How to be successful in network marketing. How to succeed in online business? is the eternal question. Network Marketing Success Strategy

Network marketing or MLM, no matter how it is treated, is one of the legitimate types of income, and there are people who really find themselves in this field of activity. Today on the site "Beautiful and Successful" the conversation will not be about how good or bad MLM is.

We just want to give some advice to those who decide to try themselves as a networker. We hope our recommendations will help you figure out how to succeed in network marketing.

Before you enthusiastically start distributing a company's product and recruiting people to your team, it's a good idea to understand what exactly you will offer and which company you represent. Without this, neither a serious positioning of yourself in the market of network services, nor, ultimately, your effectiveness as a distributor is possible.

  1. The first thing to pay attention to is product that you are going to offer to customers. After all, it is he who is the main "trump card" in your work. It is important that you yourself be sure that the product is of high quality, and most importantly - necessary for people, otherwise it will be difficult for you to convince potential consumers and partners to buy and promote it. Your personal experience of using the product can play a significant role here. It will be much easier to succeed and make money in network marketing if you sell a product that you really like. In addition, people are impressed when they are offered something that the seller himself enjoys using.
  2. Find out how famous and stable company, which you are going to represent, find out how many years it has existed. According to statistics, you should not get involved with young organizations that have existed for less than 3 years: there is a high probability that the company will cease to exist without being “untwisted”. As a rule, this happens in 80% of cases.
  3. Analyze marketing plan that the organization offers and consider whether you can quickly become successful and earn income in network marketing within it. To thoroughly understand this issue, "Beautiful and Successful" recommends that you carefully study the special literature.
  4. Finally, try to find out how company leaders treat distributors how ethical, far-sighted they are; study the pricing policy and ask if the "top" is loyal to the agent's rapidly growing income level. And, of course, an important factor will be the organization of a system for training new distributors and mentoring - without this, it is difficult for a beginner to understand all the intricacies of the business and understand how to succeed and make money in network marketing.

Personal Success Factors

But even if you work with the most reliable company and distribute the most wonderful product, not everyone will succeed in network marketing. The so-called "internal factors" are extremely important for this.

  • sociability;
  • the ability to find a common language with a variety of people, to understand them, to feel their mood;
  • ease of establishing new contacts;
  • activity;
  • ambition;
  • positive attitude and focus on success.

It is hard to imagine as a distributor a person who is introverted, who does not like and does not know how to communicate, who does not believe that he can achieve success and high earnings in network marketing, and who does not appreciate the product he is trying to promote.

The next factor that will help you become a successful networker is the ability to organize your work time.

It is known that MLM representatives do not sit in the office or at the monitor screen "from call to call", but in conditions of self-discipline is even more important. Remember that in order to be successful, you need to allocate time in your personal schedule for training, meetings with clients and future partners, for working with your structure and client base. The more clearly and rationally your schedule is built, the easier it will be for you to work.

And you also need to realize that windfall profits will not fall on your head as soon as you take your first steps in network marketing. On the contrary, at first your material reward can be very modest.

Stock up on patience. It may take you a year or even two to see the first tangible results.

Network Marketing Success Strategy

Begin work with the so-called "warm circle". These are people with whom you communicate every day, you know personally: friends, relatives, work colleagues, teachers of your child, just acquaintances.

  • Make a list of everyone to whom you can offer the company's products.
  • Think about which of them could become a new member of your team.
  • Make an appointment with them to talk about the product and your work.
  • Don't be overly assertive. If a person categorically refuses to cooperate, ask him to recommend people who might be interested in your information.

Explore different ways to promote your product and recruit new distributors. It can be not only such traditional methods as personal meetings or "live" presentations. Use phone calls, advertisements and, of course, the power of the internet.

You can achieve success in network marketing by working remotely in several areas:

  • through groups in social networks;
  • creating topics on forums and communities;
  • by creating landing pages and one-page sites, which contain basic information about the company and product, as well as your contact information;
  • through a website or an online store that presents products, as well as contains useful and interesting information about the product, the company and talks about the possibilities of cooperation.

Take care of expanding your customer base. Ask customers to share their positive experiences with your products in person and online. Leave potential customers with yours so they can easily contact you.

You can also “forget” product catalogs containing your contact information in cafes, cinemas, various institutions, recreation areas, etc.

