New Year's contests with a hall for high school students. Funny contests for the new year for high school students. Video examples of cool entertainment

For high school students, they make up the main and most fun part of the New Year's program. They are always awaited with great impatience, everyone wants to take part in them. Usually, by the end of the evening, almost all the guests present at it are involved. for high school students are devoted not only to the theme of this holiday. They always amaze with their originality and variety.

You can hold an exciting competition called "Learning the ABC". The presenter announces the opening speech that everyone is educated people, but do they know the alphabet? The rules of the game are that for each letter of the alphabet, players must in turn say a congratulatory phrase, according to the current holiday. The first letter A. The approximate text will sound like this: "Happy New Year Aibolit congratulates everyone!" The next letter B. The phrase may be like this: "Be vigilant, the New Year is already on the doorstep!" The letter B can correspond to the following phrase: "Let's drink to the ladies!". The most fun begins when the turn comes to the letters Г, П, Ж, Ы, Ъ, Ь. Whoever comes up with the funniest or most original phrase wins a prize.

Another fun competition is called "The Mummy". It will require four people, of whom two teams of two players are formed. One member from each team will be the "mummy", the other the "mummator". The game consists in the fact that the latter must quickly wrap the "mummy" in bandages. You can use toilet paper as a material. Fun for those present will be ensured. After the end of wrapping, you can reverse the steps to wind the paper into a roll.

New Year's contests for high school students are not complete without competitions for Santa Clauses. The "Frosty Breath" competition consists in putting a paper snowflake on the table in front of each Santa Claus. The snowflake must be blown away so that it falls off the opposite end of the table. When the last of them leaves the table, the host announces that the winner was not the one who blew off his snowflake first, but the one who did it last. This means that he has the strongest frosty breath, his snowflake is frozen to the table, respectively, this Santa Claus gets a prize.

To make New Year's contests for high school students even more exciting, a competition for the best Snow Maiden is being held. Each of them prepares their own festive dish, for example, an original sandwich or a composition of all kinds of fruits (products can be taken from the festive table). The style should be New Year's. Then young people sit in front of the Snow Maidens, all of them are blindfolded. The winner is the girl who is the first to feed her guest.

Even more interesting are New Year's contests for high school students using banknotes. The Tomato contest will require two volunteers to face each other with a stool placed between them. The presenter puts a banknote on it and counts to three, after which the participants must quickly put their hand on it. Whoever does it first won (for more interest, you can give the money to the winner). But this is not the end of the competition. The task is complicated by the fact that a new bill is placed on the stool, and the participants in the game are blindfolded. In this form, they must check whether it is in place. Then, on the count of three, both players quickly slap the tomato, which the host unnoticed during the count. The observers laugh in unison.

Many contests for high school students have already gained some popularity. Among them is the competition "Dress up the Snow Maiden". Each Santa Claus chooses a pair for himself, and dresses it up so that it is his Snow Maiden who looks the most modern. You can use any items: cosmetics, Christmas tree decorations, additional clothing. The winner is that Santa Claus, whose partner will look the most original.

New Year's disco scenario for high school students

Targets and goals: organization of leisure time, celebration of the New Year.

Until the beginning of the evening, the soundtrack of modern New Year's songs is played.

At the appointed time - a sound signal - the ringing of bells.

Lead 1: Good evening, dear friends!

Lead 2: We wish you good festive mood, smiles and fun! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday!

Vedas 1: Outside the window, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.

Vedas 2: It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, our desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible.

Lead 1: Let it be the evening of our meeting

Warmed by warm friendship.

We give you a hearty

New Year's holiday greetings!

Lead 2: Happy New Year! New Year!

The holiday is joyful for everyone.

Let them ring under this arch

Songs, music and laughter!

Lead 1: Dear friends, today the program of our evening includes games, contests, quizzes, an incendiary disco. And, of course, a meeting with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Lead 2: Yes Yes! Meetings with these New Year characters are eagerly awaited not only by children, but also by quite adult, respectable people.

Lead 1: Santa Claus has existed for about 150 years. And not a single New Year's holiday is complete without his participation.

Lead 2: In the meantime, while our New Year characters are on their way, let's run a few contests.

Lead 1: Great idea! So, to warm up, let's hold a New Year's quiz.

Veda 2 : We ask the audience to listen carefully to the questions and raise their hand when answering. For each correct answer, you receive a token. Whoever collects the most tokens for our evening will receive a New Year's prize.

