Draw and play with mom. Game workshops of Natalia Leykina: training program. If you care

Hello, dear friends, readers of "Native Path!".

I am pleased to introduce to you the author with whom we have been cooperating for the second year - Natalia Leykina. Natalia is a child psychologist, author of the site "Draw and play with mom". Natalia is a member of the team of authors of our Creative Free Internet Workshop of educational games "Through the game - to success!". Already a lot of readers of "Native Path" have passed her trainings and have written the best reviews about them.

About the author:

My name is Natalya Leykina, I am a child and family psychologist, mother of 3 sons and for 6 years now I have been a playing mother!

Once upon a time, it was difficult and boring for me to play, but after meeting one amazing person, my life and the life of my children changed dramatically.

I learned to play by myself (believe me, as a serious person, it was not easy); started teaching other parents, leading playgroups and trainings on the game. Now I can easily play the game, continue the story, and enjoy it, and most importantly, the children play! And just 6 years ago it was hard to imagine!

In our time, the game is depreciating, increasingly replaced by learning in the game. Although many parents know that it is important for children to play, they do not know how to help them.

Why is play so important in a child's life?

Why do I tell parents about how to play with children?

According to the latest Russian studies, only 5% of children aged 5-6 have a high level of play, and 60% have a very low level.

And the game is the main activity of a preschool child and is better than any moralizing and special classes. The game:

1. Teaches the child to manage himself and his life.

2. Strengthens self-awareness and feelings of self.

3. Enriches the behavioral repertoire and helps to cope with fears, shyness, aggression.

4. Develops the ability to negotiate and defend one's opinion, argue with reason and hear the interlocutor.

5. Develops imaginative thinking, which is the basis of abstract-logical.

6. Develops inner speech and essay writing ability in school.

7. The better the child plays, the more intensively the frontal cortex develops, which is responsible for most cognitive functions: distinguishing important information from irrelevant information, understanding and organizing one's own thoughts and feelings, planning the future.

9. Arbitrariness is formed: the ability to control one's behavior and emotions, to obey the rules, to rely in one's behavior not only on “I want”, but also on “must”.

10. The ability to create is laid up to 6-7 years! By supporting children's play activities, we give the child the opportunity to live a rich and happy life in the present and future. A life in which he will not go with the flow, obeying circumstances, but will be an active participant and co-creator of his own destiny, confident and successful!

Do you think your kid will learn to play in kindergarten or in developmental classes?

According to recent studies, 62.5% of educators have a level of development of play activity below the average (and 22% - zero!). How can the educator convey the culture of play?

In modern society, the idea that children's play is a waste of time is more and more reinforced. “Business is time, and fun is an hour!” . Often this is due to the tendency of early intellectual development. Already from 3-4 years old, children are overloaded with various activities: dancing, gymnastics, sports, development. And the amount of time for their age-related play in the child is reduced. As well as dreams, fantasy and spontaneous creativity!

So, in the lives of many modern children, the focus of attention is shifting to obtaining a variety of skills, learning sign systems (letters, numbers, etc.).

Maybe older friends will teach your child to play?

Yes, if they are well-playing children. But these are still to be found!

Our yard companies, where the younger ones could watch the play of the older ones, have disappeared. In kindergarten, children cannot adopt the game, since everyone plays at about the same level, and teachers rarely play with children and, mostly, games by the rules.

A game is an activity, and a child masters any activity together with the elders: children or adults. Gaming culture is passed down from the oldest to the youngest.

And it turns out that the children's age game is now a disappearing activity. It's time to put it in the Red Book.

What to do? Learn to play with kids! Speak their language! Yes, yes, the child's language is a game!

I invite you to look at the page where I tell in detail and clearly about the stages of the game and toys for children from 1.5 to 7 years old.

FREE PAGE "CHEST OF TOYS: WHAT TOYS SHOULD A CHILD NEED AND HOW TO PLAY IN THEM" waiting for you here: http://risuemigraem.justclick.ru/aff/free/101150/igra-detyam/ (page password:2016)

How to learn to play with a child?

You can read about children's games and play. But the easiest and fastest way to learn how to play with a child is to become a member of Natalia Leykina's Play Workshops, a new stream of which starts on May 08! You just need to choose a workshop that is suitable for your age.

Natalia put all her experience and knowledge about the development of children's play into them.

