V. Dolgov: The main sales market is Russia. We do business on Pavloposad shawls How to turn your favorite hobby into a profitable business


Key decisions:

  • Launched email marketing and sms newsletters;
  • Implemented a CRM system;
  • We opened our own online store;
  • We connected ads on Google.


  • Sale of at least 150 shawls per day;
  • "Net" income per month - $ 2,000.

Do you think it is possible to make good money on wholesale scarves using email marketing, for example?

Many people, especially businessmen of the old school, would say: "No, I have a wholesale, I just go personally to the points, offer and sell." In fact, the B2B segment on the Internet is doing just as well as B2C. It's just that the B2B segment is a little smaller. But the client is also more valuable here. Due to the greater turnover, you will earn more profit.

Now we go to the showroom to our students, where we learn:

  • How do they wholesale scarves;
  • How it can be done through email marketing;
  • How quickly can you earn $ 2,000 "clean" on this just by sending letters.

Are you anxious to find out about all this? Then play this short video right now:

How to turn your favorite hobby into a profitable business

Oles: We are in the showroom with Vadim and Anna. Wonderful guys, trained with us. Today we will figure out how they sell their scarves for serious sums and what allows them to do it. What exactly do you sell: scarves, shawls, huh?

Vitaly: Yes, scarves, shawls, stoles, snoods.

Oles: Tell us how all this is going on with you? How did you come up with the idea to do exactly this?

Vitaly: This idea came to Anna. This was her passion.

Anna: Yes, it was a hobby, but at some point I just realized that the Ukrainian market is almost not occupied by this product. And we began to think about how to deal with scarves more seriously. To stand out in the market, we decided to bring exclusive goods to our country. These are scarves, shawls, stoles - all women's accessories for the neck are from Turkey.

Oles: Did you go there yourself?

Anna: Yes, and have already searched and found there for a long time. It probably took us a year to discover the country of Turkey and find suitable suppliers. We wanted to figure out what the market needs: what colors, fabrics, models.

Oles: Now you have a complete set: there is a showroom, a warehouse. Where did you start with? How many goods did you bring in the first time?

Anna: When I flew for the first time, I knew nothing. I had $ 1200 with me. I flew with my mother. She supported my idea. We had 2 large empty suitcases. The first batch of goods just fit in them. Then I started selling it all over the Internet. Has connected shopping clubs: Fame, HILT and others. They were the ones who sold the goods to end consumers.

Oles: Super! Really, all the goods immediately went to the shopping clubs?

Anna: Yes, Vadim saw it. Because at first there was just a wall of goods at home and even the kitchen was covered with scarves. And then he just was gone.

And the next time we flew to Turkey, we found new suppliers. These were not intermediaries, but representatives of the plant. And they began to buy goods from them - directly and more. This year we plan to place large orders directly on the production itself. We sometimes have orders for promotional products - in one color, in large quantities, with some kind of logo.

Oles: That is, some company buys itself?

Vadim: Quite right! Such an order can be placed in production because they have periods when they produce a certain color. In this case, you need to order a lot of goods at once. But we cannot bring only 1 color, because we will have it. That is, we place only large orders at factories, which we can immediately implement.

Main feature: an exclusive product at a low price

Oles: Let's talk about shopping clubs. Tell us who you work with and what are the usual conditions there? What is their main advantage, how do they sell it, how do they form their audience - share in two words. What product categories can you sell there?

Anna: Shopping clubs sell everything from baby products to furniture. They work like this: they are looking for an exclusive product at the best price. After all, this is what the audience is interested in. That is, it is not a product that can be bought anywhere else. The main thing is to offer the buyer favorable terms of purchase, which he will not receive anywhere else. For example, there are sneakers that are sold for 1000 UAH. But in the shopping club they are offered at a price of 800 UAH. This is already a saving of UAH 200.

Oles: What percentage does the shopping club take? After all, he essentially sells your product as a partner.

Vadim: For example, Modna Kasta has a fixed mark-up. Condition of working with them: to provide an exclusive price on the Internet in Ukraine. If this moment is not met, you have to pay a fine.

Oles: But on the other hand, they sell in large volumes.