1. A natural phenomenon that causes New Year's death of people without sanding. (Ice.)

2. What kind of beauty dresses up once a year? ( Christmas tree. )

3. New Year's two-faced ball. (Masquerade.)

4. Low-growing blizzard. (Snow cover.)

5. Carnival cash. (Mask.)

6. Ice casting. (Ice rink.)

7. The time of life for the Snow Maiden. (Winter.)

8. Winter drummer. (Freezing.)

9. New Year's collection. (Table.)

10 ... Supporting quarter of the New Year's table. (Leg.)

11. New Year's drink for risky guests. (Champagne.)

12. Fish “dressed” in natural leather and an artificial fur coat is a New Year's dish. (Herring.)

13. The peasant's antidote weapon. (Axe.)

14. A seasonal "sculpture" made of truly natural materials. (Snowman.)

15. The result of a festive incendiary. (Fireworks.)

16. Elochkin's homeland. (Forest.)
17. Elochkin snow heater. (Freezing.)

18. The process ends with the falling of the Christmas tree. (The cabin.)

19. An old-fashioned but timeless dance by the Christmas tree. (Round dance)

(tokens are given for correct answers, a prize is awarded to the winner)

Vedas 1: Wonderful! And now we propose to greet each other.

Vedas 2: We invite 9th grade girls to the stage. And we ask you to support with loud applause.

STEP (Nastya, Irina, Alina, Diana, Polina)

Vedas 1: We got to know each other better,

In such an acquaintance, friendship is the essence

So, we continue our evening,

As the saying goes: "Good luck!"

(The callsigns of the mobile phone are ringing)

Vedas 2: (speaking on his cell phone): Yes, we are waiting, we are waiting! No, we are not bored. Our guests have already collected a bunch of tokens. How for what? Well, what is the New Year without you? Hurry up! (disconnects the phone): D. Moroz and the Snow Maiden are very close.

Vedas 1: Well, you told them that we are really looking forward to them?(the phonogram "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" sounds and a loud knock is heard).

D. Moroz: Good evening, good people!

Snow Maiden : Let the holiday be merry!

D. Moroz: Happy New Year:

We wish you happiness, joy!

Snow Maiden: How many faces are familiar,

How many friends of mine are here!

It's good for me here, at home,

Among the gray-haired Christmas trees!

D. Moroz: Even though I'm old and gray,

And I live for many years

I declare to you friends,

I'm young today

Snow Maiden: All my friends are gathered.

In the New Year's winter hour.

We haven't met for a whole year

And we miss you.

D. Moroz: Both the Snow Maiden and I - we congratulate you, friends!

Vedas 2: And now we invite you to join the incendiary dance and light up together with the girls of the 9th grade.

ARRIVA dance (creative group)

The block of competitions is conducted by a creative group.


Several young men are invited to the stage. They are given eggs. On command, the participants must break the egg on the forehead. Whoever breaks the egg last is the winner.

2. Study with a balloon - Irina

Several balloons are required for the game, which are distributed to the participants.

Participants draw out a task for themselves - to create a sketch with a ball on a specific topic:

Man looking in the mirror;

Declaration of love;

Parting with a loved one;

Chief and subordinate;

Couples in love;

A child in a zoo in front of a monkey's cage;

Parent scolding a failed son;

Buyer and Seller.


Participants compete in the ability to move to the beat of the proposed music.

4. BOXERS - Alina

Dance block.

5. Competition "BRAID the BRAID" - Diana

Props: 2 braids (3 ribbons are knotted at the end).

The team captains hold the knot and lead their teams, which hold the ribbon in their hands and, without lifting their hands, to the rhythmic music, "weave a braid". When the music stops, the presenters will check the braids and identify the winning team and receive prizes.A Christmas tree decoration that does a significant damage to the home budget, not only on the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

6. THE DANCE CLICKED - Irina, Diana

All participants are divided into pairs (boy-girl). Music turns on, couples dance. At the command of the Leader during the dance, they touch only those parts of the body that they choose (head, nose, ears, backs, arms, legs, shoulders, fingertips, etc.)

7. "THREE" - Polina

I'll tell you a story
In a dozen phrases.
As soon as I say the word "three"
Take the prize immediately!