If you care:

    • a clear understanding of why and how to play at every age,
    • confidence that you play and develop your child correctly,
    • support of like-minded people - the same mothers who want to play with the child easily and with pleasure,
    • child development system in the game for several years to come,
  • then it will be useful for you to participate in the "Master Games of Natalia Leykina", gaining knowledge, putting it into practice and receiving feedback from the training leader.

Each training comes with the support of the host and the author of the course - Natalia Leykina.

    Game workshop of Natalia Leykina No. 1

    "How a mother can play with a child from 1.5 to 4 years old"

    The training includes:

    • 8 video lessons with a detailed and visual description of the stages of the game,
    • feedback from the presenter (participant and participant+ packages);

    Feedback on the training

  • Tatyana: I want to thank Natalya Leykina for the amazing training “Playing at home with mom”.

    <…>During the training, it became clear that there is 7 kinds of game, each species corresponds to its age, has its own developmental tasks.

    <…>Often, having received any information, it seemed that it would be easy to put it into practice. But, sometimes the difficulties began in small things. So Natalya revealed a lot of nuances of the development of the game, gave detailed comments to personal messages, advised. It was very supportive and helped me not to go astray and not give up if something goes wrong.
    For a month of training, my son's game has grown up a lot.“, he moved literally by leaps and bounds. This was noticed even by strangers. So the result of the training is on the face!
    Natalia, thanks again!

    Alexandra:"Natalia, thank you, thank you very much for your work. I am very glad that I met you at the Workshop. During two game trainings, I learned so much information about the game that I could only dream of. It was important for me to learn all the stages: what? how "when? why? need to be done. Now everything has finally fallen into place. I am very very grateful to you, it is very pleasant, comfortable, sincere with you."

    Game workshop of Natalia Leykina No. 2

    "How can a mother play with a child from 3 to 7 years old"

  • The training includes:
    • 8 video lessons with a detailed and visual description of the stages of the game for children from 3 to 7 and older,
    • live webinars with answers to questions,
    • feedback from the presenter (participant and participant+ packages),
    • even for listeners, access to the group in contact with the opportunity to participate in discussions and read the answers of the presenter.
    • Rich supplementary material.

A project run by a child and family psychologist. About how to play, draw, turn intra-family relationships into a pleasant pastime, where you can relax and fully recover after a working day.

Here you will find psychological support, you will be able to understand how to engage in child development. A site for "playing parents" and those who want to join this fascinating world.

Draw and play with mom: child development

Natalia Leykina, the creator and leader of the project, aims to teach you how to develop a child, convey to him the basic values ​​in order to educate a spiritually developed, cheerful person.

Main tasks:

  1. Acquaintance with the theory and stages of the family game;
  2. Inspire and support you in games with your baby;
  3. Choose thematic plots for games;
  4. Teach you to better understand your child;
  5. Drawing and playing with mom, answers to questions.

Programs are aimed at children aged 2.5 to 7 years. In role-playing games, logic and thinking develop, communication and initiative are formed. You will learn how to accelerate the development of the child, prepare him for school, teach him to communicate with peers.

Large selection of webinars and trainings, story games and drawing. You will find exciting programs that will bring you back to childhood, bring you closer to your child. Visit the project and you will understand that you can make a magic castle out of a house, in which there is a place for various miracles.

You remember that all my recommendations to you I first test on myself?! So this is how I prepared my boys for the new school year: sleight of hand and no cheating. More precisely, the dexterity of the arms, legs and other parts of the body in the aggregate of simple exercises. They did not even imagine that our funny dances and fun times would help them enter the new school year prepared. And these simple exercises are called "Brain Gymnastics". ⠀ Have you heard about Brain Gymnastics? Want to try the magic of simple exercises for yourself? Brain gymnastics is just 26 exercises that a child and an adult play with enthusiasm. These simple and enjoyable movements, without requiring a huge expenditure of strength and energy, educate, teach and treat both the child and the adult. ⠀ 15 minutes a day is enough for the symptoms of dyslexia, hyperactivity, disorders of the vestibular apparatus to disappear over time. Brain gymnastics teaches you to concentrate, be attentive, easily switch attention between the big picture and details, think and write creatively at the same time, and also improve memory, develop phonemic hearing. With the inclusion of active movement, learning of numbers, letters and writing is most effective. Brain gymnastics also helps a lot with sports, music, painting and dancing of all kinds, it helps to drive a car, to learn any new skills. ⠀ Brain Gymnastics exercises can be easily mastered. Therefore, I invite you to join my Brain Gymnastics marathon on September 23rd and experience the magic of these simple exercises for yourself and your loved ones. ⠀ Participation is absolutely free! Write "I want!" and I will send a direct link to the Telegram channel! - 9 hours ago

