  • Annual payments for certification confirmation.
  • Record keeping. Regular records covering all activities that should be available at all times.
Certification is carried out by independent certifying organizations. Our farm is certified by a German BIO certifier

Scope of the system (objects of certification) ORGANIKSTANDART

Goods classified by codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Products by Type of Economic Activity (OKPD2) OK 034-2014 (CPES 2008).

Organic certification

Nowadays, absolutely all goods and services must go through the certification process. If the product was released using a technology that meets organic Standards of Conformity, then it should be classified as a product eligible for a BIO document - organic / environmental certification.

It should be noted that certification objects can be issued by a wide variety of sectors of the economy. That is, all food products, fabrics and textiles, perfumes, building materials, household chemicals, etc. are subject to certification.

Environmental documentation is issued to all domestic manufacturers who have purposefully and legally declared about the high-quality technology of their production. Eco-labeling is not always used in the implementation process, it is mandatory in the following cases:

1. If the exporter intends to supply goods to Europe: he will not only win the tender, but will also increase consumer demand for the product if he has an eco-document.

2. To increase sales and market price segment.

3. With the passage of eco-certification, you can quickly raise the price bar for products that will be bought in the first place.

Everyone knows that synthetically produced goods have flooded the market today and are in fierce competition with higher quality products due to the large difference in prices and the impressive assortment. But despite this, environmentally friendly goods, the raw materials from which they are produced, will always be more in demand.

Unconditional fact: natural composition in 100% of cases increases the demand for the product. The modern consumer needs a product with documented guaranteed, safe quality, even at a high price. Because of this, organic certification does not lose its relevance and continues to gain in popularity.

ICEA standard is an Italian certification standard awarded by the Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification (Istituto per la Certificazione Etica ed Ambientale / Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification).

ICEA is the main certification body for natural cosmetics (organic cosmetics, bio-cosmetics, eco-cosmetics) in Italy. Cosmetics that meet all the strict requirements of this Institute receive the status of organic, and the appropriate mark is applied to the packaging.

Cosmetics that have been tested in the laboratory and received the ICEA certificate meet the following requirements:

1. Contains certified natural plant and animal ingredients,
2. Does not contain prohibited harmful substances,
3. Does not contain genetically modified products,
4. Products are not tested on animals,
5. Do not contain radioactive substances,
6. Does not contain alcohol,
7. The composition does not contain refined products,
8. The composition does not contain synthetic fragrances, dyes and prohibited preservatives.

ICEA marking is a quality mark recognized all over the world.

The Italian Association for Organic Agriculture (AIAB) and the Institute for Ethical Certification (ICEA), together with a group of manufacturers, have developed guidelines for natural and organic cosmetics.
Cosmetics that meet all the stringent requirements of the certification body receive the "organic" status, and the appropriate designations are indicated on the packaging:

What does ICEA control?

All stages of the production of organic products undergo a strict certification system every year. A whole range of other requirements for organic products are inspected:

Absence in the production of chemical additives, genetic engineering technologies;
everything related to emissions, waste, energy sources, transport, sanitary and hygienic standards is strictly regulated;
production and storage is carried out in accordance with strict environmental regulations;
checks (audit) by ICEA are carried out several times a year, with a visit to production;
a special procedure for maintaining documentation is controlled, which allows tracing the entire chain from the manufacturer of raw materials to the end consumer; All documents registering the receipt of raw materials, their processing, as well as the shipment of finished products are subject to mandatory verification.

ECOCERT- the strictest and most prestigious standard among biocosmetics and bio-raw materials manufacturers in the world. ECOCERT is an organic certification organization. Founded in 1991 in France, it carries out inspections in over 80 countries, making it one of the largest organic certification organizations in the world.

The ECOCERT certificate is the strictest and most prestigious standard among natural and organic cosmetics manufacturers. It guarantees a purity and quality unique to products in the natural cosmetics sector. First of all, requirements are established for the formulations of manufactured products - the content of natural ingredients and the quality of plant raw materials:

  • at least 95% of all components of the recipe are of natural origin
  • at least 10% of all components of the formulation are organic

The use of components of animal origin is excluded, as well as testing on animals. Organic ingredients used in cosmetics must meet the ECOCERT requirements:

  • Plant seeds are not genetically modified;
  • The plantations do not use chemical fertilizers;
  • No pesticides are used and pests are controlled with their natural enemies or non-toxic preparations approved by ECOCERT;
  • Prohibited: petrochemicals, parabens, artificial colors, genetically modified and animal products.
  • The following types of product processing are prohibited: chemical synthesis processes, for example, discoloration - deodorization (by means of substances of animal origin), irradiation, ionization, sulfonation, technologies using genetic manipulations, mercury, ethylene oxide (debacterization), ethoxylation (polyethylene glycol), removal of terpenes ( excluding technologies using water vapor).

