Unified electronic database of citizens evacuated from besieged Leningrad. Siege book of memory of Leningrad search by name Participants of the Leningrad blockade search for people

Hello dear readers.

Today I want to compare the incomparable: the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad and the couch podsidush water, who, before our eyes, dared to raise his paw to the high - the feat of the Leningraders - to which he would never rise after such a gesture. Compare and you yourself will see all the meanness and baseness of it.

The number of civilians killed in the blockade

The list of residents of Leningrad presented here, who died during the blockade of the city by the Nazi troops during the Great Patriotic War, is an analogue of the Book of Memory “Leningrad. Blockade. 1941-1944".

The placement of this list in the Consolidated Database is the result of cooperation between the All-Russian Information and Search Center "Fatherland" and the Prince Vladimir Cathedral in St. Petersburg, where the All-Russian Commemoration Book was created in 2008.

The list contains 629,081 entries. Of these, 586334 people know the place of residence, 318312 people - the place of burial.

The electronic version of the book is also available on the website of the project "Returned Names" of the Russian National Library and in the Generalized Computer Data Bank of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation OBD "Memorial".

About the printed book:

Book of memory "Leningrad. Blockade. 1941-1944". In 35 volumes. 1996-2008 Circulation 250 copies.

Government of St. Petersburg.

Chairman of the Editorial Board Shcherbakov V.N.

Head of the working group for the creation of the Book of Memory Shapovalov V.L.

The electronic data bank for the Book of Memory was provided by the archive of the State Institution "Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery".


Book of memory "Leningrad. Blockade. 1941-1944" - a printed version of the electronic data bank about the inhabitants of Leningrad who died during the blockade of the city Nazi troops during the Great Patriotic War.

Preparations for the release of the Book of Memory “Leningrad. Blockade. 1941-1944”, the formation of a data bank on civilians who died during the blockade was carried out simultaneously with the creation of the Book of Memory of the fallen Leningrad servicemen - on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War. The boundless courage, steadfastness and the highest sense of duty of the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad are rightfully equated with the military feat of the defenders of the city.

The losses of Leningrad during the years of the blockade are huge, they amounted to over 600 thousand people. The volume of the printed martyrology is 35 volumes.

Documentary basis the electronic Memory Book, as well as its printed version, are information provided by numerous archives. Among them are the Central State Archives of St. Petersburg, the State City and Regional Archives and the archives of the regional departments of the registry office of St. Petersburg, the archives of city cemeteries, as well as the archives of various institutions, organizations, enterprises, educational institutions, etc.

Work on the collection and systematization of documentary data was carried out by working groups created under the administrations of 24 districts of St. Petersburg (the territorial division of the city at the beginning of work on collecting information in 1992). The participants of the search groups worked in close cooperation with the initiators of the creation of the Book of Memory - members of the city society "Inhabitants of besieged Leningrad" and its regional branches. These groups conducted surveys of citizens at their place of residence, organized meetings and conversations with residents of besieged Leningrad, with front-line soldiers in order to collect missing information or clarify existing data. Surviving house registration books were carefully studied everywhere.

A great contribution to the preparation of the materials of the Memory Book “Leningrad. Blockade. 1941-1944" was contributed by the researchers of the Museum at the Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery and the Museum "Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad" (a branch of the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg).

A lot of letters and applications with information about the dead in besieged Leningrad have been received and continue to be received by the editorial board from all republics, territories, regions of the Russian Federation, from countries near and far abroad through the International Association of Siege of the Hero City of Leningrad.

Territorial borders of the Memory Book “Leningrad. Blockade. 1941-1944" - a large blockade ring: the cities of Leningrad, Kronstadt, part of the Slutsk, Vsevolozhsk and Pargolovsky districts of the Leningrad region - and a small blockade ring: the Oranienbaum bridgehead.

Included in the Book of Remembrance information about the civilians who died during the blockade of these territories. Among them, along with the indigenous population of these places, are numerous refugees from Karelia, the Baltic states and remote areas of the Leningrad Region, occupied by the enemy.

Timeline of the Book of Memory: September 8, 1941 - January 27, 1944. The first date is the tragic day of the beginning of the blockade. On this day, enemy troops cut off the land communications of the city with the country. The second date is the day of complete liberation from the blockade. Information about civilians, whose lives were cut short during the period indicated by these dates, is also listed in the Book of Memory.