Once we caught a pike,
Examined what's inside.
We saw small fish,
And not one, but as many as ... five.

Dreams of a hardened guy
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don't be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command: "One, two ... march"

When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself,
Once, twice, or better ... seven.

One day train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, friends, you took the prize.
I give you a five

8. SUMO - Alina

Participants of the competition put on huge costumes, stuff them with balloons and they begin to fight, the winner is the one who has the most balloons.

The winner gets a prize.

9. Competition "THEATER"

Candidates who wish are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like:

Woman with heavy bags

Gorilla in a cage, a sparrow on the roof

Bolt stork

Chicken in the yard

Girl in a tight skirt with high heels

Sentinel guarding the food warehouse

Infant who has just learned to walk

A guy in front of a stranger girl

Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

Vedas: And we invite you to the New Year's disco!

(Competitions from classes)

Vedas 2: The most beloved in Russia at all holidays were fun for dexterity and strength. We must have a competition for strong men.

Vedas 1: Time flew by quickly

And it's time for us to part.

Vedas 2: With all my heart, friends, we wish

Great, great success to you!

Snow Maiden: It's time, friends,

You need to say goodbye.

Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts!

May the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids!

Father Frost : It's a pity that the holiday ended so quickly. See you next year!

Vedas 1: Dear friends! So our festive New Year's evening has come to an end.

Vedas 2: All of you very actively participated in all competitions and fun, lit up at the disco.

Veda 1 : And we hope that you will be able to maintain the mood of fun, joy, expectation of something unusual for the whole year.

Vedas 2: We do not say goodbye to you, we tell you:

TOGETHER : See you again in a year!

The last composition sounds, in which all the characters take part.

Engage high school students with interesting and age-appropriate games and contests. We wish you a great time!

Dances are singles, doubles and groups. Pair dances are performed while standing face to face and supporting each other by the arms, shoulders or waist. At the same time, a man and a woman look into each other's eyes. And what will happen if there is a fashion to perform pair dances, standing back to back? Try to see what happens. Dance "back of the head" such famous dances as waltz, square dance, foxtrot, sambo, twist.

Slow Down Game

All movie lovers know what "slow motion" is. Slow motion is used by directors and cameramen when they want to dramatize the shooting or when they want to draw the audience's attention to the subtle shades of facial expressions and plasticity of the hero. Most often in slow motion I show scenes of fights and falls, and also - scenes of disasters. Try, without resorting to the means of film and video, to portray some non-traditional slow-motion scenes. In slow motion, show how a person sneezes, kills a mosquito, scratches under the shoulder blade, takes medicine, bites a nail.

Complicated version of the game "Broken Phone"

A simple but very funny game, known since childhood. One of the guests quickly and indistinctly, in a whisper, says a word to the neighbor on the right. He, in turn, whispers what he heard to his neighbor in the same manner - and so on in a circle. The last participant gets up and loudly pronounces the word given to him, and the one who started the game says his own. Sometimes the result is beyond expectation. The variant of the game is "Associations", i.e. the neighbor does not sweat the word, but conveys an association with him, for example: winter is snow.


The participant is seated with his back to everyone, and a plate with a pre-prepared inscription is attached to his back. The inscriptions can be different: "Toilet", "Shop", "Institute", etc. The rest of the observers ask him various questions, such as: "Why do you go there?", "How often?" etc. The player must, not knowing what is written on the plaque hanging on him, answer the questions.

Outdoor game "Water carriers"

Fill glasses with a teaspoon. Whoever copes with the task faster gets the opportunity to drink the contents (juice).

This game requires pins and blindfolds according to the number of participants. Team game. The pins are arranged like a snake in front of each team. The teams, holding hands, blindfolded, try to walk the distance without hitting the pins. Whose team has fewer pins hit will win the "journey". How many pins are not knocked down - so many points.

Participants are divided into groups of 4 people. Each group is asked to write a story on some topic in 10-15 minutes ("How I was going to the camp", "Our travels to the camp", etc.). But at the same time, empty spaces should be left in the story instead of adjective definitions. The groups then get together and take turns writing adjectives in their stories, which representatives of other groups tell them at random. These adjectives can be funny (but not offensive). Ready-made stories are read, the funniest, most original work is determined. The duration of the game is 40-50 minutes.


