Practical examples of calculating the remuneration of workers serving a dairy herd. Recommendations on remuneration for livestock workers In-kind bonuses for livestock workers

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The essence of the forms of labor organization: brigade, link, working group, specialized detachment

In agricultural enterprises, the main form of organizing the work of production personnel is the production team - this is a permanent subdivision, the collective of which, having land and other means of production in its use, on the basis of the division and cooperation of labor, performs the bulk of agricultural work on the production of products and is responsible for the final results of the work.

The most common types of production teams are: cattleman labor rationing wages

complex - the production staff serves several different agricultural sectors according to the applied technology, and produces, as a rule, both crop and livestock products. The structure includes workers of various professions. For such a brigade, land, agricultural equipment and livestock farms are assigned.

sectoral - unite workers employed in one industry and producing several types of products of the same technology (for example, field, vegetable, pig, etc.).

specialized - workers are engaged in the production of one type of product, the cultivation of one crop or caring for individual age groups of animals. They consist of workers of the same profession, performing homogeneous technological processes. In plant growing, these are viticulture, berry-growing, rice-growing, etc. brigades, in animal husbandry - serving a dairy herd, rearing young stock, fattening livestock, etc.

If tractors and agricultural machines are assigned to a production team, it is called a tractor-field or mechanized one.

The size of the brigades depends on the type, volume and technology of production, the area and configuration of land tracts, the number and location of settlements, the level of mechanization of production processes, and the qualifications of workers. The size of the brigades ranges from 10-12 people. (livestock fattening team) up to 50-60 people. (complex team for milk production and feed preparation).

A link is a group of workers of a production team who perform individual production processes on the basis of cooperation and division of labor.

The most widespread are mechanized units, to which a certain land plot and a set of agricultural equipment are assigned for the cultivation of 3-4 crops with different terms of the main work. They serve part of the crop rotation area or one of the crop rotations assigned to the brigade. In livestock brigades, links are created to serve a specific sex and age group of animals (a link for caring for pregnant sows).

In terms of the number of employees, the links can be from 2-3 to 8-10 people. depending on the volume of work performed. The special significance of the link as a form of labor organization lies in the fact that its numerical composition. As a rule, does not exceed the size of the contact psychological group. The link is distinguished by a relatively simple regulation of the group process, in most cases it is headed by an unreleased leader - the link.

Other forms of organizing the work of production personnel in agricultural enterprises are detachments, working groups, complexes.

Mechanized detachments unite qualified workers equipped with specialized equipment to perform a complex of work on harvesting and applying fertilizers, improving meadows and pastures, and carrying out cultural and technical measures to increase soil fertility. During stressful periods, members of the joy provide assistance in carrying out other agricultural work.

In working groups, production personnel are united for short periods of time to perform individual agricultural work (plowing, sowing, cultivation); the land is not permanently assigned to them.

Harvesting and transport complexes have become widespread in the harvesting of grain crops, sugar beets, fodder.

The correct choice of the forms of organization of the work of personnel, the size of labor collectives, and the provision of a higher degree of independence to them make it possible, without large additional costs, to increase labor productivity, the quality of work performed, improve the socio-psychological climate in the team, and increase labor motivation.

Photo of the working day, its varieties and application in labor rationing

A photograph of a working day (FRD) is understood as a method of studying all the costs of working time by observing during a full shift or part of it. FRD is carried out in order to study the costs of working time, identify losses, as well as the reasons that caused them, which makes it possible to develop measures to increase labor productivity.

Depending on the volume and content of the rationing object, individual, group, brigade and mass FRD are used.

individual FRD is carried out to study the costs of working time of one performer at one workplace. This is the most common observation method.

group FRD is used to study the costs of working time of a group of workers (3-4 people) participating in homogeneous or heterogeneous labor processes.

brigade FRD is carried out to study the costs of working time of a brigade of workers performing a common task; to establish the optimal composition of the brigade and the correct division of labor.

mass FRD is used to study the costs of working time and the organization of labor at a large production site (in a workshop, workshop)

The work on the FRD includes the following stages:

preparation for observation (study of the content of the worker's work in the workplace, study of the nature of work);

direct observation;

analysis of observation results, data processing, design of a rational organization of the process and the establishment of norms for the expenditure of working time for individual operations.

Observation is carried out during a full shift, all actions of the worker and breaks are sequentially recorded, their beginning or end is recorded according to the current time. The entry is made in the observation sheet, which must indicate:

FULL NAME. worker, profession, work experience, category;

description of the work being monitored;

characteristics of the main apparatus served by the worker;

observation date, shift number (1,2,3), shift duration;

rate and actual production during the observation period.

After the end of the observation, processing of the photograph of the working day begins. All elements of the cost of working time are designated by the corresponding indices, and the duration of each element is determined.

After processing the data from the observation sheet, a summary balance of the use of the worker is drawn up, in which homogeneous elements of labor time costs are grouped and their total duration for the observation period is determined, as well as the average time per cost element and for each operation.

To obtain reliable data characterizing the state of the organization of labor and the use of working time, it is necessary to take at least three photographs of the working day.

The obtained data of the consolidated balances are entered into the consolidated normalization map, where the analysis of the use of working time is carried out and the projected balance of the use of working time is developed.

Time-bonus system of remuneration: essence, conditions of use, advantages and disadvantages

Time wages with performance bonuses are a common form of employee compensation. Additional remuneration is paid in order to increase labor incentives.

What is it characterized: the time-bonus form combines remuneration for hours worked and an additional payment in terms of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the performance of labor duties. The basic principle of remuneration is laid down in Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The reward consists of two parts:

simple time-based payment;

the bonus part of the remuneration.

Simple time wages are calculated based on the employee's salary or wage rate and hours worked.

Where it applies: time-bonus wages are used for positions whose responsibilities cannot be made completely dependent on the result of work.

The system is successfully applied for positions:

Service sectors.

Working specialties.

Engineering and technical workers of industrial enterprises.

Employees and workers of auxiliary workshops.

Pros and cons: The bonus-based hourly wage system has pros and cons in the process.

Positive sides:

the system allows you to stimulate the production, commercial process;

bonus payments are assigned according to indicators and allow you to achieve the efficiency of work processes;

with monthly bonuses, incentives are achieved that increase performance. Employees are interested in improving performance;

if incentive payments are distributed within the group, the efficiency and speed of achieving results are increased due to the collective interest and support of all employees;

the formula for calculating the premium or its distribution within the group is quite simple.

The system has negative aspects of implementation. Cons for executives:

The need for a clear execution of the workflow for incentive periods.

With insufficient elaboration of indicators, employees get used to bonuses and do not associate them with indicators.

The possibility of distortions in the work process. If limited indicators are accepted, for example, in terms of quality, there is a possibility of achieving quality at the expense of quantity, or vice versa.

Employees have disadvantages of implementation in the form of:

In some cases, the indicators do not fully reflect the participation of a particular person in achieving the efficiency and profitability of a production or commercial process.

For factors beyond the control of the employee, the indicators may have a lower level than required for bonuses.

Organization and remuneration of labor of cattlemen serving the milking herd

Organization of labor remuneration in animal husbandry and in dairy farming in particular

Labor remuneration at the enterprise is organized on the basis of labor rationing and tariffication, as well as the use of various forms and systems of labor remuneration. Labor rationing establishes the measure of labor, i.e. costs of time, with which you can quantitatively measure labor. The tariffication of labor allows you to pay depending on the complexity and quality of labor. Each type of work activity has its own distinctive characteristics. The work performed requires certain knowledge, qualifications, skills and experience from the performer. Consequently, it can be different in complexity and responsibility, i.e. by the quality of work. In addition, labor activity is carried out in different conditions. All these factors are taken into account when remuneration for labor through its tariffication.

Tariffication is a scientific method of attributing a particular type of labor (labor activity), depending on its quality, to a group for remuneration, as well as a specific performer, depending on his qualifications, to the corresponding category for remuneration. The tariffication of labor is based on the application of the tariff system, with the help of which the specified differentiation is made.

The tariff system is a system of organizational and legal norms (tariffs) established in collective agreements, tariff agreements and regulations for regulating the wages of groups (categories) of workers depending on the complexity and working conditions, significance, intensity, nature of production, natural and climatic conditions.

The tariff system includes:

Reference books on tariffication of works and rate and qualification reference books;

Tariff rates and salary schemes;

Regional coefficients for wages.

The tariff system consists of a tariff scale. Currently, many agricultural enterprises use mainly a six-digit tariff scale. Tariff grids are a set of qualification categories, arranged in ascending order depending on the quality characteristics of the work, and the tariff coefficients corresponding to these categories (see Table 1.2). Tariff coefficients are set in a six-digit tariff scale, taking into account the profession.

The tariff coefficient shows how many times the level of jobs or workers classified in this category exceeds the level of payment for the simplest jobs classified in the first category. Knowing the tariff rate of the first category, it is possible to determine the payment for any other tariff category by multiplying this rate by the tariff coefficient of the corresponding category.