Consider any difficulties as interesting tasks that you will definitely solve. A healthy ambition will also be a good helper.

You must be sure that you are able to become a better seller, strive to achieve success and good earnings in network marketing, and your dream will surely come true.

Why in network marketing some people achieve success, recognition, ranks and big money, while for others it becomes an unattainable dream. Let's see what prevents many who, having learned about MLM, caught fire, decided that this is really a way out and a solution to all life problems, but, faced with the reality of network marketing, they cannot earn even 10-15 thousand rubles a month here.

I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid!

I want to start this article with the questions most frequently asked by the majority of distributors entering the MLM industry: “Why can’t I succeed in network marketing?”, “Why is my business not going?”, “Why can’t I achieve my goals, because Am I doing everything right, as I was taught?

Top reasons why network marketing fails

The main reason for these problems is our fears. Yes - yes, do not be surprised, the reason is in ourselves, in our thoughts, in our experiences. This is exactly what I would like to talk about.

Unfortunately, it is so arranged by nature that the feeling of fear is inherent in us by nature and is present in us all our lives. In any case, this feeling was given to us by nature in order to survive in this not simple world and you can’t get away from it.

The only ones who do not have a sense of fear are small children. They do not yet have a certain life experience, they have not yet taken place as social personalities. They have not yet fallen, not hurt themselves, no one has offended or insulted them yet.

However, we are adults, we live in a modern society, we communicate every day, go to work, to shops. Therefore, over the years, a certain type of behavior develops in absolutely every adult. And, accordingly, each of us has certain fears.

Why in network marketing
new MLM partners appear fears

The most common, most popular fears that absolutely every beginner has to one degree or another are:

You will be denied;

You will not be understood;

They will not want to talk to you about business;

I can't sell.

This list is far from complete. Each MLM partner, individually, has their own fears. I would like to review the most common ones.

Common fears in MLM

The most common fear in MLM is rejection. In fact, we face rejections all the time in life, and this applies not only to network marketing. For example, take a regular government job. At first, we are afraid that they will refuse and not take it. Then we are afraid to ask for an increase in wages, we are afraid to take time off early, we are afraid of not being able to cope with our responsibilities. Everywhere we are haunted by the fear of rejection.

The paradox is that we, in most cases, get rejected because of our fears, our insecurities.

What is actually happening in reality?

Let's say you registered a newcomer, told him about the basic concepts of your MLM company, and gave him the first tasks. He comes home, sits down and starts writing a list of acquaintances. After the newcomer has written a "complete" list, a man of 10-20, he falls into reflection. There are thoughts that this business will not suit the first person from this list, the second one has no time, the third one has money, etc.

As a result, it turns out that, according to the newcomer, there is no one from this list to call. Then he sat down and in half an hour calculated his business plan and concluded that no one would go to work in network marketing.

The problem is that this is exactly what the vast majority of new consultants do. Yes, they listened to the presentation, where everything was bright, colorful, interesting. He was inspired, registered, promised to work, and even made you an "application for success." Then he is left alone with his thoughts and begin to think: “Why do I need this?”, “What will I do?”.

In addition, he begins to consult with relatives who hear about network marketing for the first time from him. And then doubts begin to creep in about the correctness of their decision.

In fact, if you think about it, what happened in this situation? What happened was that the newcomer replayed all these events in his head and, based on his life experience, concluded that this system does not work and in general it is not his. But this is purely his subjective thinking and his attitude.

What to do in such a situation?

It is very important at this moment not to miss your consultant. Time to help him, suggest, support!

Here it is appropriate to cite as an example my favorite phrase that my mentor always told me: “Never decide for others!”.

And I believe that this is a very correct statement, because not a single person can get into the brains of another and read his thoughts, unless you are a psychic, of course)). How can you decide for another what he needs and what not? After all, each of us has our own personal life experience, thinking, desires, goals, etc.

It is very important to explain to the newcomer in time that network marketing, in principle, is all built on failures. If this point is not immediately explained to the beginner, he will meet with objections unprepared. It will be very stressful for him. And then there will be thoughts about why he doesn’t succeed in network marketing.

By the way, it’s much better if a potential partner or client refused you right away, and didn’t start “puffing your brains” about what he needs to think about, figure out, read about your company, etc. At the very least, if you are refused on time, you will not simply waste your time and energy on this person.