Anna: Yes, but we must also take into account that there are refunds there. Approximately 10-15% of the delivery volume. And the reasons for this are very different. We are offering women's goods. And women buy on emotions. For example, now she wanted to - she took it. But when she receives it in the mail, she is no longer in the right mood and she returns.

Vadim: Or the color looked at the wrong angle. Unfolded - and she did not like it. Or such a situation: I wanted to buy a coat and this scarf under it. I didn't buy a coat, I bought a scarf - that's it, it doesn't fit. No coat, there is a scarf. Why would she want him?

Oles: That is, you only sell wholesale to shopping clubs, and they already sell to end consumers. If it's not a secret, how many pieces per month do they help you sell? 100, 200, 3000?

Anna: Today one shopping club has made an order for 50 scarves. And we have at least 3 such orders per day.

Vadim: Modna Kasta orders the most. They have a minimum order of 400 pieces.

Oles: And how do they buy: do they pay right away or take it on sale?

Vadim: First, they launch a campaign and actively promote it on the Internet. Then they receive orders from customers and pass them on to us. We keep this item on the reservation for a week. Let's say the promotion ends in 3 days. We are given another 4 days to ship the goods.

Working with wholesale

Oles: How do you find wholesale customers? You say there is a sms-mailing. What else?

Vadim: At the beginning of 2 years in a row, we participated in exhibitions. People came there from all regions. With those who were interested in our product, we exchanged coordinates: city, surname, phone number. All this was entered into the CRM database. A very handy and useful program.

Then we tried to send email and sms to the received addresses. The latter, as practice has shown, gave more exhaust. Plus there is a showroom. After all, it is important for many people to just come and see. They even come from the regions and immediately make a purchase. To do this, we sometimes go out on weekends.

Oles: It is easier for them to come to you than to fly to Turkey.

Vadim: Well, of course! Plus, the Internet helps, because we pretty quickly post photos of a new product on the site. For example, the party arrived today. And today, at most tomorrow, a new assortment appears on the site. And already these positions are being ordered.

Oles: How many employees do you have now?

Anna: It turns out to be 5.

Vadim: And we are now considering one more position. This is the operator for entering invoices in 1-C. And by the fall, we plan to launch sales representatives.

Oles: And who does photo shoots for you? Shopping club?

Anna: Yes, although we used to take photographs ourselves. But we realized that it was very difficult. You need a good photograph + photo studio + time. And when everything is done by the shopping club, we get rid of this problem and still save well.

Oles: What is the benefit to the shopping club? Does he get the exclusive right to post photos? Does the water stamp put its own or what?

Anna: Yes, he can put his own watermark, that's not a problem. This is even a priority, because now a lot of photos are being stolen. There are many similar products from China. It is of less quality, but it may look the same. These sellers take a good photo of us and sell a cheaper product at their price.

How to wholesale a scarf

Oles: Do you have a Web site. How does he work? What are you doing with it?

Anna: We have a website at Prom.ua. That is, we have completely bought a domain and advertising is still running separately on the portal itself. That's enough for us.

Oles: Orders coming from there?

Anna: Yes, we ran ads on Google and immediately saw the result. They began to call and write to us, for us this tool turned out to be effective. But again, we show an ad not just for the query "how to sell a scarf", but specifically "sell a scarf in bulk". This is the most important thing for us.

Vadim: Basically, the site serves as a catalog, because not all potential customers can come to us and see the goods live.

Oles: You have a seasonal product, right?

Vadim: If it is autumn and winter, then mainly 1-2 types of products are in demand. But there are 80-160 colors. If this is summer, then the assortment here is much larger and more varied. Now it is all presented in our showroom. Therefore, it is more difficult to work in the summer.

Oles: How do you see the further development of your business?

Vadim: Suppliers and exclusivity play an important role in our business. Now the development of the India direction is a priority for us. Further - the increase in turnover in Turkey. Direct access to factories. That is, it is possible that with an increase in volumes, we will simply place orders in production, and not work with intermediaries.

In terms of covering the Ukrainian market, the task now is to become number 1 in Kiev and gradually become the leaders in the country. Because there are several serious players in Ukraine who have been on the market for a long time. We have not yet grown to their level.