Table 1. Tariff coefficients for wages of employees

agricultural enterprise

Tariff scales are characterized by: the number of tariff categories, the range, the absolute and relative increase in tariff coefficients. When developing a tariff schedule, it is necessary to determine the minimum tariff rate, i.e. cash payment for the fulfilled norm of the simplest work in terms of complexity. It is established for the performance of work of the least importance (the lowest level of complexity), carried out in normal working conditions and with normal tension. An important element of the tariff system is the tariff rate, which is the monetary payment for the fulfilled labor standard or hours worked. Depending on the selected payment criterion, the rates can be: hourly, daily and monthly (salaries). Workers in dairy farming are generally paid according to a six-rate wage scale (see Table 2).

Table 2. Six-bit wage scale for wages of workers

in dairy farming

To calculate the wages of workers, hourly and daily rates are mainly used, and monthly official salaries for specialists and managers. In some cases, workers may also be charged monthly wages.

One of the principles of the organization of remuneration at the enterprise is the determination of the minimum wage rate. Category 1 tariff rates must not be lower than the minimum wage (minimum wage) established by the state. Organizations and enterprises, subject to the availability of financial capabilities, can set a minimum monthly wage above the state level.

The form of remuneration is a method adopted at each specific enterprise for determining the amount of remuneration based on the results of the work performed. There are two main forms of payment: piece-rate and time-based.

Piecework form of payment is based on an assessment of the amount of work performed on the products produced. With this form of payment, there is a direct relationship between the amount of work performed (products) and the received remuneration.

With a piece-rate form of remuneration, the following conditions are met:

With a normal intensity of work, the employee receives a fairly high wage;

The volume and quality of the work performed depends on the individual or collective efforts of the workers;

In the process of labor, significant losses in the use of working time are not allowed for reasons beyond the control of the contractor;

An accurate record of the quantity and quality of the work performed is ensured;

An increase in output does not lead to a decrease in the quality of work.

The disadvantage of this form of remuneration is the desire to do as much work as possible, which often leads to a decrease in its quality. To eliminate the negative impact of piecework wages, various payments are used to stimulate workers to improve quality.

The time-based form of remuneration is devoid of this drawback. It applies under the following conditions:

Difficulty accounting for the production of performers;

The technological process does not allow the employee to significantly increase labor productivity (work on a conveyor belt);

Overfulfillment of labor standards is impractical due to the deterioration in the quality of work (products);

During the working day, the performer performs different types of work.

The main disadvantages of time wages are that they do not sufficiently stimulate the intensity of labor and, to a certain extent, equalize the wages of workers with significant individual differences.

Each of the forms of remuneration has different payment systems, which are understood as the nature of the combination of the basic payment and the variable, i.e. tariff payment with various surcharges and bonuses.

To pay the workers of dairy cattle breeding, the following are used: piece-bonus, lump-sum bonus and time-bonus systems.

The piece-bonus system of remuneration is used on farms and complexes, where monthly records of products are carried out for individual groups of animals. Basically, this system of remuneration is used when keeping cows tied and assigning groups of animals to individual milking machine operators, which allows individual accounting of milk produced and material reward taking into account the quantity and quality of milk.

Lump-sum system: wages are paid not for a separate productive operation, but for a set of interrelated works. The lump-sum bonus system provides, in addition to earning income under the lump-sum system, an additional bonus for productivity growth, quality improvement, resource savings, and cost reduction. This wage system is used on farms and complexes where products are recorded for separate periods (growing cycles). For example, on growing and fattening young cattle.

The time-bonus system of remuneration is used at large complexes with loose housing of animals (for example, at milk production complexes, where cows are milked in milking parlors and the milk produced in general is recorded by all OMDs).

Natural form of encouragement in dairy farming

In-kind wages are paid to workers in all or part of their wages in kind, in the form of products produced by the enterprise, by the workers themselves, or purchased by the enterprise for these purposes, as well as in the form of services rendered to workers.

Before the transition to a market economy, in-kind wages were used in agriculture as an additional means of material incentives. The main part of the income of agricultural workers was formed in the form of cash payment.

The amount of payment in kind was established in accordance with the norms approved by the state or local authorities. Payment in kind was made depending on the degree of labor participation of the employee in the production process.

At present, agricultural enterprises independently approve the rules and norms for the distribution of payment in kind, based on their capabilities, the needs of workers and the demand for this product in the market. These conditions are fixed in the collective agreement and the regulation on remuneration. In many enterprises, due to an acute shortage of funds, payment in kind is the main one, occupying 70% or more in the structure of the annual labor income of workers.

The widespread use of wages in kind in agriculture is due to the following reasons:

in the context of an unstable economic situation and high inflation, payment in kind guarantees a certain standard of living for rural residents through the sale on the market or personal consumption;

the use of young animals and birds in personal subsidiary plots makes it possible to increase employment and, consequently, to mitigate rural unemployment;

the use of wages in kind reduces wage arrears and material and monetary costs of production.

Payment in kind has become widespread when contracts are concluded between the administration of the enterprise and non-permanent (seasonal) workers. The contract includes conditions according to which the labor collective or an individual employee, upon reaching certain indicators (for example, overfulfilling a certain level of yield), is charged in kind.

In dairy farming, to stimulate labor, the manager of a dairy farm, his assistant, milking machine operators, a cattleman and a tractor driver are given 2-3-month-old calves when more than 85 calves are received from 100 cows or if they are 95% safe.

Agricultural products issued as payment in kind are included in the employee's gross income, which is taken into account when calculating average earnings for vacation pay, compensation for unused vacation, and for calculating pension. Evaluation of products issued in the form of payment in kind is carried out at state regulated prices, and in their absence - at free prices on the date of receipt of income.

Practical examples of calculating the remuneration of workers serving a dairy herd

1) Calculation of rates for the remuneration of milking machine operators.

Milking machine operators work in 2 shifts. For OMD, the service rate is set = 184 cows. Tariff rate for OMD = 465 rubles (VI category). The productivity of one cow per year is 7400 kg (74 centners) of milk with a fat content of 3.6%. Average daily milk yield = 74 c / 365 = 0.2 c. It is planned to receive 83 calves per 100 cows. In the maternity ward, cows are milked for 10 days.

The annual milk production rate is:

184 * 74 c = 13616 c

It is planned to receive calves from a fixed group of cows:

It is planned to receive milk in the maternity ward:

153 * 10 * 0.2 = 306 q

The planned amount of milk in the production workshop (excluding milk in the maternity ward) will be:

13616ts-306ts = 13310ts

Planned amount of milk in terms of 1% milk:

13310ts * 3.6 = 47916ts

Annual tariff wage fund of OMD:

Annual payroll for calculating prices for products (taking into account its increase by 50%):


At the enterprise, it is customary to pay OMD 90% of the annual wage fund for milk and 10% for offspring.

The price for 1 centner of 1% milk will be: 254587.5 * 0.9 / 47916 = 4.8 rubles.

The price for 1 head of offspring will be equal to: 254587.5 * 0.1 / 153 = 166.4 rubles.

2) Calculation of rates for wages of cattlemen.

For cattle farmers, the service rate is set = 536 heads. The tariff rate for cattlemen = 367 rubles (IV category). The productivity of one cow per year is 7400 kg (74 centners) of milk with a fat content of 3.6%. Average daily milk yield = 74 c / 365 = 0.2 c. It is planned to receive 83 calves per 100 cows. In the maternity ward, cows are milked for 10 days.

1. Annual tariff wage fund.

367 * 365 * 3 = 401 865 rubles.

401865 * 1.5 = 602797.5 rubles.

3.1. Annual milk production rate: 68.5ts * 536 = 36716ts

3.2. It is planned to receive calves from the assigned group of cows: 536 * 0.87 = 466

3.3. It is planned to receive milk in the maternity ward: 466 * 10 * 0.19 = 885.4 c

36716ts-885.4ts = 35830.6ts

Determine the planned amount of milk in terms of 1%: 35830.6 * 3.6 = 128990.16 centners

Price for 1 centner of 1% milk:

602797.5 * 0.9 / 128990.16 = 4.2 rubles.

Price for 1 head of offspring:

602797.5 * 0.1 / 466 = 129.4 rubles.

3) Calculation of rates for the remuneration of feeds.

The service rate of 744 heads has been set for the feeders. Tariff rate for feeds = 367 rubles (IV category). The productivity of one cow per year is 6850 kg (68.5 quintals) of milk with a fat content of 3.6%. Average daily milk yield = 68.5 c / 365 = 0.19 c. It is planned to receive 87 calves per 100 cows. In the maternity ward, cows are milked for 10 days.

Annual tariff wage fund:

367 * 365 = 133955 rubles.

2. Annual wages fund, taking into account additional payments for products by 50%:

133955 * 1.5 = 200,932.5 rubles.

