Map of the Ob field with bushes on the left bank. Priobskoye nm is a complex but promising oil field in khmao

The Priobskoye field is located in the central part of the West Siberian Plain. Administratively, it is located in the Khanty-Mansiysk region, 65 km east of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk and 100 km west of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk. Nefteyugansk.

In the period 1978-1979. As a result of detailed seismic survey of CDP MOU, the Priobskoe uplift was identified. From this moment, a detailed study of the geological structure of the territory begins: the widespread development of seismic exploration in combination with deep drilling.

The Priobskoye field was discovered in 1982 as a result of drilling and testing of well 151, when commercial flow was obtained oil with a flow rate of 14.2 m 3 / day at a 4 mm choke from the intervals 2885-2977 m (Tyumen suite YUS 2) and 2463-2467 m (formation AS 11 1) - 5.9 m 3 / day at a dynamic level of 1023 m.

Priobskaya structure, according to the tectonic map of the Meso-Cenozoic platform cover.

West Siberian geosyneclise, located in the junction zone of the Khanty-Mansi depression, the Lyaminsky megafold, the Salym and West Lyaminsky groups of uplifts.

The structures of the first order are complicated by swell-like and dome-shaped uplifts of the second order and separate local anticlinal structures, which are the objects of prospecting and exploration work on oil and gas.

The productive formations in the Priobskoye field are formations of the "AC" group: AC 7, AC 9, AC 10, AC 11, AC 12. Stratigraphically, these strata belong to the Cretaceous deposits of the Upper Vartovskaya suite. Lithologically, the Upper Vartovskaya Formation is composed of frequent and uneven interbedding of mudstones with sandstones and siltstones. Mudstones are dark gray, gray with a greenish tint, silty, micaceous. Sandstones and siltstones are gray, clayey, micaceous, fine-grained. Among mudstones and sandstones, there are interlayers of clayey limestones, siderite nodules.

The rocks contain charred plant detritus, rarely poorly and moderately preserved bivalves (inoceramas).

Permeable rocks of productive strata have northeastern and submeridial strike. Almost all formations are characterized by an increase in the total effective thickness, net-to-gross ratio, mainly to the central parts of the reservoir development zones, to increase reservoir properties and, accordingly, the strengthening of clastic material occurs in the east (for the layers of the AS 12 horizon) and northeastern directions (for horizon AC 11).

Horizon AC 12 is a thick sandy body elongated from southwest to northeast in the form of a wide strip with maximum net thicknesses in the central part of up to 42 m (well 237). In this horizon, three objects are distinguished: layers АС 12 3, АС 12 1-2, АС 12 0.

The deposits of the AS 12 3 formation are presented in the form of a chain of sandy lenticular bodies with a northeastern strike. Effective thicknesses vary from 0.4 m to 12.8 m, with higher values ​​being confined to the main deposit.

The main deposit AS 12 3 was recovered at depths of -2620 and -2755 m and is lithologically screened from all sides. The dimensions of the deposit are 34 x 7.5 km, and the height is 126 m.

Deposit AS 12 3 in the area of ​​well. 241 was recovered at depths of -2640-2707 m and is confined to the Khanty-Mansiysk local uplift. The reservoir is controlled from all sides by reservoir replacement zones. The dimensions of the deposit are 18 x 8.5 km, the height is 76 m.

Deposit AS 12 3 in the area of ​​well. 234 was recovered at depths of 2632-2672 m and represents a lens of sandstones at the western plunge of the Priobskaya structure. The dimensions of the deposit are 8.5 x 4 km, and the height is 40 m, the type is lithologically screened.

Deposit AS 12 3 in the area of ​​well. 15-С was recovered at depths of 2664-2689 m within the Seliyarovskiy structural ledge. The dimensions of the lithologically screened deposit are 11.5 x 5.5 km, and the height is 28 m.

The AS 12 1-2 deposit is the main one and is the largest in the field. It is confined to a monocline complicated by small-amplitude local uplifts (area of ​​wells 246, 400) with transition zones between them. On three sides it is bounded by lithological screens, and only in the south (to the Vostochno-Frolovskaya area) do the collectors tend to develop. However, given the significant distances, the boundary of the reservoir is still conditionally limited by a line running 2 km south of the well. 271 and 259. Oil-saturated thicknesses vary in a wide range from 0.8 m (well 407) to 40.6 m (well 237) tributaries oil up to 26 m 3 / day at a 6 mm choke (well 235). The dimensions of the deposit are 45 x 25 km, the height is 176 m.

Deposit AS 12 1-2 in the area of ​​well. 4-KhM was recovered at depths of 2659-2728 m and is confined to a sandy lens on the northwestern slope of the Khanty-Mansiysk local uplift. Oil-saturated thicknesses vary from 0.4 to 1.2 m.The dimensions of the deposit are 7.5 x 7 km, the height is 71 m.