Memorial records of the dead are arranged in alphabetical order of their surnames. These records, identical in form, contain the following information: last name, first name, patronymic of the deceased, year of his birth, place of residence (at the time of death), date of death and place of burial.

Not all entries have the full composition of this data. There are also those where only separate, sometimes scattered and fragmentary information has been preserved about the dead. In the conditions of the city-front during the months of mass deaths of residents, it was not possible to organize the registration of all the dead in the prescribed manner, with the recording of data about them in proper completeness. In the most difficult months of the blockade, in the winter of 1941-1942, there were almost no individual burials. During this period, mass burials were made in cemeteries, trench burials near medical institutions, hospitals, enterprises, and in wastelands. By decision of the city authorities in the city Cremation was organized in the ovens of the Izhora Plant and Brick Plant No. 1. For these reasons, about half of the memorial records contain an indication that the place of burial is unknown. More than half a century after the end of the war, it was impossible to restore these data.

Variant information about the deceased is given in slash brackets. Information, the reliability of which is doubtful, is indicated by a question mark in parentheses. Scattered and fragmentary information about the place of residence are enclosed in angle brackets.

The names of settlements located outside the city, their administrative affiliation, the names of the streets in them, as well as the names of the streets of Leningrad, are indicated as of 1941-1944.

Everyone who happens to turn to the Book of Memory “Leningrad. Blockade. 1941-1944”, please note the following. Mistakes are possible in non-Russian names. Errors of this kind are marked either with a question mark in parentheses or with correct forms in slash brackets. Only obvious spelling errors have been fixed.

In the Book of Memory there are entries that can be attributed to the same person. These records differ most often only in information about the place of residence of the deceased. This has its own explanation: at one address a person was registered and lived permanently, at another address he ended up due to the tragic circumstances of the siege. None of these paired records can be excluded due to insufficient documentary justification.

In the Book of Memory, generally accepted and commonly understood abbreviations are used.

Anyone who has any information about the dead in the blockade ring, please contact the editorial board at the following address: 195273, St. Petersburg, Nepokorennykh Ave., 72, State Institution "Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery". Book of memory "Leningrad. Blockade. 1941-1944".

January 27, 2011- 67th anniversary of the lifting of the Siege of Leningrad. Congratulations to all Leningraders, participants in those events, their relatives and descendants on this significant date!

During the blockade civilian casualties amounted to 630,367 people, the names of 311 603s are known today. The history of mankind did not know such a huge scale of extermination of the civilian population.

All existing and historical cemeteries of Leningrad served as sites for mass graves of the dead residents of the city.. A personal list of residents of besieged Leningrad who died of starvation and disease, froze to death in the streets and in their apartments, died during shelling and bombing, and were buried in cemeteries of St. Petersburg and its suburbs is published on our forum:

Piskarevsky cemetery - 152,392 people

Serafimovskoye cemetery - 62,598 people

Smolensk cemetery - 31,984 people

Volkovskoye cemetery - 17,523 people

Theological cemetery - 11,920 people

Cemetery Krasnaya Sloboda - 3746 people

Tarkhovsky cemetery - 2327 people

Mountain cemetery - 1830 people

Lakhtinsky cemetery - 1504 people

Jewish (Preobrazhenskoye) cemetery - 1055 people

Red Cemetery - 416 people

Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery - 344 people

to be continued

Where to look for information about a man who died in the siege of Leningrad in the militia? and got the best answer

Answer from Konstantin (CAT)[guru]
Well, I think it’s worth contacting the city archives ... If anything, they'll tell you where to look...