3. The planned amount of milk minus the amount that will be milked in the maternity ward.

3.1. Annual milk production rate: 68.5ts * 744 = 50964ts

3.2. It is planned to receive calves from the assigned group of cows: 744 * 0.87 = 647

3.3. It is planned to receive milk in the maternity ward: 647 * 10 * 0.19 = 1229.3 c

3.4. Planned amount of milk in the production workshop:

50964ts-1229.3ts = 49734.7ts

4. Planned quantity of milk in terms of 1%: 49734.7 * 3.6 = 179044.92ts

5. Salary fund for offspring, provided that it is customary on the farm to pay 10% of the annual fund for each calf: 200932.5 * 0.1 = 20093.25 rubles.

6. The salary fund for calculating the price for milk is 90% of the annual fund: 200932.5 * 0.9 = 180839.25 rubles.

7. The price for 1% milk will be: = 1.0 rubles.

8. The price for the offspring will be: = 31.1 rubles.

4) Calculation of rates for remuneration of foremen

Service rate = 1000 heads. Tariff rate = 353 rubles (work on the VI category). The productivity of one cow per year is 6850 kg (68.5 quintals) of milk with a fat content of 3.6%. Average daily milk yield = 68.5 c / 365 = 0.19 c. It is planned to receive 87 calves per 100 cows. In the maternity ward, cows are milked for 10 days.

1. Annual tariff wage fund:

353 * 365 = 128845 rubles.

2. Annual wages fund, taking into account additional payments for products by 50%:

RUB 128845 * 1.5 = RUB 193267.5

3. The planned amount of milk minus the amount that will be milked in the maternity ward.

3.1. Annual milk production rate: 68.5ts * 1000 = 68500ts

3.2. It is planned to receive calves: 1000 * 0.87 = 870

3.3. It is planned to receive milk in the maternity ward: 870 * 10 * 0.19 = 1653 centners

3.4. Planned amount of milk in the production workshop:

68500 cts - 1653 cts = 66847 cts

4. Planned quantity of milk in terms of 1%: 66847 * 3.6 = 240649.2 centners

5. Salary fund for offspring, provided that it is customary on the farm to pay 10% of the annual fund for each calf: 179306.25 * 0.1 = 17930.625 rubles.

6. The salary fund for calculating the price for milk is 90% of the annual fund: 179306.25 * 0.9 = 161375.62 rubles.

7. The price for 1% milk will be: = 0.7 rubles.

8. The price for the offspring will be: = 224.1 rubles.

5) Calculation of the collective rate for the workers of the farm (complex)

Livestock = 1000 heads. The productivity of one cow per year is 6850 kg (68.5 quintals) of milk with a fat content of 3.6%. Average daily milk yield = 68.5 c / 365 = 0.19 c. It is planned to receive 87 calves per 100 cows. Let's calculate the collective rate for the farm workers (see Table 3).

Table 3 - Calculation of the collective rate of farm workers

Annual payroll for calculating prices for products (taking into account its increase by 50%):

The planned amount of milk will be:

The planned amount of milk in terms of 1%:

Planned number of offspring:

The payroll for offspring is equal to 10% of the annual wage tariff fund:

The wage fund for calculating the rate for 1 q 1% of milk is equal to 90% of the STFZP:

Price for 1c 1% milk:

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These Recommendations are designed to assist agricultural producers in order to enhance the material incentives of livestock workers.
in increasing the volume of production of high quality products with the least labor, material and financial resources.

Remuneration, its level and the system of organization are the most sensitive factors that determine the attitude of the performer to the work performed.

In accordance with the current legislation, employers independently choose a remuneration system and approve a specific procedure for the formation of a wage fund and conditions for remuneration of employees.

The wages of employees are made up of the basic and additional wages. It is recommended to develop a remuneration system in each specific farm based on the financial condition of the agricultural enterprise.

In farms with a high level of production, it is recommended to assign the most active role to the system of calculating basic earnings, and to reduce the number of indicators for which additional payment is made to a minimum. Thus, the level of basic pay will stimulate more active work.

In farms with an average level of economic development, it is recommended to pay attention not only to the level of basic payment, but also to indicators of basic payments.

Labor rationing.

Labor standards - output, time, maintenance of livestock, poultry, animals and other animals, annual production rates (output) of livestock products per worker, prices for products and performance of certain types of agricultural work (services) are developed in organizations on the basis of sectoral and intersectoral standard and uniform standards of production (service), approved by the head and fixed in the collective agreement. At the same time, unity in the level of norms and prices for similar work under the same production conditions should be ensured.

When determining the norms of production (maintenance), reserves for increasing labor productivity must be taken into account and the most complete use of technology must be provided.

The development of standards for the production (output) of livestock products per worker and prices for products is carried out on the basis of technically justified standards for servicing animals, taking into account the type of maintenance of animals and food, the degree of mechanization of labor processes and the achieved level of productivity.

Prices for products are set for the year or are differentiated by periods.

In the collective agreement, the organization may provide for a reduction in production rates.

In the event of a change in production technology, an increase in the level of mechanization, the introduction of more yielding varieties, an improvement in the fodder base, staffing the herd with more productive livestock, poultry, changes in wage conditions and other indicators, prices should be revised.

For the period of mastering new products, equipment, technology, organization of production and labor, temporary norms of production, time or service may be established.

The outdated norms of output, time, service and standards for the number of jobs are subject to revision, the labor intensity of which has decreased as a result of a general improvement in production and labor, an increase in production, an increase in professional skill and an improvement in the production skills of workers.

In these cases, the norms are revised within the time frame and in the amount established by the head of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee and the meeting of the collective, and are approved in accordance with the established procedure.

For workers who came to work in animal husbandry after graduating from secondary schools, other educational institutions or trained directly in production, a reduction in production rates (production services) may be provided.

Remuneration of labor of workers employed in animal husbandry

Regulatory framework for remuneration

howling code of the Russian Federation

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Unified tariff

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Self-developed wages.

It is recommended to pay for the labor of workers employed in animal husbandry, mainly, according to the piece-bonus system of remuneration (based on monthly work results) or according to the lump-sum bonus system (by periods of work), per centner (unit) of the product produced, taking into account its quality or for its cost in monetary terms at selling prices and rates. In livestock industries where products are delivered by periods or once a year (sheep breeding, raising young livestock and poultry), it is recommended to pay wages before calculating for products at piece rates for the amount of work performed or for hours worked. At the end of the year (quarter), remuneration is recalculated depending on the received gross income, net profit.

For example, the salary of a worker for artificial insemination of farm animals is charged according to the 6th category of the tariff scale for manual work and work in animal husbandry. Before obtaining offspring from inseminated animals, the inseminator is paid 80% in the form of an advance from the established price per head of livestock. The rest of the salary is paid after receiving the calf. At the end of the year, the final payment is made for the received and recorded offspring (including stillborn calves) at a rate increased to 15%, subject to the fulfillment of the load norm, the insemination plan and obtaining the offspring.

In the main production work, labor that is not directly related to production processes and is poorly amenable to rationing is recommended to be paid according to a time-bonus wage system (veterinarians and veterinary hospital workers, water pump operators, night watchmen, seasonal workers in sheep breeding for the period of shearing and lambing).

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure strict and high-quality control over the actual hours worked, the application of reasonable service standards and standards for the number of time workers, choose the right factors for awarding bonuses and taking into account the actual results of work according to the established indicators.

Remuneration for the summarized accounting of working time.

The summarized accounting of working hours allows you to take into account the duration of the hours worked per day, per week, per month, quarter or calendar year if it deviates from the norm established by labor legislation. At the same time, strict accounting of working time and rest time for the worked period is introduced and organized on an accrual basis.

The introduction of summarized accounting of working time at enterprises and organizations with a certain specificity of work (agriculture) is regulated by article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that in organizations when performing certain types of work, where, according to the conditions of production (work), it cannot be observed the daily or weekly working hours established for this category of workers, it is allowed to introduce a summarized accounting of working hours so that the working hours for the accounting period (month, quarter, etc.) do not exceed the normal number of working hours. The accounting period cannot exceed one year.

The procedure for the summarized accounting of working hours is established by the internal labor regulations of the organization.

Working hours are regulated by article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In-kind form of remuneration. Various agricultural products, for example, farm animals, milk, vegetables, hay, straw, grain, milk, meat, etc., can be transferred to pay in kind. Services or work can be performed for household plots to pay off wage arrears. for example, transport services, plowing of land owned by citizens, other agricultural work.

It must be borne in mind that in accordance with Article 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the share of wages paid in non-cash form cannot exceed 20 percent of the amount of wages. The amount of payments in kind is determined in local regulations developed in the organization itself. It is recommended to pay special attention to the documentary registration of payment in kind in accordance with the current legislation.

Bonuses for livestock workers.

Bonuses for livestock workers can be carried out both in cash and in kind. It can be carried out: in animal husbandry - on a quarterly basis, according to separately completed periods of work (feeding, fattening, raising groups of young animals, etc.), as well as at the end of the year.

