Work in PJSC "Gazprom Neft", fresh vacancies on duty. Vacancies of OOO Gazpromneft-Orenburg. Vacancies of Gazpromneft-Regional Sales LLC

Equity Turnover ▲ 1.7 trillion rubles. (2017, IFRS) Operating profit ▲ RUB 302 bln. (2017, IFRS) Net profit ▲ 376.7 billion rubles. (2018, IFRS) Assets Capitalization ▲ 1.16 trillion rubles. (2017) Number of employees ▲ 67.8 thousand (2017) Parent company PJSC Gazprom Affiliated companies Naftna industry Srbije Auditor ZAO Pricewaterhouse Coopers Audit (RAS, US GAAP 2006-2011, IFRS 2012) Site Gazprom Neft at Wikimedia Commons

Gazprom Neft is the first company to start oil production on the Russian Arctic shelf.

More than 60% of the wells drilled by the company in its fields are high-tech. According to this indicator, Gazprom Neft ranks first among Russian oil companies.

In 2017, the total volume of hydrocarbon production, taking into account the share in joint ventures of Gazprom Neft, reached 89.75 tonnes of oil equivalent, refining - 40.1 million tonnes, oil export - 12.89 million tonnes. At the end of 2017, Gazprom Neft's net profit amounted to RUB 253 billion, an increase of 26.5% compared to 2016. The company occupies a leading position in the industry in terms of growth rates of financial indicators, as well as in such a complex performance indicator as return on invested capital.

As of the end of 2017, the headcount of Gazprom Neft enterprises amounted to 67,882 people.

In 2018, Gazprom Neft announced the start of the digital transformation of its business.

Owners and management

The structure of the company

The structure of Gazprom Neft includes more than 70 oil producing, refining and marketing enterprises in Russia, CIS and non-CIS countries.

The sale of traditional and innovative bitumen is carried out by a specialized subsidiary company - OOO Gazpromneft - Bitumen Materials. The largest foreign asset of Gazprom Neft is the diversified company NIS. NIS is engaged in the exploration and production of oil and gas in Serbia, Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary and Romania. The NIS refinery in the Serbian city of Pancevo is one of the largest and most technologically advanced refineries in the Balkan region. Also in Serbia and neighboring countries, NIS operates a network of filling stations under the GAZPROM and NIS Petrol brands.


Performance indicators

Revenue of Gazprom Neft for 2018 under IFRS amounted to 2.489 trillion. rub. (increased by 28.7% compared to 2017), Adjusted EBITDA - RUB 799.5 billion. (increased by 45.1%), net profit - 376.7 billion rubles. (an increase of 48.7%).

Until 2012, the consolidated financial statements of the company were published in accordance with GAAP standards. Since 2012, the company's financial statements have been published in accordance with IFRS standards (in rubles).

Financial performance of the company
2008 year year 2009 2010 year 2011 year 2012 year 2013 year 2014 2015 year 2016 year 2017 year 2018 year
Sales revenue, mln ▲ $ 33,870 ▼ $ 24,166 ▲ $ 32,772 ▲ $ 44,172 ▲ 1 232 649 rub. ▲ 1,267,603 rubles. RUB 1,408,238 ▲ RUB 1,655,775 ▲ RUB 1,695,764 ▲ RUB 1,857,930 ▲ RUB 2,489,292 ▲
Adjusted EBITDA, mln ▲ $ 8560 ▼ RUB 191,512 ▲ 220,812 rubles. ▲ RUB 300,077 ▲ 323 106 rub. ▲ 336 752 rub RUB 342 614 ▲ RUB 404,811 ▲ RUB 456 198 ▲ RUB 550 970 ▲ RUB 2,489,292 ▲
Net profit, mln ▲ $ 4658 ▼ $ 2685 ▲ $ 3346 ▲ $ 5352 ▲ 176,296 rubles. ▲ RUB 177,917 RUB 122 093 ▼ RUB 109 661 ▼ 200 179 rub. ▲ RUB 253,274 ▲ RUB 376.7 ▲

Reserves and production

As of December 31, 2018, Gazprom Neft's total hydrocarbon reserves (including the share in joint ventures) of the proved and probable (proved + probable - 2P) categories according to the international SPE-PRMS standards amounted to 2.84 billion tonnes of oil. equivalent.

In 2018, the company's production amounted to 92.88 million tonnes of oil equivalent, an increase of 3.5%. The increase was due to an increase in production at new fields, as well as a change in the share of Gazprom Neft in Arcticgas.


In 2017, the volume of sales through gas stations amounted to 11.04 million tons of petroleum products, the volume of average daily sales through one gas station in Russia is 20.1 tons.

OOO Gazpromneft - Lubricants supplies products to 72 countries. In 2017, the company occupied 21% of the Russian market for oils and lubricants. The volume of sales of premium products amounted to 0.29 million tons, which is 7.4% higher than last year.

The company also produces marine oils under the Texaco brand under license from Chevron. The assortment includes more than 500 types of oils and greases. In 2017, sales of marine oils increased to 14.7 thousand tons of lubricants. Gazpromneft-aero operates at 235 airports (61 countries). In 2017, the company occupied 25.6% of the Russian market, becoming its leader. The total sales of Gazpromneft-Aero jet fuel in 2017 reached 3.5 million tons.

In 2017, Gazpromneft Marine Bunker sold about 3.29 million tonnes of marine fuel, taking a 16.6% share of the domestic bunkering market. The company carries out bunkering of vessels in all key ports of Russia (20 sea and 14 river ports).

Gazpromneft - Bitumen Materials, the operator of Gazprom Neft's bitumen business, increased its sales volume to 2.7 million tonnes in 2017. The growth compared to the result of 2016 was 22%. The company's share in the Russian bitumen materials market in 2017 increased by 3.1. p.p. - up to 34.4%

Digitalization of business processes

In 2018, a Directorate for Digital Transformation was established at Gazprom Neft. The company was the first in the world to refuel a regular flight using blockchain technology (refueling an aircraft together with). For the first time in Russia, at the Sheremetyevo airport, Gazprom Neft robotized the loading of aviation fuel into an airfield tanker. The Gazprom Neft Digital Innovation Center is developing a corporate IT platform that creates services for working with industrial data streams and tools for predictive analytics of production processes. In February 2019, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak assessed the company's digital projects and stated the importance of replicating technologies not only in the oil industry, but also in the electric power industry, heat power engineering, and coal mining. In March 2019, Gazprom Neft announced the successful testing of its own artificial intelligence system. It increases the efficiency of oil production in existing and new fields. In April 2019, the company launched the world's first digital logistics management system in the Arctic. The Kapitan system monitors the movement of ships in real time, calculates more than a million possible logistic solutions and allows you to analyze the efficiency of fleet operation.

Development strategy

Gazprom Neft's activities are based on the Company's Development Strategy until 2025, approved by the Board of Directors in May 2013. This document is a continuation and refinement of the Development Strategy until 2020, approved in 2010 and updated in 2012 by the Board of Directors companies. The document preserves the goals of 2020, develops ways to achieve them in the main business segments - hydrocarbon production, refining and marketing of petroleum products, and also sets a key task for the period from 2020 to 2025 - maintaining the scale of the business achieved by 2020.

The strategy for work until 2020 also provides for:

  • level of provision with reserves in category 1P - 15 years;
  • the share of production at the fields in the initial stages of development - at least 50%;
  • the share of production from foreign projects is 10%.

It is assumed that the volume of oil refining by Gazprom Neft by 2020 in Russia will reach 40 million tons per year:

Including, including the possibility of access to processing facilities outside Russia (30 million tons); increasing the processing depth in the Russian Federation up to 95%; increase in the yield of light petroleum products in the Russian Federation up to 80%.

To achieve strategic goals in the mining segment, the company is forming a new production center in the north of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug through the development of the Arcticgas, Novoportovskoye and Messoyakhskaya fields.

Novoportovskoye field

The C1 and C2 recoverable reserves of the Novoportovskoye oil and gas condensate field amount to more than 250 million tons of oil and condensate and more than 320 billion cubic meters of gas. Full-scale production drilling at the Novoportovskoye field commenced in the summer of 2014. The new grade of oil, named Novy Port, belongs to the category of light oil with a low sulfur content (about 0.1%).

In 2014, the exploration well testing program was completed and the first summer oil shipment by the sea tanker fleet was carried out. On May 25, 2016, the start of the year-round transportation of Novoportovsk oil was given by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Since May 2016, the shipment of raw materials has been carried out using the remote Arctic oil loading terminal of the tower-type "Gates of the Arctic", located 3.5 km from Cape Kamenny. Oil will be delivered to consumers all year round through the Gulf of Ob and further along the Northern Sea Route by tankers accompanied by icebreakers. For this purpose, two ice support vessels will be built by 2018 by order of Gazprom Neft. In 2017, production at the field amounted to 6.97 million tons of oil.

Messoyakha deposits

The Messoyakhsky group of fields includes the Vostochno-Messoyakhsky and Zapadno-Messoyakhsky blocks. These are the northernmost onshore oil fields developed in Russia. Licenses for both blocks are held by Messoyakhaneftegaz CJSC, which is equally controlled by Gazprom Neft and Rosneft. Gazprom Neft acts as the project operator.

The deposits were discovered in the 1980s and are located on the Gydan Peninsula, in the Tazovsky District of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, 340 km north of the city of Novy Urengoy, in the Arctic climatic zone, in a region with undeveloped infrastructure.

The proven C1 + C2 reserves of the Messoyakhskaya group amount to about 485 million tons of oil and gas condensate, as well as more than 194 billion cubic meters of natural and associated gas. On September 21, 2016, Gazprom Neft launched the Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye field into commercial operation. The command to start operation in the teleconference mode was given by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. On February 17, 2017, the millionth ton of oil was produced at the field. This figure was achieved in less than 5 months from the beginning of commercial operation of the northernmost in Russia onshore oil and gas condensate field. In 2017, Messoyakhaneftegaz produced over 3 million tons of oil at the Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye field.