Oles: How much larger are they?

Vadim: Approximately every 10.

Oles: What recommendation can you give to aspiring entrepreneurs and those who are just thinking of becoming one? I'm not sure that everyone will start selling scarves straight. After all, you can sell anything: a service, yourself, an idea, a product. What can you advise on your experience?

Vadim: The first recommendation is to gain knowledge. Our thinking changed a lot after we passed. Thanks to him, the understanding of how everything works was closed in some kind of chain. Now, in any situation, a marketer wakes up in us: here we need a landing page, there a website, there we need advertising.

Oles: 100%! In this sense, you become crazy;)

Vadim: In any case, first you need a theory: how to organize a business and how to sell correctly with new technologies. This will help to be in the subject on the market and stay on it for at least 2-3 years. Further, it is already a matter of technology.

Another point that we encountered was the selection of personnel. Finding the right people and keeping them motivated is very important. Here, too, you need to choose an approach so that everything works out.

Do you want to be the first to know about the launch of the training that helped Anna and Vadim take their business to a new level and reach a net income of $ 2,000? Click!

oooh, what an eventful day today! What was not there. But most importantly, most importantly (!) .. I sold my first printed handkerchief. An incomparable emotion))))

The real first sale happened a few weeks ago. It was the most delicate blue scarf made of ready-made fabric. The girl who bought the headscarf swore that she had a light hand and guessed the success of the project with the help of a simple omen: do not spend money from the first sale. So I ate them.

The handkerchief was like this:

And this time it was not just a second-sell-you-think-what-so. It was the First. Real. Order. I represented my company and planned to give my best. With this banner, she rushed through her beloved city.

First. Worn with plating as if bitten. My seamstress has sunk into obscurity (with my handkerchief, by the way, well, happiness to her, she will be beautiful to walk), and the order should be ready in a couple of days. I raised all the acquaintances to my ears, looked for high-quality proven seamstresses. Found it. She begged on her knees to be in time "before tomorrow", signed in blood that such an incredible urgency would not happen again (the young lady and sweetheart turned out to be very much in demand) and saved her first order.

Then the topic of packaging is just as important as the product itself. I'm still looking for my ideal one. In the meantime, in the night rushed to Uuterra for tissue paper. This is an unimaginable beauty)) there was no one to hold me, my hands themselves carefully pulled out these vulnerable pieces of paper, I practically dripped everything with their saliva, how bright, colorful and beautiful, beautiful, beautiful they are! ah-ah-ah! I hardly settled on 6 of the most beautiful ones, and even at the stage of selection I decided to make my own with a corporate pattern. Order in thousands of meters and wrap everything around with it. There is no pattern yet, of course. But who cares, anyway.

I was a little nervous, taking the embroidered scarf from the atelier, nevertheless, for the first time I worked with this seamstress, and even without the right to make a mistake. But she turned out to be clever, did not disappoint. I didn't have time to make a photo of the finished scarf, I'll show you the fabric

And so, having rehearsed at home with wrapping a scarf in paper (or rather, having played with herself the game "be able to do it beautifully when your hands are not out of your shoulders"), I gathered, and, like a true businessman, with a heap of scarves "to look at" and branded bags went to a meeting :)

A handkerchief was ordered as a gift for a colleague by my good friend, a stylish girl with impeccable taste. and she tastes wonderful, like herself.

In general, what I want to say)) the deal was done)), Veta liked everything - both the scarf and the packaging. I'm glad, glad! I'm also eager to know the reaction of the birthday girl, so I'm all waiting for the evening feedback.

