Are children's toys returnable to the store? All the same, what products for children can be returned or exchanged !? Is it possible to exchange baby products

Purchases of goods for families and children often turn into problems in connection with the need to return. And the reason for this is not always low quality.

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Many retail outlets have a negative reputation in this regard. And what about the Children's World? Let's take a closer look.

Store feature

Detsky Mir is a specialized store aimed at meeting the needs of underage consumers, their parents and employees of medical and educational institutions.

The goods presented in this trade network satisfy the needs of children of all ages and are conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • products for school and creativity;
  • toys, games;
  • products for the little ones;
  • active rest, sports;
  • clothing, accessories, footwear.

The store presents products of leading brands with international certificates of conformity.

The products are recognized as absolutely safe for children, therefore they can be widely used for a variety of needs.

The store fully complies with the compliance of the products received with the requirements for quality, shelf life (for food and cosmetic products), and safety.

However, it is not responsible for:

  • actions of third parties;
  • damage to goods under the influence of factors that the store employees could not influence (natural disasters, catastrophes, etc.).

The store currently sells products through a retail network, also through an online store. modern customers have the opportunity to order goods with door-to-door delivery, regardless of where they live.

All activities of the store, regardless of whether we are talking about stationary retail outlets, or an Internet resource, are regulated by current legislation and comply with the standards established by the Consumer Protection Service. All operations of Detsky Mir are recorded by cash or sales receipts, which ensure the client's right to return the product or exchange it for another.

Purchase returns

Even a high-quality product does not always satisfy the customer's requirements, let alone a toy, clothing or other thing that does not have the characteristics stated in the information booklets. If such falls into the hands of the customer, he is not at all obliged to pay for it.

A client of the Detsky Mir chain of stores has the right to refuse a purchase transaction at any stage of its preparation and execution.

It doesn't matter whether he made the decision to return the unit already received, or terminate the deal before the goods were handed over to him. He is obliged to be guided in his actions by legislative norms, in particular,. At the same time, it is taken into account that the refusal of the goods before its arrival to the client and the return of products of inadequate quality to the store are different events that have their own nuances. The consumer needs to study them well in order to be able to defend their rights.

If ordered but not delivered

The buyer has the right to refuse the goods even before they are delivered to him by the courier.

The reasons for this may be:

  • inadequate level of fulfillment of obligations by a store or delivery service, failure to meet deadlines without warning the buyer;
  • the client has information about the non-conformity of the products to the declared characteristics;
  • other circumstances not related to this transaction.

You can refuse goods that have not yet arrived at any time. In order to do this, the buyer must contact the store service himself, declare the refusal and submit a paper for a refund.

You can make an application on this issue on the website, however, for the earliest cancellation of the order and a prompt refund, it is recommended to contact a representative of the company by phone.

This must be done in advance, without waiting for the order to be delivered to the post office or by courier at the door. In case of refusal from the goods, the store is not obliged to return the money spent on its delivery to the client. In this case, the period of notification of refusal before the date of the appointed delivery is not taken into account.

Received goods

The client has the right to return the goods to the seller within 14 days from the date of purchase, although representatives of the Children's World recommend meeting the first 7. But in order for this operation to be possible, the buyer must have a cashier's receipt or receipt of payment in his hands. tags and tags of the purchased item, and the product itself should not lose its presentation.

The client has the right to return the purchased item to the seller without explaining his decision, except when the goods purchased by him cannot be returned by law.

This category includes hosiery, underwear, baby food and other personal goods. A complete list of such products can be found in the clauses of the consumer rights law.

Upon receipt of the goods, the client has the opportunity to inspect it and check the quality. This chance must be seized. A person has the right to refuse to buy on the spot if he immediately identifies defects. Then he simply does not sign the acceptance certificate and declares his desire to exchange the thing or return money for it.

In the absence of an act of acceptance of goods signed by the client, this procedure is greatly simplified, moreover, the buyer does not need to spend time and effort on travel to the retail outlet to return unnecessary toys and things.

If the client signed the act, he may forget about the possibility of returning the thing, since more often than this, the store does not satisfy the applications for the return and exchange of products, accompanied by such acts of acceptance.

Doubts about quality

Upon receipt of the goods, the client may doubt its compliance with the characteristics indicated on the site and return it to the sender on the basis that the specified thing:

  • it does not suit its characteristics (the color or design of the product is changed, but not the composition or functionality);
  • does not correspond to the declared basic characteristics, has visible damage.

Most often, the buyer returns the product, doubting its quality. For further consideration of this issue, it is worth finding out what exactly is meant by the term "low-quality goods" by the main regulatory document - the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.