Production and storage of products takes place in ecologically clean rooms. A special procedure for maintaining documentation allows you to track the path of cosmetics, starting from the quality of raw materials and packaging, ending with sales to end consumers.

The use of waste products of living organisms is allowed, for example, milk, pollen. The technology of growing plants is regulated:

  • use healthy seeds of genetically unchanged plants grown on ecologically clean plantations
  • a 2-3 year conversion period for plants is set
  • soil enrichment is carried out using organic fertilizers
  • the control of plant diseases and weeds is limited to mechanical methods, their natural enemies and an organic list of non-toxic drugs are used to control pests.

ECOCERT inspects production lines twice a year to confirm that all requirements are actually being met. Thus, ECOCERT regulates not only the composition of cosmetics, but the entire production process. According to the successful results of monitoring by ECOCERT, cosmetic products are assigned the status "ORGANIC" - environmentally friendly cosmetics.

The organic nature of detergents, dishwashing detergents and household cleaning products must be certified Eco – garantie- a guarantee of safety for health and the environment:

  1. do not contain: genetically modified organisms, petrochemical products, chemically synthesized ingredients
  2. plants and animal products from organic farming are used (use only organic fertilizers)
  3. mineral and plant raw materials are carefully selected
  4. not tested on animals
  5. highly biodegradable
  6. non-toxic to aquatic plants (in order to avoid the degeneration of flora and fauna in water bodies) and animals; do not cause the accumulation of toxins in the human body
  7. reasonable production methods without irradiation of disinfection products, the use of clean energy, reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

Vegan society(UK) is an educational and charitable organization that promotes and supports a vegetarian lifestyle. Veganism is a lifestyle that strives to eliminate, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals used for food, clothing and other purposes. The society was formed in 1944. The Vegan trademark has the status of a recognized international vegetarian standard. All products marked with the Vegan logo are guaranteed to meet the requirements of the Vegan Society.

When developing and manufacturing a product, it is not allowed:

  • the use of any ingredients from animal products, by-products or derivatives
  • carry out any tests on animals at the initiative of the manufacturer, on his behalf, or by other persons under the control of the manufacturer
  • use of GMO containing animal genes

Soil Association is an English organization founded in 1946 that deals with the certification of organic products. This is a very influential structure in Europe, which first introduced the name "organic cosmetics" into use. Today, not only cosmetics, but also food products, catering establishments, and shops are certified by the Soil Association. The Soil Association is under the patronage of the royal family.

Primary requirements:
1. Manufacturers should predominantly use components of plant origin
2. The raw material must be fresh and its processing must be carried out by mechanical, most gentle methods without the use of harmful chemicals
3. The use of artificial colors, flavors, refined products, silicones, polymers, sulfate surfactants, GMOs and products obtained from dead vertebrates is prohibited. The exceptions are ingredients that are sourced in a non-violent way and are organically certified.
4. All substances are tested for toxicity and biodegradability
5. It is forbidden to test products on animals
6. The production process and packaging materials must comply with environmental regulations
7. The manufacturer undertakes to do everything possible to protect the natural resources of the planet and prevent environmental pollution at all stages of production.

NaTrue, Belgium - certificate of quality of natural natural cosmetics, eco-cosmetics. The international NaTrue standard works closely with the bodies of the European Commission and the Council of Europe. The non-profit organization is open for cooperation with manufacturers of cosmetic products. Its main goal is to realistically assess the quality of cosmetics, to develop a unified approach to certification and a common assessment system for all manufacturers from Europe.

Primary requirements:
1.It is prohibited to use harmful or questionable chemicals, as well as refined products, fragrances, preservatives, dyes, fragrances, silicones, polymers, sulfate surfactants
2.It is prohibited to use substances derived from genetically modified organisms and radioactive substances
3.Not tested on animals
4.composition of certified natural botanicals
5.biodegradable packaging.

NaTrue label "Real natural cosmetics"

  • The ingredients here must be natural, but may not be organic.
  • In the process of obtaining and processing raw materials, it is allowed to use only gentle technologies.
  • The lower and upper limits of the content of specific components in the product are clearly regulated.