Deposit AS 12 1-2 in the area of ​​well. 330 recovered at depths of 2734-2753m Oil-saturated the thickness varies from 2.2 to 2.8 m. The dimensions of the deposit are 11 x 4.5 km, the height is 9 m. The type is lithologically screened.

The deposits of the AS 12 0 layer - the main one - were opened at depths of 2421-2533 m. It is a lenticular body oriented from the southwest to the northeast. Oil-saturated thicknesses vary from 0.6 (borehole 172) to 27 m (borehole 262). Tributaries oil up to 48m 3 / day on 8 mm choke. The dimensions of the lithologically screened deposit are 41 x 14 km, the height is 187 m. Deposit AS 12 0 in the area of ​​borehole no. 331 is recovered at depths of 2691-2713 m and represents a lens of sandy rocks. Oil saturated the thickness in this well is 10 m. Dimensions 5 x 4.2 km, height - 21 m. oil- 2.5 m 3 / day at Нд = 1932 m.

The deposit of the AS 11 2-4 layer is of lithologically screened type, there are 8 in total, with 1-2 penetrated wells. In terms of area, the deposits are located in the form of 2 chains of lenses in the eastern part (the most elevated) and in the west in the more submerged part of the monoclinal structure. Oil-saturated thicknesses in the east increase 2 or more times compared to western wells. The total range of change is from 0.4 to 11 m.

The AS 11 2-4 reservoir in the area of ​​well 246 was uncovered at a depth of 2513-2555 m.The dimensions of the reservoir are 7 x 4.6 km, the height is 43 m.

Deposit of layer AS 11 2-4 in the area of ​​well. 247 was recovered at a depth of 2469-2490 m.The dimensions of the deposit are 5 x 4.2 km, the height is 21 m.

Deposit of layer AS 11 2-4 in the area of ​​well. 251 was recovered at a depth of 2552-2613 m.The dimensions of the deposit are 7 x 3.6 km, the height is 60 m.

Deposit of layer AS 11 2-4 in the area of ​​well. 232 was opened at a depth of 2532-2673m. The dimensions of the deposit are 11.5 x 5 km, the height is 140 m.

Deposit of layer AS 11 2-4 in the area of ​​well. 262 was opened at a depth of 2491-2501m. The dimensions of the deposit are 4.5 x 4 km, the height is 10 m.

The AS 11 2-4 reservoir in the area of ​​well 271 was uncovered at a depth of 2550-2667 m. The size of the deposit is 14 x 5 km.

Deposit of layer AS 11 2-4 in the area of ​​well. 151 were opened at a depth of 2464-2501m. The dimensions of the deposit are 5.1 x 3 km, the height is 37 m.

Deposit of layer AS 11 2-4 in the area of ​​well. 293 was recovered at a depth of 2612-2652 m.The dimensions of the deposit are 6.2 x 3.6 km, the height is 40 m.

The deposits of the AS 11 1 stratum are mainly confined to the near-arch part in the form of a wide strip of northeastern striking, limited on three sides by clay zones.

The main deposit AC 11 1 is the second in value within the Priobskoye field, which was opened at depths of 2421-2533 m. 259. Debits oil vary from 2.46 m 3 / day at a dynamic level of 1195 m (well 243) to 118 m 3 / day through an 8 mm choke (well 246). Oil-saturated thicknesses vary from 0.4 m (well 172) to 41.6 (well 246). The size of the deposit is 48 x 15 km, the height is up to 112 m, the type is lithologically screened.

Deposits of the AS 11 0 formation. The AS 11 0 formation has a very insignificant zone of reservoir development in the form of lenticular bodies, confined to the submerged sections of the overhead part.

Deposit AS 11 0 in the area of ​​well. 408 was recovered at a depth of 2432-2501 m. The dimensions of the deposit are 10.8 x 5.5 km, the height is 59 m, the type is lithologically screened. Debit oil from well. 252 was 14.2 m3 / day at Нд = 1410 m.

Deposit AS 11 0 in the area of ​​well. 172 was penetrated by one well at a depth of 2442-2446 m and has dimensions of 4.7 x 4.1 km, a height of 3 m. oil amounted to 4.8 m 3 / day at Нд = 1150 m.

Deposit AS 11 0 in the area of ​​well. 461 measures 16 x 6 km. Oil saturated the thickness varies from 1.6 to 4.8 m. The type of reservoir is lithologically screened. Debit oil from well. 461 was 15.5 m 3 / day, Nd = 1145 m.

Deposit AS 11 0 in the area of ​​well. 425 was penetrated by one well. Oil saturated capacity - 3.6 m. oil amounted to 6.1 m 3 / day at Нд = 1260 m.

