The procedure for the examination of food quality by Rospotrebnadzor. How to check products for quality? Roskontrol list of quality products

Milk is good for health! We hear this statement from childhood. Of course, people who live in rural areas do not doubt this. However, the majority of the population of Russia lives in cities, and, unfortunately, there are no cows in the neighboring yard. What we have to buy in stores and hypermarkets is a question. In today's article, I want to talk about a study conducted by the organization Roskontrol, which compiled a rating of store-bought pasteurized milk. Several factors were taken into account as evaluation parameters, ranging from usefulness and naturalness to safety and nutritional value.

An independent research organization has tested the milk sold in our stores. The advantages and disadvantages of each product were indicated, plus an overall rating (up to 100 points) was given, according to which our rating will be built.

If you are not yet familiar with my colleague's article "Spring is the time for allergies: choosing the best air purifier", then you can read it on this one.

Unhealthy milk with significant remarks

Roskontrol conducted many analyzes and studies, according to which a list of products with significant comments and not recommended for use was obtained.

  • Milk "Athanasius" 3.2% pasteurized - unsatisfactory organoleptic indicators that do not comply with GOST. Small cream-colored flakes on the surface, taste with a fodder smell and aftertaste.
  • Milk "House in the village" 3.2% ultra-pasteurized - does not correspond to the name "milk" according to the identification criteria of the technical regulations: the mass fraction of protein is below the permissible level, even taking into account the measurement uncertainty (error).
  • Milk "Red price" 3.2% pasteurized - does not correspond to the GOST specified in the labeling in terms of organoleptic indicators. It has a slight "medicinal" aftertaste.
  • Milk "Dmitrov Dairy Plant" 3.2% pasteurized

Very unhealthy blacklisted milk

Roskontrol provided a list of dairy products, which, by their composition, are not suitable for consumption at all. It is not only not useful, but also threatens human health.

  • « Marusya" from 3.4% to 4.5% pasteurized.
  • "Every day" 3.2% pasteurized.
  • "Dmitrogorsk product" 3.2% pasteurized.
  • "Trading house Smetanin» 3.2% pasteurized.
  • "Dmitrov Dairy Plant" ultra pasteurized 3.2%.

I am full, today's article was clear and useful. There are a lot of reasons to trust this rating, since the organization Roskontrol has repeatedly confirmed its qualifications and impartiality. Write in the comments which in your opinion is the most healthy milk, and of course delicious.

We publish the results of the Roskontrol examination: products that you can safely buy, and those that contain preservatives and E. coli.

Usually not expensive products are counterfeited, but in demand. Manufacturers often deceive buyers by not indicating the full composition of the product. Instead of expensive raw materials, they use cheaper substitutes.

Alexander Borisov

Alexander Borisov, co-chairman of the Roskontrol Consumer Union, confirmed that the quality of products in Russian stores is declining. There are three reasons for this:

  1. In 2010, obligatory certification of food products was canceled in Russia and declaration of conformity was introduced. That is, the release of a product does not require the participation of an independent examination and laboratory research.
  2. Sanctions. With a decrease in competition, new manufacturers and new products poured into the market. Certification bodies have ceased to cope with the sharply increased volumes of new products.
  3. In modern economic conditions, manufacturers have been forced to go to a significant reduction in the quality, and sometimes the safety of products.

Rely on yourself only. Read labels carefully and watch what you put in your grocery basket! The independent non-profit organization "Roskontrol" helps buyers with this. It conducts research on products through donations from companies and people, among which there are no interested parties.

Representatives of the organization buy all goods as ordinary consumers - through retail stores.

Then they depersonalize them and send samples to experts. If tests show that the product is a threat to human health or the manufacturer is deceiving the buyer, the product is blacklisted.

Of all the products that Roskontrol studied, we chose the most popular ones: dumplings, sour cream, yogurt, chocolate, crab sticks, and sausage. As a reminder, in Issue 46 of November 18, we also published the results of checking popular products. If you want to know the results of all Roskontrol's research, visit


Successfully tested:

"Meat house of Borodin"

Security - 62%
Naturalness - 65%
Usefulness - 30%
Tasting – 80%

Pros: Delicious, safe, no soy, no preservatives.