It is necessary to constantly remind the beginner that thoughts are material, one must think positively, be self-confident, always tune in only to win! Only in this way can you distract yourself from the negative, as well as avoid objections and rejections!

When I receive messages from my readers and newsletter subscribers, I carefully study them and answer all questions either in a letter or on my blog pages.

Today I will answer the question that worries many novice networkers: why does not everyone manage to build a successful business in MLM?

I will name 5 reasons.

The first and most important reason is the lack of professionalism, or rather, the lack of a newcomer's desire for professional growth.

Network business is first and foremost a business, and it requires a serious attitude. If a person buys products and tries to sell them by any means, then only those who love and know how to sell, and such, as is known from statistics, are 5% of the population.

Of course, a networker is obliged to learn how to sell, and his goal should not be to “pump” products, but to be able to recommend them so that a person realizes how he can solve his problems with her help, and so that he makes a decision to purchase it here and now.

You can learn this by practicing this skill. It takes time, brilliant product knowledge and honesty.

I'm talking about honesty because the network business mercilessly throws out of its ranks those who base their actions on deceit. Such people damage the image of the networker, because they generate mistrust in others.

And then, even if a person knows how to sell well, then the best results are still obtained not by sellers, but by those who place the main emphasis on business partners, on leaders.

From the first days, a beginner must learn the profession of a networker, which means learning from a mentor, from superior successful leaders, attending all company events and immediately putting all the knowledge gained into practice.

The second equally important reason is connected with the myth that MLM business is for everyone.

The doors to business are really open to everyone, only here such qualities as perseverance in achieving one's goals, patience and, of course, decency and goodwill are needed.

Some leaders believe that everyone should be invited into their business. I used to think so too, but time and practice suggested that we need to build a team of like-minded people.

Client, i.e. anyone can become a consumer of products, but not everyone can become a partner.

Speaking about the search for partners, it must be emphasized that each networker must clearly imagine the portrait of his target audience and focus on precisely such people. The effectiveness of this approach has been proven, and many leaders are talking about it.

It is very important what relationships develop in the team, and this primarily depends on the people who join the structure. A quarrelsome, deceitful, prone to scams, an envious person will bring with him a lot of negativity, so you should take care of the moral purity of the team and not invite everyone into the business.

The third reason is the lack of a simple training system and the presence of a consistent algorithm of actions.

As already noted, the profession of a networker must be seriously studied. When this training is chaotic, chaos is created in the beginner's head from the very beginning, there is no clear vision of the sequence of actions, much less an idea of ​​how to train their new partners.

When a simple training system is worked out in a team, when it is easily duplicated, then each person can get the desired results much faster.
If he does not have a financial return from his sluggish actions for a month or two or three, then he loses interest in business.

If the company does not have a step-by-step training system (this, unfortunately, occurs), this system can be created within the team. A beginner needs to know the marketing plan, products, methods of inviting and working with objections. He must learn to work with a list of acquaintances, set goals correctly, hold meetings and presentations, use the Internet in his activities and further teach his people all this.

The reason for sluggish actions often lies in the fact that instead of effective training, team meetings are reduced to simple “gatherings” without specific topics. But each such meeting can be spent with benefit, opening up new development prospects for people.

Networkers work on a free schedule and receive rewards only based on the results of their activities, however, a competent mentor will keep unobtrusive control over the process, skillfully direct the actions of beginners in the right direction in order to increase their effectiveness and interest.

If a newcomer feels support, a sincere interest in his personality, if he is clearly shown the path of development and if at the same time he has the necessary qualities that I have named above, then the guarantee that he will not leave the business is very high.

The fourth reason for failures is the lack of planning of one's actions.

First of all, a beginner must determine why he needs our business, what he wants to achieve with it and in what time frame.

Then, with the help of a mentor, write a clear plan of action. Knowing the possibilities of our business and marketing plan, it will not be difficult to do this. It is necessary to break the long-term plan into smaller periods up to a month and even up to a week.

And now a person will have a route along which he will move towards his goal - this is wonderful and necessary for everyone, just as a ship needs when it sets sail.

The fifth reason lies in the fact that the beginner does not develop as a person.

He must not only master a new profession, but also become the kind of person whom he would like to follow, i.e. become an attractive person.