The AS 10 horizon is penetrated within the central zone of the Priobskoye field, where they are confined to the more submerged places of the near-top part, as well as to the south-western wing of the structure. The division of the horizon into layers АС 10 1, АС 10 2-3 (in the central and eastern parts) and АС 10 2-3 (in the western part) is to a certain extent conditional and is determined by the conditions of occurrence, formation of these deposits, taking into account the lithological composition of rocks and physical chemical characteristics oils.

The main deposit AS 10 2-3 was opened at depths of 2427-2721 m and is located in the southern part of the field. Debit oil are in the range from 1.5 m 3 / day at 8 mm choke (well 181) to 10 m 3 / day at Nd = 1633 m (well 421). Oil-saturated thicknesses range from 0.8 m (well 180) to 15.6 m (well 181). The dimensions of the deposit are 31 x 11 km, the height is up to 292 m, the deposit is lithologically screened.

Deposit AS 10 2-3 in the area of ​​well. 243 were recovered at depths of 2393-2433 m. Debit oil is 8.4 m 3 / day at Нд = 1248 m (well 237). Oil-saturated thickness - 4.2 - 5 m. Dimensions 8 x 3.5 km, height up to 40 m. Deposit type - lithologically screened.

Deposit AS 10 2-3 in the area of ​​well. 295 was opened at a depth of 2500-2566 m and is controlled by the formation clayey zones. Oil-saturated thicknesses vary from 1.6 to 8.4 m. 295, 3.75 m 3 / day was obtained at Нд = 1100 m.The dimensions of the deposit are 9.7 x 4 km, the height is 59 m.

The main deposit AC 10 1 was opened at depths of 2374-2492 m. Replacement zones of reservoirs control the deposit from three sides, and in the south its boundary was drawn conditionally at a distance of 2 km from the well. 259 and 271. Oil-saturated thicknesses vary from 0.4 (well 237) to 11.8 m (well 265). Debit oil: from 2.9 m 3 / day at Нд = 1064 m (borehole 236) to 6.4 m 3 / day at a 2 mm choke. The dimensions of the deposit are 38 x 13 km, the height is up to 120 m, the type of deposit is lithologically screened.

Deposit AS 10 1 in the area of ​​well. 420 was recovered at depths of 2480-2496 m.The dimensions of the deposit are 4.5 x 4 km, the height is 16 m.

Deposit AS 10 1 in the area of ​​well. 330 was recovered at depths of 2499-2528 m.The dimensions of the deposit are 6 x 4 km, the height is 29 m.

Deposit AS 10 1 in the area of ​​well. 255 were recovered at depths of 2468-2469 m. The size of the deposit is 4 x 3.2 km.

The section of the AS 10 stratum is completed by the AS 10 0 productive stratum. Within which, three deposits have been identified, located in the form of a chain of submeridian striking.

Deposit AS 10 0 in the area of ​​well. 242 was recovered at depths of 2356-2427 m and is lithologically screened. Debit oil are 4.9 - 9 m 3 / day at Nd-1261-1312 m. Oil-saturated the thickness is 2.8 - 4 m. The dimensions of the deposit are 15 x 4.5 km, the height is up to 58 m.

Deposit AS 10 0 in the area of ​​well. 239 was recovered at depths of 2370-2433 m. oil are 2.2 - 6.5 m 3 / day at Nd-1244-1275 m. Oil-saturated the thickness is 1.6-2.4 m. The dimensions of the deposit are 9 x 5 km, the height is up to 63 m.

Deposit AS 10 0 in the area of ​​well. 180 was recovered at depths of 2388-2391 m and is lithologically screened. Oil saturated thickness - 2.6m. Inflow oil amounted to 25.9 m 3 / day at Nd-1070 m.

The cover above the AS 10 horizon is represented by a member of clayey rocks, varying from 10 to 60 m from east to west.

Sandy-siltstone rocks of the AS 9 formation are of limited distribution and are presented in the form of facies windows, gravitating mainly to the northeastern and eastern parts of the structure, as well as to the southwestern plunge.

Deposit of layer AS 9 in the area of ​​well. 290 was recovered at depths of 2473-2548 m and is confined to the western part of the field. Oil-saturated thicknesses range from 3.2 to 7.2 m. Production rates oil are 1.2 - 4.75 m 3 / day with Nd - 1382-1184 m. The size of the deposit is 16.1 x 6 km, the height is up to 88 m.

In the east of the field, two small deposits (6 x 3 km) have been identified. Oil-saturated thicknesses vary from 0.4 to 6.8 m. oil 6 and 5.6 m 3 / day at Нд = 1300-1258 m. The deposits are lithologically screened.

Completing the Neocomian productive sediments is the AS 7 formation, which has a very mosaic pattern in placement. oil-bearing and aquifers.