And outside the Soviets were only those who lived by exploitation, deception and violence - the capitalists, landowners and the higher officials.
And Serezha and I, sitting in the gallery, spoke with admiration that, it would seem, after the defeat of the revolution of the fifth year, the tsarist government, with the help of its various hangers-on, bourgeois lackeys, did everything to erase, obscure and completely destroy the very memory of the Soviets workers' deputies. But now, as soon as the autocracy collapsed, then all over the country, first in capitals and workers' centers, and then in countless cities and towns and, finally, in villages and villages, these condensing revolutionary the energy of the organization. It turned out that the political experience of the fifth year was not forgotten at all, the working people sacredly kept the memory of the revolutionary institutions they created. And they rose, it would seem, from the very Russian soil, with the same peculiarities and tasks and with that, similar to natural, regularity with which the earth in a new spring gives birth to the same flowers that bloomed in its meadows and fields in the previous spring. ...
In all cities of Russia, envoys elected by the soldiers began to join the Soviets of Workers 'Deputies, that is, peasants in soldiers' greatcoats, with rifles in their hands. Then Lenin arrived from abroad, looked with his eagle-eyed gaze, and immediately determined that Soviets of Workers' Deputies were the only possible form of a revolutionary government! His insightful words that alongside the Provisional Government, the government of the bourgeoisie, there was a still weak, embryonic, but still undoubtedly existing and growing government of workers 'and soldiers' deputies, instantly spread all over Russia. These words aroused hatred among the bourgeoisie, confusion and fury of the compromisers, excited the minds and aroused hope for a better future among the workers and all for whom socialism was not an empty and beautiful word.
Lenin, then still persecuted and persecuted by the bourgeoisie, predicted that the many-headed Soviet whopper, in the creation of which the whole of working Russia took part, had a great goal. "All power to the Soviets!" - he said, and the Bolsheviks, followers of Lenin, proclaimed this goal before all the people.
And I remember how, at one of the first meetings of the Chelyabinsk City Council, he again came to the podium of short stature, tightly tied with a belt, a thin soldier Zwilling, a deputy of the arms workshops. In his harsh voice, reminiscent of a battle horn, he clearly and clearly said that the working people should not let themselves be deceived, that the Provisional Government consists of capitalists.
- No confidence in the ministers of China! Down with the Provisional Government! All power to the Soviets!
And it was impossible not to admit the truth of these words. It was impossible not to admit that the ministers of the Provisional Government — the Guchkovs and Lvovs, the Konovalovs and Tereshchenko — are capitalists. But the people to whom Zwilling addressed, workers and soldiers who were not sophisticated in politics, were still politically naive: after all, the autocracy had just collapsed, many parties calling themselves socialist and revolutionary entered the political arena, and they all swore loyalty to the interests of the working people. , and they all demanded the trust and support of the Provisional Government. And only one party of Lenin was asserting its own.
She just asserted. I remember how the Bolsheviks, as if taking it as a rule, spoke at almost every meeting of the Council, spoke over and over again about the same thing, varying only the content of their speeches, depending on the rapidly changing events of the current day of the revolution.
The question arose about the predatory intentions of Foreign Minister Milyukov, and they started talking about the imperialist nature of the war, about the influence of banks, syndicates and trusts on the policy of bourgeois governments. Again and again about the division of the world between the imperialists. And now, under thunderous applause, he was meeting the Bolshevik Council, and the representatives of the compromising majority who were still sitting in the podium looked at one another, feeling that the chairs were swaying under them.
The building of the People's House stood on the most elevated place of the city, and now, when it was occupied by the Soviet of Workers' Deputies, it seemed that it was no coincidence that it rose above the city. In this building, the incessant work of the Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies took place.

New Year's games and entertainment for schoolchildren

The games offered in the article will make it possible to organize an entertaining all-around tournament for all those who remain in the house, class. Competitions can be held according to the Olympic system: participants are divided into pairs, the losers drop out of the game and become fans, and the winners meet among themselves. With each round, the tasks become more complicated: the distance to the target increases, the number of objects that must be remembered, the size of the throwing rings, the size of the targets, etc. decrease. Everything you need for amusement games must be prepared in advance - this will make them more dynamic. The role of judges is usually performed by the owners of the house or those who prepared the evening.

And don't forget about gifts for the winners! Try to understand that the gift is not expensive, but the attention. The “gift system” can be quite varied. Much depends on your imagination.