Best regards, Ekaterina Sviderskaya

Wholesales are carried out according to the online Catalog of our Online Store

To receive a price list, order form and detailed working conditions for you
it is necessary to send the constituent documents to the address

For Individual Entrepreneurs
- a copy of the Certificate of entry into the USRIP - OGRN
- a copy of the Tax Registration Certificate - TIN
- client's card
- passport

- a copy of the first page of the text and the last page of the text of the Charter
- a copy of the order on the appointment of the General Director
- copy of the passport of the General Director
- or a power of attorney if you are a trusted person
- a copy of the Certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
- a copy of the Certificate of registration with the tax authority - TIN / KPP
- client's card
- seal
All copies of documents must be dated, certified with a blue seal and the personal signature of the manager

Remote order and payment rules
You place an order according to the Order Form, using our Internet catalog, send us an e-mail. We process the Order Form and issue an invoice for payment. Do not forget your contact phone number and E-mail, where you need to send an invoice, as well as fill in the fields of the form about your transport company.

Companies that receive an invoice must pay it within three banking days. After the receipt of funds to the current account of our company, the customer can receive the goods at the office of the company, as well as agree on the type of delivery, incl. with the participation of the supplier's carrier. In the absence of payment within the specified time period, the company withdraws the reservation from the goods prepared for the Customer.

Return of goods: goods not conforming to the quality are accepted for return within 14 days from the date of purchase. Goods purchased under a special offer cannot be returned or exchanged.

Delivery for regional buyers
Do not forget to inform us in advance the coordinates of transport companies convenient for you, with which you have successfully worked or which have proven themselves well in your region. Our Company will transfer the delivered goods to your representative or your shipping company. If you use your own carrier, do not forget to supply the carrier company or your representative (forwarder) with a power of attorney to receive the goods, and also specify the cost of delivery in Moscow for your carrier company. Together with the goods, the invoice, certificates and contract will be transferred. The company is responsible for the safety, completeness and delivery time of the goods until they are handed over to your carrier company or your representative.

Labeling and packaging
All products comply with international standards. Each product has a sewn-in or glued label indicating the country of manufacture, fabric composition and care symbols. Individual packaging of products is made in transparent polypropylene bags. The cost of these types of packaging is included in the standard price of the goods.

Our prices

The pricing and assortment policy of the company is designed for the most part for the most discerning, accustomed to good quality, demanding and paying customers, the so-called middle class, but we try to take into account other social categories of citizens as well. Our pricing policy will allow you to set retail prices significantly higher than purchasing prices, regular updating of collections and offered prices will allow you to attract the largest number of buyers. We always have products for daily and festive purposes on sale.

I graduated from the Samara Art School as an artist-painter. After working for several years in large companies in Samara and Moscow with international brands, I became interested in brand design and went to freelance. Now I specialize in the development of identity: corporate identity, booklets, flyers, invitations.

The idea of ​​creating a brand came to me in December 2012. I have always loved headscarves, I often bought them during my travels abroad and noticed that in many countries it is easy to find headscarves with national symbols, and in Russia only Pavloposad ones come to mind. I realized that it would be possible to creatively rethink the Russian artistic tradition, modernize and expand it. So I decided to create my own brand of silk scarves and started working in January.

It takes a week of painstaking work to create each drawing. I draw everything by hand, then scan and process in the computer. The sources of inspiration for me were traditional paintings, folklore motives, images created by Kandinsky, and even the personality of Gagarin. I wanted to launch by March 8th. I created four prints, sent them to print, and then a week before the launch, I came up with the name Sirinbird (Sirin is a bird of paradise from ancient Russian legends) and developed the brand identity.

Sales start

I received 60 ready-made scarves, packaging, tags and business cards in early March. I took a photo session, designed a Facebook group (I don't use other social networks) and launched sales on March 4. I just called my friends to the group, and they recommended the page to their friends. By March 11, the entire batch was sold out. One scarf cost 6,000 rubles. I delivered orders myself, once a day I delivered 10 handkerchiefs. Months of hard work had robbed me of sleep, but I was euphoric with success.

Contrary to my expectations, only women made the orders. Men could not appreciate the attractiveness of such a gift by March 8 - orders from them began to arrive later. At the same time, the demand for individual models turned out to be not the same as I predicted based on the feedback from friends. My friends chose the sketch for the "Gagarin" scarf, then came the "Slavyansky" - both in rich colors. Taking these preferences into account, I printed the first batch in certain proportions. As a result, I had to reconsider these proportions, because Kandinsky with a small abstract pattern, which turned out to be easier to evaluate on a finished product, became the best selling one, and when it got completely warmer in the spring, a light turquoise Serpent Gorynych went.