The largest in area eastern reservoir of formation AS 7 was recovered at depths of 2291-2382 m. On three sides it is contoured by reservoir replacement zones, and in the south its boundary is conditional and is drawn along a line passing 2 km from wells 271 and 259. The deposit is oriented from the south -west to northeast. Tributaries oil: 4.9 - 6.7 m 3 / day at Нд = 1359-875 m. Oil-saturated thicknesses vary from 0.8 to 7.8 m.The dimensions of the lithologically screened deposit are 46 x 8.5 km, and the height is up to 91 m.

Deposit AS 7 in the area of ​​well. 290 was opened at a depth of 2302-2328 m. Oil-bearing the thickness is 1.6 - 3 m. 290 received 5.3 m 3 / day oil at P = 15MPA. The size of the deposit is 10 x 3.6 km, the height is 24 m.

Deposit AS 7 in the area of ​​well. 331 was opened at a depth of 2316-2345 m and is an arcuate lenticular body. Oil-saturated thicknesses vary from 3 to 6 m. 331 inflow received oil 1.5 m 3 / day at Нд = 1511 m.The dimensions of the lithologically screened deposit are 17 x 6.5 km, the height is 27 m.

Deposit AS 7 in the area of ​​well. 243 were opened at a depth of 2254-2304 m. Oil-saturated thickness 2.2-3.6 m.Dimensions 11.5 x 2.8 km, height - 51 m. In well. 243 received oil 1.84 m 3 / day at Nd-1362 m.

Deposit AS 7 in the area of ​​well. 259, recovered at a depth of 2300 m, is a sandstone lens. Oil saturated thickness 5.0 m. Dimensions 4 x 3 km.

Priobskoye field




AC 12 3

AC 12 1-2

AC 12 0

AC 11 2-4

AC 11 1

AC 11 0

AC 10 2-3

AC 10 1

AC 10 0

AC 9

AC 7

Initial recoverable

reserves, thousand tons

Sun 1

C 2


















booty, thousand tons



booty, thousand tons

Well stock




drilling out










Mesh size












Brief geological and field characteristics of reservoirs

Priobskoye field




Productive reservoir

AC 12 3

AC 12 1-2

AC 12 0

AC 11 2-4

AC 11 1

AC 11 0

AC 10 2-3

AC 10 1

AC 10 0

AC 9

AC 7

Depth of seam top, m












Absolute elevation of the seam top, m












Absolute mark OWC, m

Total seam thickness, m


Effective thickness, m



Oil saturated thickness, m










Net-to-gross ratio, share, units












Petrophysical characteristics of reservoirs




Productive reservoir

AC 12 3

AC 12 1-2

AC 12 0

AC 11 2-4

AC 11 1

AC 11 0

AC 10 2-3

AC 10 1

AC 10 0

AC 9

AC 7


min-mak average







With a grain size of 0.5-0.25mm

min-mak average


with a grain size of 0.25-0.1 mm

min-mak average







with a grain size of 0.1-0.01 mm

min-mak average







at a grain size of 0.01 mm

min-mak average




Sorted coefficient,

min-mak average





Median grain size, mm

min-mak average





Clay content,%

Cement type

clayey, carbonate-clayey, film-porous.

Coeff. Open porosity. by core, unit fractions

Min-mak average

















Coeff. core permeability, 10 -3 μm 2

min-mak average













Water-holding capacity,%

min-mak average

Coeff. Open porosity by logging, dollar units

Coeff. Well logging permeability, 10 -3 μm 2

Coeff. Oil saturation by GIS, fractions of units







Initial reservoir pressure, MPa






Reservoir temperature, С

Debit oil according to the results of the test exploration. well m3 / day

Min-mak average












Productivity, m3 / day MPa

min-mak average





Hydraulic conductivity, 10 -11 m -3 / Pa * sec.

min-mak average







Physicochemical characteristics oil and gas




Productive reservoir

AC 12 3

AC 11 2-4

AC 10 1

Density oil in superficial

Conditions, kg / m3



Density oil in reservoir conditions

Viscosity at surface conditions, mPa.sec




Reservoir viscosity




Resins of silica gel















Pour point oil, C 0

Temperature. saturation oil paraffin, C 0

Fraction yield,%

up to 100 С 0

up to 150 С 0


up to 200 С 0




up to 250 С 0




up to 300 С 0



Component composition oil(molar


Carbonic gas
























Normal butane








Normal pentane




C6 + higher




Molecular weight, kg / mol


Saturation pressure, mPa


Volumetric ratio




Gas factor at conditional separation m 3 / t

Density gas, kg / m3




Type of gas

Component composition petroleum gas

(molar concentration,%)





Carbonic gas




















Normal butane












C6 + higher




Composition and properties of formation waters

Aquifer complex

Productive reservoir

AC 12 0

AC 11 0

AC 10 1

Density of water surface conditions, t / m3

Mineralization, g / l

Water type





Sodium + Potassium












The Priobskoye oil and gas field is geographically located in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District of the Tyumen Region of the Russian Federation. The city closest to the Priobskoye field is Nefteyugansk (located 200 km east of the field).