It is customary to call a product of poor quality, which, due to damage or manufacturing problems, cannot perform the declared functions. So if a talking toy was bought for a child, but during the inspection of the latter it turned out that it could not talk (some parts of the mechanism are missing, or they are simply broken), such a product is considered to be of poor quality. The low quality of the product cannot be attributed to changes in its design or the implementation of the thing in a different color, since this does not affect its functionality.

In the event that the client doubts the quality of the product, or has information about its unsuitability (and he was not notified of this by the seller before placing the order), he may demand replacement of the product, or a refund for it.

In this procedure, he can refer to Art. 18 of the Law on Consumer Protection, ascribing the course of action and obligations of the parties in such cases. However, in the event that the product was purchased at a discount and the seller warned the buyer in advance about the loss of his qualities, the person cannot return such a purchase.

Set of documents

In order to arrange the return of the goods to the Children's World and get the money back, the client must provide the responsible person with the following papers:

  1. passport;
  2. cashier's check;
  3. consignment note (when paying by bank transfer).

You will also need to write a written statement about the return of the goods and the requirements to replace it with the same, but of proper quality. The absence of one of the documents in this list can serve as a weighty argument in order to refuse the client to satisfy the request.

In the event that the goods were delivered by courier service, the store may also attach a product acceptance certificate signed by the buyer to the case. As a rule, such an act makes it possible to remove the issue of a refund for a product or its replacement with an analogue, since the buyer himself inspected the item and agreed that it corresponds to the descriptions of the site and the quality is satisfactory.

After submitting the documents, an act on the return of the goods is drawn up, in which the full name of the organization that provided the given product, customer data, information on the product, the time frame for the transaction is written, and also indicate the need to return money or deliver a new product, but already of proper quality within the agreed period ...

Financial question

How do I get my money back?

Refunds are the main requirement of the buyer when he received a substandard product. And according to the law, it must be satisfied by the store in a short time. When drawing up claims for the return of his funds, the buyer should use the data of Art. 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

It is also necessary to pay attention to the next moment - the seller is obliged to return the client the full amount for the goods without costs.

In the case of an official refund, the amount of 10-15% there is no charge for placing the order itself. Likewise with the return of money for goods that were never delivered to the recipient.

The Detsky Mir store does not require a deposit for products, which is not returned to the client. The only type of funds that should not be paid by the party are shipping costs, since there is no violation of this contract by the transport company.

As for the timing, the law provides for a mandatory refund for the goods received within 10 days. If there are delays and delays, the buyer has the right to contact the consumer protection service and ask them for help in this matter.

Who will pay for the shipping, return?

In cases where the goods were ordered through the online store and their delivery was paid for by the buyer, the store does not compensate the money for it. The fact is that according to the same law, he has the right to demand only the funds spent on the goods themselves, but not on its transportation.

As for the transfer of the goods to the seller, it also falls on the shoulders of the buyer. He needs to deliver the item to any of the Detsky Mir (retail) stores and transfer the goods to the manager there. In this case, the travel of a person from home to the store is also paid by him independently.

Since the exchange of goods ordered through the Internet resource of the Detsky Mir store provides for the re-shipment of products, the buyer pays only for one-time delivery.

The transfer of property by the company back to the warehouses from the retail point is ensured by the employees of the company and is no longer included in the client's obligations. As for the payment for the delivery of a new product, it is also carried out by the store itself, if it admits guilt in the low level of service provision.

When returning the goods by mail, the costs are also borne by the client.

What do customers say about Children's World?

Detsky Mir is one of the most demanded specialized stores, so customers are very willing to share their impressions of visiting it. After reviewing this information, you can find out which products are worthy of more attention, what discounts are currently available, what new promotions the store has launched, and most importantly - how things are with the service in various outlets and online orders.

The Detsky Mir itself does not provide an opportunity to exchange impressions for unregistered users on the resource, so you have to rely on other sources.

As for the issues of exchange and return, here customers agree that if the receipt and tags on the product are intact, they change it quickly enough and without any problems. As a rule, it is possible to settle all the issues at the first visit to the outlet.

When buying children's toys, a situation often arises that the child does not like the new acquisition, or two identical toys were bought and presented for the holiday, and the second is simply not needed. Or, for other reasons, it becomes necessary to return the toy to the seller. At the same time, not all stores agree to accept the goods back or exchange a toy for another with an additional payment or partial refund.

Accordingly, the buyer has a lot of questions: Are children's toys subject to return? Is it possible to dispute the actions of the seller who refuses to accept the goods? How to correctly issue a return, and what kind of documents are needed for this?

