Application for transport sample form. Application for the provision of a vehicle for rent with the crew of the Sakhalin Zoo and Botanical Park - Document Application for renting a bus sample

After concluding a contract for the transportation of any cargo, the contractor undertakes to deliver the material values ​​entrusted to him within the specified time. The customer must pay all shipping costs.

Transportation can be carried out by any mode of transport: road, rail, air or water. Regardless of the method of delivery, the parties to the agreement additionally sign an application for the carriage of goods.

In the agreement, it is customary to single out two parties: the consignor and the contractor. In fact, the consignee also participates in the contract. His main duty is to accept the delivered material values ​​in a timely manner. At the same time, the transport company can issue the goods to third parties, but only if available.

The application for transportation is made out as an addition to the relevant contract. At the same time, the concluded agreement is confirmed. It is drawn up in three copies intended for the consignor, consignee and carrier.

Important: the signing of the document can be carried out by third-party citizens, but on condition that they have one or a physical one.

Application for transportation of goods - sample (download)

A contract for the carriage of goods by road or in any other way is often combined with an application. But it comes as an attachment and is an integral part of the document. The agreement must include:

  • place and date of signing;
  • details of all parties;
  • date and place of transfer of goods;
  • contact details and full name of the recipient;
  • estimated travel time and delivery route;
  • description of the cargo;
  • methods of payment and the full cost of services;
  • type of vehicle on which the delivery will be made;
  • driver data.

There is no single unified application form for cargo transportation. Each transport company has its own model contracts drawn up taking into account the interests of the carrier. Some contractors (at the request of the client) may add a clause on additional conditions of cooperation.

Contract-application for the carriage of goods - form (download)

You can draw up an agreement yourself or use a ready-made document form. There are many examples of such contracts on the Internet. In addition to the contract-application for the carriage of goods, you can find a standard form.

Summing up

With its help, it will also be possible to secure the consignor from counterclaims. They can arise if the goods arrived at the recipient in an improper form, for example, deformed.

In the case when the client needs cargo transportation, he turns to the company that is engaged in cargo transportation.

After discussing some issues with managers, you should correctly fill out the application form. When filling out the document, it is necessary to indicate accurate information on all items, since the stages of transportation will depend on them.

The main nuances when filling out the form

An application for the provision of transport services must necessarily contain accurate information about the specific place where the goods or cargo will be loaded.

The client should indicate the full name, address, contact number, clearly indicating the date and time of loading. It is also necessary to list the name of the product in detail.

It is also necessary to indicate the volume of the cargo and the total weight, taking into account the packaging. If fragile goods (porcelain, glass) will be transported, then this information must be indicated.

In the application for the provision of transport services, information about the vehicle should be indicated. Items such as address, date of unloading of goods, document number and name of the contact person should be indicated in detail.

In the case of customs operations, accurate information about the customs office, including its address, should be provided.

Transport Application Form

The form of this application is the only one for all participants in the transportation process.

Applications must include the following information:

  1. Full name of the organization;
  2. Contract number for certain forwarded cargoes;
  3. Destination country;
  4. Quantity of goods and volume of transportation;
  5. Vehicle model;
  6. Additional Information.

Additional information contains data on the imposed fines. They will be paid only in the event that the obligations of the client will not be fulfilled.

For example, specifying the size of the penalty when the client is late for unloading the goods by about 6 hours. After filling out the form by the client, the form of the document passes to the representatives of the enterprise. They indicate information about the driver (mode of transport, passport details, phone number, etc.).

Note that the date of submission of the document for the carriage of goods to the carrier is the date of its receipt. In addition, in the column "application number" the carrier must indicate the registration number of this document. The application also indicates the period of its validity, not exceeding 45 days.

Applications may be submitted in writing or electronically. Although, by agreement of the parties, it is allowed for the carrier to provide shippers with forms of certain applications for the transportation of vehicles.

Below is a standard form and a sample application for transport, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

  1. Application on the transportation of goods by road (annex to a standard annual contract for transportation cargo by road)

    Contract for the carriage of goods and passengers → Application for the carriage of goods by road (annex to a standard annual contract for the carriage of goods by road)

    Abundant transport from "" 20 No. application on the transportation cargo by road applications on the which period (day, five days, ten days, month) filed application(the schedule agreed by the parties for the delivery of cars to the points for...

  2. Sample. Application for the implementation transportation(attachment to the contract for transport services)

    Contract for the carriage of goods and passengers → Sample. Application for transportation (annex to the contract for transport services)

    application for the implementation transportation(annex to the contract for transport services) form applications for application...

  3. Sample. Commodity section on transportation goods in trade. Form number ttn

    Contract for the carriage of goods and passengers → Sample. Commodity section for the transportation of goods in trade. Form number ttn

    commodity section +-+ on transportation goods in trade okudt code 0003804 no. ttn +- +- supplier +- (name of organization, address, account, name ...

  4. Application for currency exchange

    Contract of sale and exchange of currency → Application for the exchange of currency

  5. Application for currency exchange

    Agreement for the exchange of real estate, securities → Application for the exchange of foreign currency

    application for currency exchange company name postal address: telegraph address: telefax: telex: ...