The Priobskoye field was discovered in 1982. The field is characterized as multi-layer, low-productivity. The territory is cut by the Ob River, it is swampy and during the flood period it is mostly flooded; there are spawning grounds for fish. As noted in the materials of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation submitted to the State Duma, these factors complicate the development and require significant financial resources to apply the latest highly efficient and environmentally friendly technologies.

The license for the development of the Priobskoye field belongs to Rosneft's subsidiary, Rosneft-Yuganskneftegaz.

According to the calculations of specialists, the development of the field under the existing taxation system is unprofitable and impossible. Under the PSA, oil production in 20 years will amount to 274.3 million tons, state revenue - $ 48.7 billion.

The recoverable reserves of the Priobskoye field are 578 million tons of oil, gas - 37 billion cubic meters. The development period under the PSA terms is 58 years. The peak production level is 19.9 billion. tons for the 16th year of development. The initial funding was $ 1.3 billion according to the plan. Capital expenditures - $ 28 billion, operating costs - $ 27.28 billion. Possible directions of oil transportation from the field are Ventspils, Novorossiysk, Odessa, "Druzhba".

In 1991, Yugansneftegaz and Amos began to discuss the possibility of joint development of the northern part of the Priobskoye field. In 1993, Amoso ​​took part in an international tender for the right to use subsoil in the fields of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and was declared the winner of the tender for the exclusive right to become a foreign partner in the development of the Priobskoye field together with Yuganskneftegaz.

In 1994, Yuganskneftegaz and Amoso ​​prepared and submitted to the government a draft production sharing agreement and a teniko-economic and environmental feasibility study of the project.

In early 1995, an additional feasibility study was submitted to the government, which was amended in the same year in light of new data on the field.
In 1995, the Central Commission for the Development of Oil and Oil and Gas Fields of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation approved a revised scheme for the development of the field and the environmental part of the pre-project documentation.

On March 7, 1995, the then Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin issued an order to form a government delegation from representatives of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and a number of ministries and departments to negotiate a PSA for the development of the northern part of the Priobskoye field.

In July 1996, in Moscow, the joint Russian-American commission on economic and technical cooperation issued a joint statement on the priority of energy projects, among which the Priobskoye field was specifically named. The joint statement indicates that both governments are welcoming the commitment to conclude a production sharing agreement for this project by the next meeting of the commission in February 1997.

At the end of 1998, Yuganskneftegaz's partner in the Priobskoye field development project, the American company Amoso, was taken over by the British company British Petroleum.

In early 1999, BP / Amoso ​​officially announced its withdrawal from participation in the Priobskoye field development project.

Ethnic history of the Priobskoye field

Since ancient times, the area of ​​the deposit was inhabited by the Khanty. The Khanty developed complex social systems, called principalities, and by the XI-XII centuries. they had large tribal settlements with fortified capitals, which were ruled by princes and defended by professional troops.

The first known contacts of Russia with this territory took place in the X or XI century. At this time, trade relations began to develop between the Russian and the indigenous population of Western Siberia, which brought cultural changes to the life of the aborigines. Iron and ceramic household utensils and fabrics appeared and became a material part of the life of the Khanty. The fur trade has acquired great importance as a means of obtaining these goods.

In 1581, Western Siberia was annexed to Russia. The princes were replaced by the tsarist government, and taxes were paid to the Russian treasury. In the 17th century, tsarist officials and service people (Cossacks) began to settle in this territory, and contacts between the Russians and the Khanty were further developed. As a result of closer contacts, the Russians and the Khanty began to adopt the attributes of each other's way of life. The Khanty began to use guns and traps, some, following the example of the Russians, began to breed cattle and horses. The Russians borrowed some hunting and fishing techniques from the Khanty. The Russians acquired land and fishing grounds from the Khanty, and by the 18th century, most of the Khanty land was sold to Russian settlers. Russian cultural influence expanded in the early 18th century with the introduction of Christianity. At the same time, the number of Russians continued to increase, and by the end of the 18th century, the Russian population in this area outnumbered the Khanty by five times. Most of the Khanty families borrowed agriculture, cattle breeding and gardening from the Russians.

The assimilation of the Khanty into Russian culture accelerated with the establishment of Soviet power in 1920. The Soviet policy of social integration brought a unified education system to the region. Khanty children were usually sent from families to boarding schools for a period of 8 to 10 years. Many of them, after leaving school, could no longer return to the traditional way of life, without having the necessary skills for this.