Moreover, these questions turn out to be relevant when an expensive toy is purchased, for example, a car or a helicopter on radio control, a children's motorcycle, a talking doll, etc. After all, now children's toys are sometimes quite expensive pleasure. We will try to answer all of the above questions in our article, having considered in more detail the procedure for returning children's toys.

Under what circumstances can a toy be returned to the store?

First of all, you can demand a refund if a defective children's toy was sold to you. Wherein the buyer, at his discretion, can take the following actions:

  • demand to replace the toy with a new, high-quality one;
  • demand from the seller a decrease in value commensurate with the defect and a partial refund of money;
  • demand the immediate elimination of existing deficiencies;
  • claim reimbursement of expenses for repair or replacement of defective parts;
  • completely abandon the purchase and demand the return of the entire amount paid for the purchase.

Among other things, you can return the toy to the store, and even if it is of absolutely high quality, if compliance with the following prerequisites:

  • no more than 14 days have passed since the date of purchase;
  • there is a document confirming that you really bought this product (cash register or sales receipt);
  • the toy was not used, the integrity and tightness of the package was preserved.

As for children's toys, then only two items are included in the list of goods that cannot be exchanged and returned, namely:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • inflatable rubber kids toys.

And then, if they are in perfect order and are simply not needed or did not like the child, then they cannot be returned. If such toys are faulty, turned out to be of inadequate quality or have some defects, then you can safely demand their exchange or a full refund.

What should you pay attention to directly when buying children's toys?

In order to avoid buying a low-quality product, when buying children's toys, you must definitely pay attention to the presence of the necessary information about the toy on the package or in another document. In accordance with the requirements of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" such information must necessarily include:

  • Name;
  • country of origin;
  • the address of the manufacturer or importer, as well as their contact details;
  • quality trademark;
  • marking;
  • the age for which this toy is intended;
  • the material from which it is made;
  • information about caring for it (can it be washed, at what temperature, etc.);
  • safety measures during operation;
  • if necessary, assembly instructions;
  • date of manufacture;
  • shelf life;
  • necessary storage conditions.

In addition, when buying from the seller, you can require a quality certificate, if it is absent or incorrectly issued, you can return the toy to the store, referring to the doubts about the quality of the goods. Also, what you should pay attention to is that the seller has a demo sample of this or that toy. Having tested and examined the goods, you can demand for yourself a new, fully packed copy.

It should be remembered that a toy can only be returned to the store if certain formalities are followed. In order to freely issue a refund, you must have a sales receipt confirming the purchase.

If you applied for a return on the same day on which the purchase was made, then you can issue a return through the same cashier where the payment took place. To do this, you will be asked to write a statement addressed to the store administration indicating the reasons for the return, which is written in free form.

If you apply for a refund the next day or later, then the refund is made from the general (main) cash desk of the store, while in order to receive the money you will need an identity document, preferably a passport.

If the purchase was paid for with a plastic bank card, then the only difference in this case will be that the refund is not made in cash, but by bank transfer back to the buyer's card. At the same time, by contacting the store on the day of purchase, you can simply cancel the operation at the terminal through which the purchase was made. If you want to return the goods on the market, then prepare a sales receipt, which the seller is obliged to issue if his activity does not provide for the use of a cash register.

If the payment document was lost, then the proof of purchase can be the toy itself, the packaging from it, as well as the cash register, on which all information about cash transactions is duplicated and which must be stored in the store.

If you are unable to return the goods yourself, you can write a letter to the consumer protection society, request an examination of the goods, or use the services of a lawyer. Of course, if the toy was not too expensive, then it will not be cost-effective. But if you have purchased an expensive model, then the services of a competent specialist will come in handy.

Competent lawyers will help you at all stages of processing a return, from free consultation, to legal support at the stage of processing letters and complaints, and, if necessary, when contacting the judicial authorities. Moreover, in the event of your victory in court, all legal costs, incl. and the fees paid will be claimed from the defendant.

The rules for the return of goods are regulated. According to him, it is possible to return children's products, but in compliance with certain rules and regulations. In this article, we will answer the following questions:

In what cases is it possible to return children's goods to the store, and in what cases not? What conditions must be met in this case? What document should be provided?

What does the Law say?

