How to learn to be a great manager, to succeed in managerial activities. How much do top managers earn in retail Update request

How much do top managers earn in retail Angelica Tikhonova 2018-08-01 http://site/upload/resize_cache/iblock/2ae/2560_1200_1/2ae74d25975ccf0758c98ee698bf94dc.jpg

Over the past couple of years, it has become more difficult for top managers to make money in retail. In addition, their income is highly dependent on geography. For example, the earnings of the general director of the network range from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles per month or more.

Top positions in retail include positions that directly affect key retail indicators, reminds Inna Egorova, head of TOP-Recruiting. Aleksey Dvornik, Managing Partner at HR Solutions, adds that top-level managers determine the company's development strategy and form an operating model, as well as a system of indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the implemented model. Ilya Potapenko, partner at the Odgers Berndtson recruiting company, clarifies that we are talking about the general director (or chief executive officer) and the management line under him: commercial director, director of operations, development (real estate), marketing, finance, strategy, HR, IT , logistics, legal support, security. “In large companies, directors for their own production, for working with big data, and others can be added to this list,” he lists. “Company structures in retail are rarely repeated, so job titles and their systemic arrangement may differ slightly,” reminds Aleksey Dvornik.

Finding out how much top managers earn on average by researching open positions is not easy. “The spread can be very large,” explains Natalia Danina, HeadHunter's HeadHunter Analytical Business Solutions Department Director. - Many factors should be taken into account, including the scale and turnover of the company, specialization and much more. In open vacancies, specific amounts are often not prescribed at all, and the issue of compensation is discussed individually with successful candidates. Since a significant share of the salary of the same sales director is variable, the level of earnings announced in job offers may not reflect the real income of the head.

Complicate the calculation and features of doing business in Western and Russian companies. In Western companies, as a rule, they strictly adhere to the budget framework, that is, the amount of remuneration is the same for any worthy candidate, while in domestic companies, a good candidate can be offered special conditions, says Ekaterina Petrova, head of the ANCOR Consumer Goods recruiting consultants group (personnel holding " ANCOR"). Tops with successful experience in solving specific problems can be offered a salary that is even 2 times higher than the current one, she clarifies. Westerners don't do that.
“There is practically no clear system of motivation and promotion in Russian companies. Do not forget to add bureaucracy and undercover games to this. At the same time, it is fair to say that retail is one of the most advanced and technologically advanced industries in Russia, perhaps, after telecom,” says Arina Egorova, co-founder of the Topexpert expert search marketplace.

Aleksey Dvornik agrees: what salary will be given to a top manager is influenced by his previous achievements, reputation, and the rest is determined by the range of tasks and capabilities of the company that invites the head. In general, according to him, the role of a personal brand in retail is especially strongly felt. “Since everything happens in plain sight in retail, the top manager who even subjectively achieved the set goals and brought the employer company to an agreed level of performance may be more interesting to the market than a lesser-known top. And the employer will be more willing to fulfill his expectations regarding the compensation package,” says Aleksey Dvornik. “A personal brand is certainly important, and it is formed mainly due to specific professional achievements,” Ilya Potapenko supports his colleague. - Look at the recent exchange of tops in the two largest market players (we are talking about personnel changes in X5 Retail Group and Magnit in the spring and summer of 2018. - Ed.). Obviously, hiring a CEO with a big name (and a powerful personal brand) is more expensive. But this director also sets higher expectations.”

What is the income
According to Ekaterina Petrova, the income of tops, as a rule, is formed from a fixed part and a variable part. “The variable is tied to a KPI,” she explains. - Each leader can have their own indicators. For example, for the commercial department - this is a commodity balance, for the head of the sales department - access to the sales plan. According to her, in some companies the number of indicators can reach 10, but these cases are rather rare. Usually they do not exceed four. Tasks are set for a year, and, accordingly, a bonus is paid for the same time. “We are talking about at least 25% of the annual salary,” says Ekaterina Petrova. - The bonus can be paid out at the end of six months. I am not familiar with the practice of payments based on the results of the quarter, this is very, very rare.”

According to Ilya Potapenko, in the largest companies in the industry, annual bonuses can reach up to 100% of the fixed part. “The main feature, in my opinion, is the LTI (long term incentive program, long-term incentive program) - usually such programs are tied to the achievement of a super-task, for example, market leadership, and amount to millions, and sometimes tens of millions of dollars,” the expert explains.

In many companies, executives are additionally compensated for the costs of mobile communications, medical care, car use, etc. In the general structure of income, salary can be 50%, salary increments - 30%, quarterly and annual bonuses - 10% each, says Inna Kuznetsova, head of a separate division of Coleman Services in Yekaterinburg.

different money
According to the project of the ANT-Management company, it can be seen that top incomes vary significantly depending on the region.

Revenues of top managers in retail trade
at the end of the first half of 2018, rubles per month after taxes

Natalya Danina says that the difference can reach 40-50%. “So, the largest salary in the first half of the year on was offered to the CEO of a federal retail company - 2 million rubles, and the income consisted of a fixed salary and key KPI’s (EBITDA, ROI), - the expert cites the numbers. - In Yekaterinburg, in the conditional salary rating, the vacancy of a financial director was in the lead, who could count on an income of 300 thousand to 500 thousand rubles; in Kazan - the general director with a salary of 250 thousand rubles; in Rostov-on-Don, they closed the position of sales director with the specified remuneration in the amount of 250 thousand rubles.

Elena Telichko, head of a separate subdivision of Coleman Services in Novosibirsk, explains the low income of tops in comparison with the capital, for example, in the Siberian Federal District, by the level of development of retail in the region. “According to statistics, the highest concentration of supermarkets is in Moscow - 49.8% and St. Petersburg - 41.3%. Retail in Siberia, and these are Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk, respectively, with 24.7% and 18.3%, is at an average level of development, - says Elena Telichko. - Up to 80% of companies in the Siberian Federal District are currently experiencing a shortage of personnel. There is little competition, it affects the income.” However, according to her, there is a movement of federal networks to the east. Large retail chains open distribution centers in the region, buy up local retail chains, creating a large number of jobs. “Specialists who develop the so-called smart shopping, or off-price, are popular among employers,” says Elena Telichko. “Recently, the representative of such retail in the Russian Federation, the federal chain Familia, posted announcements for the recruitment of heads of divisions and regions, store directors and their deputies, buyers, purchasing specialists, financial managers, store employees, cashiers.” That gives hope for increased competition and higher incomes.

“Of course, the federal level implies more responsibility and specificity, respectively, the income of top managers of federal companies is higher,” Alexei Dvornik explains the difference in incomes of metropolitan and regional top managers. - Federal companies use a modern structured approach to the motivation system. Often, top bonuses are tied to turnover or EBITDA, and tools such as options and other approaches can be used. Regional specificity is often reflected in the personality of the owner: how much he/she/they are willing to pay for the work of tops and advanced in matters of motivation of their employees. The opportunity to get a share in a business, in my opinion, is higher in a regional retail than in a federal company.”