Think about what kind of mentor you would like. And become so!

I know a lot of people who came to our business without education, without being able to speak beautifully. Over time, they were transformed beyond recognition, because here they found not only money, but also fertile ground for personal growth. They will never agree to work for hire.

Why do people fail to succeed in network marketing?
On the pages, we have already touched on the topic of achieving success in the network business, discussing the question - “why does a person come to network marketing?” and other topics related to achieving great results. However, statistics show that many people who enter the MLM business do not achieve success and leave network marketing. After that, they begin to say that “network marketing is a scam”, “only those who come first earn money in network marketing”, “it is impossible to earn much in MLM business”, etc. In their words, resentment clearly shows through, because they failed to justify their hopes and achieve high results.

I have dealt with such people many times. And he always asked the same question: “Have you done enough to achieve success?”. The question seems very simple, and almost always people answered: “Yes, of course! I tried really hard, and it's the system that's bad, not me." “Then let's think,” I continued, “why then thousands of people around the world became millionaires in the network business?” I almost never got an answer to this question.

Moreover, the situations are different - a person can be in the network business for 3-5 years, but at the same time have neither a team, nor clients, nor any income. He attends events, he buys products, but he does not achieve much success. He can be in this state for longer - 10-15 years. You know, there are people with "extinct eyes". They seem to be in business, and maybe there is a small team, but there are no results, no motivation. There are a lot of them in our business, and all for one simple reason.

In fact, people fail to succeed in network marketing for one reason only - they did not work enough. It's that simple. People who couldn't earn at least $1000 in the network business simply didn't do anything for it. Of course, someone can object and say that he had meetings with his friends, but no one agreed. However, holding 10-20 meetings is not enough, and any TOP leader of any network company will confirm this to you. It sometimes takes 100 or 200 good meetings to find 5 active partners. By a good meeting, I mean a full-fledged dialogue in which you talk in detail about working in network marketing and the opportunities that the company provides.

Only daily actions lead to great achievements in MLM business
Network Marketing is a serious business, which requires daily actions aimed at achieving results. Let's think about what actions you need to do every day to find a few new partners and help them succeed:

  • Meet new people every day

  • Invite these people to a meeting where you talk about business

  • Hold 3-5 meetings daily

  • Take part in presentations that are held in your city

  • Invite people to presentations

  • Participate in webinars that are held in your company

  • Communicate with those people who have not yet made a final decision

  • Keep in touch with those who said “no” to you, but may change their mind

  • Train new partners in the basics of business

  • Help newcomers invite people to meetings

  • Meet with your new partners

  • Train your team in more serious aspects of business (leadership, attitude, etc.)

  • Tell people about the products that your company has

  • Find new clients and maintain relationships with them

  • Teach your partners the basics of selling

  • Attend all events of your company

Of course, this is not a definitive list of what you need to constantly do in network marketing to achieve success. These are the most basic actions by which we create a team and develop our business. The most important thing is to do these actions regularly. Our business is very simple and should not be complicated. Now it has become very fashionable to talk about a “personal brand”, to dream that hundreds of young and ambitious partners will come to your team through the YouTube channel, but this is not so. Internet technologies are our serious assistant for finding and connecting new partners, but even on the Internet, you need to work hard and hard before you create your brand or find several interested partners for your team. Personal communication, meetings, presentations are the basis of MLM business.

So when people say “I worked in network marketing, but I didn’t succeed,” I am 100% sure that people just didn’t do enough to achieve success. Doing daily routine work is quite difficult. Moreover, we do not receive a fixed “salary” for these actions. However, you should always remember why you came to network marketing, and then you will definitely be motivated to meet people every day, invite them to meetings and connect them to the business.

Summing up
The main reason for failure in network marketing is the small number of necessary daily actions aimed at achieving a result. These actions are very simple, but at the same time, few people actually do them in large numbers. Acquaintance with people, holding meetings, presentations, inviting people to the team. There is nothing difficult in this, but in order to achieve truly serious results, it is necessary to do a large number of such small actions. Acquaintance with people, holding meetings, presentations, inviting people to the team. There is nothing difficult in this, but in order to achieve truly serious results, it is necessary to do a large number of such small actions.