Collectivization, which began in the 1920s, had a significant impact on the ethnographic character of the territory. In the 50s and 60s, the formation of large collective farms began and several small settlements disappeared as the population unified into larger settlements. By the 1950s, mixed marriages between Russians and Khanty became widespread, and almost all Khanty born after the 1950s were born in mixed marriages. Since the 60s, as Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Moldavians, Chuvashes, Bashkirs, Avars and representatives of other nationalities migrated to the region, the percentage of Khanty has decreased even more. At present, the Khanty make up a little less than 1 percent of the population of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

In addition to the Khanty, the Mansi (33%), Nenets (6%) and Selkups (less than 1%) live on the territory of the Priobskoye field.

The Priobskoye oil field was discovered in 1982 by well No. 151 "Glavtyumengeologii".
Refers to the distributed subsoil fund. The license was registered by OOO Yugansknefgegaz and NK Sibneft-Yugra in 1999. It is located on the border of the Salym and Lyaminsky oil and gas regions and is confined to the local structure of the same name in the Middle Ob oil and gas region. On the reflecting horizon "B", the uplift is outlined by an isoline - 2890 m and has an area of ​​400 km2. The basement was opened by well No. 409 in the interval of depth 3212 - 3340 m and is represented by metamorphisms. breeds of greenish color. It is overlain by the Lower Jurassic deposits with angular unconformity and erosion. The main platform section is composed of Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits. The Paleogene is represented by the Danish Stage, Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene. The thickness of the Quaternary sediments reaches 50 m. The bottom of permafrost is noted at a depth of 280 m, the top - at a depth of 100 m. Within the field, 13 oil deposits of stratal, formation-vaulted and lithologically screened types have been identified, which are associated with sand. lenses of yuterive and barrel. The reservoir is granular sandstones with clay interlayers. Belongs to the class of unique.

New technologies and competent policy of Yuganskneftegaz have improved the state of the Priobskoye oil field, the geological reserves of which are at the level of 5 billion tons of oil.

Priobskoye NM is a giant oil production field in Russia. This hard-to-reach and remote field is located 70 km from the city of Khanty-Mansiysk and 200 kilometers from the city of Nefteyugansk. It is included in the West Siberian oil and gas province. About 80% of the Priobskoye NM is located directly in the floodplain of the Ob River and is divided by water into two parts. The peculiarity of Priobskoye is flooding during periods of floods.

The main geological and physical characteristics of the field

A distinctive feature of Priobskoye is a complicated geological structure, characterized by multi-layer formation and a low degree of productivity. The reservoirs of the main productive formations are distinguished by low permeability, insignificant net-to-gross content, high clay content and high dissection. These factors imply the use of hydraulic fracturing technologies in the development process.

The location of the deposits is not deeper than 2.6 km. Oil density indices are equal to 0.86–0.87 tons per m³. The amount of paraffins is moderate and does not exceed 2.6%, the amount of sulfur is about 1.35%.

The field is classified as sulphurous and has class II oil in accordance with GOST for refineries.

The deposits are lithologically screened and have the elasticity and isolation of the natural regime. The strata thickness ranges from 0.02 to 0.04 km. The reservoir pressure has initial values ​​of 23.5–25 MPa. The temperature regime of the reservoirs is maintained in the range of 88–90 ° С. The reservoir type of oil has stable viscosity parameters and has a dynamic coefficient of 1.6 mPa s, as well as the effect of oil saturation at a pressure of 11 MPa.

The presence of paraffin and low resin content of the naphthenic series is characteristic. The initial daily volume of operating oil wells varies from 35 to 180 tons. The type of wells is based on a cluster location, and the maximum recovery factor is 0.35 units. Priobskoye NM produces crude oil with a significant amount of light hydrocarbons, which necessitates stabilization or extraction of APG.

Start of development and quantity of reserves

Priobskoe NM was opened in 1982. In 1988, the development of the left-bank part of the field began, and eleven years later, the development of the right bank began.

The amount of geological reserves is 5 billion tons, and the proven and recoverable amount is estimated at almost 2.5 billion tons.

Features of production at the field

The duration of development under the Production Sharing Agreement was assumed to be no more than 58 years. The maximum level of oil production is almost 20 million tons in 16 years from the date of development.

Funding at the initial stage was planned at the level of $ 1.3 billion. The item on capital expenditures accounted for $ 28 billion, and operating costs were $ 27.28 billion. Novorossiysk.

As of 2005, the field has 954 production wells and 376 injection wells.

Companies developing the field

In 1991, the companies Yuganskneftegaz and Amos began to discuss the prospects for joint developments in the northern the coast of NM Priobskoye.

In 1993, Amoso ​​won the tender and received the exclusive right to develop NM Priobskoye together with Yuganskneftegaz. A year later, the companies prepared and submitted to the government a project agreement on the distribution of products, as well as an environmental and feasibility study of the developed project.