In divisions that are not involved in the process of selling products, it is recommended to pay bonuses to workers in the amount of up to 20% of the basic earnings: for overfulfilling the plan for obtaining gross products, taking into account its quality (increasing the fat content in milk, improving the condition of meat); for overfulfillment of the plan for the output of young farm animals per 100 queens, for the safety of the livestock, for overfulfillment of plans for artificial insemination.

Bonuses in kind for livestock workers.

Dairy farming.

In order to provide material incentives for livestock workers for increasing the production of livestock products, over-production and raising young animals, preserving the livestock, it is recommended to make bonuses in kind in the following amounts:

a) for a milkmaid of a dairy herd with a livestock not lower than the standard, give one calf at one month of age, subject to receiving 92 offspring from 100 cows and heifers, and having a serviced livestock above the standard - 90 offspring.

Upon receipt of a healthy calf from each fixed cow and heifer during the year, it is recommended to deliver the calf at 3 months of age.

b) Cattle-shepherds of a milking herd, when serving on average per year of livestock not lower than the established norm of the load, are recommended to reward a calf at one month of age for receiving at least 90 calves per 100 cows in a fixed herd.

c) It is recommended to give a bonus with a calf at the age of one month to milkmaids of the maternity ward for receiving healthy calves from all incoming cows and heifers during the year, transferring at least 99% of their calves and provided that all cows from the maternity ward return to the production herd with a healthy udder ...

d) Tractor drivers engaged in permanent work on distributing fodder and cleaning premises using a tractor, workers preparing and distributing fodder, replacement livestock breeders are rewarded in the amount of the average weight of in kind bonuses per one main worker of the farm they serve.

e) The calves of the dispensary are awarded for the preservation of at least 95% of calves received for a head, a calf at one month of age, provided that healthy calves are transferred to the older group.

f) Calves serving calves of the dairy period are rewarded with a calf at the age of one month for the preservation of at least 98% of calves received during the year, provided that the plan of the average daily gain is fulfilled.

g) Cattlemen for servicing young cattle of the post-dairy period and older ages before transferring animals to fattening, fattening or replacement herd for the preservation of at least 98% of the assigned young stock during the year and the fulfillment of the plan of average daily weight gain are awarded with a calf at one month of age.

h) An inseminator for artificial insemination of cows and heifers is rewarded with a calf at the age of one month for receiving at least 95% of calves from the number of inseminated animals and fulfilling the plan for artificial insemination.

i) On specialized farms and heifer rearing complexes:

calves for raising calves of the dairy period in the case of a link service, for achieving at the end of the period the average live weight of each head is not lower than the requirements established by technologies when transferring at least 97% of the number of calves received during the year in the senior age period, each calf is rewarded at the age of one month;

cattle breeders serving young stock of the post-dairy period up to 1 year old and at the age from 1 year to 16 months, for reaching at the end of the period the average live weight of each head is not lower than the requirements established by technology when transferring to the next age period at least 98% of the livestock received per year, each calf is awarded at one month of age;

cattlemen, operators, inseminators serving heifers of breeding age, for insemination per year at least 90% of heifers aged 16-18 months, subject to the technology requirements for live weight and livestock safety, when transferring them to heifers, give 1 calf at a month's age;

cattlemen servingheifers, for 100% transfer of heifers during the year, provided that they are below the requirements of the 1st grading class in terms of live weight, give one calf at one month of age.

Beef cattle breeding:

a) in a brigade of broodstock herders in beef cattle breeding, at least 92% of cows and heifers have grown, the full preservation of young animals and the weight of calves for weaning is not lower than planned when servicing the livestock is not lower than the established load norms, each worker is rewarded with a calf at one month of age , and with a race of more than a percentage of cows and heifers and the observance of other conditions, a calf is given at 2 months of age;

b) a cattleman (or a team) for feeding and fattening young cattle should be given 1 kg of meat for surrendering to the state of heavy young animals of the highest fatness. for each head, but not more than 50 kg per employee per year.

Pig breeding:

a) pigs serving suckling queensmain herd, for the fulfillment of the established indicators for the exit of piglets from the uterus to weaning, give one piglet in live weight:

With service on average per year

The output of piglets per 1 farrowing by weaning of one head at least with an average weight of 14-15 kg

one worker, heads

9 to 10 piglets

from 10 to 11 piglets

11 and more piglets

b) pigs serving one-time and checked queens:

The output of piglets for 1 farrowing for weaning with an average weight of one head of at least 12 kg

7 piglets

8 piglets

v) pigs serving suckling queens of the broodstock when weaning piglets at 45 days of age for the fulfillment of the established indicators for the exit of piglets from the uterus to weaning, give out one piglet in live weight:

When servicing an average of

The output of piglets for 1 farrowing for weaning with an average weight of one head of at least 12-13 kg

a year by one employee, heads

9 to 10 piglets

from 10 to 11 piglets

11 and more piglets

G) pigs serving one-time and checked uterine females of the broodstock when weaning piglets at 45 days of age.

When serviced on average per year by one employee, heads

Piglet farrowing for weaning with an average weight of one head of at least 10 kg

7 piglets

8 piglets

e) pigs serving breeding boars, single and pregnant queens, to give each one 100% of the average weight of the natural bonus per one worker serving the broodstock, provided that at least 1.6-1.8 farrowings are received from each main queen and the planned number of farrowings is fulfilled per year.

e) pigs serving other sex and age groups of pigs:

g) pig serving weaning pigs when maintaining at least 95% of the assigned livestock for a year and servicing at least the norm, 1 piglet is issued with a live weight of no more than 20 kg;

h) a pig serving fattening and replacement pigs, for maintaining at least 99% of the livestock during the year and fulfilling the plan of the average daily weight gain, one piglet with a live weight of at least 20 kg is given, and if the 1005 livestock is preserved and the plan of the average daily weight gain is at least 5-10%, 1 piglet with a live weight of up to 40 kg is given ...

For work with harmful and especially harmful working conditions, specialists with their constant employment (at least 50% of working time) in divisions where more than half of the workers receive additional payments for unfavorable working conditions;

For work at night;

Incentive payments... Additional payments and allowances for high achievements in labor, work with a smaller number of employees, bonuses, remuneration, etc., are determined by agricultural enterprises independently and are paid within the limits of available financial resources.

Allowances: - for high professional skills;

For the performance of especially important work for the period of its implementation;

For an academic degree;

Additional payments for combining professions, expanding service areas and performing a specified amount of work with a smaller number of employees are taken into account in the earnings of workers, who are charged additional payments (payments) for products and bonuses. At the same time, additional payments for products and bonuses can be calculated differentially: according to the results of the basis of work - on the main income, according to the results of combined work - on earnings for combining professions.

Salary increments for continuous work experience.

It is recommended to pay an allowance for continuous work experience in this farm to all permanent employees who are on the staff of the enterprise. The organization independently develops the conditions for including earnings and other payments in the length of service, which gives the right to receive wage increments for continuous work experience in a given farm.

In case of violation by the employee of the Labor Law, the terms of the employment contract, as well as those who have committed production omissions, he may be fully or partially deprived of bonuses and additional payments.

Employees who have left their jobs in the organization by the end of the calendar year may not receive additional payments for products, bonuses and additional payments (except for those who quit due to conscription to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, transfer to another job, admission to an educational institution, retirement and other respectful reasons).

All conditions for non-payment and incomplete payment of bonuses and other types of additional payments must be approved by the collective agreement of the organization.

For workers in livestock complexes who have achieved high levels of labor productivity and animal productivity in general for the assigned group, the increased pay for the performance of standardized tasks can increase up to 50% of the tariff rate, depending on the growth of animal productivity, taking into account the quality. The specific amounts of the increased pay, as well as the duration of the settlement period for which the increased payment is made - month, quarter, period of the technological cycle - are established by the head in agreement with the trade union committee, taking into account the specific conditions of production.

Compensatory payments and incentives for professional excellence

To increase the interest of workers in the further growth of labor productivity, the following additional payments are established:

For combining professions (positions), expanding service areas or increasing the volume of work performed - up to 100% of the tariff rate (official salary) for the combined profession;

For fulfilling the duties of a temporarily absent employee (in case of illness, business trip, vacation and other reasons) without being released from his main job during the working day - in the amount of up to 100% of the wage rate (official salary) of the absent employee based on the amount of work actually performed for him ;

For work at night - in the amount of at least 40% of the employee's hourly wage rate for each hour of work at night. Night time is considered to be from 22 o'clock to 6 o'clock;

For overtime work (payment for overtime work is made on the condition of keeping the summarized accounting of working hours).

Every hour of overtime work is paid:

workers with piecework wages - not less than double piece rates;

employees with time wages, as well as those receiving official salaries - not less than double hourly rates (salaries);

For work on weekends and holidays. Work on weekends and holidays is paid not less than double the amount (piece rates or hourly rates (salaries)). By agreement of the parties, work on a weekend or holiday may be compensated for by providing another day of rest;

For work in harmful and especially harmful working conditions.

Additional payments are accrued for the period of actual employment of workers in jobs with unfavorable working conditions.