Ilya Potapenko agrees that, in general, incomes are higher in Moscow and St. Petersburg. “I think that the regionals do not receive huge bonuses,” he clarifies. - But it seems to me that it makes sense to look at the scale of the company, rather than at its belonging to a particular region. There is a well-known retail company in the south of the country that pays no less, but for most positions even more than in Moscow.”

Over the past few years, the income of top managers in retail has not changed much, experts say. “In the last 3-4 years, I have not noticed a dramatic change in the structure of compensation,” Ilya Potapenko assures. Ekaterina Petrova believes that due to the difficult economic situation that began in 2014, today there is stagnation in the level of income. True, this has its advantages. “On the one hand, the labor market in the retail sector is “marking time”, on the other hand, there is a move away from the overheating of top incomes, which was before 2014, and the achievement of a balance of supply and demand,” Ekaterina is sure.

Alexey Dvornik supports his colleagues in the fact that there have not been any special changes. “After the imposition of sanctions, grocery retailers are faced with the fact that the number of SKUs on the trading floor has decreased, as Russian manufacturers cannot provide a full-fledged replacement for many goods from abroad. This situation has prompted many retailers to make changes in the organization of sales areas in order not to scare away and attract the consumer. Many retailers, faced with the current economic situation, have reduced rental costs by entering into a direct and serious dialogue with landlords. Shareholders and owners of retail companies are currently not interested in saving on compensation packages for top managers, but rather in their business continuing to develop or keep up to date,” says Alexey Dvornik.

Another thing is that it has become more difficult for top managers to earn. According to Natalia Danina, in pursuit of improving business efficiency and labor productivity, many companies are complicating incentive schemes.

The tendency to use an end-to-end motivation system is growing, when the top manager and all his subordinates have the same indicator to which the bonus is tied, only the area of ​​​​responsibility changes, for example, sales in Russia - sales in the federal district - sales in the city - sales in bush of stores - sales of one store, Inna Egorova clarifies.
“The tops began to focus primarily on annual bonuses,” she says. - In large networks, they make up from 80 to 100% of annual income. And people are ready to wait, but to receive a large sum at once.”

“It has become harder to achieve the indicators required by the owners,” summarizes Ekaterina Petrova. But, according to Arina Egorova, retail is an industry where, having worked in which you can go anywhere: to the automotive industry (to dealers), to real estate (to create new products there), to pharmaceuticals, media, IT, etc. “And we are talking not only about traditionally cross-industrial functions such as finance, HR, legal. I also mean sales and marketing. The last two functions are, in my experience, the most specific, and moving marketers and salespeople from industry to industry is much more difficult,” she says.

Mikhail Skorokhod, President of Eurocement Group
Age: 41
Marital status: single
Education: In 1990, he graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute, and in 1993, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Mining Institute, receiving the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. The degree of doctor of economic sciences was received at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations. Professor of Economics and Management
Since March 1998 - CJSC Rosuglesbyt Company, Head of the Property Accounting and Asset Management Department, Deputy Director for Strategic Development, Head of the Strategic Development and Asset Management Department, Vice President, Executive Director
In 2001 – Chief of Staff of Rosuglesbyt Company OJSC, Executive Director
Since April 2002 - First Vice-President of CJSC Rosuglesbyt Company
Since July 2002 - President of JSC "Sterncement"
In November 2002 - President of OJSC "Eurocement"
From November 2004 to the present time - President of JSC "Eurocement group"

Skorokhod began his professional career in 1994 at the Russian Coal Company OJSC (Rosugol) as a leading economist. And he came to Eurocement after five years of work in senior positions in Rosuglesbyt and Sterncement, on the basis of whose assets the largest Russian cement company was created.

The secret of his success as a manager is that the doctor of economic sciences Skorokhod backs up every decision with careful calculations. To speed up this process, a production automation system was introduced in 2005-2006: information about the movement of cement in the company - from the extraction of raw materials to the final shipment - is now reflected at all plants online with an accuracy of a kilogram.

According to knowledgeable people, it was the scrupulousness, strictness in handling numbers that helped Skorokhod to effectively cope with the tasks facing Eurocement. Having barely taken office, Skorokhod set about implementing a program for the technical re-equipment of the enterprise, operating with a total budget of $560 million. Investments in modernization and the purchase of new facilities made it possible to increase production volumes: in 2005, the holding produced 22.5 million tons of cement against 2004 And in 2006, Eurocement Group JSC took 37th place in the ranking of the most expensive Russian companies, according to Forbes magazine. The capitalization of the holding, according to this rating, is 123.4 billion rubles. ($4.6 billion).

However, as often happens, rigidity and interest in numbers sometimes turn into insufficient attention to the human factor. It seems that this is also true for Mikhail Skorokhod: he is characterized as not the most diplomatic negotiator. It is possible that it was precisely for this reason that he was not always able to timely resolve various kinds of conflicts, in particular those that arose in the last two years: with the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the American shareholders of the company.

President of AFK Sistema Alexander Goncharuk is famous for his love for ambitious tasks. And the fact that he solves these problems with very harsh methods. His reputation as an authoritarian leader has made him a target for critics. But everyone is unanimous in their opinion - as the architect of the restructuring of Sistema, Goncharuk is extremely effective. Text: Yuliana Petrova

Alexander Goncharuk, President of AFK Sistema
Age: 51
Marital status: married, has a son
Education: in 1978 he graduated with honors from the Sevastopol Higher Naval Engineering School, in 1987 - from the Naval Academy. Grechko in Leningrad.
1987-1991 - service in the State Department of Shipbuilding of the USSR Navy
Since 1993 - General Director of the insurance company "Leader"
Since 1996 - Head of the Telecommunications Department and Vice President of AFK Sistema
1998–2003 – President of Sistema Telecom
Since July 2003 - General Director of JSC "Concern "Scientific Center""
Since January 2006 - President of AFK Sistema

Favorite book: “It’s hard to name, in general I read all the novelties, from Pelevin to Coelho”
Ideal manager: Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric
The golden rule of management: find a reasonable balance between the concentration of powers and their delegation

Former submarine officer Alexander Goncharuk is one of the most controversial figures among the top managers of Russian telecommunications companies. Goncharuk's supporters speak of his energy and charisma, grasp and attention to detail, while opponents criticize him for authoritarianism and harshness. It is also said that under his vigilant supervision it is impossible to steal. For a decade and a half, Goncharuk has gone through all the steps of the career ladder: from the general director of the Leader insurance company (the granddaughter of Sistema) to the president of the corporation.

Goncharuk knows how to deal with external enemies. When he was president of Sistema Telecom (AFK's telecommunications division), he gained control of MGTS, ousted some of the "objectionable" shareholders from MTS, and in four years knocked together many heterogeneous companies bought by Sistema into a single conglomerate.