Deposits on the shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk

In 2017, the Neptune field was discovered here, one of the largest on the Sakhalin shelf. Its reserves amounted to 415 million tons of oil in categories C1 + C2.

Prirazlomnoye field

Prirazlomnoye contains over 70 million tons of recoverable oil reserves. The development license is held by Gazprom Neft Shelf (a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft).

Prirazlomnoye is the only field on the Russian Arctic shelf where oil production has already begun. For the first time, hydrocarbons are produced on the Arctic shelf from a stationary platform - the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant stationary platform (OIRFP). The platform is designed for operation in extreme natural and climatic conditions, is capable of withstanding maximum ice loads and allows performing all technological operations - drilling wells, production, storage, offloading oil to tankers, etc.

The first batch of oil from Prirazlomnoye was shipped in April 2014. The new grade of oil was named Arctic Oil (ARCO). At the end of 2017, the Prirazlomnoye field produced 2.68 million tons of ARCO (Arctic Oil) oil. ARCO is relatively heavy compared to conventional Russian export crude and other grades in the European region and is well suited for deep processing at sophisticated refineries in Northwest Europe.

International projects

Social responsibility

Gazprom Neft declares its commitment to the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility. The company has adopted the Home Towns social investment program, under which Gazprom Neft makes direct investments in social facilities in the regions where it operates, and also provides grants. Since 2013, 2.1 thousand social projects have been implemented, more than 140 infrastructure facilities have been built.

In addition, oilmen support professional sports, being (for 2014) one of the sponsors of such teams as the Zenit football club (St. Petersburg), the Avangard hockey clubs (Omsk region) and SKA (St. Petersburg) and the Serbian football club "Red Star". Since 2015, he has been the title sponsor of the Tom football club (Tomsk region).


Mergers and acquisitions

  1. Financial statements
  2. Gazprom Neft bypassed Surgutneftegaz to become one of the top three winners of oil production in Russia (unspecified) . "Interfax" (15.02.2018).
  3. Annual Report 2017. Formation of Technological Leadership (unspecified) . .
  4. Annual Report 2017. The world's first ice-resistant platform in the Arctic (unspecified) . .
  5. [ High-tech well drilling] (unspecified) . official site of "Gazprom Neft".
  6. Gazprom Neft showed record financial results in 2017 (unspecified) . official site of "Gazprom Neft" (28.02.2018).
  7. Gazprom Neft's Board of Directors reviewed information on the implementation of the company's investment program in 2017 (unspecified) . official site of "Gazprom Neft" (20.04.2018).
  8. Annual Report 2017. Management Approach (unspecified) . Official site of "Gazprom Neft".
  9. Alexander Dyukov: Gazprom Neft has embarked on digital transformation, (24.05.2018).
  10. Annual Report 2013
  11. Gazprom Neft demonstrates sustainable growth in financial performance at the end of 2018 (unspecified) . official site of "Gazprom Neft" (21.02.2018).
  12. Gazprom Neft in brief (unspecified) . official site of "Gazprom Neft".
  13. Gazprom Neft in IFRS at the end of 2018 showed a steady increase in key financial indicators, (21.02.2018).
  14. Gazprom Neft demonstrates sustainable growth in key financial indicators at the end of 2018 (unspecified) . official site of "Gazprom Neft" (21.02.2019).
  15. The company today. Annual report 2017 (unspecified) . Official site of "Gazprom Neft".
  16. The network of gas stations "Gazpromneft" has become the most popular among car owners in Russia according to research by Romir (unspecified) . official site of "Gazprom Neft" (09.08.2018).
  17. Gazprom Neft in brief (unspecified) . official site of "Gazprom Neft".

Gazprom Neft company, owners and management of the company, creation and development of Gazprom Neft

Information about Gazprom Neft, owners and management of the company, creation and development of Gazprom Neft

Gazprom Neft

Owners and management



Performance indicators

history of the company

Organizational structure


Board of Directors

Exploration works

The state of the resource base of the Company

Oilfield service


Oil refining

Oil refining dynamics (million tons per year)

Sales of petroleum products

Industrial safety and ecology

Conservation of natural resources

The position of the company in the brigade


Social responsibility

Human Resources Policy and Standards

Attracting young professionals

Cooperation with educational institutions

Professional development of employees

Social responsibility

Responsibility in the field of regional cooperation



The company's strategy is divided into three main time horizons

Stock information

Corporate governance

Corporate Governance Code

Career in the Company

Educational and professional development programs


- Sales network in Kyrgyzstan


- Northern Taiga Neftegas

- Change of the president of the company

- Burgas-Alexandroupolis

- Yuzhno-Priobskiy GPP


- Expansion of the resource base


- Gazpromneft Marine BunkeR

- Gazpromneft-Yamal

- Gazpromneft-Angara


- Tomskneft

- Gazpromneft-Aero

- Yaroslavnefteproduct section

- ETP "Gazprom Neft"

- Moscow refinery

« Gazprom Neft"(Former Sibneft, MICEX: SIBN, RTS: SIBN) - one of the largest Russian oil companies (according to the results of 2005 - the fifth place in terms of oil production). According to the Expert magazine, it was ranked 8th in terms of revenue in 2005 among Russian companies. Registered in St. Petersburg (until June 1, 2006 - in Omsk); the headquarters is located in Moscow. The construction of the company's headquarters in St. Petersburg ("Gazprom-City") is planned.

The company was formed under the name "Siberian Oil Company" ("Sibneft") in 1995 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin by separating oil-producing and oil refining assets from Rosneft and privatized in parts over the next two years (including at loans-for-shares auctions) at a price of ~ $ 100.3 million. Initially, it was nominally under the control of Boris Berezovsky, later came under the control of Roman Abramovich.

The first president of the company from 1995 to October 24, 1997 was Viktor Gorodilov, the former general director of Noyabrskneftegaz. Due to the deteriorating state of health, he resigned, and a month and a half later a new president was elected. It was Abramovich's colleague Andrei Blokh, who headed the company from January to July 1998.

In July 1998, the company was headed by Evgeny Shvidler, another institute friend of Abramovich.

In 1998 and 2003, the owners of Sibneft made two attempts to merge the company with the Yukos company, but both times, for one reason or another, refused to complete the transactions.

In October 2005, 75.7% of the company's shares were acquired by Gazprom from Millhouse Capital (a structure owned by Roman Abramovich) for $ 13.1 billion.

Alexander Ryazanov, a member of the Gazprom Management Committee, replaced Shvidler as president of the company. On October 21, 2005, he was appointed acting president, and on December 23, 2005, at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Sibneft, he was elected president of the company.

Old (before renaming) company logo

In the spring of 2006, the company's board of directors decided to rename it Gazprom Neft and re-register it in St. Petersburg. The process of rebranding of Sibneft began on May 13, 2006, while the old brand will remain at the company's filling stations for some time. Also, the company's management has planned the construction of a large office complex in St. Petersburg with the aim of locating the company's headquarters there.

On November 22, 2006, the Board of Directors of JSC Gazprom Neft suspended the powers of Alexander Ryazanov and appointed Alexander Dyukov Acting President.

On December 30, 2006, an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders approved Alexander Dyukov as the president of the company.

Owners and management

The main owners of Gazprom Neft are OJSC Gazprom (75.68% of the company's shares), the Italian oil and gas company Eni (owns 20% of the company's shares, which were acquired by its controlled company LLC EniNeftegaz on April 4, 2007 at an auction for the sale of assets Yukos ”), the rest of the shares are in free float.

On the day of the purchase of the victory at the auction, in an official press release, Eni announced its joint offer with Enel to OAO Gazprom to acquire 51% of the redeemed assets within 2 years

On June 29, 2007, Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller reaffirmed his intention to buy out a 20% stake in Gazprom Neft from Eni. In April 2009, Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller and Eni CEO Paolo Scaroni signed a sale and purchase agreement for Gazprom Neft oil ". The purchase of a 20 percent stake in Gazprom Neft from Eni cost Gazprom $ 4.2 billion. As of August 2009, Gazprom owns over 95 percent of the company's shares.


General Director of the company - Alexander Dyukov,

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Alexey Miller.


Gazprom Neft produces oil, associated and natural gas in the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets districts. DeGolyer & MacNaughton estimated proved reserves at the end of 2005 at 3.398 billion barrels of oil equivalent by the standards of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) against 4.119 billion barrels at the end of 2004 (estimated by the former auditor - Miller & Lents). Thus, stocks decreased by 18% compared to last year.

Gazprom Neft owns the Omsk Oil Refinery, a number of large oil producing assets (Sibneft-Noyabrskneftegaz, etc.), as well as numerous sales companies. Gazprom Neft also owns (September 2006) a block of shares in the Moscow Oil Refinery (38.8%). A significant network of filling stations operates under the Sibneft brand in Russia (812 filling stations), as well as in Kyrgyzstan (over 100 filling stations).

Gazprom Neft also controls 50% of Slavneft (on a parity basis with TNK-BP) and 74.43% of Sibir Energy Plc.

Performance indicators

Financial indicators of the company (RAS)

Revenue, RUB mln

Gross profit, RUB mln

Net profit, RUB mln

Revenue of Gazprom Neft for 2008 (US GAAP) - $ 33 billion (up 52%); net profit - $ 4.7 billion (an increase of 12%). In 2007, revenues, operating and net income under US GAAP also increased compared to 2006. They were, respectively, $ 21.1 billion, $ 4.899 billion, $ 4.143 billion.

Operating profit under RAS in 2007 increased to 105.65 billion rubles.

In 2006, the company's oil production amounted to 32.72 million tons (in 2005 - 33.04 million tons).

Gazprom Neft's 2007 revenue under US GAAP amounted to $ 21.1 (2006 - $ 20.17 billion), net profit - $ 4.1 ($ 3.66 billion).