Workers engaged in veterinary processing, weighing, receiving, driving livestock, as well as workers in auxiliary workshops and services (workshops for manure processing and wastewater treatment, water supply, equipment maintenance and repair, slaughterhouses, boiler plants, veterinary laboratories, sanitary - preventive checkpoints, etc.) can be awarded for the performance of work with good quality on time and ahead of schedule, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of equipment and structures in the prescribed manner, regular preventive maintenance and repairs and other indicators. Bonuses are paid to these employees on condition that the serviced main workshops and sections fulfill the volume of production provided for by the technical project (during the period of capacity development - the norms for the development of design capacity). In case of non-fulfillment of the specified volume of production in the workshop, the size of the bonus is reduced to one percent (point) for each percentage of its failure.

General Provisions

After the completion of agricultural work and the posting of products with employees, the final settlement is made according to the final results of the work.

Employees who left work without good reason (of their own free will, dismissed for violation of labor and production discipline, etc.) are not paid the above payments.

The bonuses stipulated by the Regulations on Labor Remuneration are paid only to permanent and seasonal employees.

Bonus indicators are accounted for on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year.

Bonuses to employees are accrued on wages at piece rates (tariff rates), taking into account increased wages and additional payments for products.

In order to more fully take into account the individual contribution of each employee to labor results, labor participation ratios can be used.

Substitute workers in animal husbandry are paid 100%, and permanent swapping pigs serving broodstock pigs and milkmaids are paid 110% of the established rates or the average earnings of the workers they replace.

Remuneration for the labor of workers engaged in servicing livestock in distant pastures and serving bees in apiaries during the migration with bees outside the organization's land use is made at tariff rates increased by 40%.

Wages for workers employed in servicing brucellosis cattle and animals sick with foot-and-mouth disease are paid at tariff rates increased by 15%.

Payment for labor of procurers of products and raw materials (milk) is made depending on the volume of work based on multiples of the tariff rate of the 1st category, 1.57 or 1.83.

Remuneration for temporary workers is made for the volume of agricultural work performed at the piece-rate established in the organization.

Payment (surcharge) for products, increased pay and bonuses that are accrued to the main (permanent and seasonal) workers, temporary workers are not paid.

Temporary workers can be awarded bonuses for performing work with good quality on time and ahead of schedule in the amount of up to 20% of their earnings accrued on these jobs, and in cases where standardized tasks are established for them on the basis of intersectoral, sectoral and other more progressive standards for labor - up to 30% of the specified earnings.

Organization of labor remuneration in animal husbandry and in dairy farming in particular

Labor remuneration at the enterprise is organized on the basis of labor rationing and tariffication, as well as the use of various forms and systems of labor remuneration. Labor rationing establishes the measure of labor, i.e. costs of time, with which you can quantitatively measure labor. The tariffication of labor allows you to pay depending on the complexity and quality of labor. Each type of work activity has its own distinctive characteristics. The work performed requires certain knowledge, qualifications, skills and experience from the performer. Consequently, it can be different in complexity and responsibility, i.e. by the quality of work. In addition, labor activity is carried out in different conditions. All these factors are taken into account when remuneration for labor through its tariffication.

Tariffication is a scientific method of attributing a particular type of labor (labor activity), depending on its quality, to a group for remuneration, as well as a specific performer, depending on his qualifications, to the corresponding category for remuneration. The tariffication of labor is based on the application of the tariff system, with the help of which the specified differentiation is made.

The tariff system is a system of organizational and legal norms (tariffs) established in collective agreements, tariff agreements and regulations for regulating the wages of groups (categories) of workers depending on the complexity and working conditions, significance, intensity, nature of production, natural and climatic conditions.

The tariff system includes:

  • - reference books on tariffication of works and rate and qualification reference books;
  • - tariff rates and salary schemes;
  • - regional coefficients for wages.

The tariff system consists of a tariff scale. Currently, many agricultural enterprises use mainly a six-digit tariff scale. Tariff grids are a set of qualification categories, arranged in ascending order depending on the quality characteristics of the work, and the tariff coefficients corresponding to these categories (see Table 1.2). Tariff coefficients are set in a six-digit tariff scale, taking into account the profession.

The tariff coefficient shows how many times the level of jobs or workers classified in this category exceeds the level of payment for the simplest jobs classified in the first category. Knowing the tariff rate of the first category, it is possible to determine the payment for any other tariff category by multiplying this rate by the tariff coefficient of the corresponding category.

Table 1. Tariff coefficients for wages of employees

agricultural enterprise

Tariff scales are characterized by: the number of tariff categories, the range, the absolute and relative increase in tariff coefficients. When developing a tariff schedule, it is necessary to determine the minimum tariff rate, i.e. cash payment for the fulfilled norm of the simplest work in terms of complexity. It is established for the performance of work of the least importance (the lowest level of complexity), carried out in normal working conditions and with normal tension. An important element of the tariff system is the tariff rate, which is the monetary payment for the fulfilled labor standard or hours worked. Depending on the selected payment criterion, the rates can be: hourly, daily and monthly (salaries). Workers in dairy farming are generally paid according to a six-rate wage scale (see Table 2).

Table 2. Six-bit wage scale for wages of workers

in dairy farming

To calculate the wages of workers, hourly and daily rates are mainly used, and monthly official salaries for specialists and managers. In some cases, workers may also be charged monthly wages.

One of the principles of the organization of remuneration at the enterprise is the determination of the minimum wage rate. Category 1 tariff rates must not be lower than the minimum wage (minimum wage) established by the state. Organizations and enterprises, subject to the availability of financial capabilities, can set a minimum monthly wage above the state level.

The form of remuneration is a method adopted at each specific enterprise for determining the amount of remuneration based on the results of the work performed. There are two main forms of payment: piece-rate and time-based.

Piecework form of payment is based on an assessment of the amount of work performed on the products produced. With this form of payment, there is a direct relationship between the amount of work performed (products) and the received remuneration.

With a piece-rate form of remuneration, the following conditions are met:

  • - with a normal intensity of work, the employee receives a fairly high wage;
  • - the volume and quality of the work performed depends on the individual or collective efforts of the workers;
  • - in the process of work, significant losses in the use of working time are not allowed for reasons beyond the control of the contractor;
  • - accurate accounting of the quantity and quality of the work performed is ensured;
  • - an increase in output does not lead to a decrease in the quality of work.

The disadvantage of this form of remuneration is the desire to do as much work as possible, which often leads to a decrease in its quality. To eliminate the negative impact of piecework wages, various payments are used to stimulate workers to improve quality.

The time-based form of remuneration is devoid of this drawback. It applies under the following conditions:

  • - it is difficult to account for the development of performers;
  • - the technological process does not allow the employee to significantly increase labor productivity (work on the conveyor);
  • - overfulfillment of labor standards is impractical due to the deterioration in the quality of work (products);
  • - during the working day, the performer performs different types of work.

The main disadvantages of time wages are that they do not sufficiently stimulate the intensity of labor and, to a certain extent, equalize the wages of workers with significant individual differences.

Each of the forms of remuneration has different payment systems, which are understood as the nature of the combination of the basic payment and the variable, i.e. tariff payment with various surcharges and bonuses.

To pay the workers of dairy cattle breeding, the following are used: piece-bonus, lump-sum bonus and time-bonus systems.

The piece-bonus system of remuneration is used on farms and complexes, where monthly records of products are carried out for individual groups of animals. Basically, this system of remuneration is used when keeping cows tied and assigning groups of animals to individual milking machine operators, which allows individual accounting of milk produced and material reward taking into account the quantity and quality of milk.

Lump-sum system: wages are paid not for a separate productive operation, but for a set of interrelated works. The lump-sum bonus system provides, in addition to earning income under the lump-sum system, an additional bonus for productivity growth, quality improvement, resource savings, and cost reduction. This wage system is used on farms and complexes where products are recorded for separate periods (growing cycles). For example, on growing and fattening young cattle.

The time-bonus system of remuneration is used at large complexes with loose housing of animals (for example, at milk production complexes, where cows are milked in milking parlors and the milk produced in general is recorded by all OMDs).

These Recommendations are designed to assist agricultural producers in order to enhance the material interest of livestock workers in increasing the production of high-quality products with the least cost of labor, material and financial resources.

Remuneration, its level and the system of organization are the most sensitive factors that determine the attitude of the performer to the work performed.

In accordance with the current legislation, employers independently choose a remuneration system and approve a specific procedure for the formation of a wage fund and conditions for remuneration of employees.

The wages of employees are made up of the basic and additional wages. It is recommended to develop a remuneration system in each specific farm based on the financial condition of the agricultural enterprise.

In farms with a high level of production, it is recommended to assign the most active role to the system of calculating basic earnings, and to reduce the number of indicators for which additional payment is made to a minimum. Thus, the level of basic pay will stimulate more active work.

In farms with an average level of economic development, it is recommended to pay attention not only to the level of basic payment, but also to indicators of basic payments.

Labor rationing.