  6. Form applications for the purchase of bonds (Order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 06.05.93 No. 02-78)

    Acquisition of securities, shares → Application form for the purchase of bonds (Order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 06.05.93 No. 02-78)

    Entry 7 to the regulation on servicing and circulation of issues of government short-term zero-coupon bonds form applications to purchase bonds application satisfied at a price not lower than a percentage of the face value in the amount of () rubles, with the collection of ...

  7. Complaint to the Management Company about violation of deadlines applications

    Statements of claim, complaints, petitions, claims → Claim to the Management Company about violation of the deadlines for the implementation of the application

    F "on the protection of consumer rights", please: 1. before "" 20, eliminate malfunctions ( what kind exactly). 2. I ask you to give the answer in writing within the period established by the federal law of the Russian Federation of 02.05.2006 No. 59-FZ & la ...

  8. Application for the provision of equipment on a leasing basis

    Leasing agreement, agreement → Application for the provision of equipment on a leasing basis

    Form of the enterprise Sample (9/1) To the Chairman of the Board of a commercial bank

  9. Sample. Application for additional delivery / replacement of a software product (information, reference, regulatory systems)

    Contract for the supply of goods, products → Sample. Application for additional delivery / replacement of a software product (information, reference, regulatory systems)

    application for additional delivery / replacement of (name of the software product) "" 20, (full name of the organization) ...

  10. Application for the acquisition of investment units of an interval unit investment fund (for citizens)

    Contract for the sale of property → Application for the acquisition of investment units of an interval unit investment fund (for citizens)

    application no. 1 to the Model Rules of an Interval Mutual Investment Fund application no. for the acquisition of investment shares (the full name of the mutual investment fund, hereinafter referred to as the fund ...

  11. Application for the acquisition of investment units of an interval unit investment fund (for legal entities) (Resolution of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of October 16, 1995 No. 14 (as amended on January 12, 1996))

    Contract for the sale of property → Application for the acquisition of investment units of an interval unit investment fund (for legal entities)

    application no. 2 to the Model Rules of an Interval Mutual Investment Fund application no. for the acquisition of investment shares (the full name of the mutual investment fund, hereinafter referred to as the fund ...

All passenger transportation can be divided into two types - regular and irregular. The first are carried out on the basis of a schedule pre-calculated and drawn up for the transportation of people on a particular mode of transport.

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In addition, the activity of providing transport passenger transportation with regular flights must be licensed without fail.

The second option for transporting people is carried out from time to time and refers to irregular trips, which are separately issued by a special document - an order.

If the company is also engaged in non-scheduled transport, then it should know how to properly fill out such a document and use it.

What is this document

If passenger routes are irregular, this does not mean that they should be carried out in a disorderly and irresponsible way.

An order is a document that can organize the transportation of passengers by bus on request in case of irregular routes.

Since passenger bus transportation must necessarily be supported by a charter agreement, the terms of this agreement must also be reflected in the order.

A charter must be provided between a transport company and a company leasing a bus for the purpose of transporting people on irregular routes.

Such relations are regulated by law - ch. 5 No. 259-FZ of November 8, 2007, with amendments that entered into force on October 19, 2015.

All norms and requirements for the specifics of filling out an order-order are governed by the general Rules for the proper carriage of passengers (with or without luggage).

Such Rules are defined by federal legislative act No. 259-FZ () dated November 08, 2007, governmental (Section 3), amended on April 28, 2015.

As well as the Administrative Code of Russia, which governs the processes of bringing to responsibility in case of violations, including false information in the work order.

For example, if a driver refuses to show a work order to a police officer, he can be fined 5000 rubles. And the absence of a charter agreement along with a work order entails administrative fines for individuals - 50 000 rub. and legal 200 000 rub.

That is why such a document as an order for the transportation of passengers is so important, who, by the way, must have their own travel documents (tickets, coupons, vouchers, etc.) on hand.

It should also be emphasized that on the basis of Section 3 of Decree No. 112, a charter agreement can be considered concluded in the form of a completed order.

This document is also very convenient in that it allows adding the necessary items (not rearranging existing ones!), Reflecting the features of the agreement between the parties.

Who makes and in what cases

The work order must be drawn up by the freighter, which is the transport company-carrier, or provide a blank form for filling out by the lessor, depending on the agreements between the parties.

Such a form is signed by representatives from both sides. This document must be presented upon request (by traffic police, traffic police, or other representatives of control and audit government officials).

When transporting people by bus on an irregular route, which is carried out on request, on the front panel near the driver (in the middle of the windshield) there should be a sign with the inscription outside the following content: “Custom”.

But the places for the location of such plates may be different, for example, the following:

  • back glass;
  • on the right side, on the side in the direction of the bus;
  • at the top (or bottom) of the windshield away from the driver.

On the windshield, the plate must be placed under the name of the charterer and must not be larger than 140 mm. The name of the freighter must match the one indicated in the order.

If there are discrepancies, then the traffic police officer, when checking the accompanying papers from the driver, may fine the carrier company.