Disadvantages: high price, contains chemical food additives - color fixatives, antioxidants.


Security - 61%
Naturalness - 50%
Usefulness - 11%
Tasting - 66%

Pros: Safe, no preservatives, no soy, no starch.

Disadvantages: contains collagen animal protein (in a small amount), as part of chemical additives.


Security - 64%
Naturalness - 40%
Usefulness - 15%
Tasting - 66%

Pros: Safe, no soy, no preservatives, moderately salty.

Disadvantages: contains many chemical additives; hard to read markings.



Degree of danger: average.

The manufacturer uses the invented name "Doctor's Classic", but the product does not meet the requirements of GOST R 52196-2011 in composition and quality.

"Cherkizovsky MPZ"

Danger level: high.

Sorbic acid, a preservative, was found. An excess of the mass fraction of phosphorus was also revealed. This is a non-compliance with security requirements.


Danger level: high. Does not meet safety requirements. The preservative was found to be benzoic acid. The mass fraction of phosphates is also exceeded.

sour cream

Successfully tested:

Brest-Litovsk 20%

Security - 85%
Naturalness - 72%
Usefulness - 52%
Tasting - 72%

Cons: Contains more saturated fat than others tested.

Ostankinskoye 20%

Security - 75%
Naturalness - 73%
Usefulness - 52%
Tasting – 75%

Advantages: safe, does not contain starch, phosphates, preservatives, antibiotics.

Disadvantages: the label depicts a child, although the product is not intended for baby food.

Prostokvashino 20%

Security - 85%
Naturalness - 55%
Usefulness - 53%
Tasting - 86%

Advantages: no preservatives, vegetable fats and starch.

Disadvantages: with a high degree of probability there are stabilizers. According to the regulations, a product with food additives cannot be called sour cream.


Rostagroexport 20%

Degree of danger: maximum. The antibiotic streptomycin was found. A stabilizer has been added to the product.

"Milava" 20%

Degree of danger: maximum. Does not meet safety requirements: antibiotic streptomycin detected. The product contains stabilizers.

Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant 20%

Degree of danger: maximum. Violation of safety requirements: the content of yeast fungi is 2000 times higher than the standard. The product contains a stabilizer.


Successfully tested:


Security - 94%
Naturalness - 85%
Usefulness - 69%
Tasting – 60%

Advantages: safe, without vegetable protein and starch.

Disadvantages: high price, discrepancy in the amount of fat: actually 6.7%, while the label indicates 11.2%.

"Siberian delicacy"

Security - 91%
Naturalness - 85%
Utility - 50%
Tasting - 72%

Pros: Safe, no soy or starch.

Disadvantages: a rather high salt content, the amount of proteins and fats does not correspond to the labeling.


"Russian hit"

Degree of danger: average.

The composition contains cartilaginous tissue, chicken meat and starch, not indicated on the package.

"Siberian collection"

Degree of danger: average. Does not meet safety requirements. Bird skins found.

"From Palych"

Degree of danger: maximum. The examination revealed bacteria of the Escherichia coli group. Also in the composition revealed poultry meat, not specified in the composition.

crab sticks

Successfully tested:

"Russian Sea"

Security - 56%
Naturalness - 23%
Usefulness - 22%
Tasting - 76%

Disadvantages: high price, dryish texture, foreign taste.

"Santa Bremor"

Security - 62%
Naturalness - 28%
Usefulness - 14%
Tasting - 58%

Pros: Safe, no preservatives.

Disadvantages: little protein, contain phosphates.


Security - 65%
Naturalness - 43%
Usefulness - 9%
Tasting - 72%

Advantages: microbiological parameters are normal.

Disadvantages: no indication of the content of glutamic acid, fat is 614% less than stated.


"Every day"

Degree of danger: average. Fat is 50 times less than stated. A preservative sodium benzoate was found, which is not approved for the manufacture of crab sticks.

"A" sea

Degree of danger: average. Inaccurate information about the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the product. An unapproved preservative for crab sticks, sodium benzoate, was used.

Danger level: high. The protein content is 34% less than stated. There is no information on the added glutamic acid on the label. Found sodium benzoate, not listed in the composition.