1. Decide what exactly you want to achieve in network marketing. No halftones and ambiguities, nothing indefinite and vague. The picture of your success should be clear and drawn as much as possible. Act now!

2. Choose a company that will help you achieve your chosen goal. For example, “taste it”. Act now!

3. Choose a sponsor that suits you. I can become them. Act now!

4. Tune in for the best. Radiate positivity. Always remember that only by desiring the unreal can you get the impossible. Believe in yourself and your star. Act now!

5. Change the image. Enter the role of a successful person and very quickly become one in fact. Do not forget, we are still met by clothes! Act now!

6. Come to work first. Leave the workplace last. Spend your working time precisely and only on work. Remember: success in network marketing does not come by itself. Act now!

7. Be always in sight. Don't hide from your company's leadership. Act now!

8. Don't wait for sponsors to come and give everything. Maybe your mentor is really a telepath. But most likely not. And help will not fall on you from the sky. Ask and receive with gratitude. Act now!

9. Build your reputation bit by bit. Never, under any circumstances, risk your honest name. Act now!

10. Don't live in one day. Think about the future, but be “Here and Now.” Every day, do something to achieve your goal. Act now!

11. Always remember your goal in MLM. Write it down in your notebook. Decide on deadlines. Make a list of tasks. Turn your list into a plan to achieve your goal. Follow him closely. Act now!

12. Never forget the result. Always know what you are working for and what you want to achieve. Know how to prioritize. Act now!

13. Do not give in to difficulties. Learn to deal with problems. Learn to do it as they come. Learn to prevent problems. Act now!

14. Get creative with tasks. Let yourself sometimes invent a steam locomotive. Remember, the most successful are those who do not constrain themselves with limits. Act now!

15. Appreciate those with whom you work side by side. Treat them the way you expect them to treat you. Act now!

16. Make your motto the saying "Live and learn". Don't let yourself get stuck on one level. Try to learn something new every day. Act now!

17. Wake up the perfectionist in you (this is the one who wants to do everything to the maximum). Your work should always be done with five plus. Act now!

18. Don't let yourself forget that you and I live in the "age of the buyer." Love your customers, take care of them, and they will do the same for you. Act now!

19. Always think about increasing profits and reducing costs. Do not immediately refuse any even at first glance microscopic opportunity to earn even more and success will definitely come to you! Act now!

21. Work as fast as possible without sacrificing quality. Be known as a person who can handle any urgent task. Act now!

Well, why are you sitting? Get out from behind the monitor and .... Act now!

Firstly, it is extremely important to study in detail the essence of network marketing in order to make optimal decisions from the very beginning, creating the base and foundation of your future business, if necessary, attract the right people who can become sponsors to its implementation, or calculate the means and efforts that you will have to exert for the best results.

Secondly, if you filled out an online form and left your information about a private business, know that you will certainly begin to receive phone calls to clarify the details and receive confirmation of the information you posted on the Internet. Get ready for it. If they call you at an inconvenient time for you, just tell them about it and ask them to call you back later. This is in the order of things and most people will understand such a request correctly. And if someone reacts negatively to this, then it’s not a big deal - most likely you don’t need to contact such partners - this is a kind of filter that can facilitate your work, eliminating possible complications in the early stages.

Thirdly, do not flatter yourself about the fact that in just three months you can achieve a monthly profit of 350 thousand rubles. This is so obvious that it doesn't even require explanation. Why on earth will other people do all the work for you, offering you to earn crazy money without making any effort. There are a lot of offers on the Internet like "Just send us an email and you will start making money." But, firstly, no one knows how to write this letter correctly, and secondly, it is quite obvious that in order to earn money, every serious marketer must have a personal website and not rely on anyone.

Fourth. So, you have chosen a field of activity and found a sponsor - what's next? Most people at this stage fall into a stopper, postponing the implementation for later and, after some time, they find out that several years have passed, and things are still there.

  • Procrastination is one of the most common mistakes and the most difficult obstacle in all aspects of life. Time is the most precious commodity and wasting it is a luxury. It is well known how the interest rate of money in banks works, turning deposits into a tidy sum over time. In the same way, time affects your own business. At first, things go slowly, but gradually the business is gaining momentum and, as experience and skills are gained, it begins to generate a steady income.
  • Fifth. If you are planning to use the services of a sponsor, then at the very initial stage, contact him and ask him to help you in the design and registration of your business. This does not take long and is a common practice, while allowing you to dot all i from the very beginning.