Scroll through the carousel!! It's very atmospheric! Pictures from our trip to the castle! ⠀ The castle stood on a high mountain, the climb was long. It is not easy for a small child to overcome this. But everything changes when the baby is included in the game. ⠀ Through the game, we helped him and ourselves 😂 cope with a difficult road with pleasure, while we ourselves were charged with game energy. Gained impressions that are so important for the game. After visiting the knight's castle and playing games in it, Herman plays and plays knights. ⠀ I strongly advise you to start living playfully with children! Play not only in the children's room, but in any place where you are with your child. You will be surprised how much the game will bring to your life and how your relationship with your children will change! - 4 days ago

Work is my second home. Stay in the workspace should be as comfortable, cozy, warm as possible. I carefully chose a place for meetings with clients, listened to myself. Now I accept in a new office, within walking distance from the Paveletskaya metro station. With care for my Moscow clients who will no longer have to travel to Zelenograd. ⠀ The office is located on the embankment, where a beautiful view opens up. It reminds me of the view of the canals in St. Petersburg, which I love very much. ⠀ A specially selected interior, comfortable chairs and sofas, pillows, blankets are waiting for you. Everything is provided to make you feel safe and comfortable. The office is designed in such a way that it involves working with children, adults, families and spouses. There will be no problems with parking, on Sundays there are always places on the embankment. ⠀ I'm waiting for you every Sunday! Send me a direct message and I'll give you free dates! - 4 days ago

Dear friends! I want to please you! And myself at the same time, because it's so nice to give gifts)) ⠀ Those who follow my stories know that we are now in Austria. And how I like it here! I decided to bring you a piece of this wonderful atmosphere. ⠀ I give a gift from Austria to a subscriber who writes in the comments "I want a gift from Austria!" and mention a friend who might be interested in my account! ⠀ The number of comments is unlimited and proportional to your chances of winning!!! ⠀ And on September 18, the winner will be chosen by Gera by poking with her little finger)) ⠀ Good luck to everyone!!! - 6 days ago

And we drove and drove and arrived. It's amazing how quickly you can be over 3000 km. from home. At 10 in the morning we left the house, at 22.00 we arrived at the place. Taxi, plane, two trains. Tiring and exciting, but a very long-awaited trip. Getting ready for the exhibition. - 9 days ago

On Wednesday we went to the English game club for moms @timeclub_vmeste. I want to revive the language, I haven't spoken it for 15 years. I realized that this is mine from the "first two notes". Classes were held in the form of a game. There was a lot of excitement, laughter, pleasure, energy of daring. I watched with pleasure how mothers caught the wave of the game and continued to play on it with their children. We left with the Hero talking in English ☺ ⠀ I liked it here not only as a mother, but also as a psychologist. I understand what kind of salvation and support such a place can be for mom. It will make maternity time a stage of development and learning something new, it will give mom communication with like-minded people. ⠀ I have a great plan on how to write posts for you) I will take the elders with me to classes. There are classes not only for kids, but also for teenagers, and here you can even celebrate a birthday. All classes are held in the form of a game. Everything I like)) While the children are studying, Hera will be able to play, and I will be able to drink tea and share something useful with you on my blog. ⠀ Join me, I will be glad to develop virtualization) - 13 days ago