"Gift game"... A rope is tied to the width of the room, paper bags with gifts are tied to it at a distance of 10-15 cm (the number of bags should be equal to the number of guests). All participants step back 1–2 m, using a counting machine to choose who will be the first owner of the gift. He is blindfolded, spun around him 5 times and directed to the side where the rope is stretched. His task is to cut off "his" pouch. Then the next participant is selected, and the game is repeated from the beginning until each of the guests finds a gift for themselves.

"What changed?"... The game involves 3-4 people. Various objects are laid out on the table (toys, pencils, keys, coins, etc.), the number of which depends on the age of the players. The participants of the game are invited to memorize the arrangement of objects on the table for 1-2 minutes and, at the signal from the presenter, turn away or leave the room; in the meantime, some of the items are moved to other places or removed altogether. The winner is the one whose answer to the question "Did all the objects remain on the table and which ones were rearranged?" - will be more accurate. The game can be complicated by using chess, checkers, dice, dominoes, etc.

"Don't drop it." 5-6 people participate in the game at the same time. They sit on chairs 4-5 paces opposite each other. Each of them is given props: a small stick, pencil or thick paper rolled up into a tube. The task of the players: standing up at the signal and holding the object vertically at the tip of the finger, reach the “opponent's” chair and sit on it, while not dropping the object from the finger. If the object falls, then the participant of the game gives the presenter a phantom and leaves the game. And at the end of the evening, the phantom "redeems". The ransom should not be delayed, the assignment is given by the host of the evening. They should be simple and easy to do. For example: sing one verse of a song, say a tongue twister, etc.

"Who has more accurate eyes?" The game involves 4 people. This game requires a ruler and several sheets of unlined paper. Each competitor is given a sheet of paper folded into 5-7-9 (necessarily an odd number) strips of equal width. The task of the players is to determine by eye the length and width of the strip and the entire sheet.

The presenter uses a ruler to determine the winner. Whoever has more accurate readings won. You can set other tasks: determine the length of the table circumference, the height of one of the players, etc.

"Who is more stable?" 3-4 people participate. On the floor, a ribbon is stretched from strips of paper or twine - a path along which one must walk with closed eyes. In turn, each of the participants is blindfolded, spun around themselves 3 times and directed to the path.

The winner is the one who made the most accurate steps along the ribbon.

"Come with binoculars"... 3 - 4 people are involved. A rope several meters long is laid on the floor; it is necessary to put the binoculars to the eyes with wide lenses (thereby the rope will move away from the player). The player's task is to walk exactly along the rope to the end.

The winner is the one who completed the task correctly.

"Determine without looking." 4 people participate at the same time. Participants in the game can be asked to determine by touch the type of fabric, the type of cereal, the material from which the object is made, and even the names of the magazines. In the latter case, the competitors are first given the opportunity to look at the magazines (in appearance, they should not differ significantly from each other). At the signal of the presenter, the players are blindfolded. Their task is to correctly determine the material from which the proposed items are made in 2 minutes (their number should not exceed 5 pieces).

The winner is the one who gave the most correct answers.

"Basket with" snowballs "... Two players participate at the same time.

Two paper baskets are hung on a crossbar located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the floor. They are decorated with white corrugated paper. You can glue pale blue snowflakes onto the paper.

The players are given 7-10 snowballs. Their task is to throw the maximum number of "snowballs" into the swinging basket. The winner will be the one who throws more "snowballs" into the basket.

Making "snowballs" is very simple: sew round small bags of dense fabric and stuff them with cotton wool.

"Take the Prize"... 5-6 people participate. A prize (toy, fruit, candy) is placed on a chair or stool under a bright cap. The presenter asks one of the players to stand with his back to the chair, put on a mask with sealed eyes (or, if there is no mask, blindfold with a handkerchief), walk 5 steps forward, turn around and, returning to the chair, lift the cap in one motion. The winner is the one who lifted the cap. He takes the prize for himself.

"Nose for a snowman!" 3-4 people participate. A snowman is made of gauze, cotton wool, papier-mâché and a wire frame. They put a hat on his head and give him a broom. Coals are glued instead of eyes, and a circle is drawn where the nose should be.

The player gets up at a distance of 5-7 steps from the snowman, he is put on a mask with glued eyes. They give a carrot made of papier-mâché, and offer to walk to the snowman and put a carrot nose. If the player hits the circle with a carrot, he is awarded a prize.