Successfully tested:

Vkusnoteevo 1.5%

Security - 95%
Naturalness - 28%
Usefulness - 68%
Tasting – 85%

Advantages: contains lactic acid bacteria.

Cons: Contains artificial flavor and color.

"Bio Balance" 1.5%

Security - 90%
Naturalness - 15%
Usefulness - 69%
Tasting – 85%

Advantages: contains lactic acid microorganisms and bifidobacteria, rich in protein.

Disadvantages: contains fragrance and dye.

Frugurt 1.5%

Security - 78%
Naturalness - 20%
Usefulness - 70%
Tasting – 60%

Advantages: contains lactic acid microorganisms, low fat, low calorie content.

Cons: Contains artificial flavors and color, no fruit.


Danone 1.6%

Degree of danger: average. It contains many food additives, but too few lactic acid bacteria.

"Miracle" 2.5%

Degree of danger: average. The number of beneficial lactic acid bacteria is 100 times less than indicated on the label.

Frugurt 2.5%

Degree of danger: maximum. The number of beneficial microorganisms does not correspond to that indicated on the label. Lots of nutritional supplements.


None of the tested samples was blacklisted.
Chocolate Rating:

"BUT. Korkunov

Advantages: natural, fatty acid composition corresponds to cocoa butter, does not contain palm kernel and coconut oil.

Disadvantages: more lead than other tested samples.

"Gold Mark"

Disadvantages: high price.

"A priori"

Advantages: safe, healthy, fatty acid composition corresponds to cocoa butter, does not contain palm kernel and coconut oil.

Disadvantages: high price.

Ritter Sport

Advantages: safe, healthy, fatty acid composition corresponds to cocoa butter, does not contain palm kernel and coconut oil.

Disadvantages: high lead content compared to other samples.

And at this time

Products must not only be produced in accordance with all standards, but also properly stored and sold under special conditions.

In January 2016, the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration conducted a scheduled inspection of the Belyovsky city market (Belev, Sovetskaya st., 83).

The inspection revealed violations:

  • no cleaning interval
  • the integrity of the floors and walls in the pavilion was violated
  • no knife sterilizers
  • temperature conditions are not provided
  • regular disposal of waste is not ensured

The market was fined 50,000 rubles.


63 samples products and food raw materials in 2015 and January 2016 were checked at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Tula Region for the content of antibiotics.

1 sample did not meet the standards.

35.1 tons products and food raw materials were rejected in 2015 in the Tula region.

164 samples dairy products were studied in the Tula region in 2015.

10.3 percent of which did not meet the mandatory requirements.

The organization did not check the Tula producers. You can do this yourself. In the Tula region, goods are checked by the laboratory of the Tula Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.

I am a big fan of all sorts of quality checks and examinations of various food products, as I monitor my health and try to eat only high-quality food. Moreover, I am always worried about the question: what kind of food can be given to children? I accidentally got on the site of Roskontrol, which conducts an independent examination of products, and spent half the night on it - until I was convinced that everything I eat was safe, I did not calm down. Although, after reading their results of the examination of food products, I will now change some brands of products in my grocery basket.

I will say right away that some results of food examinations surprised me a little and I would even doubt whether some brand paid for the promotion of its brand, but the site contains scans of documents from experts with seals, and often even a video of how an independent examination took place, so the results are to be trusted. Although it is not easy to realize that the cheapest Dixy water, for example, is better than all popular brands. And in the well-known water "Arkhyz" they found Pseudomonas aeruginosa and twenty times the norm of microbes, and so on ... unexpectedly! All in all, very useful research!

As for the organization. According to the website: “Roskontrol is a non-profit partnership that brings together leading research laboratories and scientific institutions in Russia….

Methods for checking and rating products are based on Russian state and international standards. The most authoritative testing laboratories and expert organizations are involved in conducting research and examinations ... ”Well, further on the site is a list of reputable scientific institutions that conduct an independent examination of food products.

For those who have no time to study all the examinations, I decided to go through their tests and write a simple list of what you can eat, what you shouldn’t, and what is generally dangerous and blacklisted. The company sues those manufacturers whose products do not meet quality standards and are recognized by the expert examination as dangerous. Well, now you are more attentive to the choice of products and brands and brands.