Labor standards - output, time, maintenance of livestock, poultry, animals and other animals, annual production rates (output) of livestock products per worker, prices for products and performance of certain types of agricultural work (services) are developed in organizations on the basis of sectoral and intersectoral standard and uniform standards of production (service), approved by the head and fixed in the collective agreement. At the same time, unity in the level of norms and prices for similar work under the same production conditions should be ensured.

When determining the norms of production (maintenance), reserves for increasing labor productivity must be taken into account and the most complete use of technology must be provided.

The development of standards for the production (output) of livestock products per worker and prices for products is carried out on the basis of technically justified standards for servicing animals, taking into account the type of maintenance of animals and food, the degree of mechanization of labor processes and the achieved level of productivity.

Prices for products are set for the year or are differentiated by periods.

In the collective agreement, the organization may provide for a reduction in production rates.

In the event of a change in production technology, an increase in the level of mechanization, the introduction of more yielding varieties, an improvement in the fodder base, staffing the herd with more productive livestock, poultry, changes in wage conditions and other indicators, prices should be revised.

For the period of mastering new products, equipment, technology, organization of production and labor, temporary norms of production, time or service may be established.

The outdated norms of output, time, service and standards for the number of jobs are subject to revision, the labor intensity of which has decreased as a result of a general improvement in production and labor, an increase in production, an increase in professional skill and an improvement in the production skills of workers.

In these cases, the norms are revised within the time frame and in the amount established by the head of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee and the meeting of the collective, and are approved in accordance with the established procedure.

For workers who came to work in animal husbandry after graduating from secondary schools, other educational institutions or trained directly in production, a reduction in production rates (production services) may be provided.

Remuneration of labor of workers employed in animal husbandry

Regulatory framework for remuneration

howling code of the Russian Federation

Minimum size


new tariff agreements

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Unified tariff

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Interdischarge system

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Self-developed wages.

It is recommended to pay for the labor of workers employed in animal husbandry, mainly, according to the piece-bonus system of remuneration (based on monthly work results) or according to the lump-sum bonus system (by periods of work), per centner (unit) of the product produced, taking into account its quality or for its cost in monetary terms at selling prices and rates. In livestock industries where products are delivered by periods or once a year (sheep breeding, raising young livestock and poultry), it is recommended to pay wages before calculating for products at piece rates for the amount of work performed or for hours worked. At the end of the year (quarter), remuneration is recalculated depending on the received gross income, net profit.

For example, the salary of a worker for artificial insemination of farm animals is charged according to the 6th category of the tariff scale for manual work and work in animal husbandry. Before obtaining offspring from inseminated animals, the inseminator is paid 80% in the form of an advance from the established price per head of livestock. The rest of the salary is paid after receiving the calf. At the end of the year, the final payment is made for the received and recorded offspring (including stillborn calves) at a rate increased to 15%, subject to the fulfillment of the load norm, the insemination plan and obtaining the offspring.

In the main production work, labor that is not directly related to production processes and is poorly amenable to rationing is recommended to be paid according to a time-bonus wage system (veterinarians and veterinary hospital workers, water pump operators, night watchmen, seasonal workers in sheep breeding for the period of shearing and lambing).

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure strict and high-quality control over the actual hours worked, the application of reasonable service standards and standards for the number of time workers, choose the right factors for awarding bonuses and taking into account the actual results of work according to the established indicators.

Remuneration for the summarized accounting of working time.

The summarized accounting of working hours allows you to take into account the duration of the hours worked per day, per week, per month, quarter or calendar year if it deviates from the norm established by labor legislation. At the same time, strict accounting of working time and rest time for the worked period is introduced and organized on an accrual basis.

The introduction of summarized accounting of working time at enterprises and organizations with a certain specificity of work (agriculture) is regulated by article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that in organizations when performing certain types of work, where, according to the conditions of production (work), it cannot be observed the daily or weekly working hours established for this category of workers, it is allowed to introduce a summarized accounting of working hours so that the working hours for the accounting period (month, quarter, etc.) do not exceed the normal number of working hours. The accounting period cannot exceed one year.

The procedure for the summarized accounting of working hours is established by the internal labor regulations of the organization.

Working hours are regulated by article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In-kind form of remuneration. Various agricultural products, such as farm animals, milk, vegetables, hay, straw, grain, milk, meat, etc., can be transferred as payment in kind. In repayment of wage arrears, services can be provided or work performed for household plots, for example, transport services, plowing of land owned by citizens, and other agricultural work.

It must be borne in mind that in accordance with Article 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the share of wages paid in non-cash form cannot exceed 20 percent of the amount of wages. The amount of payments in kind is determined in local regulations developed in the organization itself. It is recommended to pay special attention to the documentary registration of payment in kind in accordance with the current legislation.

Bonuses for livestock workers.

Bonuses for livestock workers can be carried out both in cash and in kind. It can be carried out: in animal husbandry - on a quarterly basis, according to separately completed periods of work (feeding, fattening, raising groups of young animals, etc.), as well as at the end of the year.

In divisions that are not involved in the sale of products, it is recommended to pay bonuses to workers in the amount of up to 20% of the basic earnings: for overfulfillment of the plan for obtaining gross products, taking into account its quality (increasing the fat content in milk, improving the condition of meat); for overfulfillment of the plan for the output of young farm animals per 100 queens, for the safety of the livestock, for overfulfillment of plans for artificial insemination.

Bonuses in kind for livestock workers.

Dairy farming.

In order to provide material incentives for livestock workers for increasing the production of livestock products, over-production and raising young animals, preserving the livestock, it is recommended to make bonuses in kind in the following amounts:

a) for a milkmaid of a dairy herd with a livestock not lower than the standard, give one calf at one month of age, subject to receiving 92 offspring from 100 cows and heifers, and having a serviced livestock above the standard - 90 offspring.

Upon receipt of a healthy calf from each fixed cow and heifer during the year, it is recommended to deliver the calf at 3 months of age.

b) Cattle-shepherds of a milking herd, when serving on average per year of livestock not lower than the established norm of the load, are recommended to reward a calf at one month of age for receiving at least 90 calves per 100 cows in a fixed herd.

c) It is recommended to give a bonus with a calf at the age of one month to milkmaids of the maternity ward for receiving healthy calves from all incoming cows and heifers during the year, transferring at least 99% of their calves and provided that all cows from the maternity ward return to the production herd with a healthy udder ...

d) Tractor drivers engaged in permanent work on distributing fodder and cleaning premises using a tractor, workers preparing and distributing fodder, replacement livestock breeders are rewarded in the amount of the average weight of in kind bonuses per one main worker of the farm they serve.

e) The calves of the dispensary are awarded for the preservation of at least 95% of calves received for a head, a calf at one month of age, provided that healthy calves are transferred to the older group.

f) Calves serving calves of the dairy period are rewarded with a calf at the age of one month for the preservation of at least 98% of calves received during the year, provided that the plan of the average daily gain is fulfilled.

g) Cattlemen for servicing young cattle of the post-dairy period and older ages before transferring animals to fattening, fattening or replacement herd for the preservation of at least 98% of the assigned young stock during the year and the fulfillment of the plan of average daily weight gain are awarded with a calf at one month of age.

h) An inseminator for artificial insemination of cows and heifers is rewarded with a calf at the age of one month for receiving at least 95% of calves from the number of inseminated animals and fulfilling the plan for artificial insemination.

i) On specialized farms and heifer rearing complexes:

calves for raising calves of the dairy period in the case of a link service, for achieving at the end of the period the average live weight of each head is not lower than the requirements established by technologies when transferring at least 97% of the number of calves received during the year in the senior age period, each calf is rewarded at the age of one month;

cattle breeders serving young stock of the post-dairy period up to 1 year old and at the age from 1 year to 16 months, for reaching at the end of the period the average live weight of each head is not lower than the requirements established by technology when transferring to the next age period at least 98% of the livestock received per year, each calf is awarded at one month of age;

cattlemen, operators, inseminators serving heifers of breeding age, for insemination per year at least 90% of heifers aged 16-18 months, subject to the technology requirements for live weight and livestock safety, when transferring them to heifers, give 1 calf at a month's age;

cattlemen servingheifers, for 100% transfer of heifers during the year, provided that they are below the requirements of the 1st grading class in terms of live weight, give one calf at one month of age.

Beef cattle breeding:

a) in a brigade of broodstock herders in beef cattle breeding, at least 92% of cows and heifers have grown, the full preservation of young animals and the weight of calves for weaning is not lower than planned when servicing the livestock is not lower than the established load norms, each worker is rewarded with a calf at one month of age , and when 98 or more percent of cows and heifers are raised and the remaining conditions are met, a calf is given at 2 months of age;

b) a cattleman (or a team) for feeding and fattening young cattle should be given 1 kg of meat for surrendering to the state of heavy young animals of the highest fatness. for each head, but not more than 50 kg per employee per year.