A snowman can also be made flat (from plywood or cardboard).

"Collect the cones." Two people participate at the same time. Each player is given a basket and blindfolded. Cubes, balls, cones, pencils, etc., in the amount of 15 pieces, are placed on the site. These are "cones", which at the signal of the leader begin to blindly search for the competitors and put them in the basket. One minute is given to collect "cones".

The winner is the one who collected the most "bumps".

"Bubble". 4 people take part in the game at the same time. Players receive a bottle of soap bubbles.

Assignment: to blow what there is strength.

The winner is the one who releases as many soap bubbles as possible at one time. The participant who has the least number of soap bubbles exits the game.

The second match involves three players. They need to inflate one big soap bubble. The winner is the one with the largest bubble.

Crush the ball with your foot. Two are playing. Three balloons are tied to their left leg.

Objective: crush the balls of the enemy and protect your own. The winner is the one who has at least one ball.

"Cockroach Race". 3-5 people take part in the game. We need ropes, skittles, cubes. Each player is tied with a rope around the waist so that its tip hangs down from the back, like a tail. A pin is tied to the tail. A cube is placed in front of the participant. At the signal from the leader, the players must hold the cube of the pins to the finish line without using their hands.

The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first.

"Reach for the prize." Two players grasp each other's palms with their right hands. In front of each, two meters from him, a prize is placed on the floor. Each of the players pulls the opponent in his direction, trying to take the prize with his left hand.

The winner is the one who outweighs the opponent and takes the prize.

"Who is faster." 4 people participate at the same time. Contestants are divided into pairs. Each has a book in his hand, on which there is a small prize, such as a chocolate bar. At the signal from the leader, the players approach each other, each of them tries to take a prize from the opponent's book. The book can be wound behind the back, but if the prize falls to the floor, the player loses. The winner is the one who took the opponent's prize and did not drop his own.

"Pull out the prize"... 10 people participate at the same time. 10 ribbons hang from a large box, the prize in the box is tied to only one of them, the rest of the ribbons are empty. The players grab the ribbons and, at the signal of the presenter, simultaneously draw one ribbon at a time. Whoever had the ribbon with the prize won.

"Lump". 3-4 people participate at the same time. An unfolded newspaper or a piece of paper is laid on the floor in front of each participant. The players put their right hand behind their back, and with their left hand, at the signal of the presenter, bending down, they begin to crumple the newspaper, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist.

The winner is the one who crumples the newspaper the fastest and who has the smallest lump.

"Fishing rod". Three are playing. The attraction requires 3 bottles and 3 fishing rods. Each player is given a fishing rod with a ring at the end - the rings can be made of wire, they must be of such a size that they can be put on the neck of the bottle. At a distance of 1.5-2 m (depending on the length of the fishing rod) bottles are placed in front of each participant. At the signal from the leader, each player begins to "fish".

The winner is the one who puts the ring on the bottle first.

"Winders". 2 people play. Tied to a rope 3-4 m long from both ends on a stick or pencil, mark the middle of the rope with a ribbon. Two players take sticks and move apart, pulling the rope. At the signal from the leader, everyone begins to quickly wind the rope around the stick, moving forward.

The winner is the one who winds the rope up to the middle faster.

"Put your tail in the bottle." 5-6 people can take part in the game. Need bottles, ropes and pencils.

Each player is tied with a rope around the waist so that its tip hangs down from the back, like a tail.

A pencil is tied to the tail. Empty bottles are placed behind the participants. At the signal from the leader, each participant tries to lower his tail into the bottle.

The winner is the one who is the first to hit the neck of the bottle with a pencil.

"The most attentive"... A small team of 6-7 people can take part in this game. The presenter, using the game "Who has more buttons", determines the driver of this game. It becomes a person who has the most or all of the fewest buttons. He leaves the room and changes something in his appearance. For example: he unbuttons his jacket, takes off his tie, takes a newspaper, slouches unusually, etc. (there should be no more than 6 such changes). Having prepared in this way, he enters the room where the players are waiting for him. Everyone tries to quickly see what he has changed in his appearance, and immediately says out loud everything that he noticed. The presenter records the answers of the players.

The winner is the one who noted the changes the most.

"Swirling Hoops". 4 people play. They receive four hoops. The participants of the game put them on the floor on the edge and, at the signal of the leader, begin to twist them. Whose hoop spins longer is the winner.