    • Many companies offer to subscribe online immediately by filling out questionnaires with personal information, since starting a real business requires identification and certain guarantees. So, for US citizens, a social card number may be required, and for residents of other countries, a taxpayer identification number or passport data. In any case, your sponsor will help you decide what information is really needed and will advise you on this issue.
  • Sixth. Once you have joined a particular network marketing program, you should never sit back and wait for results. We must act further. Think about the fact that now you are your own boss, and this has both its pros and cons. Most of us are not self-critical enough. Therefore, try to abstract from the fact that you work exclusively for yourself and regularly ask yourself the question: “Based on how I worked today, would I fire myself from work or, on the contrary, would I encourage such an employee with a bonus?”

    Many people are currently in search of the desired success and financial stability. Becoming financially independent and secure means creating a passive income for yourself that covers not only your mandatory expenses, but also the costs of achieving your goals or desires. Network marketing is one of the ways, and perhaps the easiest to date, that
    gives us all the opportunities to gain But this does not mean that becoming a networker, money and success will fall on your head in unrealistic quantities. To achieve results in the MLM industry, you need at least desire and constant work at the initial stage before you reach a certain level, which will allow you to relax. Therefore, in this article, we will talk about the common and key components of performance.

    Laws of Success in Network Marketing

    1. Careful assessment of the situation.

    The most important the reason for many failures in network marketing is choosing the wrong company. A company where it is simply impossible to make money. Signs of such network marketing companies will help you not to make a mistake in your endeavor.

    Here are the main signs:

    • - people buy goods of this company only once;
    • - the goods of this company are distributed cheaper outside the network;
    • - lack of a repeatable search and support system for lower-level distributors;
    • - too complex system to implement;
    • - lack of financial reserve of the company;
    • - unstable or declining market;
    • - unsatisfactory customer service.
    Let's briefly review each of these points.

    - People buy goods of this company only once.
    Everyone knows that a client is difficult to find. This requires constant effort and diversified work. But if you can only sell one copy to a client, then your efforts are doomed to failure due to the high cost of finding a client. Consequently, those network marketing companies survive that offer the client a product that he really needs. Which he constantly uses, and which he will continue to use.

    - The goods of this company are distributed cheaper offline.
    People don't want to pay a high price for a product just to become a member of a network company. Therefore, if you wish to become a representative of the company - provided that it is possible to go to any store and buy the same product for less - your efforts are doomed to failure. But it is necessary to compare products of the same type. It is possible that you can buy a similar product in the store, but of lower quality. In this case, research the composition of the product, find out all the details, and make sure that you are selling the best quality product.

    - Lack of a repeatable recruitment and support system for downstream distributors.
    Many managers of network companies do not think about how members of the company should recruit new members. Before becoming a member of any company, ask your sponsor about the company's references and what they provide to help you recruit and support your own distributors. In 95% of cases they will say almost nothing. Be persistent. Ask the sponsor to explain the entire recruitment and support system to you in detail. Ask difficult and uncomfortable questions. Most likely, the company does not have a clear system. Their position is: join the company, invent your system - while we, we will spend your contributions, profits from sales, and so on.

    - The system is too complicated to implement.
    Sometimes you may run into another problem: the system is there, but it is too complicated to use. Network marketing is often presented as a business open to all. For companies where recruitment and support is too complex for anyone to follow this system, this statement is laughable. The recruitment and support system must be simple - so that any person of average ability can work with it successfully.

    - Lack of financial reserve of the company.
    Most companies, at the beginning of their existence, consume more funds for their development than they receive. If the network company does not have a financial reserve that compensates for the initial costs of the company for its promotion, then the company will inevitably get into debt, curtail its expansion or activities as such. Check with your sponsor about the company's debts. If your sponsor does not know the answer to this question (surprisingly many sponsors cannot answer basic questions about the financial situation of the company they represent) - then try to find information in other sources, including the Internet and the tax office working in the area in which company registered. If there is no data, then forget about this company!