He also knows how to deal with objectionable people within the company: for example, having headed the electronic division of Sistema - Concern Scientific Center (now Sitronics), Goncharuk replaced 45 top managers. The third "horse" Goncharuk - geographical expansion. On his initiative, the leading Ukrainian IT company Kvazar-Micro and the Czech manufacturer of telecommunications equipment Strom Telecom were bought. Largely due to these acquisitions, Sitronics' turnover increased more than tenfold in two years.

And in early 2006, Goncharuk became the chief architect of the restructuring of the entire AFK Sistema. The rapid growth of the company made it difficult to manage, and there was a need to optimize the management system, clear the ranks of inefficient employees. It's a common thing, but also much more responsible. “If in Sitronics or in Sistema Telecom it was at least theoretically possible to make a mistake, now it is out of the question,” says Alexander Goncharuk. So far, it works without errors.

Dmitry Levin turned Russian Standard into a leader in consumer lending. Now his task is to increase the loyalty of existing customers. Text: Yulia Gordienko

Dmitry Levin, Chairman of the Board of Russian Standard Bank
Age: 41
Marital status: married, four children
Education: in 1987 he graduated with honors from the Moscow Financial Institute and entered graduate school. PhD in Economics
In 1990 - Ministry of Finance of the USSR
Since 1991 – Sberbank
From 1994 to 1997 - Vice President, Head of the Foreign Exchange Department of the International Joint Stock Bank of Savings Banks
1997–1999 – Vice President, Department Director of Mezhkombank OJSC
1999–2001 – Vice-President, Director of Department, Russian Standard Bank CJSC
In November 2001, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Russian Standard Bank

Favorite book: stories by Sergei Dovlatov and Ivan Shmelev, The Human Comedy by William Saroyan
Ideal Manager: Lee Iacocca
The golden rule of management: the ability to listen - when you hear the interlocutor, it is easy for you to make decisions

Dmitry Levin calls the problems that Russian Standard encountered at different times as growing pains. In 2002–2003, the bank had difficulty financing a rapidly growing business. “Customer needs grew faster than the bank's financial capacity,” recalls Dmitry Levin. He personally engaged in building a policy to attract resources: investor relations, a strategy for working in financial markets. To date, the volume of attracted funds of the bank is about $5 billion.

Around the same time, the bank made a serious strategic miscalculation. “In 2003, we paid too much attention to servicing our clients through the offices of other banks,” recalls the CEO of Russian Standard. “But when one shop at the factory is not yours, failures begin.” From that situation, Levin deduced the iron principle “do not give your clients to other structures” and began to develop his own network. He managed to turn the bank from a purely Moscow into a federal one, without buying regional players. Now the bank has about 130 branches in various regions, by the end of the year Dmitry Levin plans to increase their number to 280.

“We managed to create a bank that is the industry leader and can quite successfully compete with foreign banks,” Dmitry Levin is proud. And he immediately admits what has not yet been done - to form a loyal client base of Russian Standard. This is what Levin is going to do in 2007, forming a powerful product line of credit cards, offering new programs in consumer and auto loans. As for the requirements of the Central Bank to disclose the effective rate on loans, which the regulator has been introducing since July 2007, Dmitry Levin does not see any special problems for business with its introduction. “We will start declaring it as soon as possible,” he promises.

Director of the United Oil Group Vladislav Paulius managed to effectively use the tools inherent in FMCG in the oil industry. It turned out to be even easier to trade oil products than Coca-Cola. Text: Nikolai Grishin

Vladislav Paulus, General Director of the United Oil Group

Age: 45 years old
Marital status: wife - famous ballerina Ilze Liepa, two daughters
Education: MGIMO, Faculty of International Economic Relations
1983–1991 – USSR Foreign Trade, engineer, senior economist
1991–1999 – Coca-Cola, Business Development Project Manager, Regional Manager for the Baltic States, General Director of Coca-Cola Vladivostok Bottlers, Regional Strategy Director
1999 - Russian Standard company, CEO
2000 - Alfa Group, tea project, CEO
2001-2005 - Yukos, General Director of a trading house, Vice President
Since 2005 - United Oil Group (Basel), CEO

Favorite book: Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
Ideal manager: Moses
The golden rule of management is to be adequate to the prevailing circumstances and fair to people.

“In order to convince people to buy a bottle of soda, they still need to create such a need in them,” says Vladislav Paulus. The manager knows a lot about this: the leader of the rating SF in the oil industry he had a hand in building the Coca-Cola empire in Russia. For almost ten years, he launched factories and trade branches of the company in different parts of the country.

In the early 2000s, Yukos shareholders decided to radically change the system for selling their petroleum products in Russia. They were looking for someone with Western experience and a fresh outlook. The choice fell on the "coca-kolschik" Paulus. When faced with the oil industry for the first time, the manager was horrified: “It was a real Soviet collective farm.” First of all, Paulus created a centralized pricing system - earlier, the divisions of the oil company independently determined selling prices. Moreover, he allowed managers to spend their excess earnings on their own bonuses. As a result, in the first six months, Paulus earned $300 million for Yukos in addition to the previous volumes and took the post of vice president.

When Khodorkovsky's company began to collapse under the pressure of the state, Oleg Deripaska invited the manager to lead a new oil project that the businessman is creating around the Afipsky refinery. And here Paulus used the strategy from FMCG. He modernized production, increased the number of channels for the supply of petroleum products, and then got rid of intermediaries in ports. As a result, the company's turnover grew from $350 million in 2005 to $1 billion in 2006. And this is just the beginning: Deripaska planned to create a vertically integrated holding a la RussNeft. Paulus has already bought a number of promising fields, and is looking at others. It turned out that extracting oil is no more difficult than building soft drink factories.

Eldar Razroev considers himself a lazy person, therefore he does not like unnecessary movements. “I prefer a car with automatic transmission,” he says. “Or better yet, with autopilot.” Text: Maxim Kotin

Eldar Razroev, President of Euroset
Age: 46 years old
Marital status: married, three children
Education: Moscow Higher Technical School. Bauman, postgraduate student of the Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences
1995–1996 – VimpelCom, head of marketing service
1996–1999 – Vostok Mobile B.V., commercial director
1999–2000 – Alfa-Eco Telecom, Deputy General Director
2001–2002 – VimpelCom-R, Deputy General Director
2002–2004 – Sonic Duo, commercial director
Since 2004 - Euroset, President

Favorite book: Dunno on the Moon
Ideal manager: Razroev E.A.
The golden rule of management: if you can’t, but really want to, then you can

Evgeny Chichvarkin in 2004, he invited the commercial director of Sonic Duo to establish an "autopilot" in the company. The founder of Euroset used to manage both the machine and the business manually, but the turnover of $ 320 million forced him to think about business processes. The creation of the structure became the task of the manager.