Pig breeding:

a) pigs serving suckling queensmain herd, for the fulfillment of the established indicators for the exit of piglets from the uterus to weaning, give one piglet in live weight:

With service on average per year

The output of piglets per 1 farrowing by weaning of one head at least with an average weight of 14-15 kg

one worker, heads

9 to 10 piglets

from 10 to 11 piglets

11 and more piglets

b) pigs serving one-time and checked queens:

The output of piglets for 1 farrowing for weaning with an average weight of one head of at least 12 kg

7 piglets

8 piglets

v) pigs serving suckling queens of the broodstock when weaning piglets at 45 days of age for the fulfillment of the established indicators for the exit of piglets from the uterus to weaning, give out one piglet in live weight:

When servicing an average of

The output of piglets for 1 farrowing for weaning with an average weight of one head of at least 12-13 kg

a year by one employee, heads

9 to 10 piglets

from 10 to 11 piglets

11 and more piglets

G) pigs serving one-time and checked uterine females of the broodstock when weaning piglets at 45 days of age.

When serviced on average per year by one employee, heads

Piglet farrowing for weaning with an average weight of one head of at least 10 kg

7 piglets

8 piglets

e) pigs serving breeding boars, single and pregnant queens, to give each one 100% of the average weight of the natural bonus per one worker serving the broodstock, provided that at least 1.6-1.8 farrowings are received from each main queen and the planned number of farrowings is fulfilled per year.

e) pigs serving other sex and age groups of pigs:

g) pig serving weaning pigs when maintaining at least 95% of the assigned livestock for a year and servicing at least the norm, 1 piglet is issued with a live weight of no more than 20 kg;

h) a pig serving fattening and replacement pigs, for maintaining at least 99% of the livestock during the year and fulfilling the plan of the average daily weight gain, one piglet with a live weight of at least 20 kg is given, and if the 1005 livestock is preserved and the plan of the average daily weight gain is at least 5-10%, 1 piglet with a live weight of up to 40 kg is given ...

and) operator of feed shops, veterinary treatments, night duty attendant, locksmiths, process equipment adjusters- in the amount of 75% of the average weight of premiums per one main employee of the serviced production site of the industrial complex.

Sheep breeding.

a) for shepherds to serve brood flocks of wool and meat breeds to give out to the shepherds every tenth lamb raised for weaning from queens in excess of 95 lambs for every 100 queens, and every fifth lamb raised for weaning in excess of 100 lambs for every 100 queens in the flock at the beginning of the year.

b) to the shepherds' foremen serving the breeding stock to give out half of the adult sheep and replacement young animals saved from mortality during the year in excess of 97%.

v) for shepherds serving broodstock of sheep, as well as fattened and fattened young animals, before delivery for meat, give up to 50% of the weight gain obtained in excess of the plan throughout the period of fattening and fattening.

Compensations, surcharges and allowances.

Compensatory surcharges and allowances are determined by agricultural enterprises independently, but not lower than the amount established by law

The list of compensatory surcharges and allowances that are included in the collective agreement:

For work with harmful and especially harmful working conditions, specialists with their constant employment (at least 50% of working time) in divisions where more than half of the workers receive additional payments for unfavorable working conditions;

For work at night;

Incentive payments... Additional payments and allowances for high achievements in work, work with a smaller headcount, bonuses, remuneration, etc. determined by agricultural enterprises independently and paid within the limits of available financial resources.

Allowances: - for high professional skills;

For the performance of especially important work for the period of its implementation;

For an academic degree;

For continuous work experience in this farm.

Supplements: - for combining professions (positions);

For expanding service areas or increasing the volume of work performed;

For fulfilling the duties of a temporarily absent employee.

Bonuses for labor based on the results of work for the year... The most important type of material incentives for executives and specialists is reward for the annual results of work, for the fulfillment of contractual obligations stipulated by the collective agreement or employment contract. For managers and specialists, it is recommended to set bonuses in% of revenue for sold products, of profit received, gross income, profit growth, profitability and other indicators characterizing production efficiency. The specific amount of bonuses is set on the farm based on the availability of funds.

Natural forms of material incentives for specialists

In modern economic conditions, with a lack of funds, it is recommended to consider the practice of using natural forms of material incentives for specialists.

In order to encourage executives, specialists and employees, it is recommended to pay in kind and pay bonuses:

For the preservation of the breeding stock of livestock and poultry;

For increasing the production of milk and meat.

In case of milk yield from a cow per year over 4000 kg, it is recommended to pay in kind while maintaining the level of 5-10% of milk produced for the farm, farm, group, incl. chief zootechnician, chief veterinarian - 5% of the amount of milk given out as payment in kind.

For exceeding the level of meat sales (in kind) in comparison with the corresponding period last year, the chief animal technician, the chief veterinarian receive a bonus of up to 10% of the amount of proceeds for products sold above the level.

The chief zootechnician, the chief veterinarian are awarded with calves, piglets, lambs: for maintaining by the end of the year the level of the number of livestock of all types of livestock available at the beginning of the year.

For every three percent increase in the number of livestock of any type of livestock, issue an additional one head.

Young animals are handed out at the age of: calves - one month old; piglets - 2 months of age; lambs - not older than 4 months after beating.

Additional payment for work with harmful and difficult working conditions.

Remuneration for workers engaged in heavy work, work with harmful, hazardous and other special working conditions is made at an increased rate. It is recommended to set the amount of the additional payment in the amount of 12% of earnings, and when working with especially difficult and harmful conditions - in the amount of up to 25%. (Article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation 146).

Combining professions and expanding the service area.

According to article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee performing for the same employer, along with his main job stipulated by an employment contract, additional work in another profession (position) or acting as a temporarily absent employee without being released from his main job, is paid an additional payment for combining professions (positions), or performance of duties of a temporarily absent employee.

The amount of additional payments for combining professions (positions) or performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee is established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract.

Additional payments for combining professions, expanding service areas and performing a specified amount of work with a smaller number of employees are taken into account in the earnings of workers, who are charged additional payments (payments) for products and bonuses. At the same time, additional payments for products and bonuses can be calculated differentially: according to the results of the basis of work - on the main income, according to the results of combined work - on earnings for combining professions.

Salary increments for continuous work experience.

It is recommended to pay an allowance for continuous work experience in this farm to all permanent employees who are on the staff of the enterprise. The organization independently develops the conditions for including earnings and other payments in the length of service, which gives the right to receive wage increments for continuous work experience in a given farm.

In case of violation by the employee of the Labor Law, the terms of the employment contract, as well as those who have committed production omissions, he may be fully or partially deprived of bonuses and additional payments.

Employees who have left their jobs in the organization by the end of the calendar year may not receive additional payments for products, bonuses and additional payments (except for those who quit due to conscription to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, transfer to another job, admission to an educational institution, retirement and other respectful reasons).

All conditions for non-payment and incomplete payment of bonuses and other types of additional payments must be approved by the collective agreement of the organization.

For workers in livestock complexes who have achieved high levels of labor productivity and animal productivity in general for the assigned group, the increased pay for the performance of standardized tasks can increase up to 50% of the tariff rate, depending on the growth of animal productivity, taking into account the quality. The specific amounts of the increased pay, as well as the duration of the settlement period for which the increased payment is made - month, quarter, period of the technological cycle - are established by the head in agreement with the trade union committee, taking into account the specific conditions of production.

Compensatory payments and incentives for professional excellence

To increase the interest of workers in the further growth of labor productivity, the following additional payments are established:

For combining professions (positions), expanding service areas or increasing the volume of work performed - up to 100% of the tariff rate (official salary) for the combined profession;

For fulfilling the duties of a temporarily absent employee (in case of illness, business trip, vacation and other reasons) without being released from his main job during the working day - in the amount of up to 100% of the wage rate (official salary) of the absent employee based on the amount of work actually performed for him ;

For work at night - in the amount of at least 40% of the employee's hourly wage rate for each hour of work at night. Night time is considered to be from 22 o'clock to 6 o'clock;

For overtime work (payment for overtime work is made on the condition of keeping the summarized accounting of working hours).

Every hour of overtime work is paid:

workers with piecework wages - not less than double piece rates;

employees with time wages, as well as those receiving official salaries - not less than double hourly rates (salaries);

For work on weekends and holidays. Work on weekends and holidays is paid not less than double the amount (piece rates or hourly rates (salaries)). By agreement of the parties, work on a weekend or holiday may be compensated for by providing another day of rest;

For work in harmful and especially harmful working conditions.

Additional payments are accrued for the period of actual employment of workers in jobs with unfavorable working conditions.

Workers engaged in veterinary processing, weighing, receiving, driving livestock, as well as workers in auxiliary workshops and services (workshops for manure processing and wastewater treatment, water supply, equipment maintenance and repair, slaughter and sanitary facilities, boiler plants, veterinary laboratories, sanitary - preventive checkpoints, etc.) can be awarded for the performance of work with good quality on time and ahead of schedule, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of equipment and structures in the prescribed manner, regular preventive maintenance and repairs and other indicators. Bonuses are paid to these employees on condition that the serviced main workshops and sections fulfill the volume of production provided for by the technical project (during the period of capacity development - the norms for the development of design capacity). In case of non-fulfillment of the specified volume of production in the workshop, the size of the bonus is reduced to one percent (point) for each percentage of its failure.