    - An unstable or declining market.
    One of the important factors due to which people earn better is a growing market. Many self-made entrepreneurs have done so for demographic reasons. Find out what the growth prospects of the network company you are considering are. Gather information about the state of the market in your network marketing industry. Try to find out the potential of this product in the world market. Ask your sponsor about the long-term plans of the company. Use the Internet to analyze demand and competition in the global market.

    - Poor customer service.
    Every company, and especially a network marketing company, should be an example of customer service. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen often. Before you work with any network marketing company, give them a call and order a product. Analyze the attitude towards you, the quality and efficiency of services. Call the company and inquire about the item being sold. How clear and concise were your answers? Trust your intuition!
    Evaluation takes time. Do not hurry. You need a company that you can work with for many years. Significant efforts should bring adequately high profits. The company should not promise you quick earnings - but should adequately and reliably pay for your efforts. Managers must work hard, provide you with all marketing tools, and create conditions for you to be Easier to Succeed in a Network Marketing Company. Many who do not follow the above advice are doomed to failure by taking part in unpromising companies.

    2. Typical behavior of a "new" independent distributor in MLM.

    He enters the company, gets the initial information, orders the company (at a high price), marketing materials, spends a couple of days organizing, gives brochures to a few friends, and... Stops. Waiting for the rain of money to fall on him. Of course, this does not happen! What should be done? All independent distributors join network companies for their own benefit. This means that they must behave like the sales director of their own company. They should think the way the leader of an international organization thinks and do what such leaders do.

    How to work with goals in network marketing

    Here's what needs to be done:
    • Define your goal. To succeed in sales, you need to know the goal. We do not mean a common goal. These are precise and specific goals. To do this, you need to find out exactly what you want from the company, and how the company can help you. Do you want to buy a new car? Do you want to build your own house in 5 years? Earn an extra hundred dollars a month? Write down on paper exactly what you want, how much it will cost, and when you want to get it. Success in SM begins with a desire - a desire for something personally important to you - that would motivate you to do whatever is necessary. Once you have identified your desires, write them down. Make a contract with yourself: "I'm going to give myself... Value... By... Date." Sign and date, and treat this document as you treat the most important documents - such as a passport or an employment agreement.
    • After drafting the contract, create a visual image of the goal. It is important to keep the goal in mind. Your mind must be constantly focused on the goal. Do not be shy! This is the key to success, so do whatever is necessary for this.
    • - Decide what your organization should be like to achieve your goal. Once you have determined the goal, what costs will be required, and the date of its achievement, develop a detailed plan based on the characteristics of your own organization. The plan should be based on the following:
      - number of distributors;
      - the quantity of goods that each distributor must purchase on a monthly basis;
      - how many distributors each distributor should recruit;
      - when recruitment should take place.
    • Sit down at your computer, grab a calculator, and get started. Look at things realistically. Remember: you will always be your most active and attentive distributor. This means that if you do nothing, everyone else will do the same. Don't assume that others will do more than you, set realistic goals for your own organization.
    • Having made preliminary calculations, transfer them to paper. If you are new to network marketing, you need to test your scores. If you have experience, base your estimates on past experience. In any case, indicate on paper what your organization should be like to achieve your goal. Maybe review your grades more often. The more often, the better. All plans require regular updates. The best plan is the result of long experience.
    • Do whatever is necessary to reach your goal. Strive to achieve your written goals. Do whatever is necessary and strictly follow the plans that have been described. If you have followed the above recommendations, you are on the right track. Ask members of your network marketing organization if they have a similar plan. Most will answer in the negative. You will notice that they are the ones who never succeed. Don't be like losers! Prepare client-oriented marketing materials.
    • To be successful in CM, you need to convince potential buyers that your company offers them value. Most CM executives don't understand this. It is necessary to clearly and clearly explain to potential buyers and distributors what exactly they will receive by joining the company. If your company has not explained in detail the value of the distributed product, you yourself must take care of this. Write a pitch letter listing the benefits a potential member will receive by joining you and your company. Make sure the reasons given are clear and detailed. Make sure the offers are of value. Arrange them in order of priority. Remember: people join SM companies for profit. Therefore, it is up to the company to clarify this benefit. If the leaders didn't take care of it, you should!
    • Provide a flow of requests. Many CM companies do not provide distributors with a reliable source of inquiries from potential customers. Of course, the company wants you to sell. But if they do not provide you with a source of requests, they are doomed to failure.