“The company was like a partisan detachment that broke through behind enemy lines,” Razroev recalls. “The business grew quickly, the wheels were changed on the go.” Not everything has changed yet, but Chichvarkin is already pleased with the course of affairs. “Razroev thinks deeply about his thoughts, experience sticks to him, he is cheerful and evil,” says the founder of Euroset. “For him there is no word“ no ”: the harder it is, the better for him.”

The president of the company felt extremely good not only when he "combed" the guerrilla company before a possible IPO, but also when working on another project - the creation of an MVNO. “We offered the Big Three operators to buy traffic from them, and they asked how we were going to position ourselves,” Razroev recalls. “It became clear that people live in the astral plane.” Managers of SMARTS live in real life, with the help of which Euroset recently became a virtual mobile operator. Now Razroev prophesies an apocalypse for the current leaders of telecom, as engineering companies cannot compete with marketing “virtuals”. “This is a virus,” Chichvarkin echoes. “And we opened the test tube.”

Razroev wanted to “open a test tube” back in Megafon. After the virtual project is fully operational and the company becomes public, it will be possible to take a break. “You can’t breathe in all the time, you have to breathe out sometimes,” he says. The president of Euroset already knows what to do "on the exhale": he has a patent for neutrino elementary particle detectors. “If you build a connection on these particles, it will be limitless,” Razroev dreams. “Then the signal can be received even underground, even in space.”

“It is more difficult to work in Russia than in Europe,” says Swede Henrik Nenzen, who has been heading the local division of the Ford Motor Company for seven years. “The consumer is changing very quickly, and the company must always correspond to their preferences.” Text: Dmitry Kryukov

Henrik Nenzen, President of the Ford Motor Company in Russia and the CIS
Age: 61
Marital status: married, has three children
Education: Gothenburg School of Economics, Master of Business Administration (MBA)
1971-2000 - Public Relations Officer at Ford Motor Company; held a number of senior positions, including managing director in Sweden and Norway and brand manager of the Focus model in Europe
Since 2000 – Managing Director of Ford Motor Company in Russia
Since 2001 - President of the Ford Motor Company in Russia and the CIS

Favorite book: difficult to answer
Ideal manager: Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA

The golden rule of management: build a team that knows everything about today's and future consumers

Guessing preferences Henrik Nenzen, who previously worked as a brand manager for Ford Focus in Europe, has learned to perfection. Focusing on the target audience of former Zhiguli owners and used foreign cars, he offered her the right price - about $15,000 for a new complete car. In addition, Nenzen stimulated the proposal with a profitable loan program: today the same Ford Focus can be bought at 4.9% per annum, the initial payment is 40%, that is, approximately equal to the cost of AvtoVAZ cars, which, according to analysts, is by no means accidental.

As a result, according to the results of recent years, foreign Ford cars are the best-selling in Russia (in 2006, almost 116,000 of them were sold). But the marketing genius of Henrik Nenzen to some extent surpassed his talents as a production manager. Demand for Ford is so great that buyers have to wait for cars for six months, while for other foreign manufacturers this process usually takes two to three months.

Colleagues are becoming more and more of a problem for the Swedish manager. The success of Ford in Russia was largely due to the fact that he was the first to open his production here. But now other European and Asian auto giants have announced similar plans. Thus, in order to hold the palm, Henrik Nenzen will have to think about expanding production capacity. And this will obviously require a solid investment from the parent company, which is not doing flawlessly: the net losses of Ford Motor Co. in 2006 amounted to $12.7 billion.

However, one of his strengths that help him in his work, Henrik Nenzen calls "the ability to explain to the parent organization in Europe what actions are required in the local market." And he has a serious argument: according to expert estimates, the turnover of the Russian division in 2006 increased by 38%.

Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Gennady Pivovarov cannot imagine his life outside of transport aviation. Therefore, proposals for a new job are always refused. Text: Andrey Krasavin

Gennady Pivovarov, General Director of Volga-Dnepr Airlines
Age: 45 years old
Marital status: married, has two daughters
Education: in 1985 he graduated from the Kharkov Higher Military Aviation Engineering School with a degree in mechanical engineering
1985–2000 - Service in the Air Force
1994-2000 - Deputy Regiment Commander for Engineering and Aviation Service
In 2000, he retired to the reserve with the rank of lieutenant colonel.
2000–2001 – Head of the Aircraft Maintenance Department of the Aviation Engineering Service of Volga-Dnepr Airlines
In June 2001, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Engineering and Aviation Service of JSC Volga-Dnepr
Since April 2003 - First Deputy General Director for Production of JSC "Volga-Dnepr"
In April 2005, he was appointed General Director of Volga-Dnepr

Favorite book: Alexander Stepanov "Port Arthur"
Ideal manager: Martirosov Andrey Zarmenovich, CEO of UTAir
Golden rule of management: do not rush to make the wrong decision

The question of a profession for Pivovarov was resolved long ago. He was born in the family of a military pilot, spent his childhood in a military town near Zaporozhye and always dreamed of following in his father's footsteps. “Serving in the army was prestigious back then,” recalls Gennady Pivovarov, “and even more so in the Air Force.” Already at the age of 33, he became deputy commander of a transport aviation regiment, the air fleet of which consisted of the largest aircraft in the world - the An-124 Ruslan. However, six years later, his military career ended: he was laid off.

What to do next? “I didn’t have any special options,” explains the general director of Volga-Dnepr. “There are only three airlines operating Ruslans (the Russian Volga-Dnepr and Polet and the Ukrainian Antonov ASTC.– SF), but I didn’t want to leave transport aviation.”

The main business of Volga-Dnepr is charter flights on the An-124. But three years ago, the company began to develop regular cargo flights on Boeing aircraft. For a year and a half (since April 2005) as CEO, Pivovarov was able to make a new line of business profitable. If in 2005 Boeing flights were subsidized by Ruslan charters, then last year there was a profit: the plan for regular flights was exceeded by 50%, and the total turnover of Volga-Dnepr increased by 55% to $ 725 million .

“The secret of his success is his excellent knowledge of technology and experience in managing people in high-risk conditions,” says Volga-Dnepr President Alexey Isaikin. The CEO has an authoritarian management style, but he helps his subordinates grow. When a top manager leaves the company, they do not look for a replacement on the side. “We are growing new leaders within the company,” says the CEO.

And Gennady Pivovarov himself is not looking for options on the side. "Headhunters, please don't worry," he chuckles. In the end, he devoted half his life to transport aviation.

1. Alexey Miller

Position: Chairman of the Management Board, PJSC Gazprom

Age: 54 years old

Reward Estimate:$17.7 million

Place of Birth: Leningrad

Education: Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. N. A. Voznesensky. PhD in Economics

The share of shares in the company: 0,000958%

Number of employees: 325,000 (2016 average)

2014: $113.8 million

2015: $78.3 million


2014: $4.1 billion

2015: $13.1 billion

Quote:“The question of the fairness of gas and oil prices is the question of how fair the system of financial capitalism is” (Der Spiegel, 2011)

Detail: In 2016, during an international gas forum in St. Petersburg, Miller admitted that he was a Deep Purple fan as a teenager. Going to their concert was his pipe dream. Now he attends the group's performances at every opportunity.