Prior to the sale to Gazprom, oil production at its fields was carried out using enhanced oil recovery methods - hydraulic fracturing, etc. As a result, many of Gazprom Neft's wells have exhausted their resource. The company's business plan for the coming years provides for an increase in capital investments from $ 1.21 billion (in 2005) to $ 1.76 billion. This will keep Gazprom Neft's production at 32 million tons, otherwise it would have dropped to 27. 1 million tons of oil. At the same time, it is predicted that by 2010, with investments of $ 1.76 billion a year, Gazprom Neft's production will almost halve (excluding Sibneft-Yugra and its stake in Slavneft, as well as excluding planned acquisitions) - to 17 , 3 million tons of oil.

Number of employees (2006) - 48.0 thousand

Today " Gazprom Neft"Is one of the largest oil and gas companies in Russia. Main directions of activity " Gazprom Neft”- this is oil and gas production, oil and gas field services, oil refining and marketing of oil products. The company's proven oil reserves exceed 6.9 billion barrels, which puts it on a par with the twenty largest oil companies in the world.

« Gazprom Neft»Operates in the largest oil and gas regions of Russia: Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tomsk and Omsk Regions, as well as in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The main processing facilities of the company are located in the Omsk, Moscow and Yaroslavl regions. Gazprom Neft's sales network covers the entire country.

« Gazprom Neft”Today is one of the fastest growing oil companies in the country.

history of the company

The beginning of the nineties in Russia was a time of active transformations in the economy. It was during this period that significant changes affected the country's fuel and energy complex, and the rapid development of the oil and gas industry began.

Company " Gazprom Neft"(Originally -" Sibneft ") was founded in 1995, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin No. 872 of 24 August. The holding received state-owned stakes in the country's largest oil companies, OAO Noyabrskneftegaz, Omsk Oil Refinery, OAO Noyabrskneftegazgeofizika, and Omsknefteprodukt, a sales company.

Later, in connection with the development of the market economy, the Russian government developed a plan for the privatization of Sibneft, which provided for the sale of 49% of its shares to external investors at an auction and retaining 51% of the shares in the ownership of the federal government until September 1998. Since January 1996, private investors have purchased 49% of Sibneft's share capital at auctions.

On May 12, 1997, within the framework of the government program "Shares for Credits", the "Financial Oil Company" won the auction for the sale of the state share in Sibneft.

First of all, the management of Sibneft saw the restructuring of the company as its primary task in order to ensure successful work in the new market.

Significant work has been done to modernize production, introduce modern technologies and restructure business processes. The company has shown rapid growth in production and financial performance. An important step was the acquisition of a 50% stake in OAO Slavneft. In subsequent years, the geography of production was significantly expanded, a large-scale program for the modernization of processing facilities was launched, and the sales network was expanded.

The next key development stage for Sibneft was 2005, when Gazprom became the main shareholder of the company. With the emergence of a new name " Gazprom Neft”, Significant changes affected the company's strategy and the goals that it sets for itself. The prospects for stable and long-term development within the largest energy holding in Russia, as well as issues of social responsibility before society, came to the fore.

The company plans to increase its annual production to 80 million tons by 2020. Along with increasing production " Gazprom Neft»Plans to further expand processing and sales capacities, improving the network of its own filling stations and expanding into new regions. Along with developing your own business, " Gazprom Neft»Participates in the implementation of many social projects and programs of federal, regional and international importance.

Organizational structure

List of main subsidiaries of JSC Gazprom Neft»:

Mining of oil and gas

The growth in oil production is mainly associated with the use of modern methods of managing field development, increasing the efficiency of operating old wells and improving the quality of construction of new wells.

About direction

OJSC "Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz"

OOO Gazpromneft-Khantos

OOO Gazpromneft-Vostok

LLC "Zapolyarneft"

LLC "Gazpromneft-Angara"

OOO Gazpromneft-Sakhalin

Oil refining

About direction

JSC "Gazpromneft-ONPZ"

LLC "Gazpromneft-Lubricants"

Gazpromneft Lubricants Italia S.p.A.

Sales of petroleum products

The wide geography of the filling station network and the advantageous location of the Omsk and Yaroslavl refineries allow JSC Gazprom Neft to occupy a leading position in the wholesale and retail markets of Western Siberia and the central part of Russia.

About direction

JSC "Gazpromneft-Omsk"

OJSC "Gazpromneft-Ural"

CJSC Gazpromneft-Kuzbass

JSC "Gazpromneft-Tyumen"

JSC "Gazpromneft-Novosibirsk"

Sibneft-Yaroslavnefteprodukt OJSC

LLC "Gazpromneft-Center"

CJSC Gazpromneft-North-West

LLC Gazprom Neft Asia

LLP "Gazpromneft-Kazakhstan"

LLC "Gazpromneft-Tajikistan"

JSC "Gazpromneft-Altai"

OOO Gazpromneft-Noyabrsk

OOO Gazpromneft-Kaluga

OOO Gazpromneft-Nizhny Novgorod

CJSC "Nizhegorod-Ekogaz"

OOO Gazpromneft-Chelyabinsk

IOOO "Gazpromneft-Belnefteprodukt"

CJSC Gazpromneft Aero

CJSC Gazpromneft-Aero Novosibirsk

LLC Gazpromneft-Aero Murmansk

Gazpromneft Marine Bunker LLC

OOO Gazpromneft Shipping

OOO Gazpromneft Terminal SPb

LLC "Gazpromneft-Resource"

Export of oil and oil products

Gazprom Neft exports approximately 40% of the oil produced and about 50% of the produced petroleum products.

About direction

Gazprom Neft Trading Gmbh

Oilfield services and exploration

About direction

OOO Gazpromneft-Nefteservis

JSC "Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegazgeofizika"

LLC "Noyabrskaya Central Pipe Base"

LLC "Service drilling company"

LLC "Muravlenkovskaya transport company"

LLC "SpecTransService"

Well Overhaul-Service LLC

LLC "YamalServiceCenter"

LLC "Noyabrskneftespetsstroy"

LLC "Service Transport Company"

LLC "Yamalenergoremont"

LLC "NoyabrskEPUservice"

LLC "Noyabrskteploneft"

LLC "Noyabrskenergoneft"

LLC "Neftekhimremont"

LLC "RMZ" Gazpromneft-ONPZ "

LLC "Department of Transport and Mechanisms"

LLC "NoyabrskNefteGazAvtomatika"

LLC "Noyabrskneftegazsvyaz"

LLC "Automation-Service"

CJSC "Gazpromneft-Mobile Card"

LLC "Noyabrskneftegazproekt"

Other activities

OJSC "Social and Business Center" Okhta "

LLC "Complex Galernaya 5"

LLC "Gazpromneft-NTC"

JSC "Publishing House" Blagovest "

CJSC "Private Security Company" Neftegard "


LLC "Gazpromneft Business Service"

Diversified companies

Naftna Industrija Srbije A.D.


In accordance with the Charter, the structure of Gazprom Neft's governing bodies includes: a general meeting of shareholders, a board of directors, a collegial executive body (Management Board) and a sole executive body (General Director). The efficient work of Gazprom Neft's governing bodies ensures the stable development of the Company and also serves as a guarantee of the trust of shareholders, investors and partners.

Board of Directors

Alexey Miller

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Was born on January 31, 1962 in Leningrad. Education: 1984 - Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics named after N.A. Voznesensky. 2000-2000 - General Director of the Baltic Pipeline System Open Joint Stock Company; 2000-2001 - Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation; 2001-present - Chairman of the Management Board of Open Joint Stock Company Gazprom, since 2002 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Gazprom.

Golubev Valery Alexandrovich

Born June 14, 1952 in Leningrad. After graduating in 1975 from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. VI Ulyanov (Lenin) went to work at the Central Research Institute of Ship Electrical Engineering and Technology. In 1979 he was called up to serve in the KGB of the USSR. In 1991 he went to work in the Administration of St. Petersburg. He worked as the head of the secretariat of the mayor's office, the head of the Administration of the Vasileostrovsky region, the chairman of the tourism committee. Graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in 1996, defended his dissertation in 1997 and received the degree of candidate of economic sciences. In April 2002, he was elected by the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region as a representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. In February 2003, he was appointed General Director of OOO Gazkomplektimpex and is a member of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom. Since March 2005 - Head of the Investment and Construction Department, General Director of Gazkomplektimpex LLC, Member of the Management Board of Gazprom OJSC. Since November 2006 - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC Gazprom.

Dubik Nikolay Nikolaevich

Born in 1971 in the town of Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow Region. In 1993 he graduated from the Law Faculty of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Nikolai Dubik was awarded the title of "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation". In 1992-1997 Nikolai Dubik worked at the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as an assistant-adviser to a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. He has been working for OJSC Gazprom since 1997. In 2002-2003. From 2003 to 2008, he served as Head of the Office of Legal Support for Foreign Economic Activity. - Deputy Head of the Legal Department. In 2008, he was appointed First Deputy, then Head of the Legal Department of OAO Gazprom. In June 2008, he was elected a member of the Gazprom Management Committee. First Class Counselor of Justice. Executive Director of "Gazprom Finance B.V." and Rosukrenergo AG.

Dyukov Alexander Valerievich

Was born on December 13, 1967 in Leningrad. After graduating from school in 1985, he entered the Leningrad Order of Lenin Shipbuilding Institute. From 1996 to 1998, Alexander Dyukov consecutively held the positions of financial director and general director of CJSC Petersburg Oil Terminal. In 1998 he was Director for Economics and during 1999 served as General Director of JSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg". In 2000, he resumed his work at ZAO Petersburg Oil Terminal as Chairman of the Board of Directors. In 2001 he received the IMISP MBA degree. From February 2003 to November 2006, he was President of SIBUR. Since November 2006 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC SIBUR Holding. Since November 23, 2006 - I. о. President of the Gazprom Neft company. On December 30, 2006, he was elected President of JSC Gazprom Neft. Since January 2008 - Chairman of the Management Board, General Director of JSC Gazprom Neft.