Since there are a lot of tests, this article will results of examination of dairy products. Although I make kefir and cottage cheese on my own, and also cook homemade cheese with my own hands and advise you, this is in any case very, very necessary information. In the near future I will do such reviews for all other products.

zucchini zucchini

For those who are interested, you can also read my nitrate tests:
The content of nitrates in vegetables, fruits and meat in Auchan
Checking products for nitrates with a Soeks nitrate meter in Dixy
Checking products with a nitrate meter in the Polushka store

So! Which foods should not be eaten categorically, and which ones have passed all the checks and examinations of food products!

From top to bottom - the higher the product in the list, the more points it scored in terms of quality and taste.

Examination of dairy products

good milk

Expertise of MILK
  • Milk that has passed quality control:
  • "Ruzskoye", 3.2-4%, pasteurized whole
    "Avida", 3.2%, pasteurized
    Mamulya, 3.2%, UHT
    "House in the village", 3.5%, whole pasteurized
    Vologzhanka, 1.5%, pasteurized
    "Vkusnoteevo", 3.2%, pasteurized
    Prostokvashino, 3.5%, whole pasteurized
    Dmitrov Dairy Plant, 3.2%, pasteurized

    bad milk

  • It is better not to use milk of these brands, a product with violations, not safe, etc.:
  • Svitlogorye, 3.2%, pasteurized
    "Our milking milk", 3.5%, whole
    "Tevye milkman", 3.4-4.0%, pasteurized

  • This milk is blacklisted!!! Drinking such milk can be life threatening!
  • "Molti" 3.2%, pasteurized
    "Milava", 3.2%, pasteurized

    good kefir

    KEFIR Expertise

    Fortunately, kefir, which was tested for quality, passed the tests.

  • Kefir, which has passed the examination:
  • And again from top to bottom from those that scored more points for quality
    Kefir BioMax, 1%
    Kefir "Ruzsky", 3.2-4%
    Fermented milk product "Vkusnoteevo", 1%
    Kefir "House in the village", 1%
    Kefir "36 kopecks", 3.2%
    Kefir Prostokvashino, 1%
    Kefir product "Activia", 1%

    good cottage cheese

    Examination of cottage cheese
  • Curd that has passed quality control
  • "Vkusnoteevo", 9%
    "Clean Line", 9%
    President, 9%

    Bad curd

  • But cottage cheese, which the results of the examination recognized as dangerous! These brands of cottage cheese are on the black list!!!
  • Prostokvashino, 9%
    Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant, 9%
    "Dmitrogorsky", 9%
    Ostankinskoye, 9%
    "House in the village", 9%
    Ruzsky, 9%
    "B.Yu. Aleksandrov", 9%

    good oil

    Examination and quality control of BUTTER:
  • Butter quality examination recognized as good butter:
  • "From Vologda", 72.5%, peasant
    Milkmaid, 82.5%
    "From Vologda", 82.5%, Vologda
    Lurpak, 82%
    Ruzskoe, 82.5%
    Anchor, 82%
    Valio 82%

    bad oil

  • But the oil, which is recognized as dangerous and blacklisted:
  • Ecomilk, 72.5%
    Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant, 82.5%

    good cheese

    CHEESE expertise
  • Checking the cheese showed us which cheese is of good quality:
  • "Thousand Lakes", creamy
    "City of Cheese", Russian
    Epiim, Estonian
    "ProstoSyr", Russian
    Mlekpol, Russian
    "Red Price", Russian
    Kiprino, Soviet
    "Savushkin Product", Dutch

    bad cheese

  • The examination recognized this cheese as not very good:
  • "Russian-extra"

  • And this is generally bad cheese, dangerous to health!:
  • "Belebeevsky", Russian

    Bad yogurt

    YOGHURT Expertise
    Looks like we sell mostly bad yogurt! All the goods that were tested, the examination recognized as dangerous!!!

    And even worse!

  • Checking the quality of yogurt recognized the following brands of yogurt as bad:
  • "Svalya Organic"
    Valio (yeah yeah)

    It can be eaten

    But the examination of ICE CREAM
    All parents wonder what ice cream is good?
  • According to the results of the examination, this is a good ice cream:
  • "Clean line"
    "Gold standard"
    "THE USSR"