NaTrue label "Natural cosmetics with a little something extra"

  • In this category, the composition of cosmetics must include at least 70% of natural ingredients grown (collected) in environmentally friendly areas.
  • At least 15% of natural substances must not be chemically treated.
  • A maximum of 15% of the composition can be identical to natural.

MarkingNaTrue "The ultimate organic cosmetics"Organiccosmetics»)

  • Maximum content of unchanged chemically natural substances.
  • At least 95% of the natural ingredients available here must be organic, which means they must be grown in ecological areas.


COSMOS is a new cosmetics certification association established in 2010 by five leading European expert organizations in the field of organic certification: Soil Association (UK), Cosmebio & ECOCERT (France), BDIH (Germany) and ICEA (Italy).
COSMOS-Standard AISBL is specially designed for the certification of cosmetics. COSMOS evaluates cosmetic products on a variety of parameters:

  • the origin of the feedstock;
  • the processing of product components;
  • the composition of the final product;
  • storage, production and packaging conditions;
  • the impact of the product on the environment.

The main tasks of the COSMOS Standard AISBL are the formation of sustainable development and maintenance of the natural balance on the planet. The implementation of these tasks is possible if the following rules are met:

  • supporting the use of organic agricultural products and respect for biodiversity
  • responsible use of natural resources without harming the environment
  • use of processing and production technologies that are safe for human health and the environment
  • integration and development of the Green Chemistry concept.

The last point, new in the COSMOS standard, takes into account the peculiarities and limitations of the composition of cosmetic products (including in comparison with food products) and is the key to the successful solution of the assigned tasks.

Certified products will bear the logo of one of the five founding companies (depending on who certified the product) with the addition of the phrase "COSMOS ORGANIC" or "COSMOS NATURAL". By 2014, COSMOS-STANDARD AISBL will replace the current certification systems used by the founding members.

BDIH(Bundesverband der Industrie- und Handelsunternehmen) - German Federation of manufacturers and distributors of medical products, dietary supplements, personal care and health products. Founded in 1951.

  • Plants, parts of which are used to create organic products, should be grown without chemicals or harvested in natural conditions and in an ecologically clean area.
  • Technical production methods are also strictly regulated: during the processing of raw materials and the creation of cosmetics, a limited number of chemical processes are allowed. And the raw materials must be processed by gentle mechanical methods.
  • An absolute preference is given to renewable resources and biodegradable materials.
  • Animal testing is strictly prohibited at any stage in the development of cosmetics. Raw materials from animals (eg animal fats, collagen) are not used.
  • In production, it is permissible to use surfactants or emulsifiers created by hydrolysis, hydrogenation or esterification from oils, fats, wax, lanolin, saccharides, proteins and lecithin.
  • The use of synthetic dyes, paraffin, fragrances, silicones, mineral oils or other petroleum products is absolutely prohibited.
  • Natural or identical to natural ones (ethyl ester, salicylic, benzoic, sorbic, acids, benzyl alcohol) are used as preservatives in cosmetics.

(Cosmetique Charte) is a respected French association of organic and bio-cosmetics creators. Founded in 2002 as a partnership of cosmetic laboratories. The association develops requirements and criteria for natural cosmetics. Cosmetic production is checked twice a year.

According to the standards of this association, the following criteria for controlled organic cosmetics exist:

  • The obligatory minimum content of ingredients of natural and / or natural origin in cosmetics is 95%.
  • At least 95% of all plant components must be extracted from crops grown according to approved technology on ecologically clean land.
  • At least 10% of the total ingredients are of agricultural origin.
  • The enrichment of the soil for growing plants is carried out using only organic fertilizers.

USDA Organic
(US Department of Agriculture) is a special organic standard of the US Department of Agriculture. This Organic Standard was developed under a unique state program to promote healthy and organic products.

Originally created for food labeling, the USDA standard is now being used for cosmetics certification as well. Now products labeled with the USDA organic mark are guaranteed to contain at least 95% of environmentally friendly and natural ingredients. Due to the strict adherence to the requirements, the USDA is extended to characterize export and import goods.

GOTS (TheGlobalOrganicTextileStandard) recognized as the world's leading standard for textiles made from organic fibers. It defines high-level criteria throughout the organic textile supply chain and also requires compliance with social criteria. Only textile products that contain at least 70% organic fibers can become GOTS Certified. All chemical components such as dyes and the auxiliaries used must meet certain environmental and toxicological criteria. The choice of components is also limited due to environmental considerations. A functional wastewater treatment plant is mandatory for any wet processing unit involved and all processors must fulfill minimum social criteria.