Kruglov Andrey Vyacheslavovich

Was born on January 24, 1969 in Leningrad. Education: 1994 - St. Petersburg Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry. 2000-2001 - Head of the Department of Foreign Trade and Investments of the Directorate for Foreign Economic Cooperation of the Committee for External Relations of the Administration of St. Petersburg; 2001-2002 - Deputy Director of the Limited Liability Company "Invest-In", 2002-2003. - Head of the Corporate Finance Department, member of the Gazprom Management Committee; 2003-2004 - Head of the Financial and Economic Department, Member of the Management Board of OJSC Gazprom; 2004-2004 - Acting Deputy Chairman of the Management Board - Head of the Financial and Economic Department, Member of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom; 2004-present - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board - Head of the Financial and Economic Department, Member of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom.

Mikheev Alexander Leonidovich

Was born in 1944 in Moscow. In 1968 he graduated from the gas and oil field faculty of the Moscow Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry. I.M. Gubkina.

In 1968-1996, he worked in gas industry organizations (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Gas Industry, Central Production and Dispatch Administration of Gazprom) and the USSR State Committee for Supply, where he also supervised the gas industry.

In 1996, Alexander Mikheev was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Gas Supply and Sales Department of Gazprom. In 1998 he was transferred to the position of Deputy Head of the Department of Marketing of Gas, Oil, Condensate and Refined Products. - For the position of First Deputy Head of the Department of Marketing, Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons Processing of OAO Gazprom, which he currently holds.

A. Mikheev has industry and government awards. Author of a number of publications, including

Pavlova Olga Petrovna

Born on August 17, 1953 in Vladivostok. Graduated in 1976 from the Far Eastern State University. From 2001-2002 - Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law, St. Petersburg State University; 2002-2003 - Deputy Head of the Economic Department of the President of the Russian Federation; 2003-2004 - Head of the Property Management and Corporate Relations Department, Gazprom; 2004 - up to the present time, member of the Management Board of OJSC Gazprom, Head of the Department for Property Management and Corporate Relations of OJSC Gazprom.

Podyuk Vasily Grigorievich

Born September 9, 1946 in the village. Cocks of the Kosiv region, Ivano - Frankivsk region. Education: 1969 - Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Oil and Gas. 2000-2002 - Head of the Department for Production and Processing of Gas, Gas Condensate, Oil, Member of the Management Board of JSC Gazprom; 2002-present - Head of the Department for Production of Gas, Gas Condensate, Oil, Member of the Management Board of JSC Gazprom.

Kirill Seleznev

Was born on April 23, 1974 in Leningrad. Education: 1997 - Baltic State Technical University. D.F. Ustinova; 2002 - St. Petersburg State University. 2000-2001 - Head of the tax group of the Baltic Pipeline System Open Joint Stock Company, then the BTS branch of the Verkhnevolzhskie Trunk Oil Pipelines Open Joint Stock Company; 2001-2002 - Deputy Head of the Management Board Administration - Assistant to the Chairman of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom; 2002-2002 - Head of the Department for Marketing, Processing of Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons, OJSC Gazprom; 2002-present - Head of the Department of Marketing, Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons Processing, Member of the Management Board of OJSC Gazprom.

Exploration work

Compared to 2005 figures, in 2006 Gazprom Neft significantly increased the physical volume of geological exploration in all areas. The growth in geological exploration work is due to the need to intensify activities in the new licensed areas of the Company, as well as the terms of the license obligations of JSC Gazprom Neft in the field of prospecting and exploration of new oil and gas deposits.

The main increase in recoverable oil and gas reserves in 2006 was obtained both as a result of prospecting and exploration work and as a result of production drilling at the fields under development and an increase in the efficiency of their development. In 2006, the growth of C1 reserves amounted to 35.5 million tons of oil, 139 thousand tons of condensate and 3.237 billion m3 of gas. In terms of hydrocarbon equivalent, the total increase in hydrocarbon reserves amounted to 38.875 million tons of fuel equivalent. The Company plans for 2007 to maintain the dynamics of the growth of reserves.

The state of the resource base of the Company

The audit of the oil reserves of JSC Gazprom Neft was carried out by Miller & Lents. According to the SPE classification, the Company's audited oil reserves as of January 1, 2007 amounted to 953.0 million tons, including: proven reserves - 601.8 million tons, possible and probable - 351.2 million tons.

Gazprom Neft is actively developing and replenishing its resource base. The company participates in auctions for the acquisition of subsoil use rights for new sites, held by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. In 2006, JSC Gazprom Neft won an open tender for the Doobskoye and Novorossiysky blocks located in the Krasnodar Territory. The gas reserves of the Doobskoye field are 1.5 billion m3 in the C1 category and 6 billion m3 in the C3 category. The predicted gas resources in the Novorossiysk block are estimated at 25 billion m3 in category D1.

Also worth noting is the acquisition of a license for exploration and development of the Yuzhno-Toraveyskoye oil field in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the area adjacent to the Barents Sea shelf. Geological reserves of oil of this field by the sum of categories C1 and C2 amount to 62.4 million tons. The recoverable part is 12.3 million tons.

In total for the period 2005 - 2006. The company acquired 8 license areas with C1 and C2 oil and gas reserves in the Tomsk Region, Krasnodar Territory, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, YaNAO and Yakutia, as well as 7 license areas with C3-D1 category resources in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Krasnodar and Krasnoyarsk Territories.

In 2006, OJSC Sibneft-Noyabrskneftegaz remained the main production company of Gazprom Neft. During the year, this enterprise produced 21.36 million tons of oil, which is 65.3% of the Company's annual production.

One of the largest and most promising fields of the company is Priobskoye, located in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (465 million barrels according to SPE). The active development of the field began in 2004, and already in 2006 the field accounted for about 10% of the 33 million tons of crude oil produced by the company. The Priobskoye field is strategically important for the further development of JSC Gazprom Neft and should become a source of long-term growth in oil production for the company.

The second "new" production center in the near future will be the regional group of fields in the Omsk and Tomsk regions. Here, the leaders in the next five years should be the Krapivinskoye field located in the Omsk region and the Archinskoye, Shinginskoye and Urmanskoye fields acquired by the company in the Tomsk region.

At the fields that have passed the peak of production, methods of secondary oil recovery are used. The company's goal is to maximize the oil recovery factor (ORF). Gazprom Neft plans to increase the oil recovery factor for the company on average from 30% now to 40% in 2020.

A significant portion of the Company's reserves are at an early stage of development, which creates potential for future growth. The development of Priobskoye and other new fields owned by Gazprom Neft will increase the annual oil production up to 80 million tons by 2020, which is almost 2.5 times more than the current figures.

Oilfield service

In September 2007, OAO Gazprom Neft established a subsidiary, OOO Gazpromneft-Nefteservis, which united all the holding's oilfield service assets.

Today, the company includes nine subsidiaries offering the widest range of oilfield services.

The mission of Gazpromneft-Nefteservis is to be a leader in technology, quality and efficiency in servicing oil production. The company's strategy implies achieving a leading position in the oilfield services market in Russia and focusing on the provision of services in drilling, well workover and geophysics. Today the company plans to enter new regions and market segments, strengthening its competitive advantages.

Our core values ​​are employees and the company's reputation as a reliable partner.

OOO Gazpromneft-Nefteservis takes an active part in the implementation of social programs in the regions of its operation, ensures a high level of environmental and industrial safety, strictly complies with the requirements of Russian legislation.

Strategic goals:

Improving the efficiency of the management system.

Development and leadership in the oilfield services market.

Entering the external market at least 30% by 2012.

Capitalization of OOO Gazpromneft-Nefteservis - 200 billion rubles. by 2020.

Social responsibility.

Creation of a vertically integrated industrial safety, health and safety management system.


LLC "Service Drilling Company" - Well drilling

OJSC "Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegazgeofizika" - Field GIS

LLC "KRS-Service" - Well workover

LLC "Yamalservice Center" - Repair of NPO and drilling. equipment, installation of BU, arrangement

LLC "Noyabrskneftespetsstroy" - Backfilling of bushes, road construction

LLC "Noyabrskaya Central Pipe Base" - Pipe rental, repair of sucker rod pumps

LLC "Muravlenkovskaya Transport Company" - Transport

LLC "Service Transport Company" - Well cementing, Transport

LLC "Spectransservice" - Transport

Oil refining

The success of JSC Gazprom Neft in the oil refining sector is due to the high level of technologies used at the company's oil refineries, as well as their favorable geographic location.

The main oil refining asset of JSC Gazprom Neft, the Omsk Refinery, is one of the most high-tech refineries in Russia and is one of the largest in the world. The installed capacity of the plant is 19.5 million tons per year. In 2006, the enterprise processed 16.3 million tons of oil. The advantage of the Omsk Refinery is the highest refining depth in Russia, which amounted to 84.45% in 2006, which is 12.8% higher than the industry average.

The uninterrupted operation of the Omsk Refinery allows the company to remain the leader in terms of sales of petroleum products in Western Siberia for many years. The Omsk refinery is connected by oil pipelines with the largest fields of JSC Gazprom Neft, which allows to ensure the supply of high quality oil. The transport "leg" connecting the Omsk Refinery with the fields is the shortest in Western Siberia. These factors make it possible to minimize costs and transport oil products to regions remote from the refinery.

At present, the Omsk Refinery is implementing a program for the modernization of the enterprise. Within the framework of this program, in 2005, the reconstruction of the catalytic reforming unit was completed. In 2006, the complex for the production of aromatic hydrocarbons was modernized. Among the main priorities of the medium-term program is the commissioning of a new diesel hydrotreating unit and an isomerization unit, and it is planned to reconstruct the capacities of hydrotreating and catalytic cracking units. The construction of new and modernization of existing facilities will allow the Omsk Refinery to start producing products that meet Euro-4, 5 standards by 2011.