After the sale of the first batch, I ordered the print two more times, and each time they bought almost everything from me. The turnover in the first month was 240,000 rubles, while the launch itself took 150,000 rubles. In the second month, the sales volume was already 330,000 rubles, and I no longer needed to invest in a photo session and printing of branded materials that were already there, but only in production. But I didn't analyze my cash flows very much, because I had no experience in this - I just enjoyed the project as a designer.

Accessories play an important role in our appearance; they, like exotic spices, add completeness and a certain charm to our appearance. With the help of accessories, you can transform any, even the most modest outfit. Of the many accessories on the market, scarves occupy a special place. What could be more pleasant when a delicate silk fabric envelops the skin, warms in the cold and pleasantly cools in the heat? The properties of silk can be admired endlessly.

But what if there is not enough money for natural silk scarves and headscarves - they are quite expensive in stores?

This article is about how you can multiply not only your wardrobe by a certain (!) Number of chic accessories, but also do it with a financial benefit for yourself. Especially, the idea should appeal to women sitting at home with small children: there is free time, and so I want to do something useful for the soul and wallet! Lovely, wonderful, intelligent women - the article is for you!

Everything is simple enough. A meter of natural white silk is inexpensive. You can either cut out scarves and kerchiefs of the sizes you need and process their edges yourself, or ask for this service in a fabric store.

Let's go further. Now a lot of stores specialize in the sale of all kinds of dyes for fabrics, as a rule, these are “hobbyist” stores. You go to one of these stores (the alternative is an online store) and buy high-quality acrylic paints for painting on silk. Choose the most interesting / fashionable / beautiful shades, in your opinion, and ... run home - create luxury with your own hands!

The fun begins! Wet the blank of a silk shawl, scarf or headscarf with water, wring it out so that it is damp, and lay it out on a table or flat surface. The future masterpiece should not be smoothed (!), With your fingers you need to make symmetrical, or not very, knots. Now we start painting. We dip the brush into the paint of the color you need, and paint the nodules first.

Acrylic paint spreads over damp silk, and these colored spots take on the most bizarre outlines. After you've colored the knots, you can tackle the uncolored areas of the scarf. Little secret: if, after dyeing, sprinkle the future scarf with ordinary coarse salt, the color will be "spotty".

Leave the dyed damp scarf to dry completely, and then, when the fabric is already completely dry (if you used salt, you need to shake it off), iron it with an iron and wash it. For washing, use a powder for wool and silk, it makes the fabric even softer.

If you doubt your abilities, you need a more detailed manual, you can buy a set for children's creativity "Silk painting" in the store of educational toys :). At least in order to make a trial little thing and help your imagination turn on. Plus, you will make sure that such work does not take much time and requires minimal costs from you.

Thus, you can dye a whole piece of silk, and then the scope for imagination is unlimited: an exclusive blouse, dress, pareo - a good dressmaker can help you to realize your conceived masterpieces!

Are you the prettiest already? Do all your friends dream of getting an exclusive handmade? Go ahead, let's start doing business.

Required investments:

  • Silk fabric 140 * 100 cm - ~ 650 rubles,
  • Edging in the atelier - ~ 30 rubles. for a unit,
  • Acrylic paints for painting 1 set - ~ 2500 rubles,
  • Brushes, salt, a desktop - I hope that no investment is required, because all of this is sure to be in every home :)

From a piece of fabric measuring 140 * 100 cm, you will get 4 neckerchiefs, two long scarves or one stole (pareo). Approximate prices: neckerchief - 200 rubles, scarf - 700 rubles, stole - 1000 rubles.

All the work will take you, in total, 5 tubes of paint worth 625 rubles. It is easy to calculate that you can earn from 150 to 450 rubles at a time. And this in two hours of work and from just one cut of silk! And now, for example: a ready-made silk scarf costs from 500 to 5000 rubles. There are certainly more expensive! Later you will be able to learn how to make more complex painting, master various types of drawings, and carry out personal orders. Multiply the number of clients, create, make gifts to friends and acquaintances, be successful and independent!