    3. Deal only with those who are able and willing to work.

    One of the most striking factors about network marketing is how many irresponsible people are trying to work in this area of ​​the business. You will probably have to deal with a lot of people of this kind. The larger your organization, the more irresponsible people you will meet. That is why you must learn how to evaluate potential employees. Learn to evaluate the intentions of potential distributors. Ask them difficult questions like the following:

    How much personal time are you willing to invest to achieve success in my organization?
    - How much money do you intend to invest?
    - what kind of experience, knowledge, skills, and talents do you intend to use in your work?
    - Are you ready to participate in campaigns to attract inquiries from potential buyers?
    - Do you intend to call people and visit them? Do you intend to regularly buy goods from the company? How often?

    Listen carefully to the answers

    The exchange of information must be direct, accurate, sincere, and detailed. You must have accurate information, and in turn, you must provide it to your potential employee. In business, conversations between colleagues and employees must be sincere. This is a necessary condition for work. Your time and resources are valuable and limited, we must not forget this. Therefore, questions should be tough and direct. Your answers should be the same.
    If you don't hear what you want to hear, forget about this person. Don't waste a minute or an extra penny on a person who doesn't intend to work hard to achieve success. With no exceptions. Print this thought on paper, and hang it in a conspicuous place. Often there is too great a desire not to pay attention to this, and be guided by hopes for the best.

    Help a New Distributor Get Started Successfully

    After hearing satisfactory answers, include the potential employee in your organization and help them get started. This implies the following:

    Include it in the plan for automatic purchases of goods within the company. The best distributors don't place orders every month - they arrange for the company to send them automatically;
    - help them with the source of requests and how they are received;
    - help the distributor to set the exact goal, and the date of its implementation;
    - set up a recruitment program for the next month;
    - set a time for follow-up appointments.

    Don't forget: a distributor's job depends on how successful the start is. If a distributor starts without enthusiasm, with vague goals, and without your guidance, he will bring you nothing but worries.
    Open the computer file for each of your distributors. Enter the required information - name, address, telephone, fax, etc. Write the purpose of this distributor, the dates of the scheduled telephone conversations and meetings, the results obtained, and so on. In short, you need a "business profile" for each distributor. Remember: you are starting a relationship that will last not a day or a month - but possibly years. Serious relationships require serious relationships. If the distributor cannot set a clear goal for himself, help him.

    4. Now Start Acting Like Your Own Sales Director

    If you intend achieve success in network marketing, you have to start acting like a sales director of a large company - from the very beginning. You must give this assignment to yourself. In addition, you must start working as a sales director - still without a single member of the organization. Here's what to do:

    • On the 15th of each month, you must call all the people on the first distribution line of your organization. Ask them if they managed to recruit anyone this month (if not, you need to tell them how it's done). Did they buy a product? Did they, in turn, contact members of their own distribution line? Your task is to constantly put pressure on those who often find themselves unable to do anything on their own;
    • During the last 5 days of each month - you need to call key people in your organization and make sure that they are doing everything necessary to meet the monthly sales target;
    • During the first week of the month, you must call all those who have not recruited a single person in the last 30 days, and those who have not purchased an item, and find out why. You will hear many apologies and explanations. Don't take any of them. Successful people find a way to do what it takes to be successful. Your task is to remind them of this, and focus the attention of the entire organization on achieving the goal. You have to get used to the fact that no one likes to be pushed. But if you're going to be successful in MLM, you have to learn how to fit. You must push people, remind them of the overall purpose of the company, and of their own participation in the work. You will have to listen to explanations, apologies, excuses - but you must not accept any of them. Your job is to be successful. As long as you accept explanations for the failures of others, you will have to put up with your own failures. Inevitably, there will be people who will not like your behavior and your reminders. Remember, it's their problem, not yours. Our observation is that the more successful you become, the more focused you become, the more criticism you will have to hear about your systematic approach to problem solving from people who never knew and never will know what success is and what high income is.
    • Your job is to do whatever it takes to be successful. Need to start immediately! Do not tolerate the laziness and indifference of others - those who have never been successful, and have never received serious money. Don't let their bad habits get in the way of your work. If you let them, rest assured that you will be in the midst of the vast majority of network marketers - for whom failure is the rule. Be persistent and don't let others get in your way of success. Good luck!