In addition to the Omsk Refinery, Gazprom Neft has stakes in Slavneft refineries - Yaroslavnefteorgsintez, Yaroslavl Refinery named after Mendeleev "and" Mozyr Oil Refinery "in the Republic of Belarus, and also owns shares in the" Moscow Oil Refinery ". Thus, today Gazprom Neft has sufficient resources to supply the market of the central part of Russia with oil products. Strengthening positions in this territory is one of the company's strategic objectives.

Oil refining dynamics (million tons per year)

Gazprom Neft


Sales of petroleum products

Supplies of petroleum products by region

The company's marketing policy is inextricably linked, firstly, with the geographical features of the location of the refinery and, secondly, with the general economic features of the development of the regions.

The dominant region for Gazprom Neft's petroleum product supplies is the West Siberian region, which in 2006 accounted for about 37% of the company's petroleum products sold on the domestic market. This is due to the location of Gazprom Neft's main refinery in the region, the Omsk Refinery.

The competitiveness of oil products of the Omsk Refinery in the regional markets is ensured by the following factors:

Short transport leg "the company's field - the Omsk Refinery" and, accordingly, low transport costs;

High quality oil in the absence of mixing ensures lower processing costs and higher quality oil products;

The plant's capacity and a significant share of secondary processes ensure a high processing depth.

The Omsk Refinery has the ability to sell petroleum products in remote markets thanks to the oil product pipeline that stretches east and west of the refinery. In addition, the plant also uses rail transport to transport high quality fuels to avoid mixing in pipelines, as well as petrochemical products.

All these factors allow the company to sell petroleum products with maximum efficiency in regional markets. At the end of 2006, the company's sales enterprises were represented in such key regions of Western and Eastern Siberia as Omsk, Tyumen, Kemerovo, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk regions, Krasnoyarsk and Altai Territories and the city of Noyabrsk. In the Central and Northwest regions - in Yaroslavl, Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod, Leningrad and Moscow regions.

Sales network development

In 2006, 69 owned and leased Gazprom Neft filling stations operated in the metropolitan area.

A significant event for JSC Gazprom Neft was the victory in 2006 in the tender for the right to lease 30 land plots for the construction of a gas station in St. Petersburg, which significantly strengthened the company's position in the northwest region.

The all-Russian retail network of JSC Gazprom Neft numbers 832 filling stations offering high-quality products to consumers. The filling stations owned by the company were built taking into account the most relevant technological developments. At gas stations, you can buy any goods that the car owner may need on the road. In addition, a number of the company's filling stations provide an opportunity to refuel not only with traditional types of gasoline, but also with automobile gas. Gazprom Neft expects to develop its own network of filling stations based on global experience and in line with global market trends, which include increasing the versatility and expanding the range of services provided at filling stations.

The company's interests in the sale of petroleum products are not limited exclusively to the Russian market. The development of sales subsidiaries outside of Russia is one of the priority tasks for the company. The first step towards its implementation was the opening of a subsidiary company Gazprom Neft Asia in Kyrgyzstan. As the operator of 77 filling stations, Gazprom Neft Asia already occupies a strong position in the Kyrgyz market and in the future plans to become a significant player among the companies selling petroleum products in the Asian territory.

The strategy of JSC Gazprom Neft includes increasing its own share in the Russian and international oil product markets through constant investments in the modernization of refining facilities and expansion of the network of filling stations in various regions of the country.

Industrial safety and ecology

We cannot imagine the successful development of a company without respect for the ecology of the regions in which Gazprom Neft operates. In addition to strict adherence to international and Russian environmental standards and norms, Gazprom Neft pays special attention to the protection and renewal of environmental resources and strives to minimize damage from production activities.

Environmental protection, health and safety is one of the main priorities in the company's activities, an integral part of the strategy of effective production management.

Gazprom Neft operates with an optimal combination of economic mechanisms, administrative measures and methods of self-control over the rational use of raw energy sources, realizing its responsibility to future generations.

In its production activities, Gazprom Neft steadily follows the following principles:

Minimal environmental impact

Gazprom Neft is constantly reducing the impact of man-made loads that can damage the ecological purity of air and water.

Conservation of natural resources

Gazprom Neft ensures the careful use of all types of natural resources - water, soil, forests, and minerals. Based on the introduction of modern technologies, constant work is being carried out to reduce the volume of production waste generation, as well as their reuse.

Production process safety

Gazprom Neft conducts its business by applying safe technologies and production processes, constantly ensuring the readiness of the company's enterprises for sufficient and prompt action in any emergency.

Restoration of damaged components of the environment

Gazprom Neft is constantly working to restore the components of the natural environment affected by past production activities, effectively using the emergency response workshops equipped with the necessary equipment and tools for oil collection and land reclamation.

Respect for the public interest

Gazprom Neft ensures transparency of information about the possible impact of the company's enterprises on the environment and public health.

The position of the company in the brigade

Oil production

After seven years of continuous growth, average daily oil production in Russia peaked in mid-2007 (9.9 million barrels of oil per day), and in January 2008 began to decline. During 2008, the decline continued, but the largest collapse occurred in March 2008 - by 1.3% from the level of March 2007, and in June - by 1.2% from the level of June 2007. Total for 2008 Oil production in Russia amounted to 488.49 million tons, which is 0.57% less than in 2007.

Production declined the most in 2008 for Slavneft (-6.4%), Surgutneftegaz (-4.4%), Gazprom Neft's own production (-6%), and Rosneft's own production (-1.5%) in as a result of deconsolidation of Tomskneft. Tatneft (+ 1.2%) and Russneft (+ 0.5%), as well as small production companies (mainly Salym Petroleum), which managed to achieve double-digit production growth, were the two integrated companies that managed to show production growth.

Gazprom Neft's total production in 2008 increased by 7.3% thanks to the acquisition of a 50% stake in Tomskneft. The share of Gazprom Neft in total oil production in Russia increased to 9.5% (8.8% in 2007), which puts it in 5th place among Russian vertically integrated oil companies.


Oil refining in Russia has been growing over the past five years and in 2008 increased by 3.4% to 236.3 million tons. This growth is explained by the fiscal policy in the Russian Federation, which makes this line of business more attractive for Russian vertically integrated oil companies, and often, in the event of a sharp drop in oil prices (which was observed in the second half of 2008), it is the only profitable line of business. The volume of production of diesel fuel in 2008 increased by 4.1%, fuel oil - by 1.9%, motor gasoline - by 1.8%. At the same time, the utilization of the main processing facilities in Russia as a whole increased to another record - 86.9% against 81.5% a year earlier. Rosneft is the leader in terms of primary oil refining (49.54 million tons). It is worth noting the high concentration of refining assets in the Russian Federation, as the leading five companies account for about three quarters (72.95%) of all refined oil supplied to refineries in Russia.

Social responsibility

Personnel, occupational safety and health

Gazprom Neft invests in personnel, supporting initiatives and innovations aimed at improving the efficiency of production and management activities. The company acts as a responsible employer, maintaining equal relations with the workforce, providing decent wages, development opportunities and comfortable working conditions.

Human Resources Policy and Standards

In 2008, a unified concept for Gazprom Neft in the area of ​​personnel management was developed. In order to determine common approaches to interaction with labor collectives of all enterprises, the Company is preparing a standard collective agreement, which will include obligations on the part of Gazprom Neft that are common for all enterprises of the Company. Additional elements and features of the benefits and conditions provided will be determined by each enterprise independently.

In 2008, the development of the unified standards of the Company in relation to personnel was continued; among them - “Procedure for organizing training of the Company's employees”, “Planning and training of a personnel reserve for target positions”, “Procedure for working with young specialists” and others.

In 2008, the Company developed a grading system that allows employees to understand the place of their position in the general hierarchy of the Company. On the basis of this system, a remuneration system and a policy for the provision of social benefits will be built.

The company is currently developing a Code of Ethics, the basic principles of which are formulated through expert assessments and surveys of the opinions of stakeholders, primarily employees and shareholders.

Today the number of employees of Gazprom Neft enterprises is more than 48 thousand people who work in 18 regions of the Russian Federation, as well as in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan. In particular, about 8% of employees are employed in Moscow and the Moscow Region, about 30% of them are in the Head Office. 17% of the Company's personnel work in Omsk and the Omsk Region (more than 50% of them are at the Omsk Refinery). However, the bulk of Gazprom Neft's personnel - about half of all employees in the Company - is concentrated in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Attracting young professionals

In 2008, Gazprom Neft entered into cooperation agreements with three universities - strategic partners of the Company: St. G.V. Plekhanov, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after THEM. Gubkin, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

The main goal of cooperation is to attract talented graduates to work in the Company. In 2008, 326 young specialists were hired by the Company's divisions.

Cooperation with educational institutions

In 2008, within the framework of cooperation with universities, a personalized Gazprom Neft auditorium was opened at the St. Petersburg State Mining Institute named after V.I. G.V. Plekhanov and an image stand at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin. Representatives of Gazpromneft-STC LLC held meetings with heads of specialized faculties on R&D issues, and areas of cooperation were determined. In October 2008, two professors from the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas were on an internship at the INFORM training center (Canada) together with Gazprom Neft employees. "

Professional development of employees

Gazprom Neft traditionally pays great attention to improving the qualifications of its personnel. In 2008, 1,167 people were trained. The learning rate was 1.2, up from 0.6 in 2007. In 2008, 30.8 million rubles were spent on advanced training.

The Gazprom Neft professional training system is designed to meet the requirements of the Company's business and corporate culture. Gazprom Neft's educational programs include three main blocks: professional training programs aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills in specific specialties and functions, programs for developing corporate competencies, programs for developing business thinking, economic literacy and business understanding.