2. Igor Sechin

Position: President, Chairman of the Management Board, Rosneft Oil Company

Age: 56 years old

Reward Estimate:$13 million

Place of Birth: Leningrad

Education: Leningrad State University (LGU)

The share of shares in the company: 0,1273%

Total remuneration of key managers:

2014: $181.3 million

2015: $53.1 million


2014: $9.1 billion

2015: $5.8 billion

Quote:“The main task of the management of the company [Rosneft] is to increase its value for shareholders, the largest of which is the state” (Il Sole 24 Ore, 2016)

Detail: In 2015, he received 3.4 million rubles for his work on the Board of Directors of Inter RAO. He donated the money he received to charity. A block of shares in Rosneft brought him $2.5 million in dividends based on the results of 2015.

Andrey Kostin

Position: President - Chairman of the Board of VTB Bank

Age: 60 years

Place of Birth: Moscow

Education: Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

The share of shares in the company: 0,00183%

Total remuneration of key managers:

2014: $152.8 million

2015: $99.5 million


2014: $20.8 million

2015: $27.7 million

Quote:“There are very powerful companies, you know, they are very difficult to work with. Like a very beautiful bride. You have to dance around them to get something” (The Financial Times, 2016)

Detail: Loves the theatre. “Ready to fly to the performances of the Mariinsky Theater in New York” (“Vedomosti”, 2008). In 2006, VTB became a partner of the Mariinsky Theatre. The bank is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Bolshoi Theater and sponsors the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop.

3. German Gref

Position: President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank

Age: 52 years old

Reward Estimate:$11m

Place of Birth: Panfilovo, Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR

Education: Omsk State University, postgraduate study of Leningrad State University (LSU)

Percentage of ordinary shares in the bank: 0,003%

Total remuneration of key managers:

2014: $73.2 million

2015: $47.8 million


2014: $7.5 billion

2015: $3.6 billion

Quote:“People from the civil service adapt much faster, because there, in the government, it is harder to survive” (Forbes, 2016)

Detail: In the summer of 2016, on VK Live, Gref admitted that he has an account on VKontakte, but under an assumed name. He does not write comments, but communicates online, often using emoticons and memes. The most beloved are smiles and hearts.

4. Dmitry Razumov

Position: General Director of Onexim Group

Age: 41 years old

Reward Estimate:$10 million

Place of Birth: Moscow

Education: Moscow State Institute of International Relations


1994–1997 - Clifford Chance International Law Firm, Associate

1997–1998 - Deputy Head of the Investment Banking Department of Renaissance Capital

1999–2003 - Managing Director of LV Finance

2000–2003 - Member of the Board of Directors of Sonic Duo, then MegaFon

2001–2005 - Deputy General Director of MMC Norilsk Nickel

Since 2007, he has been the CEO of the Onexim group, which included the assets inherited by Mikhail Prokhorov during the division of business with Vladimir Potanin

2008–2012 - CEO of Telecominvest, which owns Usmanov's telecommunications assets

Since 2012 - General Director of Usmanov's company USM Advisors

Detail: I have known Alisher Usmanov for over 20 years. When asked by Forbes about whether he could ever leave USM Holdings, he honestly answered: “I can’t imagine it, I wouldn’t want to.”

6. Vladislav Solovyov

Position: CEO of UC Rusal

Age: 43 years

Reward Estimate:$7.4 million

Place of Birth: Moscow

Education: State Academy of Management, MSTU "Stankin", Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation


1998–2000 - Adviser to the Minister of Taxes and Duties

2000–2008 - Head of the Accounting Department, Deputy General Director for Finance Rusal

2008–2010 - CEO of En+

2010–2014 - First Deputy Director of UC Rusal

Since 2014 - CEO of UC Rusal

Detail: As a child, he dreamed of becoming an ice cream man, and in his school years - a hero. “I didn’t think about any profession,” Solovyov told the Krasnoyarsk, “but I definitely wanted to be a hero ... Then it was not the one who was richer who was valued, but the one who was stronger and more integral as a person.”

7. Mikhail Shamolin

Position: President of AFK Sistema

Age: 46 years old

Reward Estimate:$7.4 million

Place of Birth: Moscow

Education: MADI, Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, Wharton School of Business


1993–1996 - Academy of Management and Market, CFO

1995–1998 - Head of his own consulting firm in New York

1998–2004 - Associate Partner at McKinsey & Co

2004–2005 - Interpipe (Ukraine), managing director of the ferroalloy business

2005–2008 - MTS, director of the MTS Russia business unit

2008–2011 - President of MTS

Since 2011 - President of AFK Sistema

Detail: In May 2016, Sistema adopted a co-investment program: top managers are required to invest part of their income in shares and assets of AFK. Since the launch of the program, top managers have bought 19.6 million shares worth RUB 424.6 million.

8. Mikhail Zadornov

Position: President - Chairman of the Board of VTB24

Age: 53 years old

Reward Estimate:$6.5 million

Place of Birth: Moscow

Education: Moscow Institute of National Economy. G. V. Plekhanova


1989–1990 - Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Planning and Budget Commission of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

1990 - Member of the State Commission for Economic Reform of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. One of the authors of the program "500 days"

1994–1997 - Deputy of the State Duma

1997–1999 - Minister of Finance, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

October 1999 - Advisor to the President of Sberbank of the Russian Federation Andrey Kazmin

2000–2005 - Deputy of the State Duma

Since July 2005 - President - Chairman of the Board of VTB24

Detail: He likes cross-country skiing, in his youth he was seriously involved in this sport. “I grew up in Kamchatka, and there skis are my second footwear,” he said in an interview with in 2011.

9. Andrey Akimov

Position: Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank

Age: 63 years old

Reward Estimate:$6.3 million

Place of Birth: Leningrad

Education: Moscow Financial Academy


1974–1987 - Vneshtorgbank of the USSR

1985–1987 - branch of the Vneshtorgbank of the USSR in Zurich, deputy general director

1987–1990 - CEO of Donau Bank (Austria)

1991–2002 - IMAG - Investment Management & Advisory Group GmbH (Austria), Managing Director, Staff Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Vneshtorgbank

Since November 2002 - Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank

Detail: For work on the boards of directors of Gazprom, Novatek and Rosneft in 2015, he received a total of $1.1 million (20.89 million rubles, 15 million rubles and $530,000, respectively).