Answer from EREND[expert]
25.04.2007 21:21
April 25, Minsk /Yulia Podleshchuk - BELTA/. The solemn ceremony of transferring 12 volumes of the Books of Memory "Leningrad. Siege. 1941-1944" and "They Survived the Siege" to the museum, as well as a commemorative meeting of members of the Minsk city public organization "Defenders and residents of besieged Leningrad", war veterans and siege survivors took place today in the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War.
Mark Bayrashevsky, chairman of the organization Defenders and Residents of Besieged Leningrad, told a BelTA correspondent that the books are published in St. Petersburg on the initiative of the International Association of Public Organizations of Siege Heroes of Leningrad. The weight of one volume is about 5 kg.
The volumes donated to the Minsk Museum are a printed version of an electronic database that has been collected in recent years: the names and surnames of those killed, indicating their places of burial during the siege of the city on the Neva, as well as addresses and other information about the survivors of this tragedy. Copies of the documents were taken from the electronic Books of Memory, which are currently located at the Peskarevsky cemetery in St. Petersburg, where the blockade survivors are buried.
"Books of memory" Leningrad. Blockade. 1941-1944" and "They Survived the Siege" are of great national and historical value," said Mark Bayrashevsky. According to Mark Bayrashevsky, visitors to the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War are in demand for books of memory from St. Petersburg. Thanks to them, relatives are looking for the burial places of the dead Leningraders.
Find this book in your city.
Blockade, 1941-1944. Leningrad: Book of Memory.
In 36 volumes / [editor: prev. Shcherbakov V.N. and others]. - St. Petersburg: Notabene, 1998.
Book of memory "Leningrad. Blockade. 1941 - 1944" - a printed version of the electronic databank about the inhabitants of Leningrad, who died during the blockade of the city by the Nazi troops during the Great Patriotic War.
Preparations for the release of the Book of Memory “Leningrad. Blockade. 1941 -1944" was carried out simultaneously with the creation of the Book of Memory of the fallen soldiers of Leningrad - to the 50th anniversary of the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War. The boundless courage, steadfastness and the highest sense of duty of the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad are rightfully equated with the military feat of the defenders of the city.
The documentary basis of the Book of Memory is information provided by numerous archives. Among them are the Central State Archives of St. Petersburg, the State City and Regional Archives and the archives of the regional departments of the registry office of St. Petersburg, the archives of city cemeteries, as well as the archives of various institutions, organizations, enterprises, educational institutions, etc.
Memorial records of the deceased are arranged in alphabetical order and contain the following information: last name, first name, patronymic of the deceased, year of his birth, place of residence (at the time of death), date of death and place of burial.
The territorial boundaries of the Book are a large blockade ring: the cities of Leningrad, Kronstadt, part of the Slutsky, Vsevolozhsky and Pargolovsky districts of the Leningrad region - and a small blockade ring: the Oranienbaum bridgehead.
It includes information about the civilians who died during the blockade of these territories. Among them, along with the indigenous population of these places, are numerous refugees from Karelia, the Baltic states and remote areas of the Leningrad Region, occupied by the enemy.
The chronological framework of the Book of Memory: September 8, 1941 - January 27, 1944. The first date is the tragic day of the beginning of the blockade. On this day, enemy troops cut off the land communications of the city with the country. The second date is the day of complete liberation from the blockade. Information about civilians, whose lives were cut short during the period indicated by these dates, is included in the Book of Memory.
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→ Lists of the buried → Lists of those killed in the Blockade

Lists of those killed in the Blockade

In the Blockade 1941-1944 at the Mitrofanievsky (Orthodox and Lutheran) and Gromovsky Old Believer cemeteries, residents of nearby areas were buried. The published lists are compiled on the basis of the Siege Book of Memory of Leningrad and the Information and Reference System "Book of Memory of St. Petersburg". In addition to the Blockade books, there are numerous eyewitness accounts. At present, we have managed to establish the names of 92 people buried at the Mitrofanevsky necropolis, and 47 blockade survivors buried at the Gromovskiy Old Believer cemetery.

In besieged Leningrad, there are known cases of burials of residents who died from starvation and shelling in other destroyed cemeteries, in addition to Mitrofanevsky and Gromovsky, as well as in squares, gardens, parks and wastelands. In many cases there is genuine documentary evidence, in others - eyewitness accounts. Unfortunately, today many such unknown mass graves are located under residential buildings, playgrounds, streets and avenues.

Book of Memory “Blockade. 1941 - 1944. Leningrad ”is a tribute to the grateful memory of descendants about the great feat of Leningraders.

This book is a kind of chronicle of the history of the unconquered people, reflecting the participation of the townspeople in the defense of Leningrad and the massive sacrifices that the front city suffered in the battle for life. The book is about the suffering of millions of inhabitants of the besieged city and those who, under the onslaught of the enemy, retreating, found refuge here.

The Book of Memory is a stern, courageous book, like a memorial plaque, forever imprinted so far only 629157 names of our fellow countrymen who died of hunger and disease, froze on the streets and in their apartments, died during shelling and bombing, missing in the besieged city itself. This martyrology is constantly being supplemented. During the years of publication of the Book of Memory “Blockade. 1941–1944 Leningrad” received 2,670 applications for the names of those who died in the blockade, and in preparation for the publication of the 35th volume, another 1,337 names were immortalized.