"Get through the hoop." Played by 3 people. Each player is given a hoop and a box with children's cubes. At the signal from the leader, you need to open the box, put all the cubes one on top of the other with a slide and carry them on one hand from the start to the finish, where the hoop lies on the floor (approximate distance - 5-6 steps). Continuing to hold the pile of cubes, you need to sit down, take the hoop in your hand and crawl through it, not letting go or dropping the pile of cubes.

If the slide falls apart on the way, the player collects it in the place where he failed, and continues the game further.

The winner is the one who coped with this difficult task the fastest.

"Cheerful boxing". 3-4 people play in turn. The balloon is suspended at chest height. A boxing glove is put on the player's hand. The player stands at a distance of 10 steps from the ball. He is blindfolded, spun 2-3 times and offered to walk 10 steps to the ball and knock him off with one blow of his hand.

The person who completes this task is awarded a prize.

"Hold the snowflake." The number of players is 10-15 people. The presenter gives out to those who want to play a small ball of cotton wool, it must be loosened so that it can be blown and it would fly like a fluff.

The task is to prevent the "snowflake" from falling; it is necessary to blow on it, keeping it in the air. You cannot pick up a fallen snowflake.

The game starts at the command of the host.

The winner is the player who keeps the "snowflake" in the air longer than the other participants.

Find a clothespin. Participants are 3-4 pairs. The leader blindfolds one player from each pair with a blindfold, the other gives 5 ordinary clothespins, which he clings to himself. The task of the blindfolded player is to find the clothespins by touch.

The winner is the one who finds all 5 clothespins faster than others.

"Wrap yourself in a rope"... Two are playing. A rope or tape 8-10 meters long is required for the game. Players stand at different ends of the rope, wrapping it around themselves once. At the signal from the leader, they begin to rotate forward, winding the rope around themselves until they collide together.

The winner is the player who has reeled more meters of rope.

"Throw a lasso on the horse." Up to 4 people can participate at the same time. In American films, dashing cowboys of the Wild West throw a lasso on mustangs, and our players will have to demonstrate the same accuracy.

A lasso or lasso is made from a rope 3 m long. At a distance of 2.5 m, a large children's playground is placed or a horse's head is cut out of plywood, a stick is nailed to it.

At the signal of the leader, the players make 3 attempts to throw the lasso on the horse.

Those who fail to throw are eliminated from the competition.

The winner is the one who made the most accurate throws.


"Running with a burning candle." Two teams of 4 people participate.

With the help of pins, the start and finish of the players' movement is determined.

The host gives the players a plate with a burning candle glued to it. Competitors run to the finish line, making sure that the candle does not go out. The first numbers, having reached the finish line, return to the start and pass the plate with a burning candle to the next participant.

The winner is the team that finishes the game first and for which the candle has not gone out during the run.

Crush the ball. Teams of 2 people play. The host gives each pair one balloon. Participants hold the ball with their stomachs, squeezing from both sides.

At the signal from the leader, everyone should begin to press hard on the balls.

The winner is the couple, whose ball will burst, unable to withstand the pressure.

"Hurry up to get dressed." Two teams of 5 people play. At the finish line, in front of each team, harem pants, a fur coat and a hat are placed on a chair. At the signal, the first players of both teams, having reached the chairs, put on their lying clothes, then run back, take off their clothes and pass them to the next player.

He must put on harem pants, a fur coat, a hat and run to a chair, undress there and run back, touch the next player who runs to the finish line, puts on clothes, returns, takes off, etc.

The team that finishes the dressing dash earlier than the other wins.

"Chamomile". This game can be played by 2-4 teams of 5-6 people. It is necessary to make a chamomile flower out of paper and write tasks on the back of the white petals. Then the representative of each team goes to the chamomile, tears off the petals and returns to the team, which must prepare the proposed task in 3-4 minutes, and then show it. Job options:

1. You know that there is "Saber Dance", and you come up with a dance

With felt boots;

With brooms;

With suitcases;

With mops, etc.

2. Perform the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” as if you were:

Mumba-Yumba Indians;

Gypsies from the camp;

Highlanders of the Caucasus;

Song and dance ensemble, etc.

3. Imagine that you have forgotten how to speak, and you can only bark, bellow, crow. So perform in the animal language the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" or "It's cold for a little Christmas tree in winter."