In 2008, a number of trainings were launched to develop corporate competencies: "Finance and Economics for Non-Economists", "Oil Industry for Non-Oil Workers", "The Art of Presentations".

A career planning system is being developed at the Company's enterprises. The main tool for this is the Individual Development Plans, which are drawn up taking into account the requirements for the position, the strengths and development opportunities of employees, as well as the opinions of direct managers and mentors. At the end of 2008, trainings were held to develop the managerial competencies of the Company's reservists. 120 people were trained.

The training programs were developed based on the analysis of individual development plans. As part of improving the Gazprom Neft personnel development system, in 2008, employees of various functions were trained in the “best practices” format, including conducting thematic master classes.

Social responsibility

Responsibility in the field of regional cooperation

The company's activities have a tangible impact on the social sphere and economy of the regions of its presence. Gazprom Neft is actively involved in addressing the priority tasks of regional development.

The company is a major taxpayer; a number of Gazprom Neft enterprises are city-forming. Gazprom Neft conducts dialogue and cooperates with stakeholders in the regions of its presence, and also implements charitable programs aimed at developing the cultural and social infrastructure and healthcare in the regions, education and upbringing of children and youth.

Gazprom Neft strives to participate in the development of the regions in such a way that it is most beneficial for both society and the Company, and projects implemented jointly are effective both from a social and economic point of view.

In the regions of the Company's presence, the main instrument of its interaction with regional and municipal authorities is agreements on cooperation in the socio-economic sphere. The initiator of such agreements is mainly the Company itself, since their conclusion makes it possible to coordinate the strategy of Gazprom Neft with the needs of the regions where it operates, to direct joint efforts towards solving the priority tasks for the Company and the regions. In 2008, socio-economic agreements were concluded with the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Omsk Region.

As part of a socio-economic agreement between the administration of the Purovsky District of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and OJSC Gazprom Neft, the construction of the Zenit sports and recreation complex has begun; OJSC Gazprom Neft's investments in the construction of the complex will amount to about 200 million rubles.


The company has adopted a Charity Policy, which defines the goals and principles of Gazprom Neft's charitable activities, the main directions and rules of specific projects.

The main areas of charitable activities of JSC Gazprom Neft are determined by the following programs:

Support for children and youth

Regional cooperation

Sports support

The total expenses for charity, including all expenses within the framework of social and economic agreements on cooperation with the regions of the Company's presence, in the reporting period amounted to more than 1 billion rubles.

The activities of the Charity Commission, created in JSC Gazprom Neft in 2008, made it possible to systematize the Company's charitable activities and carry out work in priority areas in 2008. This helped to reduce overall costs (funding for sports organizations, indirect support through charitable organizations, foundations and associations), at the same time, significantly increase funding for social assistance programs for orphanages, schools and boarding schools, cultural institutions, administrations of districts, cities and regions of the Company's presence. ...

Gazprom Neft is proud to be one of the general sponsors of Zenit, the football club that won the 2008 UEFA Cup and Super Cup.

The company also supports the SKA St. Petersburg hockey club and is a co-founder of the Avangard hockey club.

The company will continue to focus on strategic areas, primarily support for the development and health of children and youth, and when determining the objects and volumes of charitable programs, it will responsibly take into account the opinions and expectations of stakeholders.

These priorities apply both to social and economic agreements with the regions of presence, and to individual charitable programs and projects.

For example, in 2008, in the Parabelsky District of the Tomsk Region, with the support of Gazpromneft-Vostok, the construction of an indoor ice hockey rink with a plastic coating began. There is one hockey section at this site, and skate rental is also organized. In the summer, it is planned to organize 3 basketball and one volleyball sections on this site.

OJSC Gazpromneft-Omsk Oil Refinery is implementing a target program "On Supporting Educational Institutions in the Bolsherechensky Municipal District. Under this program, equipment for kindergartens, playgrounds, as well as sports equipment for a children's sports school in the Bolsherechye settlement were purchased.

OJSC Gazpromneft-Ural financed the construction and opening of children's playgrounds in the cities of Irbit and Serov.

An interregional ice hockey tournament among children's teams for the Gazprom Neft Cup has become a tradition. In 2008, the II tournament was held in Khanty-Mansiysk, in which over 200 people from 6 regions of the country took part.


The strategic goal of JSC Gazprom Neft is to become a global company of Russian origin, a major international player with a regionally diversified portfolio of assets along the entire value chain.

The strategy for the development of the oil business of the Gazprom Neft Group envisages an increase in annual oil production up to 100 million tons by 2020. Oil refining by 2020 will amount to 70-80 million tons, and the sales network will be expanded to 5,000-5,500 filling stations. The volume of sales of petroleum products through its own network of filling stations by 2020 should amount to about 12 million tons per year. At the same time, the average annual growth rate of oil production is expected to exceed 4%, which is twice the growth rate of the largest oil companies in the world.

The plan for reaching the production level in 2020 provides for a phased start of exploitation of all explored fields of JSC Gazprom Neft (taking into account the 50% of shares of JSC NGK Slavneft owned by the Company and 50% of shares of JSC Tomskneft) and expansion of the resource base due to the the exploitation of oil fields held by other companies of the Group, as well as the acquisition of new licenses. At the same time, Slavneft already has two major projects in the exploration stage.

The intensification of exploration work carried out by the Company on its own will be aimed at the further development of the mineral resource base in the main gas producing regions and its formation in order to create a unified system of gas production, transportation and gas supply in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Geological exploration will be concentrated in the Nadym-Pur-Taz region (including the waters of the Ob and Taz bays), on the Yamal Peninsula, in the waters of the Barents, Pechora and Kara seas, in the Arkhangelsk region, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, on the shelf of Sakhalin Island, in others areas with the subsequent receipt of licenses for the development of discovered deposits.

The program for the development of the Company's resource base provides for an increase in recoverable hydrocarbon reserves involved in development by more than 3 times by 2020.

In the long term, Gazprom Neft intends to develop its activities abroad. In particular, the regions of strategic interest of the company are the countries of Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and the United States.

At the same time, Gazprom Neft intends to develop its presence in Russia. Here Western Siberia will remain the key region, and the role of Eastern Siberia and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug will also increase.

The company's strategy is divided into three main time horizons

2008-2010 The goal of the period is to create a basis for a qualitative growth in the scale of the Company through the discovery of new reserves and transfer to a higher category in the existing licensed areas, the acquisition and commissioning of new areas in the areas of traditional activities, entry into new production regions, restructuring of the service and the creation of an STC, building up processing capacities at existing assets, expanding the retail network in the Russian Federation, developing product and functional strategies.

2011-2015: Launch of large-scale projects that ensure long-term development and growth in business scale. To this end, it is planned to form a balanced portfolio of assets, high quality products and processes, commissioning of Gazprom's oil assets, the start of production at the fields of Eastern Siberia and Timan-Pechora, the transition to self-financing of the service, a possible exchange of assets with a strategic partner for vertical integration, Downstream assets in proportion to production growth, implementation of organizational, system and personnel projects aimed at integrating acquired and operating assets, taking into account the growth in the scale of operations.

2016-2020: bringing the company to a new scale of business, active international activity, which implies a significant scale of operations, high quality products and processes, a balanced investment policy that ensures return on investment (ROCE) at an average level of 12-15%, the presence of innovative projects and technologies, organization and development of offshore projects: mainly oil-bearing waters of the Barents, Chukchi and East Siberian Seas, the Laptev Sea, the Black Sea basin containing large and giant hydrocarbon deposits - the Maria structure (Shatsky shaft) (expected reserves of more than 200 million tons .), the start of production at foreign projects, bringing the refinery's own capacities to 70-80 million tons per year, an increase in retail sales to 12 million tons per year.

The strategic objectives of Gazprom Neft have not changed, but the medium-term objectives have assumed an anti-crisis nature, which will allow the Company to achieve the planned quantitative and qualitative indicators without significant adjustments.

In 2009, the Company will continue to implement a systematic approach to the formation of the concept of strategic development. Strategies for the Exploration and Production Block and the Logistics, Refining and Sales Block will be developed. In order to coordinate the actions of management in managing the Company at all levels and in all areas, it is planned to gradually transition to an integrated system for developing a long-term strategy and protecting medium-term business plans.

In order to achieve the target level of production, OJSC Gazprom Neft will develop its resource base in the coming years and increase production volumes, both within the existing portfolio of assets and through the acquisition of new areas. In the coming years, the Company will start developing the oil fields of OAO Gazprom. Thus, the production of the first ton of oil is planned already in 2009.

In the Oil Refining Unit, OAO Gazprom Neft will strive to improve the efficiency of refining and the quality of oil products in accordance with the new Technical Regulations “On Requirements for Basic Petroleum Products”, which came into force this year and will come into force in subsequent years.

An important aspect is the effective integration of the Oil Industry of Serbia (NIS) into the Gazprom Neft group. At the beginning of 2009, a new management team started working at NIS, formed from the managers of JSC Gazprom Neft.

In the field of selling products on the market, the main task in 2009 and subsequent years will be to increase the efficiency of sales operations by increasing the share of retail sales in total sales and optimizing the methods, directions and structure of sales of petroleum products.


Reserves Information (SPE) 2007-2008

(million boe)



Revision of previous estimates


Proved oil and gas reserves

Gazprom Neft



Probable oil and gas reserves

Gazprom Neft



The Company's share in associates accounted for using the equity method

Possible oil and gas reserves

Gazprom Neft



The Company's share in associates accounted for using the equity method

Corporate governance

Focusing on a high level of corporate governance, OJSC Gazprom Neft builds its activities on the example of the best world practice in corporate relations.

The basic principles on which the Company's activities are based are: ensuring effective protection of the rights and interests of the Company's shareholders, fair and equal treatment of shareholders, transparency of decision-making by the Company's management bodies, professional and ethical responsibility of members of management and control bodies to the Company, its employees and counterparties. , expansion of information openness and development of a system of business ethics standards.