The world did not know such a huge scale of extermination of the civilian population, such a depth of human suffering. From “Memoirs and Reflections” of Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (vol. 2, p. 192, M., 1995) - “The history of wars did not know such an example of mass heroism, courage, labor and combat prowess, which was shown defenders of Leningrad.

Heroism was shown by everyone who found themselves in the blockade ring, both soldiers and residents of the city - men and women, old people and children. All of them can rightly be called front-line soldiers in the defending front city. They bravely fought death, continuing to work; each in his post did everything to strengthen the defense and bring victory closer.

Year after year, from generation to generation, we will pass on this memory of the war, of the blockade, of the people who managed to ensure victory over fascism under inhuman conditions.

The main thing that the members of the editorial board were striving for was to bring back from oblivion and oblivion tens, hundreds of thousands of names of those who died in the besieged city of Leningrad.

It is not difficult to imagine the scale and complexity of this work, which is unlikely to ever be fully completed. After all, we still, to the greatest regret, cannot give the exact number of losses, not to mention the names, although more than 60 years have passed since the end of this longest battle of the Great Patriotic War - the battle for Leningrad and its nine hundred days of defense.

When compiling the lists of names, archival and many other documentary sources were used to the maximum extent. A significant contribution to the work of collecting information about the dead and compiling registration cards was made by the participants in those tragic events - the miraculously surviving residents of besieged Leningrad.

Zabello Viktor Mikhailovich, born in 1925 Place of residence: Skobelevsky pr., 9, apt. 16. Date of death: April 1942.

Burial place: Preobrazhenskoe cemetery. (Blockade, v. 10)

Zabello Evdokia Spiridonovna, born in 1895 Place of residence: 42/1 Selo Smolensky Ave., apt. 24. Date of death: September 1942.

Zabello Leon Shimanovich, born in 1864 Place of residence: Bolshaya Porokhovskaya st., 53/55, apt. 64. Date of death: February 1942.

Burial place: unknown. (Blockade, v. 10)

Zabello Pavlina Evgenievna, born in 1894 Place of residence: st. Slutsky, 45, apt. 108. Date of death: May 1942.

Burial place: unknown. (Blockade, v. 10)

Zabello Faina Vasilievna, born in 1919 Date of death: October 1943.

Zabello Evelina Ivanovna, born in 1882 Place of residence: Starorusskaya st., 9/20, apt. 94. Date of death: February 1942.

Burial place: unknown. (Blockade, v. 10)

Zabello Yakov Petrovich, born in 1883 Place of residence: P. S. Maly pr. Schroeder. Date of death: January 1942.

Burial place: Serafimovskoye cemetery. (Blockade, v. 10)

Zabello Ivan Ignatievich, b. May 30, 1912. Place of residence: Vasileostrovsky district. (They survived the Blockade, vol. 4)

Zabello Mikhail Yakovlevich, b. 09/25/1928. Place of residence: Kurortny district. (They survived the Blockade, vol. 4)

Zabello Nina Lukyanovna, b. 05/02/1920. Place of residence: Grodno, st. Pushkina, 46, apt. 31. (They survived the Blockade, vol. 4)

Zabello Zabella Ignatiy Pavlovich, born in 1879 Place of residence: V. O., st. Vera Slutskaya, 14, apt. 22. Date of death: December 1942.

Burial place: Piskarevsky cemetery. (Blockade, v. 10)

The blockade of Leningrad became the most difficult test for the inhabitants of the city in the history of the Northern capital. In the besieged city, according to various estimates, up to half of the population of Leningrad perished. The survivors did not even have the strength to mourn the dead: some were extremely exhausted, others were seriously injured. Despite hunger, cold and constant bombing, people found the courage to stand and defeat the Nazis. To judge what the inhabitants of the besieged city had to endure in those terrible years, one can use statistical data - the language of the figures of the besieged Leningrad.

872 days and nights

The blockade of Leningrad lasted exactly 872 days. The Germans encircled the city on September 8, 1941, and on January 27, 1944, the inhabitants of the northern capital rejoiced at the complete liberation of the city from the fascist blockade. Within six months after the blockade was lifted, the enemies still remained near Leningrad: their troops were in Petrozavodsk and Vyborg. The soldiers of the Red Army drove the Nazis away from the approaches to the city during an offensive operation in the summer of 1944.