10. Ruben Aganbegyan

Position: Chairman of the Board, General Director of OJSC Otkritie Holding

Age: 44 years old

Reward Estimate:$6 million

Place of Birth: Novosibirsk

Education: Moscow State Law Academy


1995–1997 - PricewaterhouseCoopers, Clifford Chance, Credit Suisse Financial Products (Moscow)

1997–2002 - co-director of Credit Suisse First Boston in Russia

2002–2003 - Managing Director for Project Finance, Head of Investment Banking Department at IC Troika Dialog

2003–2010 - Head of the Russian branch of IC Renaissance Capital

2010–2012 - President of the Moscow Exchange

Since 2012 - Chairman of the Board, CEO of Otkritie Holding OJSC (until 2014 - FC Otkritie)

Detail: Owns a 7.96% stake in OJSC Otkritie Holding. The package price is $267 million, as of October 20, 2016.

11. Jean-Yves Charlier

Position: CEO of VimpelCom Ltd

Age: 52 years old

Reward Estimate:$5.7 million

Place of Birth: Belgium

Education: Wharton School of Business, MBA in Strategy and Marketing


1995–1996 - Wang Group, Vice President

1996–2002 - Equant Group, Marketing President

2002–2004 - BT Global Services, COO

2004–2006 - COLT Telecom, CEO

2007–2012 - Promethean, CEO

2013–2014 - SFR, CEO

Since April 2015 - CEO of Vimpelcom Ltd

Detail: The company Promethean, which Charlier headed for five years, produces interactive blackboards - students "write" on them using special control panels. Before the arrival of Charlier, the company's business was 85% British, five years later 80% of the company's products were exported.

12. Maxim Sokov

Position: En+ CEO

Age: 37 years

Reward Estimate:$5 million

Place of Birth: Moscow

Education: All-Russian State Tax Academy, New York University


2002–2004 - Associate at the Moscow office of Herbert Smith CIS Legal Services

2004–2013 - held various positions at Rusal: Head of Mergers and Acquisitions, Director of Investment Management at Rusal at MMC Norilsk Nickel, Strategy Director

Since July 2013 - First Deputy General Director of En+

Since April 2014 - CEO of En+

Detail: He is fond of sailing. A few years ago, together with friends, he crossed the Atlantic Ocean on a yacht.

13. Alexey Marey

Position: Chief Executive Officer of Alfa-Bank

Age: 39 years

Reward Estimate:$4.5 million

Place of Birth: Moscow

Education: Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI)


1996–1998 - Duracell Batteries, logistics manager

1998–1999 - Gillette International, Area Sales Manager

1999–2004 - Danone, Business Development Manager, Regional Sales Manager

2004–2012 - Alfa-Bank, Vice President, Director of Retail Sales and Customer Relations, Head of the Retail Business Block

Since May 2012 - Chief Executive Officer of Alfa-Bank

Detail: He loves to travel and play golf. “As the owner of a fairly large family (I have three children), I often play and love to play with children,” he told Finparty, “summer for us is always the sea and golf.” (At the moment, Alexei Marey has four children - Forbes)

14. Gulzhan Moldazhanova

Position: General Director of "Basic Element"

Age: 50 years

Reward Estimate:$4 million

Place of Birth: Alma-Ata

Education: Kazakh State University, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation


1995 - Aluminprodukt, Secretary

1995–1999 - accountant, financial manager, commercial director of Siberian Aluminum

2000–2004 - Director of Sales and Marketing, Director of Strategy and Corporate Development of Rusal

2004–2005 - Managing Director for the Aluminum Business, First Deputy General Director of Basic Element

2005–2009 - CEO of Basic Element

2009–2011 - CEO of ESN Group

2012 - CEO of Basic Element

Detail: She met Oleg Deripaska at Moscow State University, where she defended her Ph.D. thesis in 1993 and worked as a researcher.

15. Alexander Dyukov

Position: CEO of Gazprom Neft

Age: 48 years old

Reward Estimate:$3.8 million

Place of Birth: Leningrad

Education: Leningrad Order of Lenin Shipbuilding Institute


1996–1998 - Petersburg Oil Terminal, financial director, general director

1998–1999 - "Sea Port of St. Petersburg", director for economics, acting. O. CEO

2000–2003 - Petersburg Oil Terminal, Chairman of the Board of Directors

2003–2006 - SIBUR, President

2006–2008 - President of Gazprom Neft

Since 2008 - Chairman of the Board, CEO of Gazprom Neft

Since 2008 - President of the football club "Zenith"

Detail: Dyukov owns a 0.0054% stake in Gazprom Neft worth $700,000 (as of October 20, 2016). In addition, Dyukov has about 4% of the shares of Sibur. The value of the stake in the deal with the Chinese Sinopec is $535 million.

16. Nail Maganov

Position: CEO of Tatneft

Age: 58 years old

Reward Estimate:$3.6 million

Place of Birth: Almetyevsk

Education: Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry. I. M. Gubkina


1976–1991 - well survey operator, technologist, oil and gas production foreman, senior engineer - deputy head of shop, head of shop of Oil and Gas Production Department Elkhovneft of Tatneft Production Association

1991–1993 - Deputy Head of the Department for Capital Construction of the Zainskneft Oil and Gas Production Department, Tatneft Production Association

1993–1994 - head of the department for the sale of oil and oil products at Tatneft

1994–2013 - Deputy General Director for Production, First Deputy General Director of Tatneft

Since November 2013 - General Director of Tatneft

Detail: According to the corporate legend, the name "Lukoil" (the first letters from Langepas, Uray and Kogalym) was invented by Maganov's brother Ravil, the former director of Langepasneftegaz (then controlled by Tatneft). Since 2006, Ravil Maganov has been the first executive vice president of Lukoil.

17. Pavel Grachev

Position: General Director of PJSC Polyus

Age: 43 years

Reward Estimate:$3.5 million

Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg

Education: St Petersburg University and the University of Trieste (Italy)


1997–2006 - head of the Moscow office of the law firm Pavia e Ansaldo (Italy)

2006–2011 - Director of the Legal Department, Managing Director of the investment company Nafta Moscow

2010-2013 - General Director of Uralkali, General Director of JSC "Fund for the Development of the Far East and the Baikal Region"

Since 2014 - CEO of Polyus Gold International (now PJSC Polyus)

Detail: In 2004-2005, he met the management of the Nafta Moskva firm Suleiman Kerimov during negotiations on the sale of the Roma football club. Grachev participated in the negotiations on behalf of the owner, representing the law firm Pavia e Ansaldo. Soon he accepted Nafta's offer to move.

18. Boris Kovalchuk

Position: Chairman of the Board, Inter RAO

Age: 38 years

Reward Estimate:$3.5 million

Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg

Education: Saint Petersburg State University

1999–2006 - legal adviser of the department of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Research Institute "Granit" (St. Petersburg)

2003–2004 - Member of the Audit Commission of Rossiya Bank

2004–2006 - Head of the investment culture management company

2006–2009 - Director of the Department of Priority National Projects of the Government of the Russian Federation

2009 - Deputy Director General for Development of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom

2009–2010 - and. O. Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Board of Inter RAO UES

Since 2010 - Chairman of the Board of Inter RAO

Detail: He oversaw the creation of the Igora ski resort near St. Petersburg, the first luxury resort in Russia. It was built with money from Rossiya Bank and other structures of his father Yuri Kovalchuk. In January 2006, shortly before the opening, President Putin came to test the new track.