Key criteria for fiber production can be identified as:

Organic certification of fibers based on recognized international or national standards (e.g. EEC 834/2007, USDA NOP)

Certification of fibers from the conversion period is possible if the applicable agricultural standard allows such certification.

composition - environmentally friendly raw materials (the indication "organic" means the use of at least 95% of organic raw materials in clothes, the inscription "made with organic" - at least 70% of certified organic raw materials)

OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 System was developed in the early 1990s for the certification of textile raw materials and textile products. The Oeko-Tex® system allows you to identify and eliminate possible sources of problematic substances at every stage of textile processing. As soon as a textile product is re-formulated or the chemical composition of its materials changes, re-checks are necessary. Certification can be subject, for example: raw and dyed / processed yarns, unprocessed and dyed / processed fabrics and knitwear, ready-made garments (all kinds of clothing, household textiles, bed linen, terry cloth products, textile toys and much more) ...

Laboratory tests currently contain about 100 test parameters and are based on international standards as well as other recognized test methods. These include, for example, simulated tests, which take into account all possible routes of entry of harmful substances into the human body (oral, dermal, respiratory).

The costs of checking textiles at each stage of processing depend on the chemicals used there, which qualitatively change the textiles. The scope of requirements related to human ecology focuses on the use of textiles for their intended purpose. Basic principle: the more intense the textile-skin contact, the more stringent limit values ​​must be applied.

Criteria nChecks for the content of harmful substances cover:

· prohibited substances

· regulated substances

· known to be hazardous to health (but not legally regulated chemicals),

· parameters for preventive medicine

To assess the quality of textile products, there is a division into several classes. Product class I:
textiles and textile toys for babies and children under three years of age, for example, underwear, romper suit, bed linen, bedding, soft toys for children, etc.
Product class II:
textiles which, when used for their intended purpose, most of their surface is in direct contact with the skin, for example, underwear, bedding, terry cloths, shirts, blouses, etc.
Product class III:
textiles that, when used as intended, do not come into contact with the skin or only come into contact with a small part of their surface, such as jackets, coats, lining materials, etc.
Product class IV:
finishing materials for decorative purposes such as tablecloths and curtains, as well as wall and floor coverings, etc.

Fair trade is an organized social movement advocating fair standards of international labor, environmental and social regulation, as well as public policy regarding labeled and unlabeled goods, from handicrafts to agricultural products. In particular, this movement pays special attention to the export of goods from developing to developed countries.

The Fair trade certification system is designed to enable buyers to distinguish products that meet Fair Trade standards. Overseen by the standards issuer (FLO International) and the certification body (FLO-CERT), the system includes independent audits of manufacturers and traders to ensure that all required standards are met.

In order for a product to receive the International Fairtrade Certification or Fair Trade Certified mark, the manufacturer must be FLO-CERT certified. The crop must be grown and harvested in accordance with FLO International standards. The supply chain must also be monitored by FLO-CERT to ensure product integrity.

Fair Trade certification not only guarantees fair prices, but also that the principles of ethical consumption are preserved. These principles include a commitment to ILO agreements such as the prohibition of child and slave labor, safeguards in the workplace, the right to form trade unions, a commitment to human rights, a fair price to cover product costs, community development, and the protection and conservation of nature. The Fair Trade Certification System also develops long-term business relationships between seller and buyer, crop pre-financing, and greater transparency in the supply chain.

The Fair Trade Certification System covers an expanding range of products: bananas, honey, coffee, oranges, cocoa, cotton, dry and fresh fruits and vegetables, juices, nuts, rice, spices, sugar, tea, wine. Companies that comply with Fair Trade standards may display the appropriate mark on their products.

Euro-leaf is a system of European organic certification of products. The decision on a unified labeling of organic products was made by the European Commission in 2010, and since July 1, 2012, the placement of the logo on the packaging has become mandatory.

The certificate on the packaging confirms that the product has been produced in full compliance with the conditions and rules for organic farming established by the European Union. For processed foods, this means that at least 95% of agricultural ingredients are organic, grown without the use of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals, as well as chemical fertilizers and hormones.

Additionally, information about the place of production is indicated on the product label. There are three designations: EU Agriculture(within the EU), "Non-EU Agriculture"(on the territory of third countries, but in accordance with the norms defined for the EU countries) and EU / non-EU Agriculture(both the EU and third countries, in accordance with the regulations specific to the EU countries). The country of origin will be indicated on the packaging if more than 98% of the materials that make up the product were grown in the European Union.