In 1995, the government reviewed an additional feasibility study, which reflected new data on the Priobskoye field. By order of the Prime Minister, a government delegation was formed, including representatives of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, as well as some ministries and departments, in order to negotiate a Production Sharing Agreement in the context of the development of the northern segment of the Priobskoye field.

In mid-1996, Moscow heard a statement from a joint Russian-American commission on the priority of design innovations in the energy industry, including on the territory of the Priobskoye NM.

In 1998, Yuganskneftegaz's partner in the development of NM Priobskoye, the American company Amoso, was absorbed by the British company British Petroleum, and an official application was received from BP / Amoso ​​to cease participation in the Priobskoye field development project.

Then a subsidiary of the state company Rosneft, which gained control over the central asset of YUKOS, Yuganskneftegaz, LLC RN-Yuganskneftegaz, was involved in the development of the field.

In 2006, specialists from NM Priobskoye and Newco Well Service performed the largest hydraulic fracturing of an oil reservoir in the Russian Federation, into which 864 tons of proppant were injected. The operation lasted seven hours, and the live broadcast could be watched through the Internet office of Yuganskneftegaz.

Now RN-Yuganskneftegaz LLC is working steadily on the development of the northern part of the Priobskoye oilfield, while the development of the southern segment of the field is being carried out by Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC, which belongs to the Gazpromneft company. The southern segment of the Priobskoye oilfield has insignificant license areas. Since 2008, the development of the Sredne-Shapshinsky and Verkhne-Shapshinsky segments has been carried out by NJSC AKI OTYR, which belongs to OJSC Russneft.

Prospects for Priobskoye NM

A year ago, Gazpromneft-Khantos acquired a license to conduct geological studies of parameters related to deep oil-saturated horizons. The study is focused on the southern part of the Priobskoye NM, including the Bazhenov and Achimov formations.

The last year was marked by the analysis of geographic data on the territory of the Bazheno-Abalak complex of the South Priobskoye NM. The combination of specialized core analysis and the assessment of this class of reserves presupposes the procedure for drilling four prospecting and appraisal wells with an inclined direction.

Horizontal wells will be drilled in 2016. To estimate the volume of recoverable reserves, it is envisaged to carry out multi-stage hydraulic fracturing.

The impact of the deposit on the ecology of the area

The main factors affecting the environmental situation in the field area are the presence of emissions into the atmosphere. layers. These emissions are petroleum gas, oil combustion products, vapor components from light hydrocarbon fractions. In addition, there are spills on the soil of oil products and components.

The unique territorial feature of the deposit is due to its location on floodplain river landscapes and within the water protection zone. The presentation of special development requirements is based on high value. In this situation, floodplains with a characteristic high dynamism and a complex hydrological regime are considered. This territory was chosen for nesting by migratory birds of near-water species, many are included in the Red Book. The deposit is located on the territory of migration routes and wintering grounds for many rare representatives of ichthyofauna.

As early as 20 years ago, the Central Commission for the development of NM and NGM under the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia, as well as the Ministry for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Russia approved the exact scheme for the development of NM Priobskoye and the nature protection part of all preliminary design documentation.

The Priobskoye field is cut into two parts by the Ob River. It is swampy and during a flood, most of it is flooded. It was these conditions that facilitated the formation of fish spawning grounds on the territory of the NM. The Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia submitted materials to the State Duma, on the basis of which it was concluded that the development of NM Priobskoye was complicated due to the existing natural factors. Such documents confirm the need for additional financial resources in order to use only the latest and environmentally friendly technologies on the territory of the field, which will allow highly efficient implementation of environmental protection measures.

They are located in Saudi Arabia, even a high school student knows. As well as the fact that Russia is right behind it in the list of countries with significant oil reserves. However, in terms of production, we are inferior to several countries at once.

The largest in Russia are found in almost all regions: in the Caucasus, in the Ural and West Siberian districts, in the North, in Tatarstan. However, not all of them have been developed, and some, such as Tekhneftinvest, whose sites are located in the Yamalo-Nenets and neighboring Khanty-Mansiysk okrug, are unprofitable.

That is why a deal was opened on April 4, 2013 with the Rockefeller Oil Company, which has already started in the area.

However, not all oil and gas fields in Russia are unprofitable. Proof of this is the successful production that several companies are simultaneously carrying out in the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug, on both banks of the Ob.

The Priobskoye field is considered one of the largest not only in Russia, but in the whole world. It was opened in 1982. It turned out that the reserves of West Siberian oil are located both on the left and right banks. Development on the left bank began six years later, in 1988, and on the right bank, eleven years later.

Today it is known that the Priobskoye field contains over 5 billion tons of high-quality oil, which is located at a depth not exceeding 2.5 kilometers.