According to , the buyer can return the product in the following cases:

  • If it, being of proper quality, did not fit one of the following characteristics: shape, style, color, size, dimensions or equipment;
  • If the product turns out to be defective, what kind of defect or significant defect has emerged that prevents the product from being used properly;

In case the buyer wants the following conditions must be met:

  • No more than fourteen days have passed since the purchase (the countdown starts from the day following the purchase;
  • The product has no signs of exploitation: scratches, holes, stains, etc .;
  • The goods must keep their presentation: labels, stickers, labels, etc.
  • The buyer must keep the receipt;


You can return the goods without a receipt by bringing a witness to the store who was with the buyer when buying the goods and therefore can confirm the purchase.

  • The buyer must draw up a statement in duplicate;

The buyer can draw up a statement either independently, by downloading a sample on the Internet, or when contacting a store.

If the product is of good quality

If you want to return a good quality product purchased at the Detsky Mir store, you must take the following steps:

  • Make sure that it meets the necessary conditions for the return: presentation, no traces of use, the period for return (14 days), receipt or witness;
  • Contact the Detsky Mir store and name one of the following reasons for returning: unsuitable shape, color, style, size, dimensions and equipment;
  • Fill out a claim to return an item. If you have not filled it out in advance yourself, the seller will provide the form for filling;

NS After filling out the application for the return of goods of good quality, the buyer can count on:

  • Exchange of goods for the same but with a suitable characteristic;

For example, at first you bought a blue teddy bear, but the child did not like it and you want to exchange it for a pink one. If the child has not yet had time to play with the toy and has not ripped off all the tags, the seller will not refuse to return.

  • Exchange of goods for another, with a surcharge;
  • Refund of 100% of the cost of baby goods in exchange for his return to Detsky Mir;


If you try to return a good quality children's product after the fourteen days period, the seller has the right to refuse you a return.

If the product is of inadequate quality

If the purchased children's product turned out to be of inadequate quality, you can return it:

  • Within the warranty period established for a specific children's product;
  • Within the statutory period, unless otherwise indicated by the seller;


According to the Law, the buyer can return the product of inadequate quality within two years, unless a different period is established by the guarantee, which is indicated by a particular store.

When returning the goods, the buyer must be in possession of:
  • Children's goods;
  • Passport;
  • Completed return claim;

When contacting a store, you must take the following procedure:

  • Contact the store, providing the product and a receipt for it;
  • State the reason for the return, demonstrate it;
  • Fill out a claim for the return of goods;

After filling out a claim for the return of children's goods to the Detsky Mir store, the seller can offer:

  • Exchange defective goods for a high-quality analogue;
  • Exchange the defective product for another product (with recalculation of the purchase price);
  • Repair the product within the current warranty period (if any is installed on the product);
  • Reduce the cost of the goods due to the detected defect in order for the buyer to install it himself;
  • Return the full value of the product in exchange for its return;

A warning

If the seller wants to send him for examination, the process of returning the money for the goods can take up to thirty days.

Which baby products cannot be returned?

According to the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", namely the year, The following categories of goods cannot be returned to the Detsky Mir store:

  • Baby diapers;
  • Undershirts;
  • Diapers;
  • Hats;
  • Socks;
  • Tights;
  • T-shirts;
  • Children's toys (soft and rubber);

However, it should be borne in mind that all listed goods are subject to return if they have a manufacturing defect.

Samples of documents

Warranty and return of goods purchased in the "Children" online store

Thank you for choosing our store!
The goods sold in the "Children" store meet all the requirements and have all the necessary documents and certificates.

We kindly ask you to check the package contents and appearance of the goods at the time of delivery! Product colors may differ slightly from those shown on the website due to differences in monitor settings. The difference in design or decoration elements from those stated in the description on the site is not a malfunction of the product.

Our couriers are not authorized to give any advice on technical or commercial topics, nor to carry out any instructions of the client outside the scope of the delivery and lifting services established by the sales contract.

If during the warranty period you find defects in the product (manufacturing defects, hidden defects, etc.), you can contact us or the manufacturer (authorized representative, importer).

Return of goods of proper quality

You have the right to refuse the goods at any time before its transfer, and after the transfer of the goods - within seven days.

Attention! Return of goods of good quality is possible if the goods were not in use, if their presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified goods have been preserved. The consumer's lack of a document confirming the fact and conditions of the purchase of the goods does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to other evidence of the purchase of goods in our store.

Attention! The consumer does not have the right to refuse a product of proper quality, having individually defined properties, if the specified product can be used exclusively by the consumer purchasing it, is of high quality and corresponds to the application.

If the consumer refuses goods of proper quality, the "Detki" store undertakes to return to him the amount of money paid by the consumer under the contract, with the exception of the costs of our store for the delivery of the goods, no later than ten days from the date the consumer submits the corresponding request. The Buyer is obliged to pay the Seller's expenses for the delivery of the returned goods (Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" clause 4., Art. 26.1 on "Remote way of selling goods") in the amount of 300 rubles.
Return of goods of inadequate quality

Claims for product defects are accepted during the warranty period.