General Provisions

After the completion of agricultural work and the posting of products with employees, the final settlement is made according to the final results of the work.

Employees who left work without good reason (of their own free will, dismissed for violation of labor and production discipline, etc.) are not paid the above payments.

The bonuses stipulated by the Regulations on Labor Remuneration are paid only to permanent and seasonal employees.

Bonus indicators are accounted for on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year.

Bonuses to employees are accrued on wages at piece rates (tariff rates), taking into account increased wages and additional payments for products.

In order to more fully take into account the individual contribution of each employee to labor results, labor participation ratios can be used.

Substitute workers in animal husbandry are paid 100%, and permanent swapping pigs serving broodstock pigs and milkmaids are paid 110% of the established rates or the average earnings of the workers they replace.

Remuneration for the labor of workers engaged in servicing livestock in distant pastures and serving bees in apiaries during the migration with bees outside the organization's land use is made at tariff rates increased by 40%.

Wages for workers employed in servicing brucellosis cattle and animals sick with foot-and-mouth disease are paid at tariff rates increased by 15%.

Payment for labor of procurers of products and raw materials (milk) is made depending on the volume of work based on multiples of the tariff rate of the 1st category, 1.57 or 1.83.

Remuneration for temporary workers is made for the volume of agricultural work performed at the piece-rate established in the organization.

Payment (surcharge) for products, increased pay and bonuses that are accrued to the main (permanent and seasonal) workers, temporary workers are not paid.

Temporary workers can be awarded bonuses for performing work with good quality on time and ahead of schedule in the amount of up to 20% of their earnings accrued on these jobs, and in cases where standardized tasks are established for them on the basis of intersectoral, sectoral and other more progressive standards for labor - up to 30% of the specified earnings.

1) Calculation of rates for the remuneration of milking machine operators.

Milking machine operators work in 2 shifts. For OMD, the service rate is set = 184 cows. Tariff rate for OMD = 465 rubles (VI category). The productivity of one cow per year is 7400 kg (74 centners) of milk with a fat content of 3.6%. Average daily milk yield = 74 c / 365 = 0.2 c. It is planned to receive 83 calves per 100 cows. In the maternity ward, cows are milked for 10 days.

The annual milk production rate is:

184 * 74 c = 13616 c

It is planned to receive calves from a fixed group of cows:

It is planned to receive milk in the maternity ward:

153 * 10 * 0.2 = 306 q

The planned amount of milk in the production workshop (excluding milk in the maternity ward) will be:

13616ts-306ts = 13310ts

Planned amount of milk in terms of 1% milk:

13310ts * 3.6 = 47916ts

Annual tariff wage fund of OMD:

Annual payroll for calculating prices for products (taking into account its increase by 50%):


At the enterprise, it is customary to pay OMD 90% of the annual wage fund for milk and 10% for offspring.

The price for 1 centner of 1% milk will be: 254587.5 * 0.9 / 47916 = 4.8 rubles.

The price for 1 head of offspring will be equal to: 254587.5 * 0.1 / 153 = 166.4 rubles.

2) Calculation of rates for wages of cattlemen.

For cattle farmers, the service rate is set = 536 heads. The tariff rate for cattlemen = 367 rubles (IV category). The productivity of one cow per year is 7400 kg (74 centners) of milk with a fat content of 3.6%. Average daily milk yield = 74 c / 365 = 0.2 c. It is planned to receive 83 calves per 100 cows. In the maternity ward, cows are milked for 10 days.

  • 1. Annual tariff wage fund.
  • 367 * 365 * 3 = 401 865 rubles.
  • 401865 * 1.5 = 602797.5 rubles.
  • 3.1. Annual milk production rate: 68.5ts * 536 = 36716ts
  • 3.2. It is planned to receive calves from the assigned group of cows: 536 * 0.87 = 466
  • 3.3. It is planned to receive milk in the maternity ward: 466 * 10 * 0.19 = 885.4 c
  • 36716ts-885.4ts = 35830.6ts

Determine the planned amount of milk in terms of 1%: 35830.6 * 3.6 = 128990.16 centners

Price for 1 centner of 1% milk:

602797.5 * 0.9 / 128990.16 = 4.2 rubles.

Price for 1 head of offspring:

  • 602797.5 * 0.1 / 466 = 129.4 rubles.
  • 3) Calculation of rates for the remuneration of feeds.

The service rate of 744 heads has been set for the feeders. Tariff rate for feeds = 367 rubles (IV category). The productivity of one cow per year is 6850 kg (68.5 quintals) of milk with a fat content of 3.6%. Average daily milk yield = 68.5 c / 365 = 0.19 c. It is planned to receive 87 calves per 100 cows. In the maternity ward, cows are milked for 10 days.

Annual tariff wage fund:

  • 367 * 365 = 133955 rubles.
  • 2. Annual wages fund, taking into account additional payments for products by 50%:
  • 133955 * 1.5 = 200,932.5 rubles.
  • 3. The planned amount of milk minus the amount that will be milked in the maternity ward.
  • 3.1. Annual milk production rate: 68.5ts * 744 = 50964ts
  • 3.2. It is planned to receive calves from the assigned group of cows: 744 * 0.87 = 647
  • 3.3. It is planned to receive milk in the maternity ward: 647 * 10 * 0.19 = 1229.3 c
  • 3.4. Planned amount of milk in the production workshop:
  • 50964ts-1229.3ts = 49734.7ts
  • 4. Planned quantity of milk in terms of 1%: 49734.7 * 3.6 = 179044.92ts
  • 5. Salary fund for offspring, provided that it is customary on the farm to pay 10% of the annual fund for each calf: 200932.5 * 0.1 = 20093.25 rubles.
  • 6. The salary fund for calculating the price for milk is 90% of the annual fund: 200932.5 * 0.9 = 180839.25 rubles.
  • 7. The price for 1% milk will be: = 1.0 rubles.
  • 8. The price for the offspring will be: = 31.1 rubles.
  • 4) Calculation of rates for remuneration of foremen

Service rate = 1000 heads. Tariff rate = 353 rubles (work on the VI category). The productivity of one cow per year is 6850 kg (68.5 quintals) of milk with a fat content of 3.6%. Average daily milk yield = 68.5 c / 365 = 0.19 c. It is planned to receive 87 calves per 100 cows. In the maternity ward, cows are milked for 10 days.

  • 1. Annual tariff wage fund:
  • 353 * 365 = 128845 rubles.
  • 2. Annual wages fund, taking into account additional payments for products by 50%:
  • RUB 128845 * 1.5 = RUB 193267.5
  • 3. The planned amount of milk minus the amount that will be milked in the maternity ward.
  • 3.1. Annual milk production rate: 68.5ts * 1000 = 68500ts
  • 3.2. It is planned to receive calves: 1000 * 0.87 = 870
  • 3.3. It is planned to receive milk in the maternity ward: 870 * 10 * 0.19 = 1653 centners
  • 3.4. Planned amount of milk in the production workshop:
  • 68500 cts - 1653 cts = 66847 cts
  • 4. Planned quantity of milk in terms of 1%: 66847 * 3.6 = 240649.2 centners
  • 5. Salary fund for offspring, provided that it is customary on the farm to pay 10% of the annual fund for each calf: 179306.25 * 0.1 = 17930.625 rubles.
  • 6. The salary fund for calculating the price for milk is 90% of the annual fund: 179306.25 * 0.9 = 161375.62 rubles.
  • 7. The price for 1% milk will be: = 0.7 rubles.
  • 8. The price for the offspring will be: = 224.1 rubles.
  • 5) Calculation of the collective rate for the workers of the farm (complex)

Livestock = 1000 heads. The productivity of one cow per year is 6850 kg (68.5 quintals) of milk with a fat content of 3.6%. Average daily milk yield = 68.5 c / 365 = 0.19 c. It is planned to receive 87 calves per 100 cows. Let's calculate the collective rate for the farm workers (see Table 3).

Table 3 - Calculation of the collective rate of farm workers

Employee positions

Average annual number

Annual labor costs.

people-hours, people-days

Rate. discharge

Rate. bid,

One worker

  • 1. Foreman
  • 3. OMD
  • 4. Cattleman
  • 5. Feeder
  • 6. Laboratory assistant
  • 7. Inseminator
  • 8. Vetsanitar
  • 9. Thrush
  • 10. Locksmith
  • 11. Electrician
  • 12. Night watchman
  • 326350
  • 1188075
  • 1071640
  • 401865
  • 288225
  • 509175
  • 523075
  • 344925
  • 313845
  • 313845
  • 305505

Annual payroll for calculating prices for products (taking into account its increase by 50%):

The planned amount of milk will be:

The planned amount of milk in terms of 1%:

Planned number of offspring:

The payroll for offspring is equal to 10% of the annual wage tariff fund:

The wages fund for calculating the rate for 1 centner of 1% milk is equal to 90% of the STFZP.