Huge oil reserves made it possible to build the Priobskaya gas turbine power plant near the field, operating exclusively on associated fuel. This station not only fully meets the demands of the field. It is capable of supplying produced electricity to the Khanty-Mansiysk District for the needs of residents.

Several companies are currently developing the Priobskoye field.

Some are convinced that during the extraction from the ground comes the finished, refined oil. This is a deep misconception. Reservoir fluid that comes out on

the surface (crude oil) enters the workshops, where it is cleaned of impurities and water, the amount of magnesium ions is normalized, and associated gas is separated. This is a large and highly precise job. For its implementation, the Priobskoye field was provided with a whole complex of laboratories, workshops and transport networks.

Finished products (oil and gas) are transported and used for their intended purpose, only waste remains. It is they who are creating the biggest problem for the field today: there are so many of them that it is not yet possible to liquidate them.

The company, created specifically for recycling, today recycles only the freshest waste. From sludge (this is how the enterprise is called expanded clay, which is in great demand in construction. However, so far only access roads for the deposit are being built from the obtained expanded clay.

The field has another significance: it provides stable, well-paid jobs for several thousand workers, among whom there are highly qualified specialists and workers without qualifications.

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Country Russia
Region Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
Location 65 km from the city of Khanty-Mansiysk and 200 km from the city of Nefteyugansk, the Ob river floodplain
Oil and gas province West Siberian oil and gas province
Coordinates 61 ° 20'00 ″ s. NS. 70 ° 18′50 ″ in. etc.
Mineral resource Oil
Raw material characteristics Density 863 - 868 kg / m 3;
Sulfur content 1.2 - 1.3%;
Viscosity 1.4 - 1.6 mPa · s;
Paraffin content 2.4 - 2.5%
Rank Unique
Status Development of
Opening 1982 year
Commissioning into commercial operation 1988 year
Subsoil user company Northern part - LLC RN-Yuganskneftegaz (PJSC NK Rosneft);
Southern part - Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC (Gazprom Neft PJSC);
Verkhne-Shapshinsky and Sredne-Shapshinsky license areas - OJSC NAK AKI OTYR (PJSC NK RussNeft)
Geological reserves 5 billion tons of oil

Priobskoye oil field Is a giant Russian oil field located in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. It is considered the largest field in Russia in terms of current reserves and oil production.

General information

The Priobskoye field belongs to the West Siberian oil and gas province. It is located on the border of the Salym and Lyaminsky oil and gas regions, 65 km from the city of Khanty-Mansiysk and 200 km from the city of Nefteyugansk, and is confined to the local structure of the same name in the Middle Ob oil and gas region.

About 80% of the deposit area is located in the floodplain of the Ob River, which, crossing the site, divides it into 2 parts: left and right bank. Officially, the sections of the left and right banks of the Ob are called the Yuzhno- and Severo-Priobskoye fields, respectively. During floods, the floodplain is regularly flooded, which, along with a complex geological structure, makes it possible to characterize the field as difficult to access.


The geological reserves of the field are estimated at 5 billion tons of oil. Hydrocarbon deposits were found at a depth of 2.3-2.6 km, the thickness of the layers reaches from 2 to 40 meters.

The oil of the Priobskoye field is low resinous, the paraffin content is at the level of 2.4-2.5%. They are characterized by an average density (863-868 kg / m³), ​​but a high sulfur content (1.2-1.3%), which requires additional purification. The viscosity of oil is about 1.4-1.6 mPa * s.


The Priobskoye field was discovered in 1982 by well No. 151 of Glavtyumengeologiya.
Production oil production began in 1988 on the left bank from well No. 181-P using the gushing method. The development of the right bank began later, in 1999.


Currently, the northern part of the Priobskoye oil field (SLT) is being developed by LLC RN-Yuganskneftegaz, owned by Rosneft, and the southern part (ULT) is being developed by LLC Gazpromneft-Khantos (a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft PJSC).

In addition, in the south of the field there are relatively small Verkhne-Shapshinsky and Sredne-Shapshinsky license areas, which have been developed since 2008 by OAO NAK AKI OTYR, owned by PAO NK RussNeft.

Development methods

Due to the specific conditions of occurrence of hydrocarbons and the geographic location of the deposits, production at the Priobskoye oil field is carried out using hydraulic fracturing, which significantly reduces operating costs and capital investment.

In November 2016, the largest hydraulic fracturing of an oil reservoir in Russia was performed at the field - 864 tons of proppant (proppant) were injected into the reservoir. The operation was carried out jointly with specialists from Newco Well Service.

Current production level

The Priobskoye field is rightfully considered the largest oil field in Russia in terms of reserves and production volumes. To date, about 1000 production and almost 400 injection wells have been drilled on it.

In 2016, the field provided 5% of all oil production in Russia, and in the first five months of 2017 it produced more than 10 million tons of oil.