In addition to these details, a list of passengers who will travel on this bus must also be attached to the order.

What data is needed

When filling out an order, the carrier must always be guided by Appendix No. 4, which is part of the Decree No. 112 approved by the government, and shows what details this document should contain.

They reflect the information that needs to be prepared in advance before you start filling out the official paper for the transportation of people and their luggage along a custom route.

The preliminary information to be filled in the order form must be as follows:

  1. All legal details of the charterer - the person who provided the bus with all free seats for the transportation of a specific number of people and their luggage.
  2. All legally valid details of the charterer - the person who will use the bus for the transport of passengers by a certain number of people with their luggage (or without luggage).
  3. You need to know in advance at what exact date and time you need to file a bus for boarding people, the time of stops along the way, as well as the final date and time of arrival at the final destination of the route.
  4. There should be a list of transported people.
  5. Personal and contact details of the driver or drivers, if the transportation of passengers will be carried out in shifts.
  6. Information about the bus itself - its brand, power, state registration numbers, etc.
  7. An estimate must be drawn up in advance, where in Russian rubles the price of the trip for passengers and the cost of the service provided by the direct carrier - driver, as well as the cost for renting a bus, which must be paid to the charterer, will be indicated.

All items where temporary values ​​\u200b\u200bmust be indicated must be filled out every minute, and in some columns even every second. The exact time allows you to correctly calculate the cost of the service.

The details of legal entities or an individual entrepreneur should indicate not only the name of the organization, but also information related to taxes (TIN, for example), legal data, as well as contacts, so that in which case, you can always contact one or another party in a timely manner contracts.

Order form for transportation of passengers

In general, such forms are in use in almost any area where a custom-made type of provision of services or goods, finished products in the special production of something is required.

In the field of transport services for the provision of transportation of people to the population, their order forms are used. The document itself is very tied to the charter agreement. We can say that this document is his companion.

Therefore, the outfit must always be with the driver for the duration of the entire trip - from the beginning to the end of the contract reflecting the order. There is no strictly unified form of such a form, but there is a standard form that all carriers adhere to.

An exemplary work order form is in Appendix No. 5, edited on 12/03/15.

Carriers can often change the content to be filled out on this paper, but the document does not fundamentally change from the introduction of certain details.

And even any non-unified form is very similar to the typical one shown in Appendix No. 5.

In addition, today there are even options for filling out such a form in electronic form, directly on the website of the carrier or the legal entity that rents the bus.

Since the form does not belong to the types of strict reporting documents, it can be drawn up in any form, of course, without a radical change. The most basic points and columns should still be present in it.

When filling out such a form on the site, you should understand that this will serve as a kind of application for the provision of rental or transportation services.

How to fill out

A typical template (form) for filling out an order-work order must necessarily contain the relevant details. They must be completed in the same sequence as suggested on the form itself.

No cross-outs and repositioning of paragraphs and other corrections should not be allowed. All mandatory items.

An order is filled in for the transportation of passengers by bus according to the following algorithm, indicating the following information:

  1. The name of the document and the date of its compilation.
  2. Charterer information:
    • legal address;
    • phone number;
    • The name of the company;
    • individuals who carry out the transportation of passengers can also fill in their data in this paragraph - full name, passport details, registration address and telephone number for contact.
  3. Fractor information:
    • The name of the company;
    • legal address and phone number for contacts.
  4. Information about vehicles, buses - the brand of the car.
  5. Personal data of drivers - full name, phone number.
  6. The exact address where you need to deliver the bus for boarding passengers, as well as the exact time and date of delivery of the car.
  7. The exact address where the bus arrives is the final destination, as well as temporary stops along the route along the route.
  8. An estimate that will reflect the cost of using the bus and should be drawn up in the national ruble currency.
  9. Personal and contact details of the person authorized to make settlements with the lessor (charterer).
  10. The time to arrive at the destination is indicated by the minute and by the second.
  11. In order to avoid unnecessary downtime, be sure to indicate the exact time of departure after unloading all passengers at the final stop.
  12. How many people need to be transported - the number of people.
  13. Personal data, title of the charterer and his signature.

These are the most basic details that should always be reflected in the order. Various specific points can be added to them.

For example, any restrictions or special conditions for the transport of children, plants or animals when accompanied by people, and so on.

Separately, one or another specific route, stops and other additional points, for example, service ones, can be described.

Sample Fill

For example, it is worth considering one of these applications, which was filled out for the transportation of 120 children from Moscow school No. 10 to St. Petersburg. Such an order for the carriage of passengers is considered preliminary and cannot serve as a contract.

Therefore, after such fillings, the method of filling out a more extended version of the work order on paper is often also used. Nevertheless, for calculations in advance and planning, such applications are very convenient.

They also allow you to book a certain number of either seats in a passenger bus, or the buses themselves as a whole.

To fill out an order-order on paper, all those recommendations for including the details that are specified in Appendix No. 4 and 5 of the Decrees of the Russian Government on the regulation of security and the Rules for passenger transportation with or without luggage are used.