The Company's management system is built in accordance with the current Russian legislation, the Charter and internal documents of the Company, as well as the provisions of the Code of Corporate Conduct recommended for use by the Federal Commission for the Securities Market. In addition, being a public company whose shares are traded on Russian and world stock exchanges, OJSC Gazprom Neft fully complies with the requirements of Russian stock exchanges.

The supreme governing body of the Company in accordance with Russian stock law is the General Meeting of Shareholders, acting on the basis of the Charter and the Regulations on the General Meeting of Shareholders, which determine the competence and procedure for holding the General Meeting of Shareholders, as well as the procedure for making decisions by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The charter

Changes to the Charter of 06/20/2008

Regulations on the General Meeting of Shareholders

The Company sees the main element of high-level corporate governance as a professional and efficient Board of Directors that enjoys the confidence of shareholders.

The main tasks of the Board of Directors are: defining the development strategy of the Company aimed at increasing its capitalization and investment attractiveness, defining the principles for managing the Company's assets, ensuring an effective control system in the Company over the results of its financial and economic activities.

In accordance with the Company's Charter, the Board of Directors is elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders in the amount of ten people, which corresponds to the scale of the Company's activities and ensures the most efficient implementation of the functions assigned to the Board of Directors.

Regulations on the Board of Directors

The current management of the Company's activities is entrusted to the executive bodies, which are the key link in the structure of the Company's management bodies: the General Director (sole executive body) and the Management Board (collegial executive body).

The executive bodies of the Company act in the interests of the Company and its shareholders and report to the Board of Directors and the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The main tasks of the executive bodies of the Company are: organizing the daily operational work of the Company in accordance with the adopted financial and business plan and efficient and timely execution of decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors of the Company.

Regulation on the Management Board

Regulations on the General Director

JSC Gazprom Neft recognizes the need for effective control over financial and economic activities both by the external Auditor and by the internal bodies of the Company.

The external audit of the Company's activities is carried out by the world's largest company providing audit services, ZAO PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit.

The functions of a permanent internal body of the Company, exercising control over the financial and economic activities of the Company, its branches and representative offices, officials of management bodies and structural divisions of the Company's management staff for compliance with the current legislation, the Charter and internal documents of the Company are performed by the Audit Commission of JSC Gazprom Neft. ...

Regulations on the Auditing Commission

Corporate Governance Code

In July 1998, Sibneft became the first company to present to the investment community the Corporate Governance Charter, developed with the help of independent European experts.

Currently, the Company is developing a draft of a new version of the document designed to take into account generally accepted standards and principles of corporate conduct, as well as the provisions of the Code of Corporate Conduct of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, recommended for use by joint stock companies.

Corporate Governance Code - 1998 Edition

The Company recognizes the importance of timely provision of reliable, objective and up-to-date information about the Company to shareholders and other interested parties. In this regard, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the Regulation on the information policy of the Company, which enshrines the basic principles of the Company's behavior in the field of information and communications.

The regulation on the information policy of the Company defines the methods and forms of information disclosure; the procedure for providing information to interested parties is regulated; fixed the criteria for classifying information as confidential and insider.

Information Policy Statement

Career in the Company

« Gazprom Neft»Is interested in attracting professional and talented specialists.

Our Company invests in employees and encourages their desire to constantly develop and improve their level of professionalism.

« Gazprom Neft»Supports any initiatives and innovations aimed at improving production and management activities.

The main areas of the Company's personnel work are:

Attracting and attracting specialists and managers;

Development and career, including a continuous training system and a talent pool program;

Motivation, including reward for personal contribution to team performance at

Today the holding employs over 46 thousand people working in Russia and the CIS countries. The company views its employees as partners in a common cause, a team of like-minded people focused on the implementation of a common task.

Educational and professional development programs

Highly professional and talented employees are a key success factor in achieving the strategic objectives of OJSC Gazprom Neft". Therefore, JSC " Gazprom Neft»Considers it necessary to ensure continuous professional development of employees that meets the requirements of the business and corporate culture of the company, and appreciates the desire of employees to master new knowledge, skills and technologies.

JSC " Gazprom Neft»Sees as its goal the creation of a system of continuous training, covering all categories of production and office personnel, as well as all levels of management - from workers and specialists to top managers.

Training programs are formed depending on the goals and audience, using different methods, forms and teaching aids.

Training programs of JSC " Gazprom Neft»:

Mandatory professional development programs regulated by law;

Technical training - training programs for skilled workers;

Additional professional development programs aimed at developing professional competencies;

Development programs for the Unified Management Reserve;

Programs aimed at the development of young professionals;

Experience exchange programs: mentoring, conferences.

Acquisition of Zarubezhneftegazstroy

On June 7, 2006 JSC Gazprom Neft acquired 100% of LLC Zarubezhneftegazstroy. On the basis of Zarubezhneftegazstroy, a single construction customer service has been created, which will allow the company to concentrate all the construction customer's functions in the competence of one legal entity. Branches of Zarubezhneftegazstroy LLC are located in Noyabrsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Omsk and Tomsk.

Sales network in Kyrgyzstan

In the summer of 2006, Gazprom Neft bought a large sales network in Kyrgyzstan from the Alliance Oil Company. The acquired network included more than 100 filling stations and occupied about 30% of the oil product market in Kyrgyzstan. The deal was valued at $ 99 million.

Development of Gazprom's fields

In the summer of 2006, Gazprom Neft and Gazprom signed a memorandum of understanding regarding 15 fields of Gazprom, which are located in the north of Yamal, in Orenburg and the Tomsk region. According to the protocol, the development of these fields will be carried out by Noyabrskneftegaz.

The development of the fields will be carried out under operator contracts.

Northern Taiga Neftegas

In November 2006, OJSC Gazprom Neft and Chevron Neftegaz established a joint venture LLC Severnaya Taiga Neftegaz. The enterprise was created for the implementation of joint projects in the field of oil production.

In September 2007, OJSC Gazprom Neft increased its stake in LLC Severnaya Taiga Neftegaz to 75%.

The first project of the joint venture was the development of the Aikhetinsky and Pyakutinsky blocks in the Yamalo-Nenets district. In June 2008, Severnaya Taiga Neftegaz announced that the oil fields discovered within the license areas were of no commercial interest. Despite the setback, Gazprom Neft and Chevron have no plans to liquidate the joint venture. Gazprom Neft announced its intention to offer its American partners the joint sale of other blocks in Western Siberia.

Change of the president of the company

On November 15, 2006, Alexander Ryazanov was dismissed, who served as President of OJSC Gazprom Neft and Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC Gazprom.

Alexander Dyukov, President of SIBUR, has been appointed the new president of Gazprom Neft.


OJSC AK Transneft, OJSC NK Rosneft and OJSC Gazprom Neft have established a company to implement a project for the construction of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline. LLC Pipeline Consortium Burgas-Alexandroupolis was registered on January 18, 2007. Transneft's share in the consortium is 33.34%. Two other participants - Rosneft and Gazprom Neft - each own 33.33%.

The main functions of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis consortium are to exercise the powers of the sole shareholder from the Russian Federation in the International Project Company. Russian companies own 51% of the shares in the International Project Company, the remaining 49% are shared by Bulgaria and Greece. The Greek share in the project company is distributed between the consortium of companies Hellenic Petroleum and Thraki (23.5%) and the Government of Greece (1%), the share of 24.5% in the total project is owned by the Bulgarian company "Burgas-Alexandroupolis BG", whose members are Technoexportstroy and the Bulgargaz JSC gas corporation.

The project provides for the construction of a 280 km oil pipeline connecting the sea terminals in Burgas and Aleksandropulis. The capacity of the system will be 35-50 million tons per year. The possibility of sequential pumping of oil of different grades is provided.

The Burgas-Alexandroupolis route will make it possible to transport oil from Russia, bypassing the Bosphorus Strait. In the newly created MPK, the Russian LLC Burgas-Alexandroupolis Pipeline Consortium will own 51%; the Greek share in the project company in the amount of 24.5% will be distributed between the consortium of companies Hellenic Petroleum and Thraki (23.5%) and the government of the republic (1% ); a 24.5% share in the total project will be owned by the Bulgarian company Burgas-Alexandroupolis BG, whose members are Technoexportstroy and the gas corporation Bulgargaz JSC.

Yuzhno-Priobskiy GPP

In August 2007, OJSC Gazprom Neft and OJSC SIBUR Holding established a joint venture LLC Yuzhno-Priobskiy GPP to process associated petroleum gas produced at the Yuzhno-Priobskoye field.

The founders of the joint venture were subsidiaries of the companies: OOO Gazpromneft-Khantos and OAO SiburTyumenGaz. The share of each of the partners is 50% of the authorized capital of Yuzhno-Priobskiy GPP.

Sales enterprises in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan

In June 2007, Gazprom Neft-Asia LLC established sales enterprises Gazprom Neft-Kazakhstan LLC and Gazprom Neft-Tajikistan LLC. Gazprom Neft-Asia LLC owns 100% of the authorized capital of the established enterprises.

OOO Gazprom Neft-Kazakhstan and Gazprom Neft-Tajikistan have signed agreements with local oil depots, through which oil products from the Omsk Refinery are sold. In the future, it is planned to create a network of filling stations on the basis of new enterprises.

The choice of regions for the deployment of the trading network is due to the territorial proximity of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan to the main oil refinery of Gazprom Neft - the Omsk Oil Refinery.

Expansion of the resource base

In September 2007, OOO Kholmogorneftegaz acquired two licenses for the right to use subsoil for the purpose of geological exploration, exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Irkutsk region. For the Vakunaysky block, Kholmogorneftegaz offered 1.53 billion rubles at a starting price of 665 million rubles, for the Ignyalinsky block - 1.65 billion rubles with a starting price of 330 million rubles.