4. Compose "Burime", that is, write a poem for the given rhymed words:

Winter is cold;

A snowflake is a fluff;

Frost - nose;

The herringbone is a needle.

"Bring matchboxes"... Two teams of 4 people participate.

The host places matchboxes on the shoulders of the first players, like shoulder straps, one box on the right and left shoulders. The task is to run to the specified place and back, trying not to drop the boxes. Players number one pass boxes to the next members of their team.

The second participant does the same. If the box falls, the participant picks it up, puts it on his shoulder and starts moving from the place where he dropped the box.

The team that finishes the game first and has the fewest falls in the box wins.

"Pass to another"... This is a very simple and funny game, 3-4 couples or two teams of 5-6 people can participate in it.

The top of the matchbox is taken and put on the nose of the first participant. Objective: to transfer boxes from your nose to the nose of another player without using your hands. If the box falls from the nose, the dropped one picks it up, puts it on his nose and passes it to the next player.

Those who complete the task faster and more successfully win.

There are several varieties of this game:

1. Participants are given an orange or an apple. The player holds the orange, pressing it with his chin to his chest, and tries, without dropping it, to pass it to another / the other participant without using his hands tries to grab the orange with his chin, pressing it to his chest.

2. Holding the pencil between the upper lip and nose, pass it to another without dropping it.

Celebrating holidays at school is fun, interesting and memorable for a lifetime. And especially the New Year holiday stands out, for which they always prepare in advance. We offer you a little help and our ideas on how to spend this day at school. Check out the new high school New Year contests to help make the day better and more fun. Funny and cool contests that students and teachers can play. See, choose and play.

Dancing in felt boots.

Modern children may not know, but adults still remember about felt boots. They are warm and cozy in winter. Is it possible to dance in them?
And so, prepare a couple or more boots for the competition. Participants put them on their feet, the melody turns on, and dances in felt boots begin!
You can choose absolutely any songs for the competition: rap, Russian folk, white swan, disco, 80s, and others.

Modern children.

Modern children cannot live a day without their phones and smartphones. And if so, then you need to hold a competition with their help. For this, the presenter also has a telephone.
3-5 high school students with telephones with a camera are called to the stage. The host tells them: your task is to take a selfie with the girls from the audience faster than the others. But only with those girls who are wearing carnival costumes! Whoever takes 5 selfies with different girls first and comes back as someone wins.
The second stage of this competition: participants must quickly type an SMS message on their phone and send it to the presenters' phone.
SMS can be like this: Happy New Year! With new happiness! I'll come soon!
Whoever gets a message first gets a prize.

Santa Claus dance.

Have you seen Santa Claus dancing? He does it just great! And in this competition, participants will have to repeat the movements behind Santa Claus and show his dance.
Example for the game:

And so, show the participants a dance, they repeat the movements. Then you turn on only the music and the guests should remember the dance moves.

Where does the spruce “grow”?

Naturally, everyone knows that spruce grows in the forest. But the spruce also “grows” in words. That is, in some words there are letters from which you can make up the word FIR.
All high school students take turns using one such word. Whoever did not name, in turn, is eliminated. And the last one wins.
Examples of words:
- blizzard
- caramel
- teacher
- briefcase
Etc. There are many such words.

Comic telegrams.

Many people send telegrams to Santa Claus. And sometimes these telegrams are comic and amusing. And often they are not signed! In this competition, guests have to guess who sent these telegrams.
The presenter reads out the first telegram, the students answer. Who guessed it gets a prize.
Examples for the game:

Show me the song.

Everyone knows New Year's songs for children. But can the disciples show them? In this competition, participants will have to show New Year's songs in movements, and the rest of the guests will need to guess them.
That is, the one who shows, he performs the movements about which are sung in the songs. You can rehearse this competition in advance to make it more fun.

Who are you, mask?

To make the competition perfect, we put on the participants such masks on their faces:

We put it on so that they do not see their mask. Participants stand in a row and ask the moderator about their mask one question at a time. The moderator answers the questions: yes, no, maybe, and so on. The task of the participants is to be the first to guess what kind of mask he has.

New Year's drawing.

This competition is not new, but fun. The task of the game participants is to draw a New Year's drawing with the help of mayonnaise and ketchup on the plates. Competition for a while and whoever copes faster will receive a prize: he can be given all the plates containing mayonnaise and ketchup.