If the goods are returned of inadequate quality, the buyer is refunded the cost of the goods, shipping and return shipping. In case of a partial return of the order, the buyer is refunded the shipping cost only for the returned product.

For more information, as well as to consider claims to the quality of goods on an individual basis, we ask you to send a written request to the Support Service of the online store "Kids": [email protected] site. To speed up the consideration of your appeal in the application, indicate your full name, contact information, order number and date, product name, essence of the claim.

Baby food and formula are food items (and often for medical purposes) that cannot be exchanged or returned under standard circumstances. This raises questions: in which cases the buyer has the right to return the infant formula back to the store, and in which not? what conditions must be met in this case? What is the time frame for the return?
What does the Law say?
The return and exchange of food and non-food products is regulated by the norms of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". So, for example, when returning a defective or defective product (of inadequate quality), the buyer must refer to Articles 18-24 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. And when returning goods of proper quality, it is customary to refer to Article 25 of the Law. In accordance with Article 25 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", a buyer can return a non-food product that he does not like back to the store within the first fourteen days from the date of purchase if it does not suit him in shape, style, size, color, dimensions or configuration. With regard to the return of food products, it is possible only in case of detection of inadequate quality. For example, the purchased cottage cheese turned out to be expired, tasted bitter or sour in smell. The same rule applies to the return of baby food.
If the mix is ​​of proper quality
Infant formula is a food product related to food for medical purposes, which cannot be exchanged or returned, being of proper quality. Therefore, you should not refer to article 25, according to which the buyer can return a product of good quality that he does not like, if no more than 14 days have passed since the moment of purchase, he has a receipt, presentation and no traces of exploitation.
It is possible to return a disliked infant formula back to the store only in one case: if the buyer changed his mind to buy it at the moment when the cashier pounded it at the checkout, but had not yet had time to print and issue a receipt to the buyer.
However, as you know, any law has its own loopholes. The Consumer Protection Law is no exception. For example, a customer may attempt to return quality infant formula back to the store from which it was purchased if:
Proves that the seller misinformed him about certain properties of the product;
Proves that the seller kept silent about some of his shortcomings;
Proves that the seller made a mistake in the sale of the goods regarding its name, brand or volume;
Proves that the seller committed fraudulent actions during the sale of the goods (overstated the cost of the goods, re-glued the expiration dates, etc.).
If one of the above circumstances is revealed, the buyer has the right to return the children's product back to the store. To do this, he will need:
The baby food he wants to return. At the same time, the packaging must preserve its integrity (presentation);
A check confirming the date and place of a specific purchase.
If the mixture is of inadequate quality
The situation is completely different with the return of inadequate quality baby food. Thus, referring to Article 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the buyer can return baby food back to the store if it turns out to be defective (the integrity of the packaging is broken) or expired (unpleasant smell, atypical color and structure). In addition, an indicator of the poor quality of baby food can be:
Expired shelf life;
Missing markings on baby food packaging. It includes: expiration date, date of manufacture, as well as information about the manufacturer of the goods;
Inappropriate information about baby food to what was in the package itself.
Atypical smell, color, taste, composition, etc., which causes fear and suspicion among the parents of the child.
Attention The seller does not have the right to refuse to exchange or return low-quality baby food due to a violation of the integrity of its packaging or the lack of a receipt from the buyer. Such actions are considered illegal and require permission in the pre-trial (accompanied by the filing of a claim) or judicial (accompanied by the filing of a claim) procedure. Returning low-quality baby food, the buyer will need:
Baby food;
A check or other document confirming the purchase;
Compiled claim (in duplicate); You can make a claim yourself by downloading a sample or a standard form for filling out on the Internet, or fill out the issued blank form in the store itself.
The term for consideration of the claim is three days. If the store insists on an additional examination, the consideration of the claim may take up to 30 days (the maximum period).
If the seller refuses to issue a return
If, after the expiration of the period for considering the claim, no response from the store has been received or a refusal to satisfy the requirements specified in it has followed, the buyer can:
Leave a complaint in the “Book of Complaints and Suggestions”, which the store employees are obliged to provide at the first request of the buyer;
Submit a complaint to the territorial division of Rospotrebnadzor;
Send the application to the prosecutor's office;
Draw up a statement of claim and submit it to the court at the buyer's place of residence or the legal address of the store to which you want to return low-quality baby food.