Both sections are located 80 km from the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline under construction.

In September 2007, JSC Gazprom Neft discovered a new field in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District within the Vorgensky license area. Geological reserves of the new field, according to preliminary estimates, exceed 90 million tons of oil.

In April-June 2007, prospecting well No. 772 with a depth of 3101 m was drilled at the Vorgenskoye uplift. During testing in the production casing, a gushing oil flow was obtained with a flow rate of 160 cubic meters. m per day.

In March 2008, Gazpromneft-Khantos won an auction for the right to explore and produce oil in the Khanty-Mansiysk part of the Zimnoye field. Since 2005, Gazpromneft-Khantos has held a license for the Tyumen part of the Zimnoye field. Now the company has become the owner of the right to develop the entire field.

The expected total recoverable reserves of the Zimnoye field are estimated at 30 million tons, taking into account the resources to be explored.

Sale of the Yaroslavl Refinery named after Mendeleev

On July 16, 2007, an auction was held to sell a controlling stake in the Yaroslavl Refinery named after Mendeleev and the Rusoil-Moscow enterprise, which produces plastic containers and prepares oils. Both enterprises belonged to Slavneft. Lot uniting 51.86% of the Yaroslavl Refinery named after Mendeleev and 100% Rusoil-Moscow, was estimated at 334.2 million rubles.

The winner of the auction was the Atlantpromservice company, registered in the Kaliningrad region. Atlantpromservice signed an agreement with Slavneft on the purchase of the Yaroslavl oil refinery, but subsequently proposed to revise the payment schedule already fixed in the agreement. Due to the unwillingness of Atlantpromservice to pay off on time for their acquisition, Gazprom Neft and TNK-BP decided to return the Yaroslavl Refinery and ZAO Rusoil-Moscow to the balance of Slavneft. Yaroslavl Refinery named after Mendeleev was founded in 1879. This is one of the oldest oil refineries in Russia. The plant's capacities allow processing crude oil (300 thousand tons per year) and base group oils (108 thousand tons). The plant produces various oils, lubricants, additives, fuel oil and diesel fuel.

Gazpromneft Marine BunkeR

In October 2007, Gazprom Neft established the Gazpromneft Marine Bunker sales company. The main task that the enterprise sets itself by 2020 is to create its own port infrastructure (bunker terminals and tankers) and occupy 30% of the Russian bunker market.


In November 2007, Gazprom Neft established a new division, Gazpromneft-Yamal. The main activity of Gazpromneft-Yamal will be the development of oil fields, licenses for which belong to Gazprom and its subsidiaries.

First of all, the enterprise began to work at the Tazovskoye and Novoportovskoye fields, licenses for which belong to Yamburggazdobycha LLC and Nadymgazprom LLC. In December 2007, OAO Gazprom Neft registered an enterprise OOO Gazpromneft-Angara, created on the basis of OOO Kholmogorneftegaz, to organize oil and gas production at licensed areas in Eastern Siberia.


The enterprise received licenses for the development of the Sredne-Teimurinsky, Bolshe-Dubcheskoye and Severo-Ketsky areas in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Khotogo-Murbaysky and Tympuchikansky areas in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), as well as Vakunaysky and Ignyalinsky in the Irkutsk region.


In November 2007 JSC Gazprom Neft established a new enterprise - LLC Gazpromneft-Lubricants. The enterprise has been tasked with developing the oil business of OJSC Gazprom Neft and reaching a leading position in the Russian market.

Tomskneft OJSC NK Rosneft 50% of OJSC Tomskneft for 90.5 billion rubles ($ 3.66 billion). The Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia approved the deal on December 26, 2007.

In December 2007, Gazprom Neft bought from


In January 2008, Gazprom Neft, on the basis of CJSC Sibneftavia, established CJSC Gazpromneft-Aero to carry out direct fuel supplies to airports.

Gazpromneft-Aero has acquired a fuel filling complex in Murmansk and 50% of Severo-Zapad Fuel filling company LLC (Pulkovo). The refueling complexes of the enterprise operate at the Tolmachevo airport (Novosibirsk), the company has begun construction of new complexes in Tomsk and Bryansk. In September 2008, Gazpromneft-Aero signed an agreement with Sheremetyevo Airport on the construction of a new refueling complex that will sell 400-600 thousand tons of aviation fuel a year. , designed for the simultaneous reception of 20 tanks, fuel loading points with a total capacity of 3 thousand cubic meters per day, 8 tankers and a laboratory.

Yaroslavnefteproduct section

In January 2008, Gazprom Neft and TNK-BP divided the assets of Slavneft-Yaroslavnefteprodukt. At an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of the sales company, it was decided to reorganize the company by separating OAO Gazpromneft-Yaroslavl and OAO TNK-Yaroslavl. The shares of the created companies are distributed among the shareholders of OAO Slavneft-Yaroslavnefteprodukt in proportion to their shares.

TNK-BP received half of Yaroslavnefteprodukt's assets in the Yaroslavl Region (37 filling stations and 3 oil depots), as well as all facilities in the Kostroma Region (49 filling stations and 9 oil depots). Gazprom Neft got half of the Yaroslavl assets (39 filling stations, 1 filling stations and 3 oil depots) and all facilities in the Ivanovo region (60 filling stations, 4 oil depots and one oil storage). By agreement of the parties, when determining the shares, the main criterion was not the number of gas stations, but quality characteristics - location, range of services, sales volume.

ETP "Gazprom Neft"

In April 2008, Gazprom Neft put into trial operation an electronic trading platform for the sale of petroleum products. Since autumn 2008, the company has started holding regular auctions on the ETP.

Moscow refinery

In May 2008, Gazprom Neft and Moscow Oil and Gas Company established a joint venture Moscow NPZ Holdings with equal shares. The enterprise will manage the Moscow Refinery. The parties contributed 90.02% of the voting shares of the Moscow Refinery to the authorized capital of Moscow NPZ Holdings. OAO Tatneft, the third major shareholder of the plant, did not take part in the joint venture.

Sources of

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Borisov EF Economic theory: Textbook. M .: Jurist, 2002.250 p.

Borodina E.I. Finances of enterprises: - Moscow, publishing house UNITI, 2004 209 p.

Vinokurov V.A. Organization of strategic management at the enterprise. Moscow: Center for Economics and Marketing, 2006.160 p.

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Greshilov A.A., Stakun A.A. Mathematical methods for making forecasts. M .: Radio and communication, 2003.324 p.

Deryabin A.A. The system of pricing and finance, ways to improve them. M .: Research Institute for Pricing, 2000.-231 p.

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Work in the company "Gazprom Neft" -
means to strive for more:

· Create and be proud of the created

· Create history for future generations

· Solve interesting tasks

Create and apply new approaches

Get opportunities for self-realization


About company

Gazprom Neft is a vertically integrated oil company, the main activities of which are the exploration and development of oil and gas fields, the sale of extracted raw materials, as well as the production and sale of petroleum products.

The structure of Gazprom Neft includes more than 70 oil producing, oil refining and marketing enterprises in Russia, CIS and non-CIS countries, which employ more than 56 thousand people. The company refines about 80% of the oil produced, demonstrating one of the best production and refining ratios in russia. In terms of oil refining, Gazprom Neft is one of the three largest companies in Russia, and it ranks fourth in terms of production.

Gazprom Neft operates in the largest oil and gas regions of Russia: Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts, Tomsk, Omsk and Orenburg Regions. The main processing facilities of the company are located in the Omsk, Moscow and Yaroslavl regions, as well as in Serbia. In addition, Gazprom Neft implements production projects outside of Russia - in Iraq, Venezuela and other countries.

Gazprom Neft's products are exported to more than 50 countries around the world and are sold throughout the Russian Federation and abroad through an extensive network of its own sales enterprises. Currently, the company's filling station network includes almost 1,750 stations in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe.

The main shareholder of Gazprom Neft is OJSC Gazprom (95.68%). The rest of the shares are in free float.



An adaptation program for young Gazprom Neft specialists includes mentoring and training to develop corporate and professional competencies. The program is aimed at unlocking the potential and determining the optimal career path for young specialists in the company.

In shaping the educational standards of the industry, Gazprom Neft is partnering with the country's leading universities, providing them with sponsorship for the development of the scientific and material and technical base, and vocational guidance for students.

The enterprises of Gazprom Neft operate a program of personalized scholarships for students.

Every year, the company and its subsidiaries organize student internships, the successful completion of which allows not only to form the first professional skills, but also to receive an invitation to work.


a responsibility

Gazprom Neft is convinced that efficient and sustainable business development is inextricably linked with national economic competitiveness, social well-being, and the preservation of natural resources.

The company is an active social investor in the regions of its presence.

Gazprom Neft is a major taxpayer and employer. The company invests in the modernization of production facilities and professional development of employees, acts as a customer for products from local manufacturers.

Gazprom Neft has adopted the Native Towns social investment program aimed at developing the urban environment and social infrastructure in the regions where it operates. Employees of Gazprom Neft and its subsidiaries take an active part in volunteer programs in the regions where the company operates.


the culture

The corporate culture of Gazprom Neft is based on the principles
shared by all our employees.

  • Honesty

We are open and honest towards each other, the company, our partners, competitors and society. Our words do not differ from our deeds.

  • Leadership

We take initiative and strive to be the best in everything we do. We set ourselves ambitious goals and are personally responsible for the result.

  • Responsible owner mentality

We take good care of the assets and resources of the company, we care about their safety and growth.

  • Mutual respect
    and trust

We respect ourselves and others, solve complex problems together, trusting each other's professionalism, and help our colleagues to be successful.

  • Winner mentality

We are positive and believe in success, are not afraid of difficulties and develop competencies to effectively solve large-scale problems.

PJSC Gazprom Neft (location: 190000, St. Petersburg, Galernaya st., 5, letter A), which is the copyright holder of the Work, (hereinafter - the Licensor)

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