19. Andrey Varichev

Position: General Director of Management Company "Metalloinvest"

Age: 48 years old

Reward Estimate:$3.4 million

Place of Birth: Eagle

Education: Moscow Aviation Technical Institute. K. E. Tsiolkovsky (MATI)


1991–2001 - held senior positions at a number of enterprises, including InterUral and NTMK

2001–2002 - Deputy Director, Export Director of Trade House NOSTA-OHMK

2003–2004 - First Deputy Sales Director, Deputy General Director for Commerce, Ural Steel

2005–2006 - General Director of Mikhailovsky GOK

2006–2008 - Commercial Director of Metalloinvest Management Company

2008–2009 - First Deputy General Director, General Director of Metalloinvest Management Company

2009–2014 - CEO of HC Metalloinvest

Since 2013 - CEO of Metalloinvest Management Company

Detail: He earned his first money at the age of 15 by unloading wagons. In September 2016, he was re-elected as a deputy of the Kursk Regional Duma. For 2015, he indicated an income of 429.5 million rubles ($7 million).

20. Alexey Moskov

Position: Chairman of the Board of Renova Group of Companies

Age: 45 years

Reward Estimate:$3 million

Place of Birth: Moscow

Education: Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT)


1994–1997 - Executive Director of Tobacco Trade Group of Companies

1997–1998 - head of the Renova division

1998–2004 - Tyumen Oil Company (since 2003 - TNK-BP), senior positions, member of the Board of Directors of Slavneft

2004–2010 - Executive Director of Renova Group

Since 2010 - Chairman of the Board of Renova Group of Companies

Detail: Moskov is on the board of directors of the Swiss company Oerlikon, in which Renova owns 43%. Oerlikon is engaged in space, solar energy, laser and nanotechnology. The radome of every European Arian and Atlas rocket, the bodies of many satellites are made at the Oerlikon factory in Zurich.

21. Nikolai Tokarev

Position: President, Chairman of the Board of Transneft

Age: 65 years old

Reward Estimate:$3 million

Place of Birth: Karaganda, Kazakh SSR

Education: Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, Higher School of the KGB


1973–1996 - worked in exploration

1996–1999 - Office of the President, Deputy General Director of the UGP State Foreign Property

1999–2000 - Vice President of Transneft, Head of Security Service

2000–2007 - CEO of Zarubezhneft

Since September 2007 - President, Chairman of the Board of Transneft

Detail: Tokarev was born on December 20, Chekist Day, and in 1978 he began his studies at the Higher School of the KGB at the same faculty with the former chairman of the State Duma, Sergei Naryshkin. In the 1980s, he served in the Dresden KGB residency, where Vladimir Putin was later sent. Tokarev took care of him as a senior comrade.

22. Andrey Dubovskov

Position: President of MTS

Age: 50 years

Reward Estimate:$2.9 million

Place of Birth: Alma-Ata

Education: All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK), directing department


1993–2002 - held senior positions in a number of telecommunications companies operating in Russia and Kazakhstan

2002–2004 - CEO of Tele2 in Nizhny Novgorod

2004–2011 - MTS, director of the branch in Nizhny Novgorod, head of the Ural region, in 2008 headed MTS-Ukraine

Since 2011 - President of MTS, replaced Mikhail Shamolin in this post

Detail: Loves motorcycles. “I am a fan of strong cars, but not choppers or cruisers. At first, you need to grow a belly and a beard (just kidding); on the second - lie on the tank head first, - he said. - I have a very good strong road builder. When he received the rights to a motorcycle in 1982, he did not dare to dream of such a thing.

23. Igor Shekhterman

Position: CEO of X5 Retail Group

Age: 46 years old

Reward Estimate:$2.8 million

Place of Birth: Kaliningrad

Education: Kaliningrad Technical University, Institute d "Administration des Enterprises, Danish Management School


1996–2015 - co-founder, managing partner of the consulting company RosExpert (specializes in the selection of senior executives)

Since 2015 - Chief Executive Officer of X5 Retail Group

Detail: He was an advisor to Stephane DuCharme, former CEO of X5 Retail Group. DuCharme continues to serve as Chairman of X5's Supervisory Board and Chairman of the Nominations and Compensation Committee. DuCharme himself received nearly $15 million in 2015.

24. Dmitry Konov

Position: Chairman of the Board of Sibur Holding

Age: 46 years old

Reward Estimate:$2.6 million

Place of Birth: Moscow

Education: MGIMO, IMD


1994–1997 - International Finance Company

1997–1998 - "Renaissance Capital"

1998–2000 - worked in various positions in the Yukos Treasury

2001–2004 - Vice President, Managing Director of the Trust and Investment Bank

2004–2006 - Sibur, Advisor to the President, Vice President, Senior Vice President

Since November 2006 - President of Sibur

Since 2011 - CEO of Sibur

Detail: An ardent fan of the CSKA basketball team. In May 2016, in the final game of the Euroleague between CSKA and the Turkish Fenerbahce, sitting in the front row, he held the Turkish striker Nikola Kalinich, who flew off to the audience during the attack. He later apologized to the player.

For the year, the rating was left by the former head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, the former chairman of the board of RusHydro Evgeny Dod, the former head of Bashneft Alexander Korsik, the former CEO of MegaFon Ivan Tavrin, the former head of the Bank of Moscow Mikhail Kuzovlev, the CEO of EuroChem » Dmitry Strezhnev. Their places were taken by VimpelCom CEO Jean-Yves Charlier, Polyus CEO Pavel Grachev, Inter RAO CEO Boris Kovalchuk, Metalloinvest CEO Andrey Varichev, Transneft President Nikolai Tokarev, X5 Retail Group CEO Igor Shekhterman.

Over the five years that Forbes publishes the rating of top managers, total payments to company executives have decreased by 2.3 times, and the ruble has fallen by about the same amount, the newspaper notes. Forbes first published the rating of the highest paid top managers in Russia in 2012 . Then Andrei Kostin became its leader, whose remuneration for the previous year was estimated at $30 million. VTB did not agree with the assessment: a statement was published on the bank's website, in which the assessment was called "literally from the ceiling." “According to the issuer's report for 2011, the entire board of VTB Bank, which is headed by Kostin, received almost 608 million rubles. According to the logic of Forbes, apparently, members of the VTB board are forced to pay extra for the honor of working in the same team with Kostin, ”VTB said in a statement.

The second rating of top managers was headed by Igor Sechin, whose remuneration was then estimated by Forbes at $50 million (taking into account the premium that a top manager could receive for the acquisition of TNK-BP by Rosneft). Sechin in court, and he recognized the assessment as untrue and discrediting the honor and dignity of a top manager, Forbes refute it.