150 thousand shells

During the long months of the blockade, the Nazis dropped 150,000 heavy artillery shells and over 107,000 incendiary and high-explosive bombs on Leningrad. They destroyed 3,000 buildings and damaged more than 7,000. All the main monuments of the city survived: Leningraders hid them, covering them with sandbags and plywood shields. Some sculptures - for example, from the Summer Garden and horses from the Anichkov Bridge - were removed from their pedestals and buried in the ground until the end of the war.

There were bombings in Leningrad every day. Photo: AiF / Yana Khvatova

13 hours 14 minutes of shelling

Shelling in besieged Leningrad was daily: sometimes the Nazis attacked the city several times a day. People hid from the bombings in the basements of houses. On August 17, 1943, Leningrad was subjected to the longest shelling in the entire blockade. It lasted 13 hours and 14 minutes, during which the Germans dropped 2,000 shells on the city. Residents of besieged Leningrad admitted that the noise of enemy aircraft and exploding shells sounded in their heads for a long time.

Up to 1.5 million dead

By September 1941, the population of Leningrad and its suburbs was about 2.9 million people. The blockade of Leningrad, according to various estimates, claimed the lives of from 600 thousand to 1.5 million inhabitants of the city. Only 3% of people died from fascist bombings, the remaining 97% - from hunger: about 4 thousand people died from exhaustion every day. When food supplies ran out, people began to eat cake, wallpaper paste, leather belts and boots. Dead bodies lay on the streets of the city: this was considered a common situation. Often, when someone in the family died, people had to bury their relatives on their own.

1 million 615 thousand tons of cargo

On September 12, 1941, the Road of Life was opened - the only highway connecting the besieged city with the country. The road of life, laid on the ice of Lake Ladoga, saved Leningrad: about 1 million 615 thousand tons of goods - food, fuel and clothing were delivered to the city along it. During the blockade along the highway through Ladoga, more than a million people were evacuated from Leningrad.

125 grams of bread

Until the end of the first month of the blockade, the inhabitants of the besieged city received a fairly good bread ration. When it became obvious that the flour stocks would not be enough for a long time, the norm was sharply reduced. So, in November and December 1941, city employees, dependents and children received only 125 grams of bread per day. The workers were given 250 grams of bread each, and the composition of the paramilitary guards, fire brigades and fighter squads - 300 grams each. Contemporaries would not be able to eat blockade bread, because it was prepared from practically inedible impurities. Bread was baked from rye and oat flour with the addition of cellulose, wallpaper dust, pine needles, cake and unfiltered malt. The loaf turned out very bitter in taste and completely black.

1500 loudspeakers

After the beginning of the blockade, until the end of 1941, 1,500 loudspeakers were installed on the walls of Leningrad houses. Radio broadcasting in Leningrad was carried out around the clock, and the inhabitants of the city were forbidden to turn off their receivers: on the radio, announcers talked about the situation in the city. When the broadcast stopped, the sound of a metronome was broadcast on the radio. In the event of an alarm, the rhythm of the metronome accelerated, and after the completion of the shelling, it slowed down. Leningraders called the sound of the metronome on the radio the living heartbeat of the city.

98 thousand newborns

During the blockade, 95,000 children were born in Leningrad. Most of them, about 68 thousand newborns, were born in the autumn and winter of 1941. In 1942, 12.5 thousand children were born, and in 1943 - only 7.5 thousand. In order for the babies to survive, a farm of three thoroughbred cows was organized at the Pediatric Institute of the city so that the children could receive fresh milk: in most cases, young mothers did not have milk.

The children of besieged Leningrad suffered from dystrophy. Photo: Archival photo

-32° frost

The first blockade winter was the coldest in the besieged city. On some days the thermometer dropped to -32°C. The situation was aggravated by heavy snowfalls: by April 1942, when the snow should have melted, the height of the snowdrifts reached 53 centimeters. Leningraders lived without heating and electricity in their houses. To keep warm, the inhabitants of the city flooded stoves-potbelly stoves. Due to the lack of firewood, they burned everything inedible that was in the apartments: furniture, old things and books.

144 thousand liters of blood

Despite hunger and the most severe living conditions, Leningraders were ready to give their last for the front in order to hasten the victory of the Soviet troops. Every day, from 300 to 700 residents of the city donated blood for the wounded in hospitals, transferring the received material compensation to the defense fund. Subsequently, the Leningrad Donor aircraft will be built with this money. In total, during the blockade, Leningraders donated 144,000 liters of blood for front-line soldiers.