Kindergarten: to be or not to be? ⠀ Some people treat the kindergarten with hostility and disparagingly call it a "child storage". Others believe that kindergarten is useful and obligatory in a child's life. Supporters of the garden are sure that without it, children will not be able to develop normally, acquire independence. Opponents argue that kindergarten traumatizes children. And I understand them, despite the fact that I kind of liked being in the garden as a child. ⠀ At the beginning of my motherhood, I had difficult feelings for kindergartens. Until she herself worked in a private kindergarten "Under the Sun", but the story is not about that. ⠀ "So to be or not to be?" or "They're all so different." ⠀ In my life with three sons, I have solved this issue more than once. And it was different for everyone. Having experience in various kindergartens, I believe that the garden is needed not only by the child, but also by the family, as an extension of the attachment village. If care, development and upbringing falls only on the shoulders of the mother, less often on both parents, then these shoulders very soon begin to "sick". I like the proverb, it takes a whole village to raise one child. There is no village in the city, a kindergarten can be such an option. ⠀ You probably know: we have three beautiful boys in our family. ⠀ With my first child, I could not immediately categorically refuse the kindergarten without feeling for myself what it is. When deciding to send my eldest son to a kindergarten, I studied this topic. From relatives, some acquaintances and, especially, from colleagues, I constantly heard that going to kindergarten is a necessary part of life for the socialization of a child. That visiting the garden is important for the development of the baby, and without it it will be difficult for him later both at school and in life in general. I agreed, and besides, like a mother, I was worried if I was missing something in the development of my son. Therefore, I decided to figure everything out myself: both as a mother and as a psychologist. ⠀ We had several experiences with public gardens. The first is a group of short stays, only three hours a day. We were lucky: there were only 5 children in the group, and the teacher was wonderful. Continue in carousel➡️➡️➡️ - 14 days ago

Today I spent the day living a fairy tale in a group with Jungian analysts. They lived the fairy tale through their complex stories. They were looking for a way to their feelings and creativity. It was symbolic to end the year and start a new one. I recommend finding and reading a fairy tale. - 18 days ago

On Sunday, a meeting with mothers took place in the Anderson cafe on Sokol. ⠀ We had a productive time and managed to talk about important topics for every mom: 🔹 anger; 🔹 time for yourself; 🔹 balance between the needs of children and mothers; 🔹reactions to physical pain from a child; 🔹 the image of a good mother; 🔹requirements and expectations from children; 🔹Kindergarten. ⠀ In the second part, we played the super game "Telepath", where we laughed heartily and relaxed. At the end, I gave each participant two cards: one is a message from a real child, the second is from an internal one. All cards have been answered! 😊 Next time we want to play the game "emotional intelligence" and "empathic poker". ⠀ I'm waiting for you at the next meeting on September 08 at 11.00 in the Anderson cafe on Sokol (Leningradsky Prospekt, 74, building 8). The cost of attendance is 500 rubles. To register, please send a private message! - 24 days ago #leukinpsychologist - 29 days ago

It is not easy to experience a child's tantrums, hysteria can easily be "infected" and it is difficult to endure it. I share the experience of experiencing the hysteria of the son of a course participant.... ⠀ Day 2. Frustration of the son. The eldest son (3.5) is in the midst of a crisis. But most of the tears and tantrums happened at home, against the background of my fatigue or relationship with the younger. Aggression showed extremely rarely, more whined. And yesterday a classic happened! ⠀ Situation: a tantrum in a store called "buy"! There was everything: tears, a loud squeal, stamping his feet, throwing things (his own), jumping and screaming, screaming and crying a lot. I confess that this was the first time both with me and with him. ⠀ I used to think I was ready for this. Such situations are described in every book, article about three-year-olds. I read a lot, took trainings for parents. They certainly helped and gave a lot, but something was still missing. ⠀ During the tantrum, I tried to speak out the feelings of the child, to use active listening. And only work with Natalia, namely rewriting situations in writing, opened the way for me to harmoniously live such an experience. I always expected that after my right words and actions, my son would quickly stop crying. She voiced feelings, empathized, but waited for the end. And inside I was annoyed (unjustified expectations, uncomfortable place, trifling reason, etc.) This time it was different! ⠀ Thoughts: I really can't buy this toy right now. Now the hysteria will follow, it will be hard for all of us, but we can handle it. My child needs to live and mourn this. ⠀ Words and actions: hugged her son. He approached, then pushed away and again began to jump, stomp and scream. She started talking like before. Just didn’t wait for the end, didn’t explain why “no”. I had no expectations inside. I let go and let it be! How simple and how difficult it is at the same time. ⠀ My feelings: to my great surprise, there was no irritation in me! I got through this situation easily. ⠀ Did it help the child? Absolutely yes! I didn't comfort my son. She allowed me to cry and demand, to live through this storm, and she herself remained calm. ⠀ Continued in the carousel ➡️➡️➡️ - 1 month ago