When compiling the rating, Forbes limited the circle of potential participants to the 70 largest companies by revenue in 2015, excluding state corporations and companies managed by owners. In most cases, remuneration estimates are calculated based on the total compensation paid to key management companies in 2015.​ The estimate takes into account such types of remuneration as short-term (salary, bonuses and other types of remuneration), long-term (share-based payments) and received from participation in boards of directors of subsidiaries. Forbes also included bonuses for 2014 that were paid in 2015 and did not include bonuses for 2015 that were paid in 2016.

Forbes has published its latest rating of the highest paid top managers in Russia. This rating has been published for five years.
During this time, total payments to the heads of Russian companies increased by 2.3 times.

Below is the ranking
the most "expensive" top managers
according to Forbes.

1. Alexey Miller

Position : Chairman of the Board of PJSC Gazprom

Age : 54 years old

Reward assessment: $17.7 million

  • Alexey Miller was born on January 31, 1962 in Leningrad.
  • Since 2001 - Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Gazprom.
  • Since 2002 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom.
  • In February 2016, it became known that the contract with Alexey Miller as Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Gazprom was extended for another 5 years

2. Igor Sechin

Position : President, Chairman of the Board of Rosneft Oil Company

Age : 56 years old

Reward assessment: $13 million

  • Igor Sechin was born in Leningrad on September 7, 1960.
  • On May 23, 2012, shortly after Putin took office for a third term, Sechin was appointed president of Rosneft.
  • According to Forbes, in 2015 Sechin received 3.4 million rubles. for his work on the Board of Directors of Inter RAO. He donated the money he received to charity.
  • A block of shares in Rosneft brought him $2.5 million in dividends based on the results of 2015.

3. German Gref

Position : President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank

Age : 52 years old

Reward assessment: $11 million

  • Gref was born in the village of Panfilovo, Irtysh district, Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR.
  • German Gref was the main lobbyist for Russia's entry into the World Trade Organization.
  • Also at various times he was a member of the board of directors of many state-owned companies (Gazprom, Svyazinvest, etc.)
  • From October 2007 to the present, Gref has been Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia.

4. Dmitry Razumov

Position : General Director of ONEXIM Group

Age : 41 years old

Reward assessment: $10 million

  • Dmitry Razumov was born on February 7, 1975 in Moscow.
  • Graduated from the Faculty of International Law of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
  • Since 2007, he has been the CEO of the ONEXIM group, which includes the assets that Mikhail Prokhorov inherited during the division of business with Vladimir Potanin.

5. Ivan Streshinsky

Position : CEO USM Advisors

Age : 47 years old

Reward assessment: $10 million

  • Streshinsky was born in 1969. He received his higher education at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
  • He graduated in 1992. He studied in the specialty "Applied Mathematics and Physics" at the Faculty of Flight Technology and Aerodynamics.
  • From 2006 to 2007 served as CEO of Gazmetall, which owned a number of metallurgical assets of Alisher Usmanov and Andrey Skoch.
  • From 2008 to 2012 - CEO of Telecominvest, which owns Usmanov's telecommunications assets.
  • Since 2012, he has been the CEO of Usmanov's company USM Advisors.

6. Vladislav Solovyov

Position : General Director of UC Rusal

Age : 43 years old

Reward assessment: $7.4 million

  • Born on May 14, 1973. Graduated from the Higher School of Management of the State Academy of Management.
  • From 2000 to 2008 headed the accounting department, was the deputy general director for finance at Rusal.
  • From 2008 to 2010 - CEO En. From 2010 to 2014 served as First Deputy Director of UC Rusal.
  • Since 2014, he has been the CEO of UC Rusal.

7. Mikhail Shamolin

Position : President of AFK Sistema

Age : 46 years old

Reward assessment: $7.4 million

  • Shamolin was born in 1970. In 1992 he graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute (MADI)
  • In 1993 - the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
  • In 1996-1997 Completed the Wharton Business School's Senior Management Program in Finance and Management.
  • Since 2011, he has been President of AFK Sistema.

8. Mikhail Zadornov

Position: President - Chairman of the Board of VTB24

Age : 53 years old

Reward assessment: $6.5 million

  • Zadornov was born on May 4, 1963 in Moscow.
  • From 2000 to 2005 was a member of the State Duma.
  • Since July 2005 - President - Chairman of the Board of VTB24.

9. Andrey Akimov

Position : Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank

Age : 63 years old

Reward assessment: $6.3 million

  • Akimov graduated from the Faculty of International Economics of the Moscow Financial Academy (MFA) with a degree in international economics, finance and banking.
  • From 1991 to 2002 in Investment Management & Advisory Group GmbH (Austria), he held the position of Managing Director, Staff Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Vneshtorgbank.
  • Since November 2002, he has been Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprombank.

10. Ruben Aganbegyan

Position : Chairman of the Board, General Director of Otkritie Holding OJSC

Age : 44 years old

Reward assessment: $6 million

  • Aganbegyan was born on February 14, 1972 in Novosibirsk.
  • From 2003 to 2010 held the position of head of the Russian branch of IC "Renaissance Capital".
  • From 2010 to 2012 headed the Moscow Exchange.
  • Since 2012, he has held the position of Chairman of the Board, General Director of OJSC Otkritie Holding.
  • Owns a 7.96% stake in OJSC Otkritie Holding. The package price is $267 million, as of October 20, 2016.

11. Jean-Yves Charlier

Position : CEO Vimpelcom Ltd

Age : 52 years old

Reward assessment: $5.7 million

12. Maxim Sokov

Position : CEO of En+

Age : 37 years old

Reward assessment: $5 million

13. Alexey Marey

Position : Chief Executive Officer of Alfa-Bank

Age : 39 years old

Reward assessment: $4.5 million

14. Gulzhan Moldazhanova

Position: General Director of "Basic Element"

Age : 50 years old

Reward assessment: $4 million

15. Alexander Dyukov

Position :

CEO of Gazprom Neft

Age : 48 years old

Reward assessment: $3.8 million

16. Nail Maganov

Position: General Director of Tatneft

Age : 58 years old

Reward assessment: $3.6 million

17. Pavel Grachev

Position : General Director of PJSC Polyus

Age : 43 years old

Reward assessment: $3.5 million

18. Boris Kovalchuk

Position : Chairman of the Board of Inter RAO

Age : 38 years old

Reward assessment: $3.5 million

19. Andrey Varichev

Position : General Director of Management Company "Metalloinvest"

Age : 48 years old

Reward assessment: $3.4 million

20. Alexey Moskov

Position : Chairman of the Board of Renova Group of Companies

Age : 45 years old

Reward assessment: $3 million

Position : President - Chairman of the Board of VTB Bank

Age : 60 years old

Andrey Kostin, President and Chairman of the Management Board of VTB, was not ranked: Forbes did not name his remuneration, explaining that the VTB Group did not provide data on key managers to whom the total remuneration for 2015 in the amount of 6.1 billion rubles is distributed. A year earlier, Forbes estimated Kostin's total compensation at $ 21 million, the state banker ranked second.