Diary of Tanya Savicheva The work of a literature teacher Nechaeva T.I. Presentation "Tanya Savicheva - the diary and life of a girl" in social studies - project, report Blockade diary of Tanya Savicheva presentation

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Blockade diary of Tanya Savicheva Completed by: Danilova Olga Anatolyevna Danilova Olga Anatolyevna

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“Do not argue, I beg you ... - for God's sake! It's so scary - every sound is minted with your soul - No one told us about the blockade, Like a girl whose name is Tanya Savicheva ... "Vladimir Panfilov Danilova Olga Anatolyevna

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Tanya was eleven years old, or more precisely, eleven and a half. She was born on January 23, 1930. At the end of May 1941, she finished the third grade of school No. 35 on the Congress line of Vasilevsky Island and was supposed to go to the fourth in September. She was the daughter of a baker and a seamstress, the youngest in the family, beloved by all. Big gray eyes under light brown bangs, a sailor jacket, a clear, sonorous "angelic" voice that promised a singing future. Tanya Savicheva Danilova Olga Anatolievna

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Twelve-year-old Leningrader Tanya Savicheva started her diary a little before Anne Frank, a victim of the Holocaust. They were almost the same age and wrote about the same thing - about the horror of fascism. And these two girls died without waiting for the Victory: Tanya - in July 1944, Anna - in March 1945. "The Diary of Tanya Savicheva" was not published, it contains only 9 terrible entries about the death of her large family in besieged Leningrad. This little notebook was presented at the Nuremberg trials as a document incriminating fascism. Diary of Tanya Savicheva Danilova Olga Anatolyevna

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Zhenya, Tanya's oldest sister, is 32 years old (born in 1909). After her marriage, she moved from Vasilyevsky Island to Mokhovaya Street and, despite her divorce from her husband, continued to live there. She worked with her sister Nina at the Nevsky Machine-Building Plant named after Lenin (Zhenya - in the archive, and Nina - in the design bureau), donated blood to save soldiers wounded at the front. But health was no longer enough. Older sister Zhenya Danilova Olga Anatolyevna

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And in a small notebook, which later became a blockade diary, in alphabetical order with the letter "Zh" appeared the first tragic entry made by Tanya's hand: "Zhenya died on December 28 at 12.30 am 1941." Entry with the letter "Zh" Danilova Olga Anatolyevna

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Grandmother Evdokia Grandmother - Evdokia Grigoryevna Fedorova (nee - Arsenyeva) in 1941 on June 22, the day the war began, turned 74 years old. Blockade starvation overcame her in the most icy, frosty January days. Danilova Olga Anatolievna

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Entry with the letter "B" In a notebook on the page with the letter "B" Tanya writes: "Grandma died on January 25, 3 o'clock in the afternoon, 1942" Danilova Olga Anatolyevna

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Brother Leonid (Lyoka) was 24 years old (born in 1917). He worked as a planer at the Ship Mechanical (Admiralty) Plant. In the very first days of the war, he rushed to the military registration and enlistment office with friends, but they did not take him into the army because of his eyesight - he was very short-sighted. He was left at the plant - urgent military orders need to be fulfilled, specialists are needed. Lived there for weeks, working day and night. Brother Leonid (Lyoka) Rarely had to visit relatives, although the plant is not far from home - on the opposite bank of the Neva, behind the Lieutenant Schmidt bridge. Here, in the factory hospital, he died of dystrophy. Danilova Olga Anatolievna

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On the letter "L" Tanya writes: "Leka died on March 17 at 5 o'clock in 1942," combining two words into one. He hides it in a box decorated with Palekh painting, which contains family heirlooms - mother's veil and wedding candles. Together with them lie the death certificates of dad, Zhenya, grandmother, and now Leka. Entry with the letter "L" Danilova Olga Anatolyevna

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But hunger continues its vile deed: alimentary dystrophy, scurvy, intestinal diseases, and tuberculosis take the lives of thousands of Leningraders. And grief bursts into the Savichevs again. Confused lines appear in the notebook starting with the letter "B": "Uncle Vasya died on April 13, 2:00 at night, 1942." Entry for the letter "B" Danilova Olga Anatolyevna

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And almost a month later: "Uncle Lesha on May 10 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, 1942." On the letter "L" the page in the notebook is already occupied, and you have to write on the left side of the spread. But either the strength was not enough, or grief overwhelmed the soul of the suffering child - on this page, Tanya missed the word "died". Entry with the letter "L" Danilova Olga Anatolyevna

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Mom - Maria Ignatievna Savicheva in 1941 turned 52 years old. The entire household after the death of her husband, a large family (five children) - on her shoulders. She worked as a homeworker in a garment factory, was one of the best embroiderers, had a wonderful voice and musical ear. And during the war, Maria Ignatievna sews mittens for "comfrey workers", uniforms for front-line soldiers. Goes on duty with local air defense volunteers. Mom Danilova Olga Anatolievna

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Mom is a cheerful, kind and hospitable person. Strong and hardy. Everything always goes well with her, everything works out. And now she's gone. How difficult, how scary to write the word "died" - "Mom on May 13 at 7.30 in the morning 1942." Entry for the letter "M" Danilova Olga Anatolyevna

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Mom is gone, everything collapsed. Grief shackled the body, did not want to move, move. "The Savichevs died", "Everyone died", "Tanya alone remained". The pencil scratches - it's all written on. Fingers do not obey, as if wooden, but they clearly sum up. Tanya seems to mint each entry on separate sheets of paper with the corresponding letter - "M", "S", "U", "O". "Tanya alone" Danilova Olga Anatolyevna

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Left alone, barely moving her legs, she went to her grandmother's niece, Aunt Dusya. The path was not very close, to the Smolninsky district. Dystrophy progressed, it was necessary to urgently place Tanya in a hospital. The fate of Tanya And at the beginning of July 1942, aunt Dusya, having resigned guardianship, determines her to orphanage No. 48 of the Smolninsky district. Danilova Olga Anatolievna

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Tanya was so weak that she had to be sent to the Ponetaevsky Home for the Invalids, although she did not get better there either. For health reasons, she was the most seriously ill. Tanya was transferred to the Shatkovsky district hospital, but progressive dystrophy, scurvy, nervous shock, and even bone tuberculosis, which she had had in early childhood, did their job .. Of all the children evacuated from Leningrad to the Gorky region, only Tanya Savicheva could not be saved . She died at the age of 14 and a half with a diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis. Danilova Olga Anatolievna

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A presentation on the topic "Tanya Savicheva - a diary and a girl's life" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Social science. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 11 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Tanya Savicheva - diary and life of a girl

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Tanya Savicheva was born on 25.1/1930. She lived in Leningrad. She had a large family: grandmother, mother, sister (Nina), younger brother (Leka), older brother, two uncles (father's brothers), and Tanya herself. Tanya lived in an ordinary Leningrad family, which experienced the hardships of life even before the war. The war began, then the blockade. Before the eyes of the girl died: sister, grandmother, two uncles, mother and brother. Her diary was one of the prosecution documents at the Nuremberg trials.

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In 1941, throwing huge forces at Leningrad, the Nazis reached the near approaches to the city, cut off Leningrad from the whole country. The blockade has begun. The terrible days of Leningrad began.

There was no fuel. The electricity stopped. The plumbing failed. Hunger has begun. Death was walking through the city. But the city did not give up. Leningrad was under siege for 900 days and nights. Leningrad survived. The Nazis didn't take it.

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Twelve-year-old Leningrader Tanya Savicheva started her diary a little before Anne Frank, a victim of the Holocaust. They were almost the same age and wrote about the same thing - about the horror of fascism. And these two girls died without waiting for the Victory: Tanya - in July 1944, Anna - in March 1945. The Diary of Anne Frank was published after the war and told the whole world about its author. "Tanya Savicheva's diary" was not published, it contains only 7 terrible entries about the death of her large family in besieged Leningrad. This little notebook was presented at the Nuremberg trials as a document incriminating fascism.

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When Tanya was found by a special sanitary team visiting the apartments, she was unconscious from hunger. She and 140 other children managed to be evacuated to the mainland, to the Gorky region. For two years, doctors fought for her life, but the disease was already incurable - meningitis. On July 1, 1944, Tanya Savicheva died and was buried at the Shatkovsky village cemetery.

Tanya Savicheva's Diary Twelve-year-old Leningrader Tanya Savicheva started her diary a little before Anne Frank, a victim of the Holocaust. They were almost the same age and wrote about the same thing - about the horror of fascism. And these two girls died without waiting for the Victory: Tanya - in July 1944, Anna - in March 1945. "Tanya Savicheva's diary" was not published, it contains only 7 terrible entries about the death of her large family in besieged Leningrad. This little notebook was presented at the Nuremberg trials as a document incriminating fascism.

A child's hand, losing strength from hunger, wrote unevenly, sparingly. The fragile soul, struck by unbearable suffering, was no longer capable of living emotions. Tanya simply recorded the real facts of her being - the tragic "visits of death" to her home. And when you read this, you become numb: “December 28, 1941. Zhenya died in the night of 1941.” "Grandma died on January 25 at 3 o'clock in 1942." "Leka died on March 17 at 5 o'clock in the morning." "Uncle Vasya died on April 13 at 2 p.m. in the year." "Uncle Lesha, May 10 at 4 p.m. a year." “Mom - March 13 at 7:30 in the morning. 1942" "Everybody died". "There is only Tanya."

The Savichevs were going to spend the summer of 1941 in a village near Gdov, near Lake Peipus, but only Misha managed to leave. The morning of June 22, which brought the war, changed plans. The close-knit Savichev family decided to stay in Leningrad, stick together, help the front. The seamstress mother sewed uniforms for the fighters. Leka, due to poor eyesight, did not enter the army and worked as a planer at the Admiralty Plant, his sister Zhenya sharpened shells for mines, Nina was mobilized for defense work. Vasily and Alexey Savichev, two uncles of Tanya, served in the air defense.

Tanya also did not sit idly by. Together with other children, she helped adults put out "lighters" and dig trenches. But the blockade ring was quickly shrinking - according to Hitler's plan, Leningrad should have been "suffocated with hunger and razed to the face of the earth." One day, Nina did not return from work. That day there was heavy shelling, the houses were worried and waiting. But when all the deadlines passed, the mother gave Tanya, in memory of her sister, her small notebook, in which the girl began to make her notes. Sister Zhenya died right at the plant. I worked 2 shifts, and then I donated blood, and I didn’t have enough strength. Soon they took my grandmother to the Piskarevskoye cemetery - her heart could not stand it. The “History of the Admiralty Plant” contains the following lines: “Leonid Savichev worked very diligently, although he was exhausted. Once he did not come to replace - the workshop was informed that he had died ... ".

Tanya opened her notebook more and more often - one by one her uncles passed away, and then her mother. One day, the girl will sum up a terrible result: “The Savichevs all died. Only Tanya remained. Tanya never found out that not all the Savichevs died, their family continues. Sister Nina was rescued and taken to the rear. In 1945, she returned to her native city, to her native home, and among the bare walls, fragments and plaster found a notebook with tanya's notes. Recovered after a serious wound at the front and brother Misha.

Today, "Tanya Savicheva's Diary" is exhibited at the Museum of the History of Leningrad (St. Petersburg), its copy is in the window of the Piskarevsky cemetery memorial, where 570,000 city residents who died during the 900-day fascist blockade (gg.), and on Poklonnaya Gora are buried. in Moscow.

The name of Tanya Savicheva became immortal and is inextricably linked with the tragedy of besieged Leningrad. She was an ordinary girl from an ordinary large family. I went to school, read, made friends, went to the movies. And suddenly the war began, the enemy surrounded the city ... The girl's blockade diary still excites people. The little artist depicted the moment when Tanya Savicheva was finishing her diary, trying to convey the grief, the immense suffering that this little girl experienced.

Zhenya died on 28 Dec. in hour. on the morning of 1941. Grandmother died on 25 Jan. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, 1942, Leka died on March 17 at 5 o'clock. on the morning of 1942. Uncle Vasya died on April 13. at 2 am 1942 Uncle Lesha May 10 at 4 am 1942 Mom May 13 at 7.30 am 1942 The Savichevs died. All died. Only Tanya remained. With such simple, such terrible words, a little Leningrad girl told about what the war had brought to her family, to all Leningrad families! On November 20, 1941, the rate of grain distribution to Leningraders reached the lowest level of 250 grams. per day for workers, 125 gr. other groups of the population. People who survived the blockade will never forget this blockade bread, which consists of 30% rye flour, 15% cellulose, 10% malt, the rest is cake, rice flour, bran and wallpaper dust.

Tanya Savicheva () s. Shatki Gorky region Monument to the young heroes of besieged Leningrad in the village. Kovalevo

For 900 days of unprecedented hard blockade. "From the bombing and artillery shelling, people were killed and wounded." Tanya's diary was a witness to. At the Piskarevsky memorial cemetery in Leningrad - only at Piskarevsky! - buried victims of the blockade. Tanya's name has become eternal. In the spring of 1980, the International Planetary Center approved the names of the new planets. The Leningrad girl was also awarded a high heavenly honor. One of the minor planets is named so - Tanya. In the village of Kovalevo, in the place where the Road of Life once passed, in 1968 a stone flower grew. This monument will be erected to the young heroes of besieged Leningrad. "Let there always be sunshine!" - inscribed on its petals. We remember you, the memory of the courage and bravery of little Leningraders will live forever!

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Blockade diary of Tanya Savicheva

And a small notebook - covered with silk, a notebook that became Tanya's blockade diary - is a cry from the soul for help, that there is nothing worse than war in the world. By the strength of the emotional impact, this document does not leave anyone indifferent. Notebook

Tanya was eleven years old, or more precisely, eleven and a half. She was born on January 23, 1930. At the end of May 1941, she finished the third grade of school No. 35 on the Congress line of Vasilevsky Island and was supposed to go to the fourth in September. She was the daughter of a baker and a seamstress, the youngest in the family, beloved by all. Big gray eyes under light brown bangs, a sailor jacket, a clear, sonorous "angelic" voice that promised a singing future. Tanya Savicheva

Zhenya, Tanya's oldest sister, is 32 years old (born in 1909). After her marriage, she moved from Vasilyevsky Island to Mokhovaya Street and, despite her divorce from her husband, continued to live there. She worked with her sister Nina at the Nevsky Machine-Building Plant named after Lenin (Zhenya - in the archive, and Nina - in the design bureau), donated blood to save soldiers wounded at the front. But health was no longer enough. Zhenya's older sister

And in a small notebook, which later became a blockade diary, in alphabetical order with the letter "Zh" appeared the first tragic entry made by Tanya's hand: "Zhenya died on December 28 at 12.30 am 1941." Writing for the letter "J"

Grandmother Evdokia Grandmother - Evdokia Grigoryevna Fedorova (nee - Arsenyeva) in 1941 on June 22, the day the war began, turned 74 years old. Blockade starvation overcame her in the most icy, frosty January days.

Entry with the letter "B" In a notebook on the page with the letter "B" Tanya writes: "Grandma died on January 25, 3 o'clock in the afternoon, 1942"

Brother Leonid (Lyoka) was 24 years old (born in 1917). He worked as a planer at the Ship Mechanical (Admiralty) Plant. In the very first days of the war, he rushed to the military registration and enlistment office with friends, but they did not take him into the army because of his eyesight - he was very short-sighted. He was left at the plant - urgent military orders need to be fulfilled, specialists are needed. Lived there for weeks, working day and night. Brother Leonid (Lyoka) Rarely had to visit relatives, although the plant is not far from home - on the opposite bank of the Neva, behind the Lieutenant Schmidt bridge. Here, in the factory hospital, he died of dystrophy.

On the letter "L" Tanya writes: "Leka died on March 17 at 5 o'clock in 1942," combining two words into one. He hides it in a box decorated with Palekh painting, which contains family heirlooms - mother's veil and wedding candles. Together with them lie the death certificates of dad, Zhenya, grandmother, and now Leka. Letter "L"

But hunger continues its vile deed: alimentary dystrophy, scurvy, intestinal diseases, and tuberculosis take the lives of thousands of Leningraders. And grief bursts into the Savichevs again. Confused lines appear in the notebook starting with the letter "B": "Uncle Vasya died on April 13, 2:00 at night, 1942." Letter "B"

And almost a month later: "Uncle Lesha on May 10 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, 1942." On the letter "L" the page in the notebook is already occupied, and you have to write on the left side of the spread. But either the strength was not enough, or grief overwhelmed the soul of the suffering child - on this page, Tanya missed the word "died". Letter "L"

Mom - Maria Ignatievna Savicheva in 1941 turned 52 years old. The entire household after the death of her husband, a large family (five children) - on her shoulders. She worked as a homeworker in a garment factory, was one of the best embroiderers, had a wonderful voice and musical ear. And during the war, Maria Ignatievna sews mittens for "comfrey workers", uniforms for front-line soldiers. Goes on duty with local air defense volunteers. Mother

Mom is a cheerful, kind and hospitable person. Strong and hardy. Everything always goes well with her, everything works out. And now she's gone. How difficult, how scary to write the word "died" - "Mom on May 13 at 7.30 in the morning 1942." Writing for the letter "M"

Mom is gone, everything collapsed. Grief shackled the body, did not want to move, move. "The Savichevs died", "Everyone died", "Tanya alone remained". The pencil scratches - it's all written on. Fingers do not obey, as if wooden, but they clearly sum up. Tanya seems to mint each entry on separate sheets of paper with the corresponding letter - "M", "S", "U", "O". "There is only one Tanya"

On the eve of the war, Mikhail Savichev was already 20 years old (born in 1921). He received leave at the factory and went to the village of Dvorishchi, located near the Belskoye Lake near the ancient city of Gdov. Once upon a time, my grandparents lived there. Misha went to the partisans in the forest. In January 1944, in one of the battles, he was seriously wounded and sent for treatment to Leningrad, which had already been liberated from the Nazi blockade. And six months later he left the hospital disabled, on crutches., Returned to Leningrad, the blockade had already been lifted. Brother Misha

Nina Savicheva in the summer of 1941 - 22 and a half. She was born on November 23, 1918, but considers her birthday to be December 6, according to the new style. Together with her factory colleagues, Nina dug trenches and was on duty on the tower of an air observation post. In early March 1942, she was evacuated to the mainland along the ice of Lake Ladoga with the plant. And only in 1945 she was able to return to Leningrad. Sister Nina

Left alone, barely moving her legs, she went to her grandmother's niece, Aunt Dusya. The path was not very close, to the Smolninsky district. Dystrophy progressed, it was necessary to urgently place Tanya in a hospital. Well, what about Tanya? And in early July 1942, Aunt Dusya, having resigned her guardianship, placed her in orphanage No. 48 of the Smolninsky District.

Tanya was so weak that she had to be sent to the Ponetaevsky Home for the Invalids, although she did not get better there either. For health reasons, she was the most seriously ill. Tanya was transferred to the Shatkovsky district hospital, but progressive dystrophy, scurvy, nervous shock, and even bone tuberculosis, which she had had in early childhood, did their job .. Of all the children evacuated from Leningrad to the Gorky region, only Tanya Savicheva could not be saved . She died at the age of 14 and a half with a diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis.

Many years later, in the 70s, the hospital archives, the "Book of Disabled Children", "Personal file No. 293 of the provided disabled person Savicheva Tatyana Nikolaevna" were found by the pioneers - the "Red Pathfinders" of the Kranobor and Shatkovsky schools. The grave of Tanya Savicheva They found Anna Mikhailovna Zhurkina, who at that time worked as a nurse in the hospital. It was she who showed Tanya's grave (she remembered this place, because she buried her herself along with the groom, who then worked at the hospital).

In May 1972, a monument was erected in Shatki near Tanya's grave, depicting the pages of her blockade diary in metal on a red brick wall, symbolically depicting a destroyed building.

In 1982, a granite monument with a bronze bas-relief of Tanya was erected on the grave. Later, a square was arranged next to the cemetery. And nearby, one of the streets was named after Tanya Savicheva.

In the summer of 1944, Nina managed to get to Leningrad. She was sent to her hometown from the already liberated Gdovsky district, where she worked on one of the collective farms. She immediately rushed to Vasilyevsky Island, but there were strangers in their apartment. I went to Aunt Dusya and learned from her that Tanya had been evacuated with the orphanage, but she did not know where. Quite by accident, Nina saw a familiar Palekh box at Aunt Dusi's. Finding her notebook in it, she took it away, not suspecting that this notebook contained a mournful chronicle, a blockade chronicle of the death of the closest, dearest people to her. What happened to her and her blockade diary?

The original document, a blockade diary, is kept in the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg to this day, and a photocopy is in the exposition of the Piskarevsky memorial cemetery.

In 1968, Tanya Savicheva's diary was immortalized in stone on the third kilometer of the Road of Life, is an integral part of the memorial complex "Flower of Life" on Poklonnaya Hill, dedicated to all the children who died in the blockade ring. One of the minor planets of the solar system was named after Tanya Savicheva in 1971 , No. 2127. "Flower of Life"

1. Tanya Savicheva's diary was presented as an accusatory document at the Nuremberg trials against fascist criminals. 2. The fact that Tanya, it turns out, did not die, but lives in Kolpino, is very poor and no one cares about her Myths about Tanya Savicheva

Nina Nikolaevna Savicheva now lives in her hometown. Even then, in 1945, she went to work at the Teploelektroproekt Institute and, being a design engineer, for more than 30 years she designed thermal power plants for Leningrad and the region, the Baltic states and other former republics of the USSR. She has been retired for a long time. The grandchildren of Nina Nikolaevna and Mikhail Nikolaevich have become adults, great-grandchildren are growing up. The Savichevs are not dead, they are alive! And now a large Savichev family lives in Slantsy. Mikhail Nikolaevich is Tanya's brother. Communications officer by profession. Died in 1988. His son Vladislav graduated from the Mining Institute and works at the Leningradskaya mine. And granddaughter Oksana Savicheva even somewhat resembles Tanya, whose photograph is on her desk. But, as before, all the Savichevs are unusually friendly, caring for each other.


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Leningrad, its inhabitants and defenders had to endure unprecedented hardships and suffering during the blockade winter of 1941-1942. The city was deprived of food and fuel supplies, the water supply and sewerage failed. In the autumn of 1941, food rations were reduced. In November, the workers received 250 grams of bread a day, all the rest - 125 grams. By the beginning of the siege, only a small part of the inhabitants (less than 500 thousand people) were taken out of Leningrad. About 3 million people did not have time to leave. There was no electricity, and almost the entire city was plunged into darkness. The houses were not heated. Water had to be taken from holes. Besieged Leningrad was almost without food supplies

Famine was coming! A kind of Leningrad cooking developed: people learned how to make donuts from mustard, yeast soup, horseradish cutlets, jelly from carpenter's glue. Bread is just a small piece... heavy, sticky, damp. The bread contained all sorts of rubbish and only a little flour. Almost all Leningraders became dystrophics. Some were swollen and shiny, as if varnished. This is the first degree of dystrophy. Others - dried up - the second degree. At the end of December, bread rations became almost twice as heavy - by this time a significant part of the population had died. Many fell from weakness and died right on the streets. In the spring of 1942, during the melting of snow in the streets and squares, about 13 thousand corpses were found.

More than 400,000 children remained in the besieged city.

It was hard to watch the starving children. The children were waiting for bread. And where to get it? Mothers gave everything they had just to exchange their belongings for bread cards. Parents, depriving themselves of a piece of bread, supported the weak children's strengths. During the blockade, 100 schools were operating and about 100 thousand children were studying in them. In order not to freeze children, women heated stoves with furniture. A bucket of water, as well as a log, became a problem often difficult, and sometimes insoluble.

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In the year when the Nazi troops invaded our country and the Great Patriotic War began, the youngest child in the Savichev family, Tanya, was eleven years old, or more precisely, eleven and a half. The Savichev family was far from proletarian. Nikolai Rodionovich, Tanya's father, was engaged in commerce and amassed a considerable fortune. He had his own bakery. Nikolai Savichev also owned the Soviet cinema. After the NEP was turned off, he, along with his whole family, was completely expelled from Leningrad. Some time later, the Savichevs were able to return to our city, but in exile Nikolai Rodionovich became seriously ill. In 1936 he died at the age of 52. There were eight children in the large Savichev family.

The Sanichevs planned to spend the summer of 1941 in a village near Gdovon. The morning of June 22 mixed up all plans, They did not want to evacuate from Leningrad. We decided to stick together until the end.

Tanya was born on January 23, 1930. At the end of May 1941, she finished the third grade of school No. 35 on the Congress line of Vasilevsky Island and was supposed to go to the fourth in September. Remaining in the city, each of the Savichevs helped the front as much as he could.

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Wife - the oldest sister - 32 years old (born in 1909). After her marriage, she moved from Vasilyevsky Island (the Savichevs lived on the 2nd line in house No. 13/6, apt. 1) to Mokhovaya Street (house 20, apt. 11) and, despite her divorce from her husband, continued to live there. She worked with her sister Nina at the Nevsky Machine-Building Plant named after Lenin (Zhenya - in the archive, and Nina - in the design bureau), donated blood to save soldiers wounded at the front.

Winter in 1941 began early. It became a severe test for the residents of besieged Leningrad: there was no electricity in the houses, the water supply system froze, the central heating did not work, and urban transport was inactive. Trams and trolleybuses stopped moving along the streets littered with snow, and almost seven kilometers to the plant. You have to go on foot. Every day. True, sometimes Zhenya stayed at the plant in order to save strength, to work two shifts. But health was no longer enough.

At the end of December, Zhenya did not come to the factory. Worried about her absence, Nina rushed to Mokhovaya to visit her sister, but she could no longer help her.

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Tanya used to have a real diary. A thick common notebook in an oilcloth cover, where she wrote down the most important things that happened in her life. She burned the diary when there was nothing to heat the stove with. “Apparently, she couldn’t burn the notebook, because it was the memory of her sister.”

And in a small notebook, which became a blockade diary, in alphabetical order with the letter "Zh" appeared the first tragic entry made by Tanya's hand: "Zhenya died on December 28 at 12.30 in the morning 1941."

On a sled, her relatives took her to the Smolensk cemetery and buried her on a site located on the island of the Decembrists.

The neighbors boiled the cat. And my mother said sternly: "We will not cut our Barsik." A week later, the cat disappeared: someone else ate it ...
Soup from wallpaper, compote from orange peels dried from moths, jelly from leather blocks. Blockade menu. Tanya, hiding bread cards in a mitten, stood in an endless line at the bakery on Vasilyevsky Island, which once belonged to her father. She was supposed to 125 grams.

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Grandmother - Evdokia Grigoryevna Fedorova (nee - Arsenyeva) in 1941 on June 22, on the day the war began, turned 74 years old. Blockade starvation overcame her in the most icy, frosty January days. - Grandmother became weak in January and asked not to bury her immediately, but to leave her in a cold room and receive bread on her card. "Don't be afraid, I'll lie down quietly."

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The third degree of alimentary dystrophy is slow dying or urgent hospitalization. But the grandmother refused the hospital and death was not long in coming. In a notebook on the page with the letter "B" Tanya writes: "Grandmother died on January 25, 3 o'clock in the afternoon, 1942," although the Death Certificate issued by the District Security Council to Maria Ignatievna - Tanya's mother, has a different number - February 1. It was necessary, because the grandmother's card could be used until the end of the month. So did many. This supported the survivors for some time, prolonging their lives.

A death certificate was issued only if, along with other documents of the deceased, their ration cards were handed over. In order to exclude illegal use of these cards, re-registration was subsequently introduced in the middle of each month.

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Brother Leonid (Lyoka) was 24 years old (born in 1917). He worked as a planer at the Ship Mechanical (Admiralty) Plant. In the very first days of the war, he rushed to the military registration and enlistment office with friends, but they did not take him into the army because of his eyesight - he was very short-sighted. He was left at the plant - urgent military orders need to be fulfilled, specialists are needed. Lived there for weeks, working day and night. I rarely had to visit relatives, although the plant was not far from home - on the opposite bank of the Neva, behind the Lieutenant Schmidt bridge. Here, in the factory hospital, he died of dystrophy.

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How scary, how you don’t want to make mournful notes, but you have to take out your notebook again and continue the blockade chronicle. On the letter "L" Tanya writes: "Leka died on March 17 at 5 o'clock in 1942," combining two words into one. He hides it in a box decorated with Palekh painting, which contains family heirlooms - mother's veil and wedding candles. Together with them lie the death certificates of dad, Zhenya, grandmother, and now Leka.

It seemed that spring had come, it would be easier. She was awaited with hope and anxiety. Since December, the norm for issuing bread has already been increased several times, the city has been cleared of dirt and garbage accumulated in winter, bathhouses have started working, trams have rumbled through the streets, it is allowed to create vegetable gardens and grow vegetables.

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But hunger continues its vile deed: alimentary dystrophy, scurvy, intestinal diseases, and tuberculosis take the lives of thousands of Leningraders. And grief bursts into the Savichevs again. Confused lines appear in the notebook starting with the letter "B": "Uncle Vasya died on April 13, 2:00 at night, 1942."

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And almost a month later: "Uncle Lesha on May 10 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, 1942." On the letter "L" the page in the notebook is already occupied, and you have to write on the left side of the spread. But either the strength was not enough, or grief overwhelmed the soul of the suffering child - on this page, Tanya missed the word "died".

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Mom - Maria Ignatievna Savicheva (nee - Fedorova) turned 52 in 1941 (born in 1889). The whole economy, a large family (five children) - on her shoulders. She worked as a homeworker in the sewing Artel named after May 1, was one of the best embroiderers, had a wonderful voice and musical ear. For her children and their friends, she often arranged home concerts, strings and pianos. The Savichevs had a piano, a guitar, a banjo, a mandolin, and many of the household members played these instruments. And now Maria Ignatievna sews mittens for the “comfrey workers”, uniforms for front-line soldiers. Goes on duty with local air defense volunteers. I don’t even want to think about evacuation - we all need to be together. So it's easier and calmer, although it is not known where Nina has gone? She evacuated with the factory workers, but there has been no news from her for a long time. And what about Misha, where is he? In late spring, when only Tanya and her mother were left, the girl traded onions in the market to feed her mother, who was dying of scurvy. But she couldn't eat...
Mom punished Tanya so that, as soon as she was left alone, she would go first to the janitor, then to a distant relative, Aunt Dusya. And after the war, the janitor's daughter told me how Tanya came to them and her mother sewed up Tanya's mother in a sheet ...

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Mom is a cheerful, kind and hospitable person. Strong and hardy. Everything always goes well with her, everything works out. And now she's gone. How difficult, how scary to write the word "died" - "Mom on May 13 at 7.30 in the morning 1942."

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When my mother was around, it seemed that everything could be overcome, even hunger. With my mother I believed in victory, in the imminent return of my sister Nina and brother Misha. But mom was gone, everything collapsed. Grief shackled the body, did not want to move, move. "The Savichevs died", "Everyone died", "Tanya alone remained". The pencil scratches - it's all written on. Fingers do not obey, as if wooden, but they clearly sum up. Tanya seems to mint each entry on separate sheets of paper with the corresponding letter - "M", "S", "U", "O".

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On the eve of the war, Mikhail Savichev was already 20 years old (born in 1921). He received leave at the factory and went to the village of Dvorishchi, located near the Belskoye Lake near the ancient city of Gdov. Once upon a time, my grandparents lived there.

Misha went to the partisans in the forest. In January 1944, in one of the battles, he was seriously wounded and sent for treatment to Leningrad, which had already been liberated from the Nazi blockade. And six months later he left the hospital disabled, on crutches. He left for Dvorishchi to stay with Aunt Kapa, ​​but in September 1944, he permanently moved to the mining town of Slantsy, Kingisepp District, and worked there at the post office.

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Nina Savicheva in the summer of 1941 - 22 and a half. She was born on November 23, 1918, but considers her birthday to be December 6, according to the new style. Together with her factory colleagues, Nina dug trenches in Rybatsky, Kolpino, and Shushary; she was on duty at the tower of the air observation post, at the headquarters of the factory MPVO. In early March 1942, she was evacuated to the mainland along the ice of Lake Ladoga with the plant. And only in 1945 she was able to return to Leningrad. For good.

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But back to Tanya. Left alone, barely moving her legs, she went to her grandmother's niece, Aunt Dusya. The path was not very close, to the Smolninsky district.

Evdokia Petrovna Arsenyeva lived in a communal apartment on Vasilyevsky Island. From Vasilyevsky Island, Aunt Dusya moved many of the Savichevs' belongings to her room for storage and took custody of Tanya. Leaving for work, she sent her out into the air, into the sun, and locked the room with a key. It often happened that upon returning she found Tanya sleeping right on the stairs.

Dystrophy progressed, it was necessary to urgently place Tanya in a hospital. And at the beginning of July 1942, Aunt Dusya, resigning her guardianship, assigns her to orphanage No. 48 of the Smolninsky district, which was then preparing for evacuation to the Gorky region.

But Tanya was so weak that she had to be sent to the Ponetaevsky Home for the Invalids, although she did not get better there either. For health reasons, she was the most seriously ill. Tanya was transferred to the Shatkovsky district hospital, but progressive dystrophy, scurvy, nervous shock, and even bone tuberculosis, which she had had in early childhood, did their job. Of all the children evacuated from Leningrad to the Gorky region, only Tanya Savicheva could not be saved. She died at the age of 14 and a half with a diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis.

Slide 18 for the presentation.

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The surviving brother and sister of Tanya made inquiries, trying to find her trail.

Many years later, in the 70s, the hospital archives, the "Book of Disabled Children", "Personal file No. 293 of the provided disabled person Savicheva Tatyana Nikolaevna" were found by the pioneers - the "Red Pathfinders" of the Kranobor and Shatkovsky schools. They also found Anna Mikhailovna Zhurkina,Anna Mikhailovna Zhurkina, a former nurse at the Shatkovskaya district hospital, never left her native village, and lived there for herself throughout the war. She did not even think that she was keeping an important secret, that the Leningrad girl who died in her arms had become world famous. Anna Mikhailovna experienced joy and embarrassment when the guys came to her.

It's good that I got caught. I and the hospital groom only knew where the poor thing was interred, and the groom had long been gone. I am the last witness.

She led the red rangers to the local cemetery.

Together with the groom, they buried him. Here. No, I'm not confused. She was one of all Leningrad children who died in Shatki. Under this tubercle lies she, Tanya, Savicheva by name.

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In May 1972, a monument was erected in Shatki near Tanya's grave, depicting the pages of her blockade diary in metal on a red brick wall, symbolically depicting a destroyed building. And ten years later (in 1982), a granite monument with a bronze bas-relief of Tanya was erected on the grave itself. Later, a square was decorated next to the cemetery, on which a monument to the Motherland was erected, which became the compositional center of the memorial complex. And nearby, one of the streets was named after Tanya Savicheva.

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But what happened to the girl's blockade diary? In fairness, it should be noted that Tanya's diary is not the only document of this kind. Various museums in St. Petersburg store chronicles of the blockade of Leningrad children: school notebooks, notebooks, notepads. Only this diary was destined to become world famous.

In the summer of 1944, Nina managed to get to Leningrad. She was sent to her hometown from the already liberated Gdovsky district, where she worked on one of the collective farms. She immediately rushed to Vasilyevsky Island, but there were strangers in their apartment. I went to Aunt Dusya and learned from her that Tanya had been evacuated with the orphanage, but she did not know where. Quite by accident, Nina saw a familiar Palekh box at Aunt Dusi's. Finding her notebook in it, she took it away, not suspecting that this notebook contained a mournful chronicle, a blockade chronicle of the death of the closest, dearest people to her.

On the basis of Order No. 239-r of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated January 21, 1953, the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council on February 18 issues Decision No. 157-b: "To transfer to the State Museum of the History of the City of Leningrad funds, scientific and auxiliary materials, scientific archive and household property of the liquidated State Museum of Defense Leningrad..."

Thus, the diary of Tanya Savicheva, along with numerous documents, including the "Books of accounting for burials at the Piskarevsky cemetery" - lists that were compiled during the years of the siege and stored in the archives of the Leningrad Defense Museum, ended up in the Museum of the City's History.

The original document, the blockade diary, is kept in the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg to this day.

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What is surprising is the rich imagination of some journalists who create legends, bypassing reliable sources of information, and the stubborn unwillingness to turn to archives, libraries, and original documents.

The myth, which has been repeated on the pages of various publications from year to year since the late 50s - early 60s, turned out to be unusually tenacious. It is a myth that Tanya Savicheva's diary was presented at the Nuremberg Trials as an accusatory document. The deepest delusion, the basis of which is elementary ignorance of the fact that the materials of the Nuremberg trials contain a detailed list of documents submitted to the court. The International Military Tribunal was held at the Nuremberg Palace of Justice from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946. By carefully reviewing the collections of materials from the multi-volume publications "The Nuremberg Trials" - huge tomes of the publishing house "Legal Literature", you can get acquainted with all the documents proving the crimes of the Nazis, with the interrogation of witnesses and their testimony, with the materials of the prosecution and make sure that Tanya Savicheva's diary was not at the trial .

According to newspaper publications, it would seem that everything has already been said about Tanya Savicheva, everything is known, even with some inaccuracies, about her diary and her family, where she was evacuated and where she was buried. It turns out nothing of the kind.

From an article in a small newspaper I suddenly find out that Tanya, it turns out, has not died, but lives in Kolpino, is very poor and no one cares about her. What an absurdity! Where does this information come from, and most importantly - why?

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But not all Savichevs died. Despite death, the life of this family continues.

Now a large Savichev family lives in Slantsy. Mikhail Nikolaevich is Tanya's brother. Communications officer by profession. Died in 1988. His son Vladislav graduated from the Mining Institute and works at the Leningradskaya mine. And granddaughter Svetlana Savicheva looks like Tanya, whose photograph is on her desk. Nina Savicheva was able to finally return to Leningrad only in August 1945. I had to get to my hometown illegally - hiding in the back of a truck with potatoes. The driver who sheltered Nina in his car, by the way, soon became her husband. Nina Nikolaevna was able to settle in a six-meter room in a hostel.Now Nina Nikolaevna is 88 years old. Despite her advanced age, she perfectly remembers her brothers, who forever remained in the besieged city, her younger sister Tanya and ... her notebook. After all, it was on her sheets that Tanya Savicheva kept her diary!

A few years ago, Edita Piekha came to Slantsy with a concert and performed “The Ballad of Tanya Savicheva”. Oksana took the stage with flowers and thanked the singer on behalf of all the Savichevs. Edita Stanislavovna could not resist hugging the girl. Once, during her tour in the working village of Shatki, Piekha was shown the modest grave of Tanya Savicheva. The singer stayed in Shat-kah, in the archives of the former orphanage she found two short lines about Tanya - “Accepted on allowance”, “Removed from allowance”, met with the nurse, in whose arms the girl died ...

There is a tradition in the Savichev family. Every year in January, on Tanya's birthday, they gather at a common table. They remember the war, the blockade. And a song sounds